HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-10-15, Page 7.1
A Song of the North.
'fl Th.Y ear le the erQPu cl!,the Oft, AIM,
Mee breeze,
As It lingers in balsam and 'OW
n my heart le the acing of tile Wet -
tend waves,
A.e they gambol and ripple en4 alilne:
dip ley thin paddle with rhythmical
And away glides my buoyant canoe;
Delow me the glory of unmeasured
Above me the clouds set in bilue,
'Tie the north that enthralls, with Us
far-flung expanse
Of boulder and forest end hill,
Where unnumbered islands, like nig-
god green gems,
Are mirrored when waters are still,
Auol3 seinesthe tont], plaintive cry of
the loon,"
in the fastness are eclioee et Play;
`%A 1lailer swoops down on his unerring
On a cliff waits a hawk for els .;prey.
They lure me, enchant .me with
strange, mystic charm,
Till twilight brings moonbeam end
And out of the depthe'of the gathering
gloom -
Low voices of night sound afar—
The soft crooning breeze and the song
of the waves,
The murmur of woodland and glen, •
It is these that appeal to adventurone
And quicken the puleee of men.
—J. M. Elson, In Canadian National
Railways Magazine.
A Fox's Family, Problem.
Poor Mrs. Fox had a hard problem
op her paws. She bad seven children,
four boys and three girls, and when
feeding time came the boys—being
boys --always took the lion's share.
Mrs. Fox saw her 'little girls daily
growing thinner. What should she do?
In Wild Live in Devon Mr. Douglas
Gordon, who for some days had been
watching the family beneath the fir
trees, thus describes how she solved
her problem.
When next I saw the foxes I dis.
covered that the family had diminish-
ed in numbers. It took me POMO little
time to make sure of it, but at last I
became convinced beyond a doubt that
only three remained, and the curious
thing was that the remaining three
were certainly the weaker cubs, for
whom I had been apprehensive. They
appeared to appreciate the change;
their little bodies were rounded out
with the now abundant food that the
mother brought them. But I was
vexed and a good deal puzzled to ac-
count for the loss of the others; I
feared foal play somewhere, but could
trace it ]come to no one:
When questioned, the gamekeeper
could throw no light on the matter or
offer any probable explanation. an tis
n In
the course of our conversation, how-
ever, he told me of another Utter that
he had discovered in a certain gorge,
n famous breeding place a mile or two
1 at once •flet myself to study the
newcomers. But for some time I got
only fleeting glimpses of the cubs as
they played amongst the brushwood.
One afternoon, however, while lying
In wait in my chosen lookout, I no-
ticed an old fox coming up the gorge,
tallying what 'looked like a young
crow. Now was my chance. I focus•
sed my glass on the fox, started, look-
ed again and then Set the glass down
In astonishment. It was the same old
vixen! Her unusual marking brand-
ed her beynd all possibility of mis-
take, and it was with something more
than interest that I now watched her
movements. '
en a little open no'
f far
the earth she stopped and un
pP doubtediy
called, for the next moment the nubs
came tumbling out and fell upon the
bird. The mother sat and watched
thew as they tugged and tussled. So
did I, and I counted them again and
again to be sure. Four beautiful cubs
were there, somewhat larger than
when 4 had last seen them, but un-
doubtedly the very four that had dis-
appeared from the earth under the fir
trees two or three weeks -be ere, The
mother had solved her problem in the
most practical way.
Often at night when the ton is o'er,
And the stars appear In the dome of
When the colors of sunset pale and
And the western skd' is a brilliant
When the darkness eweaps over land
and sea,
When breezes sigh and the night
grows cold,
I long for the thugs that used to be,
For the laugh tied song of the days
—From '"frail Doe" by H, Howard
Revolving House,
A revolving house has appeared in
leerniany as the result of severe hous-
ing conditions. The 'louse, or perhaps
we should say the apartment, consiste
of rt single large teem . one side of
whish is occupied by 0 -circuity revolt'-
ftg platform divided foto throe parts
by partitions that radiate from the
centre: Whet the oc0upant gets out
of bed In the morning ho presses 0
button,, and the platform carries bed
and dresser out of sight and brings the
breakfast table into view! pressing
another button brings round the livtug
room. Occupying a call shaped like a
Piece of pie doesn't strike us as an
especially attractive propoitlon, "Cote
pal•tinent hoose" would be a good
mine for the new architectural horror.
"is good ted
Next time try the finest grade ---
Provinghl Board of Health, Ontario
till: t[tddlotoe will be glad to mews, quia of s so Psblto B4'MU* 1.116
Wm through tble 'column. Address bhp a1 Orceins Soave, iSpoAleb
Crescent. Toronto
The chief cause of death in the
childbirth state are septicemia or
blood poisoning and albumin in the
urine. Both ,pf these conditions are
largely preventable. .The former, bet-
ter known as maternal sepsis, s an
infection usually transmitted from the
outside. Local infections such as bad.
teeth or infected tonsils may be the
causative agents, The years 1919,
1920 and 1921,, showed an average of
39.1 per cent. of all maternal deaths
in . Michigan to have occurred from
What le the cause of this heavy
mortality? Surely a large peat of it
is due to neglect end mismanagement.
Statistics from Toronto hospitals
!show that 'the death -rate 01 expectant
mothers who. -are supervised in hos-
pital during the period of childbirth
is very much lower thanthose who are
not supervised. If all expectant moth-
ers would place themselves under the
care of a capable physician and have
regular examinations, the number of
cases of puerperal albuminuria could
be cut to a minimum. How often
pregnant women experience .seeming-
' ly trifling ailments such as swelling
of the feet, headaches, specks floating
before the eyes, ailments which to the
average woman uninformed about
'these conditions may seem not worth
mentioning, bu', which are in reality
'rave warnings of approaching dan-
ger. If a1l expectant mothers would
place themselves under the ore 0± a
physicran early in' their pregnancy,
they could eesfly report these seem-
ingly trifling complaints and vigorous
medical treatment could at once be
entered upon. The convulsions that
identify themselves with the condition
of albuminuria could be prevented in
many instances by proper supervision.
Albuminuria extracts a toll of just
nineteen per cent, of all puerperal
deaths, and yet we often hear of ex-
pectant mothers never consulting a
doctor at all until the pains of labor
have commenced.
The care that expectant "mothers
should observe, cannot be over-
emphasized. Accidents of pregnancy
account for 15.8 per ceziit of deaths
in the puerperal state;' accidents of
labor account for 12.2 per cent.; puer-
peral hemorrhage, 9.8 per cent; "milk
leg," 4 per cent.; other causes follow-
ing childbirth, 6 per cent
In 1921 the United States puerperal
mortality rate was 6.3 out of every
1,000 live births.; The same figures
for all practical purposes apply to
This is too heavy a death rate
among mothers, and every effort must
be put forth by the Government and
the public to try and reduce this
heavy mortality.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never ,Gross
but always happy and laughing. It is
only the sickly child that Is cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will aeon be
wellThe and hapPY again, Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the bowels,sweeton the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and in-
digestion and promote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from opiates and may be given to the
new-born babe with perfect safety.
You can obtain the Tablets' through
any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box,
cr by mail, post paid, from The. Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
We profess to be Christians and
then we use the talents God has given
us to discover the worst methods of
man -killing. - Sir Robert Baden,-
Insects With Flying Homes.
Among our most anions insects are
bird -flies, which spend their lives at-
tached to the warm bodies of various
Kinds' of wild. birds.
There are not many varieties of these
passenger flies, and among those re-
cently discovered in America were a
few species known In Europe. This
extensive distribution of the few is
believed to be due to the fact that the
insects frequent certain kinds Of mi-
grating birds.
These insects detach themselves
from the 'body of their host should he
die, and dart off to find another bird
On which to live.
The mother bird -flies lay only one
large egg at a time. This develops in-
to a peculiar kind of larva. It lives
with its mother until grown up, when
itis either deposited in a suitable spot
or just left to look atter itself.
"A Farm Woman's Prayer" reads:
"Keep everin my soul a sense of the
perspective, that my kettles and dish-
cloths may not obscure the beauty of
the rose blooming outside my door, the
quiver of the leaves in the summer
wind and the classic purity of the
snow on the valley or hill."
fthI meats
Mustard neutralizes the richness of
fat foods and makes them easier to
digest. Mustard enables you to enjoy
and ,assimilate food which otherwise
would burden the digestive organs.
�fil ►uSfk eefS
Oa CCM 'Stand
on Mir Wish flo zrd
Our S'N'P Pearl Ware Wash
Board is so strong, tough and
durable that a full-grown man or
woman can stand on it without
doing the rubbing surface or any
part of it the least harm! The enameled sur-
won't chip, flake or peel off. Think of
the wear there is in such a wash board!
There is the same wearing qualities in all
articles in SMP Pearl Ware. Try out the
wash board and be convinced.
.,ask for SNIP
Peart Wire
,riarev co.=
Full Fathom Five..
Thalia few years age it was thought
Wet no fish could Give very lar be-
Psath: the" eerfeee of the waves, owing
10 the great water pressure, but it has
litho been proved that flab actually
de live Mlles below the surface,
Deep pea lish 40 not feel the tntepse
weight ofthe water gni' more than a
human being ,feels the weight of air.
This is because the proasure enslde
them Meter balanpse that outside,
fettle Is known of deep sea flee,
wbioh nearly always live and die at a
great distance beneath the waves, but
enoughsPeclmena have fallen Into the
hands of man to reveal how queer
these hall are i1 appeerenoe, Usually
they are Rat and mishmpen, many be -
Ins without eyee, which are not needed
In the intense darkness of their mys-
terious realm beneath the sea,
Requires a . Mother's Constant
Care and Watchfulness,
In their early, teens it le quite cone
mon for girls to outgrow their
strength, and mothers should careful-
ly watch the health of their daughters
at this time, for it is when strength lee
sapped. by too rapid growth that
anaemia.. develops. The first signs
may be noticed by peevishness, lan-
guor and headaches: The face grows
pale, breatlilessnesis end palpitation
follow, with low spirits.
At the first symptom of anaemia
mothers should act at once. Neglect•
ed anaemia often leads to decline, but
if you see that your daughter's blood
is enriched there need be no cause for
anxiety. The finest blood enricher
ever discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. The pure, red blood created by
these pills will quickly banish all
signs of anaemia. They will build up
Your girl's health and ensure ber a
robust girlhood. Give your daughter
a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s
now. Make her strong like thousands
of -glrls and women throughout Can-
ada who have been rescued from the
clutches at anaemia by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
tbrough any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont.
(1...d ,phi f i;1,h
) 1 1.1 r//i
l�u 1 u_
Already Supplied.
"Did that agent succeed in selling a
washing machine to AIr. Tightwadt
for his wife?"
"No, not to that plant He thinks lie
got one when he married."
A Few Tips for the Boys'
Glee Club in Schools. i
The boys' glee club should be con-
sidered by all the school as a special-
ized' course of instrnetl Ll in singing
for boys. It denotes a considerable
degree of talent and training. Al-
though not repaired, there should be
some premium put upon ability to
read well
In organizing gleeInvita-
club the lav to
tion should be extended toeveryboy,
with the understanding that he will
be given a competitive. examination.
There are various ways and systems
of giving Prelliminary examinations.
The final test of a voice in so small
an organization as a glee club is the
blending quality it has with the other
voices. It was the writer's privilege
to hear a glee club of one of the uni
versifies recently. The young Hien
looked and acted well, but they suf-
fered the handicap ofpoor voice selec-
tion, which in turn caused the group
to fail in putting over any great thrills
that the audience fully expected. An
individual voice may sound one way
alone, but, possibly, quite another way
when with other voices.
Dignified standards should be set up,
and whet olive going should be rigidly
adhered to. Troublesome rehearsal at-
tendance can be eliminated by keeping
a waiting list of replacements. This also
works won In other disciplinary ca-
however, no standard should be so,
high as to disgust a boy; no rules so
rigid tie to be prohibitive of trial And
effort Always consider that such an.
organization depends largely upon
good will and voluntary effort. This
alone should be the drat evidence of
interest. Take this interest and build
with it. There is a great deal of in-
teresting work to be done with the
boys' glee club.
Huy your •out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders,
Aqueducts cut for twenty miles
through the solid rock of Ben Nevis.
are part of a vast scheme now being
Blurtedfor harnessing water power
over an area of 300 square, miles of
the Scottish Highlands.,
The number of native' Iiawaiians.is
rapidly decreasing, about 25,000 of
pure blood remaining an the islands.
Millard'• Liniment tor Rheumatism
No, 1980
Quickness Of The Hand
This stunt Is .not very easy to
do but when 11 le well practiced it
is a very mystifying trick. Prop.
erly performed it usuallydoes a
groat deal to persuade folks that
there really is something in the
magician's stock claim that "thf
(fatherless of the hand deceives tie
]Hold a half dollar to your right
band between the thumb and the
Anger tips, the right hand being
shout six inches from the open left.
Move the thumb away from the
coin. With considerable force
throw the coin fiat on the palm
et the lett hand. As the coin strikes
the palm, the left hand moves very
swiftly toward the open right and
the coin flies back and is caught In
the right.
The return of the coin to the
right hand Is so rapid that the eye
cannot follow 1t and the effect is
that the coin was slapped Into the
lett hand which immediately closes.
The left hand is opened and is seen
to be empty. The right hand is
opened and is seen to contain the
(OHp this out and paste it, with
other of the series. in a scrapbook,)
G •
World's Wealth Reaches
Amazing Total.
The aggregate pre-war wealth of the
twenty -odd nations actively engaged
in the great war, according to an esti-
mate completed by the research de-
partment of the Bankers' Trost Com-
pany, of New York, amounted to $620,-
620,000,000,000, The wealth of these same
nations to -day is estimated to be about
$619,000,000,000. The pre-war• wealth
of the British Empire—that is of Great
Britain, the dominions,slndia and the
crown colonies, was approximately
$190,000,000,000, while to -day the
wealth of this same group of nations
is estimated by the Bankers' Trust
Company to be around 0149,000,000,-
000. The wealth of France before the
war is placed at just under $60,000,-
000,000, and is estimated to be ap-
proximately the same to -day. The pre-
war wealth of the United States is
placed at -200,000,000,000 and the
Tvealth to -day -23 at0,000,000,000, while
the pre-war wealth of Germany is esti-
mated to have been upward of $55,000,-
000,000. These figures are all on the
gold pre-war basis of values, having
been adjusted for inflation.
The per capita wealth Of Great Bri-
tain to -day is placed at 01,489 and of
the different nations composing the
British Empire at $418, including the
wealth and population of milia. The
wealth of France is estimated, in 1913,
to lib 31,484 per capita and of the
United States, $2,000 per capita. The
wealth of Germany is placed at $901
per capita.
The Bankers' Trust Company points
out that the total wealth of the former
helligerents has not materially
changed as a result of the war, but
that there bee bean a marked redistri-
bution of such wealth, this redistribu-
tion having taken plao not
only as
iobut alsobetween
between nations, as ween e
the peoples within the boundaries of
each nation.—Mfrs. Rec.
Nothing is thought rare which is
not new, and followed; yet we know
that what was worn some twenty
years ago comes into grace again.—
Beaumont and Fletcher.
the Stomach
Very Itchy. Caused Erup
tons, Could Not Sleep.
Cuticura Healed.
"1 wee troubled with eczema on
my face. It broke out it rash on
my chin and was very itchy.
Scratching caused eruptions and in
a few weeks it spread ell ever my
face. I could not sleep, and when-
ever I washed my face 1 Would
almost have to scream.
"I read an advertisement for Cu-
ticura Soap and Ointment and or-
dered R free sample. I purchased
more, and after using two cakes of
Soap and one boteaf Olntreent I
was healed," (Signed) Mies Kath-
leen Rothenbush, Box 40, Duif,
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcurn daily and keepyour skin
clear ati8 healthy,
sample Plea Tree bp ane tl4 tin Canadlaa
be�oft o5,, ole th p, Box a tie.' ete9'" te.
rrlra soTPr n. ur newt3b andng Stick,
�` Ty our anYf Shaving Stink,
ISSUE 140. 41•'24.
Is 'Britain Tilting?
Is llrttulu beet/Ming higher in the l (1 J X 11II IioT3;I,, 158 KING
north and lower to the south? tsetse Toronto. Meals, twenty -flee cents]
tilts say tblut; itle. '1 -volas, dollar daily, $4.00 weekly, •
Recently a number of readings have
been taken to lied out the helgbt Lake Casts Up Sulphate.
above sea -level of the lend 1n various
disct, sli0w that sines When the water of Salt Lithe, Utah,
thetrilasst m1,11117:4 woultsre taken, about' reaches a tenlperatllre below e0 de.
flier roars ago, the North of Scotland 1 grecs Fahrenbelt, it Uuauufectitres
has risen' about half an , inch, While sodium sulphate and accommodatingly
the South of l�aglaad hes (intik by
rather less than that distance. { �hots deposlt otit uonthe sOdium aulpbatebeace, Theacan ltl e
It 1s already an accepted foot that gathered before ftifoos back into sole.
land 18 violas and (ailing !n other {tion has led to the construction of. a
parts of the world. The coast a[ Nor• ; plant for ltat•vesting and refining the
Kay, for ilaslauce, i5 i1sing ahs t halfmate'rtal into a commercial product,.
an inch a year, while the Coast of Iiol•' Tho average period of productlgp wilt
land Is sinking by that nm0unt I be two mouths each year. During a
• Britain once formed part of the seawallat mild winter there may be
none produced and during years of
cold winter the sodium sulphate may
be precipitated for titres months,
judging by weather records of .twenty
3ipgeat Dam Ins
The biggest of all dams is that at
Assuan, In Egypt, where, after years
of failure, a great wall, nearly a mile
and a quarter long, was built across
the Nile at a cost of $10,000,000. The
building Of this wall created a mighty
lake, nearly 200 miles in length, which,
is employed for irrigation purposes,
mainland of Europe, The Land in be-
tween gradually sank until the sea
ooverad it and formed the Binglieb
Channel and the North Sea.
Such .earth moveznente, gradual or
eonvulsive,'Are in operation ceaseless-
ly upon the earth's surface. Their Mi.
pulse seemingly arises from the fact
that, the core of the earth being of
heavier material than the cruet an
which we live, the latter naturally re-
sponds to the expansion or shrinkage
of the masa, largely metallic, which it
A Fight Under the Sea.
A diver named Cappadona tele a
graphic story of a terrific underwater
encounter which he has just had with
a sting -ray Moro than a yard square,
While repairing cables oft the
French Mediterranean coast, Cappa-
dona spotted the flab •behind some
reeks. Suddenly the ray dashed at
him and almost stunned him with a
blow Of the tall
The man defended himself with the
dagger divers always carry and stab-
bed the fish between the eyes, but a
perfect rain of tail blows .followed, and
the fish only made off when apparently,
bleeding to death.
• The sting -ray emits electrical shocks
with its tail.
When drawn up, Cappadona was
found to have a eeriously wounded
Nova Scotia Exports Hay.
For the first time in some years
there has been a considerable move- _
ment of hay from Nova Scotia to the
Boston market, upwards of three hun-
dred tons being shipped.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Pain.
Pongee silk is unbleached and in its
natural color. It is a product, not of
domestic, but of wild silkworms.
worms do not eat mulberry leaves, but
browse, so to speak, on the leaves of
the scrub oak trees of the Shantung
hills. •
Teach your children that home is
alace where everything should be
P YI g
pleasant, and you will have taught
them one of the most valuable lessons'
in life.
I do not care to fool any- man;
when he discovers I have fooled him,'
he will do me more harm than my
cunning did me good.—E. W. Howe.
illnNNY0U Caltnlli 014
New Eyes
Plot you can Promote a
Healthy' Condition
OUR E U'llit rine Eye Remedy
Night and Morning."
Seep roar Lyes Clean, Clear and Stealthy.
fitnce EWtremfaFeeliBet COe lilt
Bathe the tgrehead with
Minard's in water, Also
ilead NoisesanaDeafness
iRceueany go together. Some people
. only suffer from head Noises.
relieves both Deafeese and Head
Noises. Inst rub It back of the eore,ia.
sort In eastrila endfollow direetloe
of_ Dr, 1. & Bergeson for "Care of
Hearing," enclosed In each package.
Leonard Ear 011 is for sale everywbcre
Interesting doscnptivefolder
want upon request Rouardlac.,705thAvc,N'1 °t
Sent Woman to Bed. Great Change
After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Sarnia, Ontario.—"After mygirlie
was borI was a wreck. My es
were too terrible for words and I sim-
ply could not stand or walk without
pains. I suffered with fainting spells
until I was no longer any good for my
household duties and had to take to my
bed. The doctor said I should have an
operation, butt was notin ant condition
at that time. My neighbor said, 'Why
don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound? I am sure it will do
you good and will save those doctor's
bills.' So I was advised by my husband
to try it after I told him about it. I am
very thankful to say that I was soon
able to take a few boarders for a while
as rooms were scarce at that time. My
baby is 17 months old now and I have
not yet had an operation, thanks to your
medicine. I have recommended the
Vegetable Compound to a few people I
know and have told them the good it has
done me. I know I feel and look a dif-
ferent woman these Last few months
and I certainly would not be without a
bottle of your medicine ei the house.
You can use this letter as you see fit,
as I should be only too glad for those
suffering as I have to know what it baa
done for me."—Mrs, ROBERT G. Mee-
co R. R. No. 2, Sarnia, Ontario.
A recent canvass owomen users of
the Vegetable Compound report 98 out
of 100 received beneficial results. This
;is a remarkable proof of its merit. C
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Accept o "Buyer" package which contains proven directions.
'randy `ti3ltyer" boxes of 12 tablets ---Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
dnplrin td the eeee mark (registered in tianadal of Barer Manufacture of aMonoaettio
aeidoster et Satleyilenetd (Aoetr1 sallarnc Aolt1, 'A, e, A,"), Mlle it is well known
that Aspirin mem,a Beyer manufacture, to amid the patine against imitations, tho Tablets,
of betce' Company will bo stampa8 with their $neral trade mark, the Barer Omen:,