HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-7-2, Page 1VOL, 53 NO, 2 2,00 fiber annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONT4RIO, W. DNESDA X riLY 2, I924 W, n KERR, ProPriator Careful and rompt handling of his ,fact1ons collections, information. dependable credit nformation, ampathetic understands d of his requirements , an ample ressources for the demands of his business are services a business man has a ret to expect from his bank . The Iiank. of Nova Scotia can and does meet these expectations. Discuss w• our needs and problems iith the nearest manager. Bdnkof Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 Paid-up Capital $ 10,000.000 Reserve - - 19,500,000 Total Assets - 210,000,000 F. M. WILMOT, " Manager, Brussels New Adetrtisemonts Notios-Mrs. Learmont Watch lost-Mre, L. Frain Strawberries -J. A. Nichol Western Oats -Alf. Seeker To contraotore-A. Matfett To contractors -John MaGill The Rexoll Store -T. R. Smith House for sale -Mrs. PrentIae Mower for Bale -M, L. Cardiff Genuine Bargains -W. D. Hamel Teacher wanted-Robt. McAllister Adjourned Sale -Annie Turnbull astute Gorden Party-Blaovale Methodist Church zsh t e�vs BIuovale Edgar McMichael, Kitchener, was home over the week -end, John Pearson and mother, Ethel, visited at R. Musgrove's on Sunday, ' Alat. Elliot, Toronto, is spending a few days with his cousin, W. J. Duff. Harry Beeman spenta part of last week with his son Robt. and Mrs, ,Bosman at Leamington. Stewart and Mrs. Young, Isabel and Jack, Toronto, are spending the Summer at their home here. Wm, and Mrs. Thornton are spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends at Canfield and Niagara Palle. Wesley Leggett and son, Gordon, motored to Oollingwood and eyelet a few days with relatives there, CAR OF Ceme nt Expected to arrive shortly. Place your order early. J. H. FEAR Phone 2213 ETHEL IJos, and Mrs. Underwood spent a few days with relatives in Iiowiok, Mrs, J, W King and Mrs, GIbson have gone to Ottawa where they will remain until Parliament eloses,. The congregation of Knot: Presby- terian resbyterian Church intend holding a Weide iu (Geo. McDonald's bush Saturday of this week. Methodist Garden Party, Wedne . day, 9th inst, Wingham Band will supply the music, Good time promis- ed, lies the advt. in this leeue, Mies Maud Paul and J. G, Hays, , Pittsburg, Pa:,, were married there on Monday, June 80th. Mtge Paul is well known here by it large circle of friends who extend to her their best wishee, The Women's institute will meet this month, on Thursday, July 10th, at 2.80 o'clock, at the home of Mrs, 0, Hetherington, Wingham road. 13e1 - more Institute will be entertained by Bluevale Branch, with Mre. Charles Elliott and Mrs, 0, Hetherington as hostess. "Well known Songs and Composers" will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Alice Aitken, and "A Famous Canadian Writer," by Mies M. Collie. Roll Call, "My Favorite Song." A musical program is being prepared by the Program Committee. Ladies are cordially invited to attend. Miss Bernice Shaw le home for the Summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, Drumbo, spent Sunday with Mrs, Ina Lockhart. Mr, Lester and Sj. Hutchinson, Tor- onto, are up for a short vacation. Mies Maggie Mcllwain has returned from the West and le visiting at the home of R, Shaw. Rev. Mr. Cragg, Wingham, preach- ed an excellent Orange sermon here which was much appreciated by all. John and Mre. Hall are spending a few weeks with friends at Southamp- ton, Dresden and Chatham. Martin Mestere underwent an oper- ation ab the Wingham Hospital on Monday and ie getting along as well se can be expected. PROMOTION REPORT. - Report of Promotion Examinations in Bluevale school (Junior classes were promoted at Easter,) Percentages are given. Pass le 60 ; honors 75. Number en- rolled 855 :-From Jr. IV to Sr. IV - George Hetherington ,60, Nellie Mc- Kinney 59, From Si. III to Jr. IV- Dotothy Aitken 76, Alan GarnIss 75, Elsie Thornton 75, Lois Praia 66, Noble Greenaway 00. From Jr. III to Sr. III - Alberta Shiell 70, Adair Prast 70, May Nicholson 61, Leslie Greenaway 60. From Sr. II to Jr. III -Wilson Thornton 75, Norman Bar- nard 70; Kenneth Aitchison 00, Elean- or Praet 04, Hugh Mundell 02, Earl Hamilton 60. ALICE AITKEN, Teacher. Piano Tunin Attended to in first-class style by Chas. Blackstone Here this week. Leave orders with S. Carter or Walker & Black BRUSSELS SMALI.ER, PROFITS WISH to remind the public that I am selling MEN'S WORK SHIRTS and OVER- ALLS also KHAKI PANTS Cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere and just as good, Don't be deceived by any cheap talk as a call will convince you. Nice range of MEN'S FINE SHIRTS and NECKWEAR just to hand. RE W. Ferguson GENTS' OUTFITTER Oranb rook NOTIca.-All Auction. Sale notes due me, now past due, must be paid on or bel ore July 10th next ee after that date they page out of my bands for oolloetion. Mite. nous, LEAnuoNT. Sruasele R. R, 0. Mies Jessie Menzies is home for her vacation from Toronto, Jamestown The School Pic-nic was a success. Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Pentland took the service in the Johnston church, the pastor preaching in Sun- shine. Miss Margaret Brown has been re- engaged as teacher in the Ramsay school, Morris, for the next year. She has done well in the school and is quite a favorite. P. S. and Mre, McEwen, Turnberry, have gone on a holiday trip to Fort William to visit Dr. J. S. and Mrs. Strachan and other friends, We Nish them a good time. Henfryn C. W. Burrows, New York, visited bis aunt, Mrs, E. Collis er., and his cousins in Grey. There will be service in St. David's aburcb, Henfryn, Sunday evening, July 8th, at 7.80 o'clock. Geo. Kerr is able to be around after his narrow escape from lightning, the night of the big storm, The horse he was leading was killed, Andrew Laidlaw'e barn, atHenfryn was burn- ed the same night. Wroxeter Alwrid and Mrs. Wearying are holi- daying in Toronto. Laurie VanVelsor, Midland, is visit- ing under the parental roof. Mies Mabel Ferguson, is home from Sarnia for the Summer vacation, Misses Steel, Bolton, are visiting at the home of H. and Mre. Henning. Mies Annie Voeburg is spending 2 weeks with old friends in the village. Mies Dorothy McTavish, Toronto, is visiting with her mother and sister here. Mise Elva Hupfer, Sudbury, is spending the Summer vacation at her home in Turnberry. 2.0 in favor of Wroxeter was the result here Monday in Foot Ball be- tween Ethel and Wroxeter. Reeve Heoneberg and ex -Reeve and Mrs, Douglas were at Bayfield last Friday attending 0o, Council Picnic. The ' Juue meeting of the Women's r g I atitute was held at the home of Mre. D. 0. Pope Thursday afternoon and was presided over by the President, Mies E. P. Hazlewood. There was a good attendance and excellent ad- dress given by Provincial speaker, Airs, Pattereon, Gadehill. She touch- ed on several subjects but dealt prin- cipally with objects of the Women's Ius ti Lute. Mics. W. DOUGLAS -There passed away at her home here Tuesday morn- ing of lest week, one of the older resi- dents of this community in the person of Jessie Beatty, relict of the Tate Win. Douglas, who pre -deceased her seine 18 years. Ole was a native of Scotland, and after her marriage lived in Turnberry until shortly before the death of Mr. Doughty when they mov- ed to the village, Mrs. Douglas was well known for her many estimable qualities, her kindness of heart, her practical Ohtistian Faith and every- thing ver - thi that showsa Ole sincerityof a Onristian heart will eudear her mem- ory to all who knew her. She is sur- vived by an adopted eon and daughter Fred, McDougal, Chicago and Mies Bella McDougal at home. Funeral was held Thursday afternoon, service being conducted by Rev, T. M. Wes- ley, Norwood, a farmer pastor of the Presbyterian Church here and close friend of deceased, Interment Ives CAR OF Western Expected to arrive at Brussels Station by end of this week. Order early if you require a supply, A. CE Baeker Phone 5 Garden Party Under elle auspleea of the Morris and Grey Partners' club will be held at the home of ALBERT OROOKS, 4th Line Morrie Twp, Thursday, July 3rd The well known MAITLAND-HENRY Oo, and HARRY MoGEE have been engaged for the evening. The Speer - Thynne Orchestra will supply the Musical part of the program. BOOTH ON THE GROUNDS After the program lunch will be passed. Sandwiches will be sup- plied by the Club and ladies are asked to please bring cake, Admission, Adults 25o, Children Frac made in the Wroxeter cemetery, Amongst the floral tributes was a spray from the W. M. S. of which Mrs. Douglas was a Life member. Monorlefl Jas. 0; and Mre. McKay visited here over the week -end. Mrs. Jas. Mann has been visiting in Toronto for the last 3 weeks. Geo. and Mrs. McTaggart were wel- come visitors here last week, A large number from this vicinity attended the Township Picnic and dance at Ethel. Frank and Mrs. Harrison and cbild• ren visited West Montrose friends over the holiday. The severe electric storm the night of the Garden Party prevented many from hearing the program which had to be given in the church. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, the Garden Party held at Moncrieff was a splendid success, Proceeds at the gate amounted to $210.00. Supper served in basement of the church. Program was started on the school grounds but when the storm came on repaired to the church, Committee were especialy fortunate in securing for their program Walter McOubcheon, noted baritone singer ; Samuel Berry, Scotch comedian, and Mies Laura Miller, elocutionist, all of Hamilton. Ethel Township Council will meet here next Monday. Rev. Mr. Hann's closing sermon last Sunday evening was a fine one. Ethel defeated Brussels at Foot Ball Thursday evening of last week, by a score of 1-0. It was a close snatch, M. J. Slemmon was writing at the Normal Entrance exam. at Bruseele this week. We wish him the success he deserves. There was a big day in the Park here Thursday of last week at the Oommuaity Picnic, Some carried it well into the eight. ' This week Rev. and Mss Hann and eon leave for their new charge, near Guelph, carrying with them the good wishes of nanny old friends. Elma Masonic Lodge held a pic-nic in our Community Park recently and report a good time, The boys of Knox Church Monkton also spent a day here, We welcome Rev. Mr. and Mre. White to Ethel and community and wish them the highest success. The rev. gentleman will conduct hie in- augural services next Sabbath. Our Foot Ball teats met defeat at Wroxeter'•last Monday evening, the score standing 2.0, This concludes the schedule for 1924 as far as Ethel is concerned, This week Dr. and Mrs, Ferguson left for their new home, 505 Kingston Road, Toronto, followed by the good wiebes of the community. We ex- tend a welcome to his successor. Auction Sale of Household effects of bwill be held on M Laing i ng the late s, Friday, llth inst., at 2.30 p. m. G. L. Walker will be the Auctioneer, For further particulars see Airs. E. Caber. PRETTY WEDDING. -Tile home of Wm. A. and Mrs. Michel was the scene of a pretty June wedding on June 25th, when their estimable daughter, Veliva M., became the bride of Robert H. Vodden, Rev. Mr, Hann of Ethel officiating. Moe, C. Cochrane, sister of the groom, played Lofton grin's Wedding March, the bridal party taking their places under an arch of white lattice work, banked with flowers and fern , The bride mi - tared the parka`or leaning on the arm of her father, looking eharining in a gown of white satin with lace -and pearl trimmings and a flowing veil and orange blossoms, carrying a boqust of Ophelia roses and valley lily and fern. Bride wag attended by her cousin, Mise Verna McCaii, gown- ed in Cosmos taffeta with hat to matchand carrying mauve sweet peas, 0, Hansuld supported the groom. During the signing of the register Mies Muriel Michel Bang "The Voles of Eden" in a very sweet voice, Groom's gift to bride tvae a wrist- watch in white gold, to the brides- maid a rope of pearls, to the pianist a complete set of table linen, to the 1 WALTON ANNUAL Garden Party, Under auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Duff's Mural, will be held on Mr, Wm. Woods' Lawn, WALTON Friday hog, July 4th Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock Fine program will be presented by the Merry Mirth Makers `,ea yrt of Toronto, consisting of Miss Louise Williams-May/son, Soprano and Entertainer ; Harry Firth, Versatile Singing' Com- edian, and Miea Alma B. Gran. din, Entertainer and Accompan• sat. Seaforth K1ltie Band also In attendance Tickets OOo Children 25c Everybody Welcome soloist a ring, and to the groomsman a tie pin. After the ceremony the guests repaired to dining -room which was tastefully decorated in white and pink. Bride's going away gown Was of crepe Bombay, in sombress ebade, with hat and cape to match. The many handsome and useful gifts were a testimony of the high esteem in which the young couple is held. Mr. and Mrs Vodden will reside in Ethel and be at home to their friends after July 1st. Many good wishes are ex- tended. PRESENTATION. -Mrs. Stanley Dun- bar. kindly invited the members of the W. M. S. to her home for their July meeting. Meeting opened by singing hymn 386 after which the 34th Psalm was read by Mrs. W. Bremner, Mrs. Brown leading in prayer. Min• utas of last meeting read, and adopted Roll call. Offering receivedl En- velopes were handed out to be given Home Helpers. It was decided to send the articles of clothing asked for, also money to Teulon School, To show their appreciation for her faith- ful and efficient services as Secretary of the Society for the paet38 years, Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson was preeeoted with a Life Membership Certificate - Mrs, Ferguson heartily thanked the ladies, eaying no gift could be more appreciated by her. ALife Member- ship Certificate was also presented to Mrs. Armstrong, sister of the hostess, by her family, in memory of her eon Joe. After " Bleat be the tie " was sung, a very interesting address, and report of the Provincial Convention was given by Mre. Holman, Monkton, Hymn 798 was Bung, followed by Mrs. Bremner leading in prayer, Tea was served on the lawn. A social time was spent, Morris Job of gravelling to be let on 4th line, See the advt. Miss Nellie Etsell, Walkerton, ie vieitiog her cousin, a ou in Mre. Frank Little 4th line. Mre, Etta Charters spent a couple of weeks near a e e r H never with friends, sande having a flue time. Cecil Somers, 503 line, ie still quite poorly but is improving and we hope he will continue to gain. The Hydro line across Morris, 9th line, is nearly complete and will soon be in operation at Brussels and Blyth. Tenders are being asked for con- struction of four Drains in this town- abid. See the adv), for further par- ticulars. Mrs. Jas. Anderson spent the week end with her daughter at Stratford and called on Seaforth friends on the way home Mies Annie Thuell is home from her school near Durham for the vac- afion. She is re-engaged for next year which is a compliment to her work, Last Monday Mrs, Jao. Brown left for a visit at thea her son of h at New Liskeard, Mrs. Jas, Brown, who was viaiticg here returned at the eazne time, Reeve and Mrs. Shortreed and family and ex•Go, Councillor Elston, wife and eon, Bill II, were at Bayfield last Friday attending the Annual County Council Picnic. Misses Mildred Pasemore and Lil- lian McArter, who were /Andante at Normal School, have arrived home. Examination results are expected about the middle of the month. Dont forget the Farmers' Club Garden Party at Albert Crooke', 4th line. Thursday eveningof this week. Good musical prograand a good time expected, See the advt. D. J. and Mrs. Oruickehanke motor- ed from Toronto and epetst the weak end with relatives, 8rd line, They re - porta good time. Former is a broth- er-in-law to Henry and Thomas Bone, Bed line. NEIr^ BLACK DIES, -Monday even- ing the /park of life fled at the Black home, 4th line, and Neil Black depart- ed, as a result of the injury received by being etruck on the head by a bale of hay, The Meerut will take piece Thursday afternoon at 2,80, Service at 2, Interznent iu Brussels cemetery, Brussels Won - Score 2-0 At the return League Iptermediate Foot Ball game Monday evening en V fetor to Park, between Monkton and Bruseele the latter had the better end of the play and won out handily by a eco0e of 2.0. One goal was scored in each half, Referee Kelly, Listowel, kept a close hand on the game and gave good satisfaction, The reeult of this watt ties the scor for District watch 0 e t honors between Monkton and Brum Bele, who will play home -and -home games, Thursday evening et Monkton and next Monday at Beueeels to decide who takes let place, The visitors play a strong game and will fight for the viotory. Spectators were glad to see the old reliablee on Brussels line-up as full backs, viz., Merano Jackson and Rue - sell Grant, Out hope put considerable snap into the eonteet and stayed with it to the close. N. Hoover in goal took care of all that came his way; the backs were never In doubt ; the half backs (Henderson McDonald and Bowman) hopped on to everything in their territory, while the forwards, led by "Bid" Bel;, did not let the grase grow under their feet, Everybody did well, 0. Cameron was not in the game as he was lame from the last Ethel match. It will take some expert playing to beat out Bruseele eleven, There was a large attendance as the evening was fine. Everybody will want to see next Monday evening's game on Victoria Park, Brussels, It will be a dandy and every man on the job Line-up was as follows :- BRUSSELS MORRTON Hoover Goal Valiance Jackson } Grant Backe ) L. Smith i W. Smith McDonald Huston Bowman j4 Backe Shine Henderson ....., ......... Merrifield Bell Horne Ballantyne ...... Malley Dennis Forwards - Gill Denote Holman Pedgrift Livingston Croy Township Council will meet next Monday at Ethel, Teacher wanted for S. S, No4 Grey Township. See the advt. Miss Luella Fulton, milliner at Monkton, was home on a visit. Mre. James Fulton is visiting her sister, Mrs, D, McKenzie, Toronto. Quite a number of township folk were at Ethel Thursday of last week taking in the Community Pic-nic. Reeve and Mrs. McOutcheon and Deputy Reeve and Mre. McDonald were at Bayfield last Friday attend- ing the annual County Council Pic- nic. Airs, Thomas Alcock attended the graduating exercises of Listowel Mem- orial Hospital. Her cousin, Mies Vera Patterson, was one of the grad- uates. It is expected Henry Alcock, 14th con„ who underwent a serious opera- tion 4 weeka ago at Victoria hospital London, will be able to come home this week. Tuesday evening of next week the Garden Party at Union Church will be held. Following the supper the Wingham Concert Co. will supply a good share of the program, Orchestra, (tic. The new pastor, Rev. Mr. White, is expected to be present. Quite a number of Greyitee took in the Foot Ball match at Brussels Mon- day evening. Monkton lost by 2 to 0. Games will be played to break the present tie, at Monkton Thursday of this week and at Bruseele next Mon- day. Dr. Burrows and on, Charles, John Staten Island,New York • Mrs. Joh Cunninghatn nd daughter, Florence, and Miss Florence Rorke, Clinton Ont., also James and Mrs. Bell and Miss Anna, Waterdowo, Ont. visited at Stevenson's, 10th Con., during the past week. Walton Walton will be lighted by Hydro, at least a number are signing up. It will soon be ready. Mrs. D. Holmes is re-engaged as teacher of the Junior room of our Public School, and is doing good work. Next Sunday afternoon the Orange- men of Walton and locality will at- tend service in St. George's Church, at 3 o'clock, Brethren are asked to assemble at the Orange Hall at 2,30 to march to the church. Friday evening of this week is the date) of the Annual Big Garden Party, held he lawn of W. ' y to be t , el on Woods. A great program le being provided, See the advt. for further particulars and dont mise it on any account, Sonoot REPORT. -The following are the names of the pupile of the Senior Room Walton School who were successful ab the recent promo- tion Examination, The names are ar- ranged in order of standing, Sr. II to Jr. SII-Wihnie Drager, Charlie McDonald, Helen Steise. Jr, III to Sr. III -Alvin Farquhareon, Lewis McDonald, Viola Carter, Sr. III to 3r. IV -Vera Ga.diner, Beatrice Kearney.,Terence Ryan. Jr, IV to Florence Sr, IV -John MoDonaid, Russel Shol- dice, Jean Hood, Marguerite Bolger, Mildred Pollard, Flora .Harris, G, H. HOOD, Teacher. Following is the School Report of the Promotions of Walton Junior Room, Jr: II to Sr, II --Honors-. Earl Gillespie, Soy Carter, Alex, Hood, Pace -Jim McCall, Dorothy Drager, Isabel Farquharson, Harold Bolger, Lawson Kearney, Ruth Man. ning, Mabel Machan, Sr.'I to Jr, II -Honors-Wilfred Shortreed, Jim- mie Murray. Pass -Jean Murray, Halcyon ()handler, Grace Manning, Muriel Dundee. Jr, I to So, I- lielon Farquharson, Earl Hoy, Norma Garden Par "I r.r A Garden Party will be held un- der the auspicse of BLUEVALE' METHODI$T4OHURCH On the Church Lawn on the Evening of Wednesday, July 9th Supper Served from 6 to 8,36 Wingham Citizens' B a n d will be in attendance BOOTH ON THE GROUNDS Admission 25 and 20 cents T. C.Wxt.KxNeoli, R. MUSGROVE Pastor Secretary Everybody Come and Enjoy a Pleasant Evening Steiss, Gordon Ryan. Primer -Lena Drager, Jane Dundee, Agnea Hood, Gordon Shortreed, Robinson Hamil- ton, Kenneth Murray, Mae Jackson, Margaret Murray, Margaret Buchan- an, Allan McCall. MRs, D. HOLMES, Teacher, Methodist Pastors Following is the list of Methodisb parsons for the ensuing year as it re- lates to the Districts in this section of the London Conference STRATFORD DISTRICT Stratford (Oentral)-J, Wesley ?dog- wood Stratford (Trinity) -S. Judson Kelly St. Marys -Richard W. Knowles Mitchell -Harvey D. Moyer Listowel -Edwin W. Edwards Milverton -Thos, E. Sawyer Trowbridge -Allan H. Brown Wallace -Jas. Wilkins Atwood -Byron Snell Mankoon-Gordon W. Butt Staffa-J. Edward Jones Fuilarton-Allen E. Hopper Harmony -Esti Poulter Weilburn (Belton) -Eric L. Anderson Ohairman-E. W. Edwards Fin. -Sec. -Byron Snell WIEGMAN DISTRICT Wingham-Chas, E. Gregg Kincardine -Arthur W. Barker Lucknow-T. Wesley Coeens Brussels -Chas. F. Clark Teeswater-Irving A. McKelvey Ethel -Harold White Fordwich-Geo, A, Barnard Gorrie-Wellington A. Finlay Wroxeter -Asa I, Brown Bluevale-T, Chester Wilkinson Ashfield (Lucknow)-0. W. DeWitt Cosens Salem (Formosa) -A. 3, Swale Ripley -Harold Wiilane Arnow -Geo, Penrose Bervie (Kincardine)-Stauley R. Johnston Tiverton -Carman E. Armstrong Whitechurch -To T be supplied u Aar n Superintendent of Lucknow Belgrave-Wesley J. Moores Fred. G. Risdon, E. 0. Pentland and Gordon Hargraves at College Chairman -0. F. Clarke Fin. Sea -L A. McKelvey Journal Sec. -Stanley Johnston Statietical Sec, -T, 0. Wilkinson Seo, R. E, -C. DeWitt Cosene Sec, E. and S. S, -H. Willane Sec. Ed. -A. Barker Mies. Sec. -0. E. Cragg GODERICII DISTRICT Goderich (North Street) -Jas. E, Holmes Goderich (Victoria Street) -John W. Hedley Olin toe (Weeley)-Albert A. Holmes Clinton (Ontario Street) -Clayton J. Moorehouse Seaforth-R. Fulton h . P ton Trw in Hoiweeville- lb r A e t V.Wal don .Blyth -Alberti 0. Tiffin Dungannon -John R. Peters Nile -Leroy 0. White Benmilier-Wallace H. Mose Auburn -Percy S. Banes Walton -Wm, 0. Robinson Londesboro-W. Roy Osborne Bayfield -To be supplied tender Super - intendant of Holmesville Varna -John J. Durrant A. Clayton Baxter, Victoria College Chairman -J. E. Holmes Fin, Seo, -R. F, Irwin EXETER DISTRICT Exeter (Main SGIee t - Frederidk E. 0lyeda]e Exeter. (James Street) -W. E, Don - rally Parkhill -Geo, W. W, Rivers Elimville-H, Edward Livingstone Centralia -Walter M. Kitetey Heneall--Arthur Sinclair Crediton and Mina Craig -Duncan McTavish Grand Bend -Win, 3, Maines Lucan-G, Clifton Gifford Granton -J, Elliot Hunter Woodham -David D. Thomson. Kirkton-Bobt, 0, Copeland Robert E. Southoott, Victoria College Ohairivan-G, W. Rivers Fin. Sec... A, Sinclair