HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-2, Page 4Vast WEDNESDAY, JULY z 1924 Keite the pries nu the tlawu bobbed end be right to style, 1'u8, lines bevel billet) unto us in ,pleasant places, we nava a goodly herl- tage"---Canaria, }trey rave, Is the date set for Saekat- Ohewen electors to nay what they flunk abottt Prohibition. Goon for Tara. It has organized a local Cornet Band with y members This is an example of what might be done in malty a village if they possessed the spunk, ToRoe re Telegratn says ee-"There is always something to be thankful for, Nobody can smell U S campaign cigars over the radio, There's a Canadian brand, though, that eout have to do with the radio that ere good -tor strong, INSPIRATION is a floe quality, so is aspiration but both require to be yoked up with perspiration if results are to be practical, The fellow wbo is always seeking au easy jub often does more seeking than finding. Getting what is commonly designated "a sweat on" is a atroug Factor iu winning a victory, 'Tits week the Acton Free Press reaches its 5oth birthday and is as hearty as the proverb'at 4•yeer-old. I' consist- ently caters to tbe exce'lency it enjoys and is always ready to lend its support to the highest and best for its constitu- ency. We wish rho Free Press the suc- cess its enterprise deserves. It looks like a century maker. The Canadian Weekly Newspaper party who are now overseas arrived safely in Brussels, Belgium, on June 23rd and were officially welcomed by Cardinal Mercier, King Albert and other celebrities. We hope the '"boys" will not forget to say "Please" and ll "Thank Yon," while they are away and thereby sustain the good name of tbe press. CANADA celebrated her 57th birthday last Tuesday amidst the hearty congrat. ulations of a bappy and united people. In anticipation we see a greater and mightier Dominion in the years to come and avae grow in years and love our t land, Fidr heart still beats warm and le true to the Motherland and sing as lust- ily as ever "God Save Our Gracious King,' lessons Tram tistawel Hikers Trip wee well plauued, wee not too long, 170 infirm and eLIeompaesed to Nue eeetton of enllntiy and poiepelOtie (itles, trireme and vtllagee, It showed a spirit of unity by the large and repreeelltative turn out, clergy, editors, doctors, busiuees men, merchants, mechanics, farmers, Eco., joining ,in,and enjoying the hike. Lietowel and its numerous cow mendable features were well piresetlt- ed in the apesoh, malting at the vari. ons halts ou the trip, The interest taken :it, the various points en route to welcome the con- tiugent breathed a Motherly spirit that should be fostered, Too many neighboring towns seem to think they should tin ow bricks instead of boquete at their neighbors. A good cornet Band is a fine asset. 10 a town evert if it takes some man - (weltering and the expenditure of a few donate to keep it going, Listo- well Band looked gay in their new toggery and play well. A Businossmans' organization, ruu on some principles, may be made of teal service. .Listowel Chamber of Commerce has set a practical example and other towns will act wisely In taking a few notes from their pro- gram. Such a hike gets people acquainted with one another and should help kill out sectionalism and help a united boost. Community song singing is a good stunt and you don't require to be a professional to "jive in" either. What has Brussels fp say about duplicating such a hike, only might be on more modest lines for the 1st trial ? What about a tour to Gode- rich of Kincardine f Councillor Weller is the local Presi- dent ; Reeve Baeker, Vice -President ; M. Black, Secretary and G. II, Samis, Treasurer of Bi useele Busiueee Mena' Asso. Well backed up the leadeiship is all right, Has anybody a spare pin ? Brussels and community could turn out 25 cars and 100 hien as easy as rolling off a log. "Let's go." Honk Honk ! The Association must not stop with a hike as that is only introductory to a wider field of usefulnese in building up a community eplrit of the highest type and of real worth to a town and its surroundings. Listowel's outing was built on a "touch-and-go" principle and if THE POST queried we'd say "Will ye' no' come bark again ?" The program was well planned, well carried out and the officiary and all who took part are to be congratulated on its success, Lis- towel should know the fruits of the seed sowin Of course the bigger and better your own the easier it is to get people to ush, Who'll get a handspike to start Brussels going, and keep at it ? Wroxeter Council A•r a meeting of the Directors of Pais- Council met in the Council Chamber ley Agricultural Society it was decided to regular meeting on June 20th. s, &c., 1 Present Geo. S. Leckie, Alex, Wright, to cut out horse races, midways, A. J, Sanderson. Reeve Henneberg and push for a purely Agricultural dis• play, This may be all right but with the tide of public opinion running strong amusemeutward and the desire to cater to it by many a Directorate Paisley's Board may find it bard sled. ding. We would not say, however, that they were not along the right line. ALLISTOer dealers were nabbed by 2 oily tongued strangers wbo wanted their spectacles fixed and on the friend aid be- ing afforded were hauled up later for en - fraction of the Optomery Act. It was a "sheeny" piece of business and no cred- it to those engaged in the trappiug. An open eye had better be kept for those "liars" who are no doubt roaming the country to make an easy living. Beams County Council voted Mrs, George Kay, Kincardine, who was so seriously iajuredsehe time her husband was murdered ei years ago, 315 0o per month from the Preparedness League Fund, so long as she is incapacitated. This is a practical expression of well - doing that should meet with general favor and is a claim worth while as compared with some of the trumped-up appeals that some folk have the nerve to present. Tent POST is pleased to see ate •'arouse- ment" in the matter of bolding Plowing Matebes, Huron, Bruce and Perth are now in line and will hold matches next Fall, the respective County Councils as- sisting 10 the same by grants, No bet- ter way to promote at interest in Agri- culture than to prove to ambitious boys and young men that there must be en- thusiasm and progress if success is at- tained, AT the Provincial bye election in South Waterloo Karl K. Homuth, Labor representative, who had been uuseated, defeated the Conservative candidate, W. A Shaw, by the whopping lnejority of 26x5. In June tge5 Homuth was elected by 15„ His opponent has a chance to say. "0 I slaw I should have let that Ho u man t m tb go back unoppos- ed," Elections are often bad tbingsto figure on_and this one may teael the lesson tbat Premier Ferguson dont own the earth, in the chair, Minutes of last regular meeting and epecial meeting of June god read and on motion of Wright and Leckie were adopted. Accounts—H. Patterson, running E. L. plant o` weeks at 312.00 per week, eander paper 200ts, $60.20 ; John Hyndwan, bal, of account for tile, 1 $6.03 ; Rube Sanborn, work at cerne-! tery, $31.00; T. 0, Hemphill, power and rent for May, 349,00 ; Fred, A,. Edgar, survey at park. 38.00 ; Fred, , Kitchen, assessing and postage (1921) 1 336.00 ; Municipal World Supplies, 1 3123; Sangamo Company, for met-' Electrical wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours, Estimates cheerfully given, Our Prices are Right All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town, W. L Lareldensmii+h & Co. Call American Hotel BRUSSELS r Mace Bakery THE HOME OF REAL GOOD BREAD AND CAKES Our Bread is noted for its QUAL- ITY and FRESHNESS. Order your loaf today and be convinced that it pays to have our Bread. W. E. WILLIS Phone 32x I res, 358 20 ; Hennings & Muir, build- ing fence, 393.85 ; School Board to date, $2,000,00 On motion of Geo. S. Leckie and A. J. Sanderson above accounts were passed. Report of Sanitary Inspector was presented and filed. Bill presented to Council from S. J. Burke, •damages to horse. 350,00. Motion of Leckie and Sanderson it was filed for further consideration. Motion of Sanderson and Wright Council adjhurned to meet at regular time ov at the call of the Reeve. FRED, DAVsx, Clerk, Perth County Big piano Co, ie talking of buying Listowel piano faotory. Listowel Baptist Church steeple was struck by lightning. David Sage's barn, 8111 Con,, Elmer, was burned by lightning. Jas, Moore was elected President of Perth;0o. Shorthorn breeders. Measle epidemic at Stratford, Dr. Ginerich, Milverton, has locat- ed at Gwinl, Mich, Listowel dealers were filled for breach of Egg Grading- law. The Eidy bake shop, Milverton, has been sold to J. Horsey, Torpnto. Frerl, i't;iederhold, a pioneer resi- dent of Milverton, is deceased, aged 70 years. Rev. E. A. Thompson, Monkton, attended his brother's wedding at Toronto. Iu her 80th year Mrs. Fred. Gatcke, an old resident of Mornington town- ship, passed away, The H. E. Furniture Co, Milverton, who suffered lose by fire, have re. sinned operations. They will rebuild. Stanley Lautenschlager married Edith Wagner, Wellesley, , Rev. Peansecke performing the ceremony. Dont forget the name of the groom and parson. Barn of Wm. Henderson, Con., 5 a lornington,;was burned by lightning. 35 tons of shay, a horse and a few implements, including a threshing machine, were also consumed. Hensall is waking up on Base Ball. Clothing factory in Hensall has been closed indefinitely. Auburn Sunday Schools picnic on the Maitland flats on the rc1th. Thos. Simpson, a well known Hensall resident, is dead. He was in his 881.11 year. A stray weasel afforded some fun to a bunch of juveniles and adults at. Exeter. The animal eluded pursuit. Exeyrsion Steamer Greyhound, Detroit to Goderich, lost money this year. Detroit smallpox epidemic is given ars cause of smaller crowd. School Fairs Ashfield Sept, 8 St. Helens Sept. 9 Bluevale Sept 10 Wroxeter.........,... ...... Sept. 11 Gorrie •.......... Sept, 12 Clinton. ................. ...... .... Sept,ls Zurich Septa 16 Varna Sept, 17 Dashwood Sept. 18 Grand Bend Sept. 19 Porter's Hill .............Sept 20 Sept. 22 Sept, 23 Sept, 24 Blyth Sept, 25 &26 Wingham ..,,.. Sept,29 &80 Hensall Oct. 1 Crediton ,. Oct. 2 Winchelsea ....Oct. 3 Colborne Belgrave, Ethel Striking Fish Trophies strove, ReDilca of Small mouth bass for eeeapedtfoa at French River. Left, Tho Nlpl- poatrophy. RIpht, Musky for Luke of the Weode• d "These three handsome trophies -of unusual and striking design have been offered by the Canadian Pacific Railway for annual, competition between guests at each of its three Ontario Bungalow Camps and will be awarded to angler catching largest fish of specified variety in each ease. The trophies have been prepared frohi exact moulds made of exceptional spedimena of fish and, with white metal as a base underneath a dull silver finish, faithful and lifelike facsimiles have resulted. They are displayed to advantage on a black panel anel - g i''or Frunch River Bungalow Camp a 6rpound small mouth bass hat; beenreproduced; while the trophy o the Camp at Nipigon Is a rplied oa/poud speckled trout. A feature of the Devil's Gap amp (Lake of for Woode) trophy re the realistic and fierce expression of the head of a largo muacalunge. with its bristling array of teetXt to expectedtira'i.Cate a'op willmeato Wicio-apread interOIt RUd_kt n xiyalr5f among angtnta trill* an ova Lha all rlt.' Sere and There A party of 60 Autstralian boyar w 11 be the guest:: of the Exhibition at Toronto from August 80th to September 3rd. They are public school boys from all porta of Aus- tralia and their visit to Toronto will be made on their way home front the British Empire Exhibition, British Columbia is now the third manufacturing province of Canada, with 2,673 mannfaeturing estab- lishmenta, over 41,000 employees, invested capital amounting to near- ly 3225,000,000, and a value of products of approximately $260,- 000,000, aceording to Government statistics. q New Brunswick in 1923 produced more coal than at any other time in her history, The output for the year exceeded that of 1922 by more than 12,000 tons and amounted to 251,091 long tons. It is estimated that this industry creates a value Of over $1,100,000 annually, most of which goes out in supplies and wages for the benefit of the „provinces What will probably be the last big round -up of horses in the West will take place shortly in the range ,country south-east of Calgary, Al- ,berta, for the purpose of clearing the range of stray horses. The .itorsea will be gathered in one cen- tral corral, where owners may claim their animals. It' is antic- 'ipated that about 10,000 animals will be secured. The Department of Agriculture is supervising the arrangements. Unstinted praise from prominent citizens and the press of Alberta ie given the Canadian"Pacific Railway in connection with the Company's recently announced branch line con- struction program, affecting the southern portion of the province. C. R. Mitchell, member of the Pro- vincial Legislature for Bow Valley, deaeribee the announcement as the most important made in many - years. "Perhaps the most noteworthy fact we discovered was the vastly improved psychology of the people of the west to that which existed a year ago," commented E. W. Beatty, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on his return from a recent inspection of the Com- pany's property, "They are full of hope and confidence) and realize, as the east should realize, the tremen- dous benefit to the whole of Can- ada of a second consecutive large harvest." rill for Salle 050d Macre term ter Saha beta N3i IAA 20 8 a township.'Hellenic; aro qon M i, dBu dl Mond ani farm tlIue ele,d Rr b pillge to eieitiei Or n Bror elf to or Blerehe Will pall bar 551- per - neuters or r$ to telt nrohasar, Porwe apply o par premises ae to Arte u Lt5 rsl ewe app1Y on the premises.or write underalgg�nawd MRS. A. It, 0 AR'TRRB, Araeaele Nouse and tot for 'Sale Two•atary frame hones with live bed rooms, parlor, din ng ream, pantry and kltohen ; soft MOSS, fruit trees, some berry and curant bushes. Also good cellar and barn, Bald at roaeonablo pries. Apply at TWA Posr, Guernsey Bull for Service In order to improve the dairy type of cattle in Dile locality Iphave decided to offer lay Sen- ior herd sire. Vanity Prince 441 Nordisad, for service to a limited number, only, of young healthy animala. Terme 45,00, sash et time of serv)ee, with privilege of 'returning if noes. eery If yon de not think this n profitable oppor- tunity to both make money and get real dairy stook, host tryh to buy one of his heifer calves from their eprice is $60 t00, True -Milk Is milk—but Oh what is differeno, D. M, SCOTT, Proprietor, Glen Bold Guernsey berm Shorthorns and Yorkshires In Shorthorns we have one roan bull 11 months old, bred by Harry McGee, Toronto, aired by Imp. Baloalrn toddle, and from a Marr Siissie dam. A real herd header, et far mer's price. Another roan, a good useful bull, 5 months old, by White Wonder. Gould spare a few more females, Also York Sows of dlr. ferent ages, 0. TURNBULL & SONS, Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey Twp, Phone 2814 R. 0. 2 Bruseela. Ounford Property for Sale House and lot of about % mere, situated on the corner of Turnberry and Thomas streets in the Village Of Brussels, known as the Dun - ford home, On the property is a very sub• etential brlak house ; mealy isolated, steel roof, cement cellar floors, new furnace, clothes closets, bath rootn, cistern, drilled well, fruit trees, 511185 raspberry plantation, lovely or. nameutai and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn. Will be sold for half of whet It would coat to build it to wind up theestate of the late 11. 0" Dunrord. Immediate posse?sion. For farther particulars apply to L. S. DUN• FORD, Detroit, or JAS. MaPADZBAN, (next door), Box 1 Brussels P. 0. Farm for Sale Contains 100 sores, being 834 Lot 28, Con, 0, Morris township, Good brick house with cel lar; bank born with cement stabling ; driving shed, drilled well and a never falling spring at book, About O0aeresunder cultivation, bal- ance pasture and wood land. gall plowing will be done and possession given pis gall, For further particulars apply to A. 13. MAODONALD, Brussels. .4.44•0•••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••44•••••••. • The Seaforth Creamery ream .Want d • • • • • Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that. we can give you thorough satisfaction,. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, M R. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. +114 +O+i+i+i+i+i+i4l +i4i+i+o Brussels Creamery Cream Wanted We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound • butter fat, extra, if Cream is Delivered at our Fac- tory. Call and get a Can and make other En- quiries if interested. Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns Brussels Creamery A. L. Stewart Prop, BUSINESS CARD MO. SUTHERLAND & SONS i.IMITfaR 6'[o',df'1,, 01 0472•1110 D. M. SCOTT ,r1CitXSldW av?d`',$`IOdll'lb'dtrlfi )aRI0ES MOIDERATE For references ooneult Orly 55r0013 whose sales I hove °Melo ted at. Pitmte 705 or 05 . 2712. WAROLAW' Honor graduate 01 the Ontario Veterinary Collette, Dayhand night wills, Mae opposite Flour Mill, Itt. MAUVE G. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Deportment of Ophthalmology, Mo- Oormiok Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Three months poet gredunte oouree during year 1010, Ryes ecientilloally examined. Latest Modern Mothode "recd. sW'Orose ayes straightened through proper, ly fitted Lemma, Satisfaction Assured, OfRce hours: 10 to i2 a, m, • 1,00 to 0 p, m, Saturday evening, 7.50 to 0 o'clock, Phone 20x dizzaa ° r el k aareavr a AGENT FOR fire, automobile and Wind los, COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone.b47 JAMES NI'FADZEAN Agent Howick Mutual fire Insurance Company. Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Streit, Brussels T. T. M' RAE M. 8.,. M. O. P.. A S. O. M. O. l3„ Village of Brussels, Physlotan, Surgeon, Aeeonoheur Offioeat residence, opposite Mels ille Ohnroh, William street. Tr. rlff. 5.te izai.!"l3 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK • BRUSSELS PHOUCfOOT, KILLUHIK & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Offioe on the science, 2ntI door from Bemllton Street, GODISRICR, ONT. Private funds to loan nt lowest rates. W. PacnnrooT, K, O. J, L, IfILLon.tx DUDIAY HOS,sieo July, �ksla'1 T 'zSE1'.P' The Indian Herbalist May be found in the Strettott Block Bruaeela, iVedneeday and Saturday of each sueelc until further notice. kA Summer Session 4 Is hold in tho Popular rtg } 1 Yong* & Charles ate„ Toronto \o from now until Sept. 2nd, when our .0.4,gall Term opens. gersbelase Inatrno• tion In • all Repartinents recusedg Stenography, Typewriting,, Beeretnr'td, General Improvement Banking, Com - , Teachers', and Business Cour. Enter now, Write for Catalogue. W. J. ELL/07-r. PR/NO/PAL r 1'afS `a4 ma474! t1i'rSaYi^a7„La4A CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD. ONT. roparo9 young men and young women for Business which 15 now Canada's greatest pro(eoelon, We assist grade - Estes to positions and they hove a prise. Ileal training which enabled them tc meet with eucees0. Students are reg• o. littered oak week. Get our free cat• slo rue end learn something about our different deportmonts. ��(b. .4. M' LAOHLAN. PR/N. ar WOOL WANTED 4- + + 3 Highest market + paid, + See me or Phone No, 2x, Bills- + 44 eels, and I will call and get prices ; your Wool, - 3: M. Yollick +++++++++'t•+•i,+++++++++'t•+++ IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS Farmers in need of Repairer orNaw Implemental in the Me- Co'miek or Deering floe Will find It worth their while Lo call on tyle. Have a few alinoet new Implementer' for sale on entry terme,-, IAVIO MIiNf Ethel