HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-9-10, Page 3seaseesease A,l%q;rta Blotter for .the English Market; Aa importer of butter five yearn ago and now au extensive exporter, 1s the outstanding aellievenent of the Pro - vines of Alberta. While tills s ltuati0 n 13 no unpleesing to the Government and the dairy interests at large, it has brought about many perplexing problem In regard to the marketing of the surplus product. As the domea- tic market is somewhat limltod, ot• farts have been made to widen the foreign markets, especially in the. Eastern provinces and the United States. Sales in these markets; how- ever, were not as am:easeful as antiot- patod, and 1t was therefore decided to cultivate the English trade, With this end in view, trial ehip. silents of Alberta butter were made from Edmonton and Calgary to Van- couver and reshipped from there by steamer to the Old Country, via the Panama Canal, It was doubtful if the initial shipment would. arrive at its destination in good condition, but ad- vices front London were to the effect that the butter had arrived in an ex- cellent state of preservation and had been quickly disposed of on the Eng - Hell ell market. the public being favor- ably impressed with the splendid (Mality, color and taste. The success of thisinitial venture was very encouraging to the dairy In- terests of Alberta, who now began to see their way clear to disposing of all the butter Alberta could export, Fur- ther shipments were made, : and as 01 they also were favorably received, it was clearly seen that regular ship- ments of Alberta butter to the United Kingdom, vlo Vancouver and the Pan - ansa Canal, were not only feasible but profitable. High Standard of Quality. In order to foster the goodwill of this new maritet, it was necessary to assure the English dealers that the quality of the butter would always be kept at`the same high standard as the initial shipments and that there would be no letting up In the quantity available for export. As regards the quality of Alberta's butter, it may be said that it is of the highest and is rigidly inspected and graded by Gov- ernment experts. Although prizes for butter won by Albertan exhibitors in competition with other provinces of the Dominion do net necessarily im- ply that all the butter produced 1n the province is of the same high quality as the winning exhibit, the following results of various dairy butter com- petitions during the past few years are of interest: In 1922, the province won 2)9 out of 436 prizes offered, 64% of which were lints; in 1923, the pro- vince won 227 out of 452 prizes offer- ed, 62.8% of which were firsts. Estimated Production 18,000,000 lbs. In respect to production and quan- tity available for export the province Is in an exceptionally favorable posi- tion. Production has steadily in- creased frees year to year, and in 1923 totalled 17,750,000 lbs., representing the output of 75 creameries, as com- pared with 15,417,000 lbs.. In the pre- vious year. For 1924, it is estimated Production will total over 18,000,000 lbs. It is interesting to note that 68% of Alberta's butter output last year was produced in the territory north of Red Deer and the balance-32%south of that town. Whether or not the British market will solve Alberta's problem of dis- posing of the surplus, butter produc- tion 1s largely in the hands of,the ex- porters. It rests with them to see that the quality of the butter is al- ways maintained at a high standard are so re and that the shipments . gu gated as to ensure a steady supply. If this is done, there Is no reason why Alberta butter manufacturers should not always have a steady and profit- able market in Great Britain. They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships. "They that go down to the sea in whips!" Vikings and corsairs, free and bold! Brown -bearded men with twisted lips; Manning the caravels of old! Sailing the seven seas to find Land or treasures, or oceans new; Santa' Maria and Golden Hind, Cruising over the unknown blue! +'They that go down to the sea In ships l" Red-handed, black -hearted buccan- eers! Swaggering rascals with jibes and qulpa ' For the prayers of men and for wog men's tears! Bailing along the Spanish Main; Sinking galloons, sacking towns! Merciless, picturesque sons of Cain, Careless of crimes the deep sea drowns! ED ROS For COFIFEE P peo �'ru.�ar P Xe, arl.. Roasted and packed salme c.a day in airtight cans tlEALTri EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Prov lolel Baird of Health, OMarie Sr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions ah Peblee Iitealth bre through this column. Address Wig eh Spading Hotw, Spa/tY fhe neat, Toronto Only by the strictest adherence to quarantine regulations can dangerous communicable diseases be kept at a minimum. Those abusing the com- mon welfare are public nuisances and should be prosecuted as such. 'The vast majority of people are willing and editions to assist the Health Department in observing quar- antine laws, but there seem to be a few persons scattered throughout every district who have no health con- science—that is, they do not seem to realize the importance of any pre- ventive or quarantine measures to pre- vent or curtail the spread of commun- icable disease. Just recently I met a peculiar, but alas, all too common type of individual whose daughter had contracted scarlet fever. He was not at all willing to keep her isolated after the actual fever had passed away, his reason be- ing that she had got the disease from somebody else and somebody else again could get it from her. A most despic- able attitude, you will say and yet knowing that such people are about, can you wonder at the unsatisfactory results obtained sometimes even when the health authorities do their best to "They that go down to the sea in ships!" Master mariners of to -day! Plying the flag of peace which dips Tu ov'ry harbor and ev'ry bay! Heralds of eonnnerce, undismayed, Whose barques the farthest waters rides Hail to the carriers of tradola--- A thousand keels 0n eV'ry tide! ---Clarence Mansfield Lindsay. If the money getters would line up, behind theknowledgegetters, and all pull together in a definite, well -organ - feed plata we'd raise the standards of human life higher than the mostfan- tastie imaginatiotl ever dreamed they Mild be raised. educate the public as to the dangers of communicable diseases, and try to get public support and "ho -operation in carrying out measures that are neces- sary for the public welfare. A few days ago in a Michigan town two cases of scarlet fever were re- ported by a citizen. When the state medical inspector arrived on the scene he actually Sound six cases. This state of affairs showed a gross laxity on the part of somebody, and as a result an epidemic of scarlet fever is now threatening that district. The despatch states that the blame for the situation in this Michigan town can be traced to abject carelessness on the part of the local health officer. But for the efforts of a former health officer, the schools would probably have to close their doors. Quarantine has been very poorly observed in the municipality, and on one of the persons disregard- ing it, a fine of fifteen dollars has al- ready been imposed. It seems incon- ceivable that such vital things as health regulations should be disre- garded in this day and age. If ignor- ance is bliss, then bliss is short-lived if the ignorance concerns itself with health matters. World's Biggest Window Pane. The largest sheet of plate glass in existence Is to bo seen at the British Empire Exhibition. This mammoth window pane had an adventurous journey from Yorkshire to London. Being much too large for carriage by rail—for the sheet Mea- sures 14ft. by 2451.—it had to be trans- ported In an enormous lorry towed by a steam tractor. A special route had to be mapped out for the journey, and, many detours were necessary to avoid bridges too low for the giant crate in which the glass was packed. - The area of this immense pane is 336 square feet, and the handling of so large a sheet of glass at Wembley was no light task, in spite of the fact that special apparatus had been in- stalled for the purpose. At the works the problem was solved by means of conveyors, equipped with huge suckers resembling the tentacles of a giant octopus, A voice from an unseen presence close beside .me said solemnly: "One who is good because he fears to be bad is not good at all."—Sifted Through. Man's boldness and woman's cau- tion make an excellent business ar- rangement.—Elbert Hubbard. "Whence Cometh My )Help" I Alt beside the )alto's blue loveliness, ji4y .thoughts upon its deep tranquil - lit)', Till little cares anti fears are strange- IY lost, And Aoiuothing of its peace .ilowe in - tome, Certainly Well Trained. Hubby—"R'hy are you So certain you can run the car?" Wifie—"Haven't I handled a vacuum cleaner for nearly two years?" Speeding UpP� roduction. An old Chinaman, delivering laun- dry in a mining camp, heard a noise and espied a huge brown bear sniffing his tracks in the newly fallen snow. "'Huh!" he gasped. "You likee my tracks, I makee some more." When the bright side is out it not only looks well bat reflects the sin - thine. MVP Refresh, ' - Yourself Says the Hostes$ Order a case from your I. grocer. Keep se", a few bottles in your ice 41 box. box. y Drink 3 Delicious and Refreshing 14 The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd. Head O}Rcc: Toronto I w1{knee-deep t r 'moa dow•g rass and Beware, Beside a little gaily -lilting spring, Ti11 gaiety and gong fill all my heart And little griefs that nested there take wing. I turn my eyes towards the Inlet -veiled hills, Until I draw from those .vast out- lines. dim, A portion of the strength and poise of God, For are not all these things a part of Him? '-Oonstane I, Davies, BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND Mrs. David Gagne, St. Godfrey, Que., writes;—"I have : used Baby's Own e little Tablets for my three ] tt e ones and have found them such an excellent medicine that X alwayo keep them on hand and would strongly advise, all other mothers to do the same thing." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which quickly relieve consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote that healthful refreshing sleep which makes the baby thrive. They are sold by all medicine dealere or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Blood, Red and Blue and Green. It is not a mere figure of speech to speak of the iron in man's blood. That is partly if not wholly responsible for the color of human blood and perhaps in come inexplicable way is the cource -or a source—of the superiority that the Mammalia possesses over lower forms of life, Professor Barcroft, an eminent English biologist, whose stud- ies in the coloring matter of blood have brought much fresh information to light, is quoted in the London Tinges as follows: Blood is not necessarily red. We cannot tell why it should not have been green. Indeed, among higher animals there are occasional speci- mens that tend in that direetien. S have seen, for Instance, a rat with brown blood. The cuttlefish has blue blood, or blood that is sometimes blue. Just as human blood changes its color each time it traverses the lungs, so that of the cuttlefish changes each tinge it is driven through the creature's gills. Our blood is purple when it reaches our lungs, red when it leaves them. Cuttlefish blood is colorless when it passes to the gills, blue when it leaves them. Again, there is a star- fish in the bleed of which you can see colors of the most diverse type— brown, purple, green, lemon yellow and Indigo blue. The brown becomes green when it loses its oxygen. These colors, owing to their power of carrying oxygen, enable an animal to grow large. Insects have no color in their blood, and they remain small. The mollusks singled out a blue pig- ment for their use—a'color dependent on the copper that it contained. These creatures reached their highest de- velopment in the massive, but almost mindless, cuttlefish. The higher ani- mals (vertebrates) chose iron -contain- ing colors and have become the higher types of creation. 3 Two Good Reasons. Pat is so fond of expressing his views on subjects of national import- ance that if he cannot get a listener It does not upset him at all, he just talks to himself. He was a gardener, and bis employ- er, at gnat, got very fed up with the man's conetant mutterings, and one day said to him: "Pat, doesn't it ever occur to you that your constant mutterings and talking to yourself are a great annoy- ance to other people? Why do you talk to yourself?" "Shure, sir," replied the Irishman, "I have two reasons for that" "What are your reasons?" "One of them," replied Pat, "is that I like to talk to 8 sensible man, and the other that 1 like to hear a sens- ible man talk." Wins ipe wsboy Wins o11ox's Ben Loban, once a Winnipeg news- boy, - who has just completed three years scholarship at the Royal. Academy of Music, London, where he won two bronze and two silver medals as well as the final certificates of merit. This he accomplished in two and a half years, six months less than the usual time, Loban is 22 years of age, and has played, before the Prince of Wales and Princess Louise. He commenced his studies at the Columbia Conservatoire at Winnipeg. • The photograph was taken as he boarded the Canadian Pacific S.S. Montrose on his way home to Canada. TOO MANY HOME CBES One Reason Why so Many Wo- men Are Weak and Run -Down. The work of the woman in the home makes greater demands on her vitality than men realize, and there is always something more to do. No wonder women's .backs ache, and their nerves are worn out. No wonder why they get depressed and irritable, suffer from headaches, and always feel out of sorts. But of course all women are not like that. What is the difference? A woman with plenty of healthy red blood in her veins finds work in the home easy; her vitality is at par. This points the. way to health In women who feel run down and depressed. Make new rich blood, You can do it with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These pills have the marvellous property of building up the blood and toning up the nerves. That is proved by the case of Mrs. H. Eppinger, Scott Street, Vancouver, B.C., wbd my reach; so I decided upon " Dr, Williams' Pink Pills brought back a ver y good substitute. My husband my health and strength and restored my nerves to normal condition after monde a pine box 48 by 20 by 18 inches, oilier medicines had failed. It was hinging on a cover securely and fas-i after the birth of my second child twa The outside was given a walnut stain,t tening casters on the bottom corners.; TALAO MEETS TEST FOR OVER YEARS "Tim more I know about Tanlac Ute more I feel like praisiug it " says Mrs, Samuel Shelly, 56 Wood St,, Twenty, Out., Cauado.. "I always take Tanlac when l begin to feel runit has met my health needs for the past three years, "For years before I learned 01 Tan - lac I was in such en awful rundown condition that at times I would get so weak and nervous I couldn't do my house work. I was down to almost a skeleton and still losing weight all the time. Headaches nearly drove me manufacturers of Tanlac, mad and X had a slekly, sallow com- plexion, "Taillike Eats increased my weight 14 pounds, and has given me a wonderful appetite, My nerves are steady. 1 slsop well an wave health and strength that makes life a pleasure." Taillike is for sale by all good drug. gists. Accept no substitute, Over 401 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills for eonstipar tion; made and recommended by the EASY TRICKS Nine In A Row 1313111©© EI4� El II12 BEIM ri ©EI© Frei© ©©© Draw on a large sheet of paper the design shown at the lett. Place In each square (except the middle one) three coins, matches, buttons or other counters. Call to your friends' attention the fact that no matter how the counters are counted, there are nine counters in each row. The problem is to take away four counters and rearrange so that there are still nine matches in each row. The second problem is to return the four and four more and rearrange again to get nine matches in each row. The third probtem is to add four more counters and again rearrange to get nine in each row. The illus- tration shows the method. (0109 this out and paste it, with other of the 'erica. in a scrapbook.) • A SUBSTITUTE FOR CEDAR CHFSTS. I had always longed for a real cedar chest for storing furs and Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. ho says:— eyonwoolens, but always felt it just a little FOrs SALE. Gt H E A 1', ON EASY TERMS, only $500 down or secured, bal- ance at 7%. Imoproved farm, 125 acres in Township of Ekfrid, County of Mid- dlesex' mixed soil, sand and clay loam; brick {rouse with.frame out -buildings. About a' mile west of Middlemiss. Ad- dress: M. J, -Kent, Box 419, London, Ontario. AGENTS WANTED. MI0 MATTER HOW SMALL Olt 1 ` large the place you live in You can make money as our Agent. Tem to Twenty -Five Dollars weekly for any lady with a few' hours to spare. One dollar for sample outfit starts you In business, Resident Agent wanted in every town and village to take or - dere for Ladies' House Frocks, Porch Aprons, etc.; direct from Manufacturer to Wearer. We deliver and collect. Send One Dollar for sample outfit and shake 'hands with success! W. R. Jar)nain & Co., Manufacturer of House Frocks, Porch Aprons, Wash Dresses, etc., London, Ontario. Dangerous. Aunt Ann Allenby proudly showed Uncle Lije her birthday present. It was of silver and shaped something like a spatula, but broadened consider- ably toward the handle. Uncle Lije inspected it with curiosity. "What is it?" he asked. "Haven't you any idea?" "Not the least in the world." "Well," said Aunt Ann, "It's a pie knife." "I haven't any use for it," declared Uncle Lije. "'It's too wide. I couldn't eat pie with it about euttin' n1Y mouth." I became so anaemic and nervous that then a coat of orange shellac, and { 1 thought I would lose my mind as well lastlya good rub with wax paste. as my strength. I tried several medi- cines, but got no relief until I was ad-; vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. of cedar, using a generous quantity After using a few boxes of ihace I and allowing it to soak into the pine. could see a change. I felt stronger;:{ When dry I lined the chest with ga- my appetite was better, I slept better, pers and it has answered every pur- and my nerves were stronger. I con.' Pose of a cedar chest so far as moths tinned the use of the pills for some • are concerned and looks very well be - time, and again found myself a well sides. woman, and 1 can sincerely say that I have it sitting under a window my health has since been the best. I and, with a sofa or pillow or two, it is can cheerfully recommend the pills to frequently used as a window seat, so all weak, run down women." it really does double duty You can get these pills from your druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box An ancient Greek rule of diet was: from The Dr,malWilliams' can ins Co„ ! ems, people should take little food and it should be fat; but fat people Brookville, Ont, should take much food and it should First Sunday School Founded be lean." by a Woman. Sunday School Day, which has just been observed by more than 30,000,000 scholars and teachers in England, is a celebration that contrasts with the humble beginnings of the movement. Sunday schools were formally found- ed by Robert Raikes, a Gloucester printer and publisher, who, In 1780, no- ticing some urchins playing in the street on a Sunday morning, collected a number of them and formed them into a class for private religious in- struction. His account ot the innovation, pub- lished in the Gloucester Journal, was copied by the Loudon press, and in this way the great Sunday school sys- tem was launched. A statue of Raikes is on the Thames embankment. But 1t Is wrong to credit him with being the sole originator ot the idea. The honor rightly• belongs to Hannah Bala of High Wycombe, who opened a Sunday class in 1769. in Great Britain and Ireland there are approximately 51,000 Sunday schools, 690,000 officers and teachers, Frankte's Reason. and 6,670,000 scholars -In all, 7,360,000 As Frankie stood beside his mother, persons. Froin these figures it would who was making some purchases, the appear that one in every six a' seven l - grocer told hint to help himself to a of the entire population of G handful or nuts. But Iankie shook taiu and Ireland attends Sunday his best}. school "Why, what's the natter?" asked The present membership shows a the grocer. "Don't you like nuts?" decrease compared with that of ten "Yes," replied Frankie. years ago of about 900,000. "Well, go ahead and take some," Something New in Soup, Frankie hesitated, whereupon the 'oat Br grocer put a generous handful in James, age Frenkie's pocket. When they left the shop; his mother first course was turkey soup with mac - I turned to bee small son and asked: aroni In it. The aunt noticed Jaynes "Why did you not take the nuts when teas 1103. eating' the kind man asked You?" "What is the hatter, dear?" she " 'Cause his hand was bigger than asked' "Don't you like turkey soup?" nine!" Frankie replied. , "011, yes," answered tbo boy, "1 like ,� a._ __-.- it when mother makes it. pile doesn't The roar of a waterfall is prrd',ccd put the windpipes in like you do." d live, was eating Sun- day dinner at his aunt's house, The by the bursting of millions of air bubbles. I When ordering goods by mail send k cod caught off the Newfoundland coast was 6 ft. D in, long and wei 'hod Il is only through labor and power - DD lbs, ful effort, by grit- energy and t'eso- lute courage titai: we move to better Minard's Liniment Relieves Pain, i things,-- Fra"k -.. Vttnderlip. a Dominion Express Money Order, Say "Bayer" 9 - Insist! For Pain. Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds r„ Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" 'boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin is thetrade mark (registered In nansda) et Bayer Manufacture et Mena aoeticacldester of Salieyllcsdd ID jNEYou iCaatin ink' i ii* tv New Eyes out you can Promote a Clean, Healthy Candidata Use Morino Eye Remedy "Night and' Morning." ifeep your Eyes Cleats, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care t36ok. Madan i:YS 6aaaedY Se„9 taut Odie St;c1t Caltsad OUR EYES Insect Bites ! Minard's takes the sting out of them. Take it to the woods with y011. A locust recently captured at P'id- delvlei, in South Africa, had tied to it a message which proved it had travel- led more than two hundred miles in twenty-four hours. Ir SALT AND VIM INTO yiOMEN So Says Mrs. MacPherson of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Brantford, Ontario.—"I was always tired and the least exertion would put me out for a day or two. I had a pressing pain on the top of my head, pain in the nape of my neck, and when I stooped over I could not get up with- out help, because of pain to my back. I did not sleep well and was nervous at the least noise. I keep house, but s was such a wreck that I could not sweep the floor nor wash the dishes without ly- ing down afterwards. A friend living near me told me what. Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound had done for her so I began to take it. With the first bottle.1 felt brighter and got so I could wash dishes and sweep without having to lie down. Later I became regular again in my monthly terms. I have taken ten bottles all told and am now all better. I can truly say that your wonderful medicine cannot be beaten for putting health and vim into a wo- man. '—Mrs. JAMES H. MacPHERSON, 809 Greenwich St., Brantford, Ont. If you are suffering from a displace- ment, irregularities, backache, or any other form of female weakness write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobour Ontario, for Lydia E. Pink - ham's Private Text -Book upon "Ail- ments Peculiar to Women." o FACE BROKE OUT WITH PIMPLES Hard, Red and Large, Itched and Burned, Cuticura Healed, " My face broke outwith pimples that looked terrible. They were very hard, red and large, and they fes- tered and scaled over. Thcptniples itched and burned something ter- rible. My face looked terrible and I hated to go any place. The trouble. lasted over a year. " I read an advertisement for Ctt- ticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and after using several cakes of Soap and a couple of boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mins Gertrude Wagner, Rt. 5, Brit- ain Ave., Benton Harbor, Mich„ Sept. 10, 1023. Use Cuttcura Soap, Ointment and 'raioum daily and keep your skin clear and healthy. s.,046 Sach raw by Moll. Addroan Cnnndian IVput; eallaun, P. 6.3,51618 Menisci," i'nen or; 26a.rl'new havi aa'rnlcum26a, Try our naw Shaving Stick. ISSUE No. 110-'24.