HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-10, Page 5MUSMEMS UAHQS JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSViladrar t�v'dPdf �„F*lf ®t7e ra/,i$'io D. M. sCCTr 1 io.1 ', sigi 1'a d6' ice TzoriMpBt`,fPerlf T PRICESMODERATE For references oo emit nay pwoctn 1,5,110y0 solve have 41011104 144. Phane 7px or tib If you want reyulta get R. MoINNES J.1uensad„ Auctioneer for Haran County, to handle your sales. 4 years experience rn the went. Call phone. IJljI7 OR, WA•RDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night cull,. Moe oppont• tPlour 181111, llthel, MAUOE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLoGl$T Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo. Corintek Medical College, Chicago, 111, Three 1son Ws poet graduate course during yea; 1919. Eyed s0ientlfcally examined. Latoot Modern Methods used. r.."'Qross Eyes straightened through proper- . ly fitted Lenses,• - Satisfaction Assured. Offioo hours : 10 to 12 a, m. • L•90 to 6 p. m. Saturday ovouing, 7,60 to 9 o'clock, Phone 26x azzonv 2t . &omer AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind lost COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES NI' FADZE AN Agent Howick Mutual fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brussels T. T. M'RAE M. 8,. M. C. P., & S. O. M. 0, H., Village of Brusaob. Physician, Surgeon, Accouohoir Office at residence, opposite Melville Church, William street, Imo. eii. 6.1aVC,I:d � 11r BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECIQE BLOCK - BRUSSELS ELLIOTT Car. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Toronto Noted farhiglt gra,Ie lnotrootlou and "- superior employment service. Many students from other Business Cullegos have been in attendance hero during the past twelve months. Eater any time.. w rite for catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINOIPAL anal4 lkeiV NatroarA-Sa a afi i"4 rc CENTRAL 1 BUSINESS 4 001-LEGE STRATFORD, ONT. 0 ✓ prepared young men and young women for Business which le now Canada's` greate0t profession we nootot $redo- .d t1 rites tc poslttons and Choy haen pr- tlnnl trninhig whinti enablesvthem taoo meet with success, Students are req- 'stared anclt week, Get our free aat- • niogusandlearn something about our O different departments. y� IQ O. A. M'LAOHLAN. PRIN. �' 4. \I. SiY' ,i7btu OVOY YUYGvuV4Y,b. 1. 4) m st e. 4. WANTED I • Highest market prices paid. +* •F • See tne or Phone No. 2x, Brue- d• !i eels, and I will call and get ,q. your Poultry, M. Yollick I 1.+• ++4.÷÷4.+4•+++++4,41.4.444.4.4.1.+4. HEN Mitchell Methodist church Bazaar and Tea made $350, Farewell Btu quet wee'tendered Rev. and Mt. Dugetob, St. Marys. They wore presented with ion address and . 'nurse, F'uoiIt E. Elliott, forntee License lnopecloe of Stratford, has been ap- pointed Chief Inspector for Western Ontario. 1•le'e it good officer, Mitchell Connell decided to with- hold the $15,000 bond guarantee voted some MOH 11(0 ago to Wm. Lockeitige for woollen mill purposes, AsTHMA Rd CONDHa nu LDSAL Mo Smoke -Na Sprays -No Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ -MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly dope all choking, gasping and mucus gatherings in bronchial tubes. 'Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs, $1.O0per box at drug Stores. Send 5c. for generous trial, Templetons, Toronto. RAZ -MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF R73 For side by James fox GRAIN r W A I'E For RIMMIINI t r' We Ila prepared to pay the., llighept pu01tble prices for all kitsch' of Grain, Feed of all kinds on hand T. G. Hemphill, liPones 50, 21.29 end 62 Wroxeter gond lifts litmus 1924 flax crop handling will be well nigh completed by Brussels mill by :the close of this month, SA'rvaufey of this week is the last day to pay your taxes before the 5 per cent Is added before the tsar, Myanmar. elections will take place on Monday, December 291h. The busi- ness year ends on December 151b. EI. ections will be held, Monday, January 514. THE POST Will be seut to any Canadian address of any pew subscriber until Jan• nary rst 1926 for $2 oo. Now's the chance to send a Christmas present that. will last through the coming year, Sr. ANDREW'S Church ladies, Fergus, preseuted the comedy "A Ladies' Aid Meeting at Mohawk Crossioads" and were greeted with a full house. Mrs. W, H. Stewart, formerly of Brussels, Who was responsible for the training for the play, was presented with a pair of beauttful sliver candlesticks in slight recognition of services rendered. Pus largest military map:of Western Ontario ever prepared is being con- structed at district military head- quarters by Warrant Officer W. C. Car- ter, of the Royal Canadiau Regiment in- structional cadre, This mapshows every notable coutout in the 14 counties, and is ,so large that the district, Western Ontario, is divided into two sections, Eastern and Western, The scale is one mile to the inch. MIss PEARL MORGAN, Palmerston, catcher for the C. G. I. T. soft ball team and one of the most clever soft bailers of this district, went to C. N. R. depot_ en route to Listowel. On arrival there not feeling well she returned to her home, where she was visited several times dur- ing the day by physicians, who decided an immediate operation for appendicitis was necessary. This was performed at Palmerston Hospital and has apparently been successful. Goon RECOMEND.-News•Record, Clinton, speaking of Miss Hopkins, now in Brussels says :-Miss o y M ss H Akins, who spent several months in Clinton the Winter before Inst in charge of the Home Economics class in connection with the Agricultural Short. Course, was in town on Friday 00 her way to Brus- sels, where she is in charge of the 1924-, 25 class, This is the fourth Winter course Miss Hopkins has had in Huron County, which speaks well both for the talents of the lady and the good judg- ment and agreeableness of the District Representative. Miss Hopkins likes to return and meet again the friends she „always makes during ber stay in a com- meutty, and these friends are always delighted to have her come. DR Smtve and Mrs. N. W. Trewar- tha represented Clinton Public Hospit- al it- al ata hearing before the Agricultural Committee of the Legislature which was held in Toronto. Mr, Trewartba, M. L. A., who is a member of the committee, also went down for the sitting, Dr. Shaw and Mrs. Trewartba each made an eloquent plea for the small hospital. Mrs. Prewartha's address being especially of fective, at least so thought her fellow - pleader, Dr. Shaw, who listened to her with pride and pleasure, Dr. Shaw [bought the ease of the small hospital was placed before the committee very strongly and he hoped, effectively. Dr. Shaw is a former Brusselite in whom his many old Friends here are always in- terested, RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WON BY HURON Co. Bov.-Louts A. MacKay, a „grad. mate of Clinton Collegiate, who is now lecturing in Latin at Victoria, is the winner of the Rhodes Scholarship for Ontario, the most valued prize in stud• eat circles. Mr. MacKay, who Is a Hensail boy, went through Clinton Collegiate, having a brilliant course, finishing in 1919. by winning the Prince of Wales and First Edward Blake Scholarships. He woo first class honors in Latin and Greek during his Univer- sity course. In 1919 he was awarded the McCaul Scholarship in clastics, to 1920 the Moss Scholarship in classics, HI 1921 the William Mulock Scholarship is classics, in 8922 the Moss Scholarship Is classics, and in 1923 the McCaul Gold Medal in classics, Mr. MacKay has excelled in many other subjects besides Latin and Greek and has contributed to the,prees, written some verse and many plays in French, which were produceu at Hart House theatre. The Rhodes Scholarship meaus 3 years' tuition at Oxford and an income of 14'950 yearly during the.term. - MATRIMONIAL, -The Preston press gives the following interesting particul- ars of a wcddmg in that town and the bride is a grand daughter of Mrs, F. 0,i. ver, Brussels : A very pretty but quiet wedding took piece yesterday, afteruoon Nov, 271b, at the Lutheran manse when Franet=Jean, eldest daughter of W. W. and Mrs. Baker, 454 Hamilton street, Preston, became the bride of Otto Henry Seifert, eldest son of Fred. and Mrs, Seifert, Fordwich, Ont. The bride look- ed very charming in a dress of cocoa canton crepe with brown velvet hat to Match and carrying a very beautiful boquet of sweetheart roses, She e7as attended by Miss Ina McDowell, Who was prettily gowned fu a dress of blue cantors crepe with blue velvet bat to snatch and carrying a boquet of opbeliairosos, W. J. Baker, brother of the bride, was the best man. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome bar pin. to the brides- maid a cut glass sugar and cream set and to the best man a tie plm After the ceremony, the bridal party returned to the hone of the bride's parents where dainty wedding dinner was served. Later the happy couple left for Toronto, Ou th010 return, Mt. and Mrs. Seifert will reside et 240 Waterloo street, Prest- en. . to STATUTORY S1eileCil Meeting Will be held Monthly, 15111. HAri--WorMS-Tile marriage of Lena Marguerite Woods, only daughter of Jno, and Mrs, Woods, to Wesley Linton a mFerKu Fergus, kenOf H roev t d M117. Bern, Fergus, took plane at the lame of MD brute a parents Westwood harm, IFergus on Weduerday, Nevi 26, et a o'cleok. 'Phe ceremony was 990tiuotell by AK,ev, Mr, ,flpribut. The bride, who was giver) away byer g wit father, war 1 Y ea Bowe of while crepe romaine, and a veil of embroidered eat caught with a core - Pet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bequet of Peuet rosea and lily of 1110 valley. She was unattended, Miss lleau Duffy, cousin offbe bride, dressed la mauve crepe, r•made a pretty little flower girl, and cartjed a basket of Sweetheart rosea. After the earemouy Miss Leila M. Ham, Toronto, sister 01 1110 groorn, sang, ilie wedding march was played by Mrs. William G, Beatty, After a dainty luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Hain left for a trip to the Barbadoes, B. W, 1., and on their return will reside to Fergus. The groom was a former Bros- selite when bis father was the G. T. R. Station agent here. We extend con- gratelations to Mr, Ham and bride. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Last Sabbath morning references were made to various phases of the re- construction of the church and incidents connected with it. Arrangements will be made to get the members of the congregation located in pews according to their choice as far as possible and et as early a date as may beThe new carpeting on pulpit platform and inside Communion rail has been placed. A handy set of shelves will be arrang- ed in the room in the North West corn- er to accommodate the music, &e, be- longing to the choir. 26 folding chairs afford accommodation for the choir in their quarters. The stairway to Lecture Room is broad and easy of access. Ladies' Aid, always generous, supplied the carpet and matting and gave a cheque for $250,00 in helping finance the new organ fund. God bless the Ladies' Aid. They never fail to do their part. Seaforth Funeral of Annie McBride, widow of the late Samuel Wallace, one of the oldest and most highly respected pion- eers of this district, who passed away on Monday following a few days' li- ttlest; from pneumonia, took place on Thursday afternoon from the Eg- mondville Presbyterian ()hutch, of which she had been an esteemed mem- ber for more than half a century. Mrs. Wallace, who had attained the advanced age of 88 years. was born in Toronto Township in 1837. On July 5, 1853, she was married to the late Samuel Wallace. They resided in Brampton for some years and in 1862 moved to the Huron plot, which was then a wilderness, settling' in Tucker - smith, where she resided until 1914, when she moved with her daughter, Mise Agnea, to Seaforth. She was the mother of 11 of a family, 9 , of whotn survive.,, The remaineof Mre. Daniel McGreg- or, an old and highly esteemed resi- dent, who passed away on Saturday, November22, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs, John McDermid, Rat- tenbury street, Clinton, were brought to Seaforth on Monday, November 24, and interred in the family plot in the Maitlandbank cemetery, the services bein conducted byRev. J. E. H Clinton, and Rev. e. Larkin, Sea. forth. The deceased, who was a a daughter of the late Chas. Rogers, Toronto, was born in Glasgow in 1837 and came with her parents to Canada when quite a young girl. She was married in 1868 to Daniel McGregor, who predeceased her 4 years ago, and Battery Chargrng For` Winter Storage }laving installed an up.to. thole Hydro Charger we will be able to attend to Bat. teeies of any deeeripficf, Radiola i Arn also agent for the' Rad - Iola, the new Receiving Set, No wiles, nu storage bat• tory, ij,eoeption 3000 miles, 00010 in and see it, It ie a weeder. Give the family to Radio for Qluietrnae. Earl Cunningham 1 BRUSSELS came to reside in Hullett. They re- tired and came to Seeforth about 20 years ago. Mrs, McGregor, who had attained the advanced age 0788 years, was the oldest member connected with the First Presbyterian. Church, Seaforth. She is survived by one eon, Charles, on the homestead in Hullett, and 5 daughters, Mre, A. S, Best, Webb, Sask. ; Mrs. E. Pickett, De- troit ; Mrs. A, R. Farnham and Mre. J. McDermitt, Clinton, and Mrs. W. Freeman, Seaforth, Wrngnam The 0 Wingham hunters returned from the North, bringing with them, in addition to the usual load of ven- ison, a black bear weighing over 200 pounds, which fell a victim to the marksmanship of W, T. Boyce. While Mr. Boyce was out looking over the ground for deer he saw what he thought: was a fox hole and on a second glance believed something to be moving in it, He happened to be standing on a fallen log a short dis- tance away and from there be fired straight at the head of the animal. He then sent out a call for his com- panions, Rae and Crawford, and after about an hour and a half of hard work they got the animal out. It proved to be one the finest specimens ever shot in that locality. Members of the Lion Club were entertained to a bear steak supper at the home of Mr. Boyce ott Tuesday night of last week The hunters who were in Mr. Boyce's party were : A. M. Crawford, D. For - tette, George McEwen, D. Rae and Geo. McKay. LucknoW ANOTI1RR BARN BURNED, -The fine barn on the farm of Alex. McKinnon was flied by an unknown person on Saturday night, 20th ult.,and was burned to the ground with small quantities of hay and straw. Mr, Mc- Kinnon was in Toronto at the time and the flee was discovered by neighbors who on their arrival at the burning barn found tracks leading g c e cant from the bush to the horse stable door, The tracks were traced back by a number of those present at the fire and it was found that the person bad waded the river rather than cross the bridge. The snow was heavy and, although the tracks were traced for a long die - Not a Flash in the Pan at Henfryn �'���r��'�r7'r�►�T�rf' But the. Lowest Possible Price,. not on a few articles but Rock Bottom Prices on Everything Children's Shoes from - - $1.00 up Men's arid Women's House Slippers, with leather soles and heels, for - - - 75c Bargains that will surprise you in Men's and Women's Shoes in the1Newest Styles. Splendid White Saxony, 36 in, wide, per yd. 25c Come and See our Beautiful China For ehristmas Gifts Second to None at Pre -War Prices A full Line of Fresh Groceries Raisins, 2'lbs. for 25c Currants per lb. 15a Teeing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 25c Orange and Lemon Peel 85c Mixed Nuts per Ib. 20c Brazil Nuts per Ib. 253 • Special Christmas Candy per lb. - - 19c All Kinds of Christmas Toys, Novelties, Handkerchiefs, & From 5c up We thank you for your very liberal patronage dur- ing the part year and ..promise even better service in the future. CHAS. HENRY GENERAL STORE - IJENI'RYN canoe, they were finally loot, Bern, which was a large one, 604Q feet, bpr*ed rapidly and the blase could bo omen for [Niton. Several other build- ings 1111,1)0 vicinity, including an old oat, ;peel mill, ware paved on account of the heavy snow, No rea(On bee been advanced for the deed of the tits berg, 'Rhe *parka in the snow ludical. 0d that he bad turned hawk It number of [Ryes to pee how the fire wasopro. gresning, Oran b rook FoRMao CRANnRoogrrj9 -Suit for $5,000 damages against Rev. J. F. Knight, Edmonton, hae been (fled by J. 0. McOorrnick, of Lacombe, on be- half of A T. Inskip, proprietor of the Adelphi Hotel, Lacombe, following dismieeal of the action brought by the .Alberta liquor oeunniseiouer'e 0010*. lnittee on November 28 against Itiskip for alleged ineachee of the liquor aot, Evidence for the prosecution hinged on a letter written by Mr. Knight to his sister, at St. Marys, Ont., and pub- lished in the local press at that place during the recent Ontario liquor plebs incite campaign, and also quoted by Rev. Mr. Graham, of Brantford, Ont., in a letter to the Brantford Expositor, Mr. Knight's leiter treated of alleged drunkenness witnessed by him on July 1 last when paining through Lacombe, the Adelphr Hotel at that time was the only hotel in Lacombe holding a beer license. The charge against Ins - kip was dismissed and the present action against Mr. Knight will be for defamatory libel for the publication of the statements which plaintiff claims were not in accordance with the facts. Dray HARD LUCK BUT DID WELL, -Oliv- er Turnbull & Sone, the well known stock men, exhibited at the' Royal Show, Toronto, and did well consider- ing that their best entry took sick and died after arrival at the Fair. It was no walkover as there were as high as 68 entries in Borne of the class- es but deepite everything Messrs. Turnbull won the following awards : -a 2nd, two 3rde, a 5111, 6th, 7th, two 8ttre and a 9th. Jim got let on hie Milifleut• bantam hen and Andrew Turnbull captured the Free Short Course at the 0. A. 0. offered by Hur- on County Council, 13} manta per, pound was the price secured for their dressed meats in their entries. While sorry for Messrs. Turnbull's lose and the handicap thus put upon them, we congratulate them on their well earn- ed success. Several other owners also lost stock as the accomodation was overcrowded, Molesworth • Senora REPORT. -Following is the report of U,S. S pNo. 4,Greyand Wallace for the month oNovmber. Honors 75% Pass 60% Sr. IV - Josie Cumming 82 ; Jean Martin 81 ; `George Brown 79 ; Archie MacDon- ald60. Jr. IV -"Murray Brown 85; John Lamont 84 ; `Archie Cumming 78 ; Jessie Edgar 60. Jr. III -"Tom Gumming 82 ; Agnee Elliot 80 ; Doro- thy Mitchell 77 ; Campbell, Magoffin 67; Pearl Felker 68 ; Glenn Martin 63 "Stella Omens 60. Sr. II -•Davie Stewart 70. Jr. II -George Lamont 72. I (in order of merit) Beverly chell ; Arthur Lamont ; Ralph Wilt ; "Archie Douglas. Pr. (in order of merit)Jean Stewart ew rt • "Jean Sangster r ; Lincoln Smith. 'Namee marked with an asterisk missed one ot•o m re exams. No. on roll 24. Average at tendance for month 22. V. V. McLxon, Teacher, °orris Andrew Coutts, an inmate of the Perth House of Refuge, age 76 years, died Sunday. He was a native of Canada and had lived for years in the vicinity of Millbank and Milverton and for a time at Gerrie. He had no known relatives. The late Mr. Coutts had been an inmate at the House of Refuge for 12 yearn and had been an invalid for some time. The funeral was held Tuesday. Exeter Motor bandits, believed to be the same who operated successfully at, Komoko, Hyde Park and other sta- tions, made a midnight raid on the 0, N. R. freight shed at Exeter Tues- day night, Nov. 25th, 'and got away with a truckful 'of groceries. The truck was not seen and police and 0. N. R. officials are ata loss for a clue. Entrance to the .sheds was gained by forcing a window In the office, A quantity of freight was taken, includ- ing groceries consigned to the Domin- ion Stores, Later the Seldon elevator was entered, evidently by the same marauders, and a small quantity of flour was added to the bandit's load before they drove away. Walton A few members of the Red Cross Union met for the annual meeting in the A. 0 U. W. Hall here, Friday af- ternoon, Nov. 28. It was decided to hold the money on hand until a com- munity meeting is called, to discuss getting a park in the village. At the annual meeting last year it was de- cided to have a membership fee of 25c per year. Those present at the meet- ing lastweek paid their feee, any others wishing to do so may leave it with the Treas., Mre. John Watt, or Mrs. Roy Bennett, Secretary, The society will send a box to the hospital fur crippled soldiers as was done last year and which was so thmikfully. received. Anyone wishing to con- tribute apples, fruit cake. borne made cookies, candy, etc, kindly leave con- tributions at the home of Mrs, Alex. Gardiner, or Mre. John Watt, on or before Monday, Dee 15. McKillop council met on Thursday, November 27th, at Miller's Hotel, Walton, with Ole wetubers all present. Minutes of last meeting were confirm- ed, By -Laws Nos.; 18, 19, 20 and 21 were gtven their several readings and finally passed being amending by- laws on the Johnston, Johneton•ir. vine, Canada Co., and Manley Drains, cancelling the 1924 ass0esmente on these several drainage schemes, Hor- an and Medd-•That the (Meek be in- structed to draft a by-law for the Red FrontBainStore BRUSSELS OR the Gift Seeker the Red Front Bargain Store is filled d tth interesting and suggestive oferI n s . You will be surprised at the very oderate prices too, for things so useful • for the home. Bring your Gift List to the Red. Front Bargain Store and select your gift from our large assortment. BLANKETS RUGS FRENCH IVORY COMFORTERS MATS LEATHER HAND BAGS FLANNELETTE ARCH FANCY LINENS SHEETS CURTAINS BATH TOWELS WOOL CARPET HANDKERCHIEFS GAi JN TLE S S E Een PERS CURT AINS PLAYING CARDS MEN'S SOX WINDOW SHADES STATIONERY HOSIERY UNDERWEAR [Many other lines too numerous to mention. A Rug for the Nome is a Gift for All Don't fail to see our Grand Display of French Ivory WATCH OUR WINDOWS J. Hr Hart Phone loox Jas. Grimoldby purpose of dividing the remaining funds on the Bolton Drain,ro rata to the original assesernents of McKil- lop and Grey. Regele-Horan-That the Clerk be instructed to draft, Rn amending by-law on the Nash Drain to raise the necessary funds for com- pleting that drainage scheme. Ac- counts to the amount of $1,285.75 were paid, Council adjourned to meet at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday. December 9th, at 1 o'clock p, John McNay, Clerk, Morris RaPOItT.-Following is the report of S. 8. No. 9, Morrie, for the month of November. e her. The averageis taken % from the u its' marks in tests ' t Composition, pSpelling, Geography, Art, • means absent for 1 or more teat. Honours 75 per cent. V - Harvey Bryans 88. Sr. IV -Walter Pease 86 ; Melvin Scott 80 ; Walter Shortreed 79 and for October, 75 ; Frank Kirby 71. Jr. IV -Mabel Bew- ley 68. Sr, III -Wayne Scott 90. Sr, 1I -Artie Bewley 89 •Stuart Bry- ans 86 ; " Tommny. Kirby 80 ; " Clifford Pease 68 ; Beacham Alcock 84. First class -Isabella Alcock, Primer -May Shortreed ; Lloyd Pease, No. on roll 15. Average attendance 14, CLARA MCGoovAN, Teacher. Nearly 300 pounds of honey was found in 2 hives located in a house and in a tree on tbe,farm.of R. Greg- ory, Lakeside. F! S PILLS Sweeten /31the Stomach Do Your Christmas Shopping Now With Christmas on the way you should DECIDE NOW on your Gift List for this year. Come in now while our stocks are complete. We will hold any selection until Xmas. 11e ' Beautifully Cut Blue White Diamonds Set in 14k green and white Gold Mountings. Your choice of many styles ........$35.00, $50,00, $75.00, $100,00, $125.00 MEN Here's Big Value Men's Pocket Watches in Gold Filled Oases, 17 and 15 Jewels -Waltham, Regina, .Elgin. See our complete line at Special Prices. Gifts You are Proud to Make Let us show you our stock of Pearl Strands all put up in beautiful Gift Boxes. Priced from --••• •••.•• ....SI,60 up to $25,00 each Waldemar Chains Cuff Lins Bar Pins -*.. Waldemar Knives Tie Pius Vanity'Oases Cut Glass Silverware Fancy China Violins Autostrop and Gillette Safety Razors KODAKS and CAMERAS Selecting the Christmas Kodak is a verY simple matter at our store. Our stock is complete. Waternian's Ideal Fountain Pens and Pencils. See the new Cardinal Pen -Gold filled band and clip, at 84,00 25 year point•.' IC's 0. dandy. Buy Now. 'Join our Christmas Shopping Club J. R. WENDT WROXETER JEWELER ONTARIO The Gi t Shop V :;i; EIJI'+JL�,v."1�'E.®�:' ELJLJ'n, ®Lr+v1rmi go Ega% D Yt OR the Gift Seeker the Red Front Bargain Store is filled d tth interesting and suggestive oferI n s . You will be surprised at the very oderate prices too, for things so useful • for the home. Bring your Gift List to the Red. Front Bargain Store and select your gift from our large assortment. BLANKETS RUGS FRENCH IVORY COMFORTERS MATS LEATHER HAND BAGS FLANNELETTE ARCH FANCY LINENS SHEETS CURTAINS BATH TOWELS WOOL CARPET HANDKERCHIEFS GAi JN TLE S S E Een PERS CURT AINS PLAYING CARDS MEN'S SOX WINDOW SHADES STATIONERY HOSIERY UNDERWEAR [Many other lines too numerous to mention. A Rug for the Nome is a Gift for All Don't fail to see our Grand Display of French Ivory WATCH OUR WINDOWS J. Hr Hart Phone loox Jas. Grimoldby purpose of dividing the remaining funds on the Bolton Drain,ro rata to the original assesernents of McKil- lop and Grey. Regele-Horan-That the Clerk be instructed to draft, Rn amending by-law on the Nash Drain to raise the necessary funds for com- pleting that drainage scheme. Ac- counts to the amount of $1,285.75 were paid, Council adjourned to meet at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday. December 9th, at 1 o'clock p, John McNay, Clerk, Morris RaPOItT.-Following is the report of S. 8. No. 9, Morrie, for the month of November. e her. The averageis taken % from the u its' marks in tests ' t Composition, pSpelling, Geography, Art, • means absent for 1 or more teat. Honours 75 per cent. V - Harvey Bryans 88. Sr. IV -Walter Pease 86 ; Melvin Scott 80 ; Walter Shortreed 79 and for October, 75 ; Frank Kirby 71. Jr. IV -Mabel Bew- ley 68. Sr, III -Wayne Scott 90. Sr, 1I -Artie Bewley 89 •Stuart Bry- ans 86 ; " Tommny. Kirby 80 ; " Clifford Pease 68 ; Beacham Alcock 84. First class -Isabella Alcock, Primer -May Shortreed ; Lloyd Pease, No. on roll 15. Average attendance 14, CLARA MCGoovAN, Teacher. Nearly 300 pounds of honey was found in 2 hives located in a house and in a tree on tbe,farm.of R. Greg- ory, Lakeside. F! S PILLS Sweeten /31the Stomach Do Your Christmas Shopping Now With Christmas on the way you should DECIDE NOW on your Gift List for this year. Come in now while our stocks are complete. We will hold any selection until Xmas. 11e ' Beautifully Cut Blue White Diamonds Set in 14k green and white Gold Mountings. Your choice of many styles ........$35.00, $50,00, $75.00, $100,00, $125.00 MEN Here's Big Value Men's Pocket Watches in Gold Filled Oases, 17 and 15 Jewels -Waltham, Regina, .Elgin. See our complete line at Special Prices. Gifts You are Proud to Make Let us show you our stock of Pearl Strands all put up in beautiful Gift Boxes. Priced from --••• •••.•• ....SI,60 up to $25,00 each Waldemar Chains Cuff Lins Bar Pins -*.. Waldemar Knives Tie Pius Vanity'Oases Cut Glass Silverware Fancy China Violins Autostrop and Gillette Safety Razors KODAKS and CAMERAS Selecting the Christmas Kodak is a verY simple matter at our store. Our stock is complete. Waternian's Ideal Fountain Pens and Pencils. See the new Cardinal Pen -Gold filled band and clip, at 84,00 25 year point•.' IC's 0. dandy. Buy Now. 'Join our Christmas Shopping Club J. R. WENDT WROXETER JEWELER ONTARIO