The Brussels Post, 1924-8-6, Page 1VOL., 53 NO. 7
ha 2.00 per annum in advance
From the lesinning
The Bank of Nova Scotia
has recognized nized iculture
as the basic industry of
Canada.The Banks policy
has always been to assist
and encourage farmiits .
Farmers always fin
ready co-operation at
the branches of
Mink Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000
Reserve - • 19,600,000
Total Aaaets • 210,000,000
Manager, Brussels
Now Advertisements
For sale -LM, J. Engel
Money loot—Tux Puss,
Overland cors -8. Carter
Raepherries—Dunbar Bros,
4 Blg 6 eoialo—W. D. Hamel
Prise Package—w. A. (}rower
Weekly Stora Newe—Jamas Fox .
Voter& List—Village of Brussels
Soft coal for sale—Brussels Council
Garden Party—St. David's Ott., Henfryn
Preperty for dale—Mies Turnbull estate
Nonce of removal—Elliott Business College
mistrial Reim
R. S. Shaw, teacher at Bala, Ont., is
home for his vacation. He is re-cugag-
ed for the coming year, practical evi-
dence that he is doing good work.
Ae Gid. Parke and company were
motoring to Goderich on July 12th
they found a stmt of money on the
highway. They reported the discov-
ery and the cash was shortly after re-
stored to the thankful owner, because
it fell into honest hands.
Mies Rona Vanvelsor is holidaying
with friends in Brusaele,
Tony Rettinger, Winnipeg, called
on friends in the village Friday.
J. R. and Mre. Wendt, attended the
Old Boys' Re -union in Stratford this
W, and Mre. Hilborn and eon, Paris
spent a few days at the home of Mrs.
D. Fisher.
Jas. Longiey, Toronto, visited last
week with his father, Audrew Long-
ley, Howick.
At time of writing (Monday) prepar-
ations are under way for a Masonic
picnic to be held itt the park that
afternoon, to be followed by a street
dance at night under the auspices of
the Foot Ball team.
August 8 & 9
Regular $ 1.50
The Finest Botany •
all wool
Reg. $1,75 for
Straw Hats
,Regular $2,00
Rain Coats
Sizes 36 and 38
Regular $7,50
HamelW D.■Wear''
Mies Dorothy Stuart, Toronto, ie a
visitor at the home of her uncle, A.
D. Sauderson,
Austin and Mrs, Martin and little
daughter, Toronto, are "visiting Mrs,
Martin's parents, John and Mrs,
Dou lac,
Robs, and Mrs. Black are spending
2 weeks at Ayr, where the 100th an-
flivereary of that village was recently
Wm, Sanders, Calgary, called on
friends in the village recently, He is
a eon of the late T, B. Sanders and a
former resident here,
Mrs. C. White and children, Brus-
sels, Miss Heuneberg, New York and
Mrs, E. Rang and little son, London,
visited their father Reeve Benneberg.
A. Picnic and Garden Party, under
the auspices of S, S, No 8, East
Wawanosh will be held at the home
of Mrs. J. W, Bone, Wednesday, 27th
inst. Program opens at 1,80, G.
Cunningham ie President and A,
Porterfleld'Secretary of the organize -
Lion. It is to be an old fashioned re-
IN THE Toils.—Bevitt Leech, 24,
and William Lockeidge, 18, both of
Mitchell; appeared in police court
Monday before William Bailie, J. P.,
Magistrate Charles A, Reid being out
of town, and were charged with
breaking into the Benmiller Woollen
Mills an Saturday morning last with
intent to steal. Dudley E. Holmes
appeared on behalf of both the defend-
ants, neither of whom were asked to
plead, their cases being remanded un-
til August 9. Leech and Lookridge
are in Goderich jail, not being able to
fnrnieb bail of 52,000 in each case,
Crown Attorney Charles Seager, K.
0., is acting on behalf of the crown.
Ward Gledhill, proprietor of the Ben
miller Mills, had been sitting up
nights for the past two weeks, keep-
ing an eye on his goods, not alone be-
cause he had thought he had missed
some of his wool but because of a
friendly tip received from Bainton
Bros. of Blyth Woollen Mille, who re-
ported that they had been robbed
July 14. About 1 o'clock Saturday
morning Gledhill heard movements
about the mill. In the fracas which
resulted Leech was shot in the back
by Gledhill, using a 35 rifle. Lock -
ridge escaped in a truck they had
brought to carry off the booty, but
gave himself up to the Mitchell police
Sunday afternoon. Constable Tom
Gundry answered Gledhill's call, as
did also Dr. Taylor who dressed
Leech's wound and found that no
Close of Financial Year
Accounts Must be Squared
11 HE Financial yearof THE
BRUSSELS POST closed with
the end of July and all in-
debted are asked to square up so
that the books may be balanced.
A number of accounts are be-
ing sent out and the proprietor
will be gratified to have the at-
tention of those interested.
If account has not reached you
that will not hinder your com-
plying with our request,
We thank those who have been
helping in this clean-up cam-
P n g
Amounts of $10.00 and up-
wards must be settled before
August closes or they will pass
in for collection as we can't carry
them any longer.
It takes a tidy sum every week
to keep a newspaper office going,
hence the request. How is your
account standing ?
W. 13. KERR,
White Cap
Is on exhibition et the home of
CHAS. POPE, Elizabeth street,
and should be seen before you
purchase. Ir will pity you to see
this wonderful machine.
Is easy to Operate
Washes faster
{white Lasts longer
Is easily oared for
eap Is safer to work with
No time lost in
Keeps water warm
7 good, reasons, among numer-
oue others, why you should use
a White Cap,
Let us demonstrate,
C. Pope
2 5 C Prize chocolate
Each prize alone worth
from 25c to $1.00,
Our Chocolate Bars
Always Fresh •
Our best Assorted Chocolates
200 per j lb,
W. 14. Grewar's
Real Gandy Store
bones had been broken. He was
brought into town Saturday morning
and ie in no danger whatever, The
arrest of the two men has led to an
investigation of their possible connec-
tion with the Blyth robbery and of
outer features of the affair,
Mrs. (Rev,) J. R. Earl was a visitor
at R, 3. Hoover's last week.
Mieees May and Marguerite Cook
are holidaying with friends in Sea -
Harvey and Mrs. Hoover and fam-
ily, London, spent the week end at
the former's parental borne.
Mr. Sauderson and Mies Ida Rands,
Toronto, were visitors at the latter•'s
parental home for the week end.
PROPERTY for sale or to rent. 416 pores of
land, good buildings. Possession about end of
August. Apply to Mas, MURRAY, Ethel.
Phone 2226
HOME end lot for sale in Ethel. In good
condition, with hardwood floors, &o. Low
price for quick anle. For further particulars
apply to 0, MaNatn, Ethel. 4.4
Township Council met here last
The local Tennis Tournament has
proved of interest.
Misses Jeanet Laidlaw, Clete Wat-
son and Elia Brown, Blyth, were visi-
tors with Mies Elizabeth Fear.
It is said there are at least 7 appli.
cants for Ethel Postmastership,
so that is the perfect number.
Fred. and Mre, Cole, Stratford, and
Messrs, Driver ,Rochester, N. Y. were
calling on relatives and old friends
There was a great rally of Ethelites
and the folk in the vicinity to Bay-
field Wednesday of last week. A fine
time was enjoyed.
Rev. Mr. McCulloch, a former pas-
tor, will conduct services in the Pres-
byterian Church here for the next 2
Sabbaths. Old friends will be glad to
hear him again.
The Mission Band will hold a picnic
at the Presbyterian Church next
Tuesday afternoon, to which all the
members are invited, Molesworth
Mission Banda will be our guests.
At the Court of Revision on Grey
Township Assessment Roll for 1924
appeals for reduction from Archie Mc-
Lean and George E. Speiran were
heard by Judge Lewis, He reserved
decisiou but his report to the Clerk is
Dont forget the Auction Sale of the
Murray real estate, household furni-
ture, &c., at the Ethel station locality,
Thursday afternoon of next week,
Fuller particulars may be found on
the posters issued: The Murray fam-
ily purpose removing from Ethel,
hence the sale.
This week Rev. Harold White left
for Wailaceburg where he will supply
the Presbyterianterian Church pulpit dur-
ing August and will holiday w
ith old
friends on his former circuit, Port
Lambton, The pulpit at Ethel will
be supplied by the ladies of the con-
gregation uext 2 Sundays and for the
last two Sabbaths Rev. Stanley John-
ston B. A., Bervie, will conduct ser-
vices on the whole circuit. Union
appointment will be supplied locally
for next couple of Sundays.
Fall wheat is a fine sample and a
good crop.
Lawrence and Henry
Armstrong, of
Windsor, were visitors at the parent-
al home, 5th [inc.
Mrs, W. H. Gormau, Windsor, was
visiting the Armstrong and Russell
families. She is a relative.
Mies Ethel Wardell, of the Toronto
Summer School, spent the week -end
with her friend Mrs• Billie Brewer,
Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg,
school teachers, are renewing old as-
sociations at the home of Jos, Clegg.
Mra. George Martin and 8 children,
Georgetown, are holidaying at the
home of Mrs, Wm, Michie, the form-
er's mother,
Mrs, A. L. Lawson and children,
Jack and Murray, have returned to
Stratford after spending the past two
weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. H,
S. T. and Mrs, Bobier and Dorothy
and Charlie, Guelph, and Miss Knott,
London, were visitors at "Summer -
land Farm" with Henry Johnson and
W, H, and Mre. Oantelon and sons ;
Mrs, W. H. Gorman and Geo, Man-
ning, Windsor, were visitors at the
home of their uncle, W. H. Arm-
strong, 5th line.
Mrs. Wm. Brandon and 2 children,
who have been visiting relatives in
this locality, left for their home at
r h
er Bask,Mrs.'Brandon is a
daughter of Mre, Albert Cole, Blyth,
We are pleased to state that in ad-
dition to passing itis Entrance esant.,
as reported at the time, William, son
of Mre, Wei, Bowman, 8rd line, also
took honors, He will likely attend
Orders will be taken to
supply Fresh, Raspberries
up to Friday evening,
Dunbar Bros.
Ethel Grocery
Brussels Continuation School on the
opening of the Fall term.
School , Section No, 4 that usually
had a good record in the passing
years, sustained it able year by all
passing, They were Velma Jordan,
Jack Kelly and Jas, Smith. The
teacher, Mise Islay Crawford, who is
re-engaged for another year, shares in
the congratulations, The successful
scholars will likely attend the Con-
tinuation school at Brussels next term.
Oran brook
Hay is a great crop.
H. L. and Mrs, Stewart, Toronto,
were callers on their old friend Mss
Annie Steele,
Next Sunday morning people wil
have the opportunity of hearing Rev,
Mr. McCulloch in Knox church. He
was a former pastor,
Alex, and Mrs. McDougall and son,
and Mee. McIntyre, mother of Mrs.
McDougall, were welcome visitors
here last week. They motored from
their home at St. Thomas and called
on points en route.
—At a meeting of the Presbyterian
congregations of Cranbrook and Ethel
held here Tuesday afternoon, with
Rev, Mr. McLeod, Brussels, as interim -
Moderator, a call was extended to
Rev, W. A. McWilliams, Kinlough,
as successor to Rev, Mr, Kennedy who
removed to Owen Sound Presbytery.
ED —The remains of the late nMrs.
Donald Campbell, an old and highly
esteemed resident of this locality, ar-
rived last Monday noon by train from
Regina, where she passed away. She
had been visiting with her son. A
brief funeral service was conducted in
Melville Church by Rev. Mr. McLeod,
pastor, after which burial took plate
in the family plot, Brussels cemetery.
Mrs. Gibson is visiting Seaforth
Garniss has gone to West
Lorne for a holiday.
Miss Walker, Teeswater, is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. J. W. Leggatt.
Dr. and Mrs. Coultes and neice, of
Philadelphia, are holidaying here,
J, H. F. Timmins, Toronto, is re-
newing old acquaintances in the vil-
Will. Duff, who has been seriously
ill, is improving nicely, we are pleased
to state.
R. F. and Mrs. Garniss and F, B. and
Miss Scott spent Sunday with Sea -
forth friends,
Cameron McDonald, who has been
teaching near North Bay, is home for
his vacation.
Dennis and Mrs. Erskine and baby
daughter, Toronto, are guests of Miss
Bernice Shaw.
Miss Grace Coultes, Listowel, is
visiting at the home of her grand-
mother, Mrs, Snell.
returned to her
Mrs. J. P. Scott u
home in West Lorne after spending a
month at her home here,
OBITUARY.—Another of the early
pioneers of Perth County passed away
at an early hour Saturday morning in
the person of Margaret MaGillawee,
wife of James S. Holmes, of 89 Daly
avenue, Stratford, She was in her
77th year and although in poor health
for a considerable period had been
confined to bed only a few days, Mra.
Holmes was bort in Benlawres, Perth-
shire, Scotland, and was brought to
this country when 4 yeors of age by
her late parents, John and Catherine
MaGillawee, who located iu Elma
township, near Donegal. Following
her marriage to„James S. Holmes, she
took up her residence in Mornington
town' hip, In 1921, she with her hus-
band and daughter, Catherine, retired
to Daly avenue, Stratford. From her
kindly and sympathetic interest in
others and the patience with which
she bore her affliction, as she was al-
most blind, she wad a general favorite
among those who knew her. The late
Mra. Holmes was a member of the An-
glican church. Besides her aged hus-
band 0 sons and 4 daughters are left to
mourn the lose of a kind and loving
mother' :—. William, Downie ; John,
James and Alfred, Stratford; Archi-
bald and Alexander,' Mornington, the
latter of whom resides on the old
homestead ; Catherine, at home ; Mrs.
Edith Spencer, Milverton ; Mrs, Mar-
garet Stppel, Hammond, Cal, • and
Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Bluevale, There
are also 24 grand -children and 8 great
grand -children. Archie McGillawee,
Milverton, is a brother and Mrs, Al-
lison, Listowel, a sister. The funeral
took place from her late residence,
Monday, July 28th, at 8 o'clock. Ser-
vices et the house were conducted a
half hoar earlier by Rev. Mr. Macdon-
nell, of St. Paul's Anglican church,
and Rev, T, B. Howard, Lietowel, a
former pastor of Trinity 'church, EI -
ma, of which church she was a mem”
ber for a number of years. During
the service two grand -children, Miss
Odessa and Wendell Holmes, sang
"0 1 Morning Land." Sita was borne
Under the auspices of
St, David's Church, Henfryn
to be held on the
C.N.R. Station Lawn
Friday Evening of this week'
August 8th
Pine Program
is being prepared consisting of
Mr, Gordon Buchanan, Come-
dian, of Wingham ; Rev, and
Mrs, Lewin, Brussels ; Miss M.
Maunders, Elocutiauist ; A.
Mann, Bagpipe Soloist ; and the
well known Bowes & Marks Or-
chestra will be there, and others
will take part,
Supper Served from 6 to 8
Everybody come to Henfryn if
you want a good time and
an A 1 Supper.
Adults SOc Ohildron 25c
REV. A, PAUL, Rector.
to her last resting place by her 6 sons.
Funeral was largely attended, many
from her former home as well as rela-
tives from a distauce. The many
beautiful floral tributes testified the
esteem in which she was held.
The Presbyterian choir bad an en.
joyable time at a pic-nic held at Bay-
field last week.
Ross and Mrs. Douglas and Miss
Olive, Toronto, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. R. N. Duff.
Harvey Messer and Mrs. T. McKin-
ney, Toronto, are spending a few days
at the homes of J. Messer and J. Mc-
Rev, Mr. Wilkinson is wearing a
broader smile than usual. No, it is
not due to Quaker Oats, but on etc
count of the arrival of a $1,000 daugh-
ter—Doris Mary.
Mrs. (Rev.) Tate is visiting at the
home of her son. Frank, in Toronto.
There are new twin daughters on the
program there so of course Grandma
wanted to see them.
E. E. and Mrs, Gee and 8 children,
Shaunavon, Sask., and Mrs. M. B. Gib-
son, Wolseley, Sask.. are visitors with
J. W, and Mre, King. Mrs, Gee is a
neice and Mrs. Gibson a sister.
Rev. W, Jr, West, M. A., a former
pastor here, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian Church last Sabbath and
is expected to be here next Sabbath
also. He was accompanied by Mrs.
West. They are always warmly re-
ceived by the people of this commun-
it y
Woman's Iuetitute will meet Thurs-
day, Aug. 14th, at the home of Mrs.
Robs, Hetherington, 1st line, Morris.
Subject of the papers for the day
"Phe New Canadian" and "School
Sports," will be taken by Miss Hether-
ington and Miss Mary Stewart. Roll
Gall answered by Canning and Pick-
ling recipes, Ladies invited,
Seaforth Re -union
In their enthusiasm to reach Sea -
forth for the formal opening of the
Golden Jubilee and Old Boys' Reunion
an advance guard from Hamilton
travelledg all night, arriving here be-
fore 6 o'clock on Saturday morning.
They woke up Stratford en route and
rang the Seaforth town bell, then
toured the town in autos gay with
flags and balloons and properly equip-
ped with horns, whistles. etc.
D. D. Wilson, the only surviving
member of the first town Council,
motored from Toronto with his ron-
in -law and daughter, Professor and
Mrs. George Anderson. George Badge
returned from Texas after an absence
of 35 years. Alden Ballantyne, who
lived here 50 years ago, ie also pres-
A great deal of interest centered in
the auto caravan of upwards of 75
cars containing 200 old boys and girls
which left Detroit at 8 a. m., travel-
ling by way of Sarnia and the Lake
Shore drive. They made their grand
entry at Main Street headed by the
Seaforth Highlanders Band end the
Lucknow Pipe Band, followed by
Grand Marshal Richard Dawson on a
white charger. Arthur Scott, the
well-known soloist of Windsor, and
son of John Scott, Seaforth, sang two
verses of a poem written for the re-
union by Miss H. Isabel Graham,
"We're A' Welcome Heine,"
An hour later a special train from
Toronto arrived bringing 200, who
also had a parade. Congratulatory
telegrams were exchanged between
the mayors of Stratford and Seaforth
on the opening of the Old Boys' Re-
union at both places.
A historic pageant of 150 interest-
ing pictures of old time persona,
scenes and landmarks was put on by
the Toronto Old Boys in the evening.
o The Junior Football match between
Brussels and Seaforth resulted in a
A delightful feature of the Old
Home Week was the program of re-
ligious services held In the different
churches on Sunday. Rev, 3, W. Ma-
n MiIlnD D.,Toronto, spokeoke in
First Presbyterian
Church, J. L, Yule
Kitchener and Mre. Milne Rennie
ably presided at the organ, The choir
was composed of many former mem.
hers. Murray McDonald, Detroit,
grandson of the former pastor, sang
W. H, KERR, ,PrOrFetor
a solo and the Colonial Quartet, of
Windsor, rendered a number,
In the Methodist Church Rev, D.
Rogers, St, Thomas, preached en able
sermon. In the evening pulpit was.
occupied by Rev, Capt. Edwards,
Listowel, both former pastors. Qol
onial Quartet and some soloists from
a distance, who were among the old
boys, assisted in the service of sting.
As none of the former pastors of St,
Thomas Obureh aro living the service
was acceptably conducted by the
rector, Rev. T. H, Browu,
Monday, grandhigh *nese was
held in St, James' Catholic Church
for departed old boys and girls of
the parish, Rev. Father Eckhart of
Boston being the celebrant.
At 3 o'clock fraternal societies of
Seaforth and district, together with
the band, fire brigade and all the
visiting old boys and girls formed at
the recreation grounds and marched
to Victoria Park. Addresses were
given by the Mayor and the local and
visiting clergymen. Addresses were
also given by D. D. Wilson, Toronto ;
W. McLaren Doig, Port iHuron ;
W, H. Willis, Mayor of Wingham ;
Dr, Gallow, Mayor of Goderich ; Fred
Jackson, Mayor of Clinton ; W.
Black, M. P., and E, R. Wigle, M, L.
A. A. sacred band concert was held
in the park in the evening.
Be here on Park Night,
Numbers from here are taking In
"01d Home Week" in Seaforth-
Miss Ester Nyes, Toronto, is holi-
daying at Alex, Mann's.
Mise Greta Speiran is visiting her
friend, Miss Annie McTaggart, iu Sea -
Miss Mary Van Sant, Toronto, who
has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, Robt.
Livingston, has returned to the city,
Mrs, Leander Gole and family are
home after spending a pleasant holi-
day with relatives at West Montrose.
Bruce and Mrs. McMillan and
daughter, Catherine, Calgary, with J.
D. and Mrs. McKenzie, Teeswater,
visited with Harold and Mrs. Living-
eton. The ladies are sisters.
Park Club is going to no end of
trouble to make the coming Celebra-
tion the best yet. Foot Ball (don't
miss if.) Married men are to play the
single. A. good Concert is on the bill -
of -fate as is dancing to an up-to-date
—Poetess are out outlining the big an-
nual program to be put on at the
Community Park, Moncrieff, Thurs-
day evening of next week. Some of
the events are a Foot Ball contest in
which the married men will show the
young folk how to play the game.
There will be foot races for children
and elders. London Pipe Band will
play from 8 to 9. Alice Duubar's Com-
pany will take charge of the Concert.
Wroxeter Orchestra will supply music
for the dancing pavilion. Refresh-
ment booth, &c. Big crowd being ar-
ranged for and a great time is mapped
out, See the bills.
Brussels Council
The regular monthly meeting of
Brussels Council was held last Mon-
day evening, all the members present
except Councillor Weller.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were presented
and on motion of Hewitt—Armstrong
were ordered to be paid :—
Wilton & Gillespie, account...$ 187 37
Ed. Henderson, mowing Park 4 50
THE Poem, printing....- ......, 25 60
W. Cook, work on street 18 60
T. Kellington, work on street 13 50
J. Orerat, work on street I4 20
J. Logan, use of mixer 14 10
R. J. Bowman, work onstreet 2025
C. Pollard, sand and gravel .., 10 60
0, 11. Davidson, teaming. .. ... ,. 27 25
R. Thuell, salary and rent 160 00
G. McDowell, salary."76 00
R. Thuell, rent of metres 45 00
For Hydro—
E, C. Cunningham, account,49 20
S. T. Pluto, board Hydro men 411 50
F. Wilkins, blaaksmithing 21 20
T. Ritchie, blackemitning. •81 00
Allan Lamont, filing saws 1 20
R. Thuell, supplies .....• , 11 I2
Co, Representative Stothers addres-
sed the Council concerning making
re this f
Brussels the cent s e ar o
Short Course in Agriculture for the
boys, and Domestic Science, &c., for
the girls, to be open to the youth of
the district. It occupies about three
months, commencing December let.
After discussing the question it was
moved by Rose and ,Armstrong that
Council provide the necessary accom-
modation. Mr, Stothers thanked the
members for the heartiness of their
action in the matter and he would be
here later to make necessary arfange-
ments. It is proposed to use the
Council Chamber and the Board Room
at the Public Library.
Application was presented from W.
A, Lowry, accompanied by a cheque,
for license for pool and billiard tables
at the American Hotel. On motion of
Armstrong—Rose it was left over un-
til next meeting.
Tax rate was struck for 1914 at 42
mills on the dollar, this being a mill
less than last year. County tax is
$0829.70. regniring a tate of 4,8 mills.,
Brussels School Board asks lot. $7,000,
and the School rate will require to be
14 5 mills with 1.5 mills additional for
School debt. Local rate will be 21.7
mills. Total aeseesment for 1024 is
After discussing other local matters
the Board adjourned authorizingthe
Treasurer to pay Robert Thuethe
sum of 88,000 when agreement is Dom•
pleted regarding the allowance made
for former light franchise, and poles,
wires, &ai, nn street,
.A. quantity of soft ceai on hand will
be sold by Oounoil,