The Brussels Post, 1924-12-03, Page 2POULTRY "
A Attie time spent now in ntarking
the pullets so as to indicate w}len each
started laying will be a great help in
culling the flock next summer. The
only equipment needed is a catching
F EGG t} i h' h half the hay was re- crate and a supply of colored celluloid
While. a good .laying strain is the gams of 1,82 pounds
41W" snit
FEEDING POR WINTER on n tc + retie;
PRODUCTION. .placed b straw mad@ average daily Once in three or four weeks is often
1 d in the same
primary factor hi winter egg pi Period. Equally sat t silage was a different eql r should bo d each
isfacto gains enough to go over the flock: Ruud
Ck' ILPRE I bunday School Les
Snowflakes sifted down softly, Now
and then't}fe silence was broken by
alai the jingle of a, passing eleigh,bel•1 or
the protesting snort of ..motor trying
to buckthe rafts,
The Matt Born Blind, John' 9; 1-41, Golden Text—On veryone who ahorishe$ fife apiri
Chiang I know, that, whereas 1 was blind, now 1 see.-^* of Christmas and who enjoys a Party
will find eomething• pleasing in a
John 9: 25.
d, t t
h d when cora h r �tNALxsIe. 8 1. h h tl send st fief
In the living room Staneia Was e.= ono of the
Tt should be borne in mind, how,bow deep in time paper^. She was v`wo s'rAnia IN A caraviia'r s a•;xeERiENaE We ae�ntt,esson�v He answers:. "Lard, I ten in red ink on gr
letter feeding methods were ,adapted: � of duction. ,. + be I. alrgua 08 A a'norH>•ar 13-17 28•$4. ,r in white ink on red c
e ,, q a Owe. eco , Christ. ends one o the
to of the Boar, the stamping of feet, and . or uiNps AND WAD CP Latina; $5 88,' chapters in the gospel history,coal and on the back write a verso,
age Seal an the fallowing,
1. 'o^ or use a
duction, suitable feeds and feeding; oV8 been made time, and a record kept of what each
methods are almost as important, 11 replaced by neetp, ,
_ cedar means is the way of egg Pro-
Christmas star par y,
i9-11, This is the attitude in which ar,s ed inv}tations Writ-
een eardbogrd or
^ ever: that the roughage must doing up the aims that were topp Cardboard. In the
the winter egg production on the avail old be Por example, a bias bond may ,b p c a bangTI, JESUS I9 AI3p MEsslAii mHE 0.84. bel}eve, and falls on his knees ve iest centre of the star paste a Christmas
sage farm could probably be increased' geed quality, and the hay it neves, Placed on each Pullet that begins
sent ot f to Th amo So df to e
m at leant profits per cent produced' =argely feed clover. Otherwise lay before reaching six months of n t t Tri gr L"r N Tho n a ave f
Secy feed considorable concentrat@s hit a D@lata stgod in the doorway.
- - a red band for each a ear DU IO a r 9 O .. :
pullet u „rho Blind h a in John a rvee a' t tar bright,
at ellowen slit and
seven months, an iseases the eye aro
When heifers .have been allowed to ciativel3', "it smells lovely in here.' double purpose: (1) T.o illustrate the common in the East than with us, May you find a star to ziight
fall awe in flesh before being stabled a, yellow band for those that start at Staneia Verne smiled. "Ti's the heal P J d h' tri
y between r or ,t + h menthe. y U d ff T
sevensea n pzesen o illustrate ca arae an aP enema arome prepared, play—
be et two Just think how bus old Santa Claus trate the truth that Jesus is the everywhere, They may be connected
b obvious A pullet that y %eight of the World, who twinge the th th i to 1i ht and with the To praise the star that hung alight
Oh mother and she smiled appre- Rin Man h. a se D of h far more Star light, a g ,
much as the profits on eggs to make a satisfactory growing ration. h that starts during the winter menthe are to d
greater than on those laid at any
other time of the year, this is a sub -
jest which merits serious attention.
Rations for winter feeding should
ang power n .esus, an. as a Cases oft lithamia (trachoma), I bid you to my party gay.
4„4y should .z. least , -_.. ! u e to au -ring, vs, 14, (2) o
The value of this record noxi sum hot i thet for Aunt May, t t d l met with Co some part to
of concentrates per day.otherwise mer wvl @
chosen t three factors in mind— they may become stunted. The grain must be these days.” inward illumination of divine' truth to Yin e n nee g ' Over the Christ that holy night.
be os n wi h mixture used at this Station corselets starts to lay early and continues to. genezal prevalence of akin diseases.
their nutritive value' palatability attci lay.until late to the fall is a most! Lttt.e eight-yoar-old Delicia paused souls darkened by sin and ignorance. In any Casa they do great harm for A prettyheway to distt'#butni the invi-
of bran 2 parts; crushed oats, 1moment, then hurled her bomb: We are,therefore to see in it not leak of proper hygiene and medical tattoos is to suspend thorn from rib_
variety, Laying liens in most parts part; brewers'grain, 1 part, and oil desirable bird: One that starts
ere,' "Oh, Mother dear,there isn't a Santa mere'.y literal, but a spiritual mean- 1blind 'eyssile t b disease is bons and hang them on rho doors of
of Canada ars necessai^ily kept con very Claus now is thee J no says there ins, The biin> ,man represents not case. Theb n f Y
osteo 1 pelt, and it gives ve sails.' deicing early and quits early is a bet? a y often only partial but at is wide the houses that you visit
Aped during the entire'wilier; there- factory results, ter hen than one that starts late and rnorely ono Judie -ideal h J sus
fere care must be taken to supP1Y' quits early t cora of a physical defect. He stands 1 hd with thew
d h heifers yours junior By putting @ - i ksecond Sia { Jewsayes inflamed a iso •ar a ga . ' g tit of Ave -pointed Stara cut from
d. Fasten a
eral grain rationincoin@—the end of Deltcra s babyhood, h eyes e ops @ to of flies sealed on a child's nose and heavy cardboard to o a bare wall,
Grains, such ea wheat, corn, oats them well grown at an early age.: order, on the right leg, to indicate the the time when she no longer believed vine things. That this is the real
and barley, l,1 i whole and ground, Satisfactory r@sults have been bbtafn-1 time these same birds stop laying next in Santa Claus. :meaning, appears by the questions eyelids, the parents •prevented" by sup- cover it with evergreens and outline
are included in most poultry rations, ed at this Station from a grain mix fall. Of course the record is not equal Now Stan }a had a readin of and answers at the man's trial before erstition from driving
r ivi io doctor's them Mime thesedge
tel with
bulb silver centre or Fasten a
The who.- grains are given as scratch taro consistingof: bran, $ parts,' to that made by s trap nest, but it is l -been g the Pharisees, which constitutes to- great deal of a mission an cput
feed and whenground,enter into the' P a very satisfactory and thoroughly' the blow dealt to a child's trust when day's lesson. The Pharisees arraign is falcon up with eye diseases. At,
small bulb at each point. If it is not
crushed oats, 2 parts; oil cake, 1 part,! he discovered there was, no Santa him because he has dared to think dill Jerui.tlem there is an English mission
practical to use electric lights, use red
composition of the dry mash, and brewers' grains, 1 part.. The Practical substitute.
Claus. See had been worried by the ferent thoughts about Jesus from Jerueaol devoted almost exclusively to candles, set securely ie holders,
Scratch Grain—Several excellent calves are fed a handful as soon es , + p P y y diseases of the eyed Itmay that
commercial scratchgrain mixtures! R Here the fowls age can not he article's pr hen that she would see what the think, They accuse Jesus diseases of the eye were not be coin -t As the guests arrive pin on the
they will eat it. This is gradually iu old by the legs, there is often a dull in the child's eyes the dawning of die-' of being an imposter, an adventurer, mon in ancient times as they are to- back of each a slip of paper on which
are e -n available, but a most satisfactory creased until they are being fed Sh he look under the eyes of an old bird, trust of Mother; a look of anguished but the man whose eyes Jesus has day, but the Master encountered a' is written the name of a star, a planet
home -mixed scratch grain may be pounds when six months of age. The, opened sticks to his confession that
composed of equal parts by weight of rou hage fed consists of clover ha which an experienced poultryman can disillusionment at such rank betrayal only one who was from God could thus good many eases of blindness in •hie o; a comet. As the guest moves about
wheat, cracked corn and oats, 'There g Y B 11 t d t by an adult A' th f th t h 1 t d e conversation, she must
and either roots or silage. birds banded article Staneia quailed Then she
t•an t, and last year Alice SAW herspread. You ar co n a y
tae foodelements (or substitutes)
w om e e nti u 11 meeting
As the most economical growth isDecorate the house where the party
theleft mother and father trim the tree}" 'before us as a convect,. a t o of those men. and especially children ren is to be held with greens and quan-
h{ ^ ' is these bands on P d h gathering
made when a @Ta are For Ono art C ase a g lea
which the birds would otherwise pro - and senior calves should be fed a lib ( leg every time it will be possible to P Y of formerly blind to i e spiritual at the inner corners, and flies hover-.
cure for themselves outdoors, I order to havemake use of the same colors in re\rerse Varney ;felt the smart ei tears. It had world,
erle a of theirgsouls risen advt fide- ins about the spot, I have seen a score green or red cardboard.
tell at a glance.But rn a up- o- a e > e memory o a have revealed to him the light of life. ea mg minis rye an engages in,
is an old saying that a• busy hen Is a Briefly, the feeder should aka to, 1Poultry yards the rr s are ,,Taking him therefore as the type of APPLICATION. guess by what is said about her what
and records are kept of their ages, so,beckoned to Delicia.
!all Jewish converts to Jesus, we are Jesus was always deeply interested star she represents.
mariner was delightfully mysterious through which he passes, and Trow the blind. This story of the man born ings cut from colored paper and sewed
laying hen, and consequently scratch grow young stock rapidly during the there can be no mistake. "Come here, Policia,. Mother's able to see the of experience in the troubled fork and especially in Have read in a
grains should always be fed in a deep first year as it is the period of most
basket et little stock -
litter to induce exercise. This is an .economical growth, after which he one reason why meat spoils is be -;and important. "I'm glad you asked from his first discovery regarding blind exemplifies several important together with bright yarn. Write the
added reason for making this part of should rely largely on good qualityl use the salt used }n curing does not: me about Santa Claus darling. There Jesus, he is e a greater an stillprinciples. of a e t on each Mari each
the ration as varied as possible
It is impossible to give definite
rules .as to the exact amount of
scratch cram which should be fed.A
roughageand aim to developsize; penetrateis a Santa Claus but not the rkind you led to Y t d principles.
name guest
to all parts of the meat.' y more glorious discover We sae how the problem of this draw a. stocking from the bas
rather than an undue amount of fat.;Sometimes this is due to taking the have thought. That's where the sur-; The First Stage of Faith: world's Is prove' es a double reaction player
1 meat out of cure too soon, but •quite prise comes in. You see, mothers and L JESUS IS a PROPHET, 18-17, 26-34. according •to the temperament and ket and then from a sheet of paper •
ICE. often it is due to the use of a poor. daddies tell their little children about Vs. 19, 14. The Pharisees,
very light feed may be given early in !often
of salt that does not dissolve critical oe Jesus, make it an accuse- eiplos were good man, better than we, like to give the person w1roS@ name is
the morning and at noon, to keep the A supply of ice on every farm ! o ou hl Or maybe the salt is too the Santa Claus that comes with rein- tion against him, that by healing the very likely, but the sight of this poor on the stocking. Allow five or ten
birds busy, with a good feed at night where milk is produced would, aid very to r g y Y deer and sleigh. It's a lovely, make- man en the Sabbath, he has violated blind man stirred in tlteir hearts chief minutes for that, then have the stock -
so that theirwillmuch in raising the standard of the \v°ak to do the week. Get good salt believe story, just like when you play the law of God, This seems to the ly the speculative instincts, Who did Inge returned to their owners, In turn
s crops L., foil when. and be sure it dissolves. If the salt school with little Ted." Pharisees to dispose forever of the sin this man, or his parents:" Need -
hey go to roo:rt, without an undue dairy product of the province. One. P P each will draw out his "gifts" and try
amount of,grain being left on the and a ]tall tons per cow will keep the penetrates rapidly, there is better. Delicia's eyes were fixed on her claim of Jesus to act and speak with less to say, speculation can Hover save, to name the articles correctly.
color to the meat, and saltpeter is not
mothers in int@rested wonder. authority from God. They do not real- the world, nor xe;ieve its ase -ds' Write yes or no on slips of paper
floor• milk temperature at a point to pre ize that it is just because of Jesus' We see also how Jesus, though sup - I
DryMash--Dr • mash. is an ewers vent loss and waste. Prepare for the, needed. "The real- Santa Claus,"smiled hi her understandin of God, that he arnaturally endowed, makes use of and place ,them either in a dish or in
tial for urine r erg rroduction, and ice supply now, by clearing out the The amended regulations for grad-' Mother, "is right in here."She placed has chosen to healhe man an the material means along with divine, di- a basket. Have each guest in turn
the birds rho rid er um. asue much as existing pond or building a dam to` ins butter and cheese for export are: her hand on Delicia s thumping little Sahbath rect action. The clay mixed with spit- wish for something she wants for a
grad -
possible. Comin.rcial mash maybe' create a pond of sufficient area to contained in the am filet, "Acts heart. "It's the love you have for; Vs. 15, 16. On the other Band, none tie applied to the eyes, was a gentle Christmas present, and then close her
pO' mate B P other people. It's the thing that can deny the fact that a good work satire upon the Pherasaie way of eyes and draw a card. This is a
used, but a sera:. "f nine experiments. • �P y the desired amount of ice. Orders, and Regulations No. 14"re- makes you want to be kind and to has been wrought on the man who curing the world's blindness through simple game, but it produces much
conducted upon the Dominion Expert- accts_ in ice storage depends upon • centt issued by the Dept. of Agri-.
make ethers happy."j has received his sight. Even the
Ythe use of outward ceremony, creed
mental Farms recently have shown fulfleing the following conditions: 'culture at Ottawa, Canada. Four„ Pharisees are not all agreedand code. The were blind loaders of
Mother paused impressively,' "This' that YHide many tinystars in different
that for total production and profits,' 1. That thz ice be cut from a body3 grades are ging provided both for cheese is the big surprise. You and Mother Jesus is a "sinner” because he has the blind. They hnd no vital vision
a home -mired consisting of of clean weer.
t and butter, being de idnated $penial,' ;and Daddy and Aunt May, and all healed on the Sabbath. While -to some and gave none to that groping genera color and onof the o ire thoseuse. Let em used deof one
n the
equal parts by weight of bran, shorts, 2. The cakes should all be of the "First," "Second," and "Third" grade.' children who are big enough, and all the violation of the Sabbath command- tion.
earn -meal and ort chars, with twenty same size and not less than ten inches: The regu}ationa provide that every the grown-ups are the Santa, Clauses. inept is. sufecl�nt condemnation' The po al of ilod Siloam, opening eyes, decorations. Haire them numbered
per tent. of beef -meal, is more econ- thick. 1cheese and every packs a conte}pin I others argue rightly that no sinner" the helplessY p' from one to ten. When the number
3 The ice should be stored on a g g Instead of just one Smites Claus there could do for men what Jesus has done was a reminder that only by dipping of the stars found by each player are
omical than any of the commercial, cold, d day.
cheese or butter shall be marked et
This mash shoeld he ]sept continue
training of the onlooker• The dis- cut pictures of the things he should
mashes which have been tried ao i, ry the factory with the vat or churning; are millions. But you won't tell that for the convert who stands before into the waters. of regeneration can added the one who has the highest
secret to little Teri, will you"." ahem. true sight come to benighted souls, total is the winner, Then arrange
number, which should run consecutive -1 „No,, promise
k Delicia brea"iilesnl V 17 The convert on his part has There must be that inward cleansing
P Y two lines, one of'girls and one of
You see, o er was careful hoar than snow" found, from the highest down and let
at noon. No more of this latter should 5. Dry sawdust filing at least t :e t gc ; understand.
Ted We'll
big enough yet to. one confession,—Jesus is a prophet. The presence and power of Jesus them proceed to couples to the dining
be twelve inches thick should be ' �§ $fd� for c+ i Children ! tnderstand. Well have to wait 8 year, Hone we have the first stage of -the Christ la behind the clay and tee room.
given then the birds can eat inp=acedos p
fifteen minutes. between the ice and the walls of the , or two before we tell him, and won't convert's experience. He has realized pool of Siloam. All the sacred waters Tho chandelier is trimmed with
building. A covering67 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO he be surprised!" 1by the opening of his own eyes that of the world could not of themselves bol and a huge star of wire
Green Feed—While grains are es- g of equal thick- 1 Deiicia's eyes were twin blue stars •Jesus whatever else he is is a man restore sight, nor all the machinern fitted round it and covernd with
1. The blocks of ice should be paek-
a1v before l q rtit in i hopper and ed together as closely as possible ly throughout the calendar year, coin• I' t„ no doubts whatsoever. While the of the inward parts. "Purge me with
a very small table se moistened either without any filler, excepting finely mencirg with Number L no, won Pharisees try to tear his evidence to hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, boys, according to the number of stars
with milk or table scraps, may be fed broken ice. is such is needed. Y M th f 1 to tatters, he adheres steadfastly to the and I shall be w g
sential, there are also other feeds Hess should be used. The ice sh°old
which must not be omitted. Foremost rest en a firm bed of sawdust where
among these is green feed, which drainage can be provided.
Apert from its nutritive value, serves 6. Air circulation should be provide
keep the birds in good health. This ed over the stored ice.
is 'he part of the ration of the aver -The ice should be kept well cov-
ered during the entire period when ice
Dear Mr. Editor:—
Your readers have probably had
their appetite for statistics satiated
during the past few months. Still
they will, no doubt, want to know
something of the work accomplished
r :ected is being used. b
Either cabbages, dried
c: ••r leaves, sprouted oats or man -i, �a
gels may be used and the birds should
get as much as they will eat. 1 Landscape Improvement.
Milk, Water, Etc.—Drink is also an'
y the hospital to which they have
o generously contributed in the
ast. They are shareboiders in a
Misslon of Mercy. Their dividends
important factor in winter egg pro The surroundings of many farm 6
duction, and milk, skim -milk or but- houses remain bare and uninviting o
termilk, is practically essential. This Year after year, due largely to the
serves both as a drink and as a source lack of time for landscape improve -
of animal protein and should be kept tient in April and May, the busy seed -
continually before the birds together ing and planting season. Trees and d
with a supply of clean fresh water. shrubs may be planted in November t
If no milk is available. beef scrap up to the time of freeze-up, just as
should be given in a hopper, or some successfully as in the spring. Larged
other animal food such as horse flesh trees can be moved with greater easel
should be provided. In many districts,' and certainty of success during early'
particularly in Quebec, community December than at any other time. To
bone -cutters have been installed, by move large trees or shrubs trench!
means of which farmers can procure, around and under in a manner that:
chopped horseflesh for poultry feed will leave a large ball of soil over the:
Ln, , at nominal prices.
Grit, oyster shells, and charcoal in this solid. When In this condition the'
hoppers, should also be available for:, frozen protecting soil with the tree;
the birds at all times. � attached may be pried or lifted out and
Details of various experiments deal- i transported to the new location, where;
Ing with this subject are contained in! a hole of sufficient size had been pre -j
the Annual Reports of the Dominion I pared before freeze-up to receive it.,
Poultry Husbandman for 1922 and. The planting of windbreak trees, for -
1923, copies of which may be obtained' est trees in the woodlot, or shrubs and;
free of charge from the Poultry Di -1 ornamental trees about the home,'
vision, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. 1 should be considered as an autumn'
job by the man that cannot afford the
WINTERING YOUNG LIVESTOCK., time to do this work in the spring.
re not paid In coin of the realm,
May I trespass upon your'space to
utiine what those dividends are?
Firstly, the daily average of chil-
dren occupying cots in the Hospital
or 'Sick Children was 266. The
otal oared for as in -patients was
6,397. That is equivalent to the.
population of a good-sized Ontario
And secondly, the out-patient de-
partment. This is a wing of offices
given over to consultation and minor
operations. On an average there
were 190 young callers a day.
That is wherethedividends are
earned—in the difference made In
the lives of thousands of children
through the voluntary contributions
which render It possible to main-
tain an institution where pallid
cheeks become rosy and twisted
limbs are made straight.
It that were not dividend enough,
one might try to estimate the
enormous salvage of child -life in
Ontario which has taken place since
"Sick Ride" doctors and "Sick, Kids"
nurses have been going out throngb
this province equipped with a
knowledge of children's diseases,
which they could not get except in
some such highly specialized and
pre-eminently efficient institution
as the. Respite' for Sick' Children.
roots. A few cold nights will freeze
Prices for feeding beef and dairy
cattle are low, therefore young cattle
must be raised economically. The re-
aults obtained at the Dominion Ex-
perimtal Station at Fredericton A striking svbstahtiat}on of the
thosethat young cattle can' be goodood. wisdom of dehorning steers is furnish -
a ration more consisting largely tan 'sd by the Superintendent of the Do -
in economically alto ane; minion Experimental Station at Char-'
rat con ecntrate}ng a heavy ailawance1lottetown, PJ:1.1, In his report for'
of concentrates. Po
Senior yearling and two-year-old 1928 he says: "Comparing horned
heifers not in milk may be fed a ra- steers tied with dehorned steers fed
tion consisting mostly of silage, roots loose in box stalls, both of the pens
and hay or straw with namely any of dehcrned steers when fed in box
concentrates, until two months before stalls made grente. gains than the
freshening. They should' then be fed corresponding pens of horned steers
three to five pounds of concentrates that were tide in stalls. The average
per day in order to have them freshen gain of the &horned steers was 40
in good condition. Heifers fed roixgh- pounds per pen in the 111 days of
age will not be as fat as heifers fed experiment. When steers are del�orn-
a heavy grain ".11owanee, but they ed they can ha fed in a more cheaply
will make satisfactory growth and constructed shed, They can be fed in
will develop the roomy digestive tracts less time• if given sufficient bedding
Wanted in a dairy cow, and costs will they will tramp down large gtrantitics
be considerably lower. In n. twenty- of waste material into the manure,
eight day feeding Period in 1923 a making it mare valuable; also n
group ' of seep heifers fed. clever hay greater quantity is secured than ivile,
Greater Value of Dehorned
Oa this year's service the UOspl-
tal expended $845,126 and finds
Itself in the hole to the extent of
$134,284. What comes 1 around
Christmas -time keeps the Hospital
going. So long as the word "Christ -
nuts" retains its original signitieance
could any charity possibly mallet
more of the sympathy of your
readers or entitle itself to more of
their support?
Faithfully yours,
Chairman Appeal Committee
and torn silage made average daisy stasis nee tied in stalls. Dehorn A MINUTE orMERCY COSTS
linins of 2.3. pounds per day. An- "etec s are more contented, feed bete, FIFTY CENTS
us tall command a higher and t o a ler tic@,•
other groupof seven heifors fad a ra- Y g P � I
"And now, you new young Santa of God, a prophet whom God has sent of redemption give the power of visio 'crepe paper will cast a
Claus, gat' busy," ordered Mother to speak the truth to the people to him who hath it not. For Jesus P P Prosy
"You'll have to help me now with the
27. It serves no purpose for Christ himself the quickening beam glow over, the scene From the
Christmas work. Just put your finger his judges to cross-examine him fur- of splendor falls. Through him we star hang n red Christmas bell
an that stringwhile I,tie the knot" ther as to what Jesus did to him. He receive our s}ght, He is the pioneer, from the rim of which c -pend silver
has already told them, and no further and finisher of our faith.
And Delicia, almost bursting with ?regress can be made unless the Phar
happy impoitancr pressed her ehubhy laces too wzll admit the authorit of
stars made of tinfoil. Stretch strands
of evergreen from the chandelier to
y �+ the four corners of the room and make
finger on the gold cord. Jesus, and become his disciples, Protecting Young Fruit 'Trees' a centrepiece for the table of ground
The Santa Claus myth had been ex- Vs. 28, 29. This last suggestion from Mice and, Rabbits. I pine or other
plained without unhappiness or disci- raises a storm of wrath. Become die- i greens. Outline a star
lusionment for Delicia.`Something ciples of Jesus! Neveri They "are; Many young trees as well as fruit in the centre and have strands of tin -
worth while had been Moses' disciples. They know that bustles and roses are 'damaged each rel leading from it to ench plate,
given to take God spoke to Moses, because the Bible 'winter by' mice and rabbits. These' Fasten each strand to the cloth with
the myth's place. God
so, but they have no such guaran-animals, finding their usual food a gold or silver star that -ball serve
lice regarding Jesus. In their eyes; scarce in the winter season, eat the as a place card.
Spring Wheat Varieties Dock-, Jesus is only an adventurer. 1 succulent bark of these plants. If the' Tho centrepieces can be made of
Vs, 30-33. Once more the convert, g p p paper with an
age for Seed. pressen the fact of his own experience.' girdling a extends completely around white or red• crepe
Uncleaned and ungraded samples of He says it is unreasonable for the: the tree or bush, the plant cannot live, apple in which a white c ind:e is pelted
-spring wheat were collected be the Jews to pretend that they do riot know: and even though only one side is bark-' at each corner. For the centre plan
Cereal Division of the Dominion Ex-, "where Jesus comes from," when by ed, the plant is greatly weakened.: a little scene—for example, a moun-
perimental harms from most of the:. the feet of what Jesus has done for Different systems of protecting youtrg tain of cotton with tinsel snow and old
branch Farms ire 1923, and subjected himthey have all the evidence that, trees and bushes from injury front Santa Claus approaching with his
to a uniform system of cleaning and need ever be asked' for Jesus' divine girdling have been tried at the Ex-, miniature sleigh and reindeer and
from Inc standpoint of the seed grow -;could do nothing.,,
P ' practice has been found to wrap either i middle represents a frozen lake,
er the percentage of small grains V 84 The answer of the Pharisees building paper or a metal wrapping' Place the chairs round th_, walls
prodlice a first class sample of seed. synagogue, to cast out his name as' ticularly to trees. Even one ply of shaped napkins cut from red crepe
ordinary white or grey paper of 'apaper. Serve sandwiches of pressed
tough variety Is satisfactory. This is' chicken or turkey with a thin layer of
cut into strips and tied closely aroundecranberry sauce, French friend petit-
the trunk. This material has to bei toes and pickled beets—•all cut in star -
put on the tree each fall and lasts shape. Peel oranges half way back,
for only one year. It costs from a' remove the pulp and fill the cases with
radio with a view to determining'origin and froauthority.
d " ee i I thidsa p erimental Farms. The most reliable' pack of toys. A mirror laid' in the
were not m. Go@o"he
which have to be removed in order to is to excommunicate the man from the around the trunk. This applies par and serve a buffet supper. Ilse star -
In the report of the Dominion Cereal- evil.
ist, Mr. L. H. Newman, for the year' The Second Stage of Faith:
referred to, a table is given of the II. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH, THE ICING
results achieved from samples sent inj V. 95. Janie finds the excommuni-
ley seven Farms and Stations in the'
cated convert,and now ants him a
West. Then varieties were subject to
mondrful discoery. Tie asks.
the test. As Irlarquis Ottawa 15 is ,<Droost woevthou believe on the son of cei#t to two cants per tree, depend- fruit salad. Lemon ice with maraschino
the variety most popularly used, the man?" (Rev. Ver.). The title, "Son ins largely upon the size of the tree cherries can be served in the orange
per cent, dockage of that variety at of man" connects with the glorious wrapped. After tying the paper in shell, and cake should be s:rvei
each Farm or Station le Here, given: vision of Dan. 7: 18, 14. There the; place. it is well to mound en a little, with it.
' Brandon, 36.8; Indian Head, 55.3; prophet sees a vision of "one like a earth at the base which will hinder; While the boys and girls linger over
Rosthern, 6.7; Scott, 14.9; Swift Cur- son of man coming with the olouds the little animals from getting under the delicacies small girls hidden in
rent, 7.6; Lacombe, 7.9; Lethbridge, of heaven, and receiving an °veriest-' the paper and tearing it off,
8.9. The other varieties used Were ink kingdom. Jesus adopted for hint- A more permanent sort of protec-
Early Triumph, Garnet Ottawa 862, se,i this title of the Son of man tion is secured by the use of expanded
Kitchener, Kota, Red Bobs, Red Fife and on his lips it means that, he is the Metal similar to metal lath. This, in , parlor they find small star-shaped
Ottawa 17, Reward Ottawa 928, Rub. Messiah, the one who has and they tt either galvanied or paper form will packages suspended in the doorway
tip kingdom.Pe , g F
Y set God's And thus it P
Ottawa 628, and Supreme. Resulte is to a second stage of faith, to a last for many years. It can be ob-� for the game "Do you see stars?" i)00
from all of these are detailed in the belief ; in himself as the divine Meea, tamed in small individual strips ready of the number- is blindfolded, hand -1
report, and the percentage of dockage sigh, exalted above every earthly, to put en and costs about eight cents a a pair of shears, started toward the "
front,Brandon samples beinganeral- authority, that. Jesus now seeks to tree according to the size of the piece. packages and asked "Do you see
Ptg load his convort. tin i stars?" Her it it
y high, Newman explains that V 36, The convert does clot under -'„l ion foryears this
h'ontc be mater merriment,but as p soon la a 4Naalio-
1 hi h M•r,.
this was due' chiefly to the effects of steed. He has confessed Jesua as ' s t
the epidemic of wheat atom rust, ro het of God,but the reference to of sufficient size to allow for growth, ceeds in cutting down a star it is her
which reduced not only the total yield theSonof maimystifies him. "Who 'without pinching the tree, Another prbperty and another guest tants a
but size of kernel materially in most is he. Lord, that I might believe on Plan, and a still cheaper one, for pro- turn. Each star holds some small
cases. The variety Reward Ottawa him?” taction against mice is to tramp the favor,
928 ranked relatively high at all the Vs. 37, 38, Then Jesus reveala that snow tightly around the trunk of each! A charming ending for the evening
Stations as regards the percentage of he himself is. •the Son of man, the di- ,tree, This may also bo done with!fun is a short impromutti program or
rend plump grain obtained. This ver- vine Messiah. So he brier s hie eon-; young bushes where wrapping is }m-` the appearance of a jolly Wen Claus
t f the fir•t confess n to this � •
it trueChristians,In Christian
another room or under an open win- -
dow sing Christmas carols.
When the company return to the
tcty and Kota, which is relatively re- vet from s e o practicahlo a tape
higher confesaton which is the faith +ora fortune teller who reads
1 y
b — I fortune for each u•^ t
stctant to rust exhibited the sa a of a r an g re in the star r,
nearest to her Y'
e st lime—Youth's sCnm
Ifruits a anion,
p�•rcentnge at Brandon, namely 27.6, experience Christ is raised above all Three varieties of and two of P
bet Reward was much the superior in other• powers and authorities, Ho is plants were accepted for recording at
t reegth of straw, not only peoehct and revealer• of God, the recent meeting of the Plant Regis -
English tourist entered e Gtr.
- -- hut Kine of Kings and Lord of Lords. tration Committee of the Canadian anted some
t,._ ,.i man restaurant. He w
Hens need bulky food. Clover or
"God also hath highly exalted him,; Horticultural Council. The fruits mushrooms, but not knowing the nem°
t:fa:fa hay cut in half-inch lengths' given him .a oxime which - le above were the Sangster peach, the Golden he demanded a sheeto
o.f p»pot and o
1 e'p to make' an ideal ration. The every Hama: That at the nrtn10 ofd Delicious apple, and tho Newman pencil mid sketched ono, The waiter
Jesus ovory :it
should bow ... , , understood in a second dim/livered
Lev rot only promotes digestion, but ,, ,, steawberry. The George C. Iereetman , allpearcd
Anil that every tons ue shim'ld con-, ,
Wee, ]Wisely ass!sts in supplying the foss that Jews Christ is Lord, to the hilum and file Lady Athoistan fora for ten Ininutes, and returned with au
o'muents necessary for the albumen, glory of God,
the Father," Phil, 2: were the new vurietips of plants, umbtelle,