The Brussels Post, 1924-9-24, Page 1J. M1 VOL, 53 NO, 14 2.00 per annoy; in advance 1RUSSRLS; ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SIPTEM.i3TER 24, 1924 W. H. KERR, Proprisl'or Most great business successes had their foundation in a savings account . Capital enabled the saver to grasp his opportunity . Are you for the da of ' preparing , y opportunity? You can do so by opening a savings account to -day y in _THE Bak Novo n of Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 Paid-up Capital 11 10,000,000 Reserve - - 10.600,000 Total Assets - 210,000,000 F. M. WILMOT, Manager, Brussels 2211 pzsilritt gem Ethel Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Chandler, Walton, gave al good ad- dress in the Presbyterian) Church, Rev. Mr. McLeod, Brussels, dealt trenchantly with the 0. T, A. in the Methodist church in the evening. M. J. and Mrs, Slem.non, baby and Mrs. Chambers left for Stratford where they will reside, the former at- tending the Normal School, They will be much missed hero but they will no doubt find work enough in the Classic City, todteep them from growing rusty. The Prohibition f orces are getting g ready for the ballot battle on Oct, 23rd. A. meeting was held here to or- canizeGrey township. Officers ewe :- President, P. A. McArthur ; Vice - Pres., Mies Ella Peareon ; Sec.-Treas., W. C. Biebee. Chairmen oft Polling Sub, -divisions :-No, 1, R. Strachan : No, 2, Andrew Lamnnt ; No. 3, S. Johnston t No. 4, M. Harrison ; No. 5, A. McKee : No. 6, Jno. Pearson ; No 7, Jas. Perrie. The help of every elector is hoped for. Get busy. Bluevale Bluevale news on page 5. NEWSY NOTES. -L. H. and Mrs, Bos- man spent the week end withlr'elatives at Oollingwood.-Albert Walker put up a new garage this week. -W. F. Vanetone shipped a car of cattle from here Saturday. -Anson and Mrs. Thornton spent Sunday at the home of Wu,, Thornton. -Eldon McKinney is relieving Jae. Masters this week while off on his holidays, -Win. Elliot and Thos, Henderson. spent Sunday with friends here. -Martin and Mrs, Far- row, Oollingwood spent Sunday with Robt. and Mrs, Musgrove. -Messrs, Black and Johnston shipped a car of cattle and a car of hogs to Toronto Huron County Plowing Match The first Plowing Match of Huron County Plowmans' Association will be held at Brussels - Friday, Oct. 10 Competition open to residents of Huron County $350.05 in Prizes Program will be as'follows CLASS 1 -Wilk high cut plows, in cod, Free-for-all. CLASS 2 -General Purpose, wooden handled plows, in sod, Free -fog - all, CLASS 3 -Men from 19 to 23 years, with general purpose plows, in sod, CLASS 4 -Boys, 16 and under 19 years, in sod. CLASS 5 -Boys, under 10 years, in stubble. CLASS 6 -Single Riding Plows in sod, for men 20 years and over. OLASb 7 -Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. Rules s and Regulations Teams to plow,one-third of an acre each and tractors one acre. Teams to be on ground at 9 a. m, to start plowing at 9.30. Finish to be made a14 p, m. Average depth of furrow 6 inches, No shaping of furrow after 2 rounds on crown, No shifting of stakes after start is made. Each Plowman allowed one helper only. Plowmen to Gee 6 rounds on crown, Skimmers barred. Judges' decision to be final, Prizes to be paid on ground before leaving. No entrance fee outside of the 25 cent Membership Ticket. Directors to be on grouude at 9 a. m., wearing official badges. Mettle will be provided for Plowmen. PRIZES -There will be 4 prizes in each class, viz, :-$15.00, 312.00, 310.00 and $8 00 -either cash or its value. Tractor Clave -Prizes $20.00, 318 00, $15.00 and 310.00. Match will be held on the farms of Mr. John Work and Mr. Harvey Bryans, immediately North of Brussels, For further •information apply to of icers- L E. Cardiff, H. L McDonald, Allan Adams, President, Vice -President, Saturday, -Rev, Mr. Wilkinson gave a very fine talk on the Temperance question Sunday Inorning,-Sing Mc- Donald left on, Monday morning to at- tend Normal at Toronto, -John I3oe- man returned to University at Meg- aton] Monday last, -Mrs, G, Snell spent a few days with her daughter, Mr's.. Ooultes, Listowel. -Miss Mabel John- ston left Monday to attend Normal at Stratford. -Funeral of the late Mrs. JPs, Underwood was largely attended on Wednesday afternoon to the Wrox- eter celnetery,-Edgar McMichael, of Kitchener, was home over the week- end. 68th Anniversary of Knox Church, Bluevale, will be observed Sunday, Oct. 5th. Rev, Dr, J. H, Edmison, of Toronto. Secretary of the Home Mis- sion Board, will preach at 11 a, m. and '7 p. m. Last Sunday evening Rey. Mr. Buchanan, Toronto, addressed a union service in the Presbyterian Church here on the question of Prohibition. Ile presented a greet array of facts to back up the excellent work done by the O. T. A, e Morris We are sorry to hear that Allan Ad- ams, 6th line, was taken ill last Sun- day but we hope he will soon be as lively as ever. Murray and Mrs. Johnson and child- ren, London, spent the week end with relatives here and in Belgrave. The former is well nigh recovered from his recent accident. Trip was made by motor. Jno, and Mrs. Granby announce the engagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Marjorie, to Clarence, youngest son of Joseph and Mrs. Johnston, Wawanosh, maroiage to take place this month. LINE UP FOR MORRIS,- A meeting of Morrie ratepayers was' held in the Township Hall Thursday evening of last week to plan initiatory steps for the Plebiscite campaign. Short, practical addresses were given by the chairman, (Arthur Shaw), Revds. Miss. Clover Threshing We are prepared to attend to calls for r Threshing. C to ve g First-class work. Write or call Thueli Bros. BLYTH Wood for Sale A quantity of Dry Hardwood, cut 16 incluse long, also Fur- nace Wood -Elm and Hard- wood mixed -I8 inches long, Will be delivered or sold at pile to suit purchaser. J. M. Knight & Sons Phone 5516 (,`,ream Puff PASTRY FLOUR _ .Manufactured from Ontario White Winter Wheat. GIVE IT A TRIAL Wheat and Peas \Wanted T. G. Hemphill, Phones 50, 21 29 and 62 Wroxeter Cider Apples Wanted 500 bags of Fall Apples foe cid ee, to be delivered at Brlhssels next Monday and Tuesday. Price 6oc per cwt, Nesbit Hamilton Milton Lowe Phone 45x BRUSSELS ars, Tate, Mores, and Wilkinsnn. Fol. lowing is the municipal officiary :- President, A, Shaw ; Secretary -To else- urer, ecreta[y•Toelse- urer, Abram Procter ; Ohelrmet' of PollingSub'divisious, No. 1, Won. Pol- lock ; No. 2, Jen. Shortreed ; Nn. 3, Nelson Higgins ; No, 4, Walter Yu. 111 ; No. 6, R. Joleton ; No.'6, Jas, Pea- cock. Committees were also chosen. There's a good band of workers in Mol- ls and results should show well on Oct- ober 23rd, Walton The Harvest Thank -offering services held in St. George's Church last Sun- day morning and evening were well attended. Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Blyth, was in charge and gave two practical sermons. W. M. 5, -September meeting of the W. M, S. was held in the Manse on Wednesday of last week. President, Mrs. Oster, in the chair. After a hymn of praise, prayer was offered by Mrs. Manning and the bible lesson read by Mrs. Ritchie. Following this, readings on the work on Formosa, were given by Mre, Lawson, Mre. Bryans and Mrs, McCall. Mrs. Mc - Gavin read a very interesting chapter, "The Skipper and His Ship," from the Book on Japan. Duriog the meeting Mrs. Oster gave a good report of the recent Presbyterial, held at Wingham, and also spoke of the annual Thanic. offering of the Auxiliary to be held on October 12th in the church, when Rev. Mr. Telford, Blyth, will addrsss the meeting. In view of the vote in Oc- tober special prayers were offered to God for the continuance of the O. T. A few Specials FOR SATURDAY ---ter Regular For 2.00 Heavy Cotton Work Shirts 1.39 2.50 Heavy Coarse * Flannel Work Shirts - 1.79 3.00 Fine, Heavy Imported Flannel Work Shirts - 1.98 This ie a Real Shirt 2.25 Good Weight Blue & White Overalls - 1.59 .75 Leather Work Mitts - .49 W. D. Hamel Men's Wear Brussels 11.44+d-+++++++++++++++++,44+ 1 Prices of lice Poultry Delivered at our Warehouse Week ending Sept. 27 Hens, 5 lbs. and over 15c Hens, 4 to 5 lbs 130 Hens, 3 to 41he100 Hens, under 3 lbs 7c Roosters $c Young Ducks 100 Spring Chickens over 5 lbs22c Spring Chickens, 4 to 6lbs,, 20c Spring Chickens, 3 to 41bs18c Spring Chickens, 2 to 3 ibs , 16c Nothing but No. I Poultry accepted, except at re- duced prices. Poultry must be in starved condition or deduction made for crops. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS 6 A PLAY IN 3 ACTS ENTITLED "ophronia's Wedding" Will he given by the Ladies' Aid of Union Methodist Church, in UNION CHURCH Wednesday Ev'g, Oct. 8th Commencing at 8 o'clock CHARACTERS Ohre. Uriah Snodgrass, President of the 8eete- tp....,'. Mrs. T. Doherty Seraphim,, her Angel Daughter......... Mss Irene granter Mrs, Abner Doddridge, Fat and Uosslpyy hlre. Geo. Bpehran Mise Mosey Spriggs, rather on paid Drop Mrs. H. Richmond Mrs, Joshua Perkins, a Peace Maker....,. Mrs, Harry Opelran Mrs. Elmer Killentquiek, the Doctor's wife ...Mre. Frank Boyd Kra, Peace Peabody, Village Postmistress $nf Mrs, Dick Robinson Mies Flossy ppere, Village Seametresa Mre, Alex, Speiran Mrs. Caleb Savineouls, the Minister's Wife Mrs. Isaac Rathwell Lobelia and Pamelis Witherspoon, Sister 8plu• eters. .....Mrs. A. Brown and Mrs. G. Michel Lottie Anne Sykes Mre. Will, Speiran Mrs. J. Piper, Gentle Mother of Sopbronia Mrs. Albert Whitfield Tilly Tnclrer, Maid of all Work Mies Emma Buttery Genevieve Van Houten, Up-to-date Brides. mold Iona McKay Sophronin Piper, the Bride...Eunice Richmond Tommy $avinsoules Clifford Spelren MUSIC BETWEEN ACTe Admission 35 and 20 Cents A. 28 members were present and re- sponded to the Roll Call with a verse of Scripture containing the word "Peace." Sheeting was closed by prayer by Mrs. Shaw, after which lunch was served and a social half hour was spent. MATRIMONIAL, - Wednesday of this week, at 11 a. on., in St. John's Church, Brussels, Mise Mary Esther, daughter of Thos. and Mrs. Bolger, of this locality, and Earl Watson, Hui - lett Boundary, were united in mar - liege. Rev. F. L. Lewin, [rector, per- formed the ceremony. Bride wore a becoming travelling costume of Navy Blue nicotine, with hat and shoes to match. Aftercongratulations the happy twain and company motored to the bride's, parental home where a well spread dinner was served. 4 of the bride's girl cousins served Mr, and Mre Watson left on the after- noon 0. P. R. express ou a short wed- ding tour which ineindes Guelph, Tor- onto and Niagara. On their • return they will make their home on the groom's fine farm, Hullett township, where they commence married life under favorable auspices. Belgrave Belgrave news on page 5, Tuesday Belgrave School Fair and Concert were on the program and were most successful, both as to at - tenderise, entries and program, Last Sunday's Harvest Home serv- ices in Trinity church were most suc- cessful. Rev, Mr. Lewin, Brussels was the special preacher. The response in the offeringtotalled the fine sum of 8164,00. Most creditable to the con- gregation. The Diamond Jubilee of Presbyter- ianism at Belgrave and the 25th anni- versary of the present church will be observed Sunday, Oct, 55111. Rev, Mr, Goodwill is expected to conduct the services. Fowl supper and program will follow Monday evening. Grey Glad to report favorable progress by Louis Frain. The theshiug continues to tell the story of extra good returns from the last harvest. Mrs, Rogerson, Jamestown, N. Y., was visiting Everett audlMiss Marjory Hoove-r. The visitor is an aunt. Say have you read the advt, concer- ning the Ladies' Play to be given at Union church Oct, Sth ? Don't miss it. Grey township will be represented in the School Parade and Drills at Brussels Fall Fair and maybe land some of the numerous prizes. Miss Jean Turnbull has returned to the Western University, London, to resume her studies in the Arts course. She is entering on ]ler 3rd year, One of the most remarkable crops of wheat t grown in Huron Co. was ed nn the farm tinreet of Jse 1 n t Sav- age nv- p g a e&youafewclays n o Y , It yielded 65 bnahehh to the acre. THE Pose ie pleased to hear that Mrs, Andrew Turnbull's health is con- siderably unproved. This worthy vet- eran is in her 88011 year and makes her home with her son Oliver, on the old homestead. In 8. 8, No. 2, known as Ole Turn- bull School, IGLU Con., there are only 7 pupil, all boys and divided into 7 classes, Edwin Martin is the teacher, If Ifs the perfect number No, 2 should be really No, 1. Hugh Richmond, a well known roe- ident of Blum, was taken seriously ill with pneumonia, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, P, Hamilton, New- market. We hope to hear of hie early restoration. At the Western Fair this year Jitn Turnbull, 15th Oon,, ivon,3rd Award in: calf feeding competition for boys or girls. It WAS alively skirmish with 28 competitor's, Jim also captured let and 2nd prizes in Millfleur bantams, Andrew Turnbull won 1st for best Shorthorn calf and and for Shorthorn' cow in milk, The boys will tackle the Royal Show again at Toronto and may take in the Winter Show at Gttelph, We congratulate them on their success and their enterprise, .1.1'+ .1.+++++4.$f++ l l.+ W1 NCHAM Field D ay FALL FAIR B. fid. s. Thursday, Sept, 25th AFTERNOON PARK 1.00-215 School Events 2 15-2 46 Open Events 3-00-4 45 -Baseball SCHOOL GROUNDS 446-6,45 Basketball EVENING TOWN HALL Oommencing at 7.46 sharp. Concert by Pupils of B. 0. S. Presentation of Medals and Ribbons. Exhibiting of shield. Cone One Come All Show the pupils you are intereet- ed in them and their games. Pupils Free, ' Others 15c. Milton Lowe is home froma business trip to Northern Ontario. Next Tuesday evening a meeting in the interests of Prohibition will be held in Roe's church, opening at 8 o'clock, Hear Rev. J. RI McLeod, Brussels, in his stirriug address on the issue of the hour. CARD OF THANKS - To the many kind neighbors and friends we desire to express our heartfelt appreciation of tate many tokens of love and sym- pathy in the passing of our dear wife and mother. JOHN STEVENSON AND FAMILY, Mrs. John McOalluut and Miss Clara, Stafford, formerly of Grey and Mr. and Mrs. Hindhley and 31r. Hart also of Stratford, received painful injuries when their car was struck with a street car in Toronto on Labor Day at corner of Gerrard and Bay. Mr, Hincbley.received an injured shoulder, Mre Hinchley a sprained ankle and p various bruises as she WAS thrown out of the car. Miss Clara received an in - injury on bee hip and back. Mrs. McCallum was the most serious hav- ing several broken ribs, also a broken arm and was badly bruised and shak- en. She was unconscious when taken to the hospital. Theywere tushed to P the General hospital for treatment. Mr, and Mrs. Hiuchley were able to reach their home in Stratford but Mrs. McCallum will be confined to the hospital for some time as her condi- tion is too serious to permit her being moved. Mise Clara is being cared for at the home of her brother, Zech, albeit, many friends join in wishing there a speedy recovery from what might have been a fatal accident. Oar was badly damaged, MoncriefF Moncrieff news on page 5. Miss Lauritine McKay returned to Hamilton after spending her holidays here. Anniversary of Presbyterian Church will be observed Sunday and Monday, Oct. 6 & 0 Watch out for particulars late', Jamestown Several from this locality were at Goderich this week on legal business. Wm. Holt is home from London Sanitarium having received his dis- charge. A Rally Day program will be pres- ented at the Sabbath School here next Sunday at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. McLeod will give an address. A welcome will be extended to all. Wroxeter Mrs. Goodfellow, Toronto, is the gueet of her daughter, Mr's. Trait. Jno. Dickson, New York, is visiting his parents, F. V. and Mrs. Dickson. While employed at the home of his father, D. 1). Sanderson, Stuart Sand- erson had the misfortune to fall from a load of grain. His head was bnclly cut, necessitating several stitches. Jubilee services in connection with the 50th anniversary ot the Salem Methodist Church commenced ou Sun- day and will continue two more Sun - drys. Church was filled to capacity y at the morning and evening services, when Rev, Mr. Gregg, Wingbatn, gave practical discourses. Honeymoon Above the Clouds Bride and Groom Arrive by Plane. (From the Viking Times) On August 20th a marriage was solemnized at Vegreville, Alberta, which terminated in a most unusual honeymoon trip, when W, J. Brown, Viking, son of J. 14. Brown, Vegre- ville, was posited in the holy bonds of inatriwony with Miss li'tnina Marie Kirkwood, slaughter of S. A. and Mre, Kirkwood, Vegreville. Ceremony was performed in the presence of im- mediate relatives and friends by Rev, A. R. Selvage, Vegreville. Bride was given in marriage by her father and was becomingly attired in a:travelling shit of sand 11i ic0Line, being attended by Miss Jessie Houston, an intimate friend, while D. 13. Brown, heather of the groom, acted as beet man, Sept 29 & 3D $1500 in Prizes In Addition to 45 Spode! Prizes Pipe Band in • Attendance Big Parade of School Pupils under diireetion of Huron Ooen- ty Championship School Fair. . Local Talent Concert on evening of Sept, 3011i "The Jones' Entertain." W. T. BOOTH, I. J, WRIGHT, Secretary. President. Immediately following the eery- mony the bridal'Gouple departed via aeroplane for Edmonton for their honeytnoon,l amid many congratula- tions and beet wishes from a large number of friends who congregated at the aerodrome. The happy bride and 'groom took their places in the ma- chine which rose gracefully in the air, circling over the town until disappear- ing in the clouds at a height of 9000 feet. The trip to Edmonton, of over 2 hours duration was heartily enjoyed. On reaching their destination they were met by Mr. Adair, owner of the plane, who became their host to a wedding dinner at the McDonald hotel. To all knowledge this is the first honeymoon by aeroplane in Western Canada and no doubt the happy couple have set a high mark for newly weds to start at, Bride ie a charming young lady who has filled a large° plane in the circles of the younger set of Vegreville. Her many friends re- gret her departure to Viking, where the groom holds a responsible position in the McAthey & Jones Garage, en- joying a province wide reputation ae a first class mechanic, Oranbrook Fred. and Mrs. Begg and son, Clar- ence, motored from Windsor to visit Ohne. and Mrs. Seel, the parental home of Mrs. Begg, They were accompan- ied by Mrs. Chris. Barkerville, of Centralia, and Mrs. Susan Canning, of Grand Bend, sisters of Mrs. Seel. t$ � People We Talk About ! tt 2Y Miss Lizzie Bryans spent the week end with Hamilton friends. Earl and Mrs. McLurg, London, spent the week end with A R and Mrs, Currie. Mrs. Sberriff is visiting relatives and friends at Torontolend Hamilton tor a few weeks. Mrs, 8, Phillips, Croswell, Mich., is spendiog a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. A. R. Currie, Miss Muriel Sperling expects to go to roronto to prosecute her studies in Deaconess work. W. E. Heist, Atwood, was visiting rel- atives in town. He is regaining his health quite nicely, Miss Elizabeth Arnett, teacher at Thorndale. was a visitor with her aunts, the Misses Hunter, Brussels. Mrs. George Sperling is not enjoying her usual robust health but we hope she will soon be as hearty as ever, C. Dunlop was here relieving F. M. Wilmot, Manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, during his holiday of 2 weeks. A. and Mis. McGuire were visiting with j. P. and Mrs. Mason, at Merlin. Mrs. Mason is a daughter, formerly of Brussels. The visitoss spent a while in Detroit also, Robert Thuell has been at Kincardine for the past month in charge of the street roller, in connection with street ionprovement. He's an old hand at the throttle. After a 2 year absence Miss Sophie Douglas, of Los Angeles, Cal„ is:renew- ing old friendships in Brussels and local- ity. Her sister, Miss Annie, may return to the Golden State with her, Miss Mildred Maunders is arraugiog to take a course in Art at Toron'o studios. She has been .pursuing this delightful study for the past few years and greatly enjoys her work. A. and Mrs Strachan are back from a delightful visit sit to the West meeting with many old friends but spending most ot their time at the home of Cline and Mrs. Scott, Calgary, the latter being their daughter. Tun POST is sorry to hear that H. H. Sullivan, teller at the Standard Bank, was taken ill with typhoid fever and was conveyed to the hospital at Seaforth. His many friends hope be will make a speedy recovery. Mrs. Fletcher Sperling has been visit- inglher sister, Mrs. Stacey, at St. Marys. Mrs, S. Dunn, town, is also renewing old friendships in the satire locality, Mr, Stacey underwent an operation for ep- pendicitis, et Victoria hospital, London, He is making favorable improvement. Mrs, Ben. Woodley and children spent several days in Stratford. London, and Detroit. Ben, Woodley, who has been employed in the street car service in the latter city, came home fora holiday and they are now visiting at W. and Mrs, Baillle's, Moncrieff, GEORGE, McIaa, McKillop, is the Re- turning officer for Centre Huron Plebis- cite vote on October 23td. Walkerton won the W. F. A. Junior Championship, defeating Listowel in the finale by the close score of a^ -t,