HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-03, Page 8The Charm of Beautiftl Tailet Pieces Where French, Ivory, Tortoise Shell, Amber, Ebony, Amber on Ivory is shown in the New Brushes, Mirrors, Combs, Trays, Manicure Pieces, Cloche, Paper Knives, Electric Candle Lamps and many other now pieces, Our tine collection le now on display, is worth easing and will be found a groat help in deciding for OhrietU1as Gifts. The prices are lower than they have been for some tinge, Have You Seen the New China in Yellow and Orange colorings, outlined with Black? Ooutpoets, candy Jars, Puff Boxes are shown in these striking coloriuge, and the trimmings of black make them entirely different to anything that has been. ehoivn before, Cups and Saucera, Platee, &c„ are also to be had in Yellow, decorated with small bunches of flowers, and are quite new, Standard Patterns of Fine Limoges China in the White and Gold, Scattered Roee pattern, also the Bridal Roee China, The Serving Trays in the China section are new and good values. 1 Stationery in Boxes With Fancy Covers and new designs this season, at 25e, 30c and 50c each and up to $3 25. Eversharp Pencils and the Waterman Fountain Pens , with Automatic Pencils to match, make useful Presents. Come and see our Holiday Display while the choice is at its best. F. R. SMITH TheQ,Q�t.+ Store Druggist and Stationer gap goad Reins Items LOCAL and District news on pages and 5 of this issue. TRE POST to the end ot 1924 given t new subscribers for r925 free, TRE snowstorm of last Saturday an Sunday set cutters and sleighs agoing, LOCAL and District news always wel coma at TRE PosT but get it to ns early IP you have car trouble Lorne Turve is ready to help you our. Read his advt this week. Towrr Council met last Monday ev ening, with all members present. Re port crowded over to next issue. 25 acres ot laud is offered for sale o exchange by Alex Nichol, situated. r miles South of Brussels. See the advt TELEPHONE Construction gang placed a transformer on Turnberry street Mon- day. Better service should be the re - suit. SEE the Family Theatre big program in their advt. Friday evening a feature will be the Kitchener Vaudeville troupe, who put on a live wire hour. A SMALL fiat key found in the Meth- odist Church the night of the annivers- ary Tea. Owner may have it by calling at Tea Pose Publishing House. BIUJSSE.s School is planning for a Mus- ical and Literary Entertainment for the Christmastide, of which further partic- ulars will be given later. It will be something good you may depend. AUCTION Sale of 27 bead of cows and young cattle Saturday afternoon of next week, at 2 p. m., at Central Stables, Brussels, M. Lowe, Prop , D. M. Scott, Auc. See list in another column, W. E. Long. of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, for a number of years, has been moved to North Bay He is an old Brusselite and a steady goer, always on the job. We wish him continued success, Will, is a son of Jno, and Mrs. Long, town. DONT forget the Auction Sale of Household effects at Peter MacDonald's home, corner Church and John streets, Saturday afternoon of this week. at 2 o'clock. Sale without reserve 95 pro- prietor has sold his residence. D. M. Scott. Autioneer. COMMENCING next Monday the night train from Toronto on the Canadian National will change its Time card t3 minutes earlier, and will arrive at 9.5t. This is the only change on this line, but it should not be overlooked. THE Pose. regrets to bear of financial difficulty in the business of the McVettie garage, $rassels, A meeting of those interested is called for Thursday after- noon of next week, at x o'clock, in Brus- sels. Advt. regarding the same may be read in this issue. THE Girl's. Dorcas Club intend put- ting on an Old Tyme Concert in Brus- sels Opera House Thursday evening lith lust, proceeds to go to help bright- en Christmas for those who might other- wise be deprived. See what the advt. says about it, ANDERSON Baos, have bought a large barn in Grey township and purpose mov- ing it to their farm adjoining Brus- sels where 11 will be rebuilt on cement foundation. They intend specializing in thorn bred Jersey cattle, of which more will be said later, GIVE THE POST the names of your visitors Wa•rcu:the advertising columns of THE Pose' for Holiday bargains. ains. 4 AUCTIN Sale of Farm stock, imple• men's, Furniture, &c, Friday afternoon o of next week, at Mrs, Joseph Whitfield's, Brussels South, at 2 o'e'ook. See list d io this issue. Sale unreserved as farm has been sold. D M Scott, Auctioneer. • Do YOU REQUIRE RUGS, LINOLEUM &C Special Bargains are: baieg offered at y the Red front store in Congoleum Rugs, . Liaoleums, Carpets &c. A perusal of their advt. on page 4 of this issue is res- - ommended and then a call at their busy • store to inspect the many offerings at close prices. It will not cost you a cent r to make the visit and it may mean a sav- ing of dollars. LAST Monday evening Rev, Harold White, Ethel, gave an interesting and in- structive illustrated Lecture in the school room of the Methodist church, his subject being "The Life of St. Paul". The viewe were splendid and a few illustrated well known hymns were greatly enjoyed. The speaker also Contributed a mO13010 0 proving him to be a very versatile gentleman. Mr. White promised to return and perform a neighborly part in assisting the young people of Brussels, CHUNKS for sal e, ERNIE PLAaxe1 r, Phone 855 Opp. Ethel Cheese Factory, 12 PIGS for sale, reedy to wean, also 10 Chunks, Roux, ,7 6101,ENNAN, Phone 100 N%Lot 19, Con. 2, Morrie. A thoro'-bred Bronze Turkey Hen and Tom for sale. MRS. ,Toi HUNTER, Phone 627 Brussels R. R. 8 REEPEOTADLn women desires positron to do house work in private home, Weges $10, n month, Apply at, "Tan Poem." DWELLING rooms to let above store. Ap- ply at Bank of Nova Scotia. 24.2 I. C. R1on,eaDe, 26 spedine Ave., Hamilton, Fos SAL1,-Women's Persian Lamb Fur Coat, sable collar, cost 580.00, ter $15 00, Also a Parlor Stove, burns wood, with nice trim. med platform board to stand it on, for $12.00. A bucksaw nearly new 51.25, All good value. MIee 2ELrv, John Street. _ FOR SALE, - Registered White Leghorn Cockerels from the Highland Hatchery, Hol- land, Mich, These are fine birds and worthy of your attention. L. E, Calmar, Phone 514 Morris, UNE, tor building purposee, for sale. Over- plcehauledlor Methodist Church rebuilding. See members of Building Committee if you want to bey. Onomoo }Knitting will be attended to in the manufacture of Men's Socks, Child ren's Bore, &e. Sstlefaetion assured. Reasonable prices. 21-4 Taos. Sm mu. Phone 4410 Jamestown, Dowty Town Oreroa CLnseo,--Miss Maude Bryane has, for the present, closed her office on Turnherry street but asks old or now pat. rons to call at her home, corner Thomas end Elizabeth streets, one block West of Bank of Nova Scotia. FALL Honeytor sale. 10 cents per pound. Good quality. L. WHEELER., Phone 6824 DR, PARKER, of Wingham, lane resumed his weekly visits to the Queen's Hotel, Brnseela, Church Chimes Next Sabbath tho pastor will conduct the services for the 1st time in the ue w auditorium. Day will open with a Fel- lowship service at ro 15, followed by tbe regular order at 11 a, m. which will par- take somewhat of a short review of the past few months, Regular week even- ing services have resumed as of old Despite inclement weather good con- gregrations assembled last Sabbath in the Methodist church to join in the Sun- day School and Young People's Anui• versary services. Rev. C. W. De Witt Cosens, Lucknow, occupied the pulpit and was warmly greeted by many old friends who remembered bin as the son of the Methodist Parsonage, M..rning service was based on text, "With lower god and 3rd stories shalt thou make it". Gen. 6-16, The true purpose of life was the theme anti the discourse Ras an optimistic plea for the better end broad- er life. At 3 p m. an open session of the school was held when Mr. Cosens spoke appropriately on, "Lessons from an Automobile". He also favored the company with a fine solo. Evening sub- ject was, ' Ivory steps to the golden Throne", founded on r Chron : 9 157-18 Various practical steps were instanced leading to the throne end the practical address should prove helpful to all who will follow the path MUM tied. The rev, gentleman not only allowed himself a Pc"al Egg, Stove and Not ON RAND G. R. Weller Brussels clever pulpiter but his well sung gospel song at the evening service proved his musiea i ability. It will soon Pe 20 years since Mr. Cosens removed from Brus- eels but his many old friends keep tab on Trim and are proud of his success in the ministry, His visit here for the anni- versary was a mutual delight, The morning service last Sabbath in Me'ville Church was conducted by the Pas'or who spoke on "The Loving Re- venge of Jesu•+." basing bis .thought on the s cry of Paul's Cooversioo, 'rhe thought emphastz-d was that God has It mac for every emergency and list Paul was God's man for a great emergency, (1) He was fitted for his work by his training ; (2) He had a vision ; he saw God and had a conviction of his duty ; (3) He had a complete reversion of form ; He had formerly persecuted the Chris- tians, now he preached that Jesus was the Christ, , t God d has his em.r enc meng v butexpectsa t tis o do our rt t pa AlA the evening service Rev, Duncan Sifters spoke on the subject "An Overflowing Blessing," taking as his text "Bring ye now the tithes into the storehouse and prove Me now saith the Lord of Hosts if 1 will not pour you out a blessing so that there shall not be room to receive it," Mao's greatest need is rotgieeness. This is freely given by Jesus Christ. Apotber great need is illumination. by reading and study of the Bible we will be led into all Truth. Another need is Restfulness. All our needs will be fully supplied ,if we put Him to the test. Flt People We Talk About / tY t3 I, C. Richards, Hamilton, was in town for a few days last week. Curtis Ratbwell, Strathroy, was cal. ling on relatives and old friends in Brus- sels and locality last week. We congratulate G. S. Leckie on bis re eleltion as Councillor at Wroxeter for 1925. He was a former Brusselite, Miss Myrtle Hunter, Listowel, was re- newing old friendships in town last week and assisted the Methodist church choir at the Anniversary, Lieut -Col. A. H. Montieth, who was a Barrister in Brussels at one time, was elected Mayor- of Paris, Opt., where he now practises, by acclamation. Rev. C. W, DeWitt Cosens was the guest, of the Misses Hunter, old friends, while ill town over Sunday He met a good many be knew ou Sabbath. C. H. and Mrs Kerr, Oakville, and J. L and Mrs. Kerr and Miss Mary, Clinton, were calling on relatives for a day or so. The former is the ellest sou of Rev, W, E and Mrs. Kerr, Vancouv- er, B. C. Fred S'efert and bride, Preston, and Frank O.iver. the bride's uncle, 'rilison- burg, were visiticg relatives and old friends in town Mrs. Siefert is a daughter of Wilber and Mrs. Baker. DIED OLAax.-In Morris Township, on November 20th, 1924, Pearl E. Stewart, beloved wife of James Clark, aged 88 years, 9 months and 27 days. Auction Sale AIIOTION SALE OF SMALL FARM E6- sEome.—D, 61. Scott, Auctioneer, Lae re- ceived instructions from the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at her (tome, Brussels South, on Friday, Doc, 12, et 2 o'clock, the fol- lowing :-1 driving or work horse, 1 one•horse wagon, nearly new, 1 wagon box and hay fetal etatgh, 1 buggy, 2. cutters, robe. rug and duster, 1 pair of wool horse blankets, 1 set single harness, 1 set work harness, a number of bens, 1 hay rake, 1 eeugle plow, 1 miller. I set harrows 8 eeotion, I turnip or mangle sow- er, a quantity of bay and oat sheaves, a quare• thy of plank end lumbar, 1 grind stone, I bor- fng machine with augers, a number of carpen- ters tools, l broad exeml adze, 1 buck saw, 1 cross oat saw, a number of forks and shovels, 1 ditching esoop, 1 crow bar, 1 work bench with viae, 50 ft. 1.1n rope, 1 piano box, 1 oak barrel, 1 pine barrel, 125 gal, oil tank, 1 ladder, I Standard cream separator No 4, 1 No 8 Daley churn and butter bowl,l Ideal weeding mech. Me, 1 pine tub, 1 cupboard, 1 kitchen range (Old Homestead,) 1 Monarch heater Mo 18, burns coal or wood, I oausagefiller and lamps, 1 2451b. house Beales, 1 sprayer. Terme-All mins of ten dollars and under,cash, nine months credit on Reproved joint notes, 4 per cent o8 for cash. MRS JOS, WHITFIELD,Proprletrees, 27 HEAD OF COWS AND YOUNG OAT- TLs.-D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the endersl ned to Bell by Pub. Ito Auction at the Central Sale Stables, Brus- sels, on Saturday, December 18th, et 2 o'clock, the following; -2 cows due to freshen in Deo, 4 oows due to freshen la Jan., 8 cows due to freshen in Feb., 7 cows due to freshen in Mer. end April, 11 head of young cattle, 8 cutters and 2 eats of single harness. Terme-6 months credit on, approved paper or 4 per cent off for cash, M. LOWE, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the Estate of Milton McVottlo, Auth- orlsod Assignor. Notice le hereby given that Milton blaPlt- tie, of Brussels, Ontario, did on the 27th doy of November, 1924 Make An Antttorfzed Assign- ment of all hie property for the benefitggof his Credltore and that Edmund Wetd, bffialsl Reoelver has appointed me to be custodian of the Estate of the Debtor until the oreditora at their first meeting shall elect a Trnatee to, ad• minister the estate of the debtor. Notloe le further given that the flret meet- ing of creditors in the above estate will be held at B'ruesels, Ontario, on the eleventh day of Deoember,1924, at one o'clock in the ef• ternoon. olntro Mastabe lodged withte me before the meet int la held,' Proxies to be need et the meeting meat be lodged with me prior thereto. And farther take nation that I1 yon have any claim egainat the debtor for which yon ere en, titled to rank, proof of such claims mutat lie filed with ma within thirty days horn the date o1 this notice for, from and after the ex• plrstfon of the time fixed by eab•aection 8, Of section 87, of the solid Aot, I akail distribute the proseede of the debtor's estate nmong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only To the claims of which I have then notion. Dated et Lenders t)tie 28th day of November, 1924. F, W. RAYMOND, • Castodlen, Box 171, London, 0n t. BANKING FIFTY YEARS FromptlCollectlone M'ONG the innumerable advan- tages of using the services of the Standard Bank to melte your collections by draft, is the etTfoi- ent promptness with which you may close transactions by placing the de- tails in our hands. Owing to excep- tionally favorable arrangements with our various agents, we are able to handle collections at minimum rates through our exclusive connec- tions. THE STANDARD TS BANK OP' CAN .DA,. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia, Maiya & formerly of Brussels, end well known in this locality, VANDRICK'S SALE REGISTER Friday, (Fair Day), Dec, 5th, at Vandrick's auction romps, Listowel, large quantity of furniture and house- hold goods, sleighs, cutters, harueae, robes, etc, Sale at I 30 o'clock, Wednesday, Dec. 10th, for McCrack- en Bros„ at their furan adjoining List- owel, on the Wallace Road, 20 head of choice Holstein cotes, all springers and due to freshen about the time of Bale. One of the finest herds of cows ever offered for sale in this part of the county. Also 3 purebred Holstein bulla, a number of pigs, about 200 bushels of barley, 400 bushels of seed oats, 50 young geese, 26 purebred rock pullets, etc. • IN MEMORIAM MCAamsa.—St loving memory of our deer mother, Mra, Jae. MsArter, who peaceful- 1ypassed away Deo, 1st; 10411. One year has pegged, our hearts to rstill sore;Aa hoes on her more. Although s suffered patientlyend long, Her hope was bright, her faith wan. strong, Tho Peace of Jesus filled her heart. And in Hie nrma she sank to rest; How sweet the promise God has given That we may meet again in Heaven. HER LOVING 0a1Lp0EN,. Teacher Wanted Qualified teacher wonted for S. S. No 7, Grey township, Crenbrook Senior room, holding 2nd Class Certificate. DolIeo eons - mance first of new year. Applloatlone, stat - lug experience and salary expected, received up to Deoember 20, 1029. Phone 557, D. RUETBER, ;Secretary, Bruesele, R. R. 0 OVERCOATS REDUCED PRI CES Regular $ 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 MEN'S OVERCOATS t< rt " (, a tt " Reduced to $10 00 1450 17 50 22 50 2650 Here is an opportuntty to secure real Choice Coats at Prices cut to the last Dollar. Specials - for - Saturday Regular $ 2 50 Black Overalls 2 00 Blue and White st, Overalls 1 50 Ribbed Underwear 3 00 Sweaters 2 75 All Wool Jerseys (Men's) For $1 79 1 49 98 1 98 1 49 W. D. HAMEL MEN'S WEAR Prices of Live Poultry D elivered at our Warehouse Week ending Dec. I l th Live Dras'd Live Droe'd Hens, 5 lbs. and over 13c 17e Young Ducks. ............ 10e 16e Hone, 4 to 51be 10c 14c. Spring Chickens over 0 lbs 18c 22e' Hens, 3 to 4lbs 7c 10c Spring Chickens, 6 to 6 ibe 17e 21e Hens, under $4 lbs,60 8c Spring Chickens, 4ir to 6 Ibe 15c 10c Roosters 80 Ile Spring Chickens, 4 to 4j, the 18e 17e Geese .... 100 150 Spring Ohiekene, 3I to 4 lbs 12e 105 Turkeys (fat) . 18e 24c Spring Chickens, 3 to 8i lbs 11c 10c Old Toms and liens 14e 20e Spring Chickens, 2 to 3 lbs 10c 15o MILK FEO'OHIOKIINS, dressed over 4 lbs. 24e per ib. Nothing but No. r Poultry accepted, except at re- duced prices. Poultry must be in starved condition or deduction made for crops. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS Christmas Gifts Fox's Drug Store Christmas Buying Yearly year we fiud our customers giving this important matter much earlier consideration than formerly. So that with this in mind this week fields our complete stock on dis- play and from points of excellence and variety we think it is one of the most complete we have yet shown, Como in and see for yourselves, you will be made very welcome and we want yon to see the nice things we have. Fountain Pens We have a very complete' stock of the two well known makes PARKER'S and WATERMAN'S ranging is"price from $250 to $7 00, China Thie is one of one most at- tractive Tines. Many very pretty pieces, including some in the new Byzanta Ware, comprisingLily Bowls, Bon Burls, Cups arid Suueers, Candle Sticks, Salt and Pep. .por Sets, and a few pretty Tea Pots, Leather Goods Our stook Of this very impor- tant lmportantline is quite var-. led and complete- -Boston Bags —Under Amu Bttge —Tee velli ng Slippers —Hand Bags —Sewing Setts —Music Rolls —Military Brushes —And a great variety of smaller articles, Dainty Stationery Always a very acceptable Gift. You will like the packages we are showing this year at very moderate prices, Our 00c and $1,00 packages ars particularly goad vitlue. Then of course we have some very dainty packages of Correspondence Cards, FOX'S DRUGSTORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT - DRUGGIST and STATIONER Hog for Service The undersigned will keep a Thoro'•bred Yorkshire Hog at Lot 15, Con. 12, Grey (Oren - brook), for enlo. Terms, 51.26, with privilege of returning If necessary. JNO. HUETHER, Proprietor, Will Sell r o., Exchange 9 The undersigned offers his 25 pore farm, 1N miles South of Brussels, for sale or exchange forpther property. Cheap for quick sale. Get particulars as to price, &o,, From ALEX NICHOL, Phone 550 or Brussels P.O. This Sale- for 12 Days Only Leitch's. - Ethel A Few Specials SUGAR, per 100 ..... .... ..,. $8.00 Seedless Raisins, per lb 10c Lemon and'Orange Peel, per lb..,,,,BOo New Dates, per lb. 10e Choice Figs, 8 lbs, for 25c Groceries Pastry Flour, per sack.......... $1 00 Tea, regli`lar, hoc at 60c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg, .. ,10c Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c Brooms, regular 90c for , , ,hoc Brooms, regular 85c for 65c Brooms, regular 60e, for ,... . 460 Soap Special, ail kinds, 14 bars for $1 and free bar with every 14 Few Specials in Dry Goods 5o pr. Flannelette Blankets, large size, pair $2.50 Clearing line of Prints and Ginghams at 20c & 25c Flannelette, all widths, reg. 3oc 8s 35c for 20 & 25c Reductions in all Yarns Underwear, heavy ribbed wool, regular $2.0o and $1,75 for, per garment 1.00 & 1.25 5o Ladies' and Mens' Sweaters' regular $6.00 and $4.00 to clear at 2.00 843.00 Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, 500 pairs, Cashmere and Silk, and Wool, to be sold at Half Price Ladies Uuderwear, all wool, at Reduced Prices RUBBERS 100 pairs Women's Galoshes in ' different styles, and Mob's., Overshoes, all new stock 20 p. c. off Boys' Overshoee, pe$ pair, -$2,00 Rubber Boots, reg, $5,00 for 4 00 200 pairs Men's Mackinaw Rub - hers to be sold regardless of cost, SHOES 500 pairs Men's Greb Shoes to be slaughtered at a price Felt Shoes, Ladies' and: Men's, all new, at Reduced Prices 50 pairs Men's Mackinaw Socks, reg, $2.00, for 75c and $1,25 Milverton Flour always on hand. Produce taken in oxchange Dressed Poultry Wanted JNO. LEITCH, Successor. to Robt. Barr, Ethel fkl t,