The Brussels Post, 1924-8-6, Page 7With
What There's In it for the Scout
Training in i eaderaltip. No one clip
head a Scout Troop and g1ve It leader -
4111p --the proper leadership--witbout
developing qualities which are of the
biglrest value In every walls of life,
The hero worship invariably given
Scoutmasters is an Inspiration wbieh
probably omelet be offered by aoY
other role of leading; it compels a
man to live alt to his beet. '
The recognised public service of the
Scoutmaster gives a standing in the
ooctnmunity. The circle of acquaint-
ances and friends made through the
boys Is always worth while.
The association with the boys helps
to keep a man mentally alert and gen-
erally "up-to-date," There are middle
aged inen who have dropped ten years
in appearance ant manner after tak-
ing up Scouting.
The ability to speak in public .la
developed, and the necessary incident-
al participation in the Scout profici-
ency badge work is a valuable educa-
The attention given the physical de-
velopment of the bays of the troop,
the hiking and camping, bring 'direct
Physical benefitto the Scoutmaster
Through Scout leadership the 'diffi-
dent man will acquire self-assurance,
and learn to meet other men on a com-
mon ground of self-confidence.:
In helping start a number of boys
on the road to bappy, practical, useful
citizenship every Scoutmaster is mak-
ing a man-sized contribution to Cana-
da's future --how largo a contribution
he may some day realize with a satis-
faction that he would not barter for
a crown.
If you would be Interested in mak-
ing Scout training available to the.
boys of your community write, now to
Provincial headquarters, Bluer and
Sherbourne Streets, Toronto.
Earth's Population Doubled
in 90 Years.
The population of the earth has
doubled in the hist 90 years. To -day
it is estimated at 1,747,000,000. The
population oe the United States has
been doubling Itself approximately
each 00 years during the last century.
It was 26,000,000 in 1850, and 100,000,-
000 in 1010. If this rate of increase
continues it will have grown to 700,.
000,000 in less than 100 years.
With the enormous population that
will come with time, what.wiil life in
this country be like a few hundred
years front now?
It will be as unlike our life as our
life is unlike that of the Indians who
inhabited.the continent of America be-
fore the coming of Columbus, says
Lieutenant Commander Fitzhugh
Green, "The human element," he pre,
dicta "will be removed " from many
phases of life. Tlie iceman, the gas-
man, and the milkman all will disap-
poar. In their places will be septa --
organizations of fool supply, central
heat and refrigeration. Men will live
in a Super -world. The fuel and water
energy of the whole eomatt'y will be
lumped and distributed' in the form of
electric current There will be the
super -automobile, casting but a song
and never needing repair; the super -
radio, bringing lifelike talking movies
Jute the home; tills super -plane and
dirigible, both safe 'and .swift; the
super -surgeon, who will rid us of our
useless ,organs at birth, the super -gov-
ernment that will make wars a rare
'Actual business structures will be
skyscrapers from 75 to 160 stories
high. Moving sidewgllts, stairs, indi-
vidual itedlcopters, all will all the in-
dividual to move swiftly and in cont;
fort withintheprecincts of his special
"Improved methods of maebincry
and more efficient utilization - al the
world's sources ofpower will have re-
duced the working day to but a few
hours: The residence suburb 'af the
future will be a vast boulevard park
filled with flowers, among which will
dwell healthy men and wanton who
have never known disease. There will
be golf courses enough for all, and
Playgrounds almost unlimited in ex-
tent for children. In this section there
will be no shops or machinery, nor
toil of any sort. Heat and ligbt will
be sent by radio front far distant
generating stations to all the Houses,
Simply by pushing a button ono will
bo able instantly to summon such com-
forts, day or tight.
"Eventually the problem of chemi,;
cal nutrition will have been solved,:
and as a corollary' fatigue will be
eradicated. Sleep will be more a
pleasure than a neeesslty. 'Phei'e. will .
belle need for bedrooms, dining rooms
or kitchens. Rest will be taken it a
secluded aoreer of the home with taik-
ing movies, opera and photographlc'
news to make the lazy hour a pleasant
The Change,
The "three lie" now
The way they go
Is Iteadin', 'nitro'
And Radio.
Fine for Tourfste.
One rallroad of IdngInnd is selling
tickets that Include treusportatlan by •
rail, by automobile and complete
board and lodgings in hotels.
.��, ,...
efres Jig.
and Wonderful to Taste
The blended essence
of choice good things
grown in the tropic
sunshine of far -away
Coca - Cola ! ^— of
course I --'sealed in' a
sterilized glass pack-
age that protects
its goodness and
Delicious and Refreshing•
The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd.
(lead O9lce; Toronto
Angered by High Taxes,
Peasants Attack Town.
Three thousand peasants, armed
chiefly with cudgels and hatchets,
made an organized attack ou the little
town of Temno, near Caserta, says a
Rome despatch, They stormed the
Municipality, flung out the furniture;
books and documents intothe street,
sprinkled them with benzine and soon
had a gigantic bonfire blazing.
,The Royal Commissioner, who was
in charge, was seized and beaten, but
managed afterward to escape and hide
in a haystack until the worst was aver.
After the Municipality came the turn
of the Customs Office, and thea the
Postomce,' but here the rioters were
foiled by the courageous behavior of
the postmaster and his daughter, who
succeeded in barricading themselves
in and 11,1 not leave the building until
by telephone and telegraph, they had
called for help from neighboring auth-
orities. There were only a few care -
bleier! in Teano. Iilost of them were
presiding at the horse fair—the riot-
ers had chosen their day advisedly--
dvisedly—and the remainder was soon overpow-
erect, one or two being ratherseverely
It would seem that the riot le the
final explosion of popular wrath
against the high taxes and customs
dues which has been simmering for
some time. Order has now been com-
pletely re-established and large de-
tachments of troops have been sent in-
to Teano.
Yes, Indeed.
Parsnip --"Mr. Onion pushed that
big stone right out of his way,"
Tomato—"Yes, • he's very strong,
you know."
Serve t Imstarof
alls �" is
Mustard neutralizes the richness of
fat foods and makes them easier to
digest. Mustard enables you to enjoy
and assimilate food which otherwise
would burden the digestive organs.
', :±3 r,..,b y-1,i6.,s.". e, a-::
iii u�,\....
Why Busy Women Want
Busy women want SMP Enameled Ware
because it will bring food to the boil almost
twice as fast as a11 -Metal utensils, and com-
pletes the cooking sooner. A woman can
wash SMP Enameled Ware utensils faster
than utensils that have to be scrubbed
and scoured.
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of
pearly -grey enamel inside and out. Diamond
Ware, three coats, light blue and white out-
side, white .lining.Crystal Ware, three
coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal
Blue edging.
Dr c NAfl1
Where World's Tallest Men
�,. -=.• Are to be. Pound..
It is otton said that the tallest peo-
ple are found 1,a the temperate zones,
and the 'general idea 1e• that the Brt.
tie?' and 'the 'Scandinavian are the
Wiest races in the world. If, how-
ever, you go carefully into the figures
you will find that this is not alto case.
The Avenge height of English,
Scots and Scandinavians Is the Bane,
A full-grown man of each race weer.
ages 5 ft. 3 2-8 Ins. ta. 'heig'ht. The
Irish are -a freetiop of an inch shorter.
and next conte Manes and Belgians.
But these are not the tallest rases.
In the matter of incites, the records
are bald by Zulus, Iroeueitt Indians,
Polynesians, and i?atagonlaus. The
last, the tallest race Mlle world, aver-
age 5 ft, 10 1.5 ins. Now the. Zulus
live in a semitropical climate, the
Iroquois. In a temperate one, the Poly-
nesians in some of the hottest parts
of the world, while the Patagoulans
inhabit the Born of South America,
one of the coldest and most miserable
places on earth.
In remarkable eontraat to the Pato-
gonlans are the Laplanders, who, re-
siding almost on the Aretfc eirele, are
the shortest' race' on earth, a grown
man being only seven -tenths ofan
inch over 5 ft,
The more one etudies the matter
the more puzzling it becomes, but one
Point emus clear enough—that cli-
mate and latitude have nothing what-
ever to do with iielebe
Food and fresh air, indeed, have
more to ,do with the development of
the individual than climate, as is I
proved by the tact that everywhere
the farm laborer is taller than the.
A striking example . of this le pro-
vided by Scotland, where the farm
laborer is four inches taller and thirty-
six pounds • heavier than the average
Glasgow artisan. Again, the fishing
population of the Yorkshire Coast ex.'
oeed the Sheffield wod'lters by three
Inches in height' and twenty-four
pounds in weight.
Cholera Infantum is one of the fatal
ailments of eh1Idhood. It is a trouble
that ` comes on suddenly, especially
during the summer months, and unless
prompt action ds taken the little one
may, soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own
Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward -
hag off this trouble. They regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach
and -thus prevent all the dreaded' sum-
mer complaints. Concerning then
Mrs. Fred Rose, South Bay, Ont:,
says:—"I feel Baby'a Own Tablets
saved the life of our baby when she
had cholera infant= and I would not
be without them." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers oe- by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil.
limns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
No Chance.
Hodge—"Not married yet?"
"But I thought you had serious in-
tentions in a certain direction."
"I did have, but the evening I went
to propose to her; before I got a
chance .she told me she loved• Brown-
ing, and I{ipling and Shelley. Now,
what chance did I have with a girl
Rho was in love with three other fel-
lows?" MInard's Liniment Relieves Pain.
Courage, Comrade.
Toa cannot Atwaye recogpiee a man
Pf ecteeee'at first sight. Mr. Robert
U. Johnson' in 'Realembered Yester-
days tells of hearing an Iloglleh, wo-
man, a writer, say to Nikols Teela, the
brilliant Inventor:
"Apd you, Mr. Tesitl, what do you
"Ole I dabble a little la electricity."
"Indeed: Keep at It and don't be
discouraged. You may end by doing
something sam0 day."
This Is the man who had sold the in-
ventions used at Niagara to the Wet.
. ipghouse Company far a million
tars and had lived to rue the bergain!,
Almost Always Due to Weak
and Impoverished Blood,
Apart from accident or illness, due
to infection, almost all 111 -health arises
from ono or two rea60ne, The mistake
that people make to in not realizing
that both of these 'lave the same' cause
at the root, namely poor blood. Either
bloodleesnees Or some other trouble of
the nerves will be found to be the
reason for almost every ailment. If
you are pale, suffering from head-
aches, or breathlessness, with palpi-
tation of the heart, poor appetite and
weak digestion, the cause is almost
always poor blood, If you have ner-
vous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica
and other nerve pains, the cause is
exhausted nerves, But run •down
nerves aro also a result of poor blood,
so that the, two chief onuses of illness
are one and the same,
If your health is poor; if you are
pale, nervous or dyspeptic, you should
gfve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial. These pills act directly on the
blood, and by enriching it give new
strength to wornout nerves. Men
and women alike greatly benefit
through the use of this medicine. -10
you are weak or ailing, give Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you
will be pleased with the beneficial re-
sults that will speedily follow.
If your dealer does not keep these
pills you can get them by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Plants That Hate Music.
Experiments have shown that cer-
tain plants deliberately turn away
from bands that are playing loud
music. Although little is kown at pre-
sent about this strange phenomenon,
there is no doubt that blossoms of
several kinds are affected by the
vibrations caused when music is play-
Carnation and cyclamens seem to
be particularly sensitive to continued
sounds, and develop a tendency to
lean away from the direction in which
the music comes.
The Easter lily shows a similar
tendency. Some which had been used
as floral decarationss, olose to a stand
where a jazz band was playing dance
music, were affected to an astonishing
degree. After a few :tours it was no-
ticed that all the blossoms had turned
their backs on the music. Even when
they were placed facing the stand it
was not long befure each bloom re-
versed its position.
Never judge your future possibil-
bilities by your past failures.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Cr. Middleton will tae glad to answer questions on Public Health mat.
taro through this column. Address him at tipadina home, Spadlcaa
Crescent. Toronto.
Practically everybody knows whet
goitre is. A day seldom passes with-
out one noticing a person on the street
or car with a swelling on the neck.
This is purttcular:y noticeable in
young girls and older ones too, who
go about with their throats exposed.
What is the nature and cause of
goitre? Marine and Kimball, two
noted men who have given this sub-
ject much consideration, have this to
say of
it: "Simple plcgoitre 'has been de-
monstrated to be a deficiency disease
of the thyroid gland, due, almost en-
tirely to a lack of normal iodine sup-
ply in the food` and .drink of man,"
The disease is not confined to the hu-
man race, horses, cattle, sheep, dogs,
cats, rabbits and fish also being af-
Goitre is of world-wide distribution,
but most common 'in inland countries,
especially on high plateaus and in
mouhtainous regions. It is very prev-
alent in Canada, being found in On -
Mete, Quebec, New lirunawick, Al-
berta, Saskatchewan and certain sec-
tions of British Columbia. .Goitre
seems to be fairly common in New On-
tario and also in the north-eastern
part, of old Ontario whsle the surface
drainage contains very little iodine.
it is also prevalent about the Great
t- Rough surveys of the province ap-
pear to show that in general there is
ti considerable amount of goitre in the
northern sections, the percentage am -
!Mg school children being from ton to
twenty -sive per cent. Examinations
of the iodine content of various water
supplies in thopi'ovinee are at present
being made, an& these, no doubt, will
hod further light on this ittblerl. The
reedoiu of maritime sou rtr les from:!
, are is due to the preernee of sutil-
i nt iodine in the food rind drink for
requirements of the thyroid gland.
th. sett is the great reservoir of
iodine; iodine is present itr the sea-,
water and sea -food (animal or vege
Fine, brisk flavor!
The Coin' Bag
Best of all in the
The Shell.
See what a lovely ellell,
Small and pure as a pearl,
Lying close to my foot,
Preil, but a work divine,
Made so fairly well
_with delicate cliffs and whorl,
How exquisitely minute
A oitraele of design]
Most tricksters know one or
more methods of causing a coin
to vanish by: sleight of hand or
other trickery. Here is an easy
method of completing the trick
by a mysteriousreappearance of
the coin. Unfortunately, it is not
the same coin but the spectators
need not know that.
A bag of flannel or other rough
cloth is produced and half a dozen
coins are shaken out of it. Th
bag is held upside down and
shaken, so it Is obviously empty
after the coins have been taken
cult. One of the coins is taken
by the spectators and the remain-
ing five counted by a spectator
and put Into a bag. To prevent
trickery the spectator ties the
mouth of the bag with cord and
puts it In his pocket. The trick-
ster causes the remaining coin to
vanish by any means he desires
and Is able to use. The bag is
opened and the coin Is found to
have joined the others. The bag
may be examined without fear of
disclosing the secret.
A duplicate coin is used and
this is in the bag all of the time.
This coin is put in the corner of
the bag and pocketed by a few
stitches of thread. One end of
this thread is knotted with a
rather large knot. The bag may
be held upside down and shaken
without fear that the coin will
fall. The trickster, holding the
bag—first' showing his hands to
be empty—gets hold of the knot
while the bag Is being tied and
male out the stitches. In this
way the duplicate coin joins the
(Pep 0111s out and paste it, with
other of t»t series, in a scrapbook.)
. The Main Point.
"This fraternal order you are Organ-
izing --what name have you chosen for
It?" we asked.
"I haven't had time to select a name
yet nor even outline its purpose," re-
sponded the promoter. "Fixing the
initiation fee is as far as the rush of
applicants for admission has permit-
ted me to ga."
The sate way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Sure Proof.
Waiter -"Why sir, do you think that
15 an incubator chick?"
Guest—"No chicken that ever had a
mother could ever get as tough as
Some people imagine they are being
sympathetic when really they are only
being inquisitive.
table). It is also present in the a'r,
due to the sea spray. Salt obtained)tied contains sufficient iodine for the
a--•" �
from sea -water and not highly puri -1
proper functioning of the thyroid'
gland. Unfortunately, however, at the;
present time, salt is not prepared!
from sea -water, but from inland salt!
deposits which are often deficient in!
iodine or have the iodine removed by
the process of manufacture. Plants
growing on soils Which contain iodine'
will take it up and pass it on to the;
animal consumer, but if the soil is
deficient in iodine they are not able to
furnish a source of supply to the ani-
mal, and goitre results.
Statistics show that the disease is
generally more prevalent in women
than in men in the proportion of three
or four to one.
The best way to overcdme this dis-
ease is by the administration of iodine,
and the most effective way of giving
iodine is internally. One can admin-
ister iodine by inhalation or by ex-
ternal 'applicatiots, but both these
methods are more or less unsatis-
Iodine can be given in the drinking.
water or by the use of iodized tab:f
salt but the most effective way is to.
give it in the form of sodium iodide
or in an organic form of iodine done
up to a chocolate tablet. The dis-!
Agreeable taste of the sodium iodide'
makes it an ineffective preparation in
that children simply won't' take it for.
any length of time, and if taken in
this folio it should be once a week in'
three -grain tablets during the entire'
school year. It can't be done. The
dhildren refuse to take it.
To overcome this objection, a 21105-;
plate -coated tablet'cantaining five to
ten milligretts of iodine (one tablet
cash week) has been prepared. This
is the best method 'stet devised. Tur-
ing Ilro i:,eriad that the iodine is being
,'dmnsterod the patient should be
under medical supervision.
Say "Bayer" - Insist!
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia . Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
Accept only a
Bayer package
which containproven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered fn
Manes)- or Barer htauntneturc of Mono-
acetloaoldesier of Sulleylicacld
Feet Sole ?
Rub well with Minard's. It
relieves Inflammation, sootbes
and heals.
The tiny cell Is forlorn,
Yotd of the little living will
'Phat made it stir on the shore,
Did he stand at the diamond door
Of his house in a rainbow frill?
Did he push, when he was uncur1'd,
A. golden foot or a fairy horn
Thro' his dire water -world?
Slight, to be pushed with a tap
Of my flinger nail on the sand,
Small, but a work divine,
Frail, but of force to withstand,.
Year upon year, 'the shock
Of cataract ,88013 that snap
The three docker's oaken spine
Athwart the ledges of rook,
Here ou the Breton strand!
Canadian Trout for Scotland.
The Department of Marine and Fish-
eries, (eanada, has forwarded 20,000
aelrnan trout eggs (Criethtomer namay-
oush) from St. John, New Brunswick,
to the solway hatcheries, Dumfries,
Scotland, for experimental purposes.
They were collected last autumn in
Lake Ontario and carried to the Dyed .
stage in the Thurlow hatchery, near
Belleville, Ontario.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
We grow when We are green. It's
when we think we are ripe that we
begin to get rotten.
` s IJN
c J Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
Write MurLnc Co..Chingo,forEyrCa Book
Scattered Over Face.
Cuticura Healed.
" My face was full of blackheads
which later became little pimples,
They were scattered
over tnyfaccanditched
and burned, and when
I scratched them they
became worse and left
scars. I was troubled
with them for about
three or four months.
when I read an advertisement for
Cnticura Soap and Ointment and.
sent fcr a free sample. It helped me
so I purchased more, and now I
am completely healed." (Signed)
Mies Esther L. Ball, Manitou
Beech, Michigan.
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
Beapi. snob role by Mil. Addreas Onnndt,
Depot: 00ttenro, Y. 0, Mx 5 1e, Montreal.
Y 5,, Soop�a5
o. Ointmentnnd50c. Tolcum260.
War- Try our new Shaving Stick.
RR �� LY
Recommends Lydia R. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound
to Other Mothers
Hemford, N. S.—" I am the mother
of four children and Twos so weak after
my last baby came that I could not do
my work and suffered for months until
a friend induced me to try Lydia E.
Pinkharn`s Vegetable Compound. Since
takirg the \ egetable Compound my
weakness has left me and the pain fn
nay back has gone. I tell all my friends
who are troubled with female weakness
to take L dia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound, for I think it is the best
' medicine over sold. You may advertise
my letter. "---Mrs. GEotusa 1. 0lteaMe,
Hemford, N. S.
My First Child
Glee Allen, Alabama.—"I havo beam
greatly benefited by taking Lydia E.
Pinitham's Vegetable Compound for
bearing -down feelings and pains: I was
troubled in this way for nearly four
years following the birth of my first
child,and at times could hardly stand on
my feet. A neighbor recommended the
Vegetable Compound to me after I had
taken doctor's medicieee without' much
benefit. It has relieved my pains and
gives one strength, I recommend it and
give you permission to use my testi-
monial letter. "--Mrs. IDA 11Yel, 'Glen
Allen, Alabama,
Women who tinter should write to the
LY iaB.Ptnk'ham
ill'sdi ,C
C eine a. o
Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia 11.
Pinkham'e Private Text -Book upon.
,"Ailments Peculiar to Women." o
.t@8UE No. 31—'24.