HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-10, Page 8Christmas Display Ready II+M.+�..A A.A►,f aA J .� �fP.t.+4` �..r►n �.As A� r►J►Y Here is a List of some of the Lines Season's New Books -- All the Best Sellers Brass Ware and Fancy Candle Sticks Ebony and Tortoise Shell Brushes, Mirrors, Combs etc French Ivory and Amber Toilet Pieces Christmas Boxes of Chocolates Kodaks & Brownie Cameras New Brownie Gift Box $5 Fancy Work Baskets and Boxes Low Priced Line of Fancy Goods from 25c and up Dennison's Crepe Paper White Tissue Paper Colored Tissue Paper Holly Wrapping Paper Tinsel Cord; Holly Boxes Tags and Seals Dolls, Toys, Teddy Bears Building Blocks, Etc. Beautiful China ' and Serving Trays Pretty Bawls filled with Growing Bulbs Christmas Cards Booklets and Post Cards Small Framed Pictures, Cupids, Scenery, Etc. Christmas Decorations Garlands, Tinsel, Red Bells, Wreaths, Ornaments High Grade Perfumes and Toilet Waters Bibles and Hymn Books Leather Hand Bags and Novelties Boxed Stationery Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pencils New Games also Lost Heir; Checkers Mah Jong, Etc. Girl's Books; Boy's Books Picture Books For Decorating see our Flowers and Fruit. F. R. SMITH `7»G� Store Druggist and Stationer Total ((eblls Items BUSINESS places wear a Christmas ap- pearance. COUNTY Court is in session this week at Goderich. 6 or 8 cases on the docket. Scxoot-s wilt close Friday of next week, 19th inst., to resums Monday, January ;, THIS is; renewal time at THE POST. We club with all the city dailies as in other years. AUCTION Sale at the borne of Mrs, Joseph Whitfield, Brussels South, Fri- day afternoon of this week. See the list in this issue. ScaooL Cantata and Coneert Friday evening, Igtb inst„ in Brussels Town Hall A great big time is promised. See the advt. this week. SATURDAY afternoon of this week Milt- on Lowe bolds an Auction 'Sale of Cattle, &c, at the Central Stables, Brus- sels. els D. M. Scott the will beAuction- var. uion- t ser. List of sale may be read in anoth- er column. LrTTLR Stars Mission Band will hold their Christmas Birthday Party Tuesday evening, t6tb inst„ opening at 7 45 - Gifts for St. Christopher House. Tor- onto, will be received and placed on tree. Junior Membership Certificates will be presented that evening. Good program. Silver collection. GEORGE MCDONALD, Wroxeter, R, R, 2, is a competitor in the Canadian Coun- trymanNew tr an Prize Contest. w subscribers, ym or those renewing, will much oblige g by sending their names to him or leaving them at THE POST. Rate, while contest is on up to Jan. 12, is $r o0 for a year, $2 for 3 years and $3 for 5 years. Clip the coupons and send them along. ON account of pressure on our adver- tieing columns we are reluctantly com- pelled to carry interesting matter over to next issue. Business people would greatly help us by getting advertise- ments to us earlier each week. It is quite impossible to handle copy brought or sent in on Wednesday. Advertise- ments should be in out hands Monday noon each week. INJURY -Mrs. Will. Ellis, an olds] resident of Brussels South, had the misfortune to fall at her home last week and did damage to one of her hips. Her numerous friends hope it will ooly prove a temporary ailment, although folk who attain to Mrs Ellis' age, 85 years, do not rally nearly so quickly from such injuries as a junior. We hdpe she will soon evidence signs of convalescence. O 1 Loox CHtLDRZN,—Hone is a message from Santa to the children of Brussels and vicinity, DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS.—Whetllet'there is snow ane 120 snow in Brussels obi, Thursday' evening, Dec. 11th, I will be at the Concert in the Town Hall, sure, even 11 1 have to leave my reindeers and walk. I am very busy these days, bat I won't disappoint you, Be sure and have your letters ready for me. Your loving old friend, ,,,.Santa,» SOLD Min AND Liviity.-Last week S. '1'. Plum & Son, of the Queen's Hotel, disposed of the bus and baggage busi• ness to A. Somers, of this locality, who took charge Monday last, In addition the purchaser will also take over the livery business operated at the Queen's stables and has leased the latter. Iu connection with the sale will go the con- veying of mails between Brussels P. 0, and the C. N. R. railway that has been in charge of Messrs. Plum. Mr. Somers has been farming on the 5th line of Mot, ris township and to give the necessary attention to the new business willlikely drop out of the latter. He holds an Auction Sale of Farm Stock, imple- ments, &c, Thursdayafternoon of this week, Mr, Somers has 2 sturdy sons Who will assist in the work. 2I •People We Talk About I tt 22 W. E and Mrs. Heist, Atwood, were calling on relatives and friends in town this week. We are glad to report progress by ins. Duncan. who is able to be about once more aed will will soon be o. k we hope, Mrs. A H. Macdonald. Turnberry street, is home after spending aevety pleasant week with Mrs (Dr) Ferguson, Toronto. Doling the past week our well known townsman, D. Ewan, has been seriously i11. He is considerably improved we are pleased to slate. Mrs Travis, who makes her home with her sisters, the Misses Holmes, John street, has hardly been as well as usual but we hope for better conditions Miss Hattie Downing, ubo is teach- ingi n t n u to Brus ❑ Toronto, o, k a run p sels''for the week end and:let the light of hercountenance beam on relatives and friends. Almer and Mrs McCall, Leslie McCall and Gordon and Miss Gel tie McCall, all of Abernathy, Sask., arrived in Brussels last week They wi.1 visit relalves and old friends in this neighborhoo.d Visi- tors are members of James and !no. Mc - Call's families, who were former resi- dents of this locality. iia HEAD none— roll BANTA CL AIIa •—The q Variety store -1't more clays for she 1n he• V y y p fore Christmas and the second year in heal• nese ;Ude no in a better position to serve the public by hnvteg a larger aesortenent of goode to choose from than we had a year ago. Pries, are right. Splendid lot of Toya and China Hand painted Nippon in Gold and White and other cheaper lines. Pee some of oar epeclale, including the new patent leather Underarm Parse at 8225 Yoe cannot oati.faceorfly com- plete your Christmasahoppping without a visit to our store where an efficient staff will be at your service. M &O.HUNTea Phone 82 Loa•r—Collie pap, about nine months old, black with tan feet, also tittle tan about the face. He hes long hair and long tail. Io. formation thankfully received by owner. Phone 128 HARVEY BHYA NS FRESH Durham Cow, with calf at foot, guaranteed right. Phone 8315 ROY CUNNINGHAM WANTED.—A man to do chores for the Win- ter. Middle aged man preferred, Apply at THE POET, CHUNKS for sale. Ening PLAaKETT, Phone 835 Opp. Ethel Cheese Factory. A thoro'-bred Bronze Turkey Hen and Tom for sale. MHO. JOHN HUNTER, Phone 527 Brussels R. R. 8 DWELLING roams to let above store, Ap• ply at Bank of Nova Scotia, 24.2 I. 0. RTOeAnna, 28 Spndina Ave„ Hamilton. Down Town Or Elan CLoein,—miss Maede Bryane has, for the present, closed her office on Turnberry street but asks old or new pat. tins 10 enll at her home, orner .Thomas and Elizabeth streets, ono block West of Bank of Nova Scotia. Oran brook Several teachers are applying for the vacancy to bd caused by Miss Ida Hunter's resignation. Next Sabbath morning Mr. Robin- son, Stratford, will preach in Knox church at the usual hour. On the evening of 22nd inst, the Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas Tree Entertainment. in Knox Church, when a real live pro. gram will be rendered. See the advt, in this week's issue and go, Oranbrook Farmers' Club held their annual meeting for election of officers an Dec, Std. Following were appoint- ed for the corning year :-President, R. L McDonald ; vice Ptee., J. M, Knight Rec,•See,, Neil McNair, Fin. Sec., Gordon Knight; Directors, Harry Keys, Jno. Wilson, John Hne- ther, Albett `Vhitlield, Ed, Fulton and John Cameron. Next meeting will be Flirt, Dec, 10th at 2 p. m, Ev- erybody welcome. • Musical Cantata VITA, Mt PRIOe'Ette'ED IN urs Opera House, Brussels friday Fv'g, Dec. 19th By the Pupils of Brussels School Opening at 8 o'clock TITLE 18 Santa Claus to the Rescue Other interesting Musical and Literary contributions will also be given, Tickets 25 and 15 Conte School Pupils Fro° This Entertainment will be well worth hearing and you are cordially invited. A joint meeting at Ethel Wednes- day of this week to discuss the quer- tion of extending a call to the Presby- terian resbyter•ian churches of Oranbrook and Ethel. Molesworth On the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 23td a play, entitled "Always in trouble, or a hoodoed Coon," will be presented in the Community Hall, Molesworth, with which a Christmas Tree will be combined. It is in charge of the young people of Molesworth school. Music between the acts. See the advt, this week and don't miss the fun, Agricultural Short Csurse A Literary Society has been organ- ized in connection with the Agricult- ural Short Course for the ensuing months. The officiary is as follows:- Honorary ollows:Honorary President, Reeve Backer; President, Harvey Johnston; Vice - President, Miss Verna McCall; Secre tart', Miss Edna McCall; Treasurer, Chester Rintoul; Editor, Miss Inez Me - Nichol; Associate Editor, Gordon Mc - Gavin. Executive Committee, Trusses eanetta McNab and Elva Oliver and Bertram Hemingway and George Kirk- by. Program Committee for first meet- ing: Misses Ruth Sinclair, Laura John- ston and George Pierce. A fine time is counted on by the young folk and there is no reason why they should not have It as considerable talent is avail- able. Everything is moving along nioely 5n connection• with the Agricultural Shout Course in Brussels. This week there are 14 boys. and 21 girls on the. roll. C. M. Lee, Paris, is here and has commenced iris program of Farm Management, Co-operative Marketing and'Civics. Tuesday and Wednesdaly of next week W. R. Agar will lecture on the interesting and important subject' of Bee -.keeping. Friday of next week, 19th inst., will be the closing doy for the classes until after the holidays. They will resume Monday, January 5th, when a big rally of students is hoped for. This is a ichance that should not be 'missed and the future continuance for another year in Huron County will depend mulch on the boost that Is given to this series. Some of the other counties have nearly double the number of Students attending here. BLUEVALE. Death of Mrs. Robert N. Duff. - After a very painful and distressing ill- ness Mrs. Robert N. Duff died Friday morning at her homein Bluevale, and in her death there is removed] one of the oldest residents of the village. In Marchlastshe was forced to lay aside the adtive duties of a very busy life and from that time suffered a gradual decline. Ann' Jane Elliott (her maiden name) %was born in Fltve-Mile-town, Fermanagh, Ireland, the youngest of 7 children of James and Mary Baxter Elliott, and at the age of 17 came alone to Canada to join her brothers and sisters who ,had preceded her: James, who conducted the first Business Col- GnmbioationSale 20 Short Horus Consisting of Cows, Heifers and Young Bulls TO 1311 SOLD DY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE Central Sale Stables BRUSSELS Friday, december - 19th at 1 o'clock The greater number of these an- imals are of Scotch breeding arid some of the cows will have calves at foot, TERMS -Cash or 32 months cred- it on ;approved, joint notes, with in- terest at 8 per Dent per annum, Write for catalogue to R.T. AMOS, T. PIERCE, Auctioneer. Brussels, BANKING FIFTY YEARS T -o v do You Pay Your Importations ? $F,N buying on foreign markets use Standard Bank Foreign Let- ters of Credit, You can thus simplify your' credit arrangements with foteign houses while effecting, through. efficient execution of all financial de- tails,attendant upon transaotione in for, eign monies, Let us point out some of the speoific advantages of paying your 18- portations by Standard Bank Foreign „Let- ters of Credit as applied to your business E STANDARD BANK QF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Semis, Manager lege in London; William, who had settled in Wawanosh (now of Odid, Michigan), Mrs, George Martin, now of Meadville, Pa. A brother, John, and 2 sisters, Matilda (Mrs. Kerr) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Callaghan), who remained in Ireland, are long since de- ceased, The late William and John Elliott and Mrs. Archibald Anderson, early settlers in East Wawanosh, and Mrs,' William Elliott, 'Oulroys, were uncles 'and aunts of the young woman who had come after a long voyage, to make her 'home in. this district. She was married at Goderich to Robert Nelson Duff, second son of Robert and Isabella Gerrow Duff of Turnberry, and afteti living at Monklton 'for a short time moved to Bluevale about half a century ago. Mr. Duff, who died 8 years ago, was idebtified all his life with the lumbering business, being for 27 years a partner in the firth of Duff & 'Stewart. Clayton Duff, died soon 'after his father, and the remain- ing family numbering 6 children, Wm. J., Mary, and Mrs. M, L 'Aitken, Bluevale ; Miss Ruby Duff, of the Women's Hospital, Toronto ; Mi•s. Ross Douglas, Toronto - and Louis Blake Dutf, Welland. There are also 6 grandchildren. Funeral took place Monday afternoou-and was conducted• IN MEMORIAM FERO080N,—In' loving memory of nnrae Grace 61. Ferguson, daughter of H. MgartFerguoonformerly of Morris Township, now of Toronto, who pussedaway in Wioghayi General-Hoapit• al, Dec. 7th 1924, from the flue contracted while nursing. , She is not dead, she ie just away, With a theory smile and a wave of the hand, She has wandered away unto an unknown land. How very fair it must be since she lingers there, Though we long for the old time step and glad return, Yet we think of her faring bn as dear in the love of There, As the love of here, She is not dead, she is just Tao P'enttLY. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY Deo. lltli.—Farm Stock: itople• menta &o. Lot 27, 5th line. Sale unreserved, at 1 p tit. A, Smilers, Prop., D M. Scott, Auo FRIDAY, DEG. 19 —A ombinntipn Auction Bale of 20 head of Short Horns, romeletine of cows, heifers, and yourg bulla. Pale at .Oen• tral Stables, Brussels, at 1 p. m Write Thos. risme, Brnesels, for cotalogni, R. T, Amos, Auctioneer. by Rev. Crawford Tate, pastor of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev, L. 0. Wilkinson, of the Methodist ()burgle. Pallbearers were Frank 13. Scott, George McDonald, Robert Shaw, James Nichol and Robert Musgrove, Bluevale and John Elliott, of East Wawanosh, Burial was at Bluevale cemetery. Deceased wESa fine woman, level headed, big hearted and served her day and generation as becomes real womanhood, She was ever ready to do a good turn and lend a helping hand and in her home, the church and community played an un - NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the .matter of rho estate of William Millar, tato of the Township of Mor- ris, In tho County of Huron, Farmor, deceased. Nottee is hereby given, pursuant to The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, tbnt all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the Bald William Miller, who died on or about the Second day of October. A. D.1524 are required on or before the Twenty- seventh day of December, A.D. 1924, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Alex, H. Moedonald, of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron, the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and desorlptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the seonrities Of any) held by them. And further take notice that after such loot mentioned date said Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute thd' assets of the decoaaed amongst the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard only to the claims of whleh he shall then have notice and said Administrator will not.be liable for the said meets or any part thereof to any parson orpersona of whose Maim notice shall not have been received at the time of snob distribution. Dated this 8th day of December, A. D. 1924. W. M• SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the Administrator. Chrstras Gifts AT Fox's flrug Store China In the C'hint Section YoII will find some very desi able pieces in LIMOGES NIPPON AUSLEY and The New BYZANBA WARE LILY BOWLS CUPS and SAUCERS BON BONS CAKE PLATES CREAM and SUGARS FRUIT SETS CANDLE STICKS JARDINERES FERN POTS and many smaller ,pieces Leather Goods We are Safe in Saying khat We have never ,had such a splendid stock of Fine Leather Goods as our present' stock consists of UNDER ARM B o� $2,25 $7.50 LADIES HAND BAGS at almost every price MUSIC ROLLS SEWING COMPANIONS BEDROOM SLIPPERHOLDERS ASH TRAYS BOSTON BAGS MILITARY BRUSH SETS TIE HOLDERS COLLAR BAGS GENTS PURSES and numerous other articles Ivory and Ebony This Department ,contains a wonderful assortment of Articles and there 4s scanoely an article in Ivory thalt it does not contain: LOVELY MIRRORS BEAUTIFUL CLOCKS' SPLENDID BRUSHES PERFUME BOTTLES SALAD SETS HAIR RECEIVERS CANDLE STICKS COMPACTS ELECTRIC LAMPS BRUSH and COMB SETS MANICURE SETS ETC. ETC. Fountain Pens Have you seen 'our new stock of the two (best 'makes of Pens PARKER'S WATERMAN We have at the .present time fully 6 dozen or more Fountain, Pens and Pencils to choose from in a great variety of styles rang= Ing in price front $2.50 to $7. );very pen carries our personal guarantee. - New Books -Reprints -Books for Boys -Books for Girls -Picture and Story Books for Children. -Lovely Boxes of Stationery and Correspendence Cat ds. -Perfumes and Toilet Waters. -Fancy Packages of Cigars. - Willard's Chocolates and Smiles 'n Chuckles all at FOX'S DRUG STORE THE CHRISTMAS STORE selfish and practical role that left its impress upon, many who valued' the spirit in which the service was rend- ered. Her memory is blessed, DIED Duty.—At Binevale, on Deo. 6th, 1924, Agnes Jane Elliott Duff, reliot of the late Robert Nelson Daff. EGRMIEa: In the General Hospital, Stratford, on December 4th 1924, Selena,atary Lake, beloved wife of Christian Eokmier, Ethel, aged 64 years, 8 months and 29 days. GaAaur.—In Morrie township, on Dee. 5811, 1924, Elizabeth Mlehte, beloved wife of Jae. D. Grasby, aged 40 yeara, ? menthe and 27 days. Wood Wanted Tenders for 10 cords of 20 inch body hard. wood, to be delivered before Feb. let, I925, to Melville Church, Brussels, reeetved until Dec. 22nd, by the undersigned. CARETAKER WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until December 22nd, for the position of Care- taker of Melville Church, Brussels. duties to begin January let, 1022, Duties of Caretaker may be learned from the Secretary, Lowest or any tender notneceeearily accepted, A. A. LAAIONT, Soo: Treace. Melville Church. 4, t. ._::111 ir Irish 4. 1.3 rnas ,1%,n1V• ,,,,1 , Suitable Remembra b N h diTica uarter.„,..„,..„.„ _...„.... r4 '40,,..,,,._, . ......, � v .. rIru � ll for Eueryhody. ,�. .• LADIES', GLOVESi SCARFS o HOSIERY Sok Scarfs Hose Silk, Kid SilkSilk and Wool Hose ChanloisetteWool Scarfs Cashmere Hose - Silk Lined Silk and Wool Scarfs Worsted Hose ,HAN.DKERCHRPS LINENS FURS Materia Linens Persian Lanllb Coats Swiss Handkerchiefs Huckaback Towels Linen Handkerchiefs Serviettes Hudson Seal Coats Luncheon Setts Muskrat Coats Math Jong Handkerchiefs Colored Bridge Setts Crepe Handkerchiefs Wash -Cloths Children's Furs and Robes Gossard Corsets. Brassieres Nemo -Elastic Self -Reducing Corsets Silk Kimonas Silk Bloomers Silk _Slips Parasols Umbrellas Fancy Neckwear MUFFLERS Scotch Mufflers In Chaeta and Stripes p Knitted Wool Mufflers Silk Mufflers Sweater Coats, Suspenders, . MEN'S AND BOYS' GIFTS SHIRTS Handkerchiefs Wool Taffetta Shirts4 Umbrellas Silk Stripe Shirts Neck Ties Broadcloth Shirts House Coats Madras Shirts Dr'essin'g Gowns Boys Shirts and Blouses Gloves of all Sorts Collar Pins, English Socks, Caps, Shirts, Jaeger Rugs, Belts, Arris Bands in fact everything to make your Christmas Shopping easy. ,,, . WinghamEROSK NG _' _ L 4,