HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-11-12, Page 4gitte 44100.04 warmasrmir, NOV la 19e4, VOLive st111 roil n' tons th it 111 • an Ir Is flat but not half Hail it es the geu;l0 Man h Meelf. 1 V11t. rai'way crul•s cgs t:onth ue to take the toll of 1)utnlnl Uvea, There should be an insistent drmsud for great. ersecurity for the pub'nc A. new kind 4 wl.eat that resists test is one of the valuable discoveries of a Western farmer. It may mean nanneps Of dollars to Western wheat fields. Taman of -trade is upward at,d the business pulse is beatipg stronger as a result of the past harvest. A more opti- mistic tone ie being taken on and will have much to do le sat ling the pace Economy std bald emir are $lits essen- tials, SEr"rkl,124 story would have mote clod ecce if he bad "peached" years ago A Streeter aceoeutiog to all public depar mens would be a good frui'-hearer, we believe. Shover tetins of office is an. other way of keeping business clean. 'Petite the lines have fallen to Caoadl one 11 p'easaut places and we have a goodly heritage. This Thanksgiving period should extend for more than a day or even a year, "There's not a land however grand can win our heart from thee." IT is said the world may be encircled in 17 days by the schedule marked out by the air experts. This air ship bust nrss will revolutionize all past pla.)s of Globe trotters. Speed limit does not appear to interfere with the travel. "Pert= closed Wembley Fair but most people were preven ed from see- ing him by the thick fog," so reads a press note from the Old Land, How little we apprecia'e our iucomparable climate, evenafter such an illustration of the d fference between this land and old Beelaml SowsTnees it works the wrong way as it did with 2 bays at Seattle who at- tempted to place a garbage can on the top of an electric light pole on Hallow. e'o and were electrocuted. A dearly tatnght lesson to the public. COAL dealers in Winnipeg are to be quizz-d as to their planniug to combine to raise prices. Grab game fellows do not alw;;'s require coal to get their fing- ers burned. The hog -spirit evidently does not require much coaching Jn many an instance. DoldINroN Government should aid this province in support of Temperance legislation. Hon. Mr. Bureau may find himself like old Mother Hubbard's cup- board—very bare of the respect of the real manhood and womanhood of Can- ada, unless he shows a willingness to help sustain moral uplifts. AN Arizona prisoner has taken such ;a fancy to the jailer be does not want to leave when his sentence bas expired and may have to be kicked out. It might mean trouble in overcrowding the jails if the law is not adhered to in the U. S. Canadian jails are filling up too as the Law Court milis grind out the grist. To reach a desired destination a man made a perilous trip in the tail -piece of an aeroplane, without the knowledge or consent of the operator. He's not the first man who "went 0p in the air" with. cut other people being aware of the cause. It's often wise to keep your feet well planted. A PLOVEHRNT is on foot to have an en- quiring into the devious' Ways the vot- ers lists were manipulated io Toronto by the Moderation League. Bogus does not represent the tactics. No wonder a a big vote was piled up against the 0:- T. A. Possibility that is a sample of the way the law would be administered bad they won. It was a poor recomend for their cause and should prove a warning to the Prohibition forces of Canada. NOTHING dull about some of the Unit- ed States Election scraps. Atone Cbl. csgo poll a man named Rudzinski was the target for 10 bullets as he went to Vote. If electors had to run the gaunt- let in such a style there might not be as touch lethargy es there sontetimes is in getting folk to use their ballot. ' 6 shots should be sufficient in most cases, bow - ever, we would suppose. Returned soldiers in Exeter paraded to church last Sunday. Good pragress is being made at ad. dation to Exeter school. Bartle W. M, S. was addt'eeeed by Mrs, Gordon Wright, London, last Sunday evening. Mille Alma Free, Dungannon has gone to Winghatn ,hospital where she will train.$ot,S13.. R Ails N WANTED For Milling We are prepared to pay the highret pnesible prices for all lth1ds of Grain, feed of all kinds on hand T. C. Hemphill, Piooes 50, 21 25 and 62 *rooter GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ) M'un'jcilpal Council of Township of Grey met in Township Hall, Ethel, on Nov, 3rd. Mottles of previous meet - Mg read and adopted on =Hoe, oe Rowland and Thos. MloDonald. Engineer's 'report ion McKillop Swamp ,Drain was referred bafek he the Engineer for further consldeaybion. Clerk wag instruoteld to notify En- gtieer ito attend on Hanna Drain Ex- tension on request of :H,. Speeran, Al- bert Whitfield and Mex. Speiran, Following 'accounts were paid: Thos. Aieook, sheep worried' .. $$12.00 Geo, Johnston, 'gravel ...... 10.50 Peter Baker, Shoveling.....1.25 George Baker, repairing Ibrcbge 6.00 Louts Steiss, repairing Culvert, 3.00 Andrew Machan, gravel 1,20 Andrew Machan work on Logan Hou ndary 4,20 Wm, 18ray, repairing 9th 'Con Dwain ........... 6.25 Wm. Elliott, drawing gravel 14.00 D. McKinnon, drawing 'gravel 14.00 Gordon Holt, repairing Btvrk's D rain 10.05 David Milne, 'inypeotfinlg sheep worried 3,00 Chas, Cleaver, drawing stile and cleaning ditch 9.00 ' Wm. Slemmon, wood for Town ship Hall 10.00 Roy McDonald, cleaning ditches 3.50 A. Raymond, 6th Con. Drain11.50 Jos. Savage, (putting in culverlt10.67 Newt meeting of Council December 8,th. J. H. Fear, Township Clerk. East Wawanosh Council Oouueil met October 2411)„ with all members present. Minutes of meet- ing read and confirmed. Engineer's report on Deacon -Thomp- son drain was read to the parties in- terested and was ordered to be refer- red back to Engineer for some explan- ations and amendments: Following accounts were paid :— Municipal World, supplies .....t8 1 34 Wm. Love, part payment on culvert, Con. 9 ..........................300 00 Chas. Campbell, inspecting eon. tract ................ .. .... .... 15 00 W, 3, Cole, statute Jaber tax 8 40 R. Buchanan, selecting Jurors 8 00 W. Robinson, selecting Jurore 3 00 A. Porterfield, selecting Jurors 5 00 A. Pattison, cutting weeds con, 124 00 Winghiwn Fall Fair................ 40 00 Blyth Fall Fair ;.... 40'00 North Horan Plowing Match 10 00 W m . Brutnby, damages through defective roadway ....... . 70 00 John Taylor, gravel and gravel- ling, side line 89 and 40, Con. 9, John Taylor gravel and gravel- ing side line 89 and 40, Con 10 and 11 55 80 G. Johnston cutting hill and widening road. Oon. 12, - 240 CO Sem Deacon, inspecting con- tract on hill Con, 10 5 00 R. H. Scott, for gravel 8 20 E. Stapleton I 80 Thor. Taylor 4 50 Chas. King 5 55 W. Fitzpatrick...-. 21 45 W. Salter ..... 12 60 W. Sechnie 11 25 W. Fothergill O I5 J. 3 45 Thos. Gear Stonehouse 180 W. Walden .......................... 2 70 R. Redmond ......... . I3 50 Annie Scott e 8 90 M. Bruce .................... 755 Sam McBurney 11 10 F. Devereaux 1 50 Next meeting Tuesday, Nov.•18th. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. I8 60 PICTURE PUZZLE GAME Elsewhere in to -day's issue will be found a large advertisement announc- ing a Picture Puzzle Game arranged by the Mail and Empire which will no doubt prove very interesting for our readers, and especially for the little folks. The Oontest consists of ascer- taining how many objects or articles in the picture start with the letter "B", and cash prizes are awarded to those finding the largest number. Our readers have already won liberal prizes as a result of competing In sim- ilar Contests, and there is noreason why some of the awards should not, come to residents of this vicinity. Anyhow, there is nothing like try- ing. Huron County Apple crop around Auburn is poor and dolor off, Bread bas advanced at Teeewater to 11 cents per loaf, By a fall downstairs Wm. Burling, Blyth, was seriously injured. Chief of Police Ferguson, Blyth, is. reenvering from his illness. Painters have finished painting Knox church steeple at Auburn, Bazaar by ladies of Main Street Methodist Church, Exeter, nn 21st. Huron County Rill. League :held their Fall Shoot at the Colborue`range ea, Joo. Gillespie, Whitenhuroh, was seriously injured by the upsetting of his car. Goderieb Marine hoepita) had a con- telbution of fruit, pickles, vegetables, from Dungannon folk, Arthur Culbert, 4th Clon., Ashfield, lost his barn by fire, Supposed cause was a spark from the threshing mach. Inc. 1 How Many Objects in This Picture Begin With the Letter"B ? The above picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter "13". .Just take a good look at the picture—there aro all sorts of things that begin with the letter "B"—like "boy", "buggy", "baby" and so forth. Nothing is hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upside down. Make a list of all the objects -in the picture ,the moues of which begin with the setter "13". FIave the whole family join In --see who can find the most. Don't miss any. Fifty cash prizes will be awarded for the tiny best list of words submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest cor- rect list of visible objects shown in this picture starting with the letter ''13" will be awarded first second best, second prize, and so forth. Young and Old Join in the Fun The, Mail and Empire announces to -day an- other puzzle game in which all can participate —from the tiniest child to grandfatherand grandmother. No object is so small but that the POOrest Your ablteyesight ofind see it. words1ea test of determiness thetll. Prize you win. Right after supper this evening, gather all the members of your family together; give each of them a pencil and a sheet of paper —and sea who can find the most "B" Words, You will be surprised to And )low large e. list of Words you can got with a few minutes' study. 81t down NOW and try it—Then, send in your list and try for the big prizes. OBSERVE THESE RULES 1. Any man, woman or child who Lives In Canadn, and is not a resident of Toronto, and who le not In the employ o1 The Mall and Empire,_ or n member of an empkoye's family, may submit an answer. 2. A11 answers most be mailed b• Navember 22nd, 1024, and addressed to C. A, Montgomery, Puzzle Mare Neer9 Allend lists of names should be written on one Sale of the ��paper may, and numbered eonsecatively I, 2,. 3, ete. write your full name and address 1n the upper right hand corner. I! you desire to write anything eine, use a sepnrnto sheet. 4. Only snob words ns appear In the English Die. Mortars. 1,111 be counted. 1)o not use obsolete words. Where the plural Is used, the singular cannot: be counted, and vire versa. 6. Words of the name /wellin can be neral only once, even though used to designate different oitieets or nrlleles, or parte of objects or articles. An object or article can be named only nnec. 0. Do not nso hyphenated or eempnund words, or any words formed by the combination of two or more complete words, whore each word in itself is an object. 7. The answer having the Inrgest un mea est cor- rect Het of names of visible objects anis aril 1.s shown In (be picture that begin with the letter n" will be awarded lrirst Prize, etc. Nrntness, style or handwriting have no hearing npon deckling the winners. S. Any number of people rorty en -operate in answering the Puzzle but only one prize win be awarded to any one household; nor will prizes be awarded to more than ane of tiny group where two or more Imre been working together. 0. In the event of a tie for any prise offered, the fall amount of truth prize will be awarded to each heti participant. 10. Subscriptions(both new and renewal), payable In advance of 06.00 per year by mail ar $0.00 per year delivered by currier boy in Hamilton, will be nceeptod, However, In qualifying for the $1,060 Berme Rewurdn, at lmot one new sabneriptlon most be sent In.. 11. A now sabacriber In anyone who has not been receiving The 2fu11 and Empire since October 21411,. 72. All answers twill receive the same eonehieralloa regartllcse of whether or net at subscription to The Mall and Empire is sent ln, 12. All new enbscriptians will be . caretony verified by the Puzzle ,lfnnager. Candidates inuarldng all Hub. seri tions as now will positi}'aly forfeit the credit of such onbsertptkons as qualifying for the Maximum Bones Rewards, 14. Three prominent Toronto eltizene having no eon- neetion with The Man and Empire will be selerted lO net as Judges, to deride the winners, rind pariielpante' agree to accept the decision of the Judges as final end conclneivc. 16. The 'Judges will meet on December :h•d, nett announcement of the Prize Winners and correct list of words will r be publlahed In The Mall and Empire as quickly thereafter un it is possible. IIXTRA LARGE Picretna 3 reizz,Llr. SENT FREE ON REQUEST. THE PRIZES . -- Winning Answers will receive the arty cash prizes according to the -table below : Prize If No Prize If Ono Prize if Two Subscriptions Subscription Subscriptions are sent, le sent. are sent. st Prize.... 2nd Prize.... 3rd Prize. . , $35 35 35 $500 500, 500 4th Prize.... 25 250 5th Prize.... 20 150 6th Prize... , 15 100 7th Prize.... 10 75 8th Prize.... 8 50 9th Prize... 6 30 10th Prize. . 5 25 I I th Prize. . 4 20 12th Prize.. '3 15 13th to 20th f rhea inclusive 2 10 21st to 50th Prizes inclusive 1.50 7.50 15 $1,000 1,000 1,000 500 300' 200 150 100 60 50 40 30 20 In the event of a tiefor any prize offered, the full amount of such prize will be paid to each tied participant. notrrggizenswerrwrY 171,i II Can Win $1,00 THERE ARE THREE $L000 PRIZES Increase the popularityofThe Moll Genie d Empire, It coto sta nothingto take part and you do not have to send In 'a single subscription to win a prize. 1f your list of "B" Words Is awarded FIRST, SEOOND OR THIRD PRIZE by Cho Judges you will win ;36; but if you would tlko to get more than ;15 .we make the :following bpmetal Dila. whereby You can win -bigger casks prizes by sending in ONE OR TWO subacrlppliens to The Moil and. Empire Lure Puzzle wine I'IRST, your answer oil T�HIR11)) PRIDE and You have sent In one yearly subscription to The -Mall and Empire at ;6.00 by ,mall or ;0.00 delivered by carrier boy In Hamilton, you will receive ;600, Instead of ;26; fourth prize, 3250; fifth prise. •;150, and so forth. (Soo 0eaon0 column of figures In prize ust.)) Or -1f your answer wins FIRST,- SECOND Olt TIITRI) PRIZE and Son. have sett in two yearly subseriptiann to The Mall and Empire (one new andone renewal, or two new eabscrlpiionb) you will receive ;1,000 In pinto of 5; fourth prize : 0 tit t prize, U I f 1 prize, 3U0 ggyy p , $ ,tend so forts. (fide third oosome of figures in prize list.) Baty is that fora liberal 0E057 Ant, LOOK, there aro throe 11,080 prizes. Therefore,- If you stood FIRST, SECOND Olt THIRD, and have scat In two yearly soboarlptlons 0t 445.00 a. your malt by mail or $0.00 delivered by carrier boy In Ihunlllon (ole new and one renewal, or two new), )oo will win $1,000.- it hakes but two yearly subsoriptlons at Sam .,. u yen» milt One new and ono renewal, or two new) to gnuilty for the big 51,000 rewards. • Absolutely, that is the maxJtne= You eon do thin with little effort. Your own subscription can count. We can WHO take sob- serlptone to etnrt on ally future date. dust mark on your order -when' sed avant the paper to start and we will not commence del/Very until you ray. Subscription Rates --Payable in advance. THE MAIL and EMPIRE anywhere in Canada tby mail $5.00 Per Year. Delivered by carrier boy in Hamilton, $6 per year. Rural Route This offer applies to Rural Route patrons, as well as enbacribera living in cities L L and towns. if you are already receiving The Mail and Empire, your subscription Subscribers will be extended from Ito present expiration. Send In a yearly subscription at ;5.00 and qualify for .the bag prizes. O. A. Montgomery, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE TORONTO CAN DA Puzzle lifiwagtti•, Vont. i. Electrical Wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given., Our Prices are Right All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself, Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town, W. L. Lindensrnith & Co. Call American Hotel` t.USSELS Luoknow I. 0, 0. F. Lodge held a social evening, In a garnet of Rugby, Wesley McGill had hie collar bone fractured at Exe- ter high School. Spiritual Conference at Exeter on 19 th lust, for Methodist churches of that District. Clarence and Joseph and John Ben- nett. Walter Boston, 1turgus Bullard and Wm, Kinney, McKillop, are away t0 the Northland on a hunting trip. They weut by motor truck. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Robert Barr, tato oftho Village of Ethel, in the Oounty of Huron, Merchant, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Re- vised Statutes 04 Ontario, Chapter 121, that nil eredltore and others having claims against the estate of the said Robert Barr, who died on or about the Twenty-sixth day of Ootober,. A, D.1924, are required on or before the Twenty- second day of November, A.D. 1924, to vend by pest prepaid or deliver to William 13. Love, Ethel P. 0., one of the Executors of the estate bt.sald deceased, their Christian and surnames, addressee and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the eoourities (1f any) held by thein. And farther take notion that after snob last: mentioned date the veld Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst thepsrties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ololnrs of which they shall then have notice and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any port thereof to any pereon or persons of whose claim notice shalt not have been received at the time of such distribution. ,llated this let day of November A. D 1024. W. M. SINOLATR,. Solicitor for William H. Love and Abel Tindal. Hog for Service Theundersignedwill keep for nervine at Lob 20, Oon.8, Morris township, a thoro'-bred Yorkshire Reg. Terms $1.00, to be pnld at Nine of sendoff, with privilege of returning it necessary. R. A, BRADSSA W, 80.2 Proprietor, Eligible Property for Sale It 1s the South Eoat part of Nj5 Lot 80, Con, 6, Morris: Township, and contains 10 aures, On 14 is a comfortable house, stable, good well, Tonne orchard, ,kc , and its locution, adjoin. Sag Brussels, makes It a convenient spot. Far further particulars as to price, terms, &0 , ap- ply to the Exeoators of the estate of the lute Annie Turnbull. W sf, KNOX. Brussels P. 0. TH09, TURNBULL, Ethel, Ounford Property for Sale House and int of about 35 more, aitanted on the aorner of Turnberr, and Thomas streets In the village of Brussels, known. .aa the Dun ford home. On the properly lea vary sub• stnntlnl brick house ; alrely isolated, stool roof, cement cellar floors, new furnace, clothes closets, bath roomcistern, drilled well, trait trees, a nice raspb,erry plantation, lovely or- namental and evergreen tress, and a beautiful lawn. Will be sold for half of what it would cost to build It to wind up the estate of the late E. 0. Danford, Immediate poseeasion. For farther pnrtloularsapply to L. 8, DON. FORD, Detroit, or JAB. 61oPADZEAN, (next door), Box 1 Brussels P. O. 34'41+•4', 1.414.4444+.+04.440+414. 0+•+44.+4644+4044÷61+4644.14+4+ The Seaforth Creamery 4. y eream Wanted P ,} Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly •established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. 4. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. I McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to. The Seaforth Creamery Co. t SEAFORTH, ONT. 4t •N'i A? -••!'4••• •R'tr•••i•••0441+M'• 4.0+0+0+4'0+04'4D4404sl+41+4,+.'Fe Brussels Creamery Cream Wan±ed We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound butter fat, extra, if Cream is Delivered at our Fac- tory. Call and get a Can and make other En- quiries if interested, Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns Brussels Creamery a, LP Stewart r lis