HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-10, Page 1.00 per annum in advance
Calendar Days
Spence's West End Grocery
Wednesday and Thursday
December 17th and 18th
We will distribute Calendars on the above
named dates to all customers calling at our
store. . Be sure and call for one.
Our Prices on Groceries are. Exceptionally low
as, per our advertisement of last week
—Have just received shipment of our Christmas Confection-
ery which is very fine.
—We are sure we can give you value for your money.
—Watch for prices next week.
Highest prices paid for'Farm Produce,
Phone 2225
a ....". ... .� .. .,._ ..
Mistrzr1 .ribs
Bob Campbell is visiting friends this
week in Flint, Mich,
Miss Annie Rohi ison, who attends
school in Milverton, spent the week
end at home,
Fergus McTaggart is home from.
St. Thomas where he has been work-
ing for the past few mouths.
Rev. Mr. Chandler addressed the,
young people at Endeavor here on,'
Sunday night, His message was am
inspiring one,
Henry McKay, who went West last
Spring, returned home on Monday.
Laurence Kress', Brantford, visited
his sister, Mrs. Henry McKay here on
A very destructive fire of unknown
origin consumed the fine barn, on the
farm lastly tenanted by Arthur Ward,
between 3 and 4 o'clock Sunday morn-
ing and only owing to the persever-
ance of the men the house would have
suffered the same fate. The men,
however, broke into the house and
found a rag bag burning under the
stairway. No one has been living in
the house since last January. Many
were on hand to save the buildings
This Sale for .12 Oafs Only
A Few Specials
SUGAR, per 100 .................... $8.00
Seedless Raisins, per ib ................ lee
Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb R0e
New Dates, per Ib 10c
Choice Figs, 3 lbs. fon...–. 28e
Pastry Flour, per sack.—..... .... .$1.00
Tea, regular 70c at 60c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg, , 10c
Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c
Brooms, regular 90c for ...70c
Brooms, regular 85c for 65c
Brooms, regular OOc, for 45c
Soap Special, all kinds, -14 bars for $1
and free bar with every 14
Few Specials in Dry Goods
5o pr. Flannelette Blankets, large size, pair $2.50
Clearing line of Prints and Ginghams at '20c & 25c
Flannelette,, all widths, reg. 3oc &, 35c for 20 & 25c
Reductions, in all Yarns
Underwear, heavy ribbed wool, regular
$2.0o and $1.75 for, per garment 1.00 & 1.25
5o Ladies' at id Mens' Sweaters' regular
$6.00 and. $4,0o to clear at 2.00 & 3.00
Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, 500 pairs, Cashmere and
Silk and `Wool, to be sold at Half Price
Ladies' Uudlerwear, all wool, at Reduced Prices
100 pairs ;Woman's Galoshes in
different styles, and Men's
Overshoes, all new stock
20 p. c. off
Boys' Overshoes, per pair;..$2,00
14.ubber Boots, reg. $6.00 far 4.00
200 pairs Men's Mackinaw Riib-
bare to be Bold regardless of
500 pairs Men's Greb Shoes to be slaughtered at a price
Felt Shoes, Ladies' arid 'Men's, all new, at Reduced Prices
50 pairs Men's Mackinaw Socks, reg. $2,00, for 75c and $1.25
Milverton Flour always on hand. '
Produce taken in exchange Dressed Poultry Wanteld
Successor to Robt. Barr, Ethel
The Women's Institute
wirt BoLp A
Wednesday, Dec, 17
in their Institute Room
West of the Vodden Block
All kinds. of fancy work; plain
and fanny sewing; dresses; aprons
Kimono, etc.; dolts and other
nic-narks will be on sale also
Homemade Ba'king and Gandy.
Lunch will be served during
the afternoon. Good music all
the time.
Dotf't forget the date; come
and bring your Christmas gifts.
Mrs. R. Bremner Mrs. G. Kreuter
President Secretary
or -neighbors greatly endangered lay
flying apatite and cinders:
Sorry to report that Arthur Wheel-
er, Morris boundary, had a finger cut
while circling wood, Hope he will
soon be o. k,
Did you read the advt. concerning
the School Entertainment of S. S. No.
10, to he held in Victoria Hall, James-
town, Thursday evening. December 18
th ? Mies Margaret Brown is the
On the evening of Dec. 19, a Musical
and Literary program will be given
in School house of U, S. S. No. 16,
Howick and Grey Boundary. A 3
Act play, "No Trespassing,' will be
given with, other fine numbers between
Acte. Christmas Tree will be unload-
ed. Program at 8 o'clock. Tickets
25c and children free. Don,'t mise the
date and the fine program.
Leslie Oliver spent the week end
with Tavistock friends, .,
Recent rains and the thaw have giv-
en a fairly good supply of soft water.
Harvey and Mrs. Hoover and child-
ren, London, spent the week end at
the parental Mime of the former:
They made the: trip by motor.
The barn on the farm of Russell
Robinson, 16th Con., was destroyed
by fire from an unknown cause. No
one was living on the place. Dwel-
ling house also had a close call. How -
ick Mutual Company carried the in-
The biggest crowd yet greeted Rev,
Ii. White at Roe's Obureh Sunday
last, John Pearson had dat'keeed the
church windows' with tar paper, and
the Life of Paul Was given. The eing-
ing of old hymns Was much enjoyed
by all, This will be repeated. on
Sunday morning next and slides will
be shown on "How we got our Bible."
Township Council next Monday,
This will bo the Statutory meeting:-
Clearing Auutinit Sale on farm of A,
Somers, 5th lite, Thurelay afternoon
of this week at 1 p, rn, He has a big
list of good stuff, D. M, Seatt Anc.
Annual Christmas' Tree and Enter.
tainutent of Ebenezee Sunday School,
(Browntown), will, be held Friday ev.
ening; Dec, 19th, Good program is
being prepared consisting of humor-
ous dialogues, songe, recitations, etc,
Admission 25 and 15 cents. Keep tab
on the date.
We are entry to report the demise of
Elizabeth Michie, beloved wife of
James D. Grasby, 5th line, who ale•
parted this life last Friday, in her 41
et year, She had been in poor health
for the past 2 years from enlargement
of the spleen, which bade defiance to
medical attention. Mrs. Granby was
born in Morris township and was a
daughter, of the late Win. and Mrs,
Michie. I7 years ago she was married
"Always in Trouble"
"A Hoodooed Coon"
A Comedy In Three Acta
Community Nall, Molesworth•
Tuesday ev'g, Dec, 23
Misery Moon, a Hoodooed Coon
Gideon Blair, a MillionairToe ..m ...
Russell Grainger
Tom Risele, a Young College Hero......
McKnight Cumming
Hiram Tutt, a very Mysterious Man.,..
Patrick Keller, a Ticket Seilerll, Simpson
ndrew Q
Samantha Slade, a Poor A01,1 Mnidirnpson
Margaret Do
Rosebud Reece, $lair's GranddaMcughternald
. n
Rosebud's Ohnms, AnnieJeaCumminMioDonald
and. .Tesaie Sangster
Paula Maleek, a Bolshevlek
Loin Pearl, a Ragtime Girl Jessie Brown
............. Gertrude Sangster
A laugh from start to finish—if
you can't laugh don't come.
Adults 25c. Children 15c.
Program at 8 sharp.
All our Overcoats must go before Christmas.
We are therefore reducing Prices tc Wholesale
and sometimes less.
Regular - Reduced to
$ 15 00 MEN'S OVERCOATS $ 3 95
20 00 " 14 50
25 00 " 17 50
30 00 4 22 50
35 00 26 50
Buy Your Overcoat Now and Save Money
Three Big Specials
30 Pairs
Heavy Rlack Ov-
exaile. Regular
value $2 50, They
will go while they
last at
We have only 40
of them lett, No
drawers to match.
Regular p r i c e
81.60. Special to
clear at half price
Work Shirts
This is that strong
grey cotton Shirt
you bought here last
year, We secured
another lot in sizes
14 to 15,}, Reg, price
825, Special at
Ten only Pure Wool Jerseys 1 2 9
Big sizes 88 ., 42, Rog. Price $2.50 e
Knox Church Sunday School
Christmas Tree
In the Church
Monday ev'g, Uec. 22
Opening at 8 o'clock
—Interesting Program of Dia-
logues, Readings, Reelta-
tions, Music, &e.
—A real live Santa Claus will
be on hand.
Tickets 25 Cents
Sunday School Children Free
c—Show appreciation of the good
work by your patronage.
—Good time promised,
to her now bereft partner, who, with
3 children, Willie, Adah, and Robbie,
will hold in loving memory the love
and tender care of wife and
mother. She is also survivived
by her mother, 7 brothers, (Chris„
Wm., Jas„ Jno., Robt. and Ernest)
and sisters (Mrs. Geo. Martin and Mrs.
Lorne Nichol), Funeral was held
Monday afternoon to Brussels cem-
etery, Rev. Mr. Moores, Belgrave,
deceased's paktor, conducting an
appropriate service. The bereaved
share in the sympathy of the com-
munity, who esteemed highly the
numerous good qualities of the one
called to her reward who was well and
favorably known in the community.
Gordons Store
Just In
— Tire finest assortment of Cut
Glass we've ever had at 'prices
to suit every purse.
— Assortment includee Nappies
and Sherberts, Cream and
Sugars, Vases, Handled Nap-
pies, Pickles, Jelly Bowls, Vin-
egar Jugs, Canoes, Water Sete,
Flower Baskets, Butter Dishes
with Covers, dee.
— Our prices are right. We buy
direct from factory and so
save you middleman's profit,
—Fine assortment of Bavarian
Cream and Sugars at only 65c.
Special in Towels
-These are good weight, good
size and only 49c per pair,
—Bath Towels, extra heavy, at
$1.26 and $1 60.
— Men's Extra Heavy Kersey
Cloth Work Shirts to clear at
$150- These are a bargain.
— See our display of Christmas
Handkerchiefs for Ladies,
Men and Kiddies.
Gordon's - Cranbrook
Phone 6210
The Friendly Church
Sunday evening next
"How We Got Our Bible"
Illustrated with 60 Lantern Slides
—Recitation of the Watermill,
with Guitar accompaniment,
by the Pastor.
-Come early and sedate'a good
"Marley's Cheat," SmW
oe eek -night near
Christmas ; The Other Wise Men:,
Henry V'an byko, Missionary Pageant,
Ethel Christmas Eve ; Christmas Tree
at'anion and Roe'%,
tipeolat Music,
+444.‘fi' +44+ ++++++++41494
Christmas Tree
S. S. No. 10
Thursday Evening,
Dec 181h
Adults 25c. Children Free
Christmas Entertainment will be held
at the Stone School House. No. 7,
Morrie, Wednesday Evg., Dec. 171h.
Play entitled "A perplexing situation"
will be given by the young people,
Good program between Acts. Box
Social after Play, Came and enjoy
yourself, Miss McMicitaeI is the
Among those who attended the
,funeral of the late Mrs.. J. D. Grasby
last Monday were:—Chris. and Mrs.
Michie, Hespeler; Wan. and Mrs. Michie
Galt; Geo. and Mrs. Martin, George-
town; Jno. Midh'ie and son, Saginaw,
Mich.; and C. and Mrs. Ratz and Mrs.
Jas, Boyd, Elmira. Mr. Michie and
son motored from Saginaw, a distance
of 240 miles to be here for the last
sad rites.
A oar of Nut Coal is expected to arrive at
Ethel this week, J. H. FEAR.
Business has been lively.
A. Missionary Pageant is being ar-
ranged for Chi.•ietrnae Eve,
The orchestra is making fine pro-
gress both at Union and Roe's.
Mrs. Jno, Ballantyne and Mies
Dorothy were visitors here last week.
Council met here last Monday and
will be here Monday of next week
Women's Institute Bazaar here
Wednesday of next week, See the
advt. about it.
Mre. Wm. Strachan is not having
very rugged health but we hope for
A new furnace has been installed in
the Methodist Parsonage that should
keep things cosy.
A Bazaar was held at Ethel last
Wednesday last in connection with
Roe's Church,
Mr. Robinson, Stratford, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church Sunday afternoon next.
Wednesday of tide week Ethel and
Oranbrook congregations meet in the
Presbyterian church to deal with the
question of extending a call to a
W. D. and Mrs. Eckmier, Winnipeg,
arrived here last week for a holiday
visit with relatiyee and old friends.
The latter was a Miss Engler of this
locality and both are well acquainted
with the locality.
There was an overflowing cougrega-
tion at the Methodist Church Sunday
last to bear the last of the sermons on
the Life of Paul and to see the wond-
erful views from McGill University on
the same subject. The choir under
Mr. Currie gave a splendid lead to the
Special features next Sunday are
the. recitation of the Water•mill to
guitar accompaniment by the Pastor,
and a set of slides from McGill on
"How we got our Bible", which forms
the subject of the evening sermon,
Doors will be open at 6 30 for those
who desire a good Beet.
EmurnR.—The community of Ethel
was shocked when the sad news
reached here last Thursday that Mrs,
Christian Eckmier had passed away
in the General Hospital, Stratford,
Doctors had done all that could be
done, and after consultation, it was
decided to operate for goitre, she
being quite willing to submit to any-
thing for the best. To use her own
words, "Whatever the Lord Sees fit,
I ata ready to submit to, and all will
be well." Deceased was born in
mot Township in 1860 and came with
her parents to Grey Township in 1861,
She was married -to her now bereft
husband January 4th, 1882, They
lived on their farm adjoining Ethel,
which came to be known as the
"Eckmier Farm". In 1917 it was
Bold to Harvey Dobson, and they
moved into the village. Mrs. Eckmier
was a very faithful member of the
Methodist Church and she will be
greatly missed in Sunday School,
League and W. M. S. Societies, her
seat being seldom vacant, Funeral
took place in the Methodist Ohurnh at
two o'clock where a large congrega-
tion had gathered, showing the esteem
in which Mrs, Ecktnier was held,
Rev, Harold White, B. A., B. D.
preached on the words of Penh"' am
ready to be offered up", and many
parallels were drawn viz,—He looked
within and there was perfect peace ;
He looked backwards, no regrets ; He
looked forward, bright anticipations,
Friday It Saturday Evenings
Dam 12 end 13
"Heritage of the Desert"
A Zane Grey's
with Bebe Daniels and all star
cast, greater than "Call of the
Canyon," Thrill, packed and
enthralling -24 film true Ito life.
Next Monday and Tuesday
-The Blunderer"
With Peggy Shaw end Edward
Phillips—A Gold Mining Story.
Coming Soon
"Covered Wagon" 10 reels 50c
"Merry-go-round" ID reels 35c
all of which he said were appropriate
to the uneelflsh life and devotionof
the deceased, Mr. Currie sung "Abide
with me" at the close. The choir
gave a good lead to the singing of
Rock of Ages" and "Safe in the
Arms of Jesus," which were favorites
of the departed,' Besides her sorrow-
ing husband, there are left to mourn
the lose of a deaf mother, Harries
Hillcrest, Alberta Wilfred, Strat-
ford ; and Mrs, J. L. Irwin, James-
town, Mabel and Earl are deceased,
Her brothers and sisters are Ieaac
Lake, Grey ; Justus and Levi, Ham-
ilton ; Mrs. George Oxtoby, Innisfail,
Alberto Mrs, John G. Ralph and
Mrs. John Douglas, Neepawa, Man-
itoba ; Mrs, August Eckmier and Mre.
John King, Ethel, who will greatly
miss her. Friends from a distance
were Andrew and Mre, Eckmier, Wm,
and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Shank
and W. Eckmier, Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. Hainetock and Wm. Lynn,
Fordwich • J, M. Lake, Hamilton ; L.
and Mrs, Eckmier and Miss Velma,
J. L. and Mrs. Irwin, Jamestown ;
Mrs. F. Freeman,; Lucknow ; Mrs, W,
E. Willis, Gowenstown ; and Mrs. 'I,
Brown, Brussels. Deceased was laid
to rest in Mount Pleasant cemetery.
Ethel, pallbearers being Isaac and
Justus Lake, Andrew, Louie and
George Eckmier and George Menzies.
The Dramatic Club had a good time
at (Lucknow in presenting "ilia
Uncle's Niece."
Trinity Church Sunday School hold
their Christmas Tree Entertainment in
the C. Q. F. Hall Thursday evening of
next week. ,
Jno, Hupfer moved last week to
his faun in Howick.
B. Martin and fancily spent Sunday
with friends at Lucknow,
Miss May Davidson is recovering
from a rather serious illness,
Diamond Jubilee Concert in Town
Hall this Friday evening "The Beacon
eight", a 3 Act play, will be present -
Reuben Sauboru had a sale of farm
stock and implements Saturday after-
noon, We understand Mr, Sanburn
intends moving to his residence in
the village,
When in front of Hemphill's mill,
Friday morning, a team belonging to
Hugh Wright, Turnberty, became
frightened and made a lively run
through Main street, until colliding
with a telephone pole, in front of W.
Robinson's store, the horses and
sleigh parted company. Horses con-
tinued their way to the church shed.
Harness and sleigh were badly dam-
aged, and a number of children play-
ing in the street had a narrow escape.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Manse, Wroxeter,
Wednesday, Dec. 3, when Rev. Me.
Armstrong united in marriage Mise
Gertrude Hislop to Melvin Finlay,
both of Howick township. Bride
looked charming iu a gown of tanti-
que brown Roahinari crepe, trimmed
with ostrich; and crab apple crepe
with bat and shoes to match. The
groom's gift to the bride was a beauti-
ful pin set with pearls, Many good
wishes accompany Mr, and Mrs, Fin-
lay on their voyage on the matrimoni-
al sea.
The auniversary of Kuox Presby-
terian Church was marked by special
services on Sunday, when Rev, D.
Alexander Armstrong B. D„ the re-
cently inducted pastor, gave two ex-
cellent discourses, In the morning
his text was taken front Philippians 3,
14 and in the evening from Ezekiel 36,
11, Very appropriate music was well
rendered by the choir, and the attend-
ance large at both services. Monday
night there wee a fowl supper, follow-
ed by an interesting program, in
which the following took part: Revs.
E. F, Chandler, Walton ; Dr. A. T.
Brown, Wroxeter ; W. A. Bradley,
Teeswater • 0. Tait, Bluevale R.
Laing,Fordwich ; Mrs, S, McNaught-
on, Tios. Gibson and the Harristoa
Male Quartette, Chairman was Rev,
D. Alex, Armstrong.
Tie Red Front store is ready for
Christmas trade and their suggestive
list of bargains sbould be looked up ou
page 5 of this paper. It may save you
dollars to do so,