HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-11-26, Page 3"No Provision."
17y Marlorle Bradford BSC,
"Calm 4 the police advise me whn
to de with thia man?'"
The 'Nage turned appealingly to the
guarilians of the law, but they Could
not, because there was ao provision
for such ogles.
The seene was a courtroom in a
large Canadian city, and the problem
which was puzzling the judge was one
which is a familiar old bugbear to
Canadian courtrooms at the present
time. What is to be delle with that
human derelict, the creature "whose
future has bead wrecked'and physical
condition shattered by Ilia addietion to
the use of drugs?"
One more derelict bas been tossed
upon the rocks and the ofiicers of Jus-
tice could do nothing to save him be-
eause "There was no provision for
such cases!" There he was, emaciated.
and shaking with weakness, clinging
to the edge of the .deck, It seems Milk is powerful—powerful as a
and the humani i
months before to two years In a anit
'�' . "�a good tei
finer tea and more of it r.
provincial Board of Health, OMtarl*
•4 Middleton will be glad to answer questions ea Dubh! .Health mob
tort through this column. Address him tit Splint Hous., Spadini
Cleanest. Toronto
that he had been sentenced some because it can generate energy,:
to system s an engine.,
tenttary for having bear. caught with " q w a power a supply of milk hos.
narcotic drugs In his possession. But;tvas reecnngly, demonstrated in Chi -1
When found to be tubercular he was runey mee.y, when a man locomotive waw'
run by milk. Not a human locomotive'
given his liberty. Apparently 'there either, but an iron and steel engine,
was no provie!on for suph cases.' leaning a train of five cars for a dis-
Now, once more in court, he was l flee of six miles and carrying two
Pleading that he be sent somewhere, hundred passengers in the coaches.
anywhere, for treatment, where some
The demonstration was condo led Ly
salvage might be made of his ruined the Health Commissioner of Chicago
life, or where, at least, he might be luet to show what of coe
fuel, The novelty of the
e test madet a
allowed to live ant his remaining days.,
But he was reluctantly thrown back
into the world from which he sought
to escape. The officers of justice were
powerlpss to do otherwise—because
'there was no provision for such cases.
According to a report recently 's-
ated by the Federal Department of
Health, a very conservative estimate;
of the number of drug addicts in Can-
ada is 10,000.
Estimating the cost of the average
daily dosage of the consumer, the
economic wastage due to the loss in
earning power of drug addicts, the
cost of 2,500 annual arrests made by!
police in Canada for offences against
the narcotics laws, and the court ex -I
penses, fees and salaries spent, in •
bringing them to justice,. the enor-'
'mous sum of $20,575,000 is arrived at.
ea the price paid annually for nal- ;
cotics in Canada.
"If ally a small fraction," tate
port Cas an to say, "of the money
thus wasted were spent in the estab-
lishing of hospitals or other institu-
tions; colonies or farms for the care
and segregation of drug addicts, it -
would go a long way towards solving
the problem of narcotism in this coun-
try, and would prevent, to a very great
degree, it lot of misery, suffering and
crime, not only to our present day
society, but to the generations yet un-
The problem of the narcotic drug
habit in Canada has been traced back
at least to the year 1880, when first
statistics relating to it were made.
available. There are now in Canada
at least 10,000 bound in abject and
horrible slavery—a small city! And
yet we have no provision for such
IVIItII•deredb Ring.
Rings have been associated with
many things, both happy and sinister.
It was common in Roman times, and
not by any means unknown in the Mid -
die Ages, to make a rig the instru-
ment of death. To carry enough pois-
on in a hollow "ring to destroy an in-
tended victim was one of the recog-
nized devices of crime.
The signet ring Is extremely an-
cient, being found In Egyptian tombs
and among Roman deposits. They
were more especially useful when writ-
ing was the talent of scribes only, and
when the only distinctive mark most
men, even kings and nobles, could
make was the impression of the signet
ring on clay or wax.,Thesignet ring
largely lost its useflness when the
adhesive flap of the envelope almost
entirely superseded sealing -wax.
The plain gold hoop, which we call
e wedding ring, is an imitation of the
Roman sign of betrothal. For many
years it was customary In this coun-
try to inscribe a motto or "posy" with-
in this gold hoop. The following are
specimen sentiments: "Our contract
Ives heaven's act." "In thee, my
Choice, I do rejoice." "God above, in-
crease our love.'
Rings are seldom worn on the thumb
to -day, but in the fifteenth and s1x-
.teenth centuries the thumb was the
fashionable "ring -finger."
In life, as in a football -game, the
principle to follow is "Don't cry,dotr•t.
(shirk; but hit the line hard."—Theo-
dore Roogevelt.
A cheery disposition is .like air in
a tiro. There really doesn't seen to
be much to it, but it makes the going
easier and happier for everybody. The
rougher the roe(? the more you need it.
Whosoever is afraid of submitting
any question, civil or religious; to the
test of free discussion, is more in love
with his own opinion than with truth.
Dizziness Is
Nature's Warning
• A fool can observe a thing correct.
ly,--for example, the weather,—but it
takes a man of sense to draw a cor-
rect. inference from what he sees.
The same heart beats, in every hu-
man breast,
Headaches and dizziness.nrerNa-
ture's warning of a disordered di-
gestion. If ignored, chronic ill
health may follow. Avoid this by
taking TANLAC, the world's great-
est digestive medicine. TANLAC
will tone up your stomach, cleanse •
your system and build you up to
robust health.
The World's Best Tonic
At All Good Drug Stores
Over 40 Million Bottles Sold
Take Tanlec Vegetable Pills for
all the more interesting, for who would
think of milk being able to run an
engine? And yet it did run an engine.
It shows that all this talk of hygien-
ists about milk being good food for
children and adults is no idle' talk, but
that its truth can be forcefully shown.
The train in question started from
the Englewood Station en the Rock
Island tracks and ran to Beverley
Hills, The eole fuel was dried milk
worked into lumps about_ four inches
in diameter, approximately the same
size as locomotive coal. Calculations
show that this substance has about
the same heat value as medium grades
of coal. Several days previous to the
running of the "milk" train, a test of
milk as fuel was made atone of the
roundhouses of the Rock Island Road.
To give the strange fuel a chance, a
"warmed up" engine was taken. The
steam gauge registered 185. Then 125
pounds of the lumped milk was
shovelled in and began to burn vigor-
ously.- One of the veterans of the
roundhouse staff, on watching the ex-
perireent, exclaimed as the milk began
to burn: "That milk stuff beats any
fire I ever saw inside a locomotive. It
burns like oil." The steam gauge had
started to climb, and when it reached
200, the engineer who bad fired the
boiler, threw out his chest and said:
"I have the honor of 'oeing the first
man to fire a locomotive with milk.",
The parallel between milk as human
fuel and engine fuel was pointed out,
because after all, the human body is
essentially a• very intricate machine
which requires the right kind of fuel
es much, i not more than the iron and
steel locomotive
motive that pulls a train of
cars on the tracks. If all these, young
and old, who now use tea and coffee,
wou:d stop using these beverages and
take pure milk . instead, . they would
soon find an imprevement in their gen-
eral hbalth and would not regret add-
ing the right kind of fuel for the deli-
cate engines of which our bodies are
Order Your ,
Farm Help Now
TO BE OF SERVICE to Eastern Canadian farmers and help
to meet their needs in securing Competent farm help, the
CANADIANPACIFIC RAILWAY will continue its farm help
service during 1925 and will include in this -service, as last
year, the supply of women domestics and boys.
Through experience in the. last two years, the' Company is now
in touch with a number of good farm laborers in Great Britain,
Norway,' Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Switzerland and
other European countries and . can promptly fill applications
for farm help.
In order to have the )yelp reach Canada in time for the spring
operations, farmers requiring help must get their applications
in early, to enable us to secure the help neetsd.
Blank application forma and full information regarding the
service may be obtained front any C.P.R. agent or from any
of the officials listed below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRELY
Department of Colonization and Development.
MONMONTRCAL Que C. Lau Due Norwood. General Landtural Agent gent.
E. Pinker, J O'Brien, Special General lColonization Ocean
t!on Agent,
SHERBROOIc0 Que.—W.' M. Hillhouse. Special ;Colonization wont,
ST. JOHN, N.13.—C. Bruce Burpee, District Passenger Agent.
EENTVILLE, N.S.—Geo. B. Graham, Gen. Manager Dominion AtldntiC..
H. C. P. Cresswell. W. S. BENNIS,
Superintendent Chief Commissioner.
Norther,& Electric
Made by the people who
made your Phone.
The R -8--A Radio Frequency Set.
It brings in far stations easily and distinctly --and as
easily tunes out strong local stations.
A fine, handsome instrument, operates with four Pea-
nut tubes. Two of them are radio frequency amplifiers,
giving volume with clear tone. Sosimple thatfive
minutes is enough to learn its operation.
Write to -day for full information and illustrated
literature regarding radio apparatus of established
reputation from
David A, McCowan
Deatere—We solicit your enquiries for catalogue and discounts.
People wtso are fond of pie want
Om at any prier,. ..--t--
Romany Riddles—Freedom.
wily, do we want of bed or beard,
0f lock or lighted lamp; -
What do we want of an acre 'or two
With the whole wide world for camp?
For a bed is not the gift of 'steels,
Nor a board the zest of feaster
A lock shots out nor death, nor care,
A lamp lights np new casts.
For ue the far horizons,
Their timeless cense and go,
The mystic tents of change and charm
The stuff of dreams aglow.
-Edith Thompson,
The Usual Treatment Does Not
Reach the Root of the
Most treatments for rheumetlem do
no more than aim to keep dawn the
poison„in the blood and enable nature
to overcome that particular attack,
Then when the systern becomes run-
down from any cause the disease again
Music From a Mirror.
More than two thousand years ago
a barber discovered that, In Cur/IPS
hie mirror, air was forced through the
tubes which were common in mirrors
et that time. This caused a oixrloue
niusicai sound to be emitted. So
Witch was ise by thia peculiarity that
he set about making an instrument
which 'was the foundation of the mod-
ern organ.
After several experiments be scads
a water -flute, Iu wheels air was forced
by bellows through an inverted cone
which led to Mutes controlled by a key-
board, the pressure being kept unl'
form by water.
After a thousand''years a rival in.
stevrnent made its appearance. Tbts
WAS of a similar pattern, but, instead
of water, weights regulated the pres-
1n•961 an organ was ereoted at Win -'I
ehester,, .England. It had tweutysix
bellows and ten pipes to each key.
Quebec Soon to Add Three
New Roads Into UeS.
Three aeW highways trine polite in
Quebec provi000'to the United States
border will bo eompleteil between pow
and. Now Tear's Day. • The early part
of this month the I,,-aprahie•I.acolle
highway via St. John's will be handed
over to the road department by the
contractors. At the end of the month
the Iberville-St. Albans will be ready.
The Waterloo -Newport highways will
be .completed by Janyary 1, 1925,
I. With the construction of these three
btghware in the course of the summer
months the province will have at the
disposal of its, residents and of tour•
iste nine seam 'highways which con.
sect with good roads in the Culled
rding to L. J. Boulanger, Deputy
Minister of Roads, the season has been
a good one for construction, and much
progress has been made, as October
The two mu who sat at the keyboard offered ideal conditions for carrying
"blew and sweated enormously,"'I on the Werk,
Later, a firm of organ makers in Ger- { In Julyy next, occording'to the pro -
many succeeded in erecting the first' gram, the Legis.St. Lambert highway
really big instrument, The primary will be completed as far as St. Angela.
Stops did not differ very much from A tenth highwayto the 'United
those of to -day, although various novel- States, now under study, is the road
ties were introduced, froze Vlctoriaville, Arthabasca County,
Among the innovations were the: to Woburn. Engineers win start pre-
the upper hand and it all has to nightingale and cuckoo stops, while paring their plans early next epring.
others represented cock -crowing and While work has been conducted by
be dans over. goat -bleating. Though these novel- the road department, road work of an -
Sufferers from rheumatism who ties have now. fallen into disuse, an . other nature has been in progress un-
have found their condition unrelieved organ with one of these nightingale' der the supervision of the Colonize,
or actually growing worse while using stops is still to be seen in Rome. tion Department, and as a result it is I
other remedies, would do well to try It was not until the nineteenth esu-' announced that the work en the Gaspei
Dr. Williams Pink. Dille. The tonic tury that the problem of the rage- Peninsula belt road, which goes from
treatment with this of
St laion of air. pressures was solved by Matane to Gaspe, has been s 0 luta
proved in thousands o ases the introduction of the hydraulic cessful that next spring there will re-;
builds up the blood to a point that en-
ables it to cast out the rheumatic
Poisons bo through the regular channels, HEALTHY
gi r I fore,
the bowels, kidneys and the skin. L A !A' I
When this is done rheumatism is ban- II CHILDREN While the completion of that road'
!shed, and as long as the blood is kept ,wll prove useful for the residents of
pure and rich the patient will be im- ALWAYS SLEEP WELL the Gaspe region and open new near-!
mune from attack. This is fully keta, it is expected also that tourists
proved' by the ease of E. E. Davis, S.P., will receive great benefit by getting
of Dinsmore, Sask., who says;—"L feel The healthy child sleeps well and this additional district to visit. The
it my duty to from. rheums-{{ during its waking hours is never cross highway has been constructed amid:
10 snm to recommend sufferersDr. Williams' Pink 1 but always happy, and laughing, It is : some unique scenery and efforts have
Pills. Some years ago I was a great only the sickly child that is cross and been made not to interfere with the
sufferer from this trouble and was con- peevish. Mothers, if your children do natural beauties.
fined to my room. I tried two doctors
without relief and had become des-
pondent. Then I saw Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills recommended for this trou-
ble and got six boxes. Before they
were all gone I was able to get around
on crutches, and when I was on the
eleventh box I started to work. I
blower. - main only 575,000 worth of wont to be
executed to complete that thorougb-
not sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which cadent)—"It was all your fault. I've
regulate the bowels, sweeten the ' been driving carefully. I've had two
stomach, banish constipation, colic and years' experience."
indigestion and promote healthful Old Man (picking himself up)—"But
havesleep. They are absolutely guaranteed
not missed a day's work since on
given to
it from hates and maybe
account of rheumatism. On two Coca- free .mop68 years' experience."
storm since I have had light touches the new-born babe with perfect safety.
of the trouble, but a box of the pills You can inobdealer the at Tabletsethrough
soon put me right. I strongly ream- any medicine pstpld 25 Cents a box.
mend rheumatic sufferers to give Dr. Williams'orby mail, Medicine
paid, from The Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." OnMedicine Co., Brockville,
You can get these pills from any Ont.
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Flapper Motor Driver (after the ac
Claes Ued Advertisement*
1410NIOr TOLOAN,' •
1tA.ftM X.QANS MA1-14. AW8N'VS
wanted, Itavackts, 77 Ylctori4
St., Teronto,
Tiny Titles.
"What is It called? This is the ques-
tion we usually ask Concerning a new
bovK, and one with an original title
will stand a good ohauce of becoming
a best setter If the matter inside the
covers le equally goad,
One -word titles are not much in
vogue to -day, although Mr. Hilaire Bet.
loo published a book oiled "On" re.
oently. Two novels, published &some
Years ago, go one better than this,
however, Ono was catlee "I0," and the
other "B."
Similarly; 'Why," published in 1921,
.haa been beaten by "?," which hails
from the Baited States.
There are many three -letter titles,
some of the best known being "She,'
„Eve," "Now," "Fan," and "Tine."
And 'So It Was.
A man with an uncanny mania for
iuggiing with figures, produced pencil
and paper and said to a friend:
"Put down the number of your living
brothers. Multiply it by two. . Add
three. Multiply the result by five. Add
the number of living sisters. Multiply
the result by ten. Add the number of
dead brothers and sisters, Subtract
one hundred and fifty from the result,"
The friend did it.
"Now," said the other with a cun-
ning smile, "the right-hand figure will
be the number of deaths, the middle'
figure the number of living sisters, and
the left-hand figure the number of liv-
ing brothers."
And it was se.
Minard's Liniment Rellleves Pain,
Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys
of sense, Be'in three words—health,
peace and competence.—Pope.
Salmon fishing is rivaling mining in
ffiniverva &largo& o'; 116 Ay
?dew meas
Ilei you can Promote a
t_ (Sleon iieallhyCondition
����0 •' N(ght oa )rye ing."
"'Night endMomine."
gasp your Eyes Clean, Clear and Many-.
Write for Free Ere Care Book.
olesEPO Remedy Ce..OSsilObie.$!r el,G
I've always walked carefully. I've had —
No. 342
A Catch Game
Customer—"I say—do you mind;
changing these vests for some less
humorous ones? These tickle me to
,Malicious Fun. n�
Boys will be boys, in South Africa 1i10RETRAN 55,000 FARMERS
as well as other parts of the L but have bought their fares in "Nas:arn
sometimes, as in this case, tee; taxa Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A
fun into malicious mischief. Thereremarkable Fact. Think! There Is a
was to be a dance at the Heidelberg I reason. The large area of our hold -
Town Hall, and everything was to be Ings affording choice of location and of
in high style, until it was discovered land to suit every farming need. Fair
that some boys had poured a quantity I price, fair contract, and fair dealing
of tar all over the floor. Theguests, I combined with abundant fertility of
1 soil, good climate and social condi-
however, with the help of sand and tions make farm life there desirable
brooms, managed to have a dance, , and attractive. Thousands more will
which was enlivened by the news that select their farm from our virgin lands,
the culprits had been captured, and from our improved farms, and with
their parents were thrashing ahem 1 some capital and determination to
o with a vigor never surpassed. work, can make a home and pay for
It. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada," and leaflet,
According to scientists, Nature's "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
coal -forming process took eight mil- Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
lion years to complete. Railway, Desk W„ Windsor Station,
Montreal, Que.
Sometimes the folks play old-
fashioned games in which forfeits
have to be paid, here is a little
known stunt by which some per-
son may pay his forfeit and pro-
vide a vast amount of amusement
for the rest of the party,
The person to pay the forfeit is
taken out of the room and his.
friends seat themselves in two
rows, facing each other. Each per-
son presses the toe of ono shoe
against the toe of one of the shoes
worn by the friend who faces him.
The victim is brought in and he
Is told that he will be blindfolded
and asked tp walk between the two
rows. If, however, he steps on any-
one's toes, another forfeit will be
The trick is that each person, as
soon as the victim is blindfolded
draws his feet under his chair. The
victim, unaware of this, passes be-
tween the rows, endeavoring might-
ily to miss the feet that aren't
there, and so adding to the inn of
the party.
(Otip this out and poste tt. with
other or the series, in e scr'epbnok,i
Sneeze Signs.
--In the ancient days of Greece and
Ronne, a sneeze was supposed to boar
In Its train fa: greater portents than
a mere cold,
To sneeze whilst rising from the
table or bed was said to Indicate rip-
poraching death. Yet to sneeze be-
tween midday and midnight under
favorable planetary conditions was an
augury of happiness.
Again, if the Greek or Roman turn-
ed to the right while sneezing, it •was
regarded as a happy omen,
Dominion Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand (Atos
tlrrouglrout Canada,
If I. were asked to define salesman.
tl.ip in one sentence, I would say it
was nothing more nor less that utak-
tag the other fellow feel as you do
about the goods you have to sell.
Mfnard's Liniment for Rheumatlam.
Cold in the Head
Heat Mins rd's and inhale often.
Splendid for catarrh.
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24, years for
Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept Only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
IIandv "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles 01 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade mnrir (reglstrted in Canada) of Beyer Manafarttlre oP Moseicatis'
aetdealer or Salicylic:old (Acetyl Selicyiie Aekd, "A. 5. 0."). while it Is well known
that toplrIe means Caner manufacture, to polo the nubilesolos(Imitations, the Tobias
of Barrer Company will bo at:waived with their femoral trade mark, the Boyer Orost, t
the Stomach
On Face and Shoulders.
Itched and Burned.
"My trouble began with n rash
of pimples on my face and shoul-
ders. The pimples were hard and
red and festered and scaled aver.
They were very painful and itched
and burned so that I could not sleep
nights. I was ashamed to go any-
where my face was so disfigured.
The trouble lasted about four and
a half years.
I began using Cuticura - Soap
and Ointment, and after using three
cakes of Cuticura Soap andtwo
boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was
completely healed." (Signed) Miss
Myrtle A. Westover, Bolton Centre,
Rely on Cuticurr Soap, Ointment.
and Talcum to keep your skin clear.
gamble Each Tree by Egan. Addre . Canadian
Depot Setiaera, P. O. an_ 2018 Montreal..
Price. S pibc. Uintment0bend500%%llama.
'y', -• Try our new Shaving Stick -
Other Troubles Women Often Have
Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Lachine, Quebec.—"I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundbecauae
I suffered with pains in my left side and
back, and with weakness and other
troubles women so often have. I was,
this way about six months. I saw the
Vegetable Compound advertised in the
'Montreal Standard' and I have taken
four bottles of it. I was a very sick wo-
man and I feel so much better I would
not be without it. I also use Lydia B.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I recom-
mend the medicines to my friends and I'
am willing for you to use my letter as a
testimonial," --Mrs. M. W. Ross, 580
Notre Dame Street, Lachine, Quebec. •
Doctor Said an Operatio>;a
Provost, Alberta.—"Perhaps you will.
remember sending me one of your books
a year ago. I was in a bad condition
and would suffer awful pains at times
and could not do anything. The doctor
said I could not have children unless
I went under an operation. I read
testimonials of Lydia E. Pinkbain's
Vegetable Compound in the papers and
a friend recommended me to take it.
After taking three bottles I became
much better and now have a bonny baby
girl four months old. 2 do my house-
work and help a little with the chores.:
I recommend the Vegetable Compomrdl
to my friends and am willing for you tail
use this testimonial tetter. "—Mrs.A.Aj
ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, Alberta. 0
ISSUE Nit, M. '24,