The Brussels Post, 1924-9-10, Page 7THE MIND OF MA MAHONEY
Ma untied the wrappings, • Carefully A.Hngb Yielding Van'iety of
lifting out one of the enclesed • lgae Winter Wheat,
elle held it up for general admiration
—delicate decorations of pink And The, O,A,C, 140, 109 variety of win
13Y ALICE MARGARI'1T AS]ITON, green with touches of gold met their ter weat has surpassed all other var..
NA Mahoney's mind was on the ,She hadn't meant to toll a living smell rapt gave, eNever," she exclaimed, ]sties in average yield of grain per
clock. Eighteen years of unremitting Well, she didn't care• --•she wouldn't with tears of happiness in her eyes, acre during the past few years in the
work will train the ]Lands to mom- retract ono worn she had said. 1 "never did I expect to .awn such beau- experiments at Guelph and in the to-
plisls the aceustomod .tasks mechanic -i Ma was too weary to lie awake that Ebel cups es these,:, operative experiments throughout fin-
ally, but Your mind has to be on the night with disturbing thoughts either; ""I'11 get you the rest of the set When' tarso. In each of six out of seven
kitchen cloak if breakfast is ready in; of regret or anticipation, But next I ean," pa said gruffly. "Pm a little years it yielded better than the Drew -
time to get Pa to the six -thirty earl morning a strange excitement greW short of money this week, Molly, you, sons Golden Chaff in the exphri a is
and keep the older children's report within her. "It's a simple enough thing wash one of them eups and saucers condueted "t +hn homes of the fanners.
cards free from tardy marks. Nor can to try," she decided at last, "Ali I've for year Ma to drink her tea out of In 1923, of the seventy.nine varieties,
there be any relaxing of vigilance Tfgot to do now, is to plan out just how And handling it as if it were a high seleetions and crosses grown in the
the .children's lunch is spread on the I'd like to have things, And I guess, explosive, Molly eagerly complied, experimental plots at the College the
kitchen teble when theyrush in pre- I'll not have time to be much disap- Through the sultry heat of Saturday) six highest yielders were new varieties
z eisely three minutes after the noon pointed if it don't work out the way morning Molly and her mother worked originated at the College by cross -
whistle. With such additional duties I wazit! I happily. The house did look festive a
variety r
4 The O.A.C. Na, 10vaiis
as washing, ironing, mending and the By mid-afternoon her trial venture indeed with its unwonted order and cross between the O ya is a
soothing of childish ills and heart in plans had been completed and the its jars of pretty flowers Only from
breaks, how could one's mind find much
scope•for excursions beyond,the tyran•
nieai dietation of the kitchen time
"Two o'clock," sighed Ma, resignedly
laying" aside her dish -towel at the ve-
hement.behest of her youngest, "and
the wash not on the line yet. I -won-
der why my babies always do their
teething in the hottest part of the
With a practiced hand she picked up
wailing Baby Benny. from his cradle
and , cuddled him capably against her
deep and 'motherly. breast. "There,
there, honey,llfa wasn't scolding you. I
did hope you'd hold off with that tooth
till the weather cooled a bit, but my
children- are always just that forward
and capable!„
having gained hie desire after per-
sistent effort, 13cnny clung resolutely
to his comforting refuge. Thzrough"the
open window a perfect "drying" 'clay
mocked at her' tubs of half -washed
clothes. And the relentless hands of
the Clock moved forward.
"My grief, Mis.Mahoney, aren't you
ready to some with the to that Moth-
er's Meeting?" The sharp voice of
Sarah Borden calling from the little
front entry startled the mother from
her efforts tit pacifying her clinging
"With my clothes still in the tubs?"
she answered with her ready smile.
"Not but what I'd like to go, Sarah,"
she added, with a longing note in her
"It's always the same story," dis-
approvingly complained Sarah with
the freedom of a friend. "It would do
you good, Mary Mahoney. You just
stay home and slave year in and year
"But I can't leave a crying baby
alone—nor my wash in the tubs.
School will be out in another week.
Maybe then I can get away," she pro-
phesied hopefully; "Anyway, you
come over to -night and tell me every-
thing that's said and done."
Ma's resolute smile lasted until the
door had closed behind her neighbor.
On her way back to the kitchen she
paused to lay the baby, who had drop-
ped asleep in her arms, an the sitting-
roonslounge away from the heat and
light.. "I'll never tell why I can't go
to those meetings!" she resolved grim-
ly, as she picked up her dish -towel wa
once more,' then forgot everything one expects fine furniture in a house The speaker smiled.. on Molly who.. a packing plants annually', of, crisis, and is recovering. On enquzr-
! , came and gave the lady her hand with which often 15 per cent., or 376,000 ing when the change set in, he finds
else in her attempt to finish her work full of growing children.' are found to have been bruised of ;that it occurred at one o'clock (the
before supper time. "That's so," agreed Pa with increase
pretty timidity and stood in the little seventh hour, reckoned from 6 a.m. of
In the sultry, dusk of eveningMrs. ed . geniality. "You can trust Ma's front porch with Ma, while the guests scarred, a loss is entailed of over
g Ythe previous day, the time when Jesus
Mahoney sought the comfort of her judgment, Molly." passed down the street. i $900,000. In a four-month period,' had said, "Your son lives," and he and
Pa came in from the back yard during which 34,000 hogs were exam 1us family become lives,"
convinced believers
The Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son, John 4; 46.54. Golden Text
--•-I am the way, and the truth, and the life, --John 14: 6. .,
struck at Satan himself., When Christ In lire month of May, 1024, Can
subdued a demon; it was manifest aurae exports of flour exceeded those
proof that he. W mightier than the of the United States, probably the
1. 1'4ITH .111 JESUS, 40.60.
II, ere POWER or:Meg, 51-54.
le reenueemze—Jesus has now come emy; it was anearnestof the cam- first t,m in Canadian trade history
from (Judea by way of Samaria to; ing of the Kingdom of God. (See Luke that this situation has some about, and
Galil , Jia 1s in his awn country, b ti 10:18, 19; 11:20, and compare Mutt, furnishing eloquent testimony at once
Galilean uitbellef warns him that there i 8,29; Marls 1:24; Rom. 10:20; 1 John to the manner on which the flour mine
he must not expect tiny great success.; 3:8.) Finally the devil and all his ing industry has developed in Canada
While he is et Cana, however, there minions shall be destroyed in the lake
occurs an incident which becomes the yand the Dominion successfully,penee
of fire Rea.20.10
occasion. for an act of divine healing;' There was a tendency to regard die -
foreign markets with its flour,
We have not hltlzerto, in our course of ease in general•,as demon possession, In the month of May Canada's flour
studies, come face to face with this inot only derangement of the mind and exports amounted to 1,067,487 barrels,
Chaff .and lite Bulgarian. It is a white aspect m£ Jesus ministry, Wo have � nerves' but even dumbness and blind- whilst those of the United: States were
experience had proved exhiliarating•; the safe precincts of the kitchen door- d a d- seen him offering new spiritual life to near end
curvature tl sine. 076 604 barrels. Duringthe s
wheat with a white chaff stn be rof ze p At pat year
Sarah Bordon, called to the dividing way were the children allowed to view lessheadand ' a vi orous rower, men, redeeming •sfiiful seals to'God, the same time Jesus alwa s speack of. the United tabout has been milling on
fence, had promised to carry a mese, its splendors. es is g grower,
proclaiming one 'access to the Father two class of infirm to le the sick 08
sage, the importance which almostThe beautiful new china mens and In comparison with the Dawsons .Tel- for Jews and Samaritans, Now wet we as the possessed, Physicians ttie ave•rage about 1,200,000 bushels of
staggered her. "Mar Mahoney, of all later were arra» ed on a s Hess den Chaff it has been even more hardy, see Jesus as the healer, both of body i might cure the aisle but. T extreme Can dittn •wheat in bond per month,
in •this world" she muttered,as she' cloth on the little a side -table. a -tab] . T ' less susceptible to smut, and almost and of spirit. A court official of Herod cases it took the power in
God-to and as the result, the product of some
bast to her ownkitche. "And breadwas 1 1 1 d e• he' as stiff in the straw, It has been in- Antipas, whose son is dangerously i11 bring, health just asic took the power 260,000 barrels of flour per month has
wentc ,de ieata y sliced Inc the
after what she said last ni ht!" sandwiches, Mollyhad ev nlaidoat lured by the hession fly to a less ex- at Capernaum, arrives at Cana with; of God to wrench a. helpless ; been 'exported as domestic flour of the
g e lured by the hessian fly to a less ex the' urgent' request that Jesus will demoniac out of the clutches of the United States;' This means that ex -
Mrs. Mahoney looked upon her as-, on her mother's bed upstairs the fresh tent than the average of forty varie-
come at once. to Capernaum. Jesus i evil one. ports of dour from the United States
sembled family that evening and, ' wrapper and the white apron: moved by the intensity of the father's
ties under test during the last fourin May ware probably only about 780, -
when the noise at the supper table had Ma, flushed face and hair in curl- PP
somewhat subsided, deliberately and papers, was marshaling the young years, h h t 000 barrels, whereas exports of flour
accurately dropped a bomb. Clearly' ones round the dinner -table when her .This new hybrid wheat will be aunt made from Caiadtan wheat were 1, -
and with it beguiling smile she and husband entered. Again beneath his to Ontario tothose
farmers, free of cost, in 300,000 barrels.
pounced, "I've r invited tha Mother's' arm, was to be seen a large andhsug pound lots those who wish to con- comes i For half a century the U.S. has held
J duct tests •with three veronica of win- Galilee. 1 v 1 1a dsea a a dominating position in the inter-
Rleetfng hero Inc Saturday afternoon, gestive Peekagm, He .placed the box ter wheat this autumn and whoa I national Roar trade. This
f ' h d apply position
appeal, and bythe evidence of his
faith, answers that his boy willlive.
Vs,4647,The official who here service,and perhaps of royal blood.
e es to Jesus is inthe service of But highposition,a beautiful home,
Iierod Antipas,tetrarchof o e y landscape andgreatwealthcan-
Antipas bad his seat of government at not buy immunity from human
Tiberias, on the Lake of Galilee, arid' troubles and urgent need. Country life
he would have in his employment a:tends to freedom.of social intercourse,
considerable number of administrative and to free and practical expression
officers, of whom the present "noble- l of neighborly help. So all artificial flour exports. Since 1904, with the
man" is one. Whatever was thought barriers are broken down as the frailexec ion of the war ears, the United
of Jesus at Antipas' court, this par- tic father leaves the sick son in the States percentage f o
tieular courtier is led to seek the Mas- home of luxury, where love and devo- P g o total flour ea-
ter's aid by serious illness in his home.; tion and skill have done their utmost Ports has been tending to decrease, but
His boy is at the point of death in' in vain, and hastens over hill and dale it has remained continuously at. the
Capernaum. !! to distant Cana, to fall at the feet head of the list of exporters. Now
V. 48. Before acceding to his re -10f the Galilean teacher. Jesus has' the development of the Canadian mill -
quest, Jesus reminds the officer that been kind to others, the neighbors ing industry and aggressiveness in the
the Galilean public is always demand -speak highly of him, and have great past in developing foreign markets,
ing "signs and wonders' as the condi faith in him. He was the nobleman's taken in combination with various
1, The nobleman in this storywas
of high rank and dignity in the royal
Pa," in his wi e s nn s " was gradually strengthened up to the
year 1903, in which year the Republic
contributed 72 per cent. of the world's
The two "middle" boys paused in Beneath the cover was a layer of Gue1 Gthe uelph, for seed ry his purpose.
their struggle Inc food to gaze, pop- snowy paper through which something ' p p
eyed at their unfamiliar and serenely blue and white shimmered softly. "You
smiling mother. Pretty Molly Ma -used to wear one like that," Pa man -
expressed her astonishment: "Mercy, aged to say awkwardly. as she lifted
Ma; how could the waythe house out s tch a The crop producing capacity of
M , e ld you, h t t dress as she certainly had many an acre in Ontario has during
looks!" not possessed in the memory of her the past season been reduced by
Pa Mahoney, slower of perception astonished and admiring children. twenty-five per cent. This is too
than his offspring, dropped his knife,
while . a stern frown darkened his
countenance, Ho was emphatic in de-
nouncing the gadding ways of women,
was Jim Mahoney. Could it be that
Ma, most sensible and docile of crea-
tures, would dare to defy his author-
Like a born diplomat Ma hastened
to present her evidence. "The. speaker
wanted a place to hold her nesting in
our neighborhood. It is a fine atten-
tion to pay out community, but the
women seemed to shy to invite her.
Said I to myself: `If some of the estah-
"It's true," she exclaimed in an awed heavy a charge against the land and
whisper, "as trueas'fate itself!" only the rich fellows can stand the
"What's true?" ''questioned Pa, who losses occasioned by weeds. -
was.looking for more of a demonstra- Keep weeds off the farm by plow -
tion. ing all the land that you intend to ton of faith, They will not accept a'last and only hope.
"Why," significant developments under way at
said Ma, corrin to herself, plow immediate) after harvest. Cult'- Messiah who does not perform mfracu- 2. This is the first step toward a P y
g e seIf,� Y
"that I have the kindest husband and rate as frequently as possible with lous deeds. They will' not believe in higher .faith. Ito crates in' the realm the present time, would seem to lee -
God except when the see extraordin-of the intellect. `Except ye sea signs sage a supplanting of the Republic by
the best children in all the world!"( the springtooth' up to the end of Oe P y „
At the appointed hour for the meet -1 tober. In early November rib up the ary manifestations, This is in accord-+ and wonders, ye will not believe. the Dotninion, and a supremacy Inc
ing the women poured in. If the land that the weed roots may be ex once with the whole Jewish belief that what are the facts? What is the Canada in this regard in the not far
God is outward, and that he is out- I truth? What principle is involved? distant future.
speaker for the afternoon had lacked posed to the' weather. Ribbing attach- wardly revealed, It would appear, I What law explains the phenomenon?'
inspiration, she certainlycould have meets can be laced on the s ria hese are the ciuestions aur scientific A POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT.
P P P g therefore, that our Lord saw an the T
found it in the radiant face of Mary tooth cultivator which makes it nos- healing of the sick, a possible hind -`age specializes in. The heart of this Canada's development as a country
Mahoney. sible to cover a large area in a day, ranee to his spiritual work, and that; lesson is not the healing of the hoy, of wheat :exports belongs strictly to
Pretty Molly, demurely serving the] Insist on careful cleaning of the he oniv healed as necessity arose. He but the inspiring of the boy's father the post-war ora, belonging, in fact,
lished families in our street don't take tea and sandwiches, filled her mother's' threshing machine before it comes to wssheca to lead men to see that God is, with a true faith, to the most recent years of this eras
up such things folks are naturally go- heart with pride. The children hover-' your farm. See that all farm ma inwardly and spiritually revealed. In'3. From believing the stories about Exports of flour from Canada in 1919
ing to think us a poor locality. They ing in the background were orderly; ebinery is free from the roots of peren- the wilderness, he had renounced the Jesus, the nobleman passes to a higher amounted to only 4,832,189 barrels
desire to make his own consciousness stage of belief, that of trusting in the
won't want to be moving their families and clean to an unheard of degree. nial weeds before going to another of divine sonship dependent on out- word of Jesus. Jesus would be loved valuUnited at 320,581,979, of which the
in here. We own our place, which not Benny Boy was conspicuous by hisfield, ward or miraculous chances and hence not for his benefits, but Inc himself,
our own advantage to be public t has dobe me good to be bore,"1 Rough Handling Decreases
everywhere the same spiritual con- Jesus had spoken.' 19,•#30 erre!: worth e8, 7.16, and tlse
spirited.' " declared the pretty speaker, as she. Hog Values, eeptiena of God. 4 The highest and final faith is British West Indies 68G,OSG uaLiels
The threatening frown on Jim Ma- held Ma's hand in pasting. It is the', 4, . In the present case, however, 3,0..",9. IIF the :a.=. fres]
honey's face gradually relaxed during mothers like you who work with their' A four-page leaflet has been issued Jesus is faced not by a demand for action. "Ha believed fully, altogether, year the exports of flour front Canada
astonishing recital. "That's so, I heads and hearts and hands who are by the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture `signs, but by a father's agony, and 9n h Jesus, not f ' Thisihie
this totalled 21,711,9217 barrels worth 30'3;
guess, he admitted, feeling as if some dong the real things, Mrs. Mahoney,"
(Live Stock Branch) guided by which he such iconsents
sure no shadthe owst. There is ofdoubt that P " avowed783,1]8, having incrrased to his vol-
the farmer and breeder may shi included his whole house." Vital
one had unexpectedly patted him on "But I couldn't have done it if they! manydoIla'rs. It inout that save Itis Father wills the result, and Jesus faith is contagious, and infinitely more ume from 7,41,,282 barrel 'earth $G3, -
the Back, hadn't all helped,"remonstrated Ma, hog easily subject hat the says to the officer, "Go, your son' who',esome than discouragement or 478,1`x0 in 1922.
"But the house, Ma," protested thinking only. of her initial flight into' iss y ub]ec to bruises, which liver." It is not even necessary Inc pessimism, Faith in Jesus is then a Canadian flour at the present time
Molly, who prided herself that she the realms of social er 'hence. "Molly, of course mean depreciation in value. Jesus to go in person to the house. threefold process of growth, based on is going to practically every cbtintry
could see farther into most things took care of Benny Boy and made the Rough handling is one of the causes,
L. THE BOWER OF FAITH, 61-64. facts, inspired by personal trust, and of the world. The United Kingdom is
either of her parents- tea, spread the sandwiches and dusted) and one that leads to thousands of Vs 51-53. The event roves as Jesus coming to its fulfilment in right de- the most voluminous pard,, z:er, hay -
„ , And all the children have been so' hogs being placed on the market p visions, uplifting influence and noble
Well have everything anis and had said. The nobleman is met on his deeds. ing accounted in the past };at for 4,'
span and it will look well enough,', good. I really haven't had anything to' inflicted with bruises. Since, says the, way by servants who report the joyous 234,084 barrels of the total c ports
sured her mother cheerfully, "No do except enjoy myself!" Ileaflet, 2,500,000 hogs are slaughtereditidings that the boy has passed the a whilst 221,641 barrels went to tli. Un
th k' 11 ' ited States, or only about one thi:•.l ai
much its in the previous year. Tin
outstanding features of the yt r':
trade, which continue to have i oin•
' canoe, were the trade with German
and with the countries of the0,.i.,1:(
Borden's. screen door slant. Pa Ma- q„ired a bit supeictls",,et P d d where he had sr nt the afternoon n some in Jesus w' Germany's imports of Cane'lj n flour
many folks do in the street, and it's to silence. he seeks to create in the hearts of men "And the man believed the word that worth $11,984,e42, the Ieeited States
that which moves the will to decisive worth 82,73
back porch when she heard Sarah "What shall you
wear?" Moll
in- fined it was ascertained that f ' s m a lovers
r .BEI/,,16�
honey had. sauntered down street, the not often take sides withY. Ma against playing with Benny Boy and surrepti-! eases the carcasses were depreciated! What appears ns another tradition FRIEND DANDELION TELLS THE last year amounted to Irl, ,I:; i f,a -
older children had disappeared, their tsously listening to the talk through a, much as five dollars in value, and, of the same incident is given in Matt. TIME. refs, whereas in the plc u ; e a; r rh,ay
this pretty daughter, and the present the open windows. "You keepthat the average loss amounted to. 8.6-13 and Luke 7:1-10. But in Mat- were only 9,tltib,• (19 b::rrc:: , and ir
mother had not had time to inquire as exception was unique. pan your 60per head. In cattle, the hew and Luke, the man is said to be
to their destination. The two young-
"The hostess isn't supposed to dress togs, Ma, and we'll listen down to the posses-, a militaryofficer and he does not be- I was in the meadow yesterday, 11'32, 319,232 barrels. Chien. »'rid;
est had been' put to bed. PP park to -night and to the band stop of horns is often the cause of Where the birds and the bees were all this year has junrpcd ill,' :.l on
like the others. I' have a light calico „much injury and consequent loss. long to the Jewish people. All the at la';
play, he suggested rather shyly for, j y q more remarkable is his faith which play; the list of buyers at C t iiia flour.
Evidently indignation had not de- wrapper that hasn't been washed d lay on the grass to look at the sky last 3
a man given to the arbitrary ruling of evokes from Jesus the surpassing tri- year imported 401.990 h:,rre:;
parted from the heart of Sarah Bor- many times, and with my nice white his household. "Molly will get sup-' Storing Apples. bate, "Solemnly 1 say to you, I have And I counted the cloud -ships floating against 1,388,0114 barrels in the pre-
dmt, by. vious year and 03,992 in 1922. Jew:
youapron I will all right."
peryoung Dealingwith the storingof a in Israel so
"It's a burning, shame couldn't "Will theyeat?" questioned the ni,htn1 guesafter the oun ones to- pules, fn th as this.VenVo may profitably ndd , increased its Canadian flour imports.
have been there," she began ns soon"middle"boys'in chorus. „ gu „ „ the Dominion Horticulturist, M. W. T. to our stud of the resent incident It was lore] I'd ata those for ah
as they were seated. "That. talk was "Just a cup' of tea and a bit ofl Sura, I will, agreed Molly. You yIacoun, says that if the fruit is not the lessons vhfch may be drawn from ways end all y from 47,f19 barrel in 19°'3 to t11 9(Sf
just intended for you, Mary Mahoney. bread and butter to make it seem so-, . d ,,up and get Pa's other clothes disposed of at onto, it should, as soon these other accounts, They show us ,And a no nttentfon should an a in 1923. Hong Kong in the stn per-
iod increased its imports from 50,7Se
barrels to 371,842 barrels,
There are about 1,250 mills in Can•
And there close by was the Children's nda at the present time engaged in the
Clock— manufacture of flour, with an estimate
Dear old Friel Dandelion gone to ed capacity of 40,000,000 barrels of
seed; flour per annum. The domestic con•
Who dares to call it a troublesome sumption is less than 10,000,000 bar•
n know it ss her or some of of himam ty pressed to her„calm. This autumn the temperature should be self the'special agent of God's redeem- 'weed?
rels per annum, which leaves all ex•
them, too, she added generously. time she was standing before her mix- kept as cool as possible, but in the win- ing power in Israel and among num- � portable surplus with the mills rust.
Sarah has a fine parlor and her newt tor, well, radiant, her hair waved back ter it should not be allowed to go be_ ]rind. He is conscious of his divine I Plucked the beautiful, slivery fluff' nmg all year at full capacity of near.]
dishes, ,but she hasn't a grown-up; becomingly, the blue dress shining be -i low 32 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The cull as the Son of God, and in, the "Now tell me, old dear, when it's time threetvhat was actually export-
who knows how things ought' low her blue eyes, And she and Pa cooler apples are kept without freeze strength of that calling, and in the enough! a year. The entry of new inter-
be, to help her.' were going out tggether• ) 'i the better. If kept t knowledge of his awn perfect guidance Should I start for home?” I blew, the ests into the field, notahly in Western
Only to think," murmured Ma Ma- while , , e ea i. s a seed folk, Canada, is calculatedo ye further
honey with a sort of reverent wonder,' the room is cool there is no danger of Father will assuredly fulfillh n aire-
days. It was clear that she had had deeply gratifying, "You leave fixing` easy] There'll be no telling," she add ped rin tissue
"rgnrivs nansr is wrap- encu, and angels ofou t>Gcendinsee n Thry q1I flew away mrd I plainly heard all over the world coupled with an eg-
g g
very little to say about her own lila, the -house for Saturday morning and' ed with a deep content "what all my'
I had as.much as T could do not to ciable, Sarah Bordon will bo proud as it is picked or packed, be put where what a great value Jesus placed on call.
come back here' and take you—wash- to loan me the cups and plates to here In her room upstairs Mary Mahoney, the temperature can be controlled and faith. Jesus wished men to see God
ing, baby and all—to that 4rtewash new. china,,, - listened the labored preparations the fruit kept cool. A cellar often aright, and to believe in his perfectly "
She said we musn't tie ourselves down Pa Mahoneyopened his lips,. but, for supper going on below. Eight rep- answers the purpose of a store room, holy and loving will. He wished them Still, I thought, I'd bettor be sure
p P 1 arate times before had she remained but for most varieties a well ventilated
to 'believe that all things are possible Tick! Tack.'
to our kitchen tables, although she be- closed them again without words hav-! in this room listening to the household room above round with compelativel for God, and that no limitscan be set
sieves in good housekeeping all right. ing come to his assistance. I machiner which always creaked and-'gn to the power of believing prayer when
She wants us to hold meetings in our "The others were all afraid to invite y Y � dry air, the temperature of which can Hien are asking not for "signs" but
own houses, but. we were all afraid to her." Once s werhed Ma seemed to' ibly this tither'supervising guidance. be kept low, is the hest. Apples such for grace and help, in time of need.
But this time she was net helpless and as Russets that shrivel easily, keep Equally necessary is it to remember
evi hard She acquainted must
get t0- delight in dilating upon the subject•' weary with a warm new little bundle better in a moist atmosphere. In the that Jesus was conscious of being him -
g g q with each A d I d f g
other and with our own front rooms!
'You needn't drift whichever way the
wind blows,' she said. 'You can con-
trol your own life if yoy really want
to and go about it right.' " •
"How does she say we can do it'?" This limo vett Mol' experienced,Is sg e e , ep to a private by the wits of Cod h r 1 e th t t t f tl
Mrs. w does s mindylooked o ba?"' in company with her sire, a nyhouse, care should be taken that while whatever he wills for man'good,theOne! Two And three! 'Tis thechile enhance the importance of the fluur-
wearily over the day just spent nidi of being patted upon her straight "that I've brought all this about just frost, Also there will be less danger vious lesson we read that he said to di'me's joke! milling industry, which, with the gen-
over n countless procession of similar young back and the sensation was WTth my mind! And it's been that f d' if h fruit h' disciples, "Y shall
oral favor Canadian flout bus found
and descending upon the Son of man." A fairy speaking with low, sweet gr essrve txxtde penetration, should 3
"Ton just do it with your mind," ex- I'!1 help, Ma," site volunteered with a family may accomplish nolo I'm put- Bj C.r W th S t This means that Jesus, as the Messiah,
- Clover. God's unseen agencies of grace and ""She's calling, ealling you, calling
Summer comes and away goes the ening come into communication tmt you, clear,
Beans With Bugs In. blue -grass pasture, Shttllowaooted human life, lly him our prayers In the sweetest music you aver shall
ascend to the Father, and through him
Every winter comes a flood of come crop that it le, it cannot withstand a there descent] to us pardon, light, heal- hear!
plaints about bean weevils—the little drought very long, ing and peace. He is, as we read, in When the Mothers csli it is high time
black hugs found stored ie beans. The fact of the matter is that no another pier+, "The way, the truth,' to fly,
0f course, after the bugs appear, it blu" grass pasture should be permitted and the life." For a mother's love is so deep and so
is too late to do much, but if our read- (0 grow hV itself, Why not go over ell DISEASE AND xvzu mars. high,
ere, when putting beetle away in fall, tie lisstures and drill in a little ;west In the religion of the prophets there So wide and so wonderful, blessed and "
would only use carbon bisulphide, they cover? This Should be done au the was no room ler evil spirits. God fill- • sweet— 5omebody'll Get Stena.
would have no trouble. spring for best results. I have seen ed for them the whale held of vision. When her voice says Come! You put
This item tells how: farmers practicing this and they do But the people retained a superstitious wings on your feet."
Weevils can be killed in beans and not have to repeat the ope :ion Inc regard for demons and spirits. People!
peas by the use of carbon bisulphide. several years afterward, Ma: cover, dreaded malignant spirits and sought So 1 ran and I ran,and I flew,flew,
To treat these put them in a jar; tub `the blue .grass is all the hello.and to placate then by gifts, Lev, 17:7; flew w'
stronger for the companionship Deut. 32:17, These frequented waste As the fair advised: Wouldn't
or other vassal which can be covered 6 panionsh!e of ed
tightly. Put into a glass about one Trgume, for it profits by the arldorl Th y lived inhtl,etairccndtinithsl wilder -
wouldn't you? Poe?
nitrogen, Y w der -
teaspoonful of carbon bisulphide Inc nese; they tortuved man and 3least, —Bessie Bonbright.
each ten gallons of space in the en-. Just ar soon as the sweet clover is Christianity was born into a world m
closure and place'the glass in with well started the blue grass 'hecemcs infested by demons, like the world the "Palen
products cost more than the
the beans. Allow them to ;einem in' snore robust, 11 may mat beeline: deep- Dutch missionaries entered iii the Bast used to." "Yes," replied the farmer.,
the' fumes of the carbon bisulphide' rooted, bate because of its increased Indies (Warnccl,'s Living Perces of�""When a farms is s et..
over night, shell take then' out and nitrogen supply, it is more resistant the Cwspel). Spirits acted singly, but apposed to ltnow
lace in drystore a quarters. Do net to Brough or to severe winter weather;they were also orgauizc d in a,great in-! the botanical name of what he's raisin'
P g q ovisible kmgdont of curl forces, with and the entosnologteal name of the tn-
take lamps or lighted Matches near and all the time the sweet clover con. Satan at iheir head. Hengelo cast sect that eats it, alt' the p!sarmaceuti-
Supper tate material, and do not breathe the tittues, to store more nitrogro while
tirety a tan breath. each out n demon was more than deliver- eel name of the chemic»] that will kill
g year the grass improves. --G IT, ancc for the victim; it was a blow it, somebody's got to pay."
plained Sarah in an awed tone, lou
Blue Grass
new respectful willingness in her
"You may make the tea and the
sandwiches," agreed her mother with
a, proud smile, ''and serve them when
the time comes,"
Friday passed as if on wings of
magic, and though Mnry Mahoney still
raced with the cock, it was a jubilant
watfare. -"It's working," she whisper-
ed over and over, "just as certain as
fate, it's working. Whoever would
have believed it? And just to think of
all the years I've lost!"
Instead of appearing at supper -tinge
in answer to a call of hunger, Molly
cane directly home from school to
make a critical survey of the field of
action, and while they Iaid their plaits
she helped prepare the evening meal.
Pa was late to supper, coating in
sheepishly with a box under his arm,
"Guess you don't need to borrow
(Helms. from the neighbots," he an-
nounced, recklessly clearing a space
beside Ma's plate to set the box.
Su er was suspendedwhile alt ex-
cited group watched breathlessly as times.
ting my mind to it.
1 Wee will he found to he the means by which flour exports,
further swell the volume of Canadian
think out just what you'd like to do
and how you'd like to have things. And healing t i t' with
then you go right on acting as if it
was so,' And first thing you know
things will be coming out that way."
"`That ' sounds like 'made'believe'
when we were children," murmured
Mat reminiscently. Then indignation
evercame her long-suffering soul.
"Maybe that kind of thing evil, work
for that speaker -woman," she exclaim-
ed scornfully. "But what'd she de,
I'd like'ta know, if she' hadn't a decent
dud to her book and got only a growl
when she asked far anything? What'd
she'd* if she couldn't make her chil-
dren mind,` and if she had more work
than two women could do and no one
Willing to help her do a hand's turn?
How much do you Suppose thinking
would help then—tell me that—Sarah
'"1.1 don't knew,": admitted Sarah
faintly, rendered almost spenehlees by
this amazing and unprecedented out -
Mary Mahoney
130g—"Where away, Mr. Mesquite^"
Amos Sltetto—"Oh, for the benefit
of science, I'm going to make it few
blood tests,"
In growing asters, root lice suck the
juices from the roots of the plant. It
took use several seasons to learn holo
to get the best of these insects, but
note 1 don't worry about them. I just
sprinkle tobacco dust over the soil and
give it a good soaking.—M.G.K.
o -
If eve cheese to be no more than
clods of elny, then we shall be used as
clods of clay for braver feet to tread'
on. --Marie Corelli.