HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-16, Page 4i" ssLs cosi
CROs" prospects In the West are f *r r•
DOMIniHI Parliament is expected to
ptoragne this week, after a long and
tiresome session,
CANAJ AN I'Lditera add party are Lav
in the time of their life in the overseas
holiday, Numerous interesting letters
(root them are being published in
their respective weeklies,
PAais is introdeciog the fashion of
low heeled shoes and the hobble and
stilt examples of style will noo doubt
disappear for the saner notion of travel-
ling closer to the ground for a while on
tit a now fashion -spasm is put on the
Doter supplythe "raw" material for
the undertakers by bathing In unknown
waters if you cant swim. Every day's
newspapers chronicle the story of the
watery grave, 8 drownings in one week
reported at Saskatoon.
Pardee of WALirr sails for Canada o0
August 26th and will return 10 Elgland
about rat of October. He will be ac-
companied by a few friends who will
visit bis illantaiation in the • West. No
fuss or flummery will be cm the program
and the party ,will no doubt have a good
Once more the Tot onto viaduct q les -
tion has been b -lure P„rliawent We
hope there will be no m'.cl rush after the
years of tartyieg ai d all should r, mem.
ber th it "great hod es move 'slowly."'
Of course delays are dangerous and if
the present generation is to share in the
proposed modern utility a hustle may be
$3,000 is among the recent fobbling
of cash by bandits and the place the
Standard Bank at Onowery, Alberta.
The looting took place at 2 o'clock in the
morning, and a coup'e of crowbars were
the bandy implements need to unlock
the safe. Io to if the cheeky borrow
ers will be caught or even pay bank in-
terest for the loan.
DONT be as'eep at the switch when
the Moderation. League attemps to rush
a "special" through on the Black Valley
railway, of which they are large share-
holders. If the open bar is returned to
Ontario it will he only because the
church members were outwitted by
those who seem to care little for the
moral aspect of Ontario. Who wants a
Plebiscite anyway ? Premier Ferguson
might well ask this question.
CAaszessnE55 in the handling of re-
volvers is a menace to the public was
pointed out to Parliament by the bead
of the Mounted Police, Menace usually
spells Murder in the final analysis and
following that is the silly plea, so often
put forth, of "wrong in the pumpkin"
as an offset to the use of firearms. Any
person found carrying such weapons
should be penitentiaried for 3 years and
a warning of this kind would soon put
an end to lugging round a gun.
JULY IITH, 1924, will be a date worthy
of remembrance in Brussels. as the in-
ductory to tbe Hydro system of Light
and power, The town Council
and tbe Hydro Commission
and staff are to be complimented for the
progress they made and the successful
ushering in of the light on above date.
THE Pon' feels free to forecast that it is
a Forward step and one that should lead
to progress in Brussels and locality.
Paovtwcz of Quebec has a million dol-
lar surplus in that Province. 1t might
not be a bad idea to send some of our
Government ftoanciers to' "school" in
Rushee so they could "catch on'. to the
methods, Most governments And it
easier to bit the toboggan than climb the
ladder. "Let -her -slide" is not a good
motto for either individual or country.
Building up surpluses requires more
than the arithmetical rule of addition,
ro M. P's will be added to the Com-
mons by the new redistribution. Ontario,
Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince
Edward Island stand the same and
Nova Scotia 'eat a; .Manitoba adds a, 15
to z7 ;; Saskatcbewan takes on 6, which
brings them up from is to 21 ; Alberta
increases 4, front 52 10 16 ; and B. C,
from 13 to 14, Toronto has an addition
of 4 and will be entitled to 9 members.
Total in .tbe new House will be 245
Possibly better work, with a big saving
01 expense, could be done with half the
IN the bye Election in North West
Toronto, for Provincial honors, W, H.
Edwards, Conservative, was elected
over a Labor candidate by a big major-
ity. A noticeable feature of the contest
was that only 20 per cent of the avail.
able vote wail polled, showing acare
nese on the part of the electors that
bodes no good. The ballot is a gift that
should be appreciated and the neglect
of its use might easily play havoc with
blipertant Banes. 'loo late to gather up
spilled milk if .nothistg but a knitting
need .e le available. People who neglect
to t xetc se the franchise should have the
privilege denied tbetn for a few years to
W Ike them tip Great itnpeovettlett a noted 10 rest,
dential area of Toront0'e Nortltweet
Mikoheil band heti new unlforlpa,
Pfeffer Milling Company Milverton,
erected an .adslltioil to their office,
0. A Hans, foi•merlyy� of Mitchell,
hue been appeiuted k oste:meter at
West borne,
Tint Presideuti€tl adidates for the what be. Seventy -Jive thousand
dollar pulp mill to be erected,
coming contest in the Uutted Stittes .' New €,fiiteees of County Temperance
next November are now in battle array Organization are—President, R. S.
They are ?resident Coolidge, Vermont, Stuart, Mitchell ; Vice President, Rev,
Republican and John W, Davis, West t',:7:1.17. Duggan, St, blgrys i Secretor ,
Virginia. Demcvrat. 'rhe,latter was the Tree fereenw H Iii A„ Mis awe i
choice to break a deadlock, in which toe Treasurer, K. Plamilton, Listowel.
thes in
belittle were taken without ,result, -lie
race. representing othtr ptrties and foe.
There will be 7 other caud awes HURON UUUNTY
Haus but the real race will be between
the two named Mr..Davis was the U, �0 '���� PI
Si ambassador to Great Britain. ', Both.
ara.fiae m n, Chas W, Bryan, brotber
t7 Wet. Jeanine Bryan, is the Demo
oratfe nominee fpr the V ci'Presideucy. �+►
Brussels council This Year's Outing the Best Yet of
Regular meeting of Brussels Onun- These Annual Events.
nil was held Monday evening 7th inet.; '•
all the members present Reeve, In the "the best yet" was the general
chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed on €noteotl of Waller-Rose,verdict of those who attended the
Following accounts were present. Huron -County Council picnic in
C. Davidson, teaming and Jewvett's grove, Baytield, on Fri -
street work , .......,....$11300 day last. Attendance was large
0. N R freight, on car of and representative of all parts of
plume .... .... .... . 80 02 p
C N. 11 freight on ear of oat- the County,. and this was even out-
eium chloride .. 10 51 t
A. Murray & co. 1 bbl. cold done by the enthusiasm and gen-
11 70
Wilaou, Paterson & Gifford 5
dtume calcium chloride,89 90
A. Murray & Co., tank oar of
' Motor 13 .:.. : 1256 90
John E. Russell & Co., 2 cars
crushed atone 49 42
Northern Electric Co.,150 pole
slips ... .. 14 30
A. Hislop, 45 ft. pole. .......10 00
Registering dead and Tax
frontage ...•. 12 50
0. $, Davidson, teaming .,-., 30 80
Ed. Herdt re u , wowing Pat k
and streets ......... . ... 14 50
Ameut Bros 4 00
Ament BIOS. wood Electric
Light ... ...... 74 30
Street Labor 359 35
R. Thuell, salary and rent 150 00
G. McDowell, salary-.,, . ..,75 00
Moved by Armstrong—Hewitt that
above accounts be paid. Carried,
' Notice re Nichol drain concerning
town properties was read and accept-
ed nu motion of Weller—Rose.
Insurance premium of $82 00 on the
Pope foundry, was presented by Scott
Bros., agents, was ordered to be paid.
The question of payment to the town
on this property was discussed and
the carrying out'of agreement utged,
Moved by Armetl'ong—Hewitt, that
13y -law No. 3, 1924, re Telephone de-
bentures be read a 3rd. time and pas-
sed. Carried.
A delegation from West end of
Thomas street addressed Council rela-
tive to Hydro lighting. They were
counselled to wait the coming of the
1igas lights will be 100 watt inetead
of 40.
In discussing some of the accounts
it was stated that top much time was of
spent in doing the work. ex -Wardens, ex -Councillors,
Council adjourned. and councillors, there being pre-
sent 9 of the first; 14 of the se -
See us about ,your Electrical Wiring before letting
that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Prices are Right •
All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use
only experienced labor.
Our work speaks for itself,. Call and inspect some
of the homes we have already wired in town.
W. L. Lindensmith
Call American Hotel
Huron, MT. N. W. Trewartha, also
was present and spoke kindly
words of encouragement and ap-
eral goodwill prevailing. preciation of the good work of
The weather man was particul- the County Councils of the past
arly kind and the day was ideal. and present and the splendid re-
Much improvement is apparent putation enjoyed in the Province.
on all sides in the grove this year by the good people of Huron
compared with its previous accom i County and their children. At the
modation in the matter of swings conclusion of the principal sports,
for the children, new seats and , bright, fitting Addresses were
tablas, and 'many words of praise given by ex -'Wardens — Hays,
attested the growing popularity of Geiger, Cantelon, Kerr Petty, El
this ideal picnic ground. liott, Doig, Trewartha and War -
The ladies, as usual contributed den E;win, also by Messrs. Lo
the greater donation to -the success Young, Bailie, Lane and W. .
of the day by the generous and Robertson of Goderich Signal.
dainty proviision's made !for the Mayor Gallow, of Goderich,
inner man, and, when all who was present and spoke particularly
spoke gave them their due meed
of praise.,Warden Erwin and Co.
Olerk Holman were not forgotten
for their efforts in making the
event a success. A hearty vote
of thanks moved by ex -Warden
W. H, Kerr, Brussels, and second-
ed by ex -Warden P. F. Doig, was
tendered the ladies and the two
officials mentioned.
The popularity of this picnic
was shown by the large attendance
Korth Huron Conservatives cond group; and 25 'of the third
group of gentlemen who have en -
Annual meeting of the North joyed the confidence'of the people
Huron Liberal-Oonservative Associa-
tion for Federal purposes, was held
in Wingham Town Hall Friday after. Council. .
noon, July 4th. Peter W. Scott, Of these the most noticeable
President 101 Association, was in the
chair. Following officers and chair. was Mr. Thomas E. Hays, of Sea-
men for the different municipalities forYlh the oldest living ex -Warden
were then appointed asfollows : , '
Pres.—P. W. Scott, Belgrave. if not the oldest ex -Councillor. Mr
Int. Vice•Pres.—Dr. J. Armstrong,
Gorrie. Hays was Warden in 1879, and
2nd Vice-Pres.—Wm. McQuillin, in spite of his 86 years is still hale
St. Helen..
3rd. Vice.Prea.—J. Goldthorpe, Col. and hearty and made one of the
borne. brightest speeches of the day, bei
J. A. bfacEwan, $
Reeve of Goderich. sides winning the( ex -Warden's
Wingham r—Dudley Hotmee, K. C., handiica"p trace, wtlth ,ex*arden
Chairmen of Municipalities ;—Ash- David Cantelon, a close second.
field, Jas. Alton ; Blytb, John Emi h The local M. P. P. of SDUth.
Brussels, George 'Muldoon - Colborne. a
J. J. MAIitnus ; Grey J. J. McCUt-
eheon ; Howick, A. A Grabam ;
Morris, Arthur Shaw; East Wawa-
noeh, Robt. Medd ; Turnberry, John
Metcalfe ; Wroxeter, Thoe, Hemphill,
It was the decision of the meeting
to permit the ladies to take charge of
their own organisation and also to al-
low Goderich and Wingham towns to
meet and chose their own Chair-
William Campbell., the esteemed
veteran. was present from Goderich.
Mr. Joynt, M, P. P. eaid it was Mr.
Campbell who saw to it that hie name
was on the voters list for the first
time, and that was when Sir John A.
McDonald's National Policy was in-
troduced, 47 years ago.
Speeches were delivered by John
Joynt. M. P. P., George Spotton, 11.
J. A. MacEwan, P. W. Scott, J. W,
McJibbon, Wm, Oampbell, 3, J.
Kerr, Richard Proctor, Wm, Mc-
Quillin and othere.
Following resolution was mien-
itnousiy carried.
"We, the members of theLib-
et-al Conservative Association of the
riding of North Huron, in Annual
Convention assembled, desire to
express our absolute confidence in the
ability of our leader, Rt. lion, Arthur
Meighen and strongly approve of his
etraight forwardness in all matter's
pertaining to the national wall -being
of the Dominion.
We also wish to express our utmost
confidence in the leadership of the
present Premier of Ontario, the Hon,
G. Howard Ferguson and believe that
the affair's -of the Province are safe
under such a capable officer."
Willie Lawrence, Logan, fell from
the roof 01 a building and brake big
left arm.
Bluer Mouseea, Zurich, had hie
right arm fractured by being thrown ,
Off his wheel. A dog did the trick,
Dominion Day.
Another veteran ex -Councillor
present was Mr. Thomas ~Sturdy,
of Goderich Townhsip, who spoke
in a reminiscent mood of the old
County Council days.
Ex -Wardens Spackman and
Beavers, of Exeter, also were
present but had . to leave early.
A, snappy base-ballmatch mon.
eluded fife days sports between
sides chosen by Messrs. Sanders
and Beattie. The match was um-
' Aired to the satisfaction of all by
' Mr. J. B. Reynolds.
IThe sides were as follows:
Messrs. Sanders, aHyes, C. A.
Robertson, Hubbard,' Middleton,
Patterson, Johnston, Douglas and
Young;- Messrs. — Beattie, Mr -
Ewen, Baekelr, McCutcheon, Jam-
ieson, McKilbbon, Coates and M.
Elliott; and the score was 9-4 in
in Goderich on of Mr. Beatties players.
of the great benefits of the social i
life developed by such gatherings
and concluded by inviting all to
attend the unveiling of the Soldiers .
Memorial statute
McClary's. Electric Ranges
Coffield Electric Washers
We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing
and all kinds of Repairing
Beauty Flies For Speckled Beauties
St. Jovite in the mountains of Northern Quebec is famous
as a summer and winter resort. Winter times they use a
wingless aeroplane for ski joring, but in summer they put the
wings and a body on and use it for fishing and swimming. Be-
hind almost every mountain of the Laurentians there is a lake
or two so the plane comes in handy for jumping over the
hills to chase the sporting bass and trout to their lairs. The
above pretty girt one of a party of five, has just come in from a flying trip to a nearby lake and is justly proud of
tier string of speckled beauties.
j Two very regrettaible things
rather marred the day's outing.
Mrs, Neeb sustained a very n pain-
ful) accident in the Goat raf;e 1
which she fractured her finger in
a fall, and Mr, Alex McEwen took
la very severe muscular cramp in
one of the races,
The following is a list of the
chief events and their winners:
Guessing contest (men) --W,
1-1, Coates; guessing. contest (wo-
men), Mrs, Thos. Inglis; Bean-
bag throwing, Mrs. A, H. Neeb
and Mrs. J, J. McCutcheon; thred
and needle race, Mr. and Mrs. M,
Elliott; peanut race—Mrs. (Dr.)
Grieve; coat race--MMr. C. A. Ro-
bertson and Miss S. Petty; Men's
race ---M; Elliott, A, C, Backer;
tossing the cable—Mr, A, H. Neeb
and J. J. McCutcheon; best look-
ing couple, .Co, Treasurer Lane
Teacher Wanted.
Woolen wanted for 8.3. Ne. P, prey, hold;
log Heootiediose oort111oate; dunce to oma.
mono Ha t Apilio t ofs, Staling ii
nndezPerlwlpatreoulved by the andoral nqd,
BLAH dt?FitstT)N.
Phone 278 11. R. 2,13ruseele,
To Contractors
The Mianlolnal (oanotl at tete Township nt
Sterns are as slug for tendere for the unlearnt:.
Wm et the Cole, the Coalcerllae. the Wilson
and the Smith Drains. Plane.estlntates,e�j1ee.
iSea4lgps, &o, at the C1arlee restdenee• lien.
dams must be aeaontpepled by taflrltedaheges
tom 45000. The tendars writ bade opoe0l a1 the
Townehlpnall,l5tonday Jals'tet,atl€o'510511
A. NAoi9wEN,
• Clerk,
Guernsey Bull for Service
In order to ltnprava tiro dairy type of aortic
to this sire. I Lava deolded iva o er my Hen•
lorherdstre, vanity Prince Norland, for
eorvtee ton unrated numberonly of young
healthy animals. 'Tertee 3000, oasis et tipm of
service, wait privllega of returntltg it nacos•
IS ys' oa do not think this n profitable oppper•
turdty'to 110111y maks mune~ sill r,at real it lry
stook, liras tr€ to buy qne of his pulsar' oatyea
from thnso W to now have thein. 80 tar ae I
can xsenrtain !hair price is fM 00, Tran—!11!11
is milk—hut 011 what n different).
and Mrs. John Douglas. Ex- D. al. Proprietor;
g pion Bold Guernsey Farm
Watden's race with handicap --T.
E. Hays and Mr, D, Cantelon.
Notes - Shorthorns and Yorkshires
Huron County Councillors and
In; Hbortborne we have One roan ball 11 '
their ' wives don't believe in or mrnthn old. bred by Hurry McOee, Toronto,
erred byy Imp Bntonlrn. Laddfe,. and from a
practice much guessing 'as in the tlorr attasiedum, Arent Nord bender, utter•
mor'so prise 8nother roan a good ueernl ban,
guessing the weight of a package s mo ttha old, by White Wonder, Coatd b are
which weighed from 3 lbs 13 ozs i o t aged {el,a�ea. Also York Ht)wa o>?rda•
were from 3 to 15 tbs, were the Lat Io, Con. la, Orey Two.
Pboeo 281€ R: H, 2 Broasele,
guesses. A tie between Mr, Beat-,
tie at 3 lbs t0 ozs and Mr. Coates
at 4 tbs was tossed for and won Dunfor-I Propert for Sale
by Mr. Coates. In guessing the y
number of beans in x pitcher Bonreand lotof aboutq%acre. eltnatedoti
the comer 0PTu rnborry and.Thomna etreats
hvhich was 83 7, the guesses ranged in the VUtsge 0r Brnaeela, known flb the Dun•
'. told home, On Jho property isa very snlr
from 150 to 1200 and the con- etnnttal brisk house 1 ntoety leotated, 81851
root, cement salter lhoore, naw turnaee, clothes
test was won by Mrs. Inglis with 0100010, bath room, cistern, drilled well. trait
tress, a ntna raspberry plantatdon. lovely or,
a. gues of 890. i , amental and everEreon trona, ctrl a beautftnl
law7, Wttl be solid for butt or what It would
It is rumored that the County 00at to holed IE to wind np eh0 estate et 11,.
Counciloirs will enter a base ball
team in next year's Huron County
League, with W,farden Erwin as
pitcher, and C. A. Robertson as
Couuty Clerk Holnran worked
early and late and in between to
make eversyibody happy and de-
serves much of the.ocredit for the
success of the days outing,
late R. 1,. Danford. Immediate p0o'ession.
For farther particular's apply to r, H. DUN -
FORD. Detroit,. or ,188. atoFADZ2AN, (neat
door). Box 1 Brussels P. O.
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 acres, being 'H34LOIN, Con. 6,
Morrie township, Good brick house with eel.
bar; bank bars, with cementetebitng ;.driving
she, drilled well nod a never falling spring at
bask, About 00 aeres under cultivation, bal•
anon pasture and wood land. Fall plowing
will be done and posseoidon riven this Imall,
For furtherparticulors apply to
444044+; tAk+•eise• 1'W'i+•+,+4t+ h44I.6'Fed-•44dNfic+•4444444,hl'
The Seaforth Creamery
Cream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
• i , J For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
The Seafbrth Creamery Co. 144+ +4644+1144444444 +41.8444444444
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
s lams misses
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at. our Fac-
Call and get a Cali and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt SerVice Satisfactory Returns
llrussels Cq� �� Stcwart