HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-03, Page 153 NO. 24 02,00 /ter annum in advalice BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, WEDNRSDA i',
Carefuland prompt
handlingof his collections,
dependable credit information,
a sympathetic understanding,
of his requirements uirements , and
ample resources for the
demands of his business are
services a business mantas
a rest to expect from his
bank . The Bank of Nova
Scotia can and does meet
these expectations. Discuss
your needs and problems
with the nearest manager.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-np Capital ; 10,000.000
Reserve - - 19,600,000
Total Assets - 210,000,000
Manager, Brussels
Mis±riot flus
Tuesday even., g, 22nd ins[., the
of U. S. s, No. 4, n Io
resort the play "Always
p sAiwa e
in trouble, or a Hoodoed Coon." It
will be given in the Community Hall.
Fire completely destroyed the barn
on the farm in Morris Township, own-
ed by Leonard Ruttan, Bluevale, and
rented by 3. VanOamp, early on Satur-
day morning. The explosion of a:lan-
tern hung on a nail was the cause of
blaze while the proprietor was attend-
ing to the morning chorea. There
was insurance carried in the Howick
Mutual. All the feed was burned,
An Auction Sale of Farm Stock
will be held next Tuesday afternoon,
at I o'clock on the Ruttan farm, half
mile West of Jamestown, by James
v Camp, who a v o I et
o his baro by -
Car Repairs
Attended tb promptly
and atreasonable prices.
Licensed to do the work.
Lorne Turvey
Lot 19, Con. 2, Morris
Phone 1118
Coppers Make Dollars
Dollars Does the Business
Save your Coppers and make Dollars
by buying your Groceries at
Spence's West End Grocery
Stop at our store 1 Look at our goods I Listen to
what we have to say about them 1
See Prices and Compare them with Others
Dates, new, 10c ib. ora for 25c.
Helaine, Thompson's'Seedless,
new, 2 lbs. for 25o,
Raisins, Valencia, new and very
fine, 15c pee lb.
Package Raisins, 2 pkgs. for 26a.
Outran ts, new, 155e per lb.
Shelled Walnuts, halves, OOc Ib.
Shelled Almonds, 60c ib.
Peels, the best we ever had, 35e,
Redpath, per 100 .......$8 00
12 lbs, for 98a
Icing Sugar, 2 M for........ 26
Beehive, 6Ib. tin 400, 10 Ib. 76e
Edwardebutg, 5 Ib. tier 40c, 10 Ib.
tit 750.
Atlut Dina Molasses, 2 cans 26e.
, Kellog's Toasted Corn Flakes,
100 per pkge., 3 for 250.
Post Toaaliee, 2 pkge, for 25e,
Puffed Wheat, 2 pkge. for 25a.
Kelly's Cooked Bran, 18e pkge.
Pillson'e Health Bran, 18c pkge.
Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs, for 25e
Regular 75e at 590
Regular 65e at 49c
Canned Goods
Coin and Peas, 14c per can.
Tomatoes, et lid pack, 18o per
can or 2 for 35e.
Pumpkin, 2 cans for 25e.
SI. Ohatlee Evaporated Milk, 2
cane for 25c. '
Singapore Pineapple, 200 per can
Wo have some extra good val-
ues in Salmon, ell new pack.
Maple Leaf, large tin, 35c tin
Maple Letif, Tiger, good small tr
red large 25c tin
Cock o' the Nor eh, small tin, ted
15c tin or 2 for 25c
Matches ,
We are selling Matches at less
than to -day's wholesale price.
400 size, loo per box or 8 for 25c
Purity Rolled Ottte, 6Ibs. for 24c
Pastry Flour
25 Ib. bag, 98c
Oyster Shell
2e per lb. or $100 per bag
Good Dairy Butter
for sale at 360 per lb.
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce, We are Paying OOc for
Eggs this week.
We guarantee prompteervice.
aGoode delivered to any part of the village on requeet.
Phone 2225
lire Met Saturday; and the feed as
well, hence the sale, He is selling a
horse, 5 cows, 6 heifers and other
young cattle, bogs and ewes. T. R,
Bennett will he the Auctioneej', See
the posters.
Preparatory service will be held in
the Presbyterian clturoh here next
Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev.
Mr, Goodwill in charge.
BAxAAIt —Don't forget the BOZO al,
Saturday afternoon of this week, to
be held in the Orange Hall, under
auspices of the Ladies' Guild of Trin-
ity Church, Plain and fancy sewing
suitable for Christmas gifts, Home.
made Bakiug and candy on sale, 13e
erre and attend and get eorne of the
Thursday evening of last week Rev,
and Mee, ,Mores were at home to their
flock at the Peewit/ere. An A 1 [lune
was enjoyed -along social line. About
40 were in attendance and pronounced
Rev, and Mrs. illoree tip- Lop boat and
hostess. In the musical numbers blies
Note, VariCarnp rendered a fine solo,
Tasty I 1101 was sex veil.
PRESENTATION,—(Zoite a pleasant
surprise tool; plane at the horde of
Adapt and Mrs Halliday 4V ed no"ol ay
evening, Nov. 26th, viten the Horne
Helpers of the 1Vouten s Missionary
Society of Knox Church, Belgrave,
presented Mrs, Halliday with a.Life
Member's certificate, Aire, Oliver
Anderson read the following address
and Sara McDougall presented Lhe
Oertifieat•e t —DEAR Mete HALLIDAY :
—It is with feelings of very great
pleasure that we address you on this
occasion when we wish to honor you
as one of our oldest Home Helpers.
We are told to give honor where hon-
or is due and we are endeavoring to
fulfil this command when we seek to
show respect to one who has been so
faithful in her duties as a membeteof
our Missionary Society, i We, the
Home Helpers of the W. M. S. of
Knox Ohurch, $elgrttve., wish you to
Men's 15 -inch leather top
Rubbers, with black bottoms
and red soles, very best qual-
ity, guaranteed to wear, reg
ular $6.75
Special $5.65
Men's 15 -inch leather high
top Rubbers, very best qual-
ity, with grey and white bot-
toms, reg. $7.70
Special $6.50
Boy's Heavy Rubbers, 3 holes,
very best quality, reg. $2.65
Special $2.19
We have many other Rubbers
for Men and Boys which will
be Greatly Reduced.
Jos, Schwadron
The friendly Church
Never a Stranger but once In this
Features on Sunday at l p.m.
(a) Final series of the Adven-
tures of St, Paul illustrated by 50
These will Moloch! Paul's saripteroolr,
mob riots and life on 0 desert island ;
Poul being bitten by a serpent, .0s.
Those will be epeul,Hy Interesting to
(b) Subject of cervico ; Sunset
and Evenrug Star.
(c) Short Story Sermon for
(6) Special Afnsio by the Ohnii',
Popular � 1
(e) I t 1[ym tS explained
through the Service;'
Oharnit doors opon at OM to eoablo
people to est n tote suet.
• el teleef+•MI•+++++++•1++++++.hF++
DECEMBER 5, 1924
W. FI, KERR, Proprietor
Old Tyne Concert
}6'1GL mo GIVEN
Thursday eu'g, CLc,11
A fine program will be pre.
Betted of Bygone Days,
Onrne one and all—spend a
happy hour back in the Fif-
Santa Claus will be present
to receive the letters of the
children for Christmas,
Corte and have a chat with
Admission a6 and 20 Cts,
Help to brighten some one's
Christmas by your attend-
accept this Certificate of Life Member-
ship of our Society and hope it will
bring to you the feelings of pleasure
and ealiefection that one enjoys who
realizes her work has been a benefit to
Others and as such has been appreciat-
ed, We also pray that in this the
Autumn time of life you may receive
sufficient grace and strength to con.
tihue your work ars a Home Helper
and that God's richest blessing [nay.
rest upon you. Signed on behalf of
The Home Helpers,
l41Re. J. ANDcR6oN,
II '
anda i
Halliday wishes to thank the
members of The Home Helpers for
their kindness.
Regular meeting of the Women's
Institute will be herd Thursday after-
noon, Dec. 11th at the home of Airs. J.
Wesley Leggatt. The girls of the
Institute will have charge of the Ineet-
ing and a good program is expected.
Roll Call will be answered by the
donation of gifts to the Ohildren's
Shelter at Goderich. At tate present
Week -end Specials
Gordon's - Store
Friday, Saturday & Monday
Wash nay Special
3 Bars Laundry Soap... 20
Pea cline, 3 pkge ....... • 25
Snowflake Ammonia, 3 for 25
Ohipso, large 2525
(Mottles Pins, 3 dozen. ... - 10
Grand total .......... 81 05
411 for $1.05 at this Store
AVE have just re -
Sceived another con-
signment of our 49c
Brooms. These are a real buy.
Good weight, 5 strings. 13e sure
you get one.
Phone 6210
Battery Charging
For Motel' Storage
having installedan up-to-
date Hydro Oharger we will
be able to attend to Bat-
teries of any description,
Rad fella
sari Cunningham
Am also agent for the Rad-
ioli, the now Receiving Set,
No wit es, no Menage bat-
teey, Beeeptibn 3000 miles.
°Olde in acrd see it, It. 10 a
Give the family a Radio for
1 8. No. 10
. and ,
Box Social
Tuesday Evening,
Dec, 16th
The Program will be
given by Local and out-
side Talent,
Tickets - 25 Cents
Ladies with Boxes Free
Come and Enjoy Yourself
time there are in the Home, 5 girls,
ages, 14, 12, 0, 4, and 3 boys, ages, 12,
11, 8 Ladies are cordially invited to
attend the Institute Meetings.
Week end specials are being contin-
ued at Gordon's store. See his advt.
An entertainment is being arranged
for on the evening of Monday, Dec.
22nd. Watch for particulars.
Lost—An 18 inch pipe wrench, with
wood handle attached. between Harry
Keys' and my shop, Saturday evening.
Last week Joo
• Schnuck
annual tour of this community in the
interests of the Bible Society and did
splendidly y
securing g $37 55 for
this de-
serving cause It is creditable to
the Rei
ghborhood and the canvasser,
and itis hoped other localities will al-
so 130001.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Ida
Hunter has tendered her resignation
as Principal of Cranbrook public
school, the same to come into effect at
the close of this term, The trustees
are asking for a successor. Miss Al -
lie Forrest continues at her post as
teacher of the Junior Deparment we
are pleased to state.
D011 forget the Bazaar Saturday of
this week. See the advt.
gee the special order of service in an
advt. of the Methodist church Ibis
Ethel cheese factory has closed
down for the Winter after a success-
ful run for the past season.
Ernest and Mrs. Cole and family are
here from White River for a visit
with relatives and old friends.
Monday evening Rev. Mr. White
gave an Illustrated Lecture on St,
Paul in Brussels Methodist church.
Thursday evening at the regular
League service, the Pastor will deal
with the quetion as to "Why there is
so much Buffering in the world and
why a good God permits it".
There was a large attendance at the
Methodist church on Sunday evening
to hear the third of the series on the
Life of Paul. Sunday next the final
series will be presented and the whole
set of 50 slides will be quickly gone
over at the close, The best slides are
the last ones which include scenes of
dralnatic interest in the Apostle's life.
A new feature in the service will be
tlie explanation of a lot of popular
Mrs, D. M. Walker returned to Ni
agent Falls, Saturday.
Jas. A.. Edgar, Wingham, was a re
cent visitor with his sons here.
Reeve Illennebetg is attending Co.
Council in Goderich this week.
Mrs. 'Fait and 8 little daughters
have gone 10 Torontn, where they will
spend several weeks,
Rev. Dr. Brown preached a very
able sermon in the Methodist °hutch
Sunday evening on "What is you'
Life 1"
The Union Young People's Society
met in the Presbyterian Church
Monday evening and spent a profit-
able time.
Iu 1he election held here Monday,
300• Henneberg defeated Jnn. Doug-
las for the Reeveship by a majority of
50 votes.
Subject in Mission Band this week
is on "The Little Prince's Birthday."
Roll Call, My Christmas Hymn. 0
girls will take part in the Prayer
circle, Meeting promises to be in-
tensely interesting.
elembets of the Wotneoi's Instittite
who have not already contributed to-
ward the Child relief work, or anyone
else wishing to assist, Will kindly
leave their conttibulions With Mrs. D.
0. Pope by Tuesday, Dec, 9th,
November meeting of the Women's
Institute was held at Mrs. Pope's
looms, Thursday afternoon, and teas
most enjoyable, There was an attend -
'Ince of 80 and the President, Mise
P. Hazelwood, in the chair. After
the usual heartless, Miss Ethel Stilt[
Presented a splendid paper;on "How
Co's spend our . Winter toreveurnga Mies
Agnea Mcleercher, e1, A„ continued
her series of talks on the Early Set.
Moment of Canada, taking for her sub-
Rect the "Red River Settlement",
oll Call,a donation for a child for
relief work), preved very interesting,
friday & Saturday Evenings
Dec. 6 and 6
"Singer, Jim McGee"
Thir is your last chance to see
Bill Hart as he has quit the
Movies, It is a good picture so
don't miss it.
Friday evening/by Kitchener
Troup, One houses real enjoy-
Admission 60 and 25 Don'ts
Next Monday and Tuesday
"The Shepherd King
A picture taken from Cite Bible,
Read 1 Samuel, We need not
say mote than a treat is in store
for you,
20d Episode of Serial, "Haunt-
ed Valley." It is worth going to
see alone.
Saturday Night 7.30
Other Nights 8 o'clock
when a splendid stray of useful gifts
were received, which will be forward.
ed to the Riverview Day Nureery,
Toronto. Mies E. McEwan gave a
good report of the 10th annual Con-
vention, recently held in London.
This was followed by a short period
of community singing, after which
the meeting was brought to a close.
Ben. D. and Mrs. Hislop, Wroxeter,
announce the engagement of their sec-
ond eldest, daughter, Gertrude Amelia,
to Melvin
Finlay son t of
Wm. and th
late Mrs. Finlay, Hnwiek
y, the mar-
riage to take place early in December,
mbar of friends of 9'
.fres Genie
Hislop, presented her with th a mine'.
laneous shower, at the
home of her
parents, 13. and Mrs. Hislop, Howick,
Thureday evening and enjoyed a
jolly time. Many good wishes were
extended to Miss Hislop.
This week Reeve Sh•u•treed is in at-
tendance at the Co, Council at Gode-
Samuel and Mrs. Kemp, Clinton,
were here attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. James Clark last Friday.
Several boys and girls are attending
the Short Course being held in Brus-
sels and others intend sharing in it
Jameet and Mrs. Nhwbigging and
wee Jimmie, were welcome visitors at
the home of James and Mrs. Nichol,
6th line.
Auction Sale of Farm Stock, imple-
ments, &a. at Adam Somers', Lot 27,
5th line, Thursday afternoon of next
week. His Lot. is No. 27, See the
)) OF TAANES.—We wish to ex
press our sincere thanks for kind.
deeds and sympathetic words tender-
ed to us in the loss of wife and moth-
er. Also wish to thank Brussels Odd
Fellows for the beautiful floral pillow.
Annual Christmas Tree and enter-
tainment of the Ebenezer Sunday
School, Browntown, will be held Fri-
day evening Dec, 19th. Good pro-
gram is being prepared,
—Wednesday of last week Mee. James
Clark, 5th line, was summoned to her
reward, aged 38 years, 9 mouths, 27
days• Funeral service was conducted
by her pastor, Rev, Mr. Mores, Bel
grave, Friday afternoon and burial
was made in Brussels cemetery, Pall-
bearers were Wiil•, Harold and Whit-
ney Stewart and Abram, Stewart and
Harold Procter. Mrs. Olark's maiden
name was Pearl E• Stewart being the
third daughter of Thos. and Mrs. Stew-
art, Bluevale. She was married to
her now bereft partner 19 years ago
avid is survived by her husband, a
daughter, Verena, and son, Howard.
5 years ago last February she suffered
a stroke of paralysis, another followed
a, year ago and the third came Mon-
day of last week, from which she did
not rally, passing away as aforesaid at
8 pp. m, Mee. Clark's brothers are :—
Wm., Grand Valley ; Jno,, deceased ;
Howard and Whitney, Bluevale. Sis-
ere are etre. }V. J. Johnston and Mrs,
Jas. Watson, Gladatone, Man. ; Mrs,
Milton Watson, Gotrie ; mid Miss
Mary at home, Deceased had been a
hearty woman, industrious and thrifty
and esteemed by a wide circle, The
bereaved share in community sym-
Paul Bart's Orchestra, Stratford,
officiated ata dance held in the Work-
man's Hall, Walton, Friday night.
The dance was in the nature of a re-
opening 01 the hall, as the installation
of electric lights, which were recently
put in the village, and the placing of a
piano in the hall, were marked by the
dance. There were about 80 couples
preeent. The music of the Stratford.
orchestra was very well received,
The Golden Wedding anniversary of
R. H. and Mrs, Ferguson was quietly
celebrated on Tuesday, Nov, 25th,
Geo'. and Mrs; Ferguson and children,
Toronto, were up for the happy oc-
casion and the only other guests were
Mrs. Eliza Cardiff, Elea, slater of the
groom and Mrs, M. A, Allen, li:allock,
the bridesmaid of 60 Years ago. Mr.
and Mrs, Ferguson were the recipients
of beautiful flowers and lettere of con•
Will hold a
• rN TEE
Saturday, december 6
Commencing at 2,30 p, tri,
Plaiu and Fancy Sewing and
other articles will be on sale,
also Home-made Baking and
Lunch Served during the
Mrs, R. J. Pearson, Seo.
Mrs.' A. Raynard, Pres.
gratulation and good wishes from
far and near. They are old residents
of this locality and, with their estim-
able family, enjoy the high esteem of
a wide circle, Hearty good wishes
are accorded Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson
for continued health and happiness in
the days to come.
Reeve MCOutcheon and Deputy
McDonald are attending Huron Go.
Council this week at Goderich.
Auction Sale of Farm Stock, imple-
&c. at Adam Somers', 'e
Lot 27,
6th line, Morris, Thursday afternoon
of next week• See the bills.
There was' a fine and appreciative
greet the
at Union
Sunday evening. .
It was
to hear a pin drop so tense was the
The social evening in connection
with the new Union Epworth League
organized last week was a great suc-
cess on Wednesday last, Forest
MacKay is to be congratulated.
13y advt, in this issue it will be seen
that a big time is being figured on in
S. S. No, 10 on Tuesday evening, 16t11
when a fine Concert and Box Social
will be held- Miss Irene granter is
the energetic teacher.
There was a good attendance at
Roe's Ohurch on Sunday morning, the
cold weather and stormy Sundays re-
cently bas kept back the folk. Sun-
day there will be lantern views on the
Life of Paul. Despite fact that we
have no darkness we are going
to make the church dark at 10.90.
change of hour' for this spec -
The Short Course
Last Monday was opening day in
connection with the School of Elemen-
tary Agriculture and Home BOO nom -
ice, commonly designated the Short
Course, to be carried on in Brussels
during the months of December, Jan.
uary and February, under the man-
agement of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture.
S. B,-Stothers, Agricultural repre-
sentative for Huron County, is
Princ-ipal and J. B. Nelson and
Mise Edith Hopkins, of Lindsay,
assistants, hacked up by an extra
good staff, who will do their best to
make the various Courses pleasant,
practical and profitable.
On the opening day sessions of the
School were held in the Town Hall
and rooms at the Public Library, It
is expected that roomier quarters will
take the place of the latter meeting
place for the girls, in the 0. 0. F.
Hall. The attendance at the initial
classes were 11 boys and 15 girls but
three times that number is hoped for.
H. Sirratt, Brighton, was on hand
to deal with Field Husbandry and
will spend 2 weeks here.
Monday and Wednesday forenoons
Rev. H. W. Snell, M. A., Wingham,
will give instruction in English and
Farm Arithmetic and Friday fore-
noons will deal with Literary subjects,
C. M. Lee, Paris, will deal with Civ-
ics and Marketing,
Tuesday afternoon the boys made a
visit to tate farms of 0, E. Turnbull
& Sons, Grey township, for a stock
judging study.
For the Girls' Classes Mies Edith
Hopkins, Lindsayy will have charge
in directing the programs In House-
hold Science in its various phases.
Mrs, M. E. Lowe, Toronto, will take
up the interesting study of Home
Nursing during the month and will
also instruct the boys in beret Aid,
Further announcement will be made
of the various Courses as the work
The staff will be gled to give all in.
formation as bo the program so don't
be backward in applying to them any
MErliobleT CRURCit NOM.
It would be a difficult matter to find
better ,workers, both ladies and gents,
than buckle into helpful coatingoots in
Brussels Methodist Church when work
has to be done, They well deserve'
praise for their interest and euregy.
Building Committee met Friday aven-
ing and went over the various contracts
and accounte, Their report will be
presented shortly.