HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-10-29, Page 54 BUSINESS GARBS JNO, SUTHERLANO & SONS 1p LIMITEEP p emirs! &maws D. M. SCOTT • PRICES MODERATE For references wasn't any person whose ea lee I have officiated at, Phone 78x. or 66 W V,92 6O'VliPL0.1 J VY If you want results get R. MoINNES Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County, to handle your sales 4years experience 111 the W eat, Call phone 8817 DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night malls, Oalee oppeiite Flour Mill, Ethel, MAUDE .0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Deportment of O hthnlmology. Mc- Cormick hiedloul College, Chicago, Ill. Three months post graduate course during year 1919. Eyes aoientifioolly examined. Latoet Modern Methods used. tax -Cross Eyes etrulghtened through proper• ly fitted Lenses. Satisfaction Assured. Office hours : le to 12 a. n,, • 1,80 to 0 p, m. Saturday evening, 7.80 to 9 &cloth. Phone 20x . / 43.0v r Z.? WPlmr AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins. COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Howick Mutual fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 42 Box I Tnruberry Street, Brnesele T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P., d S. O. -M. 0, H., Village of BiusseLi, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur Office at residence, opposite Melt ilia Church, William street. Tr. M. Sveczdpit BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER. NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS PHUUUFUUT, IILLUHAN & HOLMES Darrletars, Soi•icltore, Notarioe Public, dec. (Moe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH• ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. P0OUDFOOT, B. 0. T. L, HILLORAN DUDLEY HOTATE6, JUN. Representative Wanted RErareoNTAT,ya•WANTen for Brussels and Enron County to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nnreerles." 131g sales aro to be made In selling Nursery stock during the recon• etruotlon period. .A splendid opportunity for u live salesmen. Highest commissions paid, handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stock to Otter. Surma & W cuarraTON, Toronto, Ont. Farm for Sale Contains 100 acres; being Ba3oy Lot 28, Con. 0, Morrie township. Good brick house with col. ler ; bank bare with cement stabling ; driving shed, drilled well and a never falling spring at beck, About 60 acres under cultivation. bol- nnee pasture, end wood land. Fall plowing will be done end possession given this Fall. For further perttualors apply to A. H. MACDONALD, Brussels. m AuvA J. ..4.2,bvarb zm A High Grade School i(--______.-,./ 4,'I Car. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Toronto .• Inteos g0 tpatboiofngor wood0e business positions. positions. Write to•dny for, Cet3logae. Enter. any tlmo," t r jS' W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL 1e.':.\i6vN isPAN'twt•4 i;sr7r4 temWFA ,4'ri rul,r45,71-62VizArak Viitcylrag "WeisWol CENTRAL. BUSINESS COLLEGE 0 STRATFORD, ONT. prepares young men and youngg tymnen 1or greatest whtclr is now (tenodin- 61 greatest positions Wo assist gratin - 61 0109 to poaitlolio 111,4 neO7 haven 9030• .. noel train lag wbIo11 eunbios thmu to moot with 0000%0181,0118.a 0x0, Stud,nte are reg- Iotered each Neck. Get aur free cat - N nlogue and l0arn encs. dog about our ray different departments. 3v NI'LAOHLAN. PRIN. LJ d'4"F4.4•444-1 hd'*'F'p++'I'+'F+d'@+4elef ;HENs1 WANTED "* g p Highest market rices paid. l' See me or Phone,No.2x, Brno - eels, and I will gall and get gout' Poultry, a M. Yollick A.4.„4 'tk4.4.+ 'i'4'++4 .4.4^4"4' ,++d•4.4' palace Bakery Brussels At no time in the history of the Baking Industry lute it been more generally appreciated that uality Bread ie the great essential in building up a strong, healthy body, You can have "Quality Bread" by tieing Willis' Bread Phone 32X Total ebo> Pis TOMATOES were good yielders. Town Council next Monday evening. POULTRY now looms up on the dinner table. FRIDAY night will be the historic Hal- lowe'en, THE radio is growing in usefulness as the service is understood. SHARP frosts of past week wrecked the appearance of the flower gardens. • GROUND is well carpeted with fallen leaves on many a street and lawn. WIRING for Hydro continues in town. This broadening of the system will fetch down the rate. A FURNACE has been iostalied at the cottage horse of F. R. Smith, druggist, Albert street. He has a cosy spot. DON'T forget that the law demands that the necessary lights be shown on all automobiles. This is a warning note. 25 cents in advance gets Tux POST to January 1st, 1925. Send it to the ab• sentee members of your family, PETER MCARTHUR. the well known poet and contributor to the press, under- went a serious operation at Victoria hospital at London and is making a good recovery. RATE of interest in the Provincial Savings Banks will be reduced from 4 to 3 per cent. nu Pose. is doubtful if the organization of the formation of the banks was ever fair to the mopetary in• stitutions of the Province. ANNUAL meeting of Huron County Childrens' Aid and Humane Society wilt be held Tuesday, Nov. 4th. at 3 p. m. in the ,Children's Shelter, Cameron 5t., Gods?ich. j. 1, Kelso, Provincal Supt.. is expected to be present and give an ad- dress. The public invited. THE usual Asmistice Day two -minute silence will be observed on Tuesday, November 11 et II o'clock throughout tee British Empire. This is in addition to the observance of Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day on Monday Novem- ber to. A WHOPPER.—A Russian Sunflower head bas attracted considerable attention at Tim Pose Publishing House during the past week. It grew in thegardea of jno. Shortreed, Morris township, and the stalk attained a height of 10 feet. The head measures nearly 4 feet in circum ference and weighs. 5 pounds. It is au illustration of the story of "Jack and the bean -stalk" with a plus added to it for the big head, which compares favorably witb the biggest we have ever seen. Tex Huron County quill drivers in at. tendance at the London Convention on Friday, on 17th last, were Messrs. Crich Exeter • Kerr,Clinton and Southcett, Ex er ,, Vanat'er and Robertson, Goderich'; and W. H. Kerr, Brussels. From Perth Co. there were Messrs, Hudson and Blatchford, Listowel ; MacBeth, Milver- ton ; Abraham, Stratford ; Davis, Mitch- ell, and Appel, Tavistock, At a short session of Perth and Huron Association it was decided to cancel the usual Fall meeting of the Association this year. A, G. Smitb, Wingham, was appointed on the Executive in the place of W. G. Col- gate, removed. Officiary now is as fo:- lows: Hon, Presidents, J. W. Hedy, St. Marys, and M. MacBeth, Milverton ; President, W. H. Kerr, Brussels: Vice - Pres„ I. W. Vanatter, Goderich ; Sec Treas., A. Abraham, Stratford ; Execu tive, H. Davis, Mitchell ; J. W. South cott, Exeter ; A. G. Smith,' Wingham: Next meeting of the Association will be held in the Spring of 0925. Clinton Mission Band of the Willis Church held a successful Bazaar, A. 0. and Mrs. Patterson are home from a holiday at Wallttceburg. Mies Amy Howson has resigned from the staff of -the Molsons Bank, Rev. A. A. Holmes preached Anni- versary someone at Loudesboro' cir- cuit last Sunday. • Atwood Odd Fellows held a Jubilation. BTownship Council met here last Stant ay. ' The fancy fence has been completed around the Memorial Mouninent. Last week Rev, Capt. Adams made a canvas in the interest of the Navy League, • Alex. Dickson bas returned to Sask- atoon. He came to attend his father's funeral Postmaster J. G. Dickson has resign- edPosttu gn- ed after 14 years occupancy. Hie health is poor we tine sorry to state. 81,000 AN,p 3 MONTHS JAIL.—Wil- Liam Bannon, of Logan, was fined 81,000 and eentenced to 8 months ih jail on a charge of selling liquor. - Failure to ply time fine will add 3 more mouths to the jail sentence. The case wag nn afLerniath of the Hone suicide ease in Elma. Dating the inquest 2 young farm Iads, Cumming and Thibi- dea, told of securing liquor front Ban- non, To the Court they repeated their atony, '.t'1ia defence adtraltted having furnlebed ligelde to the boys, but Mailltained it wee a mixture of intietartt, pepper, giugel' end tv1GOr. However, Outranringe and 'El,lbldeau. swore that it wee real liquor in their evidence, Fordwlah A. 0, Setheran le home from a. visit to Manitoba, Horner Schafer lots invested in a Star' sedan, We are glad be. see Mrs, Jno, A, Pat- terson able to be about after her seri- ous 111uese. B, and Mrs. Faille and children, were at Port Elgin attending the fun. oral of Jno, Howe, father of Mre, Fal - lie, He was 80 years of age, Trowbridge 13ert Chapman's cider mill le going full bleat again. We are sorry to report the ilinees of Will Johnston, 2nd line, Mrs, Oudwore, Seafoth, was a guest at the house of her aunt, Mrs, C. Collins. Mrs, Furtney, and her daughter, Mrs. George Coates, Parkhill, were the gueete of Mrs. H. Austrian. Mies Alice Booth has returned to London after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Ghia burg and vicinity, Rev, George Barnard, Fordwich, addreeeed a meeting in the interests of the Bible Society, in the church on Friday evening. W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Collins Thursday afternoon of this week, Oct, 30. Mre. Tabor and 44Jrs, E. G. Code have charge of the Study Book "China's real revolution." Young People's League was well at- tended Tuesday evening. E. Code, President, had charge of the meeting Mr. Allen, Std, Vice -President direct- ed the young people in physical cul- ture exercises. Blyth Rev. P. T. Pilkey, of Owen Sound, is to conduct the Anniversary Servic- es in St. Andrew's Church next Sun- day. un- d Belgrave Dramatic Co, played "Too Many Husbands," under auspices of Trinity Church, Ladies' Guild, Friday evening. Maple Leaf Sewing Circle handed over to the Memorial Hall Fund, the sum of $800 to be applied in reducing mortgage on hall. While motoring from Goderich, H. Gidley ran into a couple of cattle on the road neat' J. B. Tiernay's and broke two of their lege. There was a car standing at the side of the road and as Mr. Gidley was passing, the cattle came from behind the car on the road. The cattle were from a drove of 17 that had been purchased at the Pierce & Haman sale in the after- noon and were being taken to the Blyth Estate farm. Mr. Gidley's car was somewhat damaged from the col- lision. DEATH OF THOMAS CARTER,—It 18 our sad duty to record in these col- umns the demise of the late Thos. F. Carter, whose death occurred at Fort Qu Appelle, on Wednesday, Oct. let, at the regretably early age of 31 years. Mr, Garter had been ill for a consider- able period, but bore his infirmity with a cheerfulness upon which it is unneseery to dilate to those who knew him. Mr. Carter, who was one of the youngest bueiuess men in town, and a member of the Whitewood Trading Co. was the youngest son of Mrs. E. Carter and the late G. T. D. Carter and 3} years ago was married to Miss Rhea Etnigh, daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Emigh, at that time also resi- dents of Whitewood, He is survived by his wife and daughter, Doreen, hie mother, a sister, Sirs. M. Hudson, Ladysmith, Vancouver, and two bro- there, R. H. Carter, Kouleau, and 0. D, Garter, Whitewood. At his bed- side, when he passed peacefully into the beyond„tvere his wife, his mother, Mrs. Wm, Emigh, who had hastened from Ontario, also his 2 brothers. TO OUR PATRONS Now that Fall weather is at hand customers would much oblige by 'phoning their or - dere early so as to save a rep - Rion of calls on same street: Why not have your name placed on our 'phone list to be called by tui every morning ? Baeker Bros. A Bargain In Newspapers An Opportunity to W. in $5,000.90 A 13ea.Ntlfel Art Calendar Free. The Post has concluded an arrange- ment with the Family herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, by which we can offer the greatest bal:gain ever given to newspaper readers, 1 The offer lncludos a full year's sub.. eeription to both papers, an art Wen- der with a most beautiful pletere .sub- jectready for framing, and an oppor- tunity to win a price of 85,000 in cash, 1n the Federal Election of 1921 there were 3,119,400 votes omit out of a tot- al of 4,436,310 names on the senora list, How many votes will be polled in the next election ? The Family Herald and Weekly Star are offering Ten Thousand dol. late ip 94 prizes for the best estimates and our arrangement with the pub. Ushers of that great weekly gives ev- ery v.ery POST subscriber an opportun- ity to make an estimate and perhaps win the capital prize of 6000 dollars, Some person will win. Why should it not be you ? READ THIS BARGAIN Tors POET costa 82 00 per year. The Family Herald and Weekly Star costs 82 00 per -year. We now offer a full year to both papers, including a copy of the Family Herald Art Calendar arid the right to make one estimate in the Family Her- ald's Election Contest all for 83 60. Estimates must be made at the time of subscribing. and no,nhange% will be permitted afterwards. Order now at this office.. THE POST Brussels. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's on Friday, October 3rd. and a memorial service and requiem Euch- arist was rendered on Sunday morn- ing last, when the vicar expressed ap- preciative regard fort and paid tribute to the memory of the de- ceased, who for many years had been Warden of the church. The edifice was crowded to the doors, many people having to stand and a number unable to gain admittance. Rev. A. G. Smith conducted the ser- vice at the church assisted by Rev. Sparrow, and preached the funeral sermon. Appropriate hymns were sung with the choir leading. The loc- al Masonic lodge, of which Mr. Carter held the office of Senior Warden, at- tended In a body accompanied by fel- low Masons from outside points. The G. W. N. A. were also in attendance and marched to church from the Club rooms in company with several mem- bers from the Wapella branch, The late Mr. Garter lived his life in White• wood. He was a friend to all and all were his friends, and what more can be said. Wingham St. Paul's church A. Y. P. A. has or- ganized for the Beason, The Lions entertained the Lionesses at the Brunswick Cafe. e Jubilee services are. on the program of the Methodist church here. Prof. and Mre. Wells, Indianapolis, will as- sist in Evangelistic services. Seaforth A, D, Sutherland has opened an insurance office in town. Mies Kate Broadfoot is borne after holidaying at Hamilton and Guelph. Charlie Broadfoot, Mooeejaw, has been calling on relatives and old friends here. Tuesday evening Mrs. (Rev.) Tel- ford, Blyth• addressed the Young Wo- men's Auxiliary in the Presbyteriau Oberch. A play entitled "All on account of Polly" is on the program Wedneeday evening of tisis week ander auspices of Young People's League of Methodist church. Annual meeting of Seaforth Golf and Country Club was Held on 17th inst., when officers for emitting year were elected asfnitows : President, R. M. Jones ; 1st Vice President, 0. Neil ; 2nd Vice President, .1. 0. Greig ; Sec- retary -Treasurer, J. G. Mullen ; Cap- tain, D. Wilson ; Vice Captain, W. E. Southgate ; Grounds Odmmittee, Meeere, Savauge, Southgate, Wilson and Jones. Financial statement showed a surplus of 8208 00. Asad death occurred in Toronto on Tueeday of last week, when Williatn Robert Smillie passed away very sud- denly. Deceased was the eldest son of W, R. Smillie, North Main Street, Seaforth, and was bora on his fath- er's farm, neat Brucefied, 38 years ago. He attended Seaforth and Clinton Fall Supplies AT Welter's Hardware Quebec Heaters, large size, $18,00 Happy Thought and McClary Ranges Stove Boards and Coal Hods Stove Pipes and Elbows Electric and Oil Heaters Roofing u piyhd Horse Blankets Stable and Storm Sash Beaver Board Cement, Lime and Paristone We oan supply Repairs for all makes of Stoves G. R. WE BRUSSELS 4. \A ingham's Fall Sale Hanna & Co., Ltd. Commencing Saturday, Oct. 25th, Ato8.30 $GO,000 Worth of Stack an Sale GET A LARGE BILL AND READ ALL ABOUT THE BARGAINS Ladies' Fur Coats Cloth Coats Suits, Dresses Dry Goods, Silks, Staples Hundreds of Men's Suits and Overcoats, Hats Furnishings, Work Goods House Furnishings Rugs, Linoleums Groceries 20 to 50 pi c. off Everything in our Stores (EXCEPT A FEW CONTRACTED LINES) HANNA & Co., Ltd. - WINGEAM Collegiates, later graduating from the London Normal School and taught school for 4 years at Burford. Mr. Smillie enlisted early in the war and went overseas as a Lieutenant, but gained the rank of Captain before be- ing gassed at Vitus Ridge. After spending several mon tits in a hospital in England he was invalided home in 1917, and spent mouths in hospital in London. After receiving his dis- charge from the army, Mr. Smillie went to Toronto where he has since resided. He is survived by his widow and 2 sons. Qorrie Mrs, R. Bennett has been seriously itt. Measles have been bothering some of our villagers. Mise Lyles Querin has gone to Ham- ilton where she has accepted a posi- tion. The lighting By -Law was carried by a good Majority, only 9 votes being cast against it. Mrs. E. Garrett aud daughter, Tor- onto, are visiting at the home of the former's brother, Tilos. Nash. Goderich Barrister Holmes is the new town Solicitor. Dredge is finishing up at the harbor for the season. The mother of Rev, Sin. McDermid passed away at London. Colin Fingiand, of Blyth, successful- ly underwent an operation for append- icitis in Alexander hospital. Jack Purves, Harold Breekow and Benson Pentland represented North street Methodist church at the Boys' Ooufereece held at Stratford. Chester M„ 3rd sou of G. M. and Mrs. Elliott, town, died iu Vancouver, B, C. aged 33 years. He was a resident of .Calgary and was on a visit to the Coast when stricken with heart seizure. Wife and baby daughter survive. Fall training of the Huron Regi- ment has settled down in earnest and the different companies stationed in Clinton, Wingham, Exeter, Fordwich and Goderich are drilling 2 nights a week. "A" company, stationed in Goderich, is udder the command of Major A. F. Sturdy. In addition a ettetcher squad 1s training under Sgt. Clarence MacDonald, and a corps of signallers is in charge of Capt. T. R. Rundle. Listowel Listowel teachers visited London schools, Mies Eva Chambers untleewenl an operation at the hospital here. The local Cadets were at London taking part in the Shooting Competi- tjon, A class will be organized to receive Nursing instructions, It will extend over 2 weeks. The residence of 0. V. and Mre. Blatchford wee ransacked while they were nut of town. S. Grille, a well known citizen passed away on Oat. 10th, at the Metnotial Hospital, in hie 70th year, He is our. ' vived by a eau and daughter, Mervin, Winnipeg, and Mrs. H, IietngwM'til, here, Deceased was highly esteemed, Huron County Goderich assessment is increased by 889.383. Sabbath last was Bible Sunday in Goderich. They need it. 7 grain vessels arrived at Goderich in a week, Corn in Egypt yet. Bishop Williams dedicated a Mem- orial window in St, George's chunk, Goderich. a, Apple crop is poor around Port Albert, Other places cannot throw sticks at them. Albert Jardine, Goderich recently charged with indecent assault, was sent to Guelph Prison Farm for 18 months. He's a bad egg. An all day prayer service was held in Goderich Temperance Hall, Thursday of last week, each Church being responsible for one hour's lead- ership. Art in Granite and Marble Memorials BRUSSELS EVERY piece of work we do is treated like a master -piece of art before it can pass our rigid inepection. Loi.g experience in all the different treatments of expres- sion in granite enables us to produce the last touch that makes perfection, Cemetery work promptly attend- ed to. - MEMORIAL - WORKS A. E. HERSEY, Prop. f Electrical Wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours, Estimates cheerfully given. Our Prices are Right All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town. W. L. Lindensmith & Co. Call American Hotel 13 USSELS ®.a