HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-10-15, Page 8Reduced Prices
on Wall Paper.
Why Wait Till Spring ?.
Now is a splendid time to have Psperinp, done and have rooms newly
decorated for Fall and Winter, when more time is spent in them, Our
stock is large and contains a good variety of patterns suitable for
Any Room in the House
Many of the patterns are at Reduced Prices.
Ours is the Semi -Ready Wall Paper
The kind that saves time and disorder in hanging,
A Number of Bundle Lots of Wall
Paper at Clearance Prices
The Patterns ale good and if the Quantities are the
amounts you can make use of they are. Bargains.
The Store
Druggist and Stationer
Total Vacs Pim
MARKET 15 holding up well.
FLAX mill is being operated,
POTATO lifting bas been on the pro-
Tut Autumn tinted leaves would be
bard to heat.
HEAR Rev. Livingston and Postmaster
Musgrove Thursday evening.
STANDARD Bank exterior wood work
is being improved by a new dress of
A septic tank has been installed at tbe
bome of F. M. Wilmot, Manager of tbe
Bank of Nova Scotia.
Main street pavement is sometimes
quite slippery after a rain and equines
have to be careful to always keep on
their feet.
A case of insubordination at Brussels
school was threshed out at the School
Board last Tuesday evening and the
authority of the staff sustained by the
PROHIBITION meeting in the Town
Hall Thursday evening of this week,
Rev. Mr. Livingstone and Postmaster
Musgrove will be the speakers with op-
portunity given to a Moderation League
speaker if they wish.
EAST Huron Agricultural Society Dir-
ectors met last Saturday to adjust Fall
Fair affairs and to check up acconuts.
Treasurer Black will be prepared to liq-
uidate the long prize list Friday and
Saturday of this week. It was a good
year for the Society.
"SopHOANIA's WEDDING" will be pre.
sented in Brussels Town Hall, Tuesday
evening, zest inst., by talent from Union
church and under auspices of Methodist
church Ladies' Aid. I: is full of humor
and good advice. Read the advt. in
this issue.
THE Brussels Women's Institute will
meet in the Public Library Friday after-
noon, at 3 o'clock, The subject, "A
Good Homemaker rather than a Good
Housekeeper" will be taken by Miss jar.
dine. Roll call—Quotations from fav-
avorite authors. All the ladies are urged
to be present.
EXECUTOR'S SALE. — A house and
about an acre ot land on Albert street,
Brussels, will be offered for sale, at 2 p.
m , next Saturday, to close up the estate
of the late Tames Sharpe. D. M. Scott
will be the auctioneer. See posters for
further particulars or enquire from A.
H. Macdonald, the Executor.
was received here last Saturday of the
death of Mrs. James Shaw, which occur-
red at the bome of her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Davey. San Jose, California, early
on Friday morning last, Deceased, who
was in her 86th year, suffered a stroke of
paralysis about four years ago and had
been an invalid ever since, Mrs. Shaw
was the second daughter of the late
George Love, of Tuckersmith, where
she spent her girlhood days. She was
twice married, her first husband, Hector
McNeil, only living three years, 59
years ago she was united in marriage to
the late James Shaw, who predeceased
her by 15 years. The Isth Cott, of Grey
was their home for a good many years,
later moving to Brussels, purchasing the
Knechtel farm adjoining the village,
where they resided until Mr. Shaw's
death. A family of five daughters and a
son survive, viz :—Mrs. Thos. Nicholls.
Washington : Mrs. Wm. Davey, Califor-
nia ; Mrs, Robt, Bremner, Ethel ; Mrs,
Juo. Ballantyne, Brussels ; Mrs. W, 3,
Hunter, Oshawa; and W. G. Shaw,
Idaho, Another son, lathes S., died in
e9t8. There are also two sisters and a
brother still living(:—Mrs. Hugh McNeil,
Grey township ; Mrs, Jas. Taylor, Hen-
sail; and John Love, eaferth, Burial
Was made in San Jose, Cal,
LOCAL and District news always wel-
THE ground is well carpeted with Au-
tumn leaves,
EAST HURON Fall Fair Prize List may
be read on page 3 of this issue.
MANY flower gardens are still in
bloom, choice boquets being gathered.
A COMPANY of members of St. John's
Masonic Lodge visited their Wroxeter
brethren one evening last week on the
occasion of the visit of D. D. G. M. Jobb,
Wingham, to that Lodge. Good time
was enjoyed.
WDITe Rock Cockereta for sale
Phone 498 R, W. WHrmrIEr.0
Loer. Oar number C19-482. Finder kindly
leave it at Tan POST, Brussels, or Blyth Stand-
ard. Wu. D. MCLEAN, Box 809, Blyth,
SHELL framed Speoteeled found. Owner
may have them by proving property and pay-
ing for this notice, at Tun Po5T. ;WO
FOR SALA: Two frame houeea on Albert
street, Brussels, oleo a lot, Will be sold to-
gether or in single percale. Bargain for quick
sale. For particulars apply to W. E. Belot.
Atwood, or T. A. Rogers, Brune els. tf
A Rum was token out of a buggy in Melville
Church shed last Friday. I5 it la not returned
to Te O Buosacrs POST at once there wiil be
trouble as the person is spotted.
CAP loot off a ear gas tank South of Ethel.
Also 2 page strayed, 5 or 0 weeks old. Will
finders kindly communicate with Geo. Whit-
Beld, Lot 28, Con, 18, Grey. Phone 4D16
Fon SALE.—Brass trimmed bed with springs.
Also Hall lamp. BORT. BOWMAN, Brnesele.
16 Pros. D weeks old, for sale. Phone 8829
WILSON Mertes, Morris Twp.
Serene Minorca Cockerels for sale.
17.2 Phone 2610 JAB PE MIS, Grey.
WOODEN water tank for sale, size 0 x 7 feet,
about 6000 gallon capacity.
ROBT. THITELL, Brnesele.
CUSTOM Knitting will be attended to In the
manufacture of Men's Socks. Children's Bose,
deo. Satisfaction assured, Reasonable pilot's,
Phone 441D Jamestown.
FALL Honey for sale. 10 cents per pound.
Good quality, L. WHEELER, Phone 6824
LUMBER Wagon and 2nd hand top baggy In
good repair, for ante. Also a set of god .hand
single harness. M. J. ENOte,
Phone 52le Cranbrook.
FOR SALO.—Very comfortable frame house,
Princess street, now vacant as owner has
moved to Kincardine. Apply at once for par.
Maulers and terms to T. R, Bennett, Wingham
or A. B. Macdonald, Brnesele.
FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN.—Goa machine and
all necessary axtnres. An ideal Baiting aye -
tem for residence out of reach of Hydro. In-
expensive to operate and in good condition.
A Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, Brnesele
DR. PARKER. of Win ahem, has resumed his
weekly visite to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
by advt. and hand bill a Prohibition Rai.
ly will be held in the Opera HoDseiBrus-
sels Thursday' eVenlu2 of this ';week,
opening at 8 o'clock sht rp, when addres-
ses will be deliverd by Rev, Mr. Living-
stone, formerly of British Columbia. and
Postmaster A, H. Musgrove, Wingham
Both are good speakers and will be real'
worth hearing. Invitation Is extended
to a representative of the Moderation
League also to speak. Musical numbers
will be g van and an offering taken
to defray expenses. The building
should be peeked to the doors and the
community is Invited,
Sunday, in Toronto, Tames Dunford, a
former resident of Brussels, bet more re-
cently of Clinton, passed away in bin
58th year, He was Operated on for ap-
pendicitis. The funeral took place Wed
nesday afternoon from Clinton. under
Masonic auspices, iuteitnent being trade
in Brussels cemetery, Deceased was a
brother to the late E C. Dunford and
lived here for years, and aftet resided in
Clinton, He went to 'Toronto 5 years
ago, Mr. Dunford was married twice,
First to Miss Smalldon, of this locality,
and 1a'er to M ss Nettie Beacom, Clinton,
who with 3 daughters (Mrs, W. Moffatt,
Mrs, W. Pickett, Clinton ; and Mrs
Boxall, 'Toledo,)'and z sons (Earnest and
Ross, Toronto), survive and slide in
the sympathy of a wide circle.
Maude C. Bryan
Announces her Bruesols office
Will be open following days of
every week :—
Hotsre a. m, p, at.
Monday ,,. '10 to 12 1,80 to 0
Friday •••• .. 1 31 to 8
Saturday .,10 to 12 1,30 to d
Saturday Evening 7 to 9
;tl People Wo Teak About
it t1
Misses Hunter visited friends at Gorrir,
Mrs. G A, 'Best is visiting relatives
anti frieuiis at Perth, Ontario
Reeve 13aeket combined Business and
pleasure in a visit to Toronto last week.
Mrs James Speir and grandson Keu•
uetb ace visiting relatives in the Queen
city for a few weeks
R. E Foremen, Port Carling, is the
new teller In'the Bask ot Nova Scotia,
We'welcome him to Brussels.
Mrs. W. A Lowry and son Jack have
been under the doc•or's care. We hope
they will soon be couvalescent.
Druggist Fox bas moved his house-
hold effects from Toronto to Brussels
and resumed housekeepiip,g here.
Ben, and Mrs. Woodley and cbildren
are visiting relatives in Brussels. The
children bave been quite ill but are im•
Mrs. D. Walker bas been under the
care of the doctor tint is considerably im-
proved ber old friends will be pleased to
Robt. and Mrs. Ross and Gordon and
Mrs Ross and baby Dorothy, Kincar-
dine, were visiting relatives here last
Mrs, Wm. Tbnell sr, and daughter,
Mrs. Govier and son "Jim" have come
back to town and will live in the latter's
house, Thomas street.
Mrs. C. M, White, Tacoma, Wash.,
was a visitor with Mrs N. F. Gerry.
The guest was Miss Mary J. Yeo of
maiden days, a relative of the Gerry
Mrs. (Rev) A. M. McKay, who spent
the past a months here, left this week
for her borne at Hatton, Sask. Her
health was much improved by her— bon -
day here.
W. C. McKinnon, of the Bank of No-
va Scota at Port Arthur, is here for a
holiday with bis mother, brothers and
sister and old friends. He is enjoying
good health and spirits.
Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, postoffice assist-
ant. is enjoying a well earned holiday
with relatives at Camnington and other
places. MiseEvelyn Chapman is lend -
Ing a hand in the postcff,ce.
THE Posz' is sorry to state that Mary
Helen, the fine little daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. White, had the misfortune to
break an arm by a fall. Speedy recov-
ery is wished the young lassie.
Geo. Edwards and son, Bryan, Mrs.
Laving Churchill and Miss Norene and
Mr, and Mrs. Bowman, all of London,
were visitors at the bome of Geo. and
Mrs. Edwards- They came by motor.
Geo, E. and Mrs. Hanley and Master
Jack, Stratord, were here to visit the
former's parents Geo. and Mrs. Hanley,
who are getting -nicely settled in their
new home on Queen street, where any
old friend and neighbor will always be
Dr. Graham aformer well known resi-
dent, was a visitor here for a few days
last week from Toronto. Although Gine-
wards of 8o years of age he is remarkab-
ly active and a'ert and carries his `years
wonderfully :well. The Dr. practiced
medicine successfully in Brussels for
many years, commencing over 5o veers
ago. He had a large and successful
practice and is well rernembered in the
community. While resident here he
took an active interest in the town and
is still owner of the- fine 3 story brick
block. Turnberry street, and a doable
house, Mill street. He was also a mem-
ber of the town Oonncil, School Board,
Societies He and Mrs Graham took
a live interest in the Presbyterian cburcb,
The fine tesidence of Dr. T. T. McRae,
William street, was erected by Dr. Gra-
ham and in which be lived for several
years. The Dr. ceased from active
practice of his profession aleout 12 years
ago, although even yet be is called in con-
sultation as be is well read and speaks
out of a wide experience. Teta POST,
voicing the sentiments of the commun-
ity, is sorry to bear that Mrs. Graham's
health is not nearly so rugged as of yore,
Her heart is the seat of trouble,
We will be glad to hear of noticeable im-
provement in her condition. The Dr.
called on quite a number of folk and
made his bead•quarters with old
friends in persons ot Barrister and Mrs.
V. C. and Mrs. Huntley and Jack and
Mrs, Alfred Lowry visited relatives at
Forest, travelling by moor.
Druggist Robt. and Mrs, Work and
children, Toronto, spent the week end
with relatives and friends in Brussels
and vicinity.
TER Post, -is sorry to hear that Miss
Maude Bryan's fel) and injured one of
her hips. Her'many friends wish her a
speedy recovery,
Mrs G, R. Weller, B. A , will attend
the official opening of the University
of Western Oaferia, London, this week,
the guest of •Miss Marion Wrigbton,
B. A,
Mrs, Lottie Weller is back to town af.
ter a most enjoyable trip occupimg the
past 3 mouths. Sbe took in tbe sightsof
New York, Hudson river, Lawrence,
Long Island, Rochester, N. Y., &c., and
visited relatives and old friends, It was
a delightful outing.
Church Chimes
"Ttte Sower and the Seed" will be the
subject of next Sunday's Sabbath School
Huron Deanery met in Convention at
Wingbam Tuesday of this . week. Sev-
eral attended from Brussels.
Rev. Mr. McLeod conducted the ser-
vice in Melville church last Sunday
morning. Evening service was cancell-
Rev. J. C. Robertson. D. D., Secre-
tary one P. 5., will conduct next Sim,
day's evening service in Melville
church. He is an.ableand honored ser-
vant of the church.
Miss Lizzie Bryans and Albert Lott at-
tended the Wingham District Young•
Peoples' Convention in Ripley Metho-
dist church Tuesday last.
"Hold fast what thou hast, let no man
take thy crown," was the text frqm
which Rev. Dr. Brown, Wroxeter.
preached a practical sermon last Sab-
bath morning in the Methodist church,
The evening service was withdrawn to
permit people to attend the anniversary
services in St. John's church.
FINE Success.—The Harvest Thanks-
giving Anniversary af St. John's church
was an undoubted success. Church was
neatly and most appropriately decorated
with flowers, fruits. grains, &c., and
looked very nice. Rev. Mr. Snell, of
Wingbam, had charge of the Sabbath
services and filled the bill to a nicety.
He is a free speaker, with a nicely
modulated voice and clear enunciation.
His texts were well chosen for appro.
oriateness and the teaching of many use-
ful lessons. Evening theme set forth
many reasons why we should be thank-
ful that we are Canadians, concluding
with Kipling's immortal "Lest we FOC -
get." The choir, with Organist Locke
presiding, gave a good account of them•
selves, Mr. Sykes. Toronto, sang a fine
solo in the morning and Mr. Pilkington,
Kincardine, favored in tbe evening with
"'Thy Word is like a garden, Lord."
The evening Anthem, "0 ! Clap your
bands," was very suitable. Mrs. Locke
taking the solo in it in a pleasing man-
ner. Offering was generous. At the
evening service the edifice was filled to
the doors the Presbyterian and Metho-
dist churches withdrawing their usual
services on account of the anniversary.
Monday evening at the Fowl ;Supper
hours were spent in upholstering the
interior economy but the supply was
equal to the demand, the quality measur-
ing up to the quamtity, Musical .and
literary program was excellent, if any
fault could be found it was the generos•
ity of its length, Rev, F. L, Lewin
was Chairman and filled the post all
Prises of Live Poultry
Delivered at our Warehouse Week ending Oct. 24th
Livo Dree'd Live Dredd
Hens, 51be, and over 180 Young Ducks...... 11c 18o
Hens, 4 to 5 Ibe . 110 Spring Chickens over G lbs 20o 25c
Bens, 8;) to 4lbs, 9c Spring Chickens, 4 to 5 ibe 17c 22c
Ilene, under 3i lbs,. 7c Spring Chickens, 3 to 4 Ibe 15c 20c
Roosters Sc 12o Spring Chickens, 2 to 3 Ibe 13c 17c
Nothing but No. i Poultry accepted, except at re-
duced prices. Poultry must be in starved condition or
deduction made for crops. •
Phone 66 .. BRUSSELS
right. Vocal numbers were rendered
by Mrs. Lewin, Miss Hattie Bole
ger, Miss Hingston, Mise Marjory Camp-
bell, Mrs P. B. Gardiner, Mrs Locke
and Mr. Sykes; instrumentals by the,
Rectory family ; readings by Miss Mar-
garet Maucders and Mr. Snell ; short
speeches by Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Blyth,
and Rev, Mr. Andrew, recently from
Hunan. China. Everybody did well and
the audience was appreciative. The fi-
nancial proceeds for Sunday and Mon•
day totalled nearly $3oo., which will be
spent in new furnace. re -wiring church
for Hydro, &c. Rev. Mr. Lewin and
the congregation are to be congratulated
on the success. A very brotherly and sis-
terlgspirit was evidenced on the part of
other denominations and regrets were
expressed over the unavoidable absence
of Rends. Messrs, McLeod and Clarke.
Seep Ontario sober.
The Boy or the Bottle on October
23rd. That will be the order on the
ballot also.
Gladstone said; "Give me a Bober
people and I'll look after the revenue."
A partnership with booze is a bad bus-
Who is to blame for the bootlegging
b uaineee? Certainly not the Temper-
ance people , They neither sell it nor
buy it. Look up the records of Que
bee and British Columbia on bootleg-
gers under Government sale. it's a
To Victory Bond Owners
Bring in your maturing bonds
and let us arrange for the re-
inveatment of your savings in
Huron & Erie debentures.
These debentures are authorized
by the Government as an invest-
ment for Trust Funds in the cus-
tody of Executors and. Trustees.
They earn 6i.% per annum, payable
half yearly, which is the rate you
have been receiving on your Vic-
tory Bonds,
W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, accepts
applications for debentures at any
ox's Drums Store
The :40,,Store
More Eggs
,Fewer Hens
Feed hens properly and they
will lay better.
Poultry Food and
Vermin Killers
Wo have them,
Try them out,
Fly Tox
Fatal to Flies. Will
clean out a xoom in
a few minutes.
Clean Effective
Special li' Shampoo
We are this' iyeek offering a Special Price on
Palm Olive_ Shampoo
With one bottle of Shampoo at 50c we give
2 Cakes Palm Olive Soap Free
and a Tube of
This is a large Tube and one
of our best Shaving Dreams,
Both for $1,25
Week -End
Just by way of a Trade
Stimulator we are nfiering
some very Special Prices on
quite a variety of articles.
Watch our Window
and you will find it, worth
"Careful Prescription Dispenser's"
DUNroRD.—Io Toronto, on October 12th, 1924,
JameeDunford, formerly of Brussels and
_Clinton, in hie 68th year.
BHA w.—In San Jose, Cal„ on October 10th, 1024
Elizabeth Love. robot of the late James
Shaw, of Brussels. in her 851h year.
Yeo.—In Turnberry Township. on October 8th.
1924, Nanny Brethaner, wife of Wm, Yeo,
aged 58 years and 4 months,
WEDNESDAY, OOT. 28th.—Farm Stook, Im-
plements, &c. Lot 20, Con, 12, MOKlilop town-
ship. Sale unreserved. at 1 p. m. William Me.
Culla, Prop,; Thos, Brown, Ano,
Cow Strayed
Notice to Contractors
The Municipal Connell of the Township or
6rorrie is asking for tendera for the construc-
tion of the Nichol and the McArthur Gretna.
Plano, pprofilesand epecitleetiona may be aeon
at the Clerk'a residence.
The MoArthnr Drain calls for slay tile,.
Tenders will be opened at the Towuehtp
Ball, Monday, October 20th, at 8 o'clock. En-
close a $5000 good faith cheque with the ten-
der. A. MAOIWKN,
7heat .......»..»...»...._._. 51 28
Pena .«....«.«.
Barley ....».......,..«....,.»..........
Buckwheat ...
' Strayed 'from the premises of the under- Butter
signed. Lot 12, Coil, 14, Grey, on or about Eggs...« ..............«.......«.....,
Sept. 20th, a gray cow. Any information con- Bogs.
earning her whereabouts will be thankfully Potatoes
received. Phone 4214 Wool
10 0
10 00
WE have now on hand a complete line in real classy
Coats consisting of All Wool Velours, Overcheck
Polaire Cloth, Maravellas and all the new materials.
Come and inspect our new Fall range.
Also a full range of Northway Dresses to choose from
and prices are reasonable.
Phone 61
Your Maturing
Bonds to gs
OLDERS of Victory sonde gnat
wring on November the first,.
next, will find it protleeble and
convenient to convert, them at
this Hank. We are prepared to pay cash ,
for such bonds of any denomination, and
suggest that for the eake 6f safety, aim-
plioity and convenience you deposit your'
maturing bonds to your credit in a
Standard Bank Savings Account
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia, Manager
V. C. and Mrs. Huntley and Jack and
Mrs, Alfred Lowry visited relatives at
Forest, travelling by moor.
Druggist Robt. and Mrs, Work and
children, Toronto, spent the week end
with relatives and friends in Brussels
and vicinity.
TER Post, -is sorry to hear that Miss
Maude Bryan's fel) and injured one of
her hips. Her'many friends wish her a
speedy recovery,
Mrs G, R. Weller, B. A , will attend
the official opening of the University
of Western Oaferia, London, this week,
the guest of •Miss Marion Wrigbton,
B. A,
Mrs, Lottie Weller is back to town af.
ter a most enjoyable trip occupimg the
past 3 mouths. Sbe took in tbe sightsof
New York, Hudson river, Lawrence,
Long Island, Rochester, N. Y., &c., and
visited relatives and old friends, It was
a delightful outing.
Church Chimes
"Ttte Sower and the Seed" will be the
subject of next Sunday's Sabbath School
Huron Deanery met in Convention at
Wingbam Tuesday of this . week. Sev-
eral attended from Brussels.
Rev. Mr. McLeod conducted the ser-
vice in Melville church last Sunday
morning. Evening service was cancell-
Rev. J. C. Robertson. D. D., Secre-
tary one P. 5., will conduct next Sim,
day's evening service in Melville
church. He is an.ableand honored ser-
vant of the church.
Miss Lizzie Bryans and Albert Lott at-
tended the Wingham District Young•
Peoples' Convention in Ripley Metho-
dist church Tuesday last.
"Hold fast what thou hast, let no man
take thy crown," was the text frqm
which Rev. Dr. Brown, Wroxeter.
preached a practical sermon last Sab-
bath morning in the Methodist church,
The evening service was withdrawn to
permit people to attend the anniversary
services in St. John's church.
FINE Success.—The Harvest Thanks-
giving Anniversary af St. John's church
was an undoubted success. Church was
neatly and most appropriately decorated
with flowers, fruits. grains, &c., and
looked very nice. Rev. Mr. Snell, of
Wingbam, had charge of the Sabbath
services and filled the bill to a nicety.
He is a free speaker, with a nicely
modulated voice and clear enunciation.
His texts were well chosen for appro.
oriateness and the teaching of many use-
ful lessons. Evening theme set forth
many reasons why we should be thank-
ful that we are Canadians, concluding
with Kipling's immortal "Lest we FOC -
get." The choir, with Organist Locke
presiding, gave a good account of them•
selves, Mr. Sykes. Toronto, sang a fine
solo in the morning and Mr. Pilkington,
Kincardine, favored in tbe evening with
"'Thy Word is like a garden, Lord."
The evening Anthem, "0 ! Clap your
bands," was very suitable. Mrs. Locke
taking the solo in it in a pleasing man-
ner. Offering was generous. At the
evening service the edifice was filled to
the doors the Presbyterian and Metho-
dist churches withdrawing their usual
services on account of the anniversary.
Monday evening at the Fowl ;Supper
hours were spent in upholstering the
interior economy but the supply was
equal to the demand, the quality measur-
ing up to the quamtity, Musical .and
literary program was excellent, if any
fault could be found it was the generos•
ity of its length, Rev, F. L, Lewin
was Chairman and filled the post all
Prises of Live Poultry
Delivered at our Warehouse Week ending Oct. 24th
Livo Dree'd Live Dredd
Hens, 51be, and over 180 Young Ducks...... 11c 18o
Hens, 4 to 5 Ibe . 110 Spring Chickens over G lbs 20o 25c
Bens, 8;) to 4lbs, 9c Spring Chickens, 4 to 5 ibe 17c 22c
Ilene, under 3i lbs,. 7c Spring Chickens, 3 to 4 Ibe 15c 20c
Roosters Sc 12o Spring Chickens, 2 to 3 Ibe 13c 17c
Nothing but No. i Poultry accepted, except at re-
duced prices. Poultry must be in starved condition or
deduction made for crops. •
Phone 66 .. BRUSSELS
right. Vocal numbers were rendered
by Mrs. Lewin, Miss Hattie Bole
ger, Miss Hingston, Mise Marjory Camp-
bell, Mrs P. B. Gardiner, Mrs Locke
and Mr. Sykes; instrumentals by the,
Rectory family ; readings by Miss Mar-
garet Maucders and Mr. Snell ; short
speeches by Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Blyth,
and Rev, Mr. Andrew, recently from
Hunan. China. Everybody did well and
the audience was appreciative. The fi-
nancial proceeds for Sunday and Mon•
day totalled nearly $3oo., which will be
spent in new furnace. re -wiring church
for Hydro, &c. Rev. Mr. Lewin and
the congregation are to be congratulated
on the success. A very brotherly and sis-
terlgspirit was evidenced on the part of
other denominations and regrets were
expressed over the unavoidable absence
of Rends. Messrs, McLeod and Clarke.
Seep Ontario sober.
The Boy or the Bottle on October
23rd. That will be the order on the
ballot also.
Gladstone said; "Give me a Bober
people and I'll look after the revenue."
A partnership with booze is a bad bus-
Who is to blame for the bootlegging
b uaineee? Certainly not the Temper-
ance people , They neither sell it nor
buy it. Look up the records of Que
bee and British Columbia on bootleg-
gers under Government sale. it's a
To Victory Bond Owners
Bring in your maturing bonds
and let us arrange for the re-
inveatment of your savings in
Huron & Erie debentures.
These debentures are authorized
by the Government as an invest-
ment for Trust Funds in the cus-
tody of Executors and. Trustees.
They earn 6i.% per annum, payable
half yearly, which is the rate you
have been receiving on your Vic-
tory Bonds,
W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, accepts
applications for debentures at any
ox's Drums Store
The :40,,Store
More Eggs
,Fewer Hens
Feed hens properly and they
will lay better.
Poultry Food and
Vermin Killers
Wo have them,
Try them out,
Fly Tox
Fatal to Flies. Will
clean out a xoom in
a few minutes.
Clean Effective
Special li' Shampoo
We are this' iyeek offering a Special Price on
Palm Olive_ Shampoo
With one bottle of Shampoo at 50c we give
2 Cakes Palm Olive Soap Free
and a Tube of
This is a large Tube and one
of our best Shaving Dreams,
Both for $1,25
Week -End
Just by way of a Trade
Stimulator we are nfiering
some very Special Prices on
quite a variety of articles.
Watch our Window
and you will find it, worth
"Careful Prescription Dispenser's"
DUNroRD.—Io Toronto, on October 12th, 1924,
JameeDunford, formerly of Brussels and
_Clinton, in hie 68th year.
BHA w.—In San Jose, Cal„ on October 10th, 1024
Elizabeth Love. robot of the late James
Shaw, of Brussels. in her 851h year.
Yeo.—In Turnberry Township. on October 8th.
1924, Nanny Brethaner, wife of Wm, Yeo,
aged 58 years and 4 months,
WEDNESDAY, OOT. 28th.—Farm Stook, Im-
plements, &c. Lot 20, Con, 12, MOKlilop town-
ship. Sale unreserved. at 1 p. m. William Me.
Culla, Prop,; Thos, Brown, Ano,
Cow Strayed
Notice to Contractors
The Municipal Connell of the Township or
6rorrie is asking for tendera for the construc-
tion of the Nichol and the McArthur Gretna.
Plano, pprofilesand epecitleetiona may be aeon
at the Clerk'a residence.
The MoArthnr Drain calls for slay tile,.
Tenders will be opened at the Towuehtp
Ball, Monday, October 20th, at 8 o'clock. En-
close a $5000 good faith cheque with the ten-
der. A. MAOIWKN,
7heat .......»..»...»...._._. 51 28
Pena .«....«.«.
Barley ....».......,..«....,.»..........
Buckwheat ...
' Strayed 'from the premises of the under- Butter
signed. Lot 12, Coil, 14, Grey, on or about Eggs...« ..............«.......«.....,
Sept. 20th, a gray cow. Any information con- Bogs.
earning her whereabouts will be thankfully Potatoes
received. Phone 4214 Wool
10 0
10 00
WE have now on hand a complete line in real classy
Coats consisting of All Wool Velours, Overcheck
Polaire Cloth, Maravellas and all the new materials.
Come and inspect our new Fall range.
Also a full range of Northway Dresses to choose from
and prices are reasonable.
Phone 61