HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-10-8, Page 8Reduced Prices on Wali Paper Why Wait TiII Spring ? Now is a splendid time to have Papering done and have rooms newly decorated for Fall and Winter, when more time is spent in them. Oar stock is large and contains a good variety of patterns suitable for Any Room in the House Many of tbe patterns are at Reduced Prices. Ours is the Semi -Ready Wall Paper The kind that saves time and disorder in banging, A'Number of Bundle Lots of Wall Paper at Clearance Prices The Patterns are good and if the Quantities are the amounts you can make use of they are Bargains. SEE THEM ! F. R. SMITH The Id • Store Druggiet and Stationer gout Nebo I ems BY a fall Victor Pope sprained bis left arm badly, DON'T forget the County Plowing Match at Brussels Friday, October loth. Miss Elva Oliver bas gone on a visit to Stratford and Bright to visit relatives and friends. A NEw } cent post card is now on the market. They must be sent out by the zaoo by the sender, HOWICK Mutual Fire Insurance Direc- tors irecttors held their monthly meeting at Wroxeter an Tuesday. W. H. GREGG & SON, Gorrie are bold- ing a sale of Herefotd thoro bred cattle Thursday of next week, A Toronto business man was here last week prospecting about opening a stock in the I. C. Richards block. Tax lady's lost fur advertised in THE PosT was returned to the owner after onelweek's notice It pays to advertise. THERE are 5 Thursday half holidays In October. The calendar makers were very kind to the holiday keepers of Brus. sels this year. FAMILY Theatre program for Friday and Saturday ( evenings will be "The Silent Partner" and for Monday and Wednesday "Not a drum was beard." MISS LAURA ASIENT, Brussels, who is teaching at Palmerston, is President of the North Wellington Teachers' Associa- tion. It meets at Palmers.00 Thursday and Friday of this week. Congratulations are extended to Aust- in and Mrs, Mair, Glenrose (Sask.) over the arrival of a daughter. The proud Mamma was formerly Miss Winnifred Morris, teacher, Brussels, DONT Forget the tea at Mrs. Geo, Wel- ler's Friday afternoon of this week. Proceeds go to Armenian Orphan Fund. See the advt, in this issue. The Wom- en's Institute have it in hand, THE Family Theatre played to big houses on Fair Day, presenting the pic- ture "If Winter Comes," plus a comic series. "St. Elmo" was,on the canvas for a few nights and was much enjoyed, CAUGHT i9. --Rats were getting too bothersome in the cellar of one of our business men, so traps:were set and lq were caught in a few days. They were lifting eggs out of tbe cases and making off with them, without making an om- elet. Soma thoughtless youths who are an- noying householders at nights by rap- ping on the windows and knocking at the doors, &c., may get a cooling off by a night's occupation of the town lockup unless such performances are cut out. People dont have to stand for that sort of tomfoolery. Now would be a good season for Brus• secs Business Men to hold a few meet ibgs to discuss such questions as Dollar Day, Winter Sports. Concert Course, Debating Society, additional industries, &c. 'There's a danger of organizations bluemoulding unless activity is main- tained. What do the officers say about the suggestion 1 SHOULD NOT BE ON VIE LORD'S DAY.— Last Sunday alernoon the public tab• Mating of the World series of Base Ball, which had been on the carpet Saturday as well, receive by radio, was continued end attracted quite a crowd on Main street, Many others beside THE POST are fond of Base Ball and are ready to support the game but do not favor the carrying out Of such a program on the Sabbath and4tre none too sure it is in keeping with the Lord's Day Act. If the Good Book is a safe guide it says "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it boly," Let us support the good name of 5Brussels by close observance of all that `will prove our Willingness to conform to law and order, particularly as it relates to the Sabbath, PLOWING match Friday. HoLIaAYs at School Thursday and Friday of this week. Teachers' Con vection at Seafortb, BRussSLs escaped very well last Sun- day evening in comparison with some other towns more Southerly, where con- siderable damage was done by wind and rain. A raw Brussels Base Ball fans took in the Brtdgeburg-Goderich game at the County Town Wednesday of last week. Match was a good one with a score of o to o in favor of the visitors. @ QUANTITY Of large Jost( DAmo, Phone Or- der2418ums for sale. OAnDAOe for sate. .Apply to MRs. Wte OAKLEY, Phone 779 Turnberry Bt., North. Cow for sale, due to freshen October 20th. J. A, ARMSTRONG. Phone 868 Morris Twp. W ooloil water tank for sale, size 6 z 7 Leet, about 6000 gallon capacity, ROBS. TnUCLL, Brussels. RAIN Coat found. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice. Tux Pose. WRstron found. Owner may have It by proving property and paying for this notice. Tat POOST, CUSTOM Knitting will be attended to in the manotaotnre of Glen's Socks, Children's Bose, &e. Satisfaction assured, R,•asoseble prtoea, 17-4 Tues. Sum, Phone 4419 Jamestown. A QUARTER -OUT Oak Dining Room Suite for sole, as good as new A bargain. 17.2 ROW. Bo a T, wMaN Brnaeels. PALL Honey for sale. 10 cents per pound. Good quality, L. WaESLSK, Phone 5824 ONS good Collie pup for sale. Phone 1810. Ror Manor., R. R. 4, Brnesels. LUMBER Wagon and 2nd hand top braggy, In good repair, for sale. A Iso a set or 2nd hand single Serosas. M, J, ENOLS, Rhone 5218 Cranbrook. 1100 SALo.—Very comfortable frame hoose. Princess street, now vacant as owner has moved to Kincardine. Apply at once for par- ticulars and terns to T. R• Bennett, Wingham or A. H. Macdonald, Brnaeels• P0it SALO ATA BARGAIN.—One machine and allneceseary fixtures. An ideal lighting sys- tem for residence not of reach of Hydro. In- expensive to operate and in good condition. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, Brnaeels DR, PARK/SR. of Wingham, has resumed his weeklyvisite to the Queen's Hotel Brussels, @ , e , ?Ha vacant store in tbe Leckie block, recently occupied by Hydro belongings, bas been renovated and looks about as good ss new. Daniel Lowry and son, Ashley, 'Tor- onto, were calling on relatives and old friends in Brussels during the past week. They were former residents. HYDRO was off for 4 hours Sunday ev- ening. owing to the burning out of a transformer by the sharp lighning Some phones went punk for the same reason. HaMPRILL's advt. is bringing results in the line of large purchases of peas. The crop was large, was well saved, and good prices are being,paid, Mr. Hemp- kiill is doing a large trade in his mills at Wroxeter as a reward to close attention to business and turning out No, I pro- ducts. EAe'1' HURON '1'Eacsmas, —Annual con- vention of East Huron Teachers' Associa- tion will be held in Seaforth 'Thursday and Friday of this week, October gob and both. Morning and afternoon ses- sions will be held each day in the G. W, V, A. Club rooms on Main street, and on Thursday evening the local teachers will entertain the visitors at the Princess Theatre. LICENSE 1N5PECTOR PaLLOW Was here last Pricey taking in the Fair bnt by the way of attending strictly to business he located a consignment of booze within the corporation and the offender plead guilty and paid a fine to Police Magis- trate Reid, Goderich on Saturday. Fun- ny how "the cat gets out of tate bag" but there's a pussy with its optics on another quarter, it is said. The best thing to do would be to cut it out and save trouble for all concerned. NOTICE i Maude C. Srfans Announces her Brussels Office will be open following days of every week t— lloute—a, m, p. m. Monday ,•, 10 :to 12 1,30 to 6 Friday .,,.,,,.,,. •-- 1.30 to 0 Saturday 10 to 12 3.30 to 0 Saturday Evening 7 to 9 ii People We Talk About ti 1 t3 .it Mrs. A. McGuire attended the Prov- incial W, 0, '1' U. Convention last week. Misses Doris and Marjorie Ross have resumed their studies; at Toronto Uni- versity, Wyman Sparliog, mail clerk, London, Was a week end visitor at the pareutal hone. Mrs. Robinson, Woodstock, was a visi- tor with her mother. Mrs. W', W. Harris. Mrs, E. Scantlebury, Stratford, was a visitor with her parents, George and Mrs. Hanley. Leslie Lowry, Toronto, was home for a holiday, Queen city air seems to agree well with him. Miss Fern Taylor, Varna, was visiting her sister, Miss Pearl Taylor, Principal of Brussels Continuation School Dr. and Mrs. McCracken, Hagersville, were recent visitors with Mrs. Wm, Mc- Cracken and family, Princess street, Mrs. Thos. Lott, Turnberry street, North, has been quite ill during the past week, but we hope that she will im- prove. G, A. Deadman is home from a stay of 3 or 4 mouths among his bees at Mer- lin. He says honey is about half a crop this year. Among the old boys who put in an ap- pearance last week was Will. Lowry, London. Mrs, Lowry was a Miss Sharpe of Brussels, Lorne S. Dunford, Detroit, took time to make a short visit to the place of his birth last week. He is doing well in the city of the Straits. Mrs, S. C. Wilson and Miss Margaret, Goderich, were renewing old friendships on Fair Day. which gave them oppor- tunity to meet many acquaintances. Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson and daughter, Ruth. were welcome visitors to town. The former was Miss Rachel Alexander of maiden days. Her father was the well known "Lion"; Alexander. W. F. and Mrs. Coleman and family, of St. Thomas locality, were here for a visit at Samuel Wilton's, Mrs. C. is the eldest daughter, formerly known as Miss Elsie. They were welcome, Editor Davis, the well known propri- etor of the Mitchell Advocate. spent an hour in THE POST sanctum Thursday of last week. He's a wideawake business man who enjoys bis work. W. E. Heist, Atwood, was visiting in town during the past week. His health is being so well restored be purposes re. ruming bis post as section boss on 'he C. N. R, at Atwood, He made a wonderful recovery. Miss Jean Fox, who has been in Tor- onto for the past few years, is here on a visit. She bas been in training as a nurse and is still on probation and is quite enthusiastic over the profession. Mrs. (Dr,) Moore and "her sister. Miss Myrtle Hunter, Listowel were visitors in town during the past week. Former was a Judge on Fine Arts at the Fall Fair. Mrs. Moore knows the Art by both pre- cept and practice. Mrs. C. E Stone and daughter, Can- nington, were holiday visitors with rela- atives and old friends 'Thos. McCrea, brother to the fo-mer, and Miss Elizabeth Speir, a'eice returned with the visitors in their auto for a visit, Rev, C. F. Clarke, Miss Mary, Douglas and Stanley, will motor to Sarnia next Saturday, their old home before coming to Brussels. The rev gentleman g o lemon Will conduct anniversary services on his form- er charge and renew old fellowships. Leonard and Miss Elizabeth Downing have closed up their home on Flora street, in the meantime, and are making their headquarters with R. F. and Mrs. Down- ing, on Mill street. Miss Downing, whose health has been of au indifferent character, is regaining her vigor, we are pleased to state. Wm. Hartry, Seafortb, who was once more secured by the Fall Fair Directors to lace i lbs awards n the Floral display, was kind and thoughtful enough to pre- sent THE POST with a sheaf of beautiful Gladioli from bis well deserved and much praised garden at Seaforth. Mr. Hartry was a well known resident of Brussels 45 years ago and has not lost interest in bis old home town., The feeling is re- ciprocal, BANKING FIFTY YEARS Sending to • Distant Points you can send any Amount of money to any point is Oanada,,at a mini- mum of expense by using a Stand • - ard Bank Money Order. This method is the simplest, safest and most cenveu- ient way to send remittances by mail in the Dominion ; if the mail goes astray no loss is sustained, Should you desire to send money to a point outside the coun- try, a Standard. Bank Draft will serve your purposs for sending money to for- eign places, STAN DAR BAN K OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samie, Ma7ager Church Oblate* Rev. F. L. Lewin will conduct serv- ices in Wingham next Sunday, Next Sabbath Rev*!Dr. Brown, Writer. eter, will occupy the pulpit of the Meth- odist church, The evening service will be withdrawn in deference to St, John's church anniversap. Tuesday of next week the annual Con- vention of the Youog People's Assoc- iation of Wingham District will be held at Ripley, 'There will be 3 sessions with a well filled program. Friday afternoon Preparatory service will be held in MelGille church to be fol- lowed by Communion next Sabbath morning, Evening service will be can- celled on account of anniversary at St. John's church, Of course you are keeping the Har- vest Thanksgiving services in St. lobo's church, B russels, in mind for next Sab- bath. They will bein charge of Rev. Mr. Snell, Wingham. Hot supper and good Concert will follow Monday evening in the cbureh, Read the advt. or posters. Rev. Byron Snell, Atwood, did him- self credit in his Sunday morning's ser- mon in Brussels Methodist church. His theme was of the evangelistic type, cen- tering round the thought ot the "Win One" movement, The opportunity of hearing him again in the evening was cut off owing to the blinking out of tbe town Hydro lighting system during the violent lightning storm. Lamps were not available on short notice. Mr. Snell also gave a short novel address to the Sunday School Rev, Mr. Clarke, pastor, was taking anniversary services at Atwood, Belgrave The Anniversary services in the Presbyterian church last Sunday and Monday were a decided success. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Hawkine will conduct Harvest Thanksgiving services at Port Albert and bis work here will be supplied by Rev. Mr. Hays, Dungannon. Young People of Trinity Church are brushing up on their fine new play entitled "His Uncle's Neice." They have booked several engagements and are looking for more.- Play, while humoroue, is hot silly. , Oranbrook Additional news on page 5. Mrs, Menzies was visiting at Brod- hagen. Harvey Hunter lost one of hie team from indigestion. Next Sabbath Knox church pulpit will be filled by Mr. Madheson, of Knox College, Toronto. School holiday Thursday and Fri- day. Teachers will attend annual Convention in Seafortb, Jae, M. had Knightgood g a g o display of grade cattle at Brussels Fall Fair. He handles a lot of good ones on his broad acres. Jamestown Alex. and 'Mrs. Armstrong visited friends in Goderich on Sunday. Jno, Livingeton and Mrs:H.:Smith left for their homes iu the West. Mies McMillan, Hamilton, was visit- ing friends here during the past week. Rally day was observed last Sunday afternoon. Programme was in line of Temperance, mtlmbare of the infant clave giving recitations on Temper- ance, readings by Mrs. W. McDonald and Mrs. W. Wright; quartette, D. and R. Strachan, L. Eckmier and J. Kelly. Rev, Mr. McLeod gave an ad.. dress. Sabbath School will be closed for this season, Prices of Live Poultry Delivered at our Warehouse * Week ending Oct. 15th Livo Dros'd Live Dredd Hens, 51bs. and over 13c Young Ducke...... Ile 18c Hens, 4 to 6 Ibe . 110 Spring Chickens over 5 lbs 20e 25c Hens, 3 to 4 lbs . Oc Spring Chickens, 4 to 6 Ibe 17e 22c c Ilene, under 3 lbs.... 7c Spring Chickens, 8 t 41be 150 20c Roosters 8c 120 Spring Chickens, 2 to alba 18c 17e Nothing but No. i Poultry accepted, except at re- duced prices. Poultry must be in starved condition or deduction made for crops. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS. Tuesday of last week Albert Cardiff, who has not been feeling in good health lately, was successfully operat- ed on for appendicitis in Listowel Hos- pital and is doing as well as his num- erous Mende could expect. , Wroxeter Geo. and Mrs. Leckie spent. Sunday in Lucan. Mies McNair, Blyth, was a recent guest of Mrs, Edgar, Mrs. R. Pye, Toronto, is the guest of her parents, R. and Mre. Black. John Rutledge, Brawllten, called on friends in the village on Saturday. While picking apples Friday Miss Mary Pope fell from a tree eufferitig.a bad fracture of an arm. Ashton Morrison and Mies Annie Munro, of St. Catharines, spent a few days at their homes here. A. and Mrs. Wearring and M. and Mrs. Aikenbead, London, spent sever- al days recently with relatives here. J. and: Mrs. Koehler and neice, Miss Jean Moffitt, Ayton, were week -end visitors at the home of D. Thompson. Rev, D. Rogers, St. Thomas, preach- ed in the Salem Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening, bring- ing to a close the Jubilee services which have been observed for 3 Sun- days, and which have proved most succeeeful, church having been crowd- ed at every service. Monday evening a Fowl Supper was served followed by a splendid program, talent being pres- ent from Atwood and Sacriston. For- mer pastors taking pati were Revds, D. Rogers, St. Thomas ; I. A. McKel- vey, Teeswater ; and A. A. Holmes. Clinton. MRB, GEO. Town DECEASED.—The death occurred in Wroxeter, on Wed- nesday, Oct 1st, of Mrs. George J. Town, in her 63rd year. She had been in failing health for some time and passed away early Wednes4ay morn- ing. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by one daughter,. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, Detroit, „and three sons, Harry, Wingham, and George and Jack at home, to whom the sympathy of the community is extended in the Buoyed from the remteoe of rho under- loss of a loving wife and mother. Mre. signed, Lot 12„Con, i'4, Grey, on or about gg Tow, was well and favorably known Sept. 20t1 a gray cow. Any information con- Hogs. . ... ............. 9.60 in Wroxeter and her departure is corning her whoreabouts will be thankfully Potatoes 76 mourned by a large circle of friends. received. PhonJoa t'H. STEVENSON. Bacl 21 .......»»6.00 Fox's Drug' Store The 4$r);0474/470. Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS More Eggs From Fewer. Hens Feed hens properly and they will lay better, Poultry Food and Vermin Killers' We have them. 'l'ry them out, • Fly Tox Fatal to Flies. Will clean out a room in a few minutes, Clean Effective Special in Shampoo We are this week offering a Special Prise 011 Palm Olive Shampoo With one bottle of,Shanlpoo at 50c we give 2 Cakes Palm Olive Soap Free Gillette, Razor and a Tube of Colonial Shaving, Cream This is a large Tube and one of our best Shaving Creams, Both for 81.25 Week -End Specials Just by way of a Trade Stimulator we are ofleeing some very Special Prices on quite a variety of articles, Watch our Window and you will find it worth while. FOX'S DRUGSTORE "Careful Prescription. Dispensers” DOWN TOWN C. N. R: TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Intermeut took place in Wroxeter cemetery on Friday afternoon. BORN ADAsIs.—In Molesworth, on Rept. 28th, 1024, to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Adams, a daughter. YANOAMP.—In Morris. on Sept. 26th, 1024, to Mr. and Mre, Wm, VanCamp, a daughter. DIED MILLER: In Morris Township, on October 2110, 1924, Wfllinm Meller, aged 04 years, 1 month and 28 days. TOWN.—In Wroxeter, on October let, 1924, Lottie Matilda Gorton, wife of George J. Town, aged 52 years, 11 months and 9 days.. Cow Strayed Notice to Contractors The Mnniolpal .Connolt of the Township of Morrie is asking for tendon, for the oonetrse. Mon of the Nichol and the McArthur Drains. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's residence. The MaArthnr Drain calls for slay tile. Tenders will he opened et the Townehlp Hall, Monday, October 20th, at 8 o'clock. En- close a 05000 good faith alumina with the ten- der. A. Mann WEN, Clerk. BRUSSELS MARKET Phil Wheat ....»...............»,.. 11 25 81 110 Pens ....»„ ,.. 150 150 BadeY •»...-....». 76 80 Oats ............ ........,., ..........»... 50 50 Bnekwhoat , m 80 Batter 82 82 E a 85 9 535 5 75 21 0 00 r ,fin fn�� r I���� _... .'i1 irtt'e1 .' ♦v ;';' aril aq''t,i, ,, s, . t i1, 'cY" lona l(h'. anart.�W'lt „. sur 1 sang v l , iia 2'' J noF�.. t aT�'(Jt•eap, =d •fir rit ss*t �. 1 s` lizil iq�t ;.om; cur i 1.1 y.,.r,: .rrat• • to ��4� u.,ntll-, ..n , w . .mu 3 °i'u �1 ..i.�E: inn (�; .....l■ S 34 iu. am lcnr�rl 4... ■u �, •ii re :4'„'�n�lt a l % , {,{en ,1 ! ( �C'.+ar�.it�i, _ ��, ill uAI`. '' f ,. of / ? b Northway . . Garments WE have now on eland a complete line in real classy Coats consisting of All Wool Velours, Overcheck Polaire Cloth, jViaravellas and all the new materials. Come and inspect our new Fall range. ' Also a full range of Northway Dresses to choose ...from and prices are reasonable. „ Phone 61. A. HUNTER Brussels