HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-8-20, Page 8Vie Qi7GG411i Stare Jam' fic)st°1111e"rs Take a Kodak with You You'd like to remember the good times you bed on this Summer's outings, and pic- tures won't let yon forget. Any Kodak or Brownie Camera is convenient to carry, easy to work Sud you can get good pie - lures right from the start. The new Improved Model 2a Brownie is very popular—Price $3 go Films Deueieped and Printed Post Cards of The Queen's Doll's House There ate 48 Cards in the Sett and are a most interesting col- lection. Price 5c each or S2 0o Sett of 48 Guaranteed— A Style and Size to Suit You ALL ICLENZO PRODUCTS Klenzo Tooth Brushes 35c to 6oc each Klenzo Tooth Paste Cleans and Whitens the Teeth' 35 cent tubes A'ss in large Tubes containing dou- ble the quantity ... 5oe Klenzo Antiseptic liquid Makes a splendid Mouth Wash Also Gargle for Throat, &c. 350 bottles F. N. SI er' 1I T H 11. TheAf,.44Gt,a Store e® Druggiat and Stationer jy {,, Palm your car on Turnherry street on O•Ca l eb>rS Itemo the angle and stick to the proper side of DAYS are shortening. READ the advt, and save money. FLAX pulling is on the program. SEND along the news. We thank you. Stumm Board met last Friday even- ing. 1), WALKER bas exchanged his Stude- baker touring car for a Hudson. LABOR Day—the Int Monday of Sep- tember—will be the next Public holi- day, The home of W. C. Smith, Albert street, has been improved by a new dress of paint, SaveaAL Brusselites took in the Strat- ford—London Base Ball match at the former city Monday of this week. TORONTO Exhibition will open its gates to the people Saturday of this week. Fair will continue to Sept, 6. WANTED —2 girls or boys, those who have passed the Entrance preferred. to learn the printing. Apply at Ties POST. LOCAL and District news always wel- come at THE PosT. Write us or use our phones, Nos, 31 or 32. Give it while its news. CUT the weeds and improve the apt pearance of the property. There are a few patches bordering on the Main Street that demand attention. There was great fun and the spectat- ors took no small interest in the play. Brussels had 5 coats of kalsomine ad- ministered and returned the compliment with 4, 4 Plans in Brussels cemetery were ad- ded to the Perpetual Caretaking plan during the past week, Those consider- ing the question should ask for informa- tion if not fully posted. WINGNAM Girls' Softball team Is ex- pected to play a game on Victoria Park here with our Brussels Sprouts this Wednesday evening. See the play. It will be the 3rd of the series, PROSPECTS point toe large attendance next term at Brussels Continuation School, The same teaching staff will promote the best Interest of the pupils, viz—Misses Taylor, and Nephew, and Frank Coates. MARRIED AT ZION CITY.—A former resident of Brussels, in the person of Miss Mary Mories, was married to Deacon Noah Alexander Robinson on July 8th in 21on City, Illinois. She has been a resident of that city for about a0 years. Old friends here wish the bride and groom much happiness, "Go Slow" should be the message communicated to some automobile drivers, plus a good stiff fine. There's no sense 1n bitting a 35 or 40 mile gait in going through Brussels, even if they wish to speed up to that outside the corporation limits. A list of names of non -observers of tbe law should be handed to the Magistrate and permit bin to place a financial reminder, GOOD SHIPMENT —Last week Anent Bros. & White shipped out large orders of their A 1 wagons, wheelbarrows and toy carts for childreu, We hope this is an indication of a livening up of trade and that their factory will be one of the busiest locatiobs in the County in sup- plying the needs of the public. They can produce the quality and quantity and all they want is substantial orders for their output, Did you see the Hur- on Coaster ? WESTERN Star Lodge 1. O. O. F., Brussels, will 'observe decoration day next Sunday afternoon at Brussels came. tory when 45 former members will be remembered by the placing of a floral tribute on their graves. P. D. D. G. M., Postliff, Wingham, and Rev. Mr. Clarke will take part in the exercises and there will be vocal aeleations of music, Mr, Lightfoot, Stratford, asaistin'g, Brethren are asked to meet at the 1, 0, 0, F. Hall at 2.30 o'clock, the roadway. COOL weather for this season of the year. Stoves and furnaces are called in- to requisition to take off the chill. Two ball games and a foot ball scrim- mage were on the program on Victoria Park Monday evening. It was like a 3 -ring circus. LISTOWEL Banner last week said.— On Sunday, Aug. 24, Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0 F., of Brussels, will hold their annual decoration service. It is probable that some Listowel Oddfel- lows will go up to visit their neighboring brothers on that occasion. NDMBea of young Pigs for sale. Phone 921E Jona AL000X, Grey Township. PLEASE return to Weller's store, Brussels, the etovepioe, elbow and separator float put in wrong ear on Maki street, Brussels. ROOMERe or boarders wanted. Comfortable quarters. Enquire at TIE POST. BINDERfor sale, MasaayHarrle, 0•foot Onto. sheaf carrier and truck, in good shape. Price ;26.06. ALsx. RUSSELL, Phone 4618 LUMBER Wagon and Rubber Tired Top Bog• gy for eels. Both1.3. BEG repair. Orenbrook 5210 WHEN goinghome don't forget to takes City Dairy Brk from W. A. Grower's, FOR BAmt.—Very comfortable frame hoose, Princess street, now vacant se owner ham moved to Kincardine. Apply at once for par- ticulars and terms to T, R. Bennett, Wingham, or A, H. Macdonald, Brussels, FOR SALE Am A BARGAIN.—Gas machine and all ncoeesaryfixtures. An ideal lighting are. tem for residence out of reach of Hydro, In- expenetve to operate and in good condition. Apply to W. M. SIaOLAIa, Brussels COMFORTABLE house and.y< acre lot for sale on Flora street, Brnseele. Good stable, email fruits, &a. Good neighborhood. Early pos- seseion. Price very reasonable for quick sale. For further particulars apply on the premises. Phone 7a. MARY A, BOLT. FORD Coupe, run between 900 and 400 miles, for sale. Apply to R. TeoseoN, Brussels. DR. PARKER, of Wingham, has resumed his weekly vieits to the Queen's Betel, Brnseele, COURTS WILL HAVE To ATTEND TO IT —A number of large accounts are still due THE POST for arrears of sub- scriptions and if not settled by Septem- ber Ist will have to go into other bands for collection. It's not our fault if this coarse has to be followed. TOURNAMENT,—No small interest has centred round Brussels Bowling green where a local tournament has been in progress. Some of the victories have been on close margin and others had considerable room to pass. Green is 10 good condition. DANDres.—Fred Hunter has had a beautiful exhibit of Gladioli on display in his store window, both as to variety and beauty. He has a large number of bulbs In the home plot at Cranbrook. The Gladsbold a large place in the program of the Horticulturist, IT's a shame to permit the burdocks, wild carrots, daisies and other weeds to go to seed op numerous streets when the scythe could very materially reduce next seasln's crop, Somebody in authority should see about it at once. Property owners are amenable to the law for allowing noxious weeds to thrive, The Weed Inspector should enforce the law and remove the eyesores. PLOWING MATcn.—Huron County Plowmans' Association intend bolding a Plowing Natoli in Brussels locality next October. The Committee on location bane secured fields on the farms of /no. Work and Harvey Bryans, immediately North of town. Both barite drawn plows and tractors will complete, President Adams informs us that a plowing match was held ou the Bryens farm 48 years ago and be was ane ot the prize winners. Watch out for further particulars as to date, prize fiat, &0. It will be one of the specially Interest- ing %vents of the season and a booster. crowd is expected. NOTICE ! Maude C. Sryans Courteous Service A,nnooncee her 1lrussele Office will be open following days of every week 1— Hours&--a. In. p, nt, Monday.,. 10 to 12 1.80 to 0 Frlday .,. — 1.80 to 0 Saturday ,,,,..,10 to 12 1.80 to 8 Saturday Evening .... 7 to 9 Home Baking Sale will be held in the McKelvey Block, Saturday afternoon, 30'b Inst„ under tbe auspices of the W. M. S. of the Methodist Church A VISIT is expected by the local Odd - fellows from a S'ratford Degree team who w111 put a candidate over the jumps. Weasels Degree team will make a return visit. Prospects are good for increases to membership in Western Star No. 149. WEDNESDAY of this week Is the wed- ding day of Miss Hazel Lowry, a popu- lar young lady of Brussels, to E. H. Matthews, a merchant of Forest, Lamb - ton Co., Timm POST congratulates and will give further particulars In next issue, WINGIIAM Base Bali team played a friendly game OD Victoria Park Tuesday evening against Brussels Club; As the hour was late when the visitors arrived only 3 innings were played with a score favorable to Brussels. Our boys have bad a eomewhat busy season and -their organization bas stimulated Base Ball. There is a grist of young codgers com- ing up who should know all the fine points if they get another season in at it. EXECUTIVE MEETING; A general jEx ecutive meeting of Huron County. Social Service Council will be held in Wesley church,_ Clinton, next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Matters of importance in connection with the coming Plebiscite on October 23rd, will come before the meeting, Officers of the County, the various pastors and all others specially interested are asked to attend. - W. G, Medd, Exeter, is Co. President. 13 Russets WOMEN'S INSTITUTE — The regular meeting of this zealous body of workers will be held Friday afternoon of this week in the Public Library, at 3 o'clock. Program will be specially in- teresting consisting of :—Salad Demon- stration ; Current Events in charge of Mrs, W, S. Scott ; and Roll Call. In responding to latter a joke is expected from each. This is timely warning so excuses will not be accepted as they would be no joke. Are von a member ? If so don't forget Friday afternoon, WON AT WINGNAM.—The Brussels Sprouts Softball Girls team went to Wingham last Friday evening and play- ed the return match with the damsels of that town, In rst innings the home, g piled up 8 runs and lead up to the 6th when Brussels tied the score by adding 8 to their tally. The gth was a regular merry go round for the visitors who toured the bases for 12 counters, and play stopped witb the score card show- ing Brussels 25, Wiogbam 16 Person - ell of teams:— BRUSSEts WINGNAM Janet McVettie McKay Mary Walker Sanderson Doris Ross Cruikshank Laura Ament Wightman Elsie Smith Blatchford Grace Greer Robertson Louise Rose Swanson Luella Champion Ludwig Marjory Ross Issard DIED IN THE WEST.—The Kerrobert (Sash.) Citizen speaks as follows of a grandchild of Mrs. D. Whiting and a great grandchild of Wm. and Mrs. El- lis, Brussels :—The death occurred in Kerrobert Hospital on Wednesday, July 23rd, of Gladys Evelyn Whiting, aged q years 5 months and 15 days, daughter ot T. C. Whiting, of Kerrob- ert. Deceased was born at Danz 1, later moving to the Kerrobert district with her father. She had been ill for only u short period, lasting 3 days, ap• pebdicitis being the immediate cause of death, it being impossible for the doc- tors to operate when she was admitted to the Hospital. Interment took place in Kerrobert Cemetery on Friday, Rev. A. C. Tappin officiating. The chief mourners were T. C. and Mrs, Whiting (father and mother), Master A. and Ray Whiting (brothers), Hilda Margaret (sister), D. Whiting (uncle), Mrs. D. Whiting (grandmother) of Saskatoon, and F. Whiting (uncle) Saskatoon. Y$ People Wo Talk About tit t2 it W. King bas gone to Niagara District for a visit with relatives. J. T. Wood, Chatham, was visiting in town during the past week. Miss Laura Ament is visiting at Southampton anti Toronto. Miss Cora McLaughlin, Listowel, spent the week end with Miss Lulu Procter. Mrs. Neil Grant, Cabri, Sask,. visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Jackson during the past week. George Thomson and daughter, Tor - 0510, were visiting in town during the past week. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, was in town. He la Secretary of Hurdn Co., Social Service Council and a good Worker. Alex. Rutledge was at Owen Sound last week to visit his brother, Stanley, who has been seriously ill. The sick man is improving slowly. Miss R. Douglas, who spent the past year in Kansas, U. S , bas arrived hack to town for a visit. She enjoyed ber stay in Uncle Sam's land and found many nice folk, eeWelcome visitors at the home of T. E. Whitfield were Lewis T. Whitfield and Mr, and Mrs, Wleckie, Cleveland, Ohio, making the trip by motor and returning home Monday of title week. THE Posv is sorry to bear of the 111- health of Dougaid Ferguson, 'Teeswat- er, a former Brusaelite. He went to Toronto for an X ray examination which was followed by an operation. We hope he will soon be as hearty as ever. Mrs, Thos. Lott, Turnberry street, who has been in failing health for some- time, through advancing years, has been quite poorly during the past week. We hope for improvement, Mrs, Lott la in her 85th year. THE courteous attention extended by members. of the bank's staff where you keep your ace count, adds materially to your satisfaction in con. ' ducting your banking business, Standard $erviee is essentially courteous service all rendered by every branch of this Bank, from the Manager too the Tlatest recruit on the staff. STANDARD BN Kist Brussels Branch, - - G, Fl. Sarnia, Manager Dublin Branch, - - - F. 1VI'eConnell, Manager White Cap Electric Washer Is on exhibition at the home of 011AS. POPE, Elizabeth etreet, and should be seen before you purchase, Ir will pay you to see this wonderful machine. Is easy to Operate Washes faster White Lasts longer Is easily cared for Clap Is safer to work with , No time lost in wringing Keeps water warm 7 good reasons, among numer- ous othere, why you should use a White Dap. Let us demonstrate. C. Pope Agent - Brussels Miss Carrie Hingston combined busi- ness and pleasure in a visit to the Queen City, Herb. and Mrs. Cunningham and family, Palmerston, are holidaying in town. Cosby Innes is spending his vacation at the home of his uncle, Jacob Long, Crenbrook, Geo, and Mrs. Dane and Miss Charl- ton, Toronto, were visiting the Misses Hunter last week. S. Bailey and Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton at- tended a Bailey family re -union at Georgetown last week. James and Mrs. Armstrong have gone to Shelburne, Ont,, to visit at the home of Mr. Armstrong's brother. Wilber and Mrs. Baker and children, of Granton, are visiting with relatives in Brussels and Grey township. Messrs. McKinnon & Murcar are at Toronto ou a business trip. Mrs. Mc- Kinnon is holidaying at Paisley. Herbert Stretton is on a holiday, visit- ing bis brother Jeweller Stretton, of Hamilton and friends in Toronto. Miss Luella Fulton is in Toronto at- tending the Millinery openings. She returns to Monkton for next season. Miss Fairy Robb, St. Catharines, is visiting in towu and locality. She came to attend the Matthews -Lowry wedding. Mrs. McPherson, Detroit, Geo. sod Mrs. Walker and Miss M. Smith, Lon- don, have been visiting with A. R and Mrs. Currie, John street. Stanley Hall is visiting under the parental roof, Mill Street. He bas been supplying on the Guilds Circuit, Kent Co., for Rev, Mr. Cummings. Mrs. Thomas Maunders, who was here on a visit at the home of her son, returned to Detroit last week. W. H, Maunders accompanied her on the trip, Carman Powell has accepted a posi- tion as teacher on the staff of Elmira school He is the eldest son of the la'e Rev, E J. Powell, formerly of Brussels. Russel Moore, son of M. H. and Mrs, Moore, Listowel. formerly of Brussels, left for Toronto. where he has beau ap pointed as Provincial officer on the 0. T. A. Miss Belle McDonald and Mrs. Tobe Crerar spent an enjoyable time with Rev. A. J. and Mrs. Mann. Newmarket, at their cottage at Meadowvale, Ont. last week. Col. and Mrs. Hoare, Stratford, were oalliug on old friends in towo 'Thursday of last week. Mrs. Hoare %IS formerly Miss Minnie Moore and a resident of Brussels for years. Sergt. Bobs Campbell intends to pur sue a military course in small arms at Ottawa and will leave for the Capital this week. He has already attended the London Military College: James and Mrs. Blashill and daugh- ter, Ann Arbor, Mich„ were renewing old friendships in and around Brussels. They were former residents of town for years who are well remembered. The Listowel Banner says :—Mrs. Arch, McDonald and Doris, of Brussels, spent the latter part of last Werk at the home of ber parents, W. and Mrs. Bart- ley, Mrs E Gibson and Mary, accom- panied them on return on Saturday and spent the week end at their home rn Brussels. Ira and Mrs. Gerry and several mem- bers of the family arrived from Fort William last Saturday, making the trip, 2300 miles, by motor, The parents ate well known former Brusselites. Mrs. Gerry was Miss Laura Peebles, of maid. en days and Mr. Gerry a sou of B, and Mrs Gerry. who spent many years as residents of Brussels, N. F, Gerry, of town is a brother, Church Chimes Rev. W. J. West, M. A., Duunvilie, preached at the Union services in Mel villa Church last Sunday to good con. erogetions and sustained his name as an able putpiteer. Mrs. 0 E Welker sang a meet suitable solo in the morning en- titled "God will take care of you." Evening subject wag"Service," Rev. C, F, Clarke will conduct the union services iv Melville church next Sunday morning and evening, If the Sunday Schooi is the right arm of the church why dont you lend it your practical support? How much are you worth to the school and its ptomolers ? grey Council Minutes of Grey Township Council, meeting held on August ,4th. Mem bars present. Report on Nichol end Speiran Drains were read and provisionally adopted and Clerk authorized to ,pre- pare By-laws for sante, The report on the Hanna—Collis drain was read and Clerk instructed to make enquiries of Engineer as to certain points which were not quite clear, Grant oP $25 was given in aid of the Agt•icnitural Short Courses to be held in.13rnesele next December. Town ship rate for 1924 will be 4f mills on the $. Following accounts were paid :— John McIntosh, 1985 ft 8 inch plank ..., $ 110 10 Geo. Johnston replauking cul- vert. . . . 176 Geo, Turner, raking stones... 6 25 Percy Ward, fixing culvert.. , 60 David Milne, inepectirig sheep S 00 Richard Pratt, spikes 2 17 Geo. Hart, gravelliog ,Elma Bdy ... 18 00 W. V. McKay, gravel Elora Bdy .,.,: .......... and digging out tile 29 20 A, Turnbull bringing grease 1 60 Fred. Oster, work on Murray Lamb Drain ... ..... 19 60 Stewart Miller, shovelling 10 00 Stewart Miller, gravel, 30 00 Wm. Smith, shovelling. 4 00 Robert Menzies, gravel 17 70 Robert Strachan, gravel10 80 Alex. Speiran, gravel 12 62 Alex. McDonald, repairing 7 00 Mre. E. Huiley, gravel ......... . 1 80 Joe Savage, gravel 7 95 R. McDonald, grading 2 00 Percy Annett, buryiug heifer2 00 Robt, Strachan, gravel '7 35 J. S: Purvis, gravel........... , 3 45 Wm. Grainger, gravel 28 65 Andy Machan, gravel. 806 D. W, Dunbar, plank 6 63 Gideon Brown, Biehop Ext98 60 Neat meeting Sept. 8th. J, H. FEAR, Clerk. HORN • STRvattaoN,-In Grey township. on August 16111, 1924, to Mr. and Mre, W. 0, Steven. son, a eon—Murray Delmar. DIED HZNeY.—In Toronto, on Augnat 12th, 1924. Brunie Henry, aged 64 years and 2 months; MOD000Ar.L: In Morris township, on Augnet 15th, 1024 Peter John, youngest son et Peter and Margaret McDougall, aged 16 1. years, 7 months and 18 daye. Foes Drug Store The ..,e41,5,47,1". Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Have Plenty' of Films for that Auto Trip , There's a picture at every turn of the trip and every utile of the way, 'lave othere recall your trip with you, We have the Films and will be glad to Develop and Print them also, Razor Blades For safeties Very necessary when travel- ling. We have them all— Gillette - Auto Strop Everready Minister ' "My boy, have you a place of wor- ship ?" Boy : "Yes sir, I'm on my way to see her now", —with a box of Smiles 'n Chuckles. Tread Easy and Easem Both splendid Powders for tired feet. Very comforting for hot days; 25c the can fountain Pens and Ever Beady Pencils We have a very fine assort- ment of Waterman's Ideal, $2.50 to $5.50 Green . Apple. Colic You will likely need it. r If you do we have ft. e 70"v'"P-P77e"TO .t® FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER 1 IN MEMORIAM Hfnoxa.—In loving memory of Mre, Margaret MoArtbur Hirons, who passed away Aug. 22nd, 1929, - Tho midnight stars are gleaming On a lone and silent grave, Beneath elaeps one we love But one we could not save. Her weary hours, her diva of pain, Her troubled nights are passed; Her ever patient, worn oat frame Had'found sweet rest at last. —Missed by Loving Rimbaud ,and Family, BRUSSELS MARKET Fan Wheat...... 0116 Peal 1 25 Barley 65 Buckwheat 90 Butter ...... 25 Hogs - 10 50 Potatoes 70 Wool 21 HaT-....... 800 $1 1 206 46 s0 82 10 50 75 00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of James Parr, late ofthe Village of Brussels Intho County of Huron, Oentloman,. deceased. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to The Bet vlsed Stetntea of Ontario, Chapter 121, that all creditors nod others having claims against the estate of the said James Parr, who died on or about the BIghteenth day of July, A. D. 1024, ere required on or before the Sixth day of September, A. D..11124, to eond by post pre. paid or deliver to Levi Parr or Milton Parr, Brussels Post Ombo, two of the Bxeoutore of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, ed• dresses and descriptions, the full perttonlare of their elating and the nature of the seeurttlee (11 anyj) held by Them. Anal further a th notice that after such last . mentioned date the neid eta oatore tv111 pre• coed to distribute the nasals at the deceased amongst to t entitled thereto, fuming regard Dulyly to he chums of which they shall then have notice and the said Executors w11l. not be liable for the eald nsOOte or any part thereof to any person or persons Of whose claim notice shall not have been reoelved at the time of such distribution. Dated this 16th U dayAugust, a of gas , A. D 1924. W,M, SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Coen CrozierE, Levl Pnrr, Milton Parr and Jahn Crozier. 4 r Mounted Mountaineers Pow -Wow at Yoho Above, Starting on the first Annual Hide. Below, Gillet Walking• in -the -road picks out a few odd peaks for a fair Troll Rider. Early last July a small party of riders was encamped on the plateau which lies between Tu nbling Creek Glacier and the gap in the Vermilion Range of the Cana- dian Rockies known as the Wolverine Pass. The day was warm and conducive to sleep, and, because on this account one of the party dozed and dreamed and later caused the other members of the party to enthuse over his dream,there gathered in the Yoho Valley of British Columbia a week einee, two hundred and six prominent Canadians, Americans and Europeans, calling themselves Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. Each had qualified for membership in the Order by riding at one time or another not less than fifty miles through the Rockies on horseback. This unique gathering, recording as it did the first attempt to form an association of mounted mountain climbers was characterized by Dr, Charles W. Walcott head of the Smithsonian Institute of Washington and honorary president of the Trail:Riders, as a step which will prove one of the greatest international attractions, The attendance at the First Annual Ride of the Trail Riders exceeded by far the most sanguine hopes of the. organisers, but fortunately, Yoho Camp, that beautiful village of chalets a mile above the sea, had been reinforced with twenty Indian teepees and a huge Sun Dance Lodge which had been erected as camp headquarters by Stony Indians under the supervision of Chief Walking -in -the - road. Only one trail rider left thia camp with what could be termed a legitimateggrouib. This was Dr, Walcot who believes that bears stole the aide of mutton which Was hanging at the back of his chalet when he last saw it, Riding was, of course the order of the day, and many of the riders, enchanted 1J the scenery, fell far behind the main group and lingered on the heights till night fall. In the evenings the mountain enthusiasts gathered in the Sun Dance Lodge to talk over the day or to sing and dance and otherwise amuse themselves. After the white- mans pow -wow on the second night n real Indian pow- wow was danced by Chief Walking -in -the -road and Chief Buffalo -child Long Lance, to the accompaniment of Indian singing and the beating of torn -toms by a group of Stony braves. Altogether the first annual ,pow wow of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies was a huge success, and the organisers believe that henceforth the Canadian Rockies will receive .the recognition and appreciatiOrt which is their duo,