HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-11-12, Page 1VOL, 53 NO, 2I z•00 /'er annum in, advance ,BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1924 W. 11, KERR, ?ropriefor Public Meeting TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Friday (v'g, November 14 Commencing at 8 o'o)oek AMEETING is being held in the Town Hall, BRUSSELS, on the above date for the purpose of discussing the Short Courses in Agriculture and Home Economics to be held here this Winter. Prof. J. C. Steckley, of the Animal Husbandry Dept. of the O.A.O., Guelph will be present and give an address, We want to lay the pro- position before everybody, ALL WELCOME. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT- CF AGRICULTURE 8. B, 8TOTHER8, Agl, Representative. New Advertisements For sale -Win. Gorsslitz Pigs for sale -Lewis Frain Auation Sale -F. F, Wright Voters' List Oonrt-Township of Grey Voters' List Court -Township of Morrie Custom knitting -Thos Smith Re•oponin 0 -Brussels Methodist Church Fountain Pens -James Fox Social Ten -Brussels Women's Institute CoW for sate -J. A. Armstrong Lost -Mrs. John McNeII Send for sale -Methodist Church The Call of the Canyon -Family Theatre "In His Steps" -Ethel Methodist Church Pablio Meeting -S. S. Stothere pistrict Ban Bolgravo East Wawanosh Council minutes on page 4 of this issue Next Tuesday afternoon Belgrave Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Jas. Taylor. Topic will be "Ideas for Ohriatmae gifts"with exhibits. For Roll pall -discussion of same subject. Rev, Mr, Hagen occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian churches at Bel. grave and Galvin last Sunday. Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr, White, Ethel, delivered a most inter- esting Missionary address in which numerous fine lantern pictures were exhibited illustrative of the wonder- ful etory of the life of David Living- ston and hie heroic successes in Africa. Mr. White will be welcome back to Belgrave. Walton Harvey and Mre. Hoover and fam- ily, London, were calling on old friends at Thankeglving time, Women's Inetitute meeting will be held Wednesday next at 2 80 o'clock, at the home of„, Mre,, Jno. McDonald. Mrs. Ohandler will give a report of the London Convention. Good at- tendance hoped for. ANNIVERSARY AT BETHEL.-Next Sunday anniversary sermons will be preached at Bethel church, Walton circuit, by Rev. G. W. Butt, Monk. ton, at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m, Special tousle by the choir, Free-will offer', Mg will be taken. Everybody made welcome, the pastor, Rev, Mr. Rob- inson, will preach at Mogkton, Bluevale Rev, D. 'Thomson, Wacdham, form- erly of Bluevale, received a bad steak. ing up when his cat• turned turtle, af. ter striking acme loose gravel pinning him beneath. The top of the car and the windshield were wrecked, Oran brook A.few in thielocality talk of Guelph and Toronto big Stock Shows. R, and Mrs, Barnes, Galt, spent Thanksgiving with J. and 111re, Gor- ealitz and other Mende. Miss Jessie Menzies was home for the week end, enjoying the Thanks- giving vaention. She he a teacher in Toronto. 0 Ethel LArtoe, old fne111onad box stove wanted nap able of taking a 0.foob stink. bend word to 1). W. Dunbar, Ethel Next Clounell meeting Dec. 8, Mise McKee was at her home, Southampton, over Thanksgiving. M, J, Slemmou was have over the holiday, He is liking his work at the Normal in Stratford. Mission Band. will meet in the Pres- byterian church Saturday, at 2.30 p, m, Good attendance asked. A welcome visitor to Ethel and neighborhood was .Mrs. (Dr,) Fergu- son, .Toronto, who enjoyed a week and a half among old friends. Sabbath evening next the conclud- ing chapters of the'intereeting etoty, "In His Steps," will be presented -in the Methodist ohuroh by the pastor, Rev. H. White. Leslie Lake and Mise Elinor Ger- trude Engler, well known .young pec. ple of the community, were married Wednesday of last week. Further particulars next week. Judge's Court of Revision on the Voters' List for Grey Township, will be held in the Township Hall here next Monday afternoon,' 24th inst., at 2 oclock. See advt. Delegates from here will 'attend the Uniou Institute to be held in Melville church, Brussels ;,next Wednesday. Sessions afternoon and night with in- teresting program. Saverpl from this locality were at Brussels last Friday taking in the special meeting of the I. 0. O. F. Stratford Degree team wasithere dem. onstrating the 1st Degree. Voting ou the proposed Light- ing By -Law Friday of next week, Poll open at the Township Hall from 9 to 5 o'clock, with P. J. Bishop Dep- uty Returning Officer. Read the By - Law on page 5. Rev. Mr. Bann, B. A., who remov- ed from Ethel 'to Naseagaweya, last July, resigned from the latter appoint- ment and is now attending the Vacuity o a 6 y of Education'atToronto, preparatory y to taking up the role of High School teacher. Mrs. Harm and children are visiting relatives at Milton at present. MCMASTER-IVEIR,-The Walker- ton Telescope of Nov.leth says: -"The marriage of Miss Margery Bell Weir, only daughter of Reeve and Mrs. Archie Weir, Brant, to Dr, Arnold 141cMaster, of Ethel, son of the late Arnold and Mrs. McMaster, Utopia, Simcoe Oounty, was solemnized at the home on 'Thursday morning, g+ October 30th., at 10 o'clock, by Rev, W H. Buegesa,.13, A. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming in a travelling suit of coca brown, trimmed with brown fox with hat` to match, carrying a boquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. There were no attendants, The cere- wony was performed in the drawing mom which was decorated with yel- low and white ,Hama. banked with ferns. Only the imruediate relatives were present, After the ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon, following 1 Qciai Tea AlSocial Tea will be hold at the bone of Mrs. A. L. McDonald William St., Brussels Friday, November 14 Under the auspices of the Woos - en's Institute, Proceeds go to the Armenian Orphan. Fund Tea Served from 3 to S p. m, Admission 25 Gents Help a good cause by your presence. which the happy couple left by motor on a wedding trip to Montreal and other pointe. The presentewere num- erous and beantiful, includiug hand- some cheques from many relatives. On their return they will reside in Ethel, where Dr. McMaster ie practis- ing hie profession The: popular bride, who was one of our most estimable young ladies, is a graduate of Guelph General Hospital, and during the past year has been Assistant -Supt. of Barrie Memorial Hospital:" We ex- tend a cordial welcome to Mre. Mc- Master and wish the happy twain many happy prosperous years. Jamestown David Ramsay, Wesley Jermyn and Chas. Forrest attended the Winter Fair at Guelph on Wednesday of this week. Mies Alice Fralick arrived back from an extended stay in Michigan last week and has taken up residence at the old home once more, Morris Township Council will meet next Monday. Judge's court of Revision on the Voters' List will be held in the Town- ship Hall ou Wednesday, 26th inst., at 1.80. m. P It is said theP robabilities are that James Anderson 5th line,will rebuild d a barn to replacethe one recently de- stroyed by fire. Allan Adams, nth line, is regaining hie health and is able to be about. We hope he will continue to gain un- til be is as hearty as of old. Harold McCall. Toronto, was a Thanksgiving visitor at the borne of Arthur and Mre. McUall, 8th line. The gentlemen are brothers. 1 Rev, Mr. White,Ethel,conducted ed the cervico in Sunshine Methodist church last Sunday afternoon. It was a Missionary exchange of pastors. Owing to failure of eyesight Earl Anderson has returned from Man- itoba Mission field and will recruit at the parental home, 5th line. We wish him speedy convalescence. Ohris, and Mrs. Michie, Hespeler ; Miss Ella McNaught and Mee Oairna, Toronto ; and Mrs. George Martin and daughter, Jean, of Georgetown, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs, Wm. Michie, Sunshine. 1 Re.opening Services -OF THE - Methodist - Church BRUSSELS have been arranged for as follows Sunday, November 23 ° at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Special music by the choir aes'eted by others. • Generous contributions lipped for. Sabbath afternoon, at S o'clock, the Memorial Window, commemorative of the service and sacrifice of 7 heroic members of the congregation, will be unveiled. Rev, (Oapt.) Edwards, Listowel, will give the address, , Tuesday Evening, 25th Inst., A FOWL SUPPER will be served it) the Lecture Room of the Ohnrch from"5 80 to 8 o'clock. This will be followed by an A 1 Mueical and Literary program in the Auditorium in which outside and local talent will take part. Tickets 50 and 35 Gents Sunday, November 30th will be Sunday School and Young Peoples' Day.- Rev, °0, W, DeWitt Oosens, Luaknow, former old Boy, will conduct the services at 11 arm, and 7 p. in, Special Rally of School at 8 o'oloalt, to be addressed by Rev; Mr. Oosens and others. asrA cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend and An - joy these services. 1L L. JACKSON, REV, 0, F. CLARICE, Sec, Trustee Board, Pastor, 1 iefelefee•ir't3•¢++l•rh+ ++•1•+ ++f•+d'•14 ++i•+ Ethel Methodist thadlst :Church Next Sabbath Evening the final eerier of views "IN HIS STEPS "tbe ever interest- ing • story, will be given. Be early to secure a good seat. Tuesday Evening Next the Humorous Play, "SOPH- RONIA'S WEDDING," will be givers in Roes (Thumb by the Ladies' Aid of Union Ohurch. Don't miss it, Program at 8 o'clock. Tickets 35 and 15 Ole. Pastor has secured a fine lot of views on "The Life of St. Paul," from. McGill University, valued at $7500, Announcement will ire made of their presentation. This is an excellent plan to get acquainted with the Bible. Fol- low up the series, HAROLD WHITE, Pastor Ethel Circuit - Ripley Express says :-Mrs. Wilkin- son and son, Maurice, will leave in 2 weeke for Port Arthur where they will spend. tate Winter with the fort- er'e daughter, Mrs. R Morrow. At present Maurice is at the Sick Child - ten's Hospital; Toronto, receiving spe- cial treatment. We are pleased to report that there is an improvement in his condition, Grey Miss Mary Hammersley, Toronto, was visiting Miss Beth Hoover. Voters' List Oount for Grey Town- ship Monday afternoon, 24th inst, at 2 o'clock. Miss Miriam Lowe was home from Wiarton locality for Thankegiviog 'time holiday. Mre. Lewis Steles is at present visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Huehn, in Conestoga. Mrs. Otto Schnock and Mise Lula Warrington ma n de flying i vi g t with s Morrie fiiends, combining business andP lessors. Harvey and Mrs. Hoover and chit. dren, London, were holiday visitors at the former'e parental home with R. J, and Mrs. Hoover. Oliver Turnbull & Sons have an ex- hibit of cattle at the Winter Fair at Guelph and wilt also take in the Roy- al Show at Toronto. We wish them success. A thoro'bred Yorkshire hog has been:purchased by Jno, Grant, 12th Oon:.t from J. J. Platt, thewell breeder of Hamilton.. Tuesday evening next the Ladies' Aid of Union church will present their highly praised play, "Sophronia's Wedding," in Roe's church, Musical numbers will intersperse the scenes of the play. Mrs. Dawson, sr„ Auburn ; Amon and Mrs, Ball, Hullett ; A. and Mrs. Distant and Miss Vera, and A, and Mrs, Wilkins, Goderich ; and George and Palmer Dawson, Wawanosh, were visitors at the home of Robert and Mre. Dookett, 13th Con, • Wroxeter Geo, Leckie and family spent the holiday in Taman, R. and Mre BI arkre 'ba a returned trued from Toronto where they spent sever- al days. Mre, Jas, Ireland, Toronto, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson. Rev, G. Barnard, Fordwicb, preach- ed in the Methodist Church, Sunday evening, Mrs, Alex. Sanderson, Owen Sound, was a holiday visitor with bermother, Mrs. A. McDougal. Thos. Thompson and family moved to Wingham last week where they have purchased a home. Mrs, George McIntosh and Mies Mc- Intosh, Stratford, are visiting the for- mar's father, John Davidson, Mre, Donald McGillivary, a return- ed Missionary, addressed the W. M. S. in the Presbyterian church Thurs- day evening, John Ball, Wm. Ball, Vernon Mc- Donald, Dart Ball and Clifford White are enjoying a few weeks hunting in the North, Mite Ellen McEwen was the dele- gate from the local branch to the an- nual Oonventien of the Women's in- stitute, held,in London last week. The Annual meeting of Upper Can- ada Bible Society was held in the Preebyterian Church Tuesday even- ing, when an excellent address was given by Rev. P. J. McLaren, Toronto. R J. Rann is the newly appointed President. and'!'. Kitchen Sea-'1'reae, The sudden demise of Elizabeth Mary 14leQrreen, wife of W. H.. Sanderson, Caine as a eudden shock to the corn- trtunity. Deceased was in her 7011, year. v from lwhich ehe serious refillness ily recov ered, although able to go about. Thursday morning she was eeized with a coughing spell, and died before medical help could be etunmoned, Mre. Sanderson had lived in this vi- cinity over 40 years, where she was FAMILY THEATRE .1111•MINVIII MINN Friday & Saturday Evenings Nov. 14 and 10 The Call of the Canyon If you enjoy real thrills this picture will supply them it -plen- ty. It is a Western Love Drama and one of the beet. Two Showa opening at 7.30 Next Monday and Tuesday November 17th and lath North of the Canyon A Special that will be sure to please and run at prices. REGULAR PRIDES beld in high esteem, She is survived by her husband and a sou, Wm,, Tor- onto. Interment was made in Wroxeter cemetery Saturday after- noon, Rev, Mr, Armstrong offieiating. Wednesday afternoon of next week at 1 o'clock, the Clearing Auction Sale of Fenn Stock, impletnente, &c, will'be held by F. F. Wright at Lot 30, Oon. A. Howick township (a mile South of Wroxeter.) Jno. Purvis will be the Auctioneer, See the list of sale in this issue. Historical Sketch of Donegal Methodist Church The first Methodist Ohurch was built at Donegal in 1884. As nearly as can be estimated services were con- ducted in the community as far back as six years previous to this. date. The ministers who conducted the ser- vices were stationed on what was known as the Elma Mission of the Wesleyan Methodist Ohurch. Even- tually its centre became Trow- bridge which has written records of official minutes dating back to the Year 1856. James Griffin was the firstecordin R Steward and Hismini- ster s first was Rev, J. 0, 1 Dyer 'vet or- dained, and was his second, year on the Mission, which composed Elmo- and lmaand parte of Wallace and Morniugton. According to the last Official meeting of the year 1866 there were encourag- ing Cigna of prosperity as many were added to the church. The officials for the year were : Local preachers, James Collins and Oorneliue Collins ; stewards, Wm. Zearin and a mac named Byngham m Class leaders, , JamesCollins Ool rand John Ooaene In 1857 Elms was constituted a sep- arate Mission with Rev, D. Hunt as missionary. First quarterly board meeting was held on August 8th, 1857. The finances were recorded in L. S. D. and Mr. Hunt's salary was 40 pounds for the year. His moving expenses were 2 pounds, 10 shillings. At the November meeting of that year the financial returns were six pounds, 10 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. Building committee was appointed to superintend"the erection of the first Methodist Church in Trowbridge. Listowel is first mentioned in the minutes, May 28rd, 1858. Listowel broughtfld Od. At this meeting it is also recorded that a new class, had been formed in Moroi ngton (probably Oarthage), Andrew Harvey was ap= pointed leader for the class, The first financial returns from the Morn- ingtou class were in August, 1858 and were 9s 4 1-2d. At this meeting Alex- ander' Walker was appointed Steward for the class, A resolution was passed should be strictly enforced. The that the rules respecting the use of in- toxicants except in cases of sickness "town plot" was the 110100 of the In 1859 2 preachers were 50111 to the place where official meetings were fre- quently held. Later the name Trow- bridge was given the'"town pint Mission : Rev, J. Oreane and Bro. Ofoss. Finances fou the year were re- corded in dollars and Cents, The fol- lowing were the items of the year for M. Oreane .• Salary 00 pounds ;,board 50 pounds ; house rent, 7 pounds 10 s.; home keep, 10 pounds; moving ex - pensee, 5 pounds 6 s, At the close of the year 1859 arrangements were mads for the young preacher to board around : let, 2nd, tied, and 4th quart - ere 01Ptetterson's, Burk's, Code's and Larges, Travelling expenees`rnust have been comparatively cheap in these daye as $2 was paid J. Oreane and $1.50 to Rev. Geo, McRea for one quarter, Official meetings se,ere frequently held at Large's school house which was on the 8th Oon. at the fires ' cor- ner East of Atwood. Here was the home of John Large, the father' of Rev, Alfred Large, who was killed by a robber in our Japan Mission nearly 40 years ago. In those days produce Was often given the minister in payment on'.sal- ary, At one official meeting such re. turns totalled $88.48. The largest re- turns came from'1'rowbridge, In the May meeting, of $62, $30,47 Is credited Trowbridge and only 52 to, Listowel, At this meeting cue of the local. preaches was dieelplined by the pees - lug of this resolutions 'That in con* ssgnenca of Bro.-----,-having vlolat- ed the discipline of our church by ab, senting himself from Claes and speak- ing improperly of ministers and mem- bers, his license as a local preacher be not renewed." neve. J, Sanderson and Alin Arm- strong became tate ministers in 1862. This year the Dowd asked fora $401) grsntfrom.the Missionary Society. At the Februrary meeting of 1863 instruction was given Rev, 3, Sander- son to purchase a lot in the village of Listowel for a chapel. November meeting of the Baine year directed the travelling preachers to drop John- ston's appointment and go to Listowel preaching every Sunday, In May. 1864, application was made to the Ohuroh relief fund for money to assist in paying off the debt on the church in Lietowel. Rev. Mr, Oorekman was assistant to Rev. J. Sanderson in 1884' and at November meeting was assign- ed to Listowel for the remainder of the year. Irt 1$86 Rev. Wilson Brown offered to hoard the minister, Rev. Mr. Oltant, for $110 for the year. The offer was accepted and a levy; put up- on each 'class to raise that amount. Thus ended the custom of young preachers boarding around. The ministers through all those years. occupy .much space with finan- ces. Deficits in salary were the com- mon experience. For the year end- ing 1863, the deficit of Rev. J, Sander, son was $147,71 and that of Rev. John Armstrong $67.38. The first meution of Donegal in the minutes occurs on Aug, 12th, 1885, where $1,42 was reported. In Novem- ber of the same year the credit is $9. During the Winter of 1864, mater- ial was hauled for the filet Donegal church. Wm. Wilson, Atwood, as- sisted in this work with his oxen: The late Moses Harvey and the late Samuel Vipond canvassed the com- munity for subscriptions for the new church. Each of these men gave $100. Tbe late John Young signed $50 on a daily wage of 60 cents. The .building was completed in 1884 and dedicated on Feb. 14th, 1865. As far as is now known only two persona are with us who attended this dedication service, namely, Mrs: John Young, who is supposed to have been the first white child born in Eima, and William Wil- son, Atwood, On the day of dedica- tion there was a motto on either side of the pulpit, the writing iwas in white letters on a' black surface. One of these read: "Honor the Lord with thy substance and the first fruits of thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with ,plenty and thy presses burst out with new wine." The present splendid church was erected in 1911 during the pastorate of , Rev. J. 0. Reid. The late Rev. James Livingstone preached morning and evening and Rev. E. A. Fear in the afternoon. o n. On the second Sunday Y Rev. GeorgeDewey conducted the ser- vices. e A long succession of splendid men have ministered to the people through the agency of Donegal Methodirit Church. As nearly as possible 'tic completed list is : Revs. J. O. Dyer, D. Hunt, T. Greene, Groes, J. Sander - eon, Nelson Brown, Tucker, Nathan- iel Smith, Hough, Deacon, Jos, Stin- son, Henry Berry, R. J. Garbutt, Ferguson, David Rogers, John Fisher, Jos, Priv John Ball, EA. Fear. Wm. Penhall, 1 , J. O. Reid, S. Bond, H. J. Fair, Dr. J. Huseer, J. F. Sutcliffe, F. Olysdale and B. Snell. Many of these " rest from their labors and their works do follow thein." Church Chimes Tbe' Sunday School classes of boys taught by Mrs. Jno. 11:. Smith, and Misses B. McDonald and K. Deadman, were treated to a picnic on the lawn of G. A. Deadman last Saturday afternoon. A delightful time was spent. Thursday of this week will be date of the Spiritual Conference at Westfield Methodist Church, Gods ' ooh and Wingham Districts are uniting in the Convention. Morning session opens at ao o'clock and the afternoon gathering_ µ at/ 3o p. m. There will also be an eves ing session. Sabbath morning last Rev, Mr. Mc- Leod preached on the subject of Thank- fulness, indicating many reasons why this spirit should prevail. Tbe series on "Facing Life's Crisis" was contin- uedin the evening, the subject being "The Crisis of Work." Musical num- bers were well rendered, RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. -A joint gathering will be held in Mel - vine cburcb, Brussels, Wednesday after- noon and evening of next week. opon- ing at 2,30, Program will consist of the following :-.Devotional Exercises, Rev, 'Mr, McLeod ; Roll call of Sabbath Schools and Yoking People's 'Societies "The Home a factor to Religious Educ- ation,"Rev Mr, Cragg; +'Recruiting new members for 5, S. and Church," Rev. Mr. Chandler; "Teacher Train - Mg," Rev. C. A. Myers. Supper at 8 3o• Evening session t --Rev, C. F. Clarke, Chairman ; Song Service lead by Rev. C, W. D, Casein) ; "The chal- lenge of the Mission field," Rev. Mr, Barnard ; "The Teen Age." Rev, Mr. Myers, In Brussels Institute group are included Presbyterian and Method- ist churches of Brussels, Walton, Cran- brook, Ethel, Molesworth end Belgrave. The young people are specially urged to attend. Delegates are expected frog every Sunday School and Young Peoples organization in the district named. es Roans were never bettor. atirING about big cabbages ono was t week pulled 5one's dnhatmetisued 1 . iam, weight r8 lbs. Of course everybody cannot grow cabbage like Mr, Pope, Think of the sauerkraut posstble with stick ti oobbage crop, asl_ -e ia Spcw For Thursday, Friday and Saturday at F■■ A Hunter's ., • Flannelette Blankets 25 pairs Flannelette Blankets, large size, per pair.....,., 2 75 Wool Blankets 10 pre. All -wool Blankets, Un - shrinkable, large size 9 25 Ladies' Hosiery All -wool Heather, assorted col- ors, reg $1 00 and $1 25.. 75c Men's Sox 5 dozen pairs Union Sox, reg. 40c pair; for 25c a Men's Horne -made Mitts 50 pairs, made out of All -wool Bracebridge Yarns 75c Home-made Sox • 25 pairs made out of our own Yarn, per pair,,... 98c Men's Fleece Lined Underwear Tiger Brand, good heavy fleece and large, generous garments.: Regulars $1.255 for:,...... 1 00, Combinations $2.00 Sateen for Comforters 3 patterns of Sateen to choose from, regular 55c per yard, 30 inches wide, for40c Men's Overcoats We have a fine aseortinent to choose from -Dark Oxfords, Grays, Browns and Light Shades, prices rangi❑g.... 18.50 to 30.00. Boys' Overcoats Special pride in Boys' overooate in Grey Mixtures and Heather good heavy quality, sizes,froin 28 to 84 •. „ ..,. 10,00 8e 11.00 - Men's Underwear A well assorted etack of Stanfield'e Uushrinkahle, Tiger Brand and Watson's Spring Needle, both in Separate and Combination, eongoieutn . Rugs Special prices on all sizes for ;hie week. Good range of patterns to choose from, eurtain Materials Reduced prices on all linea to clear. F. A. HUNTER. tousle by the choir, Free-will offer', Mg will be taken. Everybody made welcome, the pastor, Rev, Mr. Rob- inson, will preach at Mogkton, Bluevale Rev, D. 'Thomson, Wacdham, form- erly of Bluevale, received a bad steak. ing up when his cat• turned turtle, af. ter striking acme loose gravel pinning him beneath. The top of the car and the windshield were wrecked, Oran brook A.few in thielocality talk of Guelph and Toronto big Stock Shows. R, and Mrs, Barnes, Galt, spent Thanksgiving with J. and 111re, Gor- ealitz and other Mende. Miss Jessie Menzies was home for the week end, enjoying the Thanks- giving vaention. She he a teacher in Toronto. 0 Ethel LArtoe, old fne111onad box stove wanted nap able of taking a 0.foob stink. bend word to 1). W. Dunbar, Ethel Next Clounell meeting Dec. 8, Mise McKee was at her home, Southampton, over Thanksgiving. M, J, Slemmou was have over the holiday, He is liking his work at the Normal in Stratford. Mission Band. will meet in the Pres- byterian church Saturday, at 2.30 p, m, Good attendance asked. A welcome visitor to Ethel and neighborhood was .Mrs. (Dr,) Fergu- son, .Toronto, who enjoyed a week and a half among old friends. Sabbath evening next the conclud- ing chapters of the'intereeting etoty, "In His Steps," will be presented -in the Methodist ohuroh by the pastor, Rev. H. White. Leslie Lake and Mise Elinor Ger- trude Engler, well known .young pec. ple of the community, were married Wednesday of last week. Further particulars next week. Judge's Court of Revision on the Voters' List for Grey Township, will be held in the Township Hall here next Monday afternoon,' 24th inst., at 2 oclock. See advt. Delegates from here will 'attend the Uniou Institute to be held in Melville church, Brussels ;,next Wednesday. Sessions afternoon and night with in- teresting program. Saverpl from this locality were at Brussels last Friday taking in the special meeting of the I. 0. O. F. Stratford Degree team wasithere dem. onstrating the 1st Degree. Voting ou the proposed Light- ing By -Law Friday of next week, Poll open at the Township Hall from 9 to 5 o'clock, with P. J. Bishop Dep- uty Returning Officer. Read the By - Law on page 5. Rev. Mr. Bann, B. A., who remov- ed from Ethel 'to Naseagaweya, last July, resigned from the latter appoint- ment and is now attending the Vacuity o a 6 y of Education'atToronto, preparatory y to taking up the role of High School teacher. Mrs. Harm and children are visiting relatives at Milton at present. MCMASTER-IVEIR,-The Walker- ton Telescope of Nov.leth says: -"The marriage of Miss Margery Bell Weir, only daughter of Reeve and Mrs. Archie Weir, Brant, to Dr, Arnold 141cMaster, of Ethel, son of the late Arnold and Mrs. McMaster, Utopia, Simcoe Oounty, was solemnized at the home on 'Thursday morning, g+ October 30th., at 10 o'clock, by Rev, W H. Buegesa,.13, A. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming in a travelling suit of coca brown, trimmed with brown fox with hat` to match, carrying a boquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. There were no attendants, The cere- wony was performed in the drawing mom which was decorated with yel- low and white ,Hama. banked with ferns. Only the imruediate relatives were present, After the ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon, following 1 Qciai Tea AlSocial Tea will be hold at the bone of Mrs. A. L. McDonald William St., Brussels Friday, November 14 Under the auspices of the Woos - en's Institute, Proceeds go to the Armenian Orphan. Fund Tea Served from 3 to S p. m, Admission 25 Gents Help a good cause by your presence. which the happy couple left by motor on a wedding trip to Montreal and other pointe. The presentewere num- erous and beantiful, includiug hand- some cheques from many relatives. On their return they will reside in Ethel, where Dr. McMaster ie practis- ing hie profession The: popular bride, who was one of our most estimable young ladies, is a graduate of Guelph General Hospital, and during the past year has been Assistant -Supt. of Barrie Memorial Hospital:" We ex- tend a cordial welcome to Mre. Mc- Master and wish the happy twain many happy prosperous years. Jamestown David Ramsay, Wesley Jermyn and Chas. Forrest attended the Winter Fair at Guelph on Wednesday of this week. Mies Alice Fralick arrived back from an extended stay in Michigan last week and has taken up residence at the old home once more, Morris Township Council will meet next Monday. Judge's court of Revision on the Voters' List will be held in the Town- ship Hall ou Wednesday, 26th inst., at 1.80. m. P It is said theP robabilities are that James Anderson 5th line,will rebuild d a barn to replacethe one recently de- stroyed by fire. Allan Adams, nth line, is regaining hie health and is able to be about. We hope he will continue to gain un- til be is as hearty as of old. Harold McCall. Toronto, was a Thanksgiving visitor at the borne of Arthur and Mre. McUall, 8th line. The gentlemen are brothers. 1 Rev, Mr. White,Ethel,conducted ed the cervico in Sunshine Methodist church last Sunday afternoon. It was a Missionary exchange of pastors. Owing to failure of eyesight Earl Anderson has returned from Man- itoba Mission field and will recruit at the parental home, 5th line. We wish him speedy convalescence. Ohris, and Mrs. Michie, Hespeler ; Miss Ella McNaught and Mee Oairna, Toronto ; and Mrs. George Martin and daughter, Jean, of Georgetown, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs, Wm. Michie, Sunshine. 1 Re.opening Services -OF THE - Methodist - Church BRUSSELS have been arranged for as follows Sunday, November 23 ° at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Special music by the choir aes'eted by others. • Generous contributions lipped for. Sabbath afternoon, at S o'clock, the Memorial Window, commemorative of the service and sacrifice of 7 heroic members of the congregation, will be unveiled. Rev, (Oapt.) Edwards, Listowel, will give the address, , Tuesday Evening, 25th Inst., A FOWL SUPPER will be served it) the Lecture Room of the Ohnrch from"5 80 to 8 o'clock. This will be followed by an A 1 Mueical and Literary program in the Auditorium in which outside and local talent will take part. Tickets 50 and 35 Gents Sunday, November 30th will be Sunday School and Young Peoples' Day.- Rev, °0, W, DeWitt Oosens, Luaknow, former old Boy, will conduct the services at 11 arm, and 7 p. in, Special Rally of School at 8 o'oloalt, to be addressed by Rev; Mr. Oosens and others. asrA cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend and An - joy these services. 1L L. JACKSON, REV, 0, F. CLARICE, Sec, Trustee Board, Pastor, 1 iefelefee•ir't3•¢++l•rh+ ++•1•+ ++f•+d'•14 ++i•+ Ethel Methodist thadlst :Church Next Sabbath Evening the final eerier of views "IN HIS STEPS "tbe ever interest- ing • story, will be given. Be early to secure a good seat. Tuesday Evening Next the Humorous Play, "SOPH- RONIA'S WEDDING," will be givers in Roes (Thumb by the Ladies' Aid of Union Ohurch. Don't miss it, Program at 8 o'clock. Tickets 35 and 15 Ole. Pastor has secured a fine lot of views on "The Life of St. Paul," from. McGill University, valued at $7500, Announcement will ire made of their presentation. This is an excellent plan to get acquainted with the Bible. Fol- low up the series, HAROLD WHITE, Pastor Ethel Circuit - Ripley Express says :-Mrs. Wilkin- son and son, Maurice, will leave in 2 weeke for Port Arthur where they will spend. tate Winter with the fort- er'e daughter, Mrs. R Morrow. At present Maurice is at the Sick Child - ten's Hospital; Toronto, receiving spe- cial treatment. We are pleased to report that there is an improvement in his condition, Grey Miss Mary Hammersley, Toronto, was visiting Miss Beth Hoover. Voters' List Oount for Grey Town- ship Monday afternoon, 24th inst, at 2 o'clock. Miss Miriam Lowe was home from Wiarton locality for Thankegiviog 'time holiday. Mre. Lewis Steles is at present visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Huehn, in Conestoga. Mrs. Otto Schnock and Mise Lula Warrington ma n de flying i vi g t with s Morrie fiiends, combining business andP lessors. Harvey and Mrs. Hoover and chit. dren, London, were holiday visitors at the former'e parental home with R. J, and Mrs. Hoover. Oliver Turnbull & Sons have an ex- hibit of cattle at the Winter Fair at Guelph and wilt also take in the Roy- al Show at Toronto. We wish them success. A thoro'bred Yorkshire hog has been:purchased by Jno, Grant, 12th Oon:.t from J. J. Platt, thewell breeder of Hamilton.. Tuesday evening next the Ladies' Aid of Union church will present their highly praised play, "Sophronia's Wedding," in Roe's church, Musical numbers will intersperse the scenes of the play. Mrs. Dawson, sr„ Auburn ; Amon and Mrs, Ball, Hullett ; A. and Mrs. Distant and Miss Vera, and A, and Mrs, Wilkins, Goderich ; and George and Palmer Dawson, Wawanosh, were visitors at the home of Robert and Mre. Dookett, 13th Con, • Wroxeter Geo, Leckie and family spent the holiday in Taman, R. and Mre BI arkre 'ba a returned trued from Toronto where they spent sever- al days. Mre, Jas, Ireland, Toronto, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson. Rev, G. Barnard, Fordwicb, preach- ed in the Methodist Church, Sunday evening, Mrs, Alex. Sanderson, Owen Sound, was a holiday visitor with bermother, Mrs. A. McDougal. Thos. Thompson and family moved to Wingham last week where they have purchased a home. Mrs, George McIntosh and Mies Mc- Intosh, Stratford, are visiting the for- mar's father, John Davidson, Mre, Donald McGillivary, a return- ed Missionary, addressed the W. M. S. in the Presbyterian church Thurs- day evening, John Ball, Wm. Ball, Vernon Mc- Donald, Dart Ball and Clifford White are enjoying a few weeks hunting in the North, Mite Ellen McEwen was the dele- gate from the local branch to the an- nual Oonventien of the Women's in- stitute, held,in London last week. The Annual meeting of Upper Can- ada Bible Society was held in the Preebyterian Church Tuesday even- ing, when an excellent address was given by Rev. P. J. McLaren, Toronto. R J. Rann is the newly appointed President. and'!'. Kitchen Sea-'1'reae, The sudden demise of Elizabeth Mary 14leQrreen, wife of W. H.. Sanderson, Caine as a eudden shock to the corn- trtunity. Deceased was in her 7011, year. v from lwhich ehe serious refillness ily recov ered, although able to go about. Thursday morning she was eeized with a coughing spell, and died before medical help could be etunmoned, Mre. Sanderson had lived in this vi- cinity over 40 years, where she was FAMILY THEATRE .1111•MINVIII MINN Friday & Saturday Evenings Nov. 14 and 10 The Call of the Canyon If you enjoy real thrills this picture will supply them it -plen- ty. It is a Western Love Drama and one of the beet. Two Showa opening at 7.30 Next Monday and Tuesday November 17th and lath North of the Canyon A Special that will be sure to please and run at prices. REGULAR PRIDES beld in high esteem, She is survived by her husband and a sou, Wm,, Tor- onto. Interment was made in Wroxeter cemetery Saturday after- noon, Rev, Mr, Armstrong offieiating. Wednesday afternoon of next week at 1 o'clock, the Clearing Auction Sale of Fenn Stock, impletnente, &c, will'be held by F. F. Wright at Lot 30, Oon. A. Howick township (a mile South of Wroxeter.) Jno. Purvis will be the Auctioneer, See the list of sale in this issue. Historical Sketch of Donegal Methodist Church The first Methodist Ohurch was built at Donegal in 1884. As nearly as can be estimated services were con- ducted in the community as far back as six years previous to this. date. The ministers who conducted the ser- vices were stationed on what was known as the Elma Mission of the Wesleyan Methodist Ohurch. Even- tually its centre became Trow- bridge which has written records of official minutes dating back to the Year 1856. James Griffin was the firstecordin R Steward and Hismini- ster s first was Rev, J. 0, 1 Dyer 'vet or- dained, and was his second, year on the Mission, which composed Elmo- and lmaand parte of Wallace and Morniugton. According to the last Official meeting of the year 1866 there were encourag- ing Cigna of prosperity as many were added to the church. The officials for the year were : Local preachers, James Collins and Oorneliue Collins ; stewards, Wm. Zearin and a mac named Byngham m Class leaders, , JamesCollins Ool rand John Ooaene In 1857 Elms was constituted a sep- arate Mission with Rev, D. Hunt as missionary. First quarterly board meeting was held on August 8th, 1857. The finances were recorded in L. S. D. and Mr. Hunt's salary was 40 pounds for the year. His moving expenses were 2 pounds, 10 shillings. At the November meeting of that year the financial returns were six pounds, 10 shillings, 7 1-2 pence. Building committee was appointed to superintend"the erection of the first Methodist Church in Trowbridge. Listowel is first mentioned in the minutes, May 28rd, 1858. Listowel broughtfld Od. At this meeting it is also recorded that a new class, had been formed in Moroi ngton (probably Oarthage), Andrew Harvey was ap= pointed leader for the class, The first financial returns from the Morn- ingtou class were in August, 1858 and were 9s 4 1-2d. At this meeting Alex- ander' Walker was appointed Steward for the class, A resolution was passed should be strictly enforced. The that the rules respecting the use of in- toxicants except in cases of sickness "town plot" was the 110100 of the In 1859 2 preachers were 50111 to the place where official meetings were fre- quently held. Later the name Trow- bridge was given the'"town pint Mission : Rev, J. Oreane and Bro. Ofoss. Finances fou the year were re- corded in dollars and Cents, The fol- lowing were the items of the year for M. Oreane .• Salary 00 pounds ;,board 50 pounds ; house rent, 7 pounds 10 s.; home keep, 10 pounds; moving ex - pensee, 5 pounds 6 s, At the close of the year 1859 arrangements were mads for the young preacher to board around : let, 2nd, tied, and 4th quart - ere 01Ptetterson's, Burk's, Code's and Larges, Travelling expenees`rnust have been comparatively cheap in these daye as $2 was paid J. Oreane and $1.50 to Rev. Geo, McRea for one quarter, Official meetings se,ere frequently held at Large's school house which was on the 8th Oon. at the fires ' cor- ner East of Atwood. Here was the home of John Large, the father' of Rev, Alfred Large, who was killed by a robber in our Japan Mission nearly 40 years ago. In those days produce Was often given the minister in payment on'.sal- ary, At one official meeting such re. turns totalled $88.48. The largest re- turns came from'1'rowbridge, In the May meeting, of $62, $30,47 Is credited Trowbridge and only 52 to, Listowel, At this meeting cue of the local. preaches was dieelplined by the pees - lug of this resolutions 'That in con* ssgnenca of Bro.-----,-having vlolat- ed the discipline of our church by ab, senting himself from Claes and speak- ing improperly of ministers and mem- bers, his license as a local preacher be not renewed." neve. J, Sanderson and Alin Arm- strong became tate ministers in 1862. This year the Dowd asked fora $401) grsntfrom.the Missionary Society. At the Februrary meeting of 1863 instruction was given Rev, 3, Sander- son to purchase a lot in the village of Listowel for a chapel. November meeting of the Baine year directed the travelling preachers to drop John- ston's appointment and go to Listowel preaching every Sunday, In May. 1864, application was made to the Ohuroh relief fund for money to assist in paying off the debt on the church in Lietowel. Rev. Mr, Oorekman was assistant to Rev. J. Sanderson in 1884' and at November meeting was assign- ed to Listowel for the remainder of the year. Irt 1$86 Rev. Wilson Brown offered to hoard the minister, Rev. Mr. Oltant, for $110 for the year. The offer was accepted and a levy; put up- on each 'class to raise that amount. Thus ended the custom of young preachers boarding around. The ministers through all those years. occupy .much space with finan- ces. Deficits in salary were the com- mon experience. For the year end- ing 1863, the deficit of Rev. J, Sander, son was $147,71 and that of Rev. John Armstrong $67.38. The first meution of Donegal in the minutes occurs on Aug, 12th, 1885, where $1,42 was reported. In Novem- ber of the same year the credit is $9. During the Winter of 1864, mater- ial was hauled for the filet Donegal church. Wm. Wilson, Atwood, as- sisted in this work with his oxen: The late Moses Harvey and the late Samuel Vipond canvassed the com- munity for subscriptions for the new church. Each of these men gave $100. Tbe late John Young signed $50 on a daily wage of 60 cents. The .building was completed in 1884 and dedicated on Feb. 14th, 1865. As far as is now known only two persona are with us who attended this dedication service, namely, Mrs: John Young, who is supposed to have been the first white child born in Eima, and William Wil- son, Atwood, On the day of dedica- tion there was a motto on either side of the pulpit, the writing iwas in white letters on a' black surface. One of these read: "Honor the Lord with thy substance and the first fruits of thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with ,plenty and thy presses burst out with new wine." The present splendid church was erected in 1911 during the pastorate of , Rev. J. 0. Reid. The late Rev. James Livingstone preached morning and evening and Rev. E. A. Fear in the afternoon. o n. On the second Sunday Y Rev. GeorgeDewey conducted the ser- vices. e A long succession of splendid men have ministered to the people through the agency of Donegal Methodirit Church. As nearly as possible 'tic completed list is : Revs. J. O. Dyer, D. Hunt, T. Greene, Groes, J. Sander - eon, Nelson Brown, Tucker, Nathan- iel Smith, Hough, Deacon, Jos, Stin- son, Henry Berry, R. J. Garbutt, Ferguson, David Rogers, John Fisher, Jos, Priv John Ball, EA. Fear. Wm. Penhall, 1 , J. O. Reid, S. Bond, H. J. Fair, Dr. J. Huseer, J. F. Sutcliffe, F. Olysdale and B. Snell. Many of these " rest from their labors and their works do follow thein." Church Chimes Tbe' Sunday School classes of boys taught by Mrs. Jno. 11:. Smith, and Misses B. McDonald and K. Deadman, were treated to a picnic on the lawn of G. A. Deadman last Saturday afternoon. A delightful time was spent. Thursday of this week will be date of the Spiritual Conference at Westfield Methodist Church, Gods ' ooh and Wingham Districts are uniting in the Convention. Morning session opens at ao o'clock and the afternoon gathering_ µ at/ 3o p. m. There will also be an eves ing session. Sabbath morning last Rev, Mr. Mc- Leod preached on the subject of Thank- fulness, indicating many reasons why this spirit should prevail. Tbe series on "Facing Life's Crisis" was contin- uedin the evening, the subject being "The Crisis of Work." Musical num- bers were well rendered, RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. -A joint gathering will be held in Mel - vine cburcb, Brussels, Wednesday after- noon and evening of next week. opon- ing at 2,30, Program will consist of the following :-.Devotional Exercises, Rev, 'Mr, McLeod ; Roll call of Sabbath Schools and Yoking People's 'Societies "The Home a factor to Religious Educ- ation,"Rev Mr, Cragg; +'Recruiting new members for 5, S. and Church," Rev. Mr. Chandler; "Teacher Train - Mg," Rev. C. A. Myers. Supper at 8 3o• Evening session t --Rev, C. F. Clarke, Chairman ; Song Service lead by Rev. C, W. D, Casein) ; "The chal- lenge of the Mission field," Rev. Mr, Barnard ; "The Teen Age." Rev, Mr. Myers, In Brussels Institute group are included Presbyterian and Method- ist churches of Brussels, Walton, Cran- brook, Ethel, Molesworth end Belgrave. The young people are specially urged to attend. Delegates are expected frog every Sunday School and Young Peoples organization in the district named. es Roans were never bettor. atirING about big cabbages ono was t week pulled 5one's dnhatmetisued 1 . iam, weight r8 lbs. Of course everybody cannot grow cabbage like Mr, Pope, Think of the sauerkraut posstble with stick ti oobbage crop,