HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-11-12, Page 5z
&MAPS aN%ttR, o
1IOrXr"Jy�°,1 a drN.'T°Aftdk'I ICj
For references eonenit any parson whose sales
1 have officiated et. Phone 78x or 65
r Gla 70,1Vd>1"J4laVe
• If you went neuter get
Lloensece Auotloneer for Huron County, to
handle your sales, 4 pairs experience .In the
West. Cell phone 8817
Honor geaduete of the Ontsrio Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, (Aloe oppodte
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc-
Cormick 6ledieal College, Chicago, III. Three
months post graduate uottrse during year 1010.
Eyes scientifically examined,
Latest Modern Methods used.
am -Grose Eyes ebrolghtoued through proper-
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction Aesurod.
Offiae hours: 10ta 12 a, m, • 1.80 to 6 p, m.
Saturday evening, 7.00 to 9 o'clock.
Phone 26x
Fire,. Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity •Phone 647
Agent Hawick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brussels
M. B., M- O. P-. & S. O.
M. 0. H., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Acoonohetr
Office at residence, opposite Mely 111e Church,
William street.
1p. M. &JV'&',Pare,
UEarrlet*v*, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, gnu door from Hamilton
Private funds t0 loan at lowest rates.
W..PaoUDCooT, E. 0. t.1„ EILLonAN
Representative Wanted
Huron County to represent "The Old Relloble
Fonthlll Nurseries.' Big sales are to be made
in lolling Nursery stook during the recon-
struction period. A splendid opportunity for
a live ealesmen. Highest nommfseiona paid,
handsome, free equipment, large lino of fruit
and ornamental stock to offer. STONE &
WELLINGTON. Toronto, Ont.
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 mires, 'being we Lot 28, Con. 6,
Dlprris township. Good brick house with cel-
lar ,• bank bare with cement stabling ; driving
filled, drilled well and anever falling spring at
beck. About 60 items ander unit(vetion, bet -
encu pasture and. wood laud. gall plowing
will be done end possession given this Fall.
For further particulars apply to
A. H. MACDONALD, Brussels,
:w,,,,, Avivv.a...fSz vafi. 0. . -4
A High Grade School
Cor, Yonge and Alexander Sts. Toronto
Invitethose s the pe beat tra o1 training
c who do- 61
sire ue get the bast trniulug for chorus fl.
bustuess posltlons.
Write da t
to -day for Catalogue.
Enter any time.
4t1.2±iZa'4Aeyat,Paaete estn'7ette7.a+aa4iAl aa'S
prepares young Men and young women
for Bnsintd° which is now Carinda'a
greatest *t,ie 20 positionestennd they have aon We assist g pram
tient Ir
nh success. cert del
4 en s til m to
meet with ,eeGot 0 Es oro reg-
istered id l week, Got our about
different and lean something shout our
dllfuleut aepnrtmonEs
+4•444•4•4444+++ ++ F'i'4'd••i'44444.4
+ Highest market prices
•i' See'me or Phone No. 2x, 13704-
cele, and l will call and get
your. Poultry.
1VI.`�' Yollick
� Ol
1 glace
At no Mule In the history of the
Baking Industry hos it been
more generally appreciated that
le the great essential In buildirig
up It strong, healthy body. You
r can have 'Quality Bread" by
Phone 32x
Pad Nehm e
"Tits PosT gives the news" Is stilt our
MONDAY wag a Public Holiley and
was generally observed as such.
BALANCE of 1824 given free to new
subscribers for the coming year.
THE long spell of fee:weather provid-
ed a splendi8 opportunity of getting
Fall work done.. •
A NOS/DER of roofs of business blocks
were receiving, attention to prohibit the
interior applicatiou of aqua pura.
THE semi-annual visit of Inspector
Field was made to departments of Brus-
sels Public School during the past week.
He looks easefully after bis work.
CooN hunting is one of the favorite
sports of some of our townsfolk these
nights. Their efforts have not gone un-
rewarded as raccoons are said to be num-
erous this Fall.
QUITE a number of enquiries concerti -
jug the Perpetual Caretaking in Brus-
sels cemetery. There is now about
$600,00 in the Fund. Intention is to
invest the money in Government Bonds.
Information cheerfully supplied ;con-
cerning the plan by the Committee, of
which W. H. Kerr is Sec.-Treas.
A KINGSTON merchant fired on a Hal-
lowe'en gang who were interfering- with
Ids property and tickled more than the
epidermis of some of the merry perform.
ere. Hallowe'en does not permit half
the liberties some jolliers imagine is
their right and many a tresspass action
might be entered if the property owners
wished to stand by the law.
S. S. No. 9 Grey -Following is the
school report of S. S. No. 9 (they for
the months of September and Oct
Exatnitted in Geog , Read.,
Lit.. Gram. and Arith Sr. IV -
Laurence Machan 88 ; Hazel Speiran
78 Spell., Gram., Geog., Hist , Arith.,
Read. and Lit. Jr. 1V -Velma Rob-
ertson 78 ; Verna McKay 72. Sr. III
Willie Robertson 76; Kenneth Ferg
67. Jr. III -Lundy McKay 78 ; Glen
Rothwell 70 ; May blcKay 83 ; Bob
Bell 55, II class-Herbie Huffman 80
Madalon 4i:dean 85 ; Jennie MeKay
82; Francis Smith 78; Jenny Harrison
77 ; Oynthia Machan 74 : Russel Goie
73; Cecil Machan 73 ; Cecil Robinson
86. Daily work I class- Marshall
Harrison ; -Donald,Wart ; Lillian
Harrison ; Myrtle Gole. Primer-
Ji3xcelleut-Lindsay McKay, Good -
Leonard Machan ; Dorothy Mann ';
Lorraine McKay. Fair -John Payne,
Number on roll 28. Average attend-
ance for the month of October 26,8.
8422001 Report -Following is fhe re-.
port lefS. S. No, 5, Grey, for the
moniatof October each class being ex-
almened in. Geography, History and
Spelling Those marked (*) missed
one or more exams: -Jr. IV-* Helen
Barnes 69, Sr. Ill --Jean Campbell
83; Annie Eve'letgth 80; Amy Holmes
60; Bella Lucas 52, Jr. 111 -Kathleen
Bremner 81; *Lizzie Beirnes 81;
Gladys Lucas 7.5; *Wife' Beirnes 43.
Sr. int--•Flortnce .Hwu9ibtoni, 38. Jr.
11 Norman Rea 76; Sr. Pr -Harry
Ffeemes, good; Gael Lucas, fair. ' Jr.
Pr. -Clarence Lucas, good, E. Fear,
SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the
repott of S. S. No. 9, Morrie, for the
mouth of
October. The average ° .is
taken from marks to teats in iteuciing,
Grammar, History, Literature, Omer -
position. Iiouote 75':- V -Harvey
Bryans 85. Sr. IV -Melvin Scott 76,
Walter Pease 75, Frank Kirkby 07
Jr. IV -Mabel Bewley 88, Sr, 1I1-
\Vayne Scott 88. Sr. II --Archie Bete -
ley 91,StuarttunBr u
s 84, Tommy
Kirkby 7h 0 r
Pease 09 Beacham
Alcock 55 First Olase-Isabelle Al-
cock. Pr. -may Sho7Lreed, Lloyd
Pease, No. of pupils on roll, 16 ; aver-
age attendance 13.._ A. mistake was
made in last nineties report : Tommy
Kirkby' should have been credited
with 70 instead of 20 per cent, and
Clifford Pease 74 instead of 24
a8rot• as reported, w 1 to
O tv]
tlGOwnN Teacher.
80Ho0L REPORT. -Following is the
report of S. S. No, 4, for the month of
October. Names are arranged accord-
ing to merit :-Olase V -Jack Kelly,
Jiro Smith. Sr. IV -Tom. Miller, Roes.
Oardiff, George Smith, Sr, II1-Mar•
gent Harman, Mildred Nichol, Loots
Cardiff, Lloyd Pipe, Joe Smith. Jr.
III -Gladys White, Glenn Swith, Ger-
don Harman, Mervyn Pipe, Sr. II--
Maegaret Russell, Bate Russell, Dave
hillier (equal), Elbert While, Harriett
Smith, Jr, II -Jack Pipe, Mac Scott,
Howard Smith, Gordon Nichol, Se,
pt'...-•Lewie Russnil. Jr.' Pr. -Giem
• Teacher.
8010002. R222'02227. -Report of 35.13,
No. 8, Morrie, for September and 11)c-
tober. The DEEM urn gtveit Io order
of merit;-Olaee I,Y-Melville Maele,
ere, Bort Malhcre, Burette. Smith,
Myrtlo'Turvey, Dorothy Nitrides, Mar.
inn Goll, Edith \Varwiek, Sr. 111 -
Harry Goll'h'ntl Eva Dimple (equal),
Eddie Garuiss, I1 -Tato (fal'iliss,
Jean Turvey, Jean Gatllies, Dorothy
Goll, I -steno Warwick, Viola Goll,
Elsner Sellers and Charlie Jewitt
(equal) Pr.-4tlaelie Mothers, Stan-
ley Mustard, Arlene Jewitt. Whitfield
Nichol, No. on roll 25. Average daily
attendance 20. Perfect attendance
for the two WOnthe-Dorothy Gam -
lee, Melville Mothers, Edith Uvalde?,
Beet Mather's, laddie Gat nise,
P.7000866 of the Choral Society Oon-
met were $60.
Mrs. Clime. Helbein is not having
robust health,
The new assistant in the Postofiice
here is Mies Myrtle Short,
Pleased 10 see Norman Wade able
to be about after his serious sickneee.
Mee. M. Hammond and daughter
are visiting relatives )sere from Can-
ton, Ohio.
Several persons within the oorpor-
noon are soaking to have their prop-
erty returned to township parts-
Smoot, REPORT. --Following is the
report of Wroxeter Primary Room
for October ;-Nn, on roll 26. Aver-
age attendance 24 The names are
arranged in order of merit. Ilnd-
Stewart Higgins; Robert Paulin, Rae
Loutitt, Georgina Leckie, Helen Mil-
ligan, Elgin Hoffman, Atthur Gibsop,
Harold Snake, Velma Higgins, Jack
McLean, Loreeu Ohamberlain-. Sr,
Iot-Tack McLeod, Lily Waller, Vera
Duret, Marjorie Paulin, Doris Elliott,
and Margaret Edgar, rqual, Isabel
Milligan, Nellie McLaughen. Jr. Isb
-Merrill Tait, -Ila Sharpin, Pr. -
Stewart Musgrove, Robert aoppctaft,
Diable Patterson, Everett Wright,
Billie Gibson,
Mre. B. E. Taylor, Godericb, cele-
brated het' 91st birthday Monday of
last week.
Rev. Dr, Meldrum, Cleveland, Ohio,
Was married to Ann Newcomb Wan.
namaker, at Goshen, Ind.
Memorial service was held last Sun-
day morning comemorative of the
boys who died for the Empire.
Joseph Pelot was sentenced to pay a
fine of $300, or 0 months injail for
having a still in his house, He took
the 6 months,
Special evangelistic services are be-
ing held in North Street Methodist
Church, Pastor is being assisted by
Revds. Meyers. Hibbert, Kingsville ;
and Kelly, Stratford.
+Scktool Report -Following is the re -
ort of S. S. No. 41 Grey for the month
of. )September and October. Those
,ma4'ked with (*) mixed one or more
examinations Sr. IV -*Elva MacKay
70; Jackson McCutaheon 67. Senior
T led -+Howard Savage 65; *Gertrude
Mann. Jr. Third-*S(e4la Sellers 83;
«Margiaret Sellers 65; *Wilfred Savage
62; ;Helen McAllister 57; Laura Jack-
lfn S0. Sr. Second -Nora McInnis 60
*Roy ,MacKay 50. First -Lois John-
siton 66; George MacKay 50'. Primer
-Earl Grimmer; Doris McAllister; Carl
Grine/leer; Kenneth Seaters; Howard
McKay. Jane McLennan, Teacher.
Shcuool Report - Folloeving is the
report of 11. S. S. No. 4, Grey and
Wallah:e for the months of September
,and October Honours 75 per cent.;
Pass 60 percent.; Sr. IV -Josie Cum-
ming 80; *George Brown, 80; '*Jean
Martin 74; *Archie MaiaDonaid 67.
Jr. 4V-*Mournay 'Brown 87; *Archie
Cumming 75; John Lamont 68; *Jes-
sie Bd)yar 55. Jr. 111 Tons Oumming
30;. 'Pearl Felker 752 Stellla ,Cosens 74;
*L'an>Iplbelt Magofiin 72; Agnes Elliott
66; *Glenn Martin ° 58. St. 11 -*Davie
Stewart 60. Jr. fl ,Geo. Lamont. Jr
1 (In order of merit) --Arthur Lamont;
Beverly Mite held ; Archie Dougilts ;
Ralph Wilt. Primer (in order of
merit)-- Jean Sangster; Jean Stewart;
Limcan Stn•ril1. Names smirked with
an asaterlsk missed one or more exams.
-V. V. McLeod, Teacher.
Grand Bend had n close call from a
bush fire last week.
Woad dor Sale
A quantity of Dry Hardwood,
cut 10 Inches long, also Fur.
/lace iVood--lairs and Hord -
wood mixed --18 ineheselong.
Will be dellyered or sold at
pile to suit purchaser.
J. M. Knight & 'Sons
Phone 5510
Forts ltvi oh
Ripe raspberries, second crop, are on
the bill of • fare.
By a fall Mrs, A. Denny fractured 2
Glad to hear that Jno. Sangster is
Making favorable progress,'
While working his tractor Thomas
Pritchard had one of his lege injured.
R, E. Rice, Brandon, Man., is dead.
He was a brother.in-law of 141s. J.
Rev. Mr. So
lie Alma,took
the services in the Prebteia
church last Sabbath,
Last Sunday Rev.- Mr. Wilkinson,
Bluevale, conducted Missionary serv-
ices in the Metbodiet church.
Sunday morning beet the annual
Decoration and church parade Was
held at the Anglican church.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of S. S,
No. 7. Grey for Sept. and Oct,
Senior Room
Examined in Writ„ Comp., Spell.,
Geog, Rist, Gram., Liter., and Read,
Sr, IV -Jean Noble 92 ; Goldwin
Knight 91 ; Jean Cameron 91 ; Marie
Huether 89 ; Jack Cameron 88 ; Helen
McNabb 87 : Jean Smalldon . 84 •
Margaret Brown 75 ; Jim Penning ton
07 ; Edith Keyes 62; Archie Campbell
OI. Jr. IV -Eleanor Knight 88 ; Em-
ylene Steles 85 ; Earl Dunn 84; John
Pennington 69 Edith Brown 69 •
Glen Hunter 87. Sr. Ili-Ke.thlene
Zeigler 89 ; Howard Brown 88 ; Boldo
Querengesser 76 ; Blair McIntosh 72 ;
Willie Fischer 51.
Ida M. Hunter, Teacher,
Junior Room
Jr. III -Examined in Writ., Spell„
Arith., Geog, Hist , Lang.. & Comp.
Vera Porter 93: Evelyn Huether 92;
Fergie Stnalldon 92 ; Mary McIntosh
91 ; Stanley Fisher 69. Examined in
Writ„ Spell., Arith., Geog„ Read.,
Lang., & comp. Sr. 1I -Gladys Smal-
ldon 92; Geo, Fisher 91; Myrtle Wil-
son 90 ; Roma Cameron 63. Jr, II -
Dorothy Huether 87 ; Mary McDon-
ald 83; Elmer Locking 73; Clifford
Brown 64. Sr, Pr. -Excellent-Made-
line Krauter ; Helen Smalldon, Good
-Kenneth Brown ; Alice Locking.
Jr. Pr. -Excellent -Maurice Cameron
Glen Hnether; Jim Cameron. Good
-Willie Zeigler ; Stanley Wilson,
DECEASED. -After an illness of only
a few days, the death. of George
Young, aged 50 years, occurred at his
home at Stratford, 267 Romeo street,
about 880 o'clock Friday night. The
late Mr, Young had taken * chill while
at his work in the Chair Factory on
Tuesday morning, end had gone home,
and from that time, sank steadily.
Ile was born in Harriston and lived
rhe greater part of his life there befogs
moving to Stratford 16 years ago.
Practically ever since then he bas
been one of the most valued employees
of the Stratford Chair company, work-
ing as finisher. Be waesecenlly made
an inspector in the factory and was
always greatly interested in his work,
The late Mr. Young was a member of
St. Andrew's chtfreb. In 1915 he mar-
ried Miss Emma Heather, Oranbrook.
He leaves to mourn his toes besides
his sorrowing wile, 5 children -Helen,
Jack, Jeue, Stewart and Muriel, all at
home, a brother, James Young of St.
Thomas, and 3 sisters : 1(hs, John
Broughton, Toronto, and Jean and
Annie in the West. Funeral was
held on Monday, November 3, at 2
o'clock, Rev. Finlay Matheson of St.
Andrew's church conducted the ser-
vices at the house at 2 o'clock after
which interment was made in Avail -
dale cemetery, Pallbearers were ;
Thomas Gibson, John Amsbury, John
Ross, 0. Turnbull, 0, Wilson and J.
lugles. Among the mourners who
attended the funeral from rut of the
city were : J. and 81 re. Broughton,
Reuther, her D:ut and Sirs.
TorontoGen, tt t
ande Lamont,
Heather, and ttCh ts, eke. L rno tt,
Oranbrnok ; James Young, Harold
and Mrs, Yining and John Young, St.
Thomas ; 4Von, and Mrs. Huether, St.
Marys, and 3010, and Mts, Mittleholtz,
Walkerton. Floral contributions
ail Supplies
Wiler's Hardware
Quebec Heaters, large size, $18,00
Happy Thought. and McClary Ranges
Stove Boards and Coal Hods
Stove PipesandElbows
Electric and Oil Heaters
Roofing 18,121;06 Horse Blankets
Stable and Storm Sash Beaver Board
Cement, Lime and Paristone
12'e can eAP�Jp 1 Repairs for all makes of Stoves
A Bargain is Newspapers
An Opportunity to Win $s.00a,rro
A Beautiful Art Calendar Free.
The Post has concluded au ar'raoge-
went with the Fatuity Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal, by which
we can Offer the greatest bargain ever
givers to newspeper readers,
no 011.7 'naiades a full year's tub•
eerip1200 to both papers, an art ellen,
dal' with axnost beeutifu.i Mauve sub-
ject ready for framing, and au oppor-
tunity to tvin a prize or 06,000 in oasb.
In the Federal Election of 1921 there
were 8,119.400 votes cast out of a tot-
al of 4,486,310 names ou the voters lief,
How litany votes will be polled in
the next election ?
The FamilyHerald and Weekly
Starare offering 7'en Thousand dol.
lars in 94 prizes foe the best 0stirnaees
and our a'r•angernene with the pub-
lisher•/of that great weekly gives. ev..
ery POST subaorihst' an , oppov'tun.
ley to make an estimate and perhaps
win the capital 'prize of 5000 dnllats,
Some person will win. Why should
it not be you ?
THAI Poem costs 02 00 per peat.. The
Family Herltld and Weekly Star costs
02 00 per year,
We now offer a full year to both
papers, including a copy of the Farnily
Herald Art Calendar and the right to
make one estimate in the Family Her-
ald's Election Onntest all for $3 50.
Estimates must be made at the time
of subscribing. and no changes will be
permitted afterwards.
Order now at this office.
were as follows ()roes, from David
Pooley and Mrs. R. 0, Service ;
wreaths, from Employees department,
Chair company, Juliet Sunday school,
Mr. and Campbell ; sprays from W.
F. and Mrs. Armstrong, G. W. and
Mrs. Long, A, and Mts. Levi, J. and
Mrs, Haynes, R. end Mrs. Cade John
and Mrs. McDonald, H. and Mrs.
Young, T. and Mrs. Peachie and R.
and Mrs. Jamison, Mrs J. Broughton,
Mrs. J. Drain, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett,
S. and Mrs. Mite and family. Gordon
and Mrs McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs.
Bremner, and Mr. and Mrs, Turnbull,
Baseball beanie champions of ' the
Bruce Oonnty Baseball League for
1924. was tendered a banquet by the
town and Athletic Association in the
Town Hall here Tuesday night; 130
were present, representing the various
towns in the league. Speeches were
delivered by F. E, Coombe, Kincaid-
Ina ; Dr. G. H. McKay, Paisley, Sec-
retary of the Bruce league, and W.
G. Durst, Obesley; G. 11. Linklater,
Teeswater, was toastmaster and the
toasts were as follows, "The Ring,"
proposed by Mr. Richardson : "The
Bruce League," proposed by S. R.
Brill, Teeswater, responded to by F,
E. Conrnbe, Kincardine ; "The Tees -
water Baseball Team," proposed by
Gordon Roes, Kincardine, responded
to by Rev. Father Flahaven ; "The
Ladies," proposed by Mr. Robinson,
Teeswater, responded In by Dr. 3. R.
Fowler, Teeswater. Following the
hamper the semi-annual meeting of
the league was held to wind up the
business for the year. It was decided
that the Bruce League would affiliate
with the 0. B. A. A. next year. The
annual meeting for the election of of-
ficers for 1925 will be held on May 1.
Ripley wants to wear incorporated
Olnage clothes.
Methodist Choir, Teeswater, pre-
sented Miss Gladys Jackson with a
shower, prior to her marriage.
Teeswater Base Ball Olub was ban -
and Silver leophy presented,
This is the 2nd year for this honor.
0700,1e claimed by Brnee Bnsyen-
berry, Grand 13end, from N. F. New-
ton, Parkhill, for damages to auto.
Here and There
A contract has been let in Alber-
ta for the erection of fifty cottages
for w oare nom Hebrideans h coining ng in
the spring, on the main line of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, between
Edmonton and Red Deer, and on
the Hardisty line, as far east as
'She dances, customs and folklore
of Old Quebec are still alive and
show no signsns of decline. Thousands
of persons recently witnessed a per-
formance of these at the Moniment
National, Montreal, and joined
heartily in the well-known choruses
which eh ba e made the picturesque
aspect of Quebec world -Demons.
The piledriver Tarzan is rap-
idly nearing completion at the B.C.
Marine, Vancouver, B.C., and will
be ready for launching soon. This
piledriver will be the largest in the
world. It is being built for the
Sydney Jenkins Company
for nee
in the construction of the new pier
B -C for the Canadian Pacific Rail-
Erected at the, cost of $200,000,
ono of the handsomest marine ter-
minals of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way was recently completed' at Vic-
toria, 13,0, The terminal houses the
general offices of the British Co-
lumbia Coast Service of the Cana-
dian Pacific. The matin building is ; fl
x22 feet long, 84 ecet wide and three
storeys high, With a fourth storey I n
erected centrally over the structure, t
j OUR home -every home -as at the mercy
of the kitchen range at least three times a
day. Knowing the importance of good sneals
and the amount of work it takes to prepare
them day after day the knowing
home-manoger realizes the necess-
ity of then ht range, When you
compare a Happy Thought Range
with any other at any price, you
will understand why more than
300,000 Canadian women praise
them three times a day.,
See one this week.
mane Ar BR 010005D CANADA
Art in Granite and Marble
EVERY piece of work we do is
treated like a masterpiece of
art before it can pass our rigid
inspection, Lnog experience in all
the. different treatments of expres-
sion in granite enables us to produce
the last touch that makes perfection.
Cemetery work promptly attend-
ed to.
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Home nursing class at Blyth opened
with 6 per cent members.
Methodist churc1i Ladies' Aid at the
Nile, hold a pa mpkin pie social and
bazaar on 14th inst.
Bad accident occurred to Harry
Trick. Orediton, by getting his arm
caught in the belting of a machine.
A broken arm and other injuries re-
sul ted.
By -Law No. 11 for 1924
By-law No. 11 for 1924, of the
Township of Grey, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, providing for the
issue of Debentures to defray
the cost of constructing and in-
stalling au Electric Lightin
System in the Village of Ethel.
WHEREAS applioatlon has been made
to the Municipal Council of the corpora -
Him of the Township of Grey, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, by the Trustees of the said
Village of Ethel, asking for the issue of
debentures to be repayable out of the taxes
levied on the taxable property of. the said
Vilh.ge ;
AND \VHL'REAS it was deemed ex
pedient and desirable that the request of
the said applicants should be granted ;
AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of
the oonalruution of - the proposed Electric
Lighting System with the required equip-
ment is the sum of Two Thousand Dol-
lars, which is the amount of the debt in -
Waded to be oreated under the authority
of this By-law ;
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property in the aforesaid
Village is the sum of $47,000.00 ;
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to
inake the prinoipal of the said debt repay-
able by annual instalments during the per-
iod o ten en
aura next after Y the date -of -the'
issue ,thereof ; such instalments *1 prin-
cipal and interest to be ouch amounts that
the aggregate sum payable for the principal
and iutersst.inany year shall be equal, as
nearly as may be, to what ie payable for
prinoipal and iu1erest during each of the
other years ;
AND WHEREAS it will be necessary
to raise annually duriug each year for: the
period often yearn, being the currency of
the debentures to be insuod under the au-
thorityf Ude o hta B -1, the hes r
y u n ut$265 84
for the payment of the several Instalments
of prinoipal and interest.
THEREFORE the Municipal (Lunoil
of the Township of Grey 'moots as follows:
1 -That, for the purpose aforesaid, it
shall be lawful for this corporation to bor-
row upon the security of the speoial rate
hereby imposed e 0b )UBa upou u
the e whale rateable
1 Po e
property included in the area oemplising
the Pollee Village of Ethel in the aforesaid
Township of Grey, the sum 01 $2000.00 ;
and that the nloneye so raosed shall be ap-
plied and expended in the eenst notion of
the said Eleotrio Lighting System and its
equipment, and in 00 alum way and for
uu other purpose,
3 ---Th
o said debentures as shall boar in-
terest at the rate of 5¢ per cent per au -
num payable yearly, and as to prinoipal
and interest shall be payable at the Statd-
and Bank of Canada in the Village of
Brussels, .
8 -The Reeve of Oda Corporation shall
sign and ensue the said debeubures, and
WWI cause the Dame to be signed b the
Treasurer of this Municipality, and the
clerk of this Municipality ie hereby emir-
orized and tuetruoted to ettaol1 the Cor-
porate Seal of the said Muuioipelfty there-
4 -The acid debentures shall be testte5
ortliwith After the data on which this Bye
IW fs passed, and obeli 'be payable in ton'
annual instalments during the ben years
ext after the day on which this By-law'
tikes offeah, she 780900tive amounts far
principal and interest payable during each
of the Bald years being as follows :
No. of Annual
Deb. Year Prinoipal Interest Payment
1 1926 4165 34. $110 00 $265 34
2 1927 168 88 101 46 265 84
8 1928 172 89 92 45 265 84
4 1929 182 90 82 94 265 34
5 1930 192 44 72 90 286 34
6 1981 203 02 62 82 " 260' is
7 1982 214 18 51 16 265 84
8 1983 225 96 89 88 266 04
9 1934 288 89 26 95 265 84
10 1985 251 60 18 84 266 34
5 -That for the purpose of paying the
said ioetalments of principal and interest
as and when the same shell become due,
during the ten years which the debentures
to be issued under the authority of this
By-law have to run, a speoial rate ea r:dent
to produce the required yearly amount
shall be assessed, levied and oolleoted in
the same manner and at the same time as
other taxes are levied and collected upon
and from the whole rateable -property
within the said Police Village of Ethel,
ill each of the ten years during which the
said'debenturee have to run.
6 -That the debt to be oreated on the
security of such special rate as authorized
by this By-law be, and the same is hereby
guaranteed by the Municipality of the
Township of Grey.
7 -That this By-law Alan dome into op-
eration and take effect on the da of the
ffual pausing thereof, Y
J. J Mo
J. H. FEAR, clerk,
Take notice that the foregoing is a true
oopp of a proposed Bylaw of the corpora-
tion of the Township of ..Gray to be nub-
mitted to the votes of the electors of the
Police Village of Ethel, on the 14th day of
November, A.D. 1924, between thehoure of
9 o'clock to the forenoon h o uncus and
5 o'clock in
the afternoon, at the following plume :
The Township Hall, Ethel, and that
Peter J. Bishop 1s hereby appointed Dep-
uty Returning Officer.
And that the 11th day of November,A,D.
1924 at 3 alak'
0 1u the afternoon, at the.
Clerk '
o's Mee in the said Village hoe been
fixed for the
o a clot
mnut of persons 9 so s 40 at-
tend P
tend as the polling places and at the IInni-'
summing up of the votes by the Clerk.
And that 1f the ascent of the Riootora of
tate said Police Village is obtained to the
proposed Dy -law it shall be taken into con.
stderattou by the t0l:onieipal Commit of the
said oorporabion ata meeting thereof be he
held after the expiration of one month
from the dabe of the fleet publioation of
this notice and that su
ohullliaation was
first made on the 2911 day of Ootober,
tenant who amine to vote upon said pro-
poeod By-law must deliver to the Clerk not
Wee then the tenth day before the day ape
pointed for taking the vote, a declaration
under the Canada Evidence Aob, that he is
11 benapt whose lease extends for the Hine
for which the debt or liability is to be
oreated, or in tvhieb the money to be rais-
ed by the proposed By-law is payable, or
for at least twenty-one years and thab ha
has ;by the !ensu covenanted to pay all
tttuuieipal tame in moo Of rho property
of whish he ie talent other than local fm-
prOvetneut rates,