HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-03, Page 544(.
For references commit any person whose sales
X #ave olUofated a;, ,Pitons 48x or 05
d own/P xe:t0°XLiJkrO'
RPM want results get
Upwind Auctioneer for Huron County, to
handlc,your sales. 4 years experience !athe
bleat, Call phone 8817
Boner graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, Once opposite
Flour 3611, Michel.
Graduate a
of Ophthalmology,
Mo-Carmiok Medical College, ong°,Ill. Three poetgraduate cora during year 1
Lyes scionlitloally examined.
Latest Modern methods used.
OsOrose dyes straightened through proper-
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction Aesurod. o,.
Office hours : 10 to 12 a, na. i 1.21 to 0. p; m.
Saturday evening", • 7.10 to 0 0 olook.
Phone 26x
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howick Mutual fire • Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1 -Turnberry t Greet, Brussels
T. T. M' RAE
M. a.. M,,O. P.. el S. O,
M. O. E„ .Vlih,go of 13t1180e13.
Phyticlan, Surgeon, Aooeuohear
Offioe at residence, opposite Moly lllo Church,
William /treat.
In it1. egiVFC1 an?
s;tiowwd.�.bo.,.drarbv .ems
� `. �� / �•►---• ate -" /
b Car. Yange• and Alexander Sts. Toronto
Noted for high grout) Inatraotlon and
.' superior employment service. Arany
students from other Business Colleges
4 have been in attendance here during
the pest twelve months. Enter any Ff
time. N rite.tor catalogue. 5�•9
.65 ro Business young mon and young mimes - .�
to �
r Baan
i osR wlttah
1s now Canada's fl R
C- grontest profession We Haslet grcdu• '�.
ares to positions mad they have n pima- Q
Waal frith su which tnenables ahem to D
isteE with nnenek. Students are reg.
Serried snot week. Get our fret out•
Magna andlearn entsthlag about our
different departments,
( O. A. iy' LAOHLAN, PRiN.
H St.
Highest market prices
+ See me or Phone No, 2x, Bi•us-
'i1, eels, and I will call and get
your Poultry.
M.' Yollick
At no time in the history of the
Baking Industry has it been
more geeerelly appreciated that
is the greae•essentied in building
up a eteotlg, healthy body. You
can have " Roa)ity •Bread" by
Phone 32x
"► filet ttetblete Heir, when title place Watt
e wilderneae end in the elIne hon+e
which wuo built. then elle had lived
ever' shoe,
81133e v
who is.85 years old, and0r eh(Idis 1' nII
Mee. oohiuel3, Kitchener ; John, Bur -
1410 ; Prank, i
k J{ fol
!Elle! ; Mrs, {
nie, Kitchener; ales, W.Rieb, Detroit:
and Phomas Kitchener, In religion
rhe woo a Piegbytetian, +l'he body
was brought to the home here for
oral 11 ems Ping
MAITLAND river froze over last week,
RERVE BALKER is attending the
County Council, at Goderlob, this week
MoNrHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this
week. • Next Fait Thursday, January 8,
AUCTIONSale of Householdeffects at
the home of Peter McDonald, corner of
Church and John streets, -Brussels, Sat-
urday afternoon of this week ate o'clock.
D. M. Scott will be the Auctioneer, and
Sale will be without reserve. See the
posters for list.
'1'e1R brick residence of Peter McDon-
aid, corner Church and Joho streets, bas
been purchased by Mrs, Joseph Whit-
field, Brusselssoute, who recently sold
her property to Roy'I'buell. She gets
early possession, Mr. McDonald is
hording a sale of Household efiects Sat-
urday afternoon of this week,
Books have been sent to the Bible Soci-
ety Collectors of Brussels Branch for
this year's Contributions. Treasurer,
W. H. Kerr, will be pleased to receive
them by December rs, if possible, as the
financial year of the Society closes at
Toronto,' December 8o, before which
date the completed statement must be at
bead office to be counted id 1924 returns.
Will everybody concerned get busy at
once as
the timverye
shot t.
Phis week the Exeter Advocate passes
out of service of 37 years and is atnalga,
mating with the 'Dimes of that town,
that has J. M. Southcott at the helm.
Exeter is a good town but not good
enough to support 2 newspapers to this
day of high cost of production. We
wish Editor Southcott spleudid success
in his better field, while sorry to part
with our worthy fellow knights of the
quill in the persons of Bros, Sanders &
Creech, who are too well known to re-
quire a recommend from us. Soma say
the day of amalgamations is not over'
even yet.
A note from Mrs. Jae. Wilkinson;
Alberni, B. 0., formerly of Brussels,
renewing for THE POST says —]a is
very cold here and a littlesnow.—Geo,
J. Smith, Dauphin, Man., a former
rt) 3
e dent of th'
1 calif
y, rays :Crops:
were fair and prices good this year.
Winter tae set in but with fine weath-
er up to present.. I.enclose $e lo
boost my PosT ahead.
W. 1I, 8,—At a special meeting in
Walton. Church, on Nov. 21st., Mrs.
(Rov,l Harkness, Ripley, addtessed
elle . M. 8. Weather wee unfavor-
able but those who ventured out were
Well repaid, Mrs. Harkness tobk as
her subject Luke 18-11, "Christ heal-
ing the .infirm woman," She com-
pared the women in heathen lands,`
who are bowed down by iguornuce,
superstition and oppression, to this
woman and the members of the W.
M. S. as helpers with Ohrist in this
great work of healing and uplifting by
sending missionaries to loose them
from their infirmities and thus help
0hrietienize these heathen nations,
as Dr.; Margaret Patterson says," A
Nation's standard is set by its Woman-
A Convention of Presbyterian anti•
unionists of the Presbytery of Mai'
land was held in the Town Hall here
on Tuesday afternoon and evening or
last week. 14 C e ourg ai
out g
of 20
in the Presbytery sent delegates ofd
a strong anti uiou organization has
been effected The afternoon meeting
was in the nature of a Conference, of.
which Bev. J, S. Hardie: Lochalsh,
was Chairman. Revs, W. 111, McKay
and De. Wilson of DovercotulChurch,
Toronto, gave addresses on the vete.
onsphases anthe Pi
t sea x
naLlritl 6 r vote on
Church Union. Aaentutl committee
was elected consisting alley. D Pet
rhe,.1 A. McLean and W.A. H Bin.
tool, Wingham ; 417. Ytull, Bet:seals
W. Marshall, 'J,'eeswtatet' • trod W.
Connell, Lucknow, The evening
meeting, which was open to
the public, was largely
attended. Rev. Dir Wilson and Rev,
W. M, McKay, gave interesting ad-
dresses, Choir of St. Andrew's
Chin eh led the singing. The Union
We held a district Denten/rice here
Tuesday of lase week.
Dena AT IC(TOHENER—There died
ee Kitchener, while on e. visit, Louise
Kingsley, wife of Thomas' Caruthers,
of this town, le her 85th year, at the
dome of her daughter, Mee. 0ohinels.
'Che deoeitsed carne from Germany nt
the age of seven yearn. After some
yrets she married acid with her hue.
Mend came to Lower •\Vingham in
1882, when her husband set up the
fleet blacksmith shop. They were the
Thursday, Dec. 4th, 1924
Thursday, Jon. 8th, 1925
Thursday, Feb. 5th, .1925
Thursday, Mar. 6t1 •, 1925
Thursday, April 2nd, 1925
Leading Local and Outside Buyers will
be Present.
By Order of Council.
A 4 year old colt helonging to Mre,
ihaekott, Belfast, fell into it wall hitt
eves reecUetl not n10011 the worse for
its cold bath.
Postmaster Tasker purchased a lot
on tee front street this week from W.
Scott and It is his intention to build A
new pOStofOce on 10 in tile sprung, and
have a dwelling above it Tor Tris own
The local lodge I. 0. 0. F. held an
/"At Hoene" in their lodgerooms Fri-
day everting, at wheeh a number of the
menebers and their wives were present,.
A yery pleasant time was spent in
games of various Ones, It is the,
intention to have a number of these
during the Winter months -
'William Grey, of the t3th of I•lul
lett, entertained the members of the
Ring of his line on Thursday`
evening, and as this has been a cus-
toimary affair for Mr. and Mrs. Grey,
the members to show their esteem of
their 'hospitality read a very nice ad-
dress to host and hostess, expressing
their high appreciation of their hose!
talit,y and good qualities and also pre-
sented thein with a 'beantilul library
table, Mr, Grey thanked them for
thekind words and present,
The Deanery of Huron Sunday
School associatian held a very success
ful'coil veil tion Tuesday of last week in
Trinity Church, here Delegates
were preemie from Exeter, Goderich,
Clinton, Wingham and Dungannon.
f3. ,Teuuiligs, Exetec', presided, and the
program was divided Into 8 parte :
How to beach the lesson for Nov. 80 ;
a practical demonstration by a J.
Wethey el, A. principal of Exeter
High school. Round table conference,
conducted by Rev. A. A, Ttumper, L
Tb., Deanery Superintendent, A talk
on the various departtnents of the'
Sunday school by the tura' dean, Rev.
S. S. Hardy, M, A. Goderich,
(Top late for last week)
Mite Verna Harris spent part of last
week ether home in HOWiair.
Miss Jessie McGof ie,' Listowel, is
visiting with her brother, Jas. McGof-
fin and other friends,
Cameron and Mrs, Stewart spent
Sunday with- the latter's parents,
Thos, and 'Mrs. Me0lemrneut, 2ud
Con,, Howick.
Mrs. J. Stuttlebar,'Delhi, has been
visiting her sister, ales. Jas. Sangster,
and other relatives. She returned
home Satutdav accompanied by her
mother, r
a, R.
Robertson returned home
Saturday bight of last week from the
West, where he has spent the past
three months, with his brother, Cam-
eron, and his wife, Strathelair, Mari
He reports real good crops in that
801ItOOL REPORT —Following is the
report of U. S. S. No. 8 for the
months. of Sept, .*rid Out. Pupils
were examinedin Spell., Read„ Aritb.,
Comp, and Writing. Those marked
with a star missed more. than one ex- t
am, Sr. IV-4laudie Smith 72 ; Eva 1
Smith 70 ; "Lloyd McOluskie 67. Jr.
IV—Isobel MoOluskie 78 • Harvey b
S.ohade 64 Sr. III—Jean 'Campbell 1
78 ; Kenneth Campbell 72 ; Waldorf BSchade6l, Jr. III—Andy Holmes 75 ; e
*Ethel Young '74 ; Gladys' ,McIntosh a
68 Archie Smith 68 II O. Helen - H
Campbell 89 ; Clare Howe 79 ; Bobby 1)
RAINv�ars, tsra.ii t,Naiit'sl`1i+4s first-rll�s
Wednesday eU(Inb" a goodly nultt-
ber of their friend's and neighbors
For 'MJl1Intg
We are peeptired to pay the
highest posalbie pricer for all
kinds of prate.
Feed of all hinds on hand
T. G. Hemphill,
Ones 50, 21 29 antl 92 Wroxeter
Wright 78 ; Milton Denernotling 72 I
Howard Beyer 85, Pruner—Ralph
Scbade, good ; Billy Omnpbell, good ;
Walter Beyer, gond,
Buren hl, Dank,
We are sorry tee.atate the rather
sudden death of the late Mise Wherry,
Lie ow el
t 9 who bad ad be
en visiting her
sieterd la
u w, Mrs. Bennettt
R Daye
Vogan'e, when she was stricken with
pneumonia and died within a few
days of her illness, 'Phe interment
took Place in Listowel Friday Novem-
ber 21.
Lawson Doig has the sympathy 01
many friends since he has been in bed
suffering from a beakers knee cap, re•
stilt of being kicked by a house, He
was riding in the buggy at the time
with two other boys and while turu-
ing around the horse, which bad been
idle most of the Summer, kicked sev-
eral tines over the dashboard, striking
Lawson on the knee. We are very
enrry he has been suffering severely
siuce but we hope he 'nay soon feel
more like himself:'
[Intended for last week)
Mrs. Wnt. Bray, Dungannon, 'spent
the week end with Robt. and Mrs.
We are glad to know that Mrs.
Coultess is improving, after her ser-
ious Illness.
We are indeed sorry to report that
Mts. Duff sr., is not improving, as her
many friends would wish.
Raymond Elliott 'has secured the
position as patrolman for the High-
way from Wingham to Wroxeter.
Rev. Wm. Taylor, Moorefield, occu-
pied the pulpit In Ithe Presbyterian
-church Sunday morning andpreached
an able sermon. Rev. Mr. Tate took
the services 'at Moorefield,
P. S. and Mrs. McEwen, 2nd con.,
Turnberry, entertained the choir of
Knox Church, Bluevale, Monday night.
All report an enjoyable time. As
host and hostess Mr. and Mrs.
cannot be surpassed.
The members of the Ladies' Aid
and Missionary Society presented Mrs.
Hammond with a beautiful Morocco
bound Hyinnai, as a slight token of
their appreoriationof her valuable ser-
vice in their societies.
We listened to an able discourse de-
livered by the pastor, Rev. L. C.
Wilkinson on Sunday evening in the
,Methodist church. What with assiduity
to duty and persistant study Mr. Wilk-
nson will yet be one of the •bright
ights of the Methodist 'church.
We are pleased to welcome to our
urg Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, of New
hamburg, who have purchased the
luevele Creamery. We wish them.
very success.. At the same time we
re very sorry to lose Harold and Mrs.
antmond and little son, who have
ved in our village for a number of
Do Your Christmas Shopping Now
With Christmas on the way you should DECIDE NOW
on your Gift List for this year. Come in now while our
stocks are complete. We will hold any selection until Xmas
%IQ/GBeautifully Cut Blue White
Set in 14k green and white Gold Mountings. Your eI ohne
of fenny styles .,...:,.835,00, 850.00, 875 00, $1.o0.0o, 3125 00
Here's Big Value
M'il's Pocket Wateltes in Gold Filled Gases, 17
and 15 .1esvels—'3Vlfh130, Regina, Elgin. See
our complete line at Special Prices.
Boxes, Priced time ... ......
Waldemar Chains
Waldemar Knives
Cut Glass
Gifts You are Proud
to Make
Let us show you our stock of Pearl
Strands all put up in beautiful Gift
......... •-.•••.:$1.60 up to $2000 each
Cuff Lins Bar Pins
Tie Plus Vanity. Cases
Silverware Fancy Ohina
Autostrop and Gillette Safety Razors
Selecting the Christmas Kodak is a very
simple matter at our store, Our stock is
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
and Pencils. See the new 0nrdinal
Pen—Gold filled baud and clip, at .....$400
25 year point, It's a dandy.
Buy Now. Join our Christmas Shopping Club
4.1 R. WENDT
gathered at the Bali en Bluevale.to
Speed ao
s t
eta evening vee ng with Mr. atld
Hammed and presented thele
With . a lovely Walnut Library Cable,
The everting was 'spent in games, nin4-
lc and social Chat after which luwclz
was served, The 'gathering, was
brought 10 a close by wishirng Mr. and
Mrs, Hammond God Speed and Sing-
ing "Por they are jolly good fellows."
Burge, Uhu,rrnan of etre Mote
hers'ster et-
lowance board foe the Province of
Ontario, met the Huron County Board
et the Rabtenbury Boase, Mr, Bryee
reported that there were now 4,058
families with 12,878 children receiving
help from the Mother's allowance
board and that for these over 4,000
checks are brlugin good ebeer and
health to the kiddies and widowed
mothers, Total amount paid out due-
iug last year was !1,708,000, and Cost
of administration was less than 5 per
, Averager
amount of allowance
t the mothers hers
t was $35 71
paid per
month, which was
p d jointly by the
province and counties. Members of
the board preeent at the meeting were
G. W. Holm tu, Go•lerich, Chairmen r
A. T Cooper, Clinton, Secretary ;
Mee. (Dr ) Fowler (Hinton ; Mrs, Me -
Kien, Goderich; and Mayor Hays, Sea.
forth. Mrs It. M. Graham, London,
the investigator;for this district, also
attended the meeting..
(intended torlast week)
Communion will he observed in
Knox Church on Sabbath, Dec. 7th.
Several from this community attend-
ed' the funeral of the late Lawrence
Wheeler, Brussels, last week. He
was deservedly esteemed.
The Ladies' Guikl of.Trinity 'Church,
Belgrave, will hold a Bazaar and sale
of Homemade Baking in the L. C. L.
Hail, her; on Saturday, Dec. 6.
Rev, Mr. Moores took part In the
Institute program at Brussels Wed-
nesday of last week and the week be-
fore gave an address at the Spiritual
Conference ,at Westfield.
'Presbyterian church here has been
supplied of late by Rev. Mr. McDougal,
Teeswater, and Rev. Mr. Hagen, Tor-
onto. For the present Rev. Mr. Good -
wilt is expected to take charge of the
While R. E. Jackson, Wingham, and
James Swan, Brucefield, traveller for
Gould, Shaply & Muir, were driving 7
males out of Wingham they met with
rather a serious accident. Tom Dun-
bar, Belgrave, crashed into the car
which Mr. Jackson was driving, at an
intersection. The car was thrown 30
completely efel
p and and
Y rt)
the contents of the car, which was
heavily laden, were thrown over a
fence near by, the men still remaining
in the car and unconscious for a time.
The friend who was driving with Mr.
Dunbar was thrown through the wind-
shield, hes face and head being badly
cut. He was immediately taken to a
doctor. The front wheel of the
Jackson car was taken off. Mr. Dun -
bar's car was badly smashed up. He
claimed he did not see the other car.
Mr. Dunbar was 1101 hurt in any way,
While Mr. Jackson and Mr. Swan es-
caped with some bruises and a bad
shaking up. Mr. Jackson and Mr.
Swan think their car, being heavily
loaded, saved their lives.
(Teo late for last week)
Funeral of the late Jno. Abtarn, Bei -
more to
ok lace.
Ln thelV'
P ter cern..
etery, Monday afternoon, Rev. Dr,
Brawn conducting the service.
Tbos and Mrs. Gibson have arrived
from Winnipeg The Fortner will con-
tinue the 81337,1011 busitiess of his
brother, the late J. R. Gibson.
Mrs W. 11 Robinson has returned
to Humboldt, Sask , after spending
the Summer, with her daughter, Mrs.
J. R, Wendt, and other friends here,
F. F. Wright, Hawick, who recently
sold his 1. rill to Jno, Huffer, had a
sale of feu neetnek and iruptetuents and
has moved to Jos. Lovell's house in
At 1110 N. ruination meeting held in
the Council Chamber, Monday evening
the following were nominated : lteeve
-Jno, flenneherg and Tno, Douglas.
Forrurr Uoutcillois was elected viz
A. 3. Sande,enn. N. White, Atex.
Wright end G S. Leckie.
A Rel+gone' and Educational Insti-
tute under the auspices of the Wing.
hamDistrictand 'Maitland Presbytery
was held in the Methodist church
Thursday afternoon and evening.
Excellent add Passe were given by the
follnwing iuuns3Prs, R"vds 0, A. My.
fete, Toronto B. F. Chandler., Wal-
ton • W, A, iredley, Teeswater; err,
A. Barnard, Fordwich ; and A. Mores,
F. W Fee, Dungannon, has opened
a photo studio in Lucknnw,
Oubncillor earnpbell, Hensel!, has
been seriously i11.
Sugar beets were a good crop in
Huron County South,
School girls were t
bent -
en byClintonClintnu at basketball.
Winghnnt War Memorial has had a
cluster of lights planed at it for night
A fractured ]rip was suffered by
Mrs. Wm, Cameron, Seaforth, by a
fall while going down steps at her
J, M. and Mrs, Goventoek, Win-
throp, celebrated the 40th anniversary
of their marriage, alnidet hearty Con-
13A.nLY Golts» ]1Y' BULt„—James
McGregor, of the Township of Tuck -
mend th, was seriously injured when
a bull which he had taken out to wat-
er aLtaoked ,him, goring hint badly'
about the body, initrting frightful
wounds with its horns, Mr, t4leGt'og.
or was alone at the titneand hie escape
from instant death is reruarkablo,
His life, ie saved by the door coating
shut against the bull and allowing Mr.
McGregor to almost drag himself to-
wards the house, only a short diatan-
be from the barn, The services of :rev.
eral doctors were quickly obtained
Art # n Cr
nite and Marble
t VERY piece of work we do is
�w treated like a master -piece of
art before it can pace Cllr rigid.
inspection. Lcr,g experience in all
the different treata)ente ref expeee-
elon in granite enables tur to produce
the last touob that makes perfection.
Cemetery work promptly attend-
ed to.
A, E. HERSEY, Prop.
and Me. MCGieyor is doing as well as
can e ectal
b expected,
Edward Knight, of the London
road Booth, owns a cow whose settee
of direction can scarcely be excelled.
She walked home last week, a distance
of 8 miles, from the pasture ferns and,
finding t tg ono barnyard gale locked,
calmly walked vonnd the corner to an-
other gate and up to the stable door,
In walking the 8 miles the would have,
made at least 4 turns and this was her
first Summer on pasture.
came suddenly to Samtael Mad-
ge, life long resident of IIsborne town-
ship,. on Nov, 12. A. victim of Brights
disease, the deceased was in apparent
good health till Sunday night, He had
attended Armistice Day eervice,"but
was suddenly stricken. He is surviv-
ed by his widow, foarnealy Miss Ern-
estine Knight, and 2 children, a sou
Land a daughter, also his father and
Mother and 8 sister s. He was in his
36th year. The funeral took place to
Exeter Cemetery.
Canadian -Pacific
affords a large variety of
routes, either both ways
via Chicago, or one-way
via the majestic Cana'
dian Pacific Rockies
and those delightful re-
sorts on the Paetftc
Coast, Vancouver
and Vfciorta
Fisc Tama SERVICES Dana,
.Pills not only
prevent bad
results, bat
,fits front the
best food
you ever ate."
Food is certain to cause distressuntil you MI-
provedigestiveactionand sweetenthestom-
ach. You can do this quickly and surely by
taking Beecham'sPills. Theirnaturalaction
stimulates theflowof gastricjuice, increases •
activity of liver and bowels and improves
digestion. Take Beechanl'sPjlls with confi 1
dente, for 80 years' experience prove they
are good for the stomach.
Sold Everywhere in Canada
Fall Supplies
Welter's Hardware
Quebec Heaters, large size, $18.00
Happy Thought and McClary Ranges'
Stove Boards and Coal Hods
Stove Pipes and Elbows
Electric and Oil Heaters
Roofing lana
Horse Blankets
Stable andStorin. Sash Beaver Board
Cement, Lime and Paristotie
We can :su ll Repairs for .l' � all makes Oi Stoves