HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-2, Page 8e
eiX,Caei, .`tore
keeps Mosgaitoes
sway, 2$c gots
A. Modern
$1,211 Hots.
Poison Ivy
Water Mass
Egg Preserver
Get the Picture
with a Kodak
Come to us for Kodaks and
Supplies. Our Kodak section
stocks the large Eastman line
of Amateur Photographic
Goods and the dependable
Film in the Yellow Box
films Developed and Printed
Pure Paris Green
I lb ............ ...... 75c
With the
True Odor
Other Talcums which are very
popular are—
Oherisette Talcum. Powder
350 Tins
Also Cherisette Faoe Powder
75c Tins
250 and 5oc
Jonteel Talcum
Georgia Rose Talcum
Bathing Caps
All the Near Designs
26c to $1.00 each
Bathing Shoes
The�` Store
Druggist and Stationer
Xuxa1i l tea tem
IT rains very easy.
GET ready for Hydro.
EARLY haying is at band.
Jute —half 1924 gone already
GARDEN Parties still have the call.
COUNCIL meeting next Monday
A NUMBER have been bothered with
Summer grippe.
TUESDAY was a holiday and the busi-
ness places closed.
Form Picnic at Bayfield Wednesday,
16th inst. Quite a number figure on
BREAD is now 9 cents a loaf, the in-
crease being chargeable to upward
tendency on the wheat market.
J. H. PRENTICE was awarded the con-
tract for the Hanna Drain, Grey town-
ship, at $3,000. There were several
tenders. Mr. Prentice is an old hand at
the work.
READ W. 11 Hamel's advt, on page 5
and profit by the Bargains he is offer-
ing. He invites you to call and see the
quality of the goods so as to make sure
of the values,
NEARLY every week items of news
comes to band too late for the current
issue, TIIEIPosT is published Wednesday
of each week and, the press, is often
started before noon.
Red Bor.—Next Mouday evening
Monkton Intermediate bustlers will be
here to break the Foot Ball tie
with 13russels. Game on Victoria Park
at 6 15 o'clock, It will be a good one
and should attract a bumper crowd.
SCHOOL,—Mrs. I Parker won the prize
offered by Lindensmith Hydro store, in
connection with the Bean Guessing con-
test, There was 5345 beans in the jar
and the winner's guess was 1344
A FINE ton truck bas been put in the
hands of James Henderson. the local
representative of the Imperial 011 Co,
here. The motor vehicle will greatly
aid Mr, Henderson in making his rounds
in the Summer months, He handles it
o, k,
REEVE BARKER and W. H. and Mrs,
Kerr took in tbe Co. Council Picnic at
Bayfield on Friday. The former won
end prize in a too yard dash in the
athletic sports and he was also Cap-
tain of one of the contesting Base Ball
of the rain last Saturday afternoon the
Auction Sale of the Annie Turnbull
Estate was postponed for a week and
will be held Saturday oft this week, at 2
o'clock. Property contains to acres
upon which is a comfortable house,
stable,:orchard, &c. located in Brussels
North. The household effects will also
be offered and standing bay if real estate
is not sold, Property would make a
fine home, See the advt. and posters
and take in the Sale Saturday afternoon,
THE Garden party was held at Dr.
and Mrs. Hamilton's Friday evening as
announced. Although evening was
cool with threatening rain there was a
fairly good atteudanee, It was a fine
spot for such a gathering. Booth and
the Country store did quite a business,
Musical program consisted of cboics
numbers by Gerrie Orchestra, assisted
by H. L. Jackson and W. A. Greaser,
Brussels, and vocal selections by the
Harriston Quartette, who also contribut-
ontribu -
ed solos. Their voices blend well and
are above the average, "How Ruby
played," a hnmbrous recltatioe was well
done by Miss Belierendo, Harriston,
Rev, Mr. Clerk° made a good chair,
man. Proceeds of the evening were
MIO, Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton were
thanked for the use of their eligible
property. Grounds were lighted by
READ the local news on page 5.
A LARGE share of interesting matters
is left over to next week's issue.
SATURDAY of next week will be the
12th, Local Orangemen will celebrate
at Goderich.
A NUMBER from town attended the
Vodden-Michel wedding Wednesday
evening of last week. •
A FINE large verandah bas been
built to the home of Alex, and Mrs.
Anderson, Turnberry street, which adds
to the appearance and service of the
LAST week D C Ross and Alex.
Strachan of town, motored to London
and took a hand in the Bowling tourna-
ment in doubles. They won and lost
and enjoyed the outing.
STaAwnaRnizs for sale. Phone 2818
J. A. Mooch.
Hones for sale. Apply to line. J. H. PRIM -
ME, Qneen street, Brussels.
WRIST Watch 1001 Wedneeday. Tune 26111.
Will ender kindly leave It at Tun Poem, Brun -
eels, or with Mrs. L. Frain, the owner, 4th
Con„ Grey township.
DEstINo Mower, nearly new, for sale, or
would trade it on cattle or pigs.
Phone 4218 M, L, ceanlrr.
SERD Buckwheat for Bale. Tapaneee variety.
Good yielder. 81.10 a bushel.
Phone 550 J. P. WINTomm, Grey Twp,
BTRAWBcRRIEB for sale. Order early,
Wroxeter Phone 092 r 17 North Grey Bdy.
Fon SALE. Very comfortable frame hoose,
Princess street. now vacant as owner has
moved to Kincardine. Apply at once for par-
tloulare and terms to T. R. Bennett, Win sham,
or A. H. Macdonald. Brussels.
Fon SALE AT A BARGAIN.—Gas machine and
allneceesary fixtures. An ideal lighting eye.
tem for residence out of reach of Hydro. In-
expensive to operate and in good oondltion.
Apply to W. M. StNCLAIR, Brussels
Two comfortable houses on M111 street for
vale nt n bargain. Possession to suit per -
chaser, Terms easy, Apply to
COMrORTAILE house and y4 sore lot for sale
on Flora street, Breenele. Good etabie 6111011fruits. &e. Good neighborhood. Early pee.
mission. Pride very reasonable for quick
sale, For further psrtioalare apply on the
premises. Phone78, MARY A, B01/1.
roan Coupe, run between 800 and 400 miles,
for sale. Apply to
R. THOMSON, Brussels.
DR, PARKER, of Winghem, hoe reenmed his
weekly visite to the Qneen'e Hotel, Brussels,
TUESDAY was a quiet day in town,
Most people with cars spent the holiday
out of town. Listowel attracted a good
AUBURN Base Base Ball team is to be
here for a League game Wednesday;of
next week. Watch ;out; for it. Game
BRUSSRLS Intermediate Foot Ball
team was defeated at Ethel Thursday
evening of last week by the home
team, The score was r.o.
A GOOD job was done in replacing
the cement sidewalk South of the
bridge. The walk North of the bridge
will also be rebuilt. It requires at-
tention all right.
GODRRICH Township Base Ball team
were winners in the match played in
Brussels last Thursday. The visitors
had their betting clothes ea and also
had a wonderful club for pounding out
3 base •hits and home runs,
THE POST regrets to state that Neil
Black, brother of M. Black, Brussels
died at his home. 4tt1 Line Morris, Mon-
day evening, Funeral takes piece on
Tbifteday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock, ser-
vice commencing rehalf hour earlier.
A Irma ONE —The Wetland Tribune
—Telegraph issued a Wellaid Centen-
ary number lest week giving a complete
story in picture end letter press of
Canada's greeteat a0hievement. There
were 84 pages and the Output was a
credit to the office. Editor 'Blake
Duff, a former old Bluevale boy, is at
the head of the Welland press.
Maude Cr Bryans
Announces her Bruaeeie Ornee
will be open following days of
every week 3--
Hours—a, 02. p. Int
Monday ,. 10 to 12 1.80 to 8
Friday 1.80 to 6
Saturday ••.•. 10 to 12 1.80 to 6
Saturday Eveoing .,.» 7 to 9
The death of Mrs. George Colvin, Strat-
ford, occurred at the Queen Alexandria
Sanitorium, London, about 52,45 o'clock
Wednesday evening of last week. Al-
though Mrs, Colvin bad been under the
best professional care for more than a
year and in the London Sanitorium for
6 months all efforts to save her life were
fruitless. She was born in Toronto 25
Years ago and lived there with her fam-
ily until 6 years ago when she moved to
Stratford. 3 years ago as Miss Esther
Annett Stortz, she married George
Colvin, She was a member of Knox
Church, a Sunday School teacher
and a loyal member of the Young
People's Society there. She leaves
to mourn her death, besides her
sorrowing husband, an infant son, Mar-
tin Anderson, her parents, 3. sod Mrs.
Stortz and a sister, Margaret, 28 Argyle
Street, Stratford. A funeral service
was held at the home of her parents, at
7.3o o'clock Friday evening. The body
was taken to Toronto where interment
was made at Prospect cemetery. Satur-
day morning. The service at Stratford
was conducted by Rev. Dr, R. Martin,
of Knox church. Knights of Pythias,
of whom Mr. Colvin is a member attend-
ed the service in a body. Pallbearers
were E. C, Wilcox, J. H. Wallace, S. H.
Vaostone, J. C. Gordon, Clarence Cor-
rie and Chas. Farquharson who accom-
panied the remains to Toronto. Those
who attended the funeral from out of
town were George and Mrs. Colvin,
Brussels ; Mrs. B, Stewart, Buffalo ;
Mrs. I. Johnston and Barbara Johnston,
Miss Verna Irwin and Miss Ella Smith,
Toronto. Beautiful floral tributes were
received from Knights of Physias, fath-
er and son : W. L. and Mrs. Young ;
W. C. and Mrs. Sealy ; H, J, and Mrs.
Butler ; W. and Mrs, Chidley ; Norman
and Mrs. Youngs ; R. and Mrs. Free-
man ; J. Bruce Dunlop ; Mrs. B. Stew-
art, Buffalo ; Mrs. N. R. Fleming, Bel-
leville ; H. and Mrs. Myers ; Miss Hilda
Hodgins ; Mr. and Mrs. Francis; H.
and Mrs. Mathews ; E. and Mrs. Fish-
er; Joseph and Mrs. Wallace; Fred.
and Mrs. Wallace; 3, Gingras and
family ; Mr. and Mrs. Colby ; Miss
Norine Galbraith and Hilda Small ;
Wilfred Gingras 1 Arthur Sutherland ;
Kenneth Hammer and husband and
son. Old friends in Brussels and local-
ity sympathise with the bereaved.
Ohuroh Ohimes
Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr,
Hawkins, Blyth, conducted service in
St. John's Church Rector Lewin was
taking anniversary services in tbe Com-
munfiy Hall, Blyth.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Clarke discoursed on the benefits of
"Systematic Giving" and in the evening
spoke on "Canada and the duty of the
church to the Dominion."
Union services will be held between
the Presbyterian and Methodist Con•
gregations of Brussels for the coming 2
months, starting next Sunday a. tn.
Rev, Mr, Clarke Methodist pastor, will
occupy the pulpit during Tuly. Services
will be held in Melville Church at 11 a.
m. and 7 p m. Choirs will interchange
as well as pastors, Methodist.. Sunday,
School will continue to meet at 3 p. m.
in the Methodist Church as usual.
tjt People We Talk About
tt . tt
Miss May Skelton, teacher at Wiarton,
is home for the holidays,
Stanley and Cecil Hall are visitors at
the parental home, Mill street.
Mrs. H. Arbuckle and son, Toronto,
are visiting Mrs, 3, H. Prentice.
Mrs, George Edwards visited with
relatives at Stratford and London.
Miss H. Downing, teacher at Toron•
to, is home for a part of her vacation.
George Buchanan, of St, Catharines
Collegiate Institute, is home for a holi-
Jae and Mrs. Brebner and son jack.
Windsor, are here on a visit at M, Buch•
Miss Edith Willis is home for a hell•
day from Rochester, N. Y., where she
is training for a nurse.
Miss Grace Rose, Woodstock, is a visi-
tor at the home of Councillor and Mrs.
Rose, Frederick street.
Mrs, E. T, Bell, Toronto, is visiting
at the home of her mother, Mrs, Jas.
Speir. She's always welcome.
Earl aid Mrs, Cunningham, and
Children and Miss Lizzie Denman are
away to Havelock for a holiday.
Roy and Mrs, Wm. Ainley, motored
from Toronto, and renewed old ac.
quatntences in Brussels and community,
Miss Speck and lady friend, Toroito,
were here for a visit with Mrs, Elmer
Ewan. The former is a sister to the
Dr. F. 1'. Bryans and daughter, Cath-
arine and Miss Eva Bryans, all of the
Queen city, motored to town and made
Et short visit.
Mrs Alex. Bryans, Toronto, is renew-
ing old friendships in town and locality.
She spent a good many years in Morris
township and Brussels,
Miss Mabel Zimmer, Toronto, is visit-
ing at the home of her uncle and aunt,
A, C, and Mrs, Dames. She was a
former resident and is always welcome,
Roy Askin, who has been attending
school hire, has gone to Raymond,
Ont,, to the parental home for his vacs-
Hon. He motored with Frank Coates.
James Parr, Alexander street; who
underwent an operation at Wingbam
hospital, is making favorable progress
and will soon regain his accustomed
vigor, we hope.
The Investor's Safeguard
SAFE'ry is the first consideration in every phos
of this Banka business — and we are in a
position to render a complete investment service
Our nearest Manager can give you information.
regarding any securities you may contemplate
Let STANDARD SERVICE In your Investment Safeguard
11111 57 Y
oir cat'�uat.
Brussels Branch, - - - G. H. Samir, Manager
Dublin Branch, - - - F, McConnell, Manager
Miss Lenna Ellis, 'reroute, is a visitor
with the Misses McCracken, Albert
Sam, and Mrs, Askin, Stratford, are
visitors with relatives and friends in
Brussels and locality,
Chas. and Mrs. Pope and sons, Strat-
ford, have been visiting at the former's
parental home, Elizabeth street.
Last week Wm Dark, Alexander
street, bad a weak spell but is able to be
about again we are pleased to state.
Drewe Bros., sons of James Drewe, a
former hardware merchant in town,
were calling on old friends in Brussels,
ex -Conductor Quirk, who is well
known here, celebrated his 91st birth-
day last week. He makes his home in
Jim" Armstrong, formerly of Brus-
sels, has been moved to Fort Saskatche-
wan. He isa member of the Standard
Bank staff.
George and Mrs. Colvin were called
to Stratford last week to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Geo. Colvin, their
Dr. and Mrs. White were called to
Collingwood locality last week on ac-
count of the serious illness of Mrs.
White's mother.
M. Buchanan and Miss Florence at
tended the marriage of Miss Violet,
daughter of Reeve and Mrs. Buchanan,
East Wawanosh, to Stanley Cook, last
Councillor and Mrs. Weller and son
motored to Walkerville and Windsor
this week to visit old friends. Mrs.
Weller and Bobbie are extending their
Howard Bolger is making good pro-
gress in connection with his being laid
aside by a broken leg, the accident
occurring a few weeks ago in a Foot Ball
It is a pleasure to the many friends of
Jouathan Kirkby to note the much im-
proved condition of his health and the
way he is able to get about with his
wheel chair.
Miss Donelda Thomson is home for a
holiday from Rochester, N. Y., where
she is training for a nurse. Her health
has not been as good as usual of late but
we hope the vacation will help her.
Mrs, George Mooney and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wilson, Shaunavon, Sask., are
visiting with John and Mrs. Simmons,
town, D. and Mrs. Smith, Morris and
other relatives and old friends. Former
is a sister of Mrs. Simmons. The
Mooney's were former residents.
Mrs, George Baeker left this week on
a trip to relatives and old friends in
Fort Francis, Winnipeg, Manitoba and
Dakota. She was accompanied by her
youngest daughter, Miss Pearl Baeker.
They went by boat from Sarnia. We
wish them a good time,
Mrs. E Crich and her house guests
A. E and Mrs, Roe, Pickford, Mich ,
spent Sunday with Miss Ida B. Frain
and also attended service at Roe's
church. They visited in Gerrie, Wed-
nesday and Clinton and Goderich Fri-
Thos, Armstrong, teacher, and Dr.
Harold Armstrong. Toronto, are here
on a holiday at the home of their par-
ents, Princess street. The latter leaves
for Old London where he will pursue a
special course in Surgery. We wish
him tbe highest success,
A. E. and Mrs. Roe left Monday for
their home in Pickford, Mich, after
visiting the former's sister, Mrs. E.
Crich and brother, Alex. Roe, the, past
week. Mr. and Mrs. Roe made the trip
by motor, camping at the various tour-
ist camps en route, and visiting.at Flint,
London, Hamilton, St. Catharines and
Niagara Fails.
Harry Sweet, Exeter, is home
from England. He reports a wonder-
ful time.
Fred. Kerr, Crediton, broke 95
targets out of 100 in one event at a
St. Thomas shoot.
Lionel Macklin, Goderich, is
assisting at Chautauqua work in the
Southern States.
Executors' Sale
10 Acres of Choice Land
Comfortable House, Stable, Fine
Orchard, Well, &c., together
with Household F,ffeote
belonging to the estate of the late
Miss Annie Turnbull, was to have been
held last Saturday afternoon, but ow-
ing to heavy rain was postponed until
Saturday of this week
at 2 o'clock
Property is located in Brussels North
and is a most desirable location. If
real estate is not'sold the standing hay
will be offered the day of sale.
For further information apply to
The number of 'big industrial un-
dertakings projected for immediate
:construction on the coast of Brit-
ish Columbia provides a striking in-
dication of how that province is
going ahead. A 9400,000 logging
railway up the Shebalia River Val-
ley, a 91,000,000 mill plant at Che-
malines, a $200,000 amusement cen-
tre at Victoria and a 91400,000 saw-
mill at Port Coquttlam, with :about
10,000,000' in power plants is the
cave Lake District are some of
'the more important and a 'host of
smaller projects are also under way.
Practically all Canada's produc-
tion of newsprint for export in
March was absorbed by the United
Stater. Of March shipments
amounting to 127,683 tons valued
at 99,7.8 0, the United States re-
ceived 125,848 torts, valued at 9,-
617,823. The only other Canadian
exports of newsprint of importance
were 699 tons to South Africa and
1,097 toss to New Zealand. It is
expected that Apiii shipments will
show an even greater proportion
of consignments to the United
The concentration camp for erni-
granSr .to Canada and the United
i66taates melntetined by the Canadllan
Peri ie Rahway and other steam-
ship companies, is located at South-
ampton, Ragland. It has an aver-
age daily attendance of 600 and, on
pone daps, the number is about
1,000. Comfortable quarters and
male at moderate coat are pravid-
ied and featime of the caanp are
s,pecial dining -room for Jewiah
gere, the private shower
fhawith toweia and bathing
gowns supplied and the individual
rooms which are also available.
BROWN—BDGAR.—At the home of the bride's
parents, 2nd Con„ Howiek, on June 25th,
1024, by Rev. A. Leine, Mabel, daughter of
Mr, end Sirs. Alex. Edgar, to Mr. William
Watson Brown, eldest eon of Mr, and Mrs,
George Brown, Listowel.
VODnEN—Mron sL,—At the home of the bride's
pimento, by Rev, S. W. Hann, B,D„ on June
26th, 1924, Mr. Robert H. Voddon to Mise
Velma M. datIghter °LMr, and Mrs. W. A.
Mtehel, all of Ethel,
McClary's Electric Ranges
Coffield Electric Washers
Weller s Hardware
We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing
and all kinds of Repairing
Fox's Drug Store
The 4 Store
in the garden. Un-
less the garden is
free from these pests
you do not get good
results, Our exper-
ience helps. Let us
help you,
Fly Away
Stay Away
Warm weather ,brings
out the Flies. Then
they overrun the house,
destroying everything,.
ie our beet—cleans them
out at once, Try it.
lull Strength
Water Glass
Preserves Eggs the
beet, By putting
down your Mee Freak
eggs now you will
leave fresh eggs all
Winter long, Eggs
are cheap and Water
Glass ie easy to 3200,
Straw Hat
Here is an article that we
can fully recommend. It is
easy to apply and the results
the very best.
15c the package
Sugar of Milk
is Good
A food value for Babies and
Growing Children. A fine
product guaranteed pure.
You will find our Sugar of
Strictly Pure
� Canadian National Ry.
We would like to draw the attention of the public to
the fact that we are Down Town Agents for this
Company and will be pleased to supply you with the
necessary paste boards when taking your next jaunt.
We wish to assure you that this does not in any way
interfere with the work of our Agent at the Depot.
If for any reason any ticket purchased from as is not
used mouey will be promptly returned.
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
BERNARD.—In Morrie township, on June 26th,
1924, to Mr. and Erre. Earl Bernard, n eon.
WILMOT.—IO Brussels. 011 June 89th, 1024, 10
Mr. and Mrs, F. M, Wilmot, a son—
Charles Robert,
BLADE.—In Morris township, on June 80th,
1924, Neil Bleak, in his 80114 year. Funeral
Thursday et 2 80 p, m. Service at 2.
COtvieL At Qneen Alexandria Sanitarium,
London, on June 25111, 1524, Esther Annett
Stortz, wife of W. B George Colvin, 168
Front street, Stretford,
Douorura.—In Wroxeter.. on June 2411,, 1524,
Jessie Beatty, beloved wile of the lite Wm.
Douglas, in her 84111 year.
SHAnr1N.—In Wroxeter, on June 22nd 1024,
Roy Arnold, infant son of Ward and Dire,
Sharpin, aged 8 mouths and 8 days,
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 4 Grey town-
ship, duties to oommenoe September Sod. Ex.
perienced teacher preferred. Apply, stating
salary, to - ROBT. MoALLISTER,
Phone 208 R. R. 2, Blnevale.l
Fall Wheat ......... »..........
Batter »
--........ .................«.»
Potatoes ....
t1 000
41 66
8 00
To Contractors
The Muniel al Connell of the Township of
Morrisltre asking for tenders for the conetrno•
Mon of the Colo, the Cockerline, the Wilson.
and the Smith Drains, Plans, estlmntes, spec-
ifications, &e, nt the Clerk's residence. Ton•
dere mustbe atoolnpanied by a marked cheque
for 550.00. The tenders will be opened et the
Township Holl, Monday. July 21st, es 8 ifolook.
Teacher Wanted
To Contractors Teacher wanted for S. S.%o.1, Grey, hold-
ing Second Class certifoate ; dudes to own"
,--+ mane° Sept. let. .Modern 'wheal building,
A job of gravelling will be let Saturday, nicely located 25 1111100 from Bro0sele, Ap-
July 6th, et 7 p m., opposite Lot G, 4th Line, PlfcsGiona, stating salary and experlenoe, re -
Morris, By order of Council. aeived by the euderoigned up to July 10th.
Councillor, Phone 284 Ii, R, 0, Brnoaele,
Presented President with Steel Spike
�'f r nom• .w,. •�?.?:'&
eorge Munro, pioneer track layer of the Canadian .Pacific Railway,
V received birthday congratulations on May 21 from Mr. E. W. Beatty,
during the latter'e recent visit in Vancouver, This meeting between one of
the oldest employees and the executive head of the Canadian Pacific also
marked the forty-ninth annivoreary Of the turning of the first cod on
construotien at Fort William in 1876, an event at which nears° Munro was
Another interesting co -incident° Aa connection with the meeting is the
fact that the B, S, Quebec, which carried the handful 65 constrtictton men
including Mr. Munro, from Sarnia to Fort 'William, in May 1376, was owned
and operated by the Beatty Stettin:lap Lino, of which Mr. Beatty's father,
the late Mr. Henry Beatty, was president.
In 1881 when construction was l °gun on the last lap of the company's
tines between Yale, B. C, and the Coast, Mr. Munro was given charge of
track laying at Emery, B. C. and when the last and famous 'gold eplke'
was driven at Cralgellaohte by Lord Strathcona in 1886 he took possession
of the steel spike which replaced the gold one and after treasuring it for
the past 30 years as a keepsake presented it to Mr, 73eatty.