HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-25, Page 8Ir iummer Toilet Needs .00850101010011111000.118100 01111110801.110000001 0108111001100101101.11011.0 C�IIAMPOOS BRILLIANTINE COMBS FOR BOBBED A'AIR TALCUM POWDERS FACE POWDERS PGWDkiR COMPACTS FACE CREAMS TOILBT, WATERS SOAPS BATE SALTS PERSPIRATION DEODORANTS DEPILATORIES HAIR NETS POWDER PUFFS SPONGES WASH CLOTHS, tote, Eastman Kodak Finishing Out Prints are trade on'Velox— it gives us the 'best Prints we can get. Mail us your Films or bring them in. Films, Kodaks and Supplies Promotion Examinations are noy7 on and to aur customers, both in town and the surrounding rural schools, we cordially invite you to come to our store for your supplies. Examination Paper Examination Pads Water Colors Brushes Rulers Rubber Erasers Fountain Pen Ink Pens Pen Points Lead Pencils Drawing Paper, &c. F. R. SMITH The :Rezxcazi. Store Druggist and Stationer w,ssowam 'OEll1 elven !fens Noxsire. schools bave closed. Now for the -long school vacation. BEAM,. are on. Success to the Can - BIG Tattoo at Listowel on Domin on Day. See the advt. and 'take it M. Do you require Farm help ? Read the advt, concerning such. HOME grown strawberries are expect- ed in the course of a week or so. Sas the Base Ball Match Thursday didates. afternoon at 3 o'clock on Victoria Park. Heys you wheat for sale ? See the Goderich Township and Brussels will supply the talent. Hemphill advt. in this issue. BaI. Azzea Cautata next Monday evening in Brussels Opera House. Fine program. AUCTION Sale of the Turnbull ro acres Brussels North, Saturday of this week, at a. p m. GARDEN Parties and picnics are about as thick as the proverbial ' hair on a dog's back." ON the program—a few weddings. THE POST issues neat invitationa and announcements. BETWEEN Foot Ball, Base Ball, Bowl- ing and Tennis the line of athletic sports is well sustained in Brussels. THE POST congratulates the pupils of Brussels Continuation School over their success at the recent exams. Report in this issue, See•Brussels Foot Ball Iutermediates "trim" Monkton• on Victoria Park next Monday evening, Thera should be a bumper crowd. Tue. local I. O. O. F. lodge is planning for the annual Decoration service at Brussels cemetery, the date of which will be announced shortly. QUITE a contingenteof Brnsselites will go to Ethel Thursday evening to support our Intermediate Foot Ball team Two comfortable houses on Milt street for who will play the return game with sale at is bargain. Posooasioa 10atilt pur- chaser. Terme easy, Apply to $rnoLAia, Wm McCANN: Chief of the Hydro construction contingent working in town, bad a bone broken in the back of his right hand while playing base ball last week and has been carrying the in• juted member in a sling. We hope he will soon be o. k. d Good yielder. 01 10 a bushelJapeoeee variety, Phone 556 J. P. 510INT080, Grey Twp. STRAWBERRIES for sale. Order early. ALEx. MOCnAmmtn, Wroxeter Phone 602 r 17 North Grey Bdy ONE Yorkshire Sow for Fele, with litter of 11 4 weeks old. Apply to C. SIMPSON, Phone 4916 Jamestown. Fon SALE.—Very comfortable !rime hoose, Princess street. now vacant as oweer has moved to KIncardine. Apply at once for par. Haulers and terms to T. B. Bennett, Winghem, or A. H. Macdonald, Brussels, CATTLE wanted tO pasture. Phone 516 GILBERT STEIS. Morris Twp. 6 noon house, good lot. berries. garden planted, good well and cistern. Cheap for quick sole. Apply et TEL PORT., Fon SALE AT A BARGAIN.—Gan machine and all necessary fixtures. An ideal lighting sys- tem for residence out of reach of Hydro. In- expeneive to operate and in good condition. Apply to W. M. SINOLaIit, Brussels Ethel stalwarts. SroRTs AT HAND, --Base Ball Thurs. day at 3 p, m. between Goderich Town- ship and Brussels on Victoria Park. Thursday evening Brussels and i;thei Intermediates final game at Ethel, for District honors. Monkton vs. Brus- sels next Monday evening, V;ctoria Park, a red hot game. DUNGANNON Base Ball 'team played a League game, on Victoria Park here last Thursday evening, with the home nine. Barring the 1st innings, in wbieb the visitors piled up a score of et runs, the play was fairly evenly divided and at the close of the 7th innings the tally was 16-4 This was the 151 home game for the locals who will improve with practise, Tux page advt. of W, D. Hamel demands the careful perusal of every wide awake buyer. He says he has the right goods, at unbeatable prices, and wants everybody within 20 miles to know and share in the great slash in prices. Not old sbop worn goods but brand new stock purebased at a wonder- ful bargain. Mr. Hamel wants the countryaide to trade in Brussels and looks for many to buy at bis store to catch the bargains, Miss CAMPBELL DECEASED, —Wednes-. day of last week Miss Mary Campbell, Morris Township, died at the home of her niece, Mrs. S. Walker, Brussels, after an Meese of 4 weeks, aged 82 yeats, old age and heart weakness being the cause, She was born at Storringtou, Frontenac Co„ and was the daughter of Alex, and Mary Campbell, They came West to Tuokersmith township in 1855 and in 1882 the parents moved to Wing- barn, where they died and Calvin and his sister located in Morris township, 3rd line, where they lived continuously. There were q children in the family of whom only lames and Calvin, Morris, aged respectively 86 and 76 years, sur- vive, Funeral service was held Friday afternoon, Rev, C. F. Clarke couduct- ing service and burial being made in the family plot Wiugham. Pallbearers were T, and R. Warwick, W, Souce, W. and I. Sellers, and J. Thynne, Among those from a distance were Frank and Mrs, Cempbell and W. J. end Mrs, Greenwood, Mifnhen, NOTICE ! Lauda C. Bryans Announces her Bruseela Mace will be open following days of every week :-- Hours—a. to, p. int, Monday , • 10 to 12. 130 to 6 Friday 1,30 to 0 Saturday ... .,.10 to 12 1,80 to 0 Saturday 'Evening 7 to 0 MOSQUITOES are singing their song. MANY touring automobihsts these days through Brussels. Nsx'r Tuesday wilt be Dominion Day and a Public Holiday. I3aussSLs Orangemen will celebrate the coming rani of July at Goderich. AN application of Tarvia has been made to several• streets in WWII t0 allay tine customary dust nuisance. REEVE BARKER, aceampanied the Lis. towel hikers ou tbeir trip to Loudon and home last Wednesday and put in an enjoyable day. A Psi of Geraniums has been planted at the Bank of Nova Scotia corner by the horticultural Society which should help improve the street. GonaaICli Township Base Ball team will cross bats with Brussels Thursday afternoon of this week on Victoria Park, at 3 o'clock The visitors play good ball and the match should be iotere,�•ting. Beeemezzze Cantata will be presented next Monday evening in the Opera House by Biyth;s fine Choral Society. -• They come under auspices of the Wille ing workers of Melville Church, Dout miss the Cantata. THURSDAY evening of next week Farmers' Club of Grey and Morris will hold a Garden Party at Albert Crooks', 4'b line Morris. Good program, see tbe advt. and posters for full particulars. MONKTON Intermediate Foot Ball team will be here to play the final match in the 1st roond with Brussels next Mon- day evening on Victoria Park. They beat Brussels by I -o at Monkton so a lively tilt will be on tbe program. AN addition will be built to the Cold Storage Emporiu:n of Robt. Thomson, Brussels, of 21 x 6o feet, It will be cement and will Afford badly needed ac- commodation for tbeir increasing trade. This is the way to do business. THE house and stable with to acres of laud attached, also the Housebold Fier- •niture, &c.. the property of the late Annie Turnbull, will be offered at her late home, Brussels North. on Saturday, June a8tb, at p. m. by D. M, Scott. Auc, Executors are .' m. Koos and Thos. Turnbull, See posters for furth- er particulars. Property is an eligible one. HuaoN County Council Annual Pic- nic will be held in Jowatt's Grove, Bay- field, Friday of this week, 27111 inst. 'Dinner will be served at 12 31 and sup per at 5.3o. Ladies are asked to bring baskets.program of Sporis, &c, will be arrange. This ista social, event that is looked forward to with no small in- terest for more reasons tban one and 1924 gathering is looked forward to with pleasant ante:10,0ion. SCOTT—BOWMAN.^The-home of Jas. Bowman, ex M P. for North Huron, and Mrs. Bowman, 131 Narthcliff Boulevard. Toronto, was the scene of a pretty June wedding Wednesday of last week, when, in the presence of more than 40 immediate relatives and friends, their youngest daughter, Margaret Laving, was united in marriage to Lieut. R. George Scott, D. D, S., second son of Robert J. and Mrs, Scott, Port Elgin. Ont„ Rev. ter. McTaggart, St Columba Presbyterian Cburcb, St. Clair Avenue, officiating. The bride, who was unattended, and given away by her father, looked charming in a gown of kitten's ear crepe, with pearl trimmings. and embroidered Egyptian veil, carrying a shower boquet of butterfly roses, forget-me•nots and lilies of the valley. Miss Wilma Galbraith, Brussels, niece of the bride, played the wedding music, and sang during the signing''of tbe register. Following the ceremony lunch was served, after which - the happy young couple left on the steamer Kingston for a boneymoon trip for Montreal and points East. the bride wearing a suit of sand tricotine, with •blue bat and scarf to match. On their rehire Dr. and Mrs, Scott will reside in Boheaygeon. Hearty congratulations are extended to the winsomebride, who was a well known former resident, and the gentleman of her choice. May they' enjoy many happy prosperous years. The many useful and handsome gifts re- ceived cy the bride and groom gave evidence of their popularity, who have the best wishes of all who have made their acquaintance. COM0ORTABGE house and y6 sore 101 jot' sale on Flora street, Brussels. Good stable email fruits, &n. Good neighborhood. Early pos- session. Price very reasonable for quick sale. For farther particnlersepply on the promisee. Phone 78. MARY A. 18OLr. FOR SALE.—Barn 6460 feet: shed 18080 feet ; and about 800 feet of dressed spruce lumber, For further particnlara aPPly to W. 0. STEVENSON. Phone 508 R. R. 8, Brussels an Coupe, ran a %o between 800 and 400 miles, for R. THOMSON. Brussels. PRIVATE Yawls to Loan. W. M, SINOLAIR, Brussels. DR. PARKER, of Winghem, has renamed his weekly visits to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, "THE Christian" will be presented Saturday evening at the Picture Show. Owing to absence of light it was not possible to give it last Saturday. This will conclude the program offered until after the hot weather. DIAMOND WEDDING —Pble following unique story refers to the parents of Mrs. I'bos. Walker, Brussels:—One of those events which cone° to the lot of a very few was celebrated on Monday of last week, by Adam and Mrs. Halliday, Belgrave, namely a Diamond Wedding, 6o years ago the rttb of Juue Mr, Halli- day and Miss Robertson were married at Lot 38, Con. 6, Wawanosh. Tbey have 7 of a family, Mrs, Dave Dunbar, Wawanosh ; Mrs, Stewart, near Bay- field; Mrs. Thos, Walker, Brussels; Mrs. Robertson and Mrs, 0, Proctor, Adam and Donald, of the West, Mr, Halliday is in his 91st year and Mrs. Halliday 8o and both are bale and hearty for their years. May tbe be spared to celebrate a few more anniversaries is the wish of their many friends, Findlay Anderson is the only anti living now who attended their wedding 6o years ago and he is in his 83th year, A 01101' ber of the people of Belgrave gave Mr, and Mts. Halliday a card shower on the Saturday previous, while the Home Helpers of Knox eburch and, the Wo- men's Institute each sent boquets of carnations and other friends sunt roses and geraniums, Many friends called to extend congratulations on this u1110151 occasion, To e, roman h/fANY women, lack .savings accounts, thinking their surtpho too trifling to bank, Smou amount'', accumulated i(<radualfy, are your atrength in an emergency. - Standard Service welcomes small• e*'wen 04 "mita e►CCOUntit. TNR STANDARc•tD BA �r K Jos • w Brtlasels. Branch, Dublin Branch, 1 Cr, B.. Balms, Manager F. Mt;orineil, Manager Scotch Farm Laborers Coming 3 Scotch, thoroughlyy ex- perienced Farm, Labor- ers, married, will arrive at Brussels :next week. Farmers who have or can secure vacant house and require man exper- ienced in all branches of farming should send in their names at once to The Post Publishin>t House • weeks ago gave instractioas in repairing a clock. Fuueral service was beid at the family residence on Satur- day conducted by Rev. J. W. Magwood, assisted by Rev. F. J. Oateu, Toronto, Pallbearers were 6 nephews, A. A. and E Colquhoun, Hibbert ; C. 1. Moore, Mitchell ; F. Moore. Munro : S. Murch, Stratford • and W. Moore, Niagara Falls, Franklin Moore, Mitchell, sang a solo, "I'm Waiting for Thee," which the late when Moore sang w ea his hue tenor voice was in its prime. The hymn "All Hail the power of Jesus' Nalne" was sung. a favorite of bis also and about the last he helped to sing last New Year's Day Mr. Moore. in bis younger days was very energetic in church work hav- ing been at one time Superintendent of the Sunday Scbool at Cranbrook, also *leader of the choir. For years be open- ed his home puce a week to the young people of the neighborhood where they won'd gather to bave an bour's recrea- tion and then get instruction in music for the rest of the evening. Mr. Mdore never took any side rn party, politics al- ways voting for the man rather than the party. t: it People We Talk About 11 tt t DIED AT A GOOD OLD AGE.—Thomas Moore. aged 89 years and 10 months, whp bad been an invalid for the past 3 or 4 years, died at his Tbursday morning at Moroington street, Stratford, He was born in Devonshire. Englandr• add when an intent was brought to Cen- ada by his parents, who settled 'in Ful- lerton Township. He lived it Fuller- ton farming until his marriage to Cbar- lette Walkout 66 years ago. With bis wife he then moved to Grey Township where he farmed tor about 35 years, Moving to Brussels, he became widely known as a machine agent. 52 years ago the iateseMr. Modre left Brussels, and retired to Stratford. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. (Col ) C. Hoare, and Miss Bessie Moore of the Classic city. MIs. Moore passed, away a 4J years ago, The late Mr. Moore was a faithful member of the Methodist Church and for many a year his sweet tenor voice was beard in the choir of Brussels Church: The' Misses Moore were also members of the same musical organization. Deceased was Widely known and respected and the daughters will have the sympatby of many old friends in this loeahty, The funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Avondale cemetery, Stratford. After moving to Brussels Mt. Moore took up the occupation of selling OUR stock,• pianos, organs and sewing machines, until declining years forced !rim tO re- tire and family moved to Stratford. For about 6 years he has needed more or less attention because of failing strength, toward the last becoming at - most heipless but reiaining his menta John A, and Mrs. l3ryans and family, Fordwieh, were visitors rn the home of Mrs. E, Bryana,'rnesday. inn. and Mrs, Chapple, Hamilton, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Ed, ward Bryans. The ladies are ,sisters. Rev, 1)r. D. L McCrae, Loudon, Was here For the week 'end visiting his sin' tern; Mrs., Jos, Speir and Mrs. Angus ,Lamont, President Packard and Inspector Archie Kay, of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co„ with bead ollzce at Stret- ford, made a business trip to Brussels last weett, R Mrs, (Rev,) A. M. McKay, Hatton,' Sask,, and her spn"ti- Ross, teacher, at Bassano, Alberta, arrived here for a holiday visit last week. Former is a daughter of our veteran townsman, David Ross, Elizabeth street, 8 We congratulate Miss Helen, daugh- ter of Postmaster and Mrs: Kay, Strat- ford, on her success at Toronto Univer- sity in her 1st year in Arts. The young lady is a neice of W. R. and Mrs. Kerr, of THE POST. G. W. and Mrs. Pollard and Fred. and Mrs. Cole, Stratford, were visitors with Ed. and Mrs. Pollard over the week end, Mrs. Pollard was a Miss Driver, of Brussels, before her marriage. They think the Classic city is au o. k place to live iv. Mr. ollard is employ- ed in the railway shot. Last Saturday > Mrs, Sarah. Whiting, who has been keeping house, for John Ewan, was -summoned to her Western borne, Dunduro, Sask., owing to the sudden demise of her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Fred. Whiting. The husband is left with the care of 3 children, the Youngest an infant. Mrs. Whiting left for the West Saturday afternoon, She is a daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Ellis, Brussels South. Mrs, A. McGuire. Miss Mary and A. A. Lamont, .Rev. C. F. Clarke, S. Car. - ter, H. L. Jackson, A. E. Hersey and W..H: Kerr Attended the big Prohibition Rally at Palmerston on MM.onday. The latter was Chairman of evening gather- ing in -the Library Audience room. An overflow meeting was held in the Metho. dist Church where program was repeat- ed. Speakers were Rev. Dr. Henry, pastor, Deer Park, Presbyterian Cburcb, Tpronto : Barrister Hansard. of the same city ; Rey Dr. Oaten and Hon. E. C. Drury. Mr, Greenlaw, the well known Detroit baritone, was the 'vocal- ist. It was a very enthusiastic rally for Prohibition in which the Counties of Wellington, Perth, H,,uron, Bruce and Grey were interested. Addresses were extra good and the solos afternoon and evening fine. • Jack Ballantyne is home for a holiday from Port Hope. Sam Carter took a business trip to Detroit last week. Harold Lowry is back from a business trip to Haileybury. Miss Laura Bryans is home for a holi- day of to days from Toronto. Alex, Lamont,.. Headmaster of St, Marys Collegiate, " was in town over Sunday. Mrs. R. Devenny, Haileybury, Ont., arrived for a visit with her daughter. Mrs, Wilmot, Brussels. Barrister J. L. Lamont, Kincardine, was calling on relatives and old friends in Brussels last week. 3. L, and Mrs. Callaghan, Belleville, are visitors at tbe home of the lalter's father, Samuel Wilton. Lorne and Mrs. Pringle and child- ren and Mrs. Hussey, all of Toronto, were visitors at the home of J. T. and Mrs. Ross. Mrs. D. Clarke and daughter,- Hamil- ton, are welcome visitors at the former's parental borne, with Barrister and Mrs. Sinclair, town. The wife of John Dignan, Exeter, passed away last week. Mr. Dignan was employed in the Evian Carriage Works for some years here. Mrs. Chas Sheriff, Mrs. R S. Hamil- ton and Mrs I Parker motored to Ham- ilton in the former's sedan and spent a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. James Ferguson bas moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs, George A. Best, Turnborry street, her inCreas- i0g years requiring closer supervision. Misses Muriel Sparling', Elva Oliver, Florence Stewart, ElltteeeFraser and Elaine Dennison are home from atten- dance at the Normal. Soiiools at Toronto and Stratford. Albert Lott was at SerVie last week taring several appoidtmente in Metho- dist churcbes. the Sabbath previous, Rev. Stanley Johnston, a former Gerrie boy, is tbe pastor, Adam and Mrs. Roe are here on a Visit with relatives from Pickford, Mich, The trip was made by motor, stopping at various points en route and was most enjoyable. Mrs. Stewart, her daughter Mrs. Reddatz and granddaughter, Mrs, Bell, all of Detroit and the former's son T, P. Stewart, 'Toronto, were visitors with Thos. and Mra. Walker, Miss Carrie McCracken, teacber in Toronto will tour the British Isles and take a look at Belgium, France and maybe Switzerland thts Summer. with a company of school teAebets, Miss Pearl Taylor, Principal of Brus- sels Continuation School, has gone to Varna where she will spend part of her vacation before going to Toronto to reed faculties anti) the last and just a few departmental eltamivation papers OhurOh Chimes Psalm 139: 23-24, "Search Me 0 God and know my heart ; try .me anti know my thoughts and see if there be any. wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." was the text taken by Rev. J. P. McLeod last Friday after• noon in Melville Church at the service preparatory to Communion. Sabbath morning the Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord's Supper were observed. Sabbath evening the Pastor spoke on the subject of "God's Good Will," from the text Joel g: 21 "Fear not 0 Land ; be glad and rejoice for the Lord will do great things. The reasons pointed out for Joel;s Faith were (1) That God' 'is able to do great things : (a) Because God has done great things and therefore He will do great things ; (3) God is willing (4) The time is opportune. Last Sunday morning ,the local Orangemen attended service in a body at the Methodist Cburcb, 4a brethren being iu the march. Rev Mr. Clarke after , welcoming the Order, gave historical data concerning the orgenizs- tion following it up with a practical ad- dress on "The pre-eminent Christ", In addition to an anthem by the choir Miss. es Hingston and Clarke sang "My only Hope."In the evenieg,the pastor's topic was "An unknown heroine" from which he spoke well deserved words ,concerning womanhood and the large place they h11 in the World and church. Miss Mildred Sperling sang a fine. solo. Congregational sympathy was expressed to bereaved concerning the demise last week of Thos. Moore, Stratford, a well known former resident and official member of the Board and valued member ofjtbe church choir. A note of condolence was ordered to be forwarded to the daughters at Stratford. BORN MOOuTonsoN.-•-In Morris township, on June 11111eh on, a4daughter Harry daughter—Ann, Mao,McOut MARRIED eOoi 9 HowlIAN.—In Toronto, on Jnne ISth, s0 the home of the brlde'e pporenta, by Rev. Mr. McTagBart, Lieut. R, George Scott, D. D S., • Bobasygeon,Ont., to Mies Margaret Levine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bowman, formerly of Brns9ele. fox' Drug Store The�?'" Store v WEEKLY STORE N Bugs, Worms, °Parasites-, &G, lit the garden, Un- less the garden is free from these pests you do not get good results, Our exper- ience helps. Let us help you, , Fly Away Stay' Away Flies Warm weather brings out the Flies, Then they overrun the house, destroying everything, FL,Y TOX is our bast --cleans thew out at o1100. Try it, full Strngth Water_'Wass Preserves ifgge q he hest, By Pi down your nice fresh eggs now you will have fresh eggs all Winter long. Eggs are cheap and Water Glass is easy to use. Straw Hat Cleaner Here is an,articlo that we can'fully recommend. It is easy to apply and the results the,very best. i c the package Sugar of Milk* is Good A food value for Babies and Growing Children, A fine product guaranteed pure. You will find ot11' Sugar of Milk ' Strictly Pure Canadian National' Ry i We would like to draw the attention of the public to the fact that we are Down Town Agents for this Company and will be pleased to supply you with the necessary paste poarda when taking your next jaunt. We wish to assure you that this does not in any way interfere with the work of our Agent,p,t the Depot, If for any reason any ticket purchased from ue is not used money will be promptly returned, FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R.. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER • DIED CANTELON,—In Toronto, on June 18th, 1024, Ann Cantelon, widow 61 the late 'Militant Cantelon, Clinton, in leer Nth year, DIONAN,--In Exeter, on June 18th, 1024, Ruth Redmond, beloved wife of John E. Dignan. Moosa.—In Siretfood, on June 10111, 1024. Thomas Moore, formerly of Brussels, aged 66 yeore end 10 mooting' • WATeON.—In Seeforth, on Juno 171h, 1824, 'Margaret, d oldest daughter ofpthe late John Leslie, Clinton, ELIGIBLE Property for Sale Saturday, June 28th at 2 o'clock, The,'Turnbull property, Brussele;North containing 10 acres, with comfortable house, stable., orchard, well, &c.. will be offered for sale by Public Auction. It would make a line home for some one, Household Effects. Ste., will also be sold. Further particulate on post- dre or from Wm' KNox' \ Executors or Taos. TontinuLL, J .. D. M, Scbrr, Auc. AUOTION'SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 28T0.-10 sores of lend with hoose and atable, also honahhold remitters, &a. belonging to estate 8f late Annie Turnbull. Sale et home Brussels North, et 2 p. m. Wm. Knox sad Tlios, Turnbull, Exebutore, D. M, Scott, Ae,yHoneer. Teacher Wanted Teeohorwanted for WS. No 1, Grey, held, !ng Second Class certificate ; duties to oorn- menayYe Sept. let. , Modern eehool building, nicely a Matd i g s51517rand experience,, AP' oetvad bythe HE551305WAY SSlea., Phone 281 R, R. 8, Brunets, BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 40 90 60 50 b5 Peas .......... O 45 45 08slH Buckwheat kwheat Batter ........... ...... ........ 8201 2256 Ho5 .... m .............................»-.. ge...... 7 6 7 85 8 00 800 21 21 Potatoes Bey `. Wool Art in Granite and Marble Memorials BRUSSELS EVERY piece of work we do is treated like a master -piece of art before it can pass our rigid inspection. Long experience in all the different treatments of expres- aion'in granite enables us to produce the last touch that makes perfection. 'Cemetery work promptly attend- ed to. MEMORIAL - WORKS A. E. HERSEY, Prop. McClary's Electric Ranges CoffieIG Electric Washers NOW 9N DISPLAY AT Welier's Hardware We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing and all kinds of Repairing 3, R, WELLEF? j'. ,,