HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-25, Page 4(5 be trusstis Vgla WEDNESDAY, ji7NR 25 1924 CleuactgUnion may be delayed in its. cousulntltatioti by the blockading system to has a U d followed t is t. at a u is belag f l welt bit i o the final outcome there is little question, in our judgment. No mn'ter what the opponents may say the expresaioa of Assembly, Conference and U lions is proving the nearby completion of the circle, 'There bas been a stormy voyage bot smoother sailing is coming and the great Forward progrem to in the thought and heart of many. Now that the holiday season is near at baud it may not be amiss to sound a warning note for the exercise of special care in the avoidance of accident and danger during the weeks of vacation. Almost every day brings a fresh record of death and disaster from the careless use of the automobile, the canoe and the shot gun or revolver. Our advice is t—Don't assume needless risks ; dont be the cause of foolhardy stunts ; dont exceed the speed l.mit. Remember you'll be a long time dead so don't be in a burry to realize on your insuranoe or accident policy, Now is the time to Link up with Hydro, our proposed source of Light, power and service, Of course it will cost something to enjoy these modern con- veniences but the more users the better it will be for the finances as Brussels has to settle for 75 horse power in any event, Many are falling in line and no doubt a goodly majority of our people will have connection with hydro in its initiation. Get your premises ready by having the wiring attended to now and be ready for the inauguration next month. A New Alberta star has arisen in the rainmaking business. The former man - who assayed to provide the much -to -be-• desired moisture was named Hatfield and the latest seeker after fame is called Hartshorn. He will have ample oppor- tunity of verifying his theories if his price is not too extravagant. la Oa- tario this Spring we have not been in sore need of the Halrleids or the Harts- horns through the kindness of Dame Nature. We would'pit the Dame still against all the fads or fancies of East or West, "Too be conscious of doing your job supremely web is one of the surest ways of being happy." There is little room in this old world for a "botch." as be is sure to be discredited and those who have been the victims of `itis misfit operations stand a chance of holding him in everlasting remembrance. Too many are 5o anxious to take short cuts to pay day they seem to forget in addi- tion to their haste a web pleased custom- er is their best testimonial to secure the next job, "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing web," is not a myth but a reality that can be banked on, The best is none too good. PEOPLE were sorrowfully shocked at the depravity of the 2 Chicago youths who deliberately kidnapped a 14 year old boy and murdered him in an auto- mobile. Lynch law has not much that is commendable but it might even serve a good purpose in such a case as above, Poverty is often blamed for the committal of crime but in ibis instance all were members of wealthy families, yet a "ransom" was demanded for the corpse, There is room for much sober thinking on the part of parents as well as young people over the creation or formation of higher ideals and a life of genuine service to humanity. CltxNaes bandits wbo are interfering eitb foreign lcissiouaries for spite or in • ,:caro recrnc ,; p ,tri to tho form of extort- ault•mos,ey :ot :lie liberation of those held as prisoners are cutting a switch that will score their own backs. The pathway of the missionary is not one strewn with roses as a rale but their in- trepidity, faith in their work and courage in facing dangers marks them as worthy of the best that can be accorded them. 1t is up to the rulers of the lands where such lawlessness exists to put a crimp in the program of sudh fellows that a few examples would prevent a continuance of such high banded proceedings. Trott tide of public opinion is rising regarding the question of Prohibition of the liquor traffic in Ontario and the desire of the Moderation League to force another vote upon the people in the hope of bringing back the open bar, People are tacking right out in meeting as to the attitude of the Provincial Government in proposing to crowd an- other plebiscite instead of closing up any loopholes in the present law and seeing that it is enforced so as to be- come a tetror to evildoers and law breakers. Temperance people are in no humor Us be fooled with and if the present Government know when they Are well off they will run no risk of sacrificing their pointless for the shire of pleasing a few wbo wish to gratify their aloes 14. Bakery THE HOME OF REAL GOOD BREAD AND CAKES Cur Dread is noted for its QUAL- ITY and FRESHNESS, Order your loaf to -day and be convinced that it pas to have our Breed. W. E. WILLIS Phone 82x J owe appetite, or coin a few dollars at the expense of the homes and yodth off the land. It is high time people who love Justice and Sobriety should be wideawake and not mince words when opportunity is afforded to hit the booze traffic and those who are anxious to open the door tor the deluding, debauching and defeating of many who may be trapped by grog. The tragic is as black hearted as ever if it has its way, Hydro On The farm At the Provincial Agricultural Aid Committee Convention held at Clin- ton recently hydro on the farm was notdiecueeed at length, but E. R. Wigle, M. L. A.. Centre Huron, took the opportunity to voice a well-known grievance of the County in regard to rates. Goderich pays $55 ; Clinton $48 ; Bruesels $72 and Blyth $91 ; Seaforth $40; Walton $05, "These are all points from which the farmer would be eerved," said Mr. Wigle. ..The average coet to the farmer is $120 a year as far se the Commission is concerned, to say nothing of what it ie going to coat to wire barn and house. The Govern- ment has given a booue'of 50 per cent on secondary lines, but while that ,as a large contribution it does not mean very much to the average farmer and does not reduce his costs enough. I wish, Mr. Chairman, you would take beck with you the message that the Government and Commission will have to do more than they have if they want farmers to participate in all labor-saving devicee and he cannot enter into such capital expenditure as $300 or $400 to wire his place. I don't know but the time has arrived when the Government instead of taking the money out of the common revenue should put en assessment on water powers in the province and create a fund whereby people far from the source of supply can have as much benefit as thoee cloeer to it." Huron Co, Social Service Annual meeting of the Huron Social Service Council, brought a large gathering to Clinton on Tueeday, June 10th, representatives being present from Exeter, Seaforth, Brus- sels, Rea salt, Crediton, Goderich, Lyth, Londeeboro, Brucefleld, ingharn, Winthrop, Parkhill, Hille. green, Egmondville, Bayfield, Dun- gannon, Auburn, Elimville, Bentuiller, K.ippen, Holmeeville and Toronto, besides many frons adjacent town- ships. Meetings were held in Wesley Church and in the evening the mem. bets of the W, 0.T. 'U. served a ban- quet in the diningroom, when a large number of the delegates eat down to very nicely -served and appetizing meat, , 1%e C. G. L T. acted as wait - ere. - Rev. Dr. Larkin, Seaforth, was Chairman and pleasing impromptu after•dinner epeecbee were given by Bev, stir, Orugg and Mr, Weliwood, Winghom ; 71. E. banning, Clinton : Miss Bailey and G. M. Elliot, Goderleh Rev. Mr. Ferguson, McKillop • Rev, Mf. McTavieh, Oreditoa' ; Rev. Mr, McDonald, Egmondville ; and P.A. McArthur, Brussels. It wawa very bright and interesting banquet and enjoyed by those present, Rev. Mr. Moorehouse and A. M. Robertson, Goderich, moved a vote of thanks to the ladies who prepared the banquet and to the church officials for the use of the chnrch, etc., which was heartily endorsed. At the evening'eeaeion a union choir led in song and Mise lilarion Gibbinge sang 2 solos whicb were much ap- preciated. Mies Gibbing hag been absent from Clinton since laet Au- tumn and it was considered a treat to again bear her magnificent voice, J. A. Irwin, cliaton, who served as President of the Council for some. years, asked to be relieved of the office thie year. &Acere elected for the coming year were as follows Hon President, J. A Irwin, Clinton ; President W, G. Medd, Exeter ; Secretary, A. 1'. Cooper, Clinton ; Treasurer, A. M, Robertson, (Goderich ; vice -Presidents G. M, Elliot, Goderich ; James Cowan Seaforth : J. B, McLean, Kippers : Mre, A, McGuire, Brueeele ; Mre. A, T. Cooper, Clinton ; Mrs. A, B, Carr, Blyth, Representatives, North Huron, S. Bennett, Wingbam ; Center Huron, W. Lyon, Londeeboro ; South Huron, 0, Harvey, Exeter, Basement is ready for Dr, MaKin- non's neW block at Zurioh, Morrie 1004,1011 Minutes of meeting .in T.ownehip Hall, Morrie, Monday, May 20, Commit present, Reeve .presiding. M mutes of last Meeting, approved. Court of Revision on Assessment Roll was opened, Assessment on David Wells farm was reduced $100 00, lel Connection with the appeal on Aaeeenruent of Lot 4, Con, 0, the mat. ter was left over. Lot S. R. 4 17 con, 8 the assessment ,was fixed et 3000.00 and Lot N. W 3 of 20, Con, 8, was reduced to $170000, In cage of Freeman I3ackwell's Lot in Walton, the matter was left over until nextmeetiog. J. Beninger was entered as tenant on Lots '7 and 8 in Con. I, Court of Revision on the Assesament Roll was then' adjourned 1311 next meeting, June 80th. By -Law impower'ing Council to bor., row money for the .erection of a school house at Walton was passed. A By -Law to prohibit livestock ftom sunning at large en the publjo highway was read and passed, Reporte on the Nichol, Cockerline, Mustard and the Cole Drains •were reed and provisionally adopted. Following ace ounta were paid I—R. Nichol work on road Con. 9, $41,80 ; Ja., Peseook, equalizing school see. Lions, *10 00; Bxprese45e ; Balance of salary 410.00 •„Slex.. Russel, graven. log $2.00 t Wm. Gray, shovelling $9,00; E. Cardiff, axinggrader $1,60 ; Wm. Smith, plow andle 1.60; Wm. Salle-rs, work ” on road, $8.70 ; Wm. Craig, 21 lire, work $942; Jae, Richlnond 12 has. work $5,40 ; W. 0. Luidlaw, balance salary, as tax collect- or, and. postage, $26,00 ; Oliver Camp- bell, work with grader 318 00 ; Jas, D1cGee, work on road $2,25 ; Victor Heine, filling at bridge, $95 35 ; J. Beverley logging, $12 00 ; A. Skelton, • shovelling Mullett , boundary, $18.75 ; L. Burns, dragging, $7.50 ; A. Mc. Ewen, drains, Wilson drain, fees and By-laws, $80,00 ; Walton Drain, By- laws and fees $60.00 ' W. H. Kerr printing Bylaws, Smith Drain $90,00 ; Walton Drain, $20.00 • W. Forrest, work on road $1.80 ; S. Proctor drag- ging, $2.10 : Jae. Leitch, dragging $6,90 ; R. Nicholson, drawing, tile $4.00: R. McFadzean, Mullett Bound- ary, 320.75; Geo. McArter. Mullett Boundary, $38 50 ; Geo, Kirkby, Bul- let Boundary, 34,75 ; W. Searle, Hal- lett Boundary $26.00 ; J. Peacock, work on road $3.00 ; A: Shaw, work on road 35.00 ; Village of Hargrave, retutn of statute labor 3178.04 ; T. Ritchie, fixing grader $4,25 Council meetsnext Monday, June 30, McKillop Council Saturday, June 14th, McKillop Council met at Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, at 10 o'clock a, m., as a Court of Revision on the assessment roll of 1924. Present—Reeve F. J, Mc- Quaid Bruce ; Medd,eiilEdwdan John Horde and Daniel Regele. 'Minutes of last meet- ing read and adopted. Tenders were opened at 2 p. tn, on the Nash Muni- cipal Drain, as follows ;—John Hart, $1,821 ; T. 11. Kelly, $2,100 ; F. J. Regan, $2 314 ; Joseph Gaffney, $2,304 ; William Connelly, *2,827 ; John Deansteadt, $2,334 ; A11, Dean - stead t, $2,428; Dennie Mahoney, $2,456. Moved by Daniel Regele, seconded by F. Bruce Medd, that the conatruction work on the Nash Muni- cipal Drain be let to T. M. Kelly, work to be done according to plans and specifications of John Roger, Town- shipEngineer Ir g neer ; to be completed dur- ing 1924, and that agreement be drawn' between T. M. Kelly and his sureties and Township of McKillop.— Carried, Moved by F. Bruce Medd, seconded by John Dodds, that accord- ing to petition to George H. Leon- hardt, Drain inspector Charles Regele be asked to examine the W. Barron Municipal Drain on Lote 11 and 12, Con. 12, and report.—Carried, Moved by Daniel Regele, seconded by Ed. Horan that in future no bilis for snow plowing in municipality will be t•e- cognJzed,by Council unless work is ordered by Reeve or some member of Council,—Carried. Moved by F. Bruce Medd, eecouded by John Dodds, that according to petition of h Bolton, Drain Inspector Charles Regele be asked to examine theaortion of the I. Bolton Drain nn N,} Lot a, Con, 14, and have it cleaned out,—Carried. Moved by F. Bruce Medd, seconded by Daniel Regele, that all Pathmaeter's lists not returned and work complet- ed by August 15111, 1924, will be placed an theolI 0 e,.tor'g roll and the amount of taxes collected will be expended on said beater by the Councillors in that divieion. No refunds to be made on Mete returned after said date,—Car- SNE 50c 0.01 BROUGHT HEALTH Years of Constipation Ended By "Fruit -a -tiros° The Wonderful Fruit' Medicine Anyone who suffers with miserable health.; who -is tortured with Head- aches; and who is unable to get aoy real pleasure out of life; will be interested in this letter of Mrs. Martha de Wolfe of East Ship Harbor, N.S. Mrs, de Wolfe says, "For years I was a dreadful suffererfrom Constipa• tion and Headaches and I was nattier. able in every way. Nothing intble'way of medicine seemed to help me. Then I tried "Fault-a-tives"and the effect was splendid; and after taking only one box, I was completely relieved and now feel 11ke a new person". • 50c. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial slip 26e. At dealers or from Pruita.tivea. Limited, Ottawa, Ont. rigid, Moved by 8dwerd, Horan,' ite0- ended by ir..Brueoe'Medd, than Road Superintendent goo plane from Count* Enigma for- the coaayruetion of e bridge across the O'Rourke Award Drain, Lote 5 and 6, Cou. 6,-0arried. Moved by Daniel Regele, seconded by Edward Horan, that Clerk notify Pathmasters to have lists returned on or before August 16th, 1924, or all work not returned will be placed on roll,—Carried. Moved by F. Bruce Medd, seconded by Edward Horan, that Council -adjourn to meet at call of Reeve,—Carried. ' Oranbrook Mies Katherine Hamilton won the 1st Prize of a radio set in the Winni- peg "Free Press " competition for the beet essay written on "Save the for- est," Her mother was Biles Ella McNeil, formerly ' of this locality daughter of the late Lachlan and Mrs. McNeil, Blyth J. F. Throne, Detroit, was visiting relatives here. St. Andrew's Church grounds have been beautified by flower beds, A. H. and Mrs. Wilford, Windsor, were holiday visitors with Blyth friends. Rev. Mr. Small, formerly of Blyth, is leaving Hespeler, in response to a call from Harrieton, Arthur Emigh and sister-in-law, Bu1;alo, are visitors at the home of Jao, Emiggh. Wm, Emigh, White- wood, Sask., is also holidaying here. Perth County Fullerton circuit will have a Soft Ball team. Jae. Hill, Mitchell, has patented a toad danger signal. blies Grace Swan has been appoint- ed Acting town Clerk of Mitchell. No changes are likely in North Perth constituency, by the Dominion r'edietribution. Mitchell Council propose to loan the Lockridge, woolen factory $15,000, Vote will be July I4, Fred .Forrester, station agent ▪ at Dublin, has resigned and will 'take a trip to the Old Country. Knox Church, Mitchell, has caned Rev. H. L. Rennie, Uxbridge, $2000 per annum and tnanae are offered. Milverton Furniture factory was partially destroyed by lire Sunday of last week. About rill hands were employed in the mill. It' was a 3 etorp building. Huron County Zurich is improving their sidewalks. Vet. Campbell, Hensel), got a kick from u sick horse. Freddie Lee, an old Zurich race horse, died, aged 27 years: June 19th was Crediton Civic hall- day,when a community picnic was hel. Harry hither, ex -M. P. P. Oreditou, is able toget to the office after ' sick a spell. Geo. Hese and Mrs. Arletta Wiliert, both of Zurich, were united in mar. riage. 10 Mies of corn had to be re -sowed ley Exeter Canning Co, on account of. Xe much wet weather. Central Hotel Exeter, has been sold to Chester Loe,'Paisley. W. Acheson lase run it for 35 years. Electrical Wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours, Estimates cheerfully given. Our Prices are Right All Workmanship' Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself, Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town. W. L Lindensmith & Co. Call American Hotel ' BRUSSELS Mies Minnie Cooper and W. 0. Brown, Clinton, were milted lit rear• rlage, Rev, A, A, Trimmer. Exeter, re. cawed hie degree of 14 Th, (Licentiate of 'Theology) eonfer'red µ en ham by 1 r n0 e 1 Ilmon pl e, I AtTllAi it µ Cellege. a i G on with the 17piverelty of Western Ontario; NOTIOIE TO QR*DITOfS.—In the mentor of RF* i rRwt. of t,oraniro o4W. Fran», 1Mttr o4' $h. TvwnsMlapf lar.y, In for 004ntg of Huron, Fwrtner, Peo.r.4d Notloe is hereby given ppursuant to The Ra. wised Btetutes of Opterio, 1914, Chapter 121, that all Creditore and others having olefins against the agitate of the geld Loreuvo Dewe Frain, who died an or about the 15th da of March A, D. 1924, are required on or before. the 28110 day of June, A, A. 1924, to send by ppoet prepaid or deliver to Lorenzo Dowe Wein orlde,BelteFrain, theaseeneors of Ibe estate of said deceased, theft Christian and Surnames, addressee and doeotptlops, the full ypa*Efoulars of theieelslms, tbo etctemoet of tkelr f any) held the natare of their teonrl• Iles (It anti held by them. And further take nodes that attar snot loot mentioneddate the said Ezeentore will pro• aei ddto distributethe Msete of the deceased amongst the e ppartrtied entitled f thereto, haring regard only to the claims of whish they .shill then have netand the add Exeoutnre will not be liable for the 5014 assets, or any yore thereof to anyperson or persons of whose ,oamma's%U esalt not have 0000 reoelved by 'tkesa•at the tinsel dant dlstnbbtlon, iMtrd *IW 158*85 sola of June, A. D„ 1924. 1r, U. forSINthe II3, BeIJpltortor file 8xe9eEora, Stallion Routes for 1924 SHETHIN STAMP A. F. EMBURY & SON Proprietors Monde Wlll leave his own stable and go East to Oliphant Smith's for noon ; then hest 1y miles, thou South 114 miles, then west 10 Abe Blshoprs for night, - Tuesday West to gravel road via Brussels to Hugh Lamont's for noon : then via Bras - sets to Wm. hillier's. Townahtp Hall, Morrie, for 1 hour • then Ween to John Wightmen's, gravel road, for night. Wednesday -Via Belgrave to John Notlt. cry's, 9rd Line, Morrie, for noon ; then to his own stable for night. Thursday afternoon—Via 2nd Line Morris and Bluevnle sideroad to Fred. Churchill's for night. Friday— Via Centre Blderoed to Ilia own stable where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday, Above route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. PRIDE OF PERTH RUSSELL ROBERTSON, .• Proprietor Monday -=Will leave his own stable, Lot 10, Con. 18, Grey township, and go Esst to George Bart's, Lot 25, Con, 14, for noon ; then East to Wilbert Houston's, Lot 8, Con. 14, Elmo, for night. Tuesday—To Maitland Cheese Factory to .Arthur Black's for noon ; then via nwrl bed and South to Wm, Cotton's, Lot 28, Con. le, Rime, for night. Wednesday— West to Reg. Mcatory's for noon ; then Weet to Wilfrid Ronneberg's, Lot 8, for night. Thursday—West to Robert Campbell's, Lot 25, Con. 18, for noon ; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Mon- day, or by appointment by telephone. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Farm for Salla 0eodl00„era fares for sale, betasg2I3 Lot 20,Cen.8, fiords township. Bplldinge ere goad end farm welt asrod tor. 0 miles to tot*et Brussels or Blurital°, • will colt with ever) ppa or Mfrtostilt purobsser, e'er further per. 0lonlsreas to wee, tonne, ,t o., apply 011 the promisee er write underelgnod, Iia M1(01, A. E, Cita f1e�r,1'Rits, 13104eoi4 A, R. 8 Nouse and : tot for Sale Two:stor frame hoose with five bed rooms, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen ; soft water, fruit' trees, Dome berry and permit oloplEWSold tr,eaeotable. ApyaUPoW, Guernsey Bull for Servlce In order to improve the dairyf type of cattle In this ,Duality I have decided to offer my gen, for herd sire: Vanity Prince of Nordland, for ;envie° to a limited ,umber, only, of Young healthy animals. Terme 91.00. oath at time of servlce, with privilege of returning (10eose- eer If you do not think 1510 a profitable upper. trinity to both make money and get real dairy stook, twit try to buy one of his heifer valves from: those who now hive them. Aa tar as 1 can ascertain their pride is 85000. Tsui—Yak is milk—hot Oh what r♦r differmo, D, 1t. 80011groprleter, . Glee Balli Qaergaey germ Shorthorns and Yorkshires In Shorthorns we have one roan bu11 11 months old, bred by Barry McGee, Toronto. sired by Imp. Bataalrn. Laddle, and from a Marr 5llesle darn. A real herd header, at far. mer's priee. Another roan, a good useful hall, 9 months old, by White Wonder. Could spare a taw more females. Also York Sawa of dif- ferent ages, 0. TURNBULL. k BONS, Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey Twp. Phone 2814 R. 14.2 Brume's. Dunford Property for Sale Bonsoend lot of about 3i,nom situated on the corner of Tornberry and Thomas streets in the Village of Brussels, known ad the Dun. ford home, On the property In x very sub• atantial brick ]muse ; nicely isolated, steel root, cement cellar floors, new furnace, olothee closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well, knit trees, a nice raspberry plantation. lovely or• nonmetal and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn, Will be sold for half of what it would cost to build it to wind up the estate of the late E. C. Danford. Immediate possession. For further particulars apply to L. S. DUN - FORD, Detroit, or JAB. MoFADZEAN, (next door), Bax 1 Brussels P.O. Farm for Sale Contalne.100 acres, being BS; Lot 28, Con. 6, Morris township. Good brisk house with cel- lar; bank barn, with cement ambling ; driving shed, drilled well and a never Gelling spring at back, About Oaacres Willer eaitivation, bal. nice pasture and wood land. Nall plowing will be done and possession given this Fall. For further particulars apply to A, H, MACDONALD, Brussels. ••4+•+% t444+44•+4+4+4*•+44. e+•+•+•+•+•*•+•+•+•+•+•+•+! • + • The Seaforth Creamery (rearn Wanted 2 • • • • • • i• •F, + Send your. Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. u s c SEAFORTH, ONT. .500. fi11�4rw as�,a, , Brussels Creamery Cream Wanted We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound butter fat, extra, if Cream is Delivered at our Fac. tory. Call and get a Can and make other En- quiries if interested. aY Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns essanemesneme Brussels Creamery p A. tP Stewart BLJSINE$$ CAROB 1tNQe SUTHERLAND & SONO IMSWII4• 3,IMITEP p/yyp guitars °xa- ,ro • &IC.aysv 1I 'alverreNrI6J$ P1110E8 MODERATE N'er references oppneolb env Person wheao sales 1 have officiated et. Phone 79x or 65 DR, WARDf.AW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Du, lithoid night malls. ()Moe oppositeFlour MA(JDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALIVIOLOGI$T Qraduato Dep»aortment of O psllthnlmology Mo• Cormick o t graduate rse ugo, I11, rhree mouths poet graduate boarae dories year 1939, Eyed solantlaoany oxaminod, Lat9.R Modern Methods ua.d, r 'Crnae Eyesstralghtened through propor. ly dtled Looses, 9ottlsfaetlgn Ausured, 011tee 950001: 10 to 12 n, m. ' 1,80 to 0 ', m: Saturday eyeniag, 7410 to 0 0 elook. Pilon. 25z dalfritre S. Averiaxr AGENT FOR fire, iatomobile ad Wind loo. COMPANJES For erussele and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZEAN' Agent Hawick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ala° Hartford Windstorm and Tornado insurance Phone42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brmseats T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P., di S, O, M. 0. H„ Village m! Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Aceoneheur Odes at residence, opposite Maly lite Charah, Wtllia:W atreot, TW. tf'rieozapti BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS PHOOOFOOT, KILLOHAM I HOUMEH Barristers, $o:3eftors, Notaries Public, &e, OMoe en the Square, 204 door from Hamilton Street, GODI2R1014 ONT, Private finds to loan et lowest rated. .y, Paounroor, Ir., C. J. l., lin toltex Drumm. Retsina. Jua, The Indian Herbalist May be found In the Stretton BloeIf Brussels, Wednesday and Saturday of eticlt week until further notir•e. rmww,6mAv2A ✓5�b 5 /A 1� Summer Session is horst in tho Popular 4? Er_ 1_ra 77 s� z�dd 1% Yongo & ahartea 818,, Toronto 4y 1 ..9,from rSeat, " when our ;Q Fall Term opens. irt'class hating - tion in all Departments—Accounting, 'Stenography, Typewitig, Secretarial,Gaeral Improvement. Banking, Corm• orolol Teachers', and Business Cour. AM Enter ndw. write for 0atRlbgne, W. ELLIOTT, PRINOIPAL rpt A*a4�a7evF�4y4\ t�E`NTRAL BUSINESS 0. COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. 3arepnres young men and young women /or Business which is now Canada's ` greatest profession. 9 ion. .. We a s 1 sE gra d w Ates to positions anfithey ave n prim75. O. Waal training whlah enables them to61 of Withsuccess, Students are reg. 8,1 4Setered each week051 opt free o niogueand learn si sthhg nbout our rf5 different departments, t1 D. A. M' LA LAN PAIN, OH . + + + + + Highest market prices paid. OOL WANTED + See me or Phone Nn. 2x, Brris- eels, and I will Call and get your Wool. M. Yollick IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS Fermate" its need of Repairs or New Iu;ilo nts in the c• Corrniok or Dessr'ing Mlitre will fid it worth their white to call on ane, have a few ahnoet new Implements for sale on easy tering, DAVID MILNE - . Ethel