HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-25, Page 7oY uT why Camp? Melly Parente each YOM` ask Nat' ,wlly.eo much emphasis is laid on the stunyner Beirut Mamal. 'Here are some of the reagoilat The Boy Spout ean,p eatisfles that "get away from hotno" urge whieit trete time to time etira Ir. the heartgf practically every norMel boy; par- ticularly the "gypsy" in him, restive .after the reetrletlone of the winter and the school, that longe for the free spaces, the simple; trough lite of the camp and the company of .a "gang" of his kind, It is this imp:else, unwisely met, that has produced runaway boys, with resulting broken homes, broken hearts and wrecked careers, Invariably the boy returns home from a Scout camp with a new ap'• predation of his hopae, Itis brgthers and sisters and hisparents, and a gen- orally broadened outlook on life. Capitalizes Wanderlust. • The Boy Scout camp not only satie• des Wanderlust; it capitalizes the !m^ pulse through. a .play -learn program with definite cbaraetereor1a11ng objec- twee an self-control, , self-respect, thought for Others, good eportsmani ship, mental alertness and physical fit nese._ The cainp antidotes the charas;-. ter -weakening. effect of the many lam bor-saving convehlenees of the town and city of today; and teaches some thing of the self-reliance of cur pioneer Canadian forefathers. True Value and "Mental Muscle." To sum up, in an age of much drat- leg and loose thinking, much lack of reverence and respect among young people, the Scout campehelps the boy to develop a sense of true values, Often your camping Scout will be compelled to act entirely on bis own, following trail signs, heap reading and making, preparing a meat without utensils. During his First' Claes jour- ney, if he is ready for' that, he will face a whole catalogue of tests which develop "mental Muscle" and a as:- Peelle- for original thinking and gen- eral self-reliance. ' As to Health. There is to place where boys have less Sickness and where general health .is so much improved. The clean, pure air, much bright sun by day and Ilewwashed breezes at night, daily games, swimming and other water sports, all properly supervised, whet appetites for plain, wholesome food. Regular hours for eleep and early rieing also contribute 'to health and the joy of living, which keeps boys growing and well. Thrift le Taught, Thrift is taught in preparation for camp through the earning and saving of the funds necessary. In camp many Scouts firer learn the real value of money, through the strict regulation of the amount which may be spent each day for, candy or other luxuries, if these aro available; and in an in- creasing number of well conducted ramps, particularly the larger camps, a Camp bank teaebes every Scout how to .handle a bunk account. The fact that every day living colts somebody cash, is brought home to the boy when the peroneal and per.day costs at the camp aro being worked out. Rabbits As Food. Rabble; are ranch - easier to dress', than thickens. and 1n the opinion of many are more appetizing, The bun- nies are easily ,grown and the boys ,and girls usually like . to raiefor them. Weighing from 'four to six pounds dressed, a tame rabbit makes a meal for it good-sized family, And when well baked, fried, or frioesseed is real- ly delicious. A betel) for houeing the rabbit is easily conatrurted. Not much room 15 needed. All that Is required is to have, a well ventilated coop which the rabhits can not get out of, with admit corner where the doe can make a' nest tor her young. The rabbits tan be cheaply fed on clover, garden vegetables, and many ktnda of weeds. They especially relish dock or dandelion or any other tender plant. Some grain (oats is best), hay or skim milk is needed to balance the ration. The young ones thrive es- pecially well on oatmeal, though 'this le more 'expsnelve. There is : move danger of over -feeding "than under- feeding. lettall doe will .pmditce a litter p1 from 81.'Ieast five to ten young about every six weelvs. An Accident. Mary, the new maid, complained • Unit .Master John, aged live, 11ad put out his tongue 11t her. The following .. dialogue ensue(i; - • Mother •-",Tuie+, how dare you be to rune? Putting your tongue out is a vulgar trick." Joint- "I 411111'1, tint 1 ip tongue out mu twee." "Dont telt Iles new, you naughty boy,,, "I didn't put ler tontete qui. 1 Woe going rest ?diary with my mouth open mid My tongue "happened to fallout" Q, Tale of the Eskimos,• 1,lakinlos frequently build under- grounrl ltottses of etono and use the jawbouas of whales for rdatirlx ma, ORANGE " ttbrial, , p. • a �AfIX $UFFE.RED:: FQR OVER THREE YEARS St, John Lady, -Was Nersoup And Had Severe Indigestion That Caused Intense Pain. "It has been nearly two years' sines I•took Teniae; but I nm mere grateful to the msdieine'that over or I have felt just flee to Ibis. Yery day," resent 1y declared; Mrs, Lena Knox. :43, klit liard Street, St, John, N.B. "For three years, indigestion and nervousness Caused me such agony it beggars description, I was actually afraid to eat; at night I would lie awake nervous and sleepless for bourn and nuttily became so weak and Ship 1 gas almost a ehadew, "But Tanlac gave me a splendid'•am. petite, calm nerves an'd 'a-•dlgestion that is simply ported,' I sleep the whole night through and have gaited such weight, strength and energy that I always feel at my best." Tanlac is for sate by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute, Over 40 million bottles. sold. _ MR$; .3.414A Y N oX Tanlac Vegetable Pills For Constipation, Made alid Recommended by the Manufacturers of Tanlac. HEALTH EDUCATION a BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial tioord of Health, Ontario Or. 'Middleton will be glad. to answer questions oa P duo small > tens through this column. Address bim at Spadini' limine, Bpa111Y Crescent, Toronto v* Monks in England enjoy a remark- able immunity from cancer, tuber- culosis and influenza, according to re- cent investigations made by the Mine istry of 'Health. It is because they eat no meat in the monasteries, but consume a great deal of fresh vege- tables and fruit? +:a Dr. S. Monkton Copeman, of the British Ministry of Health, has been making an investigation at the Car- thusian Monastery. at Cowfold, near Horsham, Sussex. He states that so far as he has been able to ascertain, the monks there appeared to be extra- ordinarily healthy. He pointed out that no meat was eaten in the monas- tery, but the monks eat a great deal of fruit and vegetables. Green salads are among the most important items of their diet.i e the monks ks on the continent they alsommake large dietary use of dandelion . and chicory. "There is no doubt," mild Dr. Cope- man, that middle-aged people should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables like the monks. Most of the monks at Cowfold are -middle-aged, but there are some old ones, I saw one who is nearly a hundred years old employed on carting stones." Dr. Copeman added that convents are not so free from disease and that there is a good deal of eonsumnion in convents, espe- cially in the ver poor ones. The pro- curator of the monastery states that the ministry has begun a detailed study of the dietary habits of the monks with a view to applying their fru{tarian principles to the treatment of cancer. The opinion is steadily gaining ground among medical auth- orities that the kind of food we eat has a great influence ou elm health and our freedom from'or stesceptibil- ity to disease. Dr. Adam Wright, Chairman of the Provincial Board of Health, Ontario,' has. given this matter. ':of diet as ' a preventive of cancer much .thought. Ile holds the.opifion;and itis gaining ground, that the prevention of iptes- tinal stasis as an irnportant'faator in the prevention of stomach 'algid antes tinal mincers. As cancer seems to be increasing' in this country, according to statistics, it la'readily seep that the question.of diet in fighting this dreadful malady is extremely important. BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND Mrs. David Gagne, St, Godtroy, Que„ writes: -"I have used . Baby's Own Tablets for my three little ones and have found them such an excellent medicine that I always keep them -on hand "and would strongly advise all: other mothers to do the same thing," The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which quickly relieve conetie potion and indigestion, break up colds aitd simple 'fevers . and 'promote that healthful refreshing sleep which makes the baby thrive. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail: at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Out. Hills. ''never loved your plains, 'lour gentle'valleys,- Your drowsy'country lanes, And pieached alleys: • I want my pills! the trail That soothe the hol_ow, Up, up the rdggett shale, When few will follow. 11P, over, the wooded crest And mossy boulder, Withstrong thigh, heaving chest, And swinging shoulder. So let me hold my way, By nothing baited, Uutll at close of day I stand exalted. High on my hills of dream - Dear hills that know mo! And then, how fair will seem Tile lands below me How pure at vesper -tinge The far belle, chiming -- God, give ole hills to aliens, r n th for ellmbin ! kc Ands g g -Arthur Guitormau, Every player in the game of ego holds a winning hand of some stage. p She Was At Home. Caller -"Young man, is your mother at home?" • 'Willie "Say, d'ye think I'd rather be cleaning up this yard than outPlay- ing ball? Fishy Scales. • Andy Macdonald lived alone .in a: cabin be bad butltwithhis. own banes on the'banks of abamous salmon rivet in the Hight:bids. He .claimed' to have made most of the record fish catches in that vicinity during the past twenty years, and he kept a big record book containing dates and weights to impress visitors. Last summer a young married couple from London were occupying a small bungalow near Andy's cabin; A baby was born.te them, and the only scales the proud father could ob- twin on which to weigh the new ar- rival were those all which .Andy 'had weighed all the big tisb he had caught in twenty yearn, The baby tipped the scales at twen- ty -live pounds l Minard's Liniment for Sprains. Try This One on Dad. The new scholar told the rest of the children about a- funny little log cable In the bush where he used to live. "In- side were two rooms tri which were hair a dozen chairs, three lamps and two beds. How many people lived he the cabin?" lone boy guessed two; tu.t, the- new' boy replied, "ole' iMac mere" Then scene one guessed throe. and again ho made the 'same"reply; '!'here was one mart and his name Was More. and the choicest of Red Rose. Teas is the PEKOE QUALITY ttttte• terle> n, l ittflUglfteet ' A few linceitleniewliere read, a Bele TCpl, ee" fletii'd, may elute a tetuieer Argo tar to deter!nine a eleteeeter. How of - ;ten, in tbo•.ietrospeet of life, we re- call the timely, kindly utterunee et one wllo, with a deep eoncoru en our wel- fare," gave us the' word Of sympathetic enhance ---net of heeterieS 'Pr lectur- ing -0g, pointed the We' .or died a light ripen'tti The' importance of the 'spoken or Written *ofd ceen it,bO overestimated. But behind ail tonal of language Is the •personal example as a factor still more lef1iieeti'al. Life, ileelt is the para annum feCee to make an impress upon rife, Mete nod nroital as we are, the contemplation of infinity and inmate lathy is often oeerwheljnlpg, Theu we reach 'out to clasp the hands et othereiortals^like oursolvee and find our reassurance in the ordinary hu• man contacts and svvmpathies et every day. We knew that God is some• where, wafting. But in His goodness He has given us friends that we may 8ee.and know tamillarly, creatures of Beall -and -blood, so that we may com- mune with them and not merely with "the world that is a wonder still," From those found about us, as well as from the far eoicea of art undis- metered country„ we take our !empire- tioa, • Some o1, us; are _reluctant to admit how depepdent we are on friends and. oompanlons tri life's pilgrimage. We like to 'believe. that we stand secure, as the rooted pines of* the Sierras, fronting imperturbably' the sunshine or the thunder, the snowsv.or the icy blast. Bet God, who made us, did not build us so. We need the rest gf the race. We require friends and families: Our very "Independence" is in realityan interdeaiendnce. It we Have strength, It 1s that: we may hells the weak and serve the downcast. Often those who appear sufficient unto themselves are 'those most in need of comfort and healing -the quiet, kindly influence that is in our bestowal, though we find it hard to believe that this is so. Bob -O' -kink's Song. Bob -O' -Link is calling; calling! Hark! • I hear bim say While the morning light Is falling Golden o'er the way:' "Bob o' Lincoln, ,Bob o' Lincoln, Bob o' Lincoin, I, Singing love -songs to my Princess, And the summer sky!" .. Now he's swinging on a thistle; .Now he's rocking to and fro; NeWI hear him whistle; whistle Flutelike high"an.d low: "Princess; Princese, arid,the blossoms Of your pretty nest- You'1'm'singing to, my deareat; You I1ove se: best!" "You're the.eoul of all my muse As you fo1hl your wing Softly o'er the little cherubs In nest' You'rethe nsyround'song, my serering!lipding All the live-Iong day; ;You're my carol: in the evening , Aind my, morning lay!" • Ab, bis goidan head he's tilting Silently and long; Then the purple Wessman lilting Trembles with his song: "Who to happy ih the clover 'Heath the beaming sky? Bob o' Lincoln, Bob o' Lincoln, Bob o"Lincoln, I." -"Leslie Clare Manchester. GREEN TEA IN GREAT DEMAND. Twenty-five Years , ago, Green Tea 'w'as more popular titan Black, but due to the heavy Deportation of poor qualityJapan and China Green Teas, the demand fell off. Ceylon and India. started producing Green Tea on a large scale only in recent years. Tbey were of such fine quality and delicious flavor that Green Tea drinkers int. i nledjately recognized their superiority and demanded them In ever increaa- i ing quantities. Salacia Tea. Conipany is practically the sole importer of Cey- 1on and India Careen Teas in Canada. If You Would Be a Bankrupt - In friendship, live for yourself alone. 111 purse, spend everything and then seine. In spirit, admit that ,you are down and In initlath'e, follow the line of least resistance• In influence, pay` no attention to self- mastery. In hltpphlese, always think of get- ting jpy instead of giving it, Ia health, ]teed net the timely vera- ,ings whiles disease usually -dispatches. In fntagiilntion, just shake year lief lu the rack progress and shout, "It can't he. dene." Dominion Express Molloy Orders are five. thous 1d oils `oil Male to at ccs through - opt Canada. EASY, 14P, S• A peetatol's 1rI, .w �. A spectator is asked to meat on any number of cards smaller than 15; The eompany is asked to re, member this number until the con- clusion of the trick, The spectator is then naked to deal three heave of cards on the table, the same number of Garde to be in each of the heaps, Mile this fe being done the performer turns 1118 back so that he cannot see how many. cards are dealt. iiia beck still turned, he directs the spectator to transfer cards from one heap to another, continuing until there are 1n the middle heap cards equal to the number mentioned by the sped tater, This is done 10 this manner: The trickster asks the spectator to take three cards from each of alba side heaps and put them on the middle heap. The epectator is than to count the number of cards remaining in the, left hand heap. She Is to remove that number from the middle heap and put them on the right hand -heap. This will leave nine cards in the middle heap and the trickster will have little difficulty in directing removals from side heaps to the center heap to obtain the proper number, (Olip this 081 and paste ft, with other of the series. {s a scrapbook.) TOO WEAK TO WALK The Sad Condition of a Brandon Lady—How Relief Came. "1 owe my present good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pols,' says. Mrs. Annie Troherne, Brandon, Man., who tells of her new found health as fol, ions: -"Sonia yearn ago I had an at. teak of pneumonia and it left me in a terribly 'weakened and run•down state. I was unable to walk for a long time as I had practically lost the use of me legs, and had to be carried upstairs, for,I had not the strength to go my- self. I, became despondent over my condition for I had tried many game- dies, which failed to help me. While in this wretched., condition a lady friend.urged me to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial and I procured a sup- ply. After tarring• the pills for a while I could see -that I was growing strong- er, and I gladly continued their use, until I had fully regained my old-time health and strength, Now if I feel at all run down at may time I at once take Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills, and they never fail me. I can therefore warmly recommend them to others who may be run down." There is no better tonic than Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to improve the blood and bring back strengtb after acute diseases such as fevers, peen - mule, influenza, ete. Given a fair( trial they will not disappoint you,1 You can get tile pills from your drug-! gist, or they will be sent by mall at: 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams"; Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. woes and,1110ir Or" hi MeoKEN14A VerletIona - McKenna,' Mac.Kinney, McKinney, Kinney. Racial Oriole -RIO. Source+• -Given names. There are two forms of this name, or ratlteretwo separate names in Gee - Ile, front which the ungltcized family names ill this group have been de- rived. It le" unfortunate that in..so ninny family names the Irish and the English forma should be so different as to cause confusion in. the transla- tion, of the neifle Pram ono language into the other. Here le another nand whore you'd have some genealogicalrecord to Make sure whether your ancestors were members of that clan known as the "Itfeelonagh," which Allayed a vivid part in the were of Irish rebellion in the early seventeenth century, or ,of the ancient "Clean' Cionaotha." T•he early records of this latter elan are clear. It wasfounded by :a chief- tain hieftain- named' Cleaoth (the' meaning of the given name being "without ser- vile work") about the• year 260 A.D., thus establishing thle family name as about twice 95 old as the majority 01 English family names. The strong- hold of this clan was in Tirowen, The name 'tllfaclonaigh" is derived from the given name "lonacb,"which means a "dirk." It is not certain at. Met what period the elan was estab- lished, but it was a brancle of the an- ent cyan of tete O'Ilerte, end 11 wag i well established in Arduroro, ()aunty Waterford, as well as 1n Dqucfiiiff saui in Truaghi, County Mgtre$llan. f ELI-WOOI1 Variation -Elwood, Raalal Qrielnm-•Sngliel,' Source -A locality, This family name, of 4111311811 04 04 and development, le onaof tboea whittle have been derived ts'om plana names, There are many planes to -day in 4u.g4 laud named Allwood. All of the• don't trace their history back to til medieval times, but, on' the other hand it is fair to assume that there were i alao places called Ellwood in tiro medieval age* which sauce halve been called by other names, iso unless you can follow the 1011-.1 vidaral famlly history detlnitely back to the first use of ram name, you have little certainty from which particular' Ellwood it has been derived. I0iIwooq,1' was the sort of a place nature which : might be applied locally. It meant simply "Ellie' weed," "Ellis," "1b11Ce" and 'ilelyaa" being the medieval Eng -1 lisIa spellings of the bfblicel 00018 oil "Elijah" or "Mils." :This., of course, was a Hebrew given name, popular with the medieval; populations not only of England, but of other Chris- tian countries through its+ biblical as. soelations. The name means "The Lord God," or "The Strong Lord," Canada Needs Her Forests. Lumber and pulpwood have for years been looked upon as the giblet pro• duets of our forests, with the result that little attentiion has been given, to the smaller and not very essential pro- ducts. Canada's .forested areas are represented in so many articles of use that it would be useless to try to enumerate them, but a few outstand- ing You let him matte sport of your ignor i ones may be mentioned, saps the ante, There ain't no such stock on Natural Resources Intelligence Ser- the market", vibe of the Department of the Interior The rays of the sun take eight and at Ottawa. a half minutes to reach the earth. British Columbia estimates that this year 6,000,000 fruit boxes will be re- quired to provide for the province's apple crop, Nova Scotia uses over 1,600,000 bar- rels each year to ship apples, the harre)'s averaging about 15 staves eacb. One Nova Scotia plant Met year had a contract for -10,000,000 staves. It requires 12,000,000 new ties each foyearuptokeseupppalloynethe Canadian railwa ys Telephone andtelegraph companies use oho minket poles each year. The coal mines of Nova Scotia use OCR - million trees, or 20,000,000 lineal feet of timber, each year for mine ,props. There were over 19,000,000 boxes and packing cases made in 1020, else nearly 8,000,000 cheese and butter boxes. Tile forests, atter supplying all this material, will coutinue to do so from normal'growtb, provided they are pro- tected from are. Forest fres are des- troying more, timber annually than is used for commercial purposes. Says tate forest and save the wood -using in. dustries. The Deceiver. "Algernon is very intereeting,"said' Mr. Cumerox's daughter. "What does he talk about?" inquired her father. "Why, he's ever so well posted on Shakespearean quotations." "Young women," said Mn. Cumcrox;'; "don't you let him deceive you, Don't A Rallway's Responsibility. Damages amounting to 2330 were awarded in the Paris courts to a ire- voter who sued the French Eastern Railway Company. HIe teals attacked In a train and injured by another pas- senger, and claimed that the 1•a111vay company was responsible because et the absence of light in the carriage. Bacteria. of Benefit, Bacteria are the world's best manu- facturers of fertilizers, House spiders lay as many as sixty eggs in a batch, carefully enclosed in a bag of sills. Some one has just been defining that elusive and often puzzling fellow, the salesman. 'A real salesman," we are told, "is one part talk and nine parts of judgment to tell when to use the �o�n�epart of talk," /1q:p�a DO She Didn't Pay It. lee --"Do you mean tc tell 111e yon laid $200 for that new hat?" • She -"Why of course not, dear! Do .yeti think I'd be that foolish? 1 had it diarged," Ln . Slow Down. The plaintiff; a veltlble Italian, talk- ed as fast es hes icnc'vledge of Eng- lish w011111 permit • Looking down at the ollicial report, • er, the Italian noticed tor the !11.91 time that iris• testimony was being reduced to writing (tile reporter was trying his )) keep a ' 0 „bestt 7 and thereupon be- gan to talk fester titan ever, until lin- an_�ally 11e burst forth:-- "Don't.wiit-a eft fas'; 1 ,can't -a keep up with you." The first will in the English lan- guage, now lodged in the Durham registry, is the will of a Chandler, who bequeathed candles to various churches, and some special on that' were over nine feet high to the ca thetiral.at York. If a lean be gracious onto itran-) gars it shows he is a citizen of the world. and his heart is Pio inland cut off front' other lands,• but a continent that joins them. ----Bacon. Grentness routes only to those t'vha seek not how to avoid, obstacles, but to overcome them,' Miifard'a Liniment for lilsteinper.• No Monkey Business treaty rear fowls aid; ale-t,lce. One apalieetloa avaraalne.1 tokeep year fowls 7rre from lire for 810 months, SEND (40 8102)85- 11114 8100 tie a Mardi wo x111 1nn11 yo, nie•l,leo: 5555 cleat l0 tient 2011 fowls. 58he8 15 01111er pay 110410511 51 end eartaaa Mabry bark If It fella, keret hew to tell are of ea e¢a.herora Incubation. 41511 5108(107,1 now 010, •t 1‘0,1 l0 rad. Jour masa 07 refs, 101ra abd 011,0,1 ..081,0,15. the 100 0f' hello 0r polreae nasi to sub purls bar. Agoras -ranted, THE DIE -LICE CO, Drawer 064 - Wis*i'ton, Ont, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Many have had surprising relief from Catarrhal Denfatae Head Notate. Rivatna to the Itarrand Head Colds bYtwEar l ° en .i t:}I���S � p:a�� �d ,tr A aobtl,550 5enetratlnit o11 that 1, ,a.. very affective, lust rub It bank of the ears and !boort In 15091,10 Far sale everywhere 81.25 7"lereotisg des0rintive folder sent upon ,•.quos! }ta,e A.O.LEONARD,Iue. ,,, 70 111 1, a, N • Y, Classified Advertisements Iv ANTED - CAR OWNERS TO .send for our Big Free Catalogue showing 101 bargains in Auto Sup- plies. It will save yoa.mon,ly. Send for it today, Canadian Auto Shops, Box 164, Niagara Felts, Ontario. ,r \) INS Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful WriteMurine Co.,Chicago,forEycCo,oBook 1TF1Y RASFJ IN SPOTS ON I{4NS Could Not Put Hands in Water. Cuticura Heals, "A red rash broke out in spots on my hands. I did not pay much attention to it at £trot, but later the eruptions grew larger and caused so much itching and burning that I could not put my hands in water. The irritation caused me to scratch the affected parts. "As soon as I began to use Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment the trouble began to get better, I con- tinued the treatment and now I am completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. H. W. Day, Hillside Farm,Weeley, Me., Aug. 31, 1923. Cuticura Soap, ,Ointment and Talcti'm promote and maintain satin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. e.a pl. rr Pn. by Mall. Addruna C,moI o,, D0 ot: motion,., P.tart, 8oatn.?: ries See_p551* 0505o,,01Yaa vnng SticmLc, rY oar new Shaving Stick. t t d It?� HELP FOR YOUNG WOMEN Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetablo Compound Helped Her Viking, Alta. -"From the time, I was 16 years old 1 would get such sick feel- ings in the lower part of my abdomen, followed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from myw•orlc (I help my par- ents on the farm) u0 I usually had to go to bed for the rest, of the day. Or at: ti MPS 1 would have to walk the Boor. I sufl,'red in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia F. Pinitham's 'e le Compound. I � etch Ct 1 und. have hadvery t $ 1Y sat tartlet or results an far and am rec- `� ommending the Vegetable Compound to i my friends, I surely am glad J tried it for I feel like a different person now that 1 don '1 have these troubles. '.- Onta.in.H omen r:ut1,Bits06,Viking, Al to, Letters like this establish the merits of l ;ydia E. Pinkltam's VegetableCom- pound They tell of the relief fromsuch pains and ailments-aft,er taking it., -•. Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Coin - pound, made oi 1- pound,made fromnativeroots and:he1•bs, contains no nerretic or harniful'druggs, and today holds the record of being the , most suet essful remedy for female ills itlthis country, and thousands of vol- tnitary testimonials prove this feet. • if you doubt that Lydia E.Pinithatn's Vegetable Compound will helpyou. write to the Lydia 11. Pinkham Medi« tine Co., C"obourg, Ontari t, for Mea l?inkham's private text -book and ism Chore about it, 0 mut No. 25-2. PAIN Minard's, the grant counter -Irrit- ant, penetrates to the root of the pale and gives quick relief, ' ry