HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-8-27, Page 5UUSINE8S CARDS
kitam,'V'r$`Ild°,dei 4veriern ttcvis
For referenced 0000011 any person whose solos
I-- haveofficiated et, Phone 78x or 05
Honor graduate of oho Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night cella, Oltioe oppoite
Flour Mlll, Ethel,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Me,
Cormick binding 0011000, Chicago, Ill. Three
months post graduate coarse during year 1010.
Eyes ecientilioally examined.
Latest Modern Methods used.
L91'0rons !Oyes straightened' through proper-
ly fitted Lenses,
Satisfaction Assured.
Office hours : 10 to 12 n, m, • 1.80 to 0 p, m,
' Saturday evening, 7.80 to 9 o'clock.
Phone 28x
0.6.&$d7.0 r'. !« mo.w?
Fire, Automobile and Wind los.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1 Tornberry Street, Brussels
T, T, ' M' RAE
M. a.. M. C. P...0S, O.
01, 0. H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
Of lee at residence, opposite Moly ilia Church,
Willison street.
T�..ifi. SI. CZarian
Barristers, So4icitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. PnOUDPooT, IL C. J. L. EoLLonlx
Representative Wanted
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Nurseries. Big sales are to be made
in selling Nursery stock during the recon•
etructlon period. A splendid opportunity for
a live salesman, Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to offer. SToxn &
WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont.
Teal mbme2gXzW:�.bmb�F.,v=
Yi Has moved to its new home at corner
Yongo and Alexander Streets, Toronto.
gFall Term opens Sept. 2
Write to -day for Catalogue and arrange
to enter at Fall Opening. Strictly first-
class In all Departments. Enter any
Notice of Removal
Gld�2l/1i ��-
ereit r�^it �7 t7Ra a4 Ca 4wai — i
prepares young men and young women
for Business which is now Canada's
greatest profession. We assist gradu-
ates to positions and they have prac-
tical training which enables them to
meet with 0000000. Students are reg.
lettered oath'week. Oct our tree oat.
Moque and learn something about oar
different departments.
1, Highest market prices
See the or Phone No, 2x, Brus-
sels, and I will 05011 andget
your Poultry.
1S11-1S11-Yollick E
14+4444441.4 444444444444 4 4 •e
School Fairs
Ashfield Sept. 8
St. Helens.....'. ........... Sept. 9
Bluevale Sept. 10
Wroxeter• Sept. 11
Go'rie Sept, 12
Clinton. ..... ...... Sept.16
Zurich Sept. 10
Varna .. Sept. 17
Dashwood .... •....,Sept. 18
Grand Bend........... 4:., .Sept. 10
Porter's Hill ..... .......... Sept, 20
Colborne ,.,, Set. 22
Belgrave,.... ...... ......... ...Sept, 23
Ethel ... .Sept. 24
Blyth Sept. 2o &20
Willgham .., Sept,29 &80
llensail Oct, 1
Crediton ,.,Oct, 2
IF Bakery
At no time in the history of the
Baking Industry has it been
more generally appreciated that
is the great essential in building
up a strong, healthy body. You
can have "Quality Bread" by
Willis' Bread
font Vekto rems
AUGUST has 5 Sundays, 5 Fridays and
5 Saturdays, sotnething that only occurs
once iu a generation.
BRUssat.s Postofflce looks really gay
from the fixing up inside and outside.
People hardly recognize the interior in
its changes. We'll tell von more about
A TORONTO subscriber 'renewlp-,g for
THE Posr has the kindness to say 1—
"We would not like to do without it as
it is better than any letter we get,
With 'best wishes." Those are the
sentiments that please the Editor, ,es-
pecially to cash accompaniment. We
are ready to ,be "tickled" any day.
Will you be the tickler ?"
Pie) Fall work.
Keep better hours.
Boom the Fall Fair.
For school upeniug,
Slaughter the weeds.
Help improve Brussels.
Talk up the Tem erance question.
"Brussels lady baseball team motored to
Wiogham on Friday evening and defeat-
ed the W ingham girls by a score of -0 1
well that doesn't matter much the Brus-
sels girls won the game and some really
snappy ball was played at times on both
sides." There's been another bout since
that, brother.
Ambitious young men and women
should not overlook the Opportunities
there are in the business world. The
Central Business College of Stratford
receives more applications for trained
help than it bas students graduating.
Three applications received during the
past week offered an average initial sal-
ary exceeding $900 per annum. Write
the College for its free Catalogue.
CLOSE CALL—While returning from
Bayfield R. S. Hays, Seaforth, while
passing Varna, turned out just east of
the corner and his auto skidded on the
wet grass, two wheels going over the
end of a culvert. The car did not up-
set but the occupants were badly shag
en up, Mrs. Hays having her forehead
cut apparently from striking the upper
part of the sedan. 'There were eight
people in the sedan at the time and
they feel thankful for escaping so well.
There are on the Huron widows' pen-
sion list 42 widows, who received in
June $[ 3og, half ofwhich, of $654.50,
was paid by Huron County the other
half by the province of Ontario, This
represents the average monthly pay
sheet for the year. The number on the
roll varies from mouth to mouth, as
there are some ceasing to be entitled to
payments owing to marrying or to the
children reaching the age limit, or otber
causes, while new claimants are apply-
ing and being added to the list. The
lowest monthly payment made in Huron
Is 815, while the highest is $5o, but
there is only one of each receiving such
payments. The total payment this year
for which the County will be liable will
be approximately $7,500, The Act in
Huron is administered by the following
board : G. W. Holman, (County Clerk,)
chairman • A. T. Cooper, Secretary I;
Mrs, W. A. McKim, Goderich 1 Mrs
(Dr.) Fowler, Clinton, and R. S,
Hays, Seaforth.
• Listowel
W. Ringler has potatoes measuring
9}x131 inches,
Rev, and Mrs. Howard attended the
Gladiolus Show at Guelph.
Chas, Keeso is moving to Hespelet,
where he intends residing.
Misses Nora and Greta Moore are
back to town after a holiday visit in
Dr, Parker intende removing to
Florida and has sold his practice here
to Dr, Tupper.
Magistrate Hamilton held police
mut to settle a squabble between
two neighbote. ° The complaint was
laid by the. Miesea Ioerger against
Mre, Franke. The case was dismissed,
the plaintiffs to pity the costa.
Bowling tournament Wednesday of
this week.
0. 13, Robinson, telephone manager
has been promotedto Stratford.
Rev. Mr. Harris, a former Baptist
minister here, has suffered a stroke of
London Chtunber of Commerce
visited Wingham Thursday of last
week while in an automobile hike to
Listowel and round.
A special court was held in Lueknow
Friday afternoon, at which Police
Magietrate A, E. McNab, Walkerton,
preeided, David Shapiro, Winggham,
was charged with peddling in Kinloss
Township without a license for Bruce
County. Dudley Holmes, solicitor
for the defendant, explained that tie
uilrht had obtained a Hoehne for pad.
tiling In Linton Onuul,y, end was not
aware that he bud strayed outside the
boundaries. In considoretion of this
Wee the 11150 wee fixed at $10 uurl
Masonic Lodge members and ladies
picnicked at Bayfield,
.A. >~', Collyer has contributed a
number of pheasants to the wilds,
Rev, S. J, Arlin, Toronto, a former
pastor here, attended the funeral of
the late Mrs, Qourlice,
Dr. Gandier's father died at his
home iu Newburgh, Ont, He had at-
tained the good old age of 85 years,
We gave the representatives of
London Chamber of Commerce a good
time in their e1101't call T1lur'oday
Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P., was a
recent visitor in town while returning
from Heusall where she had given an
Sincere regret is expr'eesed over. the
demise of the late Mrs, 12. 0. Qourlice,
who enjoyed the friendship of a wide
circle. She was a fine spirited pereon.
Her husbabd, a son, Dean, Hamilton,
and 2 daughters survive, &MA Sybil is
on the M iesionary eteff in Japan, be-
ing home on furlough,
$5 and costa were assessed against
J, 6L Brown for exceeding the speed
limit of 20 miles an hour,
The guarantors for the Chautauqua
here were $0.26 out on the job. We'll
learn e011ee after a while,
Leslie Matthews was tined $600 and
costs and•had his car and cargo confis-
cated. He had 15 cases of beer and a
bottle of whiskey aboard, ,
An old timer in Goderich died at
the County Home, Clinton, in the
person of W. Skimings. He was a
brother to late Miss Eloise Ski/niuge,
Huron's eccentric poetess.
MacLean, widely known in years gone
by as a drover and dealer, died at his
home here on Monday of last week
aged 83 years. His wife died about a
year ago, He ie survived by 4o sons
—Herbert, Wilfred. Wilmer and
Wesley. The late Mr. MacLean was
born on Oon. 4, Goderich Township,
but following hie marriage he came to
live in Goderich engaging in the live
stock business until he had to retire
owing to advancing age, He was for
some years a member of the Town
Council, and Huron County Council,
and also occupied position of Mayor in.
the town.
—The Star Bays:—To charges of break-
in into the Blyth woollen mill on
July 4th and into
the Benmiller wooll-
en mill on Aug. 2nd., Bevitt Lisk and
Wm. Lockridge, jr., Mitchell, pleaded
guilty on Saturday before Magistrate
Reid and were remanded for a week
for sentence. Wrn, Lockrid' e, sr.,
father of William jr., and father-in-
law of Lisk, was accused of being in1-
plicated in the Blyth theft, but the
charge was dismissed. The charge
was based on a signed statement
made in jail here when interviewed by
Constable Whitesides and Gundry,
which implicated the elder Lockridge,
but Lisk, in court, said that this state-
ment was incorrect. He tried to tell
the officers the truth at the time the
statement was signed but they would
not be satisfied and told him that they
were told at the house that the father
was there and Lisk, in order to get rid
of the otlicere, as his wnnnded shnuld-
er was bothering him, said he mast
have been there and signed the state-
ment. In the case against hir. Lock -
ridge jr., Liek was the only witness
for the crown. He stated that he was
living with his,father-in-law for some
time past at Mitchell, He and Win.
Lockridge, jt'., went to Bainton's wool-
len mill un Blyth one night in July
shortly after 12 o'clock and got some
wool. There wise no one else there.
The Crown Attorney confronted the
witness with his signed statement but
Lisk's explanation was as given above,
and he said that when he saw the
officers a few days later he told them
the statement teas not correct in that
particular. He accompanied Con-
stable Whitesides and Gundry, on this
second occasion, to Blyth and showed
them the window the wool was taken
out of and showed them where they
had put the wool. On the fleet "inter-
view he had told the con'etable that
Lockridge, sr„ had pat the wool out
the window but denied it later and on
the visit to Blyth with the constables
had not stated that the elder Lock -
ridge put the wool out the window.
After getting the wool at Blyth they
went, to Stratford and sold it. They
thought they had too much wool, an
they put some of it in a bush on the
way to Stratford and sold the rest at
'Since Taking The Fruit Treatment
in "Fruit -a -fives"
Reed this letter from Ml's. 7. M.
I'oneington of New Roolcland, P.Q,
"In 1919, I was taken with Broil.
chief Asthma audno one knows what
I suffered during the winter, I began
having choking spells and would just
gasp for breath and could not speak.
The cloeter said he could do nothing
for 100,
In the spring of 1920, I started
taking "Fruit-a-tives" and soon the
ehoking spells became easier and I
have not had one since May 7th, 1920.
It is such a relief to be able to go to
becl and have no thought of having
to get up in the night for an hour or
more as I did all that winter, but
never have to now, all because 1 take
a "Fruit-atives" tablet every right.
21c, stud 60c. a box—at all deniers
or sent postpaid by Fruit.a-tires
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
Stratford and got the wool ant of the
bush later on, This was the other
side of Clinton. Lisk also admitted
snaking a trip to Georgetown where
they got 200 lbs, of wool. And at a
place about 15 Indies out of London
they got 300 lbs., of wool, The next
trip was to Benmiller, They left Mit-
chell about 10 o'clock. At Benmiller
they were surprised by a mac with u
flash light. The witness tried to
knock the 11(1011 light out of the man's
hand and fell to the floor ancr the
man shot him. To Mr. Holmes, who
appealed for the defence, Lisk stated
he had been at Blyth only once. He
had had no conversation with Mr,
Lockridge, er„ the past week. Mt'.
Lockridge was called in defense and
etated that he was bney working on
the voter's' lists in connection with the
vote to be taken on the bylaw, the
night of the visit Io Bentuiller, and
Wm. H, Hocken corrobotated this.
Wm, Sherr attended the black-
smiths' picnic in Guelph.
Hay Bros., Listowel, are building
addition to their elevator in Atwood,
Ladies softball team from Millbank
defeated the Atwood ladies on Mon-
day afternoon by a score of 29 23.
Ira and Mrs. Gerry and family, Fort
William, were visiting at the homes
of Win. and Mrs. Share and Donald
and Mrs. Murray. -
Stanley Hamilton had his car some-
what damaged when he was turning
around at the railway crossing in At-
wood by a car going South running
into him. Both cat's were damaged.
Roy Hamilton, 20d. Con., Elsa,,
lost his barn end contents on Tuesday
evening of last week. The barn had
recently been filled with this year's
hay crop and it is thought that corn-
bustion caused the fire, The building
and contents containing the bay crop
and some fowl were completely de -
strayed,, 1XIio loos la partially covered „pp—
The AlSseea Isabel Inglis and Mary MchWeate tt11d Valiance Inglis, Monorieff,tern F0air
,Mee !Mae Inglis, Atwood, and Cotner -
on inghe, 0111, (lon., returned frotn A
motor' trip to Grimsby and ,Niagara London, Canada
Jack Mc0lory, boundary east of Lie -
towel, told Telmer Nubia, Std ,Con.,
Wallace, on leaving the hotne of Thos,
ingiis, Monerielf, accidentally ran their
Buick ear into It 0 foot ditch. Front
of 1110 ear was badly damaged and Mr,
Mcllory l00tH teeth and bad his lip
badly cut, requiring 7 stitches. Mr.
Noble escaped with a bad shaking up,
Getting ready for the School e'air
on Sept, 12th,
Joston Steintulller hoe accepted a
position in the State of Ohio,
Last Sunday Rev, Mr. McKelvey,
Teesweter, preached 151 Gerrie,
Store front of .Stephen & Ashton
has been impraved by plate glass.
Mrs. Wilmott, Tonnto, and Mrs.
H. S. Evans and sou, Vancouver, have
been visiting Misses Evar15,
Car load of Westeru h.ot'see was
brought here,
Flower Show here next Wednesday
in Lb° rink,
The car of Laurence Gibson had an
upset in the ditch,
Jno, and Mrs. Sangster and Ken•
neth took in the Horse Shoere' pic-nic
at Guelph,
D, r'4f, and Ms's. Kennedy are back
from a motor hike to Quebec, Mon-
treal and other places.
Thursday evening an illustrated! j'ec-
ture, on David Livingstone, was given
in Howick Baptist Church,
Miss Gray is a guest at the home of
her sister, Mrs. 0. W. (loser's.
surprise party gathered at the home
of Mrs, D. M. Collins on Wedneeday
afternoon. Aug. 13th, the occasion be-
ing the 885.11 birthday of Mrs. Collins.
The pat Ly was composed of her child-
ren, grandchildren and great grand-
children, 19 in all. The out-of-town
guests were Mrs, 3, Vine. Mr. Glen
end Miss Ruth and Mies Hazel Taylor,
ream Puff
Manufactured from Ontario White
Winter Wheat.
Wheat and Peas
T. G. Hemphill,
Phases 50, 21 29 and 62 Wroxeter
BE comfortable when winter comes. We want
to show you why Happy Thought Furnaces
are the finest heating system at any price. They
burn all fuels equally well.
Every Happy Thought install-
ation is guaranteed by the
makers of the famous Happy
Thought Rages to give ideal heat dis-
tribution at minimum fuel cost. Decide
now to be comfortable next winter.
Send direct to factory for interesting
free booklet " Live Air Heating."
70 years of satisfaction have resulted in
the purchase of more than 800,000
Happy Thought Ranges.
Bsfore leaving England recently it alter short 'visit to that country, E. W. Beatty, president of the Canadian
Pacific Railway said "I cannot help but regard Canada as the greatest actual potential asset in the Empire,
and when exchange is at parity I feel quite confident that England will support Canadian enterprises and Canadian
developfnent will be very extensive, The photograph reproduced above shows Sir "Phomas Fisher, general manager,
Canadian Pacific Steamships, (left); Sir George McLaren Brown, European General Manager of the Canadian
Pacific, Mr, Beatty and Captain J. Turnbull, commander of the 01olt'.::irir
Sept. 6th to 13tho 1924
Over $30, 000 iD Cash Prizes
The 1924 Prize List is extensive and the classification will prove at-
tractive to exhibitors in all Departments
Dog Show, Automobile Show, Pure Food Shaw
New Manufacturers' Building Featuring
Canada's industrial Achievements
"Where City and Country Meet"
Write for Prize List -- Entries close August 80th
J. H. SA'UNDERS, President W. D. JACKSON, Secretary
London ; Mrs, Catneron Coates and
baby Ruth, Detroit. Dr. W. McCor-
mick, Toronto, who was paroling
through the village, also joined the
happy company, renewing old ac•
quaintances and offering congratula-
tions to Mee, Conine. A pic-nic lunch
was served on the lawn. The young
people engaged in games. Mrs. Col-
lins is in excellent health and able to
attend church nearly every Sunday.
Perth Oou my
The many friends of Miss Sara Gil-
pin, proprietress of Gilpin's shoe store,
St. Marys, were grieved to learn that
she had undergone an operation for
appendicitis. She is making splendid
progress and it is hoped will be able to
be about again before many weeks.
Art in Granite and Marble
VERY piece of work we do is
treated like a master -piece of
t �
art before it can pass our rigid
inspection. Lat.g experience in all
[ the different treatments of expres-
sin in granite enables us to produce last touch that makes perfection.
, the t o
� AD
Cemetery work promptly attend-
ed to.
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting
that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Prices are Right
All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use
only experienced labor,
Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some
of the homes we have already wired in town.
W. L. Lindensmith & Go.
Call American Hotel
Wedding am Gifts
In our store you will find suit-
able Wedding Gifts. A. now
stock of Cut Glass has just ar-
rived, consisting of Sherbert
Sete, Gobleth, Water Sets, Cake
Plates, Sugars and Dreams,
Vases, ete, Also a nice ene01't-
ment of SILVERWARE. New,
useful pieoes suitable aa Wed-
ding Gifts for the Bride. Call:and seethe assortment,
ie I II1I111111111111.1
Kodak Keeps
The Story
Just click the shutter of this easily work-
ed Kodak and to -day's good times become
tomorrow's good Pictures.
Our store is a good place to get your
Kodak outfit, Our stock is complete and
up•to•date and we are as willing to show as
we aro to Bell,
Get yonr Kodak here - 50.70 and up
Brownie Cameras • 2,00 and up
J. R. WEND �1 T '® JEWE,t•,LR
Iib N 1.te� WROXETER