HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-9, Page 8Oftheta Stote
keepa Mosquitoes
away, 25c Bots
A Modern
$1.25 Bots,
Poison ivy
Water Glass
lgg Preserver
Get the Picture,
with a Kodak
with the
True Odor;
Other Talcums which are very
popular are—
Cherisette ITalcilm Powder
350 Tins
Also Cherisette Face Powder
750 Tins
Jonteel Talcum
250 and 5oc
Come to us for Kodaks and
Supplies. Our Kodak section
stooks the large Eastman line
of Amateur Photographic
Goods and the dependable
Film in the Yellow Box
Films Developed and Printed
Pure Paris Green
b 75c
lb 400
Georgia Rose Talcum
Bathing Caps
All the New Designs
25c to $1.00 each
Bathing Shoes
rile ____ i Store
Druggist and Stationer'
lrxlVebn Pins
IT pays to advertise.
SATURDAY will be July r2th.
Do you want a tent ? See advt.
THERE are still speed Bends on Turn.
berry streets.
A STREET Dance is ou the program of
the Base Bail boys.
REPORT says a business change may
p ace in Brussels.
Do you require salt ? See the Farm-
ers' Club advt. this week,
WHEN will Hydro arrive is the one
question demanding solution.
SEE Brussels Base Ball "trim" Au-
burn Wednesday evening of this week.
SEE the Pember advt. relative to a
professional visit to Brussels Thursday,
July 17th.
A PEW auto accidents were on the pro-
gram during past week but fortunately
no one was seriously injured.
Din you read the Hamel advt. on
page 5 this week? He wants to suit.
you. See about the bargains,
HEADING cutting commenced this
week at the Ament Factory and on ac-
count of this the wagon and sleigh man-
ufacturing department will take a holi.
day for a while.
STRAWBERRIES have been on the table
of many a household during the past
week as the quantity offered for sale was
generous and the price moderate. The
strawberry is a favorite on any bill of
team will be at Brussels Wednesday
evening of this week to meet the local 9.
Game will commence at 5 3o p. m. Au-
burn boys put up a good specimen of
ball playing and our diamond dusters
are going to make it interesting for
them. See tb e posters,
REX. A. CwUPP has gone to Godericb,
where be will open a law office, His
many friends in town will wish him
success. Mr, Cluff is a son of Rev.
and Mrs, Cluff, Stratford, and was an
officer in the /61st Huron Battalion.
Barrister Cluff is a nephew of Barrister
and Mrs. Sinclair, Brussels.
WOMEN'S Institute, Brussels, intend
holding their Annual Picnic Friday
afternoon, July /8th, at the home of
Robert and Mrs. Thomson, Queen
Street, West. There will be games and
refreshments. Every member is asked
to attend, bringing a friend and a bas.
ket. Don't forget the date.
BY notice elsewhere in this lssee it
s n that Miss Helen, only
daughter of Geo. A. and the late Mrs.
Halliday, Regina, was married to Dr.
Ira W, Dunbar at Indian Head, Sask„
ou June 18th, The bride is a neice of
the Misses Halliday of town, and her
parents were former residents of Brits.
Bels, We extend congratulations and
wish Dr, and Mrs. Dunbar a long,
happy and prosperous life.
feating Monkton on Victoria Park here
Tuesday evening, Brussels falls heir to
the District honors and steps into the
larger arena of Senior circles. Our
boys scored on Monkton in the early
part of the game and rather rested on
their laurels until the visitors were given
a penalty hick which evened the tally.
Play warmed up and close shots were
ou the program but no further tally when
the hour was up. so minutes were add.
ed to the time and when that was well
nigh up Brussels was granted a penalty
kick by Referee Sills, Seaforth. and
after a wrangle "Bid" Bell planted the
sphere between the posts and the vie.
tory and the District were won by the
home team, The visitors do not play a
rocking Chair game by any tneans and
will make It lively going for Inter.
tnedietes is the semi-finals into which
they nog/ enter,
Now is a good time to pay up your
subscription for 1924, as half the year
is gone.
SHOULD not empty jails begin to
lessen the heavy overhead cost of the ad-
minisration of Justice in Ontario?
DORCAS Club will hold a sale of Home
made Baking at Mrs. A. L. McDonald's,
William street,- Friday of this week.
Tea served from 4 to 7 p. m, You are
A 0000 Holstein Cow for sale, about to
freshen. Also 10 Pigs ready to wean.
Phone 5613 Grey Township,
00 ACRES of standing hay for sale, on Lot 62,
Con. 18 Ores ow
e Township. P
0 ahs . Will be sold by sore
or lot to evils, Listowel,
Apply early to
D. 5QCARRI%istowBl, orrTaos. Nous,Nous,Phonn 4e 408.
Team, 8x 10 feet, made of best duel/ nn
guaranteed aetotarn rain. Good 0naw. Will
he sold seen on A. as owner has no use for it.
May be assn on A. H. Maodonaid's lawn, Brno.
eels. Taos. FLARrTy.
Fon sale at a bargain, a Fordson Tractor,
Plow, double dlso and circular aaw. Apply to
ROE,. WALLACE., Blyth. Phone 817
STRAWBERRIES for axle. Phone 2818
J. A. NmnoL.
Hoven for cele. Apply to MAB..7, H. PREN-
T10E, Queen street, Brussels.
WRIST Watch lost Wednesday, June 25111.
Will finder kindly leave it at THE Poe,, Brno.
eels, or with Mrs. L. Frain, the owner, 4th
Con„ Grey township.
8TaAwaERRIEe for sale, Order early.
Wroxeter Phone 602 r 17 North Grey Bdy.
Fon SALO.—Very comfortable frame house,
Princess street, now vacant as owner has
moved to Kincardine. Apply at once for par-
ticulars and terms to T. R, Bennett, Wingham,
or A. H. Macdonald, Brussels.
Fon SALE AT A BARGAIN,—GBH machine and
all neoeaeary fixtures. An ideal lighting STS.
tem for residence out of reach of Hydro. In-
expensive to operate end in good eoadition.
.Apply to W. M. S1NCLAIR, Brussels
Two comfortable houses on M111 street for
sale at a bargain. Possession to snit pur-
chaser. Terms easy. . Apply to
OOM'ORTABL% house and +% acre lot for sale
on Flora street, Brussels. Good stable,small
fruits, &e. Good neighborhood. Eary pos.
session. Price very reasonable for quick
sale, For farther particulars apply on the
premisee. Phone 78. MARY A, BOLT,
Fonn Coupe, run between 800 and 400 miles,
for Bale. Apply to
R. TaoM0ON, Brussels.
De, PARR:%R, of Wingham, has resumed his
weekly visits to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
Arthur Wellington Francis, K. C.,
President of the Standard Bank of
Canada, well known barrister and
financial man of Toronto, passed away
at his home, Toronto, Friday morning
after an illness extending over some 8
months. The late Mr. Francis was
born in Toronto in 1848.
SAYS :—There was a large attendance
at the Memorial service in Memorial
Hall on Sabbath evening. The stage
was neatly arranged with flowers and
the Choral Society, with members of
the various choirs, supplied a couple of
well rendered choruses, Rev. Frank
Lewin, rector of the Anglican church,
Brussels, gave a very thoughtful and
much appreciated discourse, After
announcing his text he gave a short
account of some incidents which took
place during the world War, as evidence
of the bravery of our soldiers, He
pointed out that while physical bravery
was lauded both in the Scriptures and
by the world, yet moral bravery was
just as important and from the church's
standpoint equally as commendable.
His subject matter was well selected
and thoughts wore presented that are
not usually taken tip by either the
Presbyterian or Methodist Churches'
although they form a part of the creed,
Rev, A. C. .Giffin and Geo. Telford,
assisted in the service, The collection
which was in aid of the Bible Society,
amounted to 246.75,
Maude C. Oryans
Announces her Bruoaele Office
Will be open following .days of
every week ;—
Hours—a, no; p m.
Monday,,., 10 to 12 LSO to 8
Friday ..,,, ,,,1.80 to 8
'Saturday 10 to 12 1,30 to 6
Saturday Evening ,.,,, 7 to 9
Tux new Hydro poles in the business
part of the town are being painted,
How does your subscription to THE
POST stand 1 All sums of $to.00 and
upward must be settled by August Ist,
Are you in that number ?
SENIOR FOOT„—Brussels and
Klnburn will meet next week to settle
supremacy in:the next round looking to-
ward the championship. Dates were
not set when we went to press, Lively
times ahead,
SPEAKING of fine strawberries speci-
mens grown in the garden of Dr. and
Mrs, Hamilton, Mill street, measured
44 inches in circumference, We know
whereof we affirm as to 'quality and
quantity. They were Yum ! Yum 1
CLos% CALL.—Young Jack Jamieson
had a close call from drowning in the
Maitland river..- He was playing with
other children on the bank and fell in,
Fortunately Ben. Whittard was within
easy reach and rescued the lad from a
watery grave.
105105 Foo'r BALL.—Friday even-
ing of this week a lively Foot Ball
match will be played between Seaforth
and Brussels in the semi-finals, on
Victoria Park. Brussels. Latter bad
the bye in the rot round. Seaforth bas
a good team arida good game is certain.
See it.
THERE was an extra large Entrance
Class writing at Brussels totalling 57,
N. Geddes, Clinton, and Mrs. Aiken,
Bluevale, were the presiding examiners.
Papers were thought to be fair but of
course results will not be made public
for the next few weeks,
DURING the past week the sidewalk,
North of the iron bridge has been re-
built. A cement retaining wall was put
in to preserve the embankment from the
action of the weather. A good and very
necessary job has been done and it
should last for many a day. The
County will make a grant toward the
THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale
and purchase of Government and other bonds..
Investors are invited to consult our local manager,
who will be pleased to arrange any such,transacpons,
Brussels Branch, -
G. R. Smits, Manager
Dublin Branch, -
F. McConnell, Manager
People Wo Talk About $
tt 4*
Lloyd Jackson was home for the
week end froth Toronto.
Archer Grewar is enjoying a holiday
with Listowel relatives.
Miss Gertrude Ross is home from
Toronto for her vacation,
Miss Lizzie Bryans spent the week
end with relatives in Toronto.
Edna and Pat. Routledge, Listowel,
were visitors at the home of Mrs, Jno.
W. H. and Mrs. Peter and son,
Bervie, were visitors with the Misses
Miss Nellie Jardine, teacher at Con-
cord, Ont., is visiting with her mother,
Albert street,
Miss Margaret McNabb was under
the doctor's care last week, a new
feature for her.
Mrs. N. F. Gerry was a visitor with
her daughter. Mrs. Merklinger, at
Hanover last weak.
J. D. Ronald is visiting in Brussels.
He stands it wonderfully well for a
man 86 years of age.
Miss Tillie Zimmer. Toronto, is the
guest of ber uncle and aunt, A. C. and
Mrs. Dames. Brussels,
Mrs. Wm. Ring and children are
holidaying at the totmer's parental
home, Hamilton locality.
Miss Ina Cunningham, of the Branch
of Nova Scotia staff, was on the sick
list daring past week.
Mrs. W. T. Ross, Chesley, is spend-
ing the week at the home of David
Ross sr. Elizabeth street,
Miss Margaret Downing was "on the
shelf" during past week from an attack
of the flu. She will soon be o. k. we
Miss Margaret McKay, daughter of
Rev. Mr. McKay, Sarnia, is the guest
of Miss Mary Clarke, at the Methodist
5o YEARS OLD —THE POST extends Ben, and Mrs. Walker and Miss Betty,
its congratulations to the Leamington New Hamburg, were here last week.
Post and News, which is now issued They came to attend the funeral of the
from its new home in that town and late Neil Black,
printed on a brand new fast press. Mrs (Dr.) G. H. Ross, Wingham and
It is interesting to know that the new sinter, Mrs. Wilson Turner and daughter
office is on the identical spot where the Phyllis, Toronto, were visitors at D. C.
Post was born 5o years ago. Messrs. Ross' Tuesday.
Lane & Whitwam, the publishers, J. F. Kerney and his son-in-law, H.
have installed a lot of new equipment. Doherty, wife and son, Jackie, all of
We wish them the highest success. Guelph, were here for a visit during
The late
Wm. McSween was the pilot the'past week.
of The Post. Thos. Ross and family. Chesley, were
calling on relatives in Brussels. The
former is a son of David Rom sr.
Elizabeth street,
Miss Lottie Weller has gone on a
holiday to Toronto, Trenton, n and otherr
points in the East where she
will visit
relatives and friends.
J. L and Mrs. Burns, daughters, and
sons, Detroit, spent a few days at the
home of Jno. and Mrs. Long, Brussels.
They travelled by motor.
Mrs. Carrie Dunbar. Mrs. Jas. Speir,
Miss Elizabeth Speir and Mrs. Wm.
Hollinger motored to Guelph last week
and visited relatives in the Royal city.
Geo. Brown, Toronto, a former resi.
dent, combined business and pleasure
in a visit to Clinton and Brussels this
week. He is enjoying fairly good
Wm, C. Stretton. from Ohio, is spend-
ing his annual holidays here. He still
owns a 200 acre farm on the 5th line of.
Morris township, tenanted by A.
Mrs. Jno. McDonald, Listowel, was
the guest of Mrs. A. H. Macdonald,
Brussels, last week. They were old
friends when they were residents of.
Geo. J and Mrs. Reid and children,
Mount Forest, were visitors With the
Little families of town last week. They
are relatives and had been on a motor
Athol MoQuarrie. 'Toronto, was a
visitor with relatives in town last week.
He was formerly a resident of this
locality and is consequently no stranger
to many.
Thos. Flarity is here on a visit. Mrs.
A. H. McDonald is a daughter. He
has been holidaying with relatives in
Wiartoa and locality with side trips to
other points.
Miss Florence Stewart, daughter of
P. and Mrs. Stewart, Brussels, has been
engaged as teacher in the Anderson
school, •3rd line, Morris township, for
the coming ter
m ng m.
Manning. has been ill with
Summer flu but is improving nicely,
we are glad to state. Her daughter,
Mrs, Herbert Cunningham, Palmerston,
was here waiting on her.
W. A. and Mrs. Edgar, Edmonton,
were calling on relatives and old friends
in town last week. They were resi-
dents of Brussels some years ago and
ere well remembered,
Mrs. J. H, Short, Toronto, and
Stewart son of T. 5 and Mrs, Arm-
strong, Hornpavne, Ont„ are visitors
at the parental home of the former, Jas.
add Mrs, Armstrong. They will visit at
Clinton also.
Jno. McGreggor, brother to Mrs. W,
A. Lowry, and Ino, Martin, both of
Timmins, New Ontario, have been here
on a holiday, They greatly enjoyed the
motor trip from North Bay, coming Via
Wm. and Mrs. Emigh, formerly of
Brussels, have been renewing old
friendships in this locality. Their
home has been in the West for past ro
or 12 years, The West evidently
agreed well with them,
TIE GAME.—The Intermediate Foot
Ball match at Monkton, Thursday evea-
ingof last week, between the home team
and Brussels, resulted in a no.score re-
sult for the ho t
hour's a TCDUOnSX
e ercise.
One feature that marred the game to
both teams was the unsatisfactory work
of the referee w me from Mitchell
to take the placeo ca
of Referee Kelly, Listo-
wel, who was unable to gat about on ac-
count of a sprained ankle, and evident-
ly did not know his business. Practic-
ally the personnel of the opposing
eleven was the same as in the former
match at Brussels, 'there was a large
PRESENTATIONS,—Before leaving Em•
bro, where be had taught school success-
fully for past 2 years, Stanley Hall, son
of Wm. and Mrs. Hall. Brussels, was
presented with an electric reading lamp,
bronze book ends and a silk umbrella,
accompanied by a complimentary ad-
dress. The Methodist church, in which
he was an active and successful worker
gave him a leather travelling ease with
brushes and comb. Suitable acknow-
ledgment was made by the recipient.
Mr. Hall purposes entering the Metho.
dist ministry and will attend the Uni-
versity next Fall. He is aclever young
mal and should do well.
FRUIT Sseow,—A meeting of the Fruit
Growers was held in the office of the
Department of Agriculture, Clinton, on
Saturday, June 26th, for the purpose of
advancing the Fruitindustry of the
County. It was decided to hold a Fruit
Show some time and somewhere in the
this Fall. A committee with Capt, R.
R. Sloan as Chairman, was named and
have charge of the details in connection
with the Fair. It is hoped by this
menus that considerable interest will be
stirred up in what 10 at present a more
or less lagging Industry.
Yours very truly.
M rs.
Ellen Ward, widow of the late J. B.
Ward, passed away at the family resi-
dence, 15 Omemee street, St, Thomas,
at noon, following a long' illness. Born
in Scotland, 84 years ago, the deceased
Came to Canada at the age of i2. She
had been an honored resident of St.
Thomas for many years and a highly re-
spected member of Central Methodist
church, Mrs. Ward leaves to mourn
her death, a daughter, Mrs. William
Fairbrother, Detroit; 4 sons. John Sid.
new, Windsor 1 Frank, London; James
and William, St. Thomas. The funeral
of tbo late Mrs. Ellen Ward took place
Monday afternoon, interment taking
place In South Park Cemetery. Rev.
David Rogers conducted the services,
During the service, by request of de-
ceased, Mrs. Moyes and Mrs, Parsons
sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul,"
Among the floral tokens surrounding
the casket were designs from the tam,
ilv ; C, N. R office staff and shops,
Windsor ; Womens' Guild 0f the church
of the Ascension; Detroit ; employees
of the Canadian National Express, with
others from relatives, friends and neigh-
bors, Those in attendance from out of
town were: Wm, and Mrs, Feirbrotber,
Detroit; I S. anti Mrs Ward, Windsor;
Mark and Mrs.' Ward, London. Deceas-
ed and family Were residents of Brussels
for a good many years.
Mrs, Lorne Balmier, "Billy" and and
Mary Helen, Flint, Mich., are here for
a holiday at the former'S parental home,
with D. and Mrs. Ewati, Lorne
Eckmier expects to "smile" on his old
friends here oto long also.
Auction Sale
11 Valuable Horses 11
There will be offered for mile by Public Ana
tion at Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey Township, Taw
day, July 16th, at 2 p. m. sharp, rho following
valuable horses i—Teem of binok Peroherone,
weight 2800, egos 6 end 0 years • team of dapple
grey Pereherono, weight 28x0, ages 6 and 0
years ; team of Clydes, mare and gelding,
weight 2000, age 6 years ; matched team of bay
geldings, weight 2600, ages 6 sod 8 years 1
blaok mare, weight 1400, 10 yoars old •. 1 bay
mare weight 1600, 10 years 1 brawn mare
1480 lbs., 0 years old ; 1 dark grey more, 10015
Iba., 8 years; 1 bay gelding. 1100 lbs., 8 years
1 bay gelding, 1100 SM.. 11 years; 1 brown driv-
ing horse, broken to saddle, 0 yearn • 1 oheot-
nut driving mare, broken to saddle 6 yearn; 1
grey mare, 1200dba„ 6 years old. These are all
estern horses, quiet and well broken, Terms
—8 months credit on approved joint notes, or
a discount of 6 per cent per annum for oaeh.
Proprietor and Auctioneer.
At W. F. and Mrs. Stretton's new
residence on the Hill. the week end
guests were J, G. and Mrs. Fallis and
Miss Kathleen Fall's, Toronto ; Mrs. H.
Sabine and Alvin Sabine. London ; W.
C. Stratton, Lancaster, Ohio ; and
Athol MacQuarrie. Toronto.
Stanley Hall has gone to Guilds,
Kent County, where be will supply Rev.
Mr, Cummings work for. the next 6
weeks while the latter is in England.
We wish Mr, Hall success.
Arthur and Mrs. Hobbs and daughter,
.Wanda, wero visitors with Fred, and
Mrs. Brewer, The ladies are sisters,
Miss Wanda, although only 5 years of
age, passed her elementary examination
in the piano, taking honors: Her
mother was her teacher so both are to
be congratulated.
D. A. and Mrs. Lowry, Toronto, were
calling on relatives and old friends here
during the' past week, They
were motoring and visited at Walker-
ton, Harristoa and other points on their
way back to the Queen city. They
were former well remembered resi-
George N. Edwards, teacher, London,
has been visiting under the parental
roof. He will take a trip to the North-
land for a fishing excursion and later
visit relatives in Wisconsin, LI S. He
takes the Principalship of the Rectory
street school, London, in which there
are 8 teachers, after Summer vacation,
v _
Shipping in and out of the pert
of Vancouver, B.C., for the calen-
dar year 1923, showed an increa,,
fin all departments, according to tie
annual report of the Board of Har-
bor Commissioners. Over 51015,-
235;000,000 worth of goods were ex-
ported, an increase of 380,000,000
over the value of the 1922 exports,
,while the imports totalled 394,-
000,000, an increase of 518,000,000
over the 1922 'figuree. Weenie
totfg, wnet pm ting
tered and left the port in 1925, an
increase ever 1922 of 2,969 ships
and 752,289 tons. et
A party of 200 Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Editors and their wives
sailed for Europe on June 1.1th
'board the Canadian Pacific steals-
ship HMelita," The party wig
vialt the bathe -fields of France
and Belgium, mooing most impor-
tant points til those countries, in -
eluding Bruen & and Paris and will
he received by King Albert. Later,
they wAi lour England and Scot-
land and we to be presented to the
King and Queen at Buckingham
Palace on Dominion Day. Return -
:Ag on the 'Canadian Pacific steam-
�htt "Montlaurier," they win visit
Made of the Belfast Telegraph, will
am. The,y dock at
=IOa August 4th. •
Enthusiastic celebrations took
place at Vancouver and Victoria,
B.C., when the special service squad-
ron of the Royal Navy, headed by
H.M.S. Hood, the largest warship
in the world and flagship of the
squadron, visited those places re-
cently. The squadron is expected
on the
Atlantic seaboard in Aug-
ust, when efforts will be made by
.Cenadians on that coast cities n hwanh
the welcome they extend. The'an-
ticipations are that thousands of
visitors will gather at Quebec and
elsewhere` to demonstrate their af-
fection for the officers and men of
the fleet.
"Yon may say that Canada Is be-
coming more and more interesting
to Englishmen and before long ad-
ditional English capital will be used
here in the development of indus-
tries. I am very optimistic and I
believe that we are now progress-
ing towards an era of unprecedented
prosperity. What we need more
than all now is the immigration of
good men who will become an asset
to this country," declared Sir John
Aird, President of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce, on his return
from Europe recently aboard the
Canadian Pacific steamship "Em,
Gre01 of Francs."
Fogy's Drums Store
The ...-e11447/1" Store
Paris Green
With Paris Green, as well aa
many other articles, there le of-
ten the ordinary as well as the
BEST. We confidently guaran-
tee our Parie Green to be the
very best that can be bought,
750 per pound
Put up in pounds, hall pounds
and in comelier quantities as
For $1.25
A Gold Gillete Razor
Nicely Boxed and
A 50c Tube of Colonial Shaving Cream.
These are genuine GiIlete Razors
and formerly sold at 88.00, and
the Shaving Cream is one of the
beep the have,
Prico for both 81,26
Going Fishing
Berry Picking ?
Better take a bottle
along. Splendid for
Mosquitoes, Black
Flies, &a.
25C per bottle
Poison Ivy
You will find
Poison Oak Ointment
13igh1y Satisfactory
Works Quickly,
25e per box
Corn Callode
Corne, like Job's
Comfortere, aro not
very desirable and
they won't stay long
if you apply Corn
Collode as directed,
25c per bottle
Films Films Films
Developing and Printing
The Holiday Seaeon�s now in full awing and our
business in this Departraent is increasing very rapid-
ly. We will be very pleased to add your name to our
already long IIst of customers,
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
+ Highest market prices
+ See me or Phone No. 2x, Brus-
+ eels, and I will call and get
.1, your Poultry.
M. Yollick
Mrs. (Dr.) Scott is a visitor with her
sister, Mrs. J. H. Galbraith. The
lady will be better known as Miss
Vinie Bowman formerly of Brussels,
MOCALLITf,—In McKillop township, on Juno
9th, 1024, to Mr. and Mrs, Noble Mogsl,nra,
a daughter—Viola Mny,
SSILINO.—Io Wroxeter, on July 6th, 1024, to
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Selling, a daughter,
DoNnAR—HALLrnsy,—At Indian Head, Sask.,
on June 18th, 1024, Dr. Ira W. Dunbar to
Mice Helen Irene, only daughter of Mr.
George and the late Mrs. Halliday, of Re -
gins, formerly of Brussels,
CONSTABLs.—In McKillop township, on July
4th, 1024 Basan Barrows, beloved wife of
Albert 51, Constable, aged 70 years, 10
months and 0 days,
TpoSOAY, JULY 16TEL 17 Western Horses,
Lot 12, Con, 4, Grey Township, at2 o'clock p.
m. sharp. R. McInnis, Prop. and Auo.
Pali wheat $0 50 80 03
Peas ....,. 160 155
Barley ... ......... - ...................... 55 66
Buckwheat 40 g0
Batter .- 00 80
Eggs. 25 25
Potatoes 8 76 8 70
Wool 8 221 8 W 21
Notice to Ratepayers
Parties Intending to pay cash on the Rio -
tool, the Wilson, the Cele, the Oockerlioe the
Mustard, the 6foArthnr, the Nlobol, the Wel.
ton or the Smith Drain moat notify the Troan
neer, A. Shaw, BlnevnleP, 0., at once of =oh
intention as the debentures are to be leaned.
Clerk of Morris Township,
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for 8. 8. No 2, Grey, hold.
ing Second. Ohms certificate ; duties to com-
mence Sept. 101. Apppllentlone, stating eatery
and experlonoe. received by the undersigned.
Phone 275 It. R. 2, Brussels.
To Contractors
The Menloipal Council of the Township of
Morrlsare nuking for tenders for the construe.
Hon of the Cole, the Cockorlino, the Wilson
and the Smith. Draine, Plane, estimates, epee.
Mentions, &e, at the Olerh'e residonoo. Ten.
dere mast be accompanied by a marked °Lequo
for VA 00. The 'tenders will bo opened nt the
Townehlp Hall, Monde July 2121,11t 2 o'clock.
A. LYao&WEN,
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for 8.8. No. 4 Gray town-
ship,duties tocommence Se September 2nd. Ex-
perlleneed teacher preferred. Apply, stating
ealary, 50 ROST, MaALLIBT let,
Seo: Troan.,
Phone 208 R. H. 2, Bluevnle.
McClary's Electric Ranges
Coffield Electric Washers
Welier's Hardware
We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing
and all kinds of Repairing