HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-10, Page 4gels dust
4Vl$PN $1JA , PE67;1o,1924.
Wxew the JndRes get tbionKh wish
hearlog all the oases of crookcduess in
financial circles the vacant teem 1e
County Jails only be necessary to ;Ilford
aegomrnodatlen for the "boys" who
',toot Wrong.
PRero5AL of Provincial Goearumeut
to put a tax on gasoline is not tpeetiug
With much favor and if some ohauffenrs
had their way they would "take a wheel
off" the feliowe who are whooping It up•
A mow front those who are supposed
to know, leads to the belief that 2 cent-
postage rate on letters will be restored
In Canada as wee in vogue before the
war, Tt would he a great saving to
meat' and would remove the anomaly of
United States letters being carried the
breadth of the Continent at penny post-
age as at present.
IT is against the law to permit,stockito
run at large op Provincial Highways and
some smart linea are being collected
from non -observers. With so many anto-
moblles on the move day and might the
risk taken is too great to be passed care-
lessly, There ate ways and means
enough to tangle up a motorist without
being called upon to somersault over the
back of a 2 year old steer. "
SEVERAL. Police Magistrates have
dropped off fining wilful law breakers
under the 0. T. A, and are determined
to teach the offenders reverence for the
Statute by imprisonment instead, with-
out the option of a fine. Sympathy
might be asked or expected where a est
offense was committed but when a de-
liberate defiance of the law is followed
up no favor need be expected from those
appointed to deal with such cases.
ONE of the fine men. of this Dominion
went to his rest last week in the person
of Dr. James Mills, who died at Ottawa
Thursday of last week, aged 84 years.
He first carte into prominence as Presi-
dent of the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, which post he filled splendidly for
2r years. Later he was appointed to
the Dominion Railway Board. The
name of Dr. Mills will live long in Can-
adian history.
SetsARA desert that has so long been
no-man's-land as far as the modern
methods and plans of living is concern-
ed, is no longer to play the part of the
reluctive. By the introdnctiou of the
motor car. aeroplane, jazz, &a, the .folk
are going to be "right in town." The
oases may be verily a green spot in the
desert. especially if you have not the
"sand" to look sharply after your own.
g clays will make the trip across by car.
Sows of the controversies over the
consummation of Church Union are
lacking in the sugar condiment and are
sometimes minus the Christian brother-
liness expected from those who are ex-
pected to be representatives of One who
went about doing Good. There may be
differences of opinion on a great issue
but also the opportnnity to exemplify
the bigness of the manhood in discus.
sing the gnestlon in which all are inter-
ested. Keep the pepper and vinegar
out but a little ginger may do no real
BALLOT boxes have a queer way of
solving problems and weighing men.
Often the results are not in keeping
with the preelection promises or
opinions' but possibly are nearer the
mark than the prior appraisement, : Pub-
lic opinion. although of uncertain
judgment, is one of the best methods of
settling situations and probably this
court is many times oftener right than
wrong if left to the calm judgment of
the electors, even with all its uncertain-
ties. :
Bs careful about fires, particularly
during the Winter season. Almost
every day's newspapers chronicle the
destrnetion of property and sometimes
life, with heavy financial losses on ec-
ooant of want of care. Many times fires
are unpreventable, it seems, but a bad
feature of them from a business stand-
point is that iosuranee rates are on the
up grade and will continue to rise so
long as properties; are;_ destroyed ;in in-
creasing' ratio, To keep rates down
everybody must be on guard and prac-
tine the greatest care,
THE municipalities that adopted the
earlier date for their Municipal Elec.
tions appear to be fairly well satisfied
with the change as it takes it out of the
turmoil and rush of the holiday trade
when most people are fully occupied
without the stir -up over a local election,
Too little attention is paid to manage-
ment of municipal affairs outside of the
Council and about the only time the
average elector is beard from is when It
comes to tat paying time, A livelier in-
terest should be taken in local affairs as
It maid encourage the officiary to make
' it easier to 'enforce' the By-laws and
stimulate development in home enter-
Old Tywe Concert
lt'tr.l, it l: tllvi•)W
IN Tal,•'
Thursday v 11
y e'�! pe
A fine program will be pre.'
canted of Bygone Days.
Ounle (1110 and all -spend a
happy (lour bask in the Fif-
Santa Claus' will be present
to receive the lettere of the
children for Christtrlas.
Conte and have a chat with
Admission a6 and 26 Dta.
FTelp to brighten some one's
Chriairnee by your attend -
prises Who have you in your mind's
eye for next year's Couocil in Brussels ?
Nomination will be held Monday, 29th
inst., and Election Monday. January stb.
2 Utility Commissioners will have to be
elected for pm, who, associated with
the Reeve, will have the local manage-
ment of the. Hydro light and power utili-
ty. This will be among the very im-
portant offices and great care should be
exercised in securing the right class of
men for this position.
Mitchell I. 0. 0. F. held an At
Howe in their Lodge room.
Beaver Camp Trail Rangers, Meth-
odist chtuch, Mitchell, presented
Lloyd and Mrs. Edighotler with a fine
S. S. No. 10
r ,
aid „
Box So iai
Tuesday Evening,
Dec. 16th
The Program will be
given by Local and out-
. side Talent.
Tickets 25 Cents
Ladies Boxes with Bo es Free
Come and Enjoy. Yourself
Canadian National Inaugurates
New fast Service
Commencing Saturday, December 6
th, "The National" now leaving Toron-
to I0 45 p. in., daily for Winnipeg, will
leave at 845 p, w., daily, and' arrive at
Winnipeg 9.45 a. m., ott the second
day, making the entire run in the re-
markably fast time of 38 hours actual
schedule. Canadian National will
thus be enabled to offer co its patrons
the fastest train over the shortest
route between the Capitals of Ontario
and of Manitoba.
In addition to :the Compartment -
Library -Observation and. Standard
and Tourist Sleeping Oars now form-
ing in part the Winnipeg equipment
of "The Wallops!", the train Will entry
Ate ueugl the ever pcpnier Tomato*
Sudbury sleeper and also a $tandetd
Sleeping Oar, wtlioh will operate
On laugh between Toronto, Port Ar.
(bur and Fort WIlliein during , the
month of Deonlpberp
Oauedian National patenn8 are in -
/riled to make' every ilea of Cilie eery-
erylee, i11 which are blended the roost
Modern of thaw' rt geleltea, cetnfort,
safety and speed,
gest Wawanosh Councjt
Min uteaof,Qonn cit meeting' held nn
Nov,; 21st, nlembera all present. Min,
utes of last meeting were read and
en,iflrmed. Court of Revision en the
Deacon -Thompson drain waa opened
Wording to notice. The only appeal
to be considered was that of P. Gib-
bons who claimed that his assessment
was In excess of any benefit that be
would derive from said drain, Coun-
cil, however, declined to make any
change in this assessment and the by-
law, as now rend, Was passed and the
Court, of Reclaim) closed. Another
by law, appointing place of Nonlia•
Mimi, places of election, D, 31. 0. and
Poll Werke waa also read and passed.
Councillors, Scott and Ooultes, along
with the 01etk, were inahucted to
make arrangements for the purehaee
of a filing cabinet or something of that
nature for Clerk's office. The fol -
owing accounts were paid : Thomas
Brafluoek, gravel, $16 60 ; W, Fitz-
patrick, gravel, 8450; Annie Scott,
gravel, $7 30 ; J. Bell, tile, 81.50 ; L.
H. Beaman, tile, $10 00 ; J. J. Hender-
son. tile, $10 95; TbomasTaylor, grav-
el, $1850; 3. Dingwall, gravel, $675;
Chairman Board of Health, •aervieea
rendered in 3924, $02 00 ; J, W. Mc-
Kibben, fumigators. $4.00 ; Wingbam
Advance, printing, $6 50 ; J. Stone-
house, rep culvert Oon. 6, $1.50 ; Wm.
Lnve, balance on contract Oon, 9,
$126 00 ; R. Snell, tile for roadway,
Con. 3, 8500 ; R. Bentley part payment
on contract Cnn, 3, $50.00 ; J. Ding-
wall, gravelling on Diugwall'e road
Con, 4, $9 00 ; R, Wihon, putting in
culvert Cort. 3, $6 76 ; Thos. Oongram,
underbrushing on Cons. 12 & 13, $8.50 ;
Wm. Anderson, patting in culvert
Con.. 13, $8 00 : R. H. Scott, 'gravel &
gravelling, $47.00; A. M. Perdue, grad-
ing, $5.00 ; J. Breen. repairing road,
Oona. 13 & 14, '84 600. Johnston,.
gravelling Cons. 13 & 14, $35.10 ; Geo.
Egg, Stove and Nut
G. R. Weller
Couites, gravelling Cone, 10&11,84480
W !tar Mason, repairing Waellnati
Colt, 3, 8300. C)opnoil ad�gtu'negl to
meet again Recording to $taLute on
Dee, 15th, ab 10 o'ulnok.
A. PQRTERFIE..D, Cler'ir,
Corn Borer in Huron County
Although little, has been said about
it, Duron County is faced with the
most serious problem that we have
frteed for many years. The European
Corn. Borer has made marvellous
development in the last year, partic-
ularly in the Counties of Essex, Tient,
Latnbton, Elgin and South Oxford.
The infestation in many of thee°
Counties runs • from 10 to 75 pet cent,
and in some cages it has ruined the
corn crop.
In Huron Onunty, solar, we have
not lied heavy infestation. The Corn
Borer has been found in every Town-
snip in the County and unless we
adopt some thorough method of con-
trolling this peat it is certain to over-
run the County from one end to the
A leaflet, prepared by Prof. Caesar
of the 0. A.. 0., outlines control meas-
ures. These will be found to be
simple and arcing the lines of gond
farming practice, Please adopt the
control measures outlined endhelp
stamp out Huron's moat dangerous
enernv. Clean up and see that your
neighbor does. If you don't you will
ruin his crop as well as your own. If
he doesn't he will ruin your crop.
Huron County is practically 'clear of
this pest. Let us all work together
Tubs and Soap FREE
UR BIG XMAS SPECIAL. this veer iv t White
Cap Electric Washer,
tee will give TWO Patented, Square,
Non•Siop Tubs for rinsing and bluing or a Large
Case of Soap containing 48 packages. A Move-
able Folding Bench' goes along, too, making a
Complete \'Dashing. Outfit. Terms are Easy-
• Ifs the greatest
Labor.Saver in any home, a gift which will be
thoroughly appreciated every week theyear around.
The Outfit pays tor itself in a Year 1n saving of
drudgery, taundry'bills and wear and tear on the clothes. Pay for the
Washer as it pays for itself.
Complete Washing Outfit
The illustration below shows the complete Outfit. The Bench
is so much handier than old boxes or stools. The Square Tubs
fit closer together and fit more snugly to the Machine than Round
Tubs and are easier to use without
slop. A Bench goes with every
Washer, and the Two Tubs or a Case
of Soap as you choose.
Case of Soap, 48 P'Itgs,
The Case of Soap contains
48 Packages of Lux and Sun•
light, enough tolatt the aver,
age family for 6 months and
Worth ai least $5.00.
Tubs Free
Handy Rinse and Bluing
Tubs fit snugly side by side
on the Tub Bench 1'his is
especially handy lot washing
in the kitchen or in the base-
ment when there are no Stat-
ionary Tubs.
White Cap Electric
and keep It that way. !tilt' Rut•tlier
iflrotfnation apply to,
S. B., S'$flTilttlilir
tleetetary, Clinton,
1/Sickness Stalked Into
This Happy Little Hoole"
When aim Harrow' moved. into hie
vts1te.waebod cc
pretty 'tege he
Owls* lo had reached ' the height 08
happiness, His wire and hie baby boy,
loudly volved their Pleasure, too.'
'Everything seemed to he "breaainir
eight" for Jim.
But the happy Says didn't last:
iteuteinOOrbc ab",tsSickness
a, my
rheumatism;" she said. But Jlm knew
how a previous attaele or pleurisy had.
weakened her, 50 he called la, a dos: -
toy The, doctor .hinted at "lung trou-
hie" and advised a compl0te examin-
ation. Jim took his wife to e, spe-
cialist, who quickly confirmed the !fret
verdict. "Consumption," he said. Hus-
band and wife stared at each other in
hopeless misery, but cheer
Coming. 'Don't worry;'
"a years treatment at the Bus-
koka Hospital for 'Consumptive§ will
put Mra. Harrow on her feet again;
but she must go now -no delay."
A kindly neighbor is taking care
of the baby boy while Jim is "keep-
ing house" by himself, I4very few
days the postman leaves a letter
which toile how kind nurses, and
Careful doctors all do their utmost
to bring back the health that be-
longed to Mrd. Harrow. Shortly the
lettere will cease for she le almost
ready to come back to the little white
Should you wlah to have a hand in
auoh worthwhile work as thle, please
send your contributions to Hon. W. A.
Charlton, President, 223 College
Street, Toronto, Ontario,
Mrs• Geo, Grant, St. Marys, has cele-
brated her 93rd birthday.
Auction Sale
,'acme. -D, 61. Scott, Auctioneer, has re,
eefved instructions from the undersigned to
sell by Public Auction et her home, Brussels
South, on Friday, Dee. 12, at 2 o'olsek, the fol-
lowing :-1 driving or work hero, ]. one•horse
wagon, nearly new, 1 wagon box and bay
rack, 1 sleigh, I bugs}, 2 otters, robe. rug and
duster. 1 pair of wool horse blankets,. 1 Bet
single harness, 1 set work harness, a•nnmber
at hens,1 hay rake,1 single plow, 1 moodier, 1
set harrows 8 smitten. 1 turnip or mangle sow•
er, a quantity of hay end oat sheaves, a quan•
tlty of plank and lumber, 1 grind stone, 1 bor•
ing machine with angora, a number of careen•
tare tools, 1 broad axe, 1 adze, 1 buck sew, I
cross ant sew, a number of forks and shovels,
1 ditching scoop, 1 crow bar, 1 work bonen
with vies, 50 ft. 1 -in rope, 1 pieno box, 1 oak
barrel, 1 pine bar, el, 1 25 gal, 011 tank, .1 ladder,
1 Standard cream operator No 4, I No 2 Daisy
churn and butter bowl,' Ideal washing mach•
ine,1 pine tub, 1 cupboard, 1 kitchen range
(Old Homestead,) 1 Monarch heater Mo 18,
Burne coal or wood, 1 sausage filler and lamps,
1 240 Ib. house scales, I sprayer. Terms -All
sums of ten dollars and under, cash, nine
months credit on approved joint notes, 4 per
cent off for cash.
MRS JOS. WHITFIELD, Proprietress.
TLE. -D. M. Scott, Anatloneer, has been
Instructed by the undersigned to sell by Pub-
lic Anation at the Central Sale Stnbles, Brum-
eels, on Saturday, December lOth, at 2 o'clock,
the following :-2 cows due to freshen In Deo ,
4 cows due to freshen in Jan., 8 cows due to
freshen in 3eb„ 7 cows due to freshen in Mar.
and April. 11 head Of young cattle, 8 (setters
and 2 sets of single Mimeo. Terms -13 months
credit an approved paper or 4 per oent off for
cash, M. LOWS,
eaohor WarItoci
Quatlnett teacher wanted for 'B 8. 30.7,
predyI1 tewnalitp, Ctsehreok, f1emlor tonal,
A 5050 if a4 of inew 7011. AppltClltetia, 1101.
ins experlenee Aad salary uppeated, receivea.
up to Deoetnli§r 2U 1044. Phone 667.
H. itl7>jTtiBlt, 8fioretary,
,5rusoels, R, it.
Hole for Service
Tile nndorolgned will keep 0 Tlore"bred
Yerkablre Hog nt Jot la 000. 12, Grey (Cam.
brook), tar sale, Terms, 8126, with privilege
of returning* it J t0. kiTTI TE$R, Proprietor.
Will Sell or Exchange
The undersigned offers bis 25 pore farm. 1
miles South of Bruosele, for axle or exaltengo
for other property. Cheap for quiok sale,. Get
psrtlonlsre as to price, ,to., from
Phone 050 or Brnsaels P. 0.
Eligible Property for Sale
It Is tho Booth Rot pert of ITB Lot BD, Oon.
6, Morris 'lownahlp, and 0ontelna 10 BOOS, On
It is a comfortable hoose, stable, gogd well,
young monad, AO, end Its location, ed join-
Ing Brussels mottos It n convenient aeonFor
far they particulars no to price, teras, &o„ np•
ply to the Simonton of the estate, ct the late
Annie Turnbull.
WM, KNO%, BruesslsP,ea
Munford Property for Sale
House and lot of about 5 sore, sitnated.on
the corner of Turnberry and Thomas streets
in the Vllbtge of Brueeells, known se the Din
ford home, On the property tea very sub-
atnntlal brick house ; nicely isolated, steel
roof, cement cellar doors, new furnace, olothea
closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well, fruit
trees, a nine raspberry plantation, lovely or-
nnmentel and evergreen trees,. end a beautiful
lawn. Will be sold for halfofwhat it would
000 to build it to wind op the estate of the
late B. U. Danford. Immediate possession,
A Detroit, or or �JAB.ptla0ADZICAN (next
door), Box 1 Bru§eele P. 0.
Representative Wanted
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Noreeries: BIB sales ere to be made
In selling Nareery stook during the recon-
struction period. A splendid opportunity for
a live salesmen, Highest eommisolone paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to offer. STONE &
WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont,
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 acres, being S.14 Lot 28, Con, 0,
Morrie township. Good brick house withcol.
ler; bank barn with cement stabling ; driving
shed, drilled well and a never felling spring at
back, About 00 sores under cultivation, bal-
ance pasture end wood land. Iran plowing
will be done and possession given tide Fall,
For farther partlealers appplyy to
A. H. MACDONALD, Brussel®:
1•+44•+$+M1+4+•+•1.404•+ 4444+ 44.+4r+ *44+ +
The Seaforth Creamery
•F r
o a
eream Wanted.
• Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction. 41+
• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
• ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
• weeks. Cheques payable at par. at Bank of Nova Scotia.
s*, For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
e McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
• •
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
,:1 •i••44+MMM•Q•iA••i 1+0+e+40+4t+ef410d•er+0*•iMHd♦44r
Brussels Creamery
Cream Warted
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac-
Call and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
Brussels Crmery 11. LPStewart
`t 4,
4 i o.
r. ,