HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-03, Page 3Northerly Advance of
Corn Belt
Not many years have elapsed eiJee
corn crowing to nertllerp Illt Cie was
thought to be a Seneewltat risky under-
taking. Now ,-the state of Illinois is
considered to he about the centre of
the cern growing area. 'Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and the Dakotas have all
become Corn growing states and the
advance of the corn plant has' con-
itnuGd across the Canadian border in
to iilanitoba, Saskatchewan, and Al-
berta and in these provinces oacli sec-
coeding year sees corn beteg triad a
little farther north, In recent years
these attempts have beeu associated
with a fair degree of success, so much
eo that the future of corn growing in
the Prairie Peen/aces seems assured.
Not only hoe Born been advancing
steadily northward across the prairies
but this year a -report from the Do-
minion Experimental 'Substation at
Swede Creek, In the Yukon Territory,
near the Alaska Boundary, showed
tbat on August 1, a dwarf variety was
forming ears. This is a good omen
for the ultimate success even .in that
northern area.
Growth at Fort Vermilion.
Considering, bowever, the prairie
farming area,.the paasibilities of Corn
growing in the northern parts le indi-
cated. by tbesuccess that has attended
the efforts at the Beaveriodge and Fort
Vermilion Dominion Experimental sta-
tides, both situated hi northern Alber-
ta. At the latter station, which le
about 650 miles north of the Interna-
tional Boundary, the Department of
Agriculture has for a number of years
conducted variety tests with the more
common commercial varieties of field
corn, including Wisconsin No, 7, White
Cap Yellow Dent, Bailey, Longfellow,
North Western Dent, Quebec No, 28;
Canada Yellow. etc These varieties
ranged in yield of green -material •ln
1922, which was a good corn year,
from 1536 tons in the cane of Wiscon-
sin No 7 to 243f tons in the case of
Longfellow. The experiments showed
that with better adapted types profit -
table crops of Corn fodder should be
possible At Beaveriodge, smaller
Yields are usually -secured, but here
also sufficient fodder is obtained to
promise an encouraging future of
adapted corn' Varieties At stations in
the more southern sections of the
Prairie Provinces crops of fodder are
beteg secured from the varieties pre-
viously mentioned, that fu many cases.
compare favorably with what is pro-
duced tbrough :eastern Ontario Un-
der irrigated Conditions at Lethbridge,
in southern 'Alberta, as high as 48
tons of green fodder per acre bas been
secured in exceptionally favorable sea-
sons, and seldom bas it not been pos-
sible to produce profitable crops,
Varieties of Corn.
In the experiments conducted at
Brandon, Manitoba, for four years
with ten varieties of corn, the yields
as harvested ranged front 11% tons to
191n'tons. These results indicate that
the possibilities of corn growing for
fodder purpoes in the southern Mani-
toba section are very encouraging,
Such early maturing varieties as
Bebe, Improved . Squaw, Manitoba
Flint„ early selections of North Weat-
ern Dent, North Dakota White Flint,
Howes. Flint, etc., can be ripened each
year with a fair degree of certainty
and' serve as a source of grain corn,
Some growers who planted corn
without consideration of variety, soil
treatment and suitable locality leave
been disappointed. In view of the
fact, bowever, that corn breeding is
only in its infancy and that varieties
at present existent will grow over a
large area of the Canadian prairies It'
scents reasonable to expect profitable,
corn growing hi the future to continue'
to extend northward even beyond the
the line of present day settlement.
When I have borne in memory what
bas tamed
Great nations, how ennobling thoughts
When men ohange swords for ledgers;
and desert ,
dr people.
Roasted and packed same c t
day in airtight cans
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations — O'Dafly, Daly,
Daley, Dale.
RacIai Oileln lrlslt,
Source—A given name,
While the family naines of Ireland
and Scotland are more often indicative
Of blood than those of England, they
are not necessarily so, for both the
Irish and the Scottish Clans of the
olden days were composed of then who
merely acknowledged the leadership
of the various Chiefs, as well as those
who actually were related to them.
But most of the Irish natnes, through
such clan Connections as these, trace
straight back to very definite sources
The source of the Daily group of
names was tho great-grandson of
"Adamh," who was a brother of
"Fargal," the 156th monarch of an-
cient Ireland..
This chief was "Dallach," The
name is derived from the Gaelic word
for "blind," and the clan which he
founded took from him the name of
"O'Dallaighee' '
Like so many of the Irish clan
names, it has developed a number of
different English spellings, due in part
to the effort to get a spelling that in
the latter language correctly repre-
Bents the sound, and in part tb the en-
forcement of British lege' enactments
at varlons periods intended to foster
the English language and customs,
Eupbon1cally either Daily or Daly is a
correct English rendering Of the
name. In the case of Dale, some bear-
ers of -the name, either through choice
or presspre, have gone a step further
and taken this English Irish one, al-
though of different origin,
A "Music Room" in Tour
New Home.
That in planning a new boom the
architect or builder should givo 0e
tittle tlloug'ht to Meltable rieeMimodse
tion for a piano and try and -"wont in"
a music room, if possible, le the eon.
tonttan of Mr. George ?Ingle, a Well-
known mttsialevet' of Ottawa.
Alr,•Pingie made a point reeeetty of
examining a considerable number of
new llamas In the Ottawa district, and
he had been disappointed to dud' that
a large percentage of the houses un-
der Construction, of just completed,
did not have blank wall measurements
of sutlietent width to accommodate the
average Menu. In the living rooms 0f
many houses there were the usual
front windows, frequently three in a
LEWIS. row. On the one side there was gen-
Variations—Lewisoni- Lewes, Ludwig, erelly the• wide archway beading into
Raoldl.Origin—Old _Teutonic.
Source—A given Hnle,
Your natural Conclusion is that the
surname of Lewis and its variations
are but developmento of the Christian
na'ine of Louis, despite the difference
in spelling; and in the main We is
true, though Lewis also is traceable to
other sources,
However, the original form of the
given name Louis was not Louis. It
was Chlodowig, It was brought into
western Europe in the barbarian In-
vasions which swept out the Roman
governments and submerged the Cel-
tic populations, It was a fighting
name, It meant "Glorious Fight."
In what to -day is Prairce, the name
became softened and shortened under
the influence of the Latinized Celts, in-
to Clovis. Then, through the dropping
of the initial "C," and the further soft -1
ening of the "v" to the sound of "w" ,
or "u," it became Louis. Taken into
England by the Normans, it often
came to be spelled Lewis. In what is
to -day Germany only the "Ch" was
dropped, and the second "o" slurred B
over, remaining as. Ludwig. Still far-
ther east it has retained more of the
original form as Ludovica. In all these
parts of Europe it became a family;
name in the same manner that other
given names have.
But through the English, the name
traces back often in the middle ages
to Levi, many of the Jews coning to
the country deciding to Anglicize their
names. It also traces back in a few
instances to Lewis, the name of a city
in. England. e
the front room from the hallway. On
the other side there was invariably the
fireplace and mantel, which occupied
the greater portion of the wall space.
Leading into the dining room of moat
homes, there was found the open arch-
way or sliding or folding doors, which
took up •muchoof the htelde wall. In
many instances, this ,left only those
sections of the four walls which form-
ed the four corners of the living room,
and the wall measurements were of-
ten insufficient for the placing of the
If or when • the piano is installed,
the householder finds that it must
stink out at an angle, a portion of the
instrument blocking the passageway
into the hall of into the adjacent din-
ing room. This forms a nuisance and,
at the same time, when the piano has
to be placed at an angle it takes up
valuable floor apace, thus crowding
the room. Mr. Pingle believes that
the present tendency in house con-
struction is a detriment to music. Mr.
Pingle also has the suggestion to
make that architects and builders,
Would u d be encouraged to design mod-
est residences in which there would
be a room which could be designated
as a "Music Room,"
A Wallet in a Cake of Ice.
Henry Alston was very careful and
methodical—a circumstance that call-
ed forth mucb good-natured teasing
from his college room -mate, Tom
"If that card with your name and
address that I just saw you putting in
your pooketbook ever does a particle
of good, Hank," said Tom, "please let
me know how, when and where. You
lose the purse and see how quick ran'
get It back!"
"Bet you that card would helit!"'de-
classed Henry.
"Bet you it wouldn't!:"
Some time later Henry's .sailing.
canoe upset, and Henry was rescued
after he had been in the water several
boors. On removing his wet clothes
he discovered that his pocketbook con-
taining twenty-two dollars was miss-
ing. He could ill afford to lose the
"Never you mind, though," Tom
comforted him, "some big kind fish is
going to read that address card and
conte waddling up here with your
money stuck right under •his fin!"
All that fall and winter a knock at
their door instantly elicited from Tom
some such remark as, "Hurry up,
Hank, hurry up! Here's that obliging'
old fish with your wallet!"
One warm day the following May
have bought their farms in `Western
Canada from the Canadian Pacific. Ai
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a
reason. The large area of our bold
Ings affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
Mice, fair contract, and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil,' good climate and social condi-
tions make farm life there, desirable
and attractive. Tbousands more will
elect their farm from our virgin lands,
rem our Improved farms, and with
ome capital . and determination to
work, can make a home and pay for
t. Write fax ottr booklet, "The Prairie
rovinces of Canada," and leaflet,
Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
orwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
ailway, Desk W., Windsor Station,
!entree', Que.
The student's bower for gold, some e
fears unnamed
I bad, my country—am I to be blamed?
Now, when I`thtnk of thee, and what i
thou art, P
Verily, in the bottom of_my heart, "
Of those unfillal fears I am, ashamed, N
For dearly must we prize thee; weR
who find 11
In thee a bulwark tor the cause of
And I by my affection was beguiled;
What wonder if it poet now and then,
Among the many movements cif his
Felt for thee as a lover ore child!
Tommy Truffle's Discovery,
Little Tommy Truffle bad madea
discovery, and, being of a generous
disposition, was eager to share it with
"1 ls---" he began.
Mother sWoopetl down at once on
the little fellow,
"I am,' not '5 is,' she corrected.
Tommy looked a little pained; al-
most a little doubtful. But he was an
obedient boy
"1 am the ninth letter of the alpha-
bet," he announced.
(Meath of Juniper,
The wood used in making "Cedar
Cluiate" comes from a epooigs of ;suns•
Henry received a letter bearing the
• pcstmarlt of a nearby town. As. he
finished reading it he uttered a joyous
howl and thrust it undee the eyes of
his rodmmate,
I"Dear Mr. Alston," the letter ran,
"yesterday my wife asked me to pound
up some lee for ice cream, and while
using the mallet in vigorous style I
came across something black' and lite. Delaymay even result in con-
enable—a leather wallet containing sum tion, that most hopeless of'dis
twenty-two .dollars in bilis and a card
your name and address. The eases. When the blood is poor and
watery give Dr. Williams; Pink Pills
(case is a little the worse for wear, but.. g►
i the money is O.K. A queer chance, coupled with nourishing food and gen-
my finding the article, and I'd like to tie . out-of-doors eeercise, The new
1hear the history sometime. Am re- life-giving blood which follows a fair
turning all to you intact by registered 'use of Dr. S'illiatns' Pink Pills stimu-
mail. Yours truly, L. M. Hawkins."
lates the nerves, increases the appe- r
Lite and brings the glow of health to
pale cheeks. Mrs. W. E. Armour,
Find New Health Through the
Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
There must be no guesswork in the
treatment of pale, anaemic girls and
children. If your daughter is languid,
has a pale, sallow complexion, is short
of breath after slight exertion or on
going up stairs, if she has palpitation
of the heart, a poor appetite, or a ten-
dency to faint; 'she has anaemia—the
medical name for poverty of the blood.
Any delay in treatment may leave her
weak and sickly for the rest of her
On a Quiet Conscience,
Close Utile* eyes, and sleep 'Mete's;
Thy 'out is safe, they betty Isere.
Ile that genres thee, he that .keeps,
Never ;slumbers, never sleers:
A quiet coneeleaco In the breast
Has only ponce, line only rest,
The wisest and tlx mirth of kings
Thou of tune unless site sings;
Are ou
close thine eyes In peace and
sleep soouro,
No sleep so sweet as thine, no rest
'0 sura,
-Charles I.
Requiem for a Croesus.
To him, the moon was a silver dollar
Into the shy by some mysterious hand;
the suit
Was a gleaming golden coin,
Itis to purloin;
The freshly minted Stars were dimes
of delight
k'iung out , upon the counter of the
In yonder room be lies,
With pennies on his eyes,
-Lew Berets,
Constipation is one 01: themlost cool
mon ailments of childhood and th
child suffering from it positively ca
not thrive. To keep the little one wel
the bowels must be kept regular an
the stomach sweet. To do this not
ing can equal Baby's Own Tablets
They area mild but thorough laxative
are pleasant to take and can be:given
to the newborn babe with perfect safe
ty. Thousands of mothers use n
other medicine for their little ones bu
Baby's Own Tablets. They are sol
by medicine dealers or by mall at 2
cants a box: from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
To Beat the United. States.
Rome is to be modernized. The
slums of the Italian capital are to be
cleared away, a large programme of
new building is to be undertaken, and
there is even to be an underground
railway system.
But perhaps the most striking of all
the plans for bringing the Eternal Oity
up to date is the scheme for a 'mam-
moth skyscraper, which. Is to have
eigthy-five stories as against America's
highest of fifty.
The height of the Woolworth Build-
ing in New York is 750 feet, while the
Eiffel Tower goes' 234 feet higher. But
the Italian project, if it materialises,
will beat both these. Its tower, which
will rise in telescopic perpendiculars
from a base of twenty stories high, is
designed to top 1,155 feet.'
Five thousand offices, a great amplti-
thaatre, a concert hall, a theatre, and
extensive galleries are all to he ho,iaed
in this world-beating skyscez„et,
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Slightly Muddled.
After the usual Saturday -night romp,
the children gathered in the drawing-
oom for some music. They sung sev-
inat i Vern)*, r ct.l, ye
Makers e!so of
of the
,3.4Cli co.,,•� r:M.i? .i-`MOiuTRirvt ;.
A Ppem You Ought to Know. Classified Advertisements
"She Was a Phantom of Delight" I AGENTS WANTED
When William Wordsworth and bis ! p NY PERSON who wants to EARN
sister were touring the Highlands of L MONEY in SPARE TIME, Writs
n- Scotland the poet saw a girl whose immediately. Sales Manager, Dept.
1 beauty, innocence, and charm made a W„ 1225 Bay St., Toronto.
d lasting impression on his mind, if not
h -`
upon his heart, Real Irish.
One of ]tis ,moist beautiful poems,
• . "The Highland Girl," was the result, Pat—"Wily are you wearing so many
and the first two of the following three coats on such a hot dee'?"
stanzas. The last was added after his
.Mike (Carrying a paint can) -"I am
o marriage, and the whole poem is thus gain to paint my fence, and 1t says.
t mage to refer to his wife, who was to obtain best results put On three
dd not, of course, the Highland girl coats'"
She was a Phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight,
A lovely Apparition, eent
To be a moment's ornament;
Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair;
Like Twilight, too, her dusky hair;
But all things else about her drawn
From May -time and the cheerful
A dancing Sbape, an Image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and waylay,
Locate Historic Spot. Havelock, Ont„ says;—"My little girl
The aid of Miss Annie Thompson, got into a very poor state of health.
Brantford centenarian, will.be' sought.
She was weak, very much run down
by the Brant Historical Society in fix -j, and as the doctor did not seem to do
Ing the exact •location of Brant's ford. her any good, I thought I would try
over the Grand River, This was so; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After taking
named because Chief Josepli'Brant, six boxes of the pills she got nice and
Indian warrior and leader of Revolu• I rosy and strong again. 1; would re-
tionary days, who headed the exodus 1.eommend Dr. 1'(riiliants' Pink Pills to
of a portion of the Six Nations to Can- anyone weak and rundown,"
aria when the Colonists won their re-� You can get these pills through any
volt, used it frequently. From this dealer in medicine or. by mall postpaid
Wil -
name was derived the present ulama at 60 cents a box. from The Dr. Wil -
of the City. It is located north of the Hanes' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
present river crossing by means of °
the Lorne Bridge, and the Historic; Composers and Old Instru-
Sites and Monuments Board is now meats.
considering the advisability of mark -The marvel of the classic sonatas
ing it permanently as of historic in- for thepianois increased for us when
.__ we remember the defective instru-
The- Work for Lepers. menta for -which they were written,
and on which they were first played.
In Beethoven's day, for example, thea
piano bad a compass of only five and i
a half octaves and but little tone. 810-
faart's piano was an octave shorter than'.
that. It is surprising what these two
great men did with the piano which
was all they had. Similarly it cannot!
be doubted that the extraordinary de.'
velopment of piano -music beauty made
by Chopin was due in some measure
to those improvements in the Mattel-'
meat during the nineteenth century,II
of which he was able to take advent -1
The Brltlslt Mission to Lepers
society celebrates this month the com-
pletion of fifty years of relief work in
India, China and other Asiatic coun-
Real Wisdom,
Wise men profit by their awn ex-
perience; the still wiser by the ex-
perience of others.
Dry for Nine Years.
In the Montagu district of Cape Col-
ony no rain has fallen for nine years.
Watch your Ski �t
It's upto you to look your best
Young gills, old girls, plain girls, pretty
girls—don't we all know those days be-
fore the
mirror when, with a sigh, we
turn away and say,
"Gosh—I do look plain!"
On those days when our skin looks bad
and won't get right—our noses won't
powder—our eyes are dull! We all know them. But Wise
women watch their skin and at the first sign of some-
thing take the best remedya dose of
Beecham's PIlls.
tthey purify the blood, clear the skin, make you happy,
bright and attractive Sold ,Everywhere fn Canada.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Orders,
No Such Place.
"Where did the car hit him?" naked 1
the coroner,
At the junction of the dorsal and i
cervical vertebrae; replied the inedi-!
Cal witness,
And the burly foreman rose from his f.
Man and boy, I've lived in these!,
parts for fifty years," he protested,:
ponderously, "an' I never heard of the
BIg Hunter,
O'Grady had conceived a •grudger
against O'Connor, and sought for ai
way to pay him out.
"I say, O'Connor," Ile said, "you re-
member you told me you had hunted
tigers In West Africa? Well, Captain
Smith tells ole there are no tigers
there," i
"Quito right, quite right," said O'Con-
nor, blandly. "I killed them nil." '
Minard's Liniment Retrieves Pale. I<
I saw her upon nearer view
A spirit, yet a woman too!
Her household motions light and free,
And steps of virgin -liberty;
A countenance in which did meet
Sweet records,' promises as sweet;
A Creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food;
For transient sorrows, simple wiles,
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A Being breathing thoughtful breath,
A Traveler between life and death;
The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength and
skill ;
A perfect Woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to Comfort, and command;
And yet a Spirit still, and bright
i With something of angelic light,
oral songs, but at last it was eight
o'clock. Then mother said:
"Now, children, choose a hymn to
finish up with, and then you must all.
say good -night."
"Let's have 'Ere Again Our Sabbath
Close,' " said little Elsie, as she turn-
ed over the pages of the big hymn - ;i
"Well, I think that would be more
suitable for to -morrow night," replied
other, with 'a fond smile.
The child looked. puzzled.
' ° °'° S `■, torture from
rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago?
Sri= 013' moll glace permanent toilet. Bent
se use --absorbed through the feet• --aura to tt,
results. run particulars tree,
Dept. J,
1200 Queen St. W„ Toronto, Ont.
� rove Your
"But you always do air our Sabbath a r
clothes on Saturday night, don't you, e
mother? she asked. 1p
Phosphate if you want your
Missed Nis Calling. complexion to clear, eyes to brighten,
Client—"Didn't you make a mistake and skin to became soft and smooth.
in going into law Instead of the Thin, nerve -exhausted people grow
ArmY7" !strong on Bitro-Phosphate and drug-
Lawyer—"Why?" ,, gists guarantee it. Price $1 per pkkge.
"By the way you charge, there would Arrow Chemical Co., 26 Front St. East,
be little left of the enemy." : Toronto, Ont.
a TV.ENp5o (wasp ar D,Iueeisr, s-opszci',a .
a,ra,Q,1 rues rTq CAftL 5005 MUSIae c0. styrn5O,VM
Gold in the Head
Heat Minard's and inhale often.
Splendid for catarrh.
Cuticula Quickly Relieves
Icing Skins
Bathe freely with Cuticura Seep
and bot water, dry and apply Cuti-
cura Ointment to the affected parts.
For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri-
tations, etc., they are wonderful.
Nothing so insures a clear skin and
good Bair as making Cuticura your
every -day toilet preparations.
eaepia Sana Pr.e by ,fall. Ad, Tee Oenedlaa
nape: oatlears, P. o, :Fo: ac1a, Talcums t,,•
Price Boarya our
nowtSbandng Talcum no,
'" TTY oar new Shaving Stich,
Received Much Benefit by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound
Chatham, Ontario.—"I startedto get
weak after my second child was born,
and kept on getting
worse until I, Could
notdo myownhonse
work and was so bad
with my nerves that
I was afraid to stay
alone at any time. I
had a girl working
for me a whole year
before I was able to
domywashing again.
Through a friend I
learned of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
b e Compound and took four bottles of
it. I gave birth to a baby boy the 9th
day of September, 1922. I am still doing
my own work and washing, Of course
I don't feel well every day because I
don't get my rest as the baby is so cross.
But when Iet rely, rest x.feel fine. I
am still taking the Vegetable Com-
pound and ant � going to keep on with .it
until cured. My nerves are a lot better
since taking it. I can stay alone day or
night and not be the least frightened,
You can use this letter as a testimonial
and I will answer letters from women
asking ab
out the Veritable Compound. "
—Mrs, CuA
orY 27
oraythd .
Street, Chatham, Ontario,
Mrs. Careen is willing to write to any
kirl or woman suffering ,from female
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Accepton! ,uBa err
$asks a which contains proven directions.
Bandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
A3Olttn to the trade mark (registered le Canada) of Bayer Mnnufactbre or etoueaeetic-
ncidester of SanSybracld (Acetyl Battcylte Acid, 'A. S, A,"). While It la melt known
A ciirhotnpdL, neer elaumtsctt,tq'ito vigor
the public against hattatioeo, the Tabled,
general nom warke tee 'aures (kesn:'