HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-16, Page 8is Kodak Agents Banking by Mail 41NY and varied VOA, types of men who conduct their bankingwith The .,Standard through the poet, BOWytien wio live Jar ewes faro any bank find that our plan of Wanking by mail eine deem Melting specie) tripe to town, and 1. eatidaetory in every way and quite rimpla Wo pay interest at current totes on such accounts Write or call for full particulars, STANDARD BANK Pp CANAD4 Brownies N•] 2 Brownie takes pictures 21 No. 2e Brownie takes pictures No, 2' Brownie takes picturee 2�r x 4 n ......... . ........ ..... $5 20 Eastman Films are the Best for your Kodak Folding Autographic L•7 Kodaks Vest Pocket, pictures rg x aj ••$ 6 5o is Kodak Jun., pictures 2f x 4} .......... .......... $ 13 no A very popular s'za and well made —the frame of metal and leather covered. The kind that come in the Yellow Box WE DEVELOP FILMS WE PRINT PICTIIRES WORK DONE IN THE STORE GOOD WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE F. R. SMITH The Store Druggist and Stationer �, THE store fronts in the I. C, Richards �� �t{W/inns` block were touched up by the paint m e u a u P W t s W H h t tl k a i t t v b v 0 1, 1 P c A LIGHT frosts. EARLY Cherry tie. g HALF of July is one. WEED.' should b bobbed. Council: minutes on page 4, BLAcit:btree shop to rent. See advt GotEarcH Horse Races next Wednes day. Foam Picnic to Bayfield Wednesday of this week. KsNBURN vs. Br ssels Thursday even ing en Victoria P rk. 13LY'rio and Brussels play Base Ball Thursday afterno0 n at 4 o'clock. BRUSSELS was well represented at Goderich Iast Sat rday at the Orange Celebration. New electric cli pers has been added to the tonsonial parlors of W. E, Arm- strong strong and J, H. Hewitt. I THOSE who are ooking for bargains should read R. ."Ferguson's advt, this week and profi thereby. INSTRUCTIONS have come to have Brus- sels Postoffice tziC ed for hydro, Of course, everybody' doing it. Tats is the final week for the Great Clothing sale at . D. Hamel's, He wants to see youbefore Saturday night. A WINGHAM Base Ball team played a game with the town nine, Tuesday evening of this week, the locals winning by a close margin, HORTICULTURE —All persons desiring to purchase Hycian th, Tulip. Daffodil or other bulbs are asked to place their orders at once.Horticulture bociety will supply them at a very reasonable price MRs. W. W, HARRIS, Secretary. nruesDAY afternoon of this week will be a busy time wit a League Base Balt game between Blyth and Brussels at 4 o'clock and a Senior Foot Ball match at 6,15, Kinburn and Brnssels being the well known teams. See them, MONKTON enters a protest over the recent Iotermediat Foot Ball contest iu Brussels declaring that time was up before the penalty ick was allowed by Referee Sills, It is to be heard Wed- nesday of this week at Stratford, Miss Doreen, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Lewin, Brussels, has gone to Lon- don, where she will rosecute her studies on the violin fromProf. Pocock. She will also take vocal lessons. We wish her success in pursu nce of the contem. p'ated courses. Rev, and Mrs, Lewin were in the Queen a ty tor a few days this week, p WOMEN'S Institu e, Brussels, intend holding their Annu al Picnic Friday afternoon, July 18 h, at the home of Robert and Mrs, Thomson, Queen Street, Weet. There will be games and refreshments, Ever member is asked to attend, bringing a friend and a bas - ]tet, Don't forget the date. BY notice in another column It will be seen that Harry, oungest son of P. and Mrs, Ament, Bru ssels, has forsaken bachelorhood and on June 28th was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Kenneally, Peterbor. . Ceremony was parforrned at Sioux Lookout, Ont., where Mr, Ament has a drugstore, The bride was teaching school there. Old friends here w sh 'Mike" and his bride many happy, rosperoits years. $1I.75 IT COST HtM.—Leslie Mc- Dougall, Belgrave to ality, was fined for refusing to obey the speed limit in run- ing his car on 'Tar berry street, Brus- sels, sels, and the sport cost him lita,95 in all. Some say he was travelling 40 miles an hour, Others who have been warned, will have similar cloSe ad- ministered unless they let up on such displays, Life is too valuable to run rlsks for the mere fun of it. Police Magistrate Reid, God ericb, deals with the lawbreakers. brush last week. CIIAPPIAN's harness shop has been moved to the Smale block, Turnberry street, this week. 5000 BL'snEi.e of wheat were shipped to Knechtel & Son. Hanover, during past'week, by Alfred Backer. • Tex POST regrets to chronicle the - death of Mrs. Mathewson, Flesherton, Ont., which took place Tuesday of this week. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. No. Manning, Brussels, and had- " been in poor health for some time. Fon BEsm.—Blacksmith shopp.� with tools and machinery, old established business and in good farming locality. A snap for the right man. Apply to D. EwAnr, box 101, Brussels, STANDING Hay, good crop, 6 to 00 sores, will be gold by the sora, Lot 22, Con. 10, tSrey Twp. Phone 297. AROn1E MGLEAs. 60 Acaeo of standing bay for sale, on Lot 82, Con. 13, Grey Township. Will be sold by acre or lot to said purchaser. Appty early to D. G. McQuAanin, Lletowel, or Taos. INCUS, Phone 400. Folt sale at a bargain, s Fordeon Tractor, Plow, double dlso and circular saw. Apply to ROUT. WALLACE, Blyth. Phone 817 Fon SAl.e,—Very comfortable frame house, Princess street, now vacant aE owner has moved to Rinoardine:- Apply at onse for pa Honiara and terms to T. R. Bennett, Wingham, or A. H. Macdonald, Brussels. FOR SALE AT A BAROATN.—Gas machine and all necessary fixtures. An ideal lighting aye. tem for residence out of reaok of Hydro. In. expensive to operate and In good condition. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR. Brussels Two comfortable houses on Mill street for sale at a bargain. Possession to snit pur- chaser, Terme easy. Apply to W. M. STNOLAIa. COMFORTABLE house andtM acre lot for Bale on Flora street, Brussels. Hood etable, small fruits, &a. Good neighborhood. Early pos- seselon. Price very reaebnable for quick sale. Por further particulars apply on the premises, Phone 78. MART A, BOLT. Polo Coupe, run between 800 and 400 miles, for sale. Apply to R. THOMSON, Brussels, On, PARKER, of Wingbam, has resumed his weekly visits to the Qeeen'e Hotel, Brussels, Women's Institute picnic Friday after- noon. Do you know anything about the White Cap washing machine 1 See the advt. of Chas. Pope. A quartette of local lawn bowlers took a band in a 'Tournament in Stratford last week. The personnel was R. F. Downing,. J. Logan, N. F. Gerry and Dr. White. With a big heartedness worthy of emulation our sphere trundlers left the laurels to others this time, STREET D.SNCIL At the close of the Kinburn—Brussels Foot Ball match Thursday evening of this week a Street Dance will be on the program, directed by the Base Ball team. Town's Orches, tra will supply the music for the occas- ion. LAST Friday evening Brussels Base Ball team motored to Seaforth to play a friendly match taking the place of Wing- ham who were unable to fultil their en- gagement, On account of the score book being lost we are unable to report the progress of the game, Tax POST beard Seaforth won by a considerable majority, SEAFOa'rer WON 1.0—Monday even- ing Seaforth Junior Foot Ball team met with Brussels on Victoria Park in the semi finals of' the W. F, A. The visitors scored a goal in the first half and that was the only time the ball got between the stakes in hours play, Last. half of game was very largely in favour of Brussels who stormed Seaforth fort very strenously but despite many close shots there was no tally to even up. It was not a bad game, particularly as Brussels never bad the team together before as our boys drew the lye in the let round. W. H, Bell, Brussels,' was the referee and well coached by a number of the local spectators' Return game Will be played at Sea - forth Monday evening, Maude C. Bryans Annentrces her Benesele, Office will be open f°Bowleg days of every week :— Houtea,ln4 . p, M. Monday.........10 to 12 1.80 to 0 Friday ,,.. 1.80 to 0 Saturday .,,.10 to 12 1.90 too Saturday Evening ...,, 7 to 9 PEMESR's Hair Goods representative to be here this week, See the advt. Ben and Mrs. Walker and Miss Betty. New Hamburg, are holidaying in Brus• eels. Haat! Listowel Kittle Band Thursday afternoon and eveniDgof this week on Victoria Park, Brussels THANKS.—THE POST appreciates the attention numerous subscribers in ar- rears are giving to squaring up prop- osition July is the month, Wet Roar HAS Sunnite CALL —'The sad news of the sudden demise lest Sun- day night at 4 o'clock of Wrn, Robb. Thomas Street, could hardly Ilb credited at first as he was around Saturday and Sunday feeling much better, he `had an, attack of Summer flu but was picking tip. Mr, and Mrs Robb had retired to rest and sbortly after tete latter beard a peculiar noise and in attempting to arouse her husband found him unre- sponsive. A Dr. was called but too late to be of assistance es the vital spark had fled, Mr. Robb was the eldest sou of the late John and Eliz't.Robb, and was barn on the homestead 6th line. Morris township, uow owned by H. McCut- cheou, 66 years ago. The passing years were spent in this locality. except - int; a sojourn of rk years in the West, when a youth. After selling his farm Mr. and Mrs, Robb resided near Walton for 8 years. coming from there to their borne in town in March 1918. 33 years ago last month deceased was united in marriage to Miss Mary Mills, Totten- ham, who is accorded the united sym- pathy of the community in her sudden bereavement, 3 brothers, (John, Brus- sels; Geo., St. Catharines and Jas., Maidstone, Sask ) survive also 2 sisters (Arcs. Currie, Maidstone and Mrs, Wm. Work, Brussels.) Funeral takes place Wednesday afternoon to Brussels ceme- tery, under the direction of the 1 0 0. F„ of which deceased was a member, Mr. Robb had not been rugged for sev- eral years. He was of a quiet nature, industrious, square going and respected by all who knew hirn, In church rela- tionship he was a Presbyterian and Lib. eral in bis polites. His sudden call should make people stop and think of the uncertaiuty of life and the necessity of always being ready, FRANCIS—BRYANS RE -UNION —On Dominion Day the r5th Annual Reunion of the Francis—Bryans clan was held at the home of Harvey and Mrs. Bryans, with a joyous company numbering 115 from bear and far, and a most enjoyable time was spent. t8 decorated automo- biles and a gay hay rack met the noon train at the depot! the Tack being spec- ially set apart for tbe Hamilton coating- etit, A sp'endid dinner Ras served in a large tent, roo folks being seated. After full justice had been done to the tempt- ing menu the afternoon was devoted to a program of sports, especially for the 50 children present, although some of the oldsters took part, photo groups were swapped and social chat mingled with a good program ot music rendered by Niagara Falls N. Y. orchestra. Presi- dent I Parker, Otterville, was chairman and after an appropriate introduction called for speeches from members of the respective families followed byshort addresses by Rev. C. F. Clarke, Meth- odist pastor, and Rev, F. L. Lewin, Anglican rector. Speeches were con- gratulatory, witty, historic and brother- ly and well enjoyed by the company, Supper call carne all too soon but met with a hearty response and the annual gathering was brought to conclusion, "Happy to meet, sorry to part hoping to meet again." The guests ranged from Lorne, the 6 weeks old son of the genial host and hostess to the veteran grandpa Wm, Bryans, who is now 85 years of age. The grounds were nicely decorated for the occasion. REv. J E. HUNTER DIESSUDDENLY.— The death occurred suddenly in Granton Monday morning of Rev. James E. Hunter, pastor of Granton Methodist Church, and Secretary of the London Methodist Conference, and brother of the Misses Hunter, Brussels. Mr. Hun- ter went to bed Sdnday night in what seerned to be perfect health. He had only been up a short while Monday when he was suddenly stricken and died before aid could be summoned, He had always been an industrious and diligent worker, and it is the belief of his friends that he worked himself to a point where he suffered a complete breakdown, and had not the strength to fight off death. He was ordained in r9o5 at the Listowel Conference, and since that time has had 5 circuits: Harrnonv, Mersea, Dungannon, Lam- beth anti Granton, He was elected Sec- retary of the London Conference at the meeting in Windsor during the first week ot June. This, coupled with his duties in the London Conference Ep- worth League, of which be was Presi- ent, are thought to gave brought too much work. He is survived by. his widow, formerly Miss Minnie Robinson, daughter or the late Rev, J, W, Robin- son, and a daughters, He^ is also sur• vived by ono brother, Rev, William Hunter, who Is connected with the Methodist Church in Pennsylvania. (He was coming to Canada on the first of August to spend the mouth, with his brother at his cottage at Bruce Beach,) and 4u eisters Mrs, Peter, Bervie, and Misses Anna, Mina, and Clara. Brussels, Deceased was born in Morrie Township, Huron County. and was the son of the late John and Mrs. Hunter, and'had his early schooling there. Funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon. The ser- vices will be conducted by Rev, H. J. Urea. President of the Loudon Method- ist Conference. Rev. and Mrs, Hunter were in Bruesels a short time ago to visit Misses Hunter. He was An Indust- rious pastor and a popular preacher, Br isseia Branch, Dublin Branch, : - 108 G. Ii. Sands, Manager 1'. M.Connell, Manager Mrs. Alex. McKeoyle, London, is visiting her sistcr•in•law, Mrs, Ge,o. McNichol, She is a former resident of Brussels, Tuts week Foreman Contractor Mc - Cane and assistabts are at Clifford straightening out some motor tangle with the Hydro system. The light is expected to be turned on at Blyth Friday of this week. DID SPLENDIDLY —The return for the recent Entrance Examination were re- ceived by THe POST on Monday and on being posted up tier° closely and an. „xiouslp scrutinized, Brussels pupils did well, out of 20 writing 14 passed, creditable to the pupils and the bard working teacher, (Miss Margaret Mau n• dere, The list is acs follows, alphabetig• ally akranged ;-,Stanley .Clarke, F. Dennisonr, Douglas Ennis, Archer Grewar, Htti•ry Kerr, .Doreen Lewin, A. Logan, D'oris McDonald, Winnifred McMillan, Dorothy Prentice, (Honors) Mery Ritchie. Jno. Smith. Mamie Thompson, and Joe Yolleck, Church Ohimos, Little Stars Mission Band held a pic- nic on Melville church lawn Tuesday afternoon and had a good time: Church Union passes third reading in the Senate and royal assent wilt com- plete the measure. A meeting of Anti - Unionists was held in Toronto to organ- ize for continuance of Presbyterian Church. MRS (REv) HARLIE DECEASED.—The death took place on Sunday morning at Locbatsb, a country parish North of, Godericb, of Mrs. Hardie, wife of Rev. J. S. Hardie. Before her mar- riage Mrs. Hardie was Miss' M. A. Her- res, Brantford. In addition to her husband she leaves 2 sons and a dough. ter, Margaret Chicago ; Stanley, Lon- don, Ontario, and Dr. D. Hardy, Gal. ena, Illinois. BORN EVANe.—In Grey township, on July 6th, 1024, to Mr, and. Mrs, Bert+AGvane, a son. LIVINGFTUN.—In Grey townshippon July Ilth, 1924, to Mr and Mre. Harold'Liviegeton, a eon—Robert Meokle. WnrTrtELD,—In Grey Township, op July IClt, 1024, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Whltflelrl, Flint, Mleh„ a eon—Douglas Hamilton, -_ MARRIED AIleNT—B.ENREALLY, — At Sioux Lookout, Ont,, on June 28th, 1824, Mies Margaret, daughter of Mre, W, Kenneaily, Peterboro, to Mr, P. H. Ament, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ament, Brussels. DIED HUNTEh,—A t, Granton, Ont„ on July 14th,1924, Rev. James, Elliott Hunter. brother of Misses Anna,, Mina and Olara Hunter, Brussels, aged 52 years, Bona,—Iii Brussels, on July IOth;1824, William Robb, Thomas street, aged 08 years, I month and 18 days, IN MEMORIAM • Loci,—In loving memory of Flight Lieut. 0, Wilfred Lott, who laid down his young lite In the canoe of freedom, at Malta, July 20th, 1818, "Who, being dead, yet livoth, Affectionately, PATnnes, MOTnen, SIeTERe AND BEOTREae. BRUSSELS MARKET. Fall Wheat Peas Barley.... ....... Oats Buckwheat Butter El 1 6 40 80 20 Hoge. 7 74 7 75 011 25 45 8800 Calf .Strayed Strayed on the premises of the undersigned, Lot 25, Con, 10, Grey Township,a red calf. There were 4 of them but 8 got out end went North, Owner le requested to prove proper• ty, pay expenses and take it away. ROBT. CAMPBELL, Brussels R. R.2 Fox's DrUg Store The 921,94745414* $tore WEEKLY STORE NEWS Pure Paris Green With :Pavia Green, rte well as 'many other articles, there is of- ten the ordinary as W011 as the BEST. We Confidently guaran- tee our Paris Green to be the very best that can be bought, 7Sc per pound Put up in pounds, half pounds and in e►nallerquantities ae desired. . Special TI -IIS WEEK For $1.25 A Gold Gillete Bator Nicely,Boxed and A 50e Tube of Colonial Shaviag Cream These are genuine Giliete Razors and formerly Bold at tit0 0o, and the Shaving Cream is one of the best we have, Price for both. $1.26 Going fishing or Berry Picking ? Better take,a bottle of SKEETER, DIG along. Splendid for Moegnitoee, Black Flies, &c, 25c per bottle 110R Poison Ivy You will find our Poison Oak ointment Highly, Satisfactory and Works Quickly. 25c per box Penslar Coro Collude Corns like Job's Oomforlere, are not very desirable and they won't stay long if you apply Corn Oollode as directed. 25c per bottle Films Films Fiims Developing and Printing Tho Holiday Season is now in full awing and our business in this Department is increasing very rapid- ly. We will be very pleased to add your name to our already long list of customers. FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOt1N C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER a FINAL WEEK $25.00 Grey and Brown Tweed Suits now $13.50 $30.00 Young 'Men's Wor- sted Suits -only 6 in this lot $13.50 30.00 & $35.00 Lovely Worsteds. Now $18.50 $30.00 Young Men's Sport Suits, Newest Tweeds. Now $18.50 $40.00 Imported English Worsteds. Now $24.50 Our Great Clothing Sale ends on Saturday, July 19. For over Two • Weeks we have been smashing existing Prices of Men's Clothing to pieces. A Great number of Customers have availed themselves of these Wonderful Bargains and have Saved Money. Three more days re- main. During these Three Days you have another opportunity to buy that Suit you have put of getting for so long, and our Values will be a pleasant. surprise to you. Nice Brand New Clothing, Splendid- ly Tailored in the Newest 'Styles. A- mong this large array of Suits, Sport Models and Quiet, Conservative Mod- els await you. Come and get your Suit before this Great Sale is over. Clothing Sale Ends Saturday, July 19th Bargains in Furnishings 2 50 Caps now $1 39 75 Cashmere Sox now 47 65 Braces now 39 5 50 Wool Bathing Suits now 2 69 3 50 Pure Wool Jerseys now 1 79. 2 50 Heavy Black Overalls 1 69 2 00 Blue and White Overalls 1 29 1 35 Boys' Overalls - 79. 75 Work Mitts - 39 40 Work Sox, special z prs. for 40 Wool and Cotton HAMELClothing VVD. Furnishings fu