The Brussels Post, 1924-6-25, Page 1VOL, 53 NO,
;z,00 per annum in advance
Piano Tuning
Attended to in first -chaos
y by
Chas. Blackstone
Here this week.
Leave orders with
S, Carter or Walker & Slack
Now Adbartisements
Walton Garden Party
Bow for sale -0. Simpson
Listowel Tette° July Id
Car of cement—J. H. Fear
Ferman' Club Garden Party .
The Christhin—Family Theatre
Car of Soreeniuge—T, M. Pearson .
Gigantic) Suit Sale—W. D. Hamel
Smeller profits—R W. Ferguson
Wheat wanted—T. p Hemphill
Teacher Wanted—O. Hemingway°
Strawberries—Alex. McCracken
Seed buckwheat—J. P. MaIntoah
Form Laborers cowing—Tea Pow
Property for sole—Annie Turnbull estate
pistrixt gebas
Wroxeter °
Miss Mary Harris has returned from
Mre. John Henderson returned from
Blyth on Friday. .
Mrs. Wm. Dangles is seriously ill at
her home, here.
Wesley Palmer is suffering from a
eprained Wrist received when crank-
ing his car. s
Mr. Shane, Toronto, gave a Temper-
ance address in the Methodist Church
Sunday evening.
Mre. Wade has gone to Wingham
hospital for treatment. We trust she
will soon be convalescent.
Miss Agnes McKercher, M. A„
teacher at Alma College, St. Thomas,.
is home for the Summer vacation.
Frank and Mre, Morfoot and little
daughter, motored from Alton, III.,
and are guests of F. V, and Mrs. Dick,
John Hupfer was the victim of a
very painful accident last Thursday
while working with a dredge gang on
the Orli Con. Bowick, when he had his
leg badly lacerated ,and crushed. Ile
will be laid up for several weeks...
Wroxeter Holier Mills
We are prepared to pay the
highest possible price for Milling
Wheat delivered at our Mill.
T. G. Hemphill,
Phones 50, 29 and 21 Wroxeter
Standard Re -cleaned
Expected to arrive at Ethel
Station by end of this week.
Order early if you -
require a supply.
Special price off car,
Jno. M. Pearson
Phone 3912 Grey Twp.
Rayn and Rutherford and Mies
Mary McMichael have completed a
course at Stratford Normal School.
The regular monthly oteetingg of the
Women's Institute will bo vlield at
Mre. ,Pope's rooms Thursday, after,
noon when the Pcovinoial a eaker,
Mre, Pattereon, GadehiU,a will Wye
an address. All these interested in
the work of the Institute are invited
to be present.
The home of Ward and Mre. Shar-
pin was saddened this week' by the
death of their baby boy, which took
place early Sunday morning. He !vee
3 menthe of age and succumbed to a
shoot illness of pneumonia. Mr. and
Mrs. Sharpin are deeply sympathised.
with in their lone. Funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon. After a servicer
at the houee, conducted by the Rev.
Dr. Brown, interment was rade in the
Wroxeter cemetfry.
Council meeting Monday next.
A number of school pupUs of rrM rris
will write at the coming Entrance
Mre: Jae. Brown, New Liskeard, le
visiting at the parental home with Joe
and Mrs. Shaw, 3rd line.
1 Next Sunday" the Anniversary ser-
vices in Sunshine Methodiet church
will be held at 2 80 and 7 p. m. Rev.
Cheater Wilkinson, Blueyale, will be
the preacher of the day. Good con
gregatione are hoped for. Mr. Wil-
kinson is a good ppreaoher,
FINE MAN DIES —The death. of
Thos—Bielby, formerly of Btuesele
locality, occurred qt Kelfleld, Sask.,
Tuesday, Jane 3rd, aged 70 years, 11
menthe and 3 days He had been in
Paging health for over a year, due to
hardening of the arteries and com-
plications but was not thought to be
seriously 3p until a few weeks before
Ids death, Sometimes hie sufferings
were severe but at all times be was
patient and hopeful. Mr. Bielby was
born in Ohiuguacousy township, Peel
Co., July 14th 1848, In 1871 he mar -
Trent Yourself to a
Trip to .
July ist-
and Evening
Big Sports Program .in
Toronto Irish vs. Lietowel.
Athletic Events.
Music by Six Bands,
Fireworks. -
Come early—Stay late
Ceme nt
• Expected to arrive'
shortly. Place your
order early.
Phone 2213 ETHEL
WISH to remind the public that I am selling
ALLS ' also KHAKI 'PANTS Cheaper
than you can buy them elsewhere and just as
good. Don't be deceived by any cheap talk as
a call will convince you.
Nice' range of MEN'S FINE SHIRTS
and NECKWEAR just to hand.
R. W Ferguson
Garden Party
Under the auspices of the
Morris and 'Grey
Farmers' elle'
will be held at the home of
4th Line monis Twp,
Thursday, -July 3rd:
The well known
have been engaged
for the evening,•
The. Spelr•• Thynne Orchestra
will supply the Musical
part of the program.
After the program lunch will be
passed: Sandwiches will be sup-
plied by the Club and ladies are
asked to pleaee bring cake.
Admission, Adults 26c.
Children Freo
ried Mise Olivia Kellam, of Vaughan,
and shortly afterwards they moved to
Huron County, where he lived until
1916, when he removed to Kelfield,
Seek., where different members of the
family bad settled. .Although ad-
vanced in years he quickly adapted
himself to the new country and made
for himself hosts of friends by his
kindly, genial nature. He was made
an Elder of St. Paul's Union Church
and worked faithfully in that capac-
ity and also in the Sunday School,
Of a family of 9 6 survive, all of whom'
were present at the funeral except
George, of Niagara Falls, Ont. He
also leaves to mourn him his widow
and a sister, Mre. Annie Armistead, of
Swan River,Man. The funeral ser-
vice, conduted-by Rev. R. McMillan,
was held from St. Paul's Church,
Thursday, June 6th and was attended
by a large number of the people of the
district.. There were many beautiful
floral offerings from family, St. -Paul's
Sunday School and congregation and
Saturday of this week
will be ehown, Those who
were disappointed last Sat-
evening, on account
of Lghting System being
off, will have an opportunity
,pf seeing it.
This will be the closing ev-
ening of the Picture Show
until after the hot weather.
+++++++++++++++++++44 +++++
Thursday, June 26th
Saler auspices Memorial Park Committee
The following gentlemen have
been invited to give addresses :—
Hon. Mr. Martin, Minister of Ag-
riculture; Mr. John King, M. P.,
North Huron ; Mr. E. R. Wigle,
Id. P. P., Centro Huron, and
There will be a Musical Pro-
gram and an Orchestra.
A Dancing Platform will he
arranged. Booth on grounds.
League Foot Ball Match—Brue-
eels vs. Ethel—will be played in
the evening. It will be a good
Ladtee are requested to supply
ac) Reserve the date and don't fail
to be on hand,
Part -y
Ga denr
Under auspices of the Ladies'
Aid of Duff's Church, will be
held on
Mr. Wm. Woods' Lawn,
Edda! Ev'g, July 4th
Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Fine program will be presented
by the
Merry Mirth Makers cecrx rt
of Toronto, consisting of
Miss Louise Williams-Mawson,
Soprano and Entertainer• ; Harry
Firth, Versatile. Singing Com-
edian, and Mise Alma B. Gran -
din, Entertainer and Accompan-
Seaforth Kiltie Band also In attendance
Tickets 60c Children 26c
" Everybody Welcome
from friende, Mr, Bielby and family
are well and kindly remembered in
this community by their many helpful
acts and willingness to alwaye do
their part.
Fine growth and the country looks
The school Pic-pic has been post-
poned until next Monday afternoon,
Place is James Menzies' grove.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr, McDonald,
Teeewater, preached in tiro Presby-
terian church here and next Sunday
Rev. Mr: Scott, Holstein, is expected.
Belgrave -
On account of the :anniversary .at
Sunshine the Methodi'et church ser-
vice will be withdrawn here.
Dan.'Halliday was home from the
West to attend the Diamond Wed-
ding of his parents, Adam and Mrs.
Halliday. •
Friday afternoon preparatory ser-
vice will beheld in the Presbyterian
church, followed by Communion next
Sunday morning. Rev. Mr, Goodwill
will be in charge. Patriotic service in
the Sunday School
Walton will be right �in it when
Hydro is turned on.
Crops are growing good and pros-
pects are very favorable.
Walton Orangemen will go to
Goderich for the celebration of July
The new school house will be ready
for occupation after. Summer vaca-
W. H. Sholdice was visiting his
daughter, Mrs, Harvey Hoover, at
London. •
Some of our folks took in Masonic
doings at Seaforth Monday evening of
last week. -
St, George's church annual Garden
Party, held at the home of W. H, and
Mrs. Stewart, McKillop, was a decid-
ed success. Fine program was ren-
dered. Seaforth Bund was in attend-
' in
1 Boston,was visit
John Fulton, a
at the pareutel home ad with other
relatives and friends. It is 26 years
since he was here, His father will
soon be 94 years of age and the mother
84 and the visitor was anxious to see
them once more in the flesh.
CARD of THANKS.—For many acts
of kindness and many words of sym-
pathy bestowed upon ns by neighbors
and friends, in connection with the
illness and subsequent demise of wife
and mother, we wish to record our
hearty thanks.
Yours Gratefully,
Dont forget Duff's church Garden
Party, at the home of Wm, and Mrs,
Supper the Toronto
Mirth Making Company and the Kit-
tle Baud, Seaforth, will give a pro -
grain everybody will want to hear.
evening is Friday e g of next week
July 4th. Seethe advt. and posters
The funeral of the late Robeit
Holmes, aged 59, whose death ()mit-
red after an illness of several weeks,
took place Tuesday afternoon 'of last
week, to the Brussele Cemetery. The
service was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Tiffin, Blyth, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Robinson, Walton. The late Mr,
Holmes was the son of, the late Wil -
Rani Holmes, and was born in the
township of McKillop, where he !pent
all his life. He is survived by the
widow, a son, Carl, and a daughter,.
Nellie. Deceased was an honorable
roan and the bereaved have corrtmun•
sty symppathy,
FINE WOMAN DIRE --The funeral of
Margaret McLean, an old and highly
esteemed resident of E mondville,
second daughter of the late Sobsr't
McLean, of the Mill road, Tucker -
smith, and widow of the late William
Archibald, McKillop, took place last
Saturday afternoon from the residence
of her daughter, Mrs, James Hays, in
Egmondville, to the Maitlandbat,k
cemetery, Theeserviee, which was
private, was .conducted by Rev. W.
D. McDonald. She had ' been an in-
valid for 8 years as the result of a
fractured hip. 8 eons and 8 (laugh-
tore survive :—Thomas, in McKillop ;
Myth Choral Society
Will present
BeIs b azzer
A Sacred Cantata
In which ,50 voioes will hake pari
—IN via— .
Monday EY' g, June 30
at 8 o'clock
Under auspices of
Melville Church Willing Workers
Reserved Seats 60c
General Admission 85c
Plan of Hall at Fox's Brag Store
Robert, in Seaforth ; Walter, in Fox.
holm, North Dakota ; Mre, Jas. Hays,
In Egmondville'; Mre. Thos, Dodds,
Moose Jaw, Sask. ; and Mrs. Hugh
Grieve, Calgary.
J. and Mrs, McIntosh, Molesworth,
visited with relatives. -
Nurse Ruby Duff, Toronto, is home
for a few weeks holidays.
J. W. King, Ni. P., wast home from
Ottawa;over• the week end.
Robt. and Mrs. Musgrove visited
relatives at Ethel on Tuesday,
Mrs. Geo, Afar, Stratford, is visit-
,ing with relatives around here.'
Chas. and Mr. Ooultess and daugh-
ter, Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Snell. '
Mrs. Jackson, Toronto; spent the
past week with her sister, Mrs, Sand-
Wm. and Mrs. Bremner, Ethel,
were visitors at the home of Robt.
Musgrove. '
Miss Sanderson and Mrs. Hutehi•
son, Toronto; are visiting here at
Mrs. John Musgrove, Wingham, is
visiting at the home of. -R. and Mrs.
Musgrove. r
We are sorry to report Mrs. R. N.
Duff on the sick list but hoe she will
soon be well again. P
•Mre. Griffiths and son Fred., Mon-
treal, are up for a few weeks holidays
at their Summer home here.
Gordon and Mrs. Gallaher and M.
and Mrk. Masters and Mrs, A. Procter
motored to Toronto and spent the
week end with relatives.
Miss Louise Patton is slowly im-
proving and able to be up once more
after her severe illness. Hope she will
now make steady gain.
Rev. Mr. Cragg, Wingham, will
preach an Orange sermon in the
Methodist church here next Sunday,
June29th, ak.7.30 p. m. Brethren,will
meet at Orange Hall at 7 p. m.
towel paper says :—The home of John
and Mrs. McOutcheon was the scene
of a pretty wedding at noon Wednes-
day, when their only daughter, Alice
Oona was united in marriage to
rte m g
Manning, son of W. L. and
Frank L. Ma g,
Mre. Manning, Wallace township.
Ceremony was performed on the lawn
under a floral arch by Rev. J. M.
Nicol, of Knox ehuroh. Bride looked
charming in her wedding gown of
white silk crepe de chene and veil with
the orange blossoms worn by her
mother on her wedding clay. She car-
ried , a bridal boquet of sweetheart
roses, lilies of the valley and ferns.
Bridesmaid, Miss Agnes Johnston,
looked handsome in a frock of shot
blue taffeta with hose, shoes and
gloves of grey and carrying a boquet
of roses, tulips, lilies of the valley and
ferns. Little flower girl, Ervena
Hamilton, St, Marys, was dressed in
pink crepe with mohair hat to match.
Her flower basket was filled with
carnations, roses and lilies of the val-
ley, The he bride was given away b
her father and the groom ivas sup-
ported by George McCutcheon, broth-
er of the bride. Wedding march was
played by Mies Roxie Stewart. Bride's
going away suit was of navy tricotine
with blouee, hat and gloves of sand
color. Groom's gift to the bride was
a filch choker, to the bridesmaid, an
ivory brush and comb, to the pianist,
a bar pin, to the flower girl, a ling,
and to the groomsman, cuff links,
After the ceremony a delicious
luncheon was served. Rev, F. Mann-
ing, Shame, proposed the health of
the bride and groom in a neat little
speech and Walter McCutcheon, Ham-
ilton, sang "Believe me if all those
endearing young charms" and "The
Bells of St, Marys's,' 0 young ladies,
friends of the bride, served the gusste,
namely Misses Janet and Luella
Livingston, Jean and Nina McCut-
cheon, Hazel Martin and Roxie Stew-
art, Mr, acid Mrs. Manning left on.
the afternoon train for Toronto and
the Niagara, Falls, They will visit in
Ingersoll and Guelph before return-
ing to their home in Wallace, Out
of town guests were Walter end Mrs.
McCutcheon and son Hugh. Hamil-
ton ;• Mre. W. H, McCutcheon, Frank
and Mrs. McOutcheon, Jas, and Mrs.
Colwell, London,. Wm. and Mrs.
Hamilton and Ervena, St. Marys;
The Social Event of the Season
Lawn Fete
Under the auspieee of the Young
People's League of the Methodist
Church, at the home of
Dr. R. S. Hamilton
MITI Street " Brussels
Friday Ev'g, June 2lth
at 8 o'clock.
First-class Program will be given
by the Popular .
Harriston Male Quartette
Music furnished by the well
Gerrie Orchestra
Refreshment Booth Country Store
and other interesting features.
Adults 36c Children 150
Miss L. Bryane, Rev. 0. F. Clarke,
•President Y.P.L. Teeter.
Rev. F. Manning, Simcoe ; Lloyd
Manning, Ingersoll ; Jas. and Mrs,
McOutcheon, Mrs. Susan Reid, G. and
Mrs. Parke, Jamestown : Robt. and
Mrs, Mclutcheon, Molesworth ; Mrs.
B. Howes, Monkton : Andrew and
Mrs, Good, Walkerton ; Mr. and Mre.
Martin and R. Menzies, Trowbridge ;
W. and Mrs, McCutcheon and Lorne
and Mrs. McMane. Atwood ; Mrs.
Jacob Corbett, Mrs. Albert Corbett
and Oliver and Mrs. Willison, Toron-
to ; A. and Mre. Smith, Guelph.
Grey Township Council will be held
Monday, July 7th. '
Do you require grain for feed P See
John M. Pearson's advt.
Ethel Foot Ball team will go to
Wroxeter next Monde evenin .
Mies Elizabeth Fear yis home from
Stratford Normal, having completed
the course,
George and Mrs. Eckmier leave for
a holiday trip to the West to visit rela-
tives and friends.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr, Hann will
preach the concluding sermons of his
pastorate on Ethel circuit. Rev. Mr.
White is expected for the following
Wedding belle are ringing Wednes-
day evening of this week in this local-
ity, the participants being Bert. Vod-
den and Miss Velma, daughter of
Wm. and Mre. Michel.
An attractive feature of Thursday
evening of this week will be the Brus-
sels -Ethel Foot Ball contest. On this
victory district honors depend, hence
it will be a lively tussle.
Jas. Barr, Fort Francis, spent the
week -end with his brother, Robb.
Barr, Another visitor at the same
home for a short time was Ernest Mc-
Kenzie, of Saskatoon, a nephew.
Thursday afternoon of this week a
big Community Pic-nic will be held in
the Park here. Big array of talent in
address and music. Dancing, &c,
Foot Ball match between Brussels and
Ethel, a League game, in the evening.
See the advt. and posters.
Last Friday J. S. Strachan arrived
here from Craigmyle, Alberta. It is
years since he was home. He will be
returning for harvest. They have 010
acres of crop, 660 of wheat and 60 in
Date. J
S. says he will go back .alone
but the girls should see to it that such
is not the case, '
Friends on Ethel Circuit will be in-
terested to learn that Cameron Arm-
strong, son of Rev, E. F, and Mrs.
Armstrong. of Wallaceburg, formerly
of Ethel, has been assigned as a sup-
ply for one year to the Methodist
church, Tiverton circuit, 9 miles North
of Kincardine. We• wish the young
man the best success,
S. S. No, 1 is advertifing for a teach-
er in this issue,
ijieuben Mclnnis is here from the
West. He has leased the farm of Mrs.
H. McQuarrie.
Robb. and Mrs, Strachan, Walter
and Mts. Yuill and Andrew and Mrs.
Lamont attended the bigProhibition
rally at Palmerston last onday.
A•welcome visitor to the commun-
ity is John Fulton, a Boston jeweler,
and a brother of Jas. H. Fulton, 10th
Con, It is 26 years since he was home.
PRESENTATION. — Monday evening
the parents and pupil° of Duke's school
assembled at the home of Wm. and
Mre, Bremner to show their apprecia-
tion of the work carried on in their
school by Miss Irene Krauter. Fol-
lowing address was read by Florence
Bremner and Edna Eveleigh present-
ed the teacher with 4 pieoee of ivory:—
sincere regret that we have learned of
your intention to sever yourconnoc-
tion as Teacher of our school and we
have met here this evening to show
our appreciation of the profitable
work done in the throe years you have
been with us. Your quiet. cheerful
dieposition has won the goodwill of
the entire community. ' You have al -
Ways taken a great interest in the
pupils and the pains you have taken
in training them for the School Fairs
and Entertainments will nob be for-
gotten, As a token of our apprecia-
tion we ask you to accept this ivory
to remind you of your friends here
and of the feet that you will always
boa welcome visitor in our midst, We
W, H. RERR, Protiriet(ar
will always follow your career with
u we wish u ver uo.
interest a dyo s
e in your future life, Signed on
behalf of the school and community.
The recipient expressed her appreeia.,
tion of the kihdnese and good spirit
that has always been shown by every-
one in the Section,
1. noticeable improvement is being
made on the 10th con, and the 8th tine
of Morrie by the ftarmerelowing and
levelling the roadsides for 1} miles
Etat and Weet of gravel road.
CARD 05 Tannxs,--.We wish to ex-
press our thanks for kind deeds and
words of sympathy expressed to us in
the hour of our bereavement of hus-
band and father. They were appre-
ciated beyond expression.
Yours Truly,
The Lawn Party at Roe's church
was a decided success, The Kill -Sara•
Klan, Howick, put on their play in
first-class form and Gerrie Orchestra
pleased the people, Rev. Mr. Hann
occupied the chair. Supper and pro-
gram were given in the large shed.
Total proceeds were about $120. The -
Ladies' Aid were the boosters,
lower School Promotions
Brussels Continuation School
The following is areport of Lower
School Promotions. Results are bas-
ed on tests held during the year and a
final test on each subject covering the
whole course. Names are in alpha-
betic order and name of a subject
denotes failureain that subject
Pearl Seeker
Clifford Brown
Luella Champion
George Davideon (Can. -History)
Helen Douglas
Harry Garnier
Wilma Galbraith (Latin, French)
Sinclair Hemingway
Hector Knight
George Martin
Jack McCracken (Latin, French)
Ian McDonald
Kate McNabb
Stuart McNair
Margaret McVettie
Rita Pollard
Robert Proctor (Can. History)
Jack Shaw
Harvey Stevenson
Jean Stewart
Herbert Stratton (Latin)
Isobel Thompson
James Turnbull
Mary Walker (Latin)
Evelyn Chapman (Arith.)
Douglas larke
Evelyn Cunningham
Jean Ferguson
Catharine Jacklin
Ruth McAllister (Arith)
Tennis McCallum
Verna McCutcheon
Jennie McKee
Jeanette McNabb (Arith)
Annie McTaggart (Arith)
Grace Murray (Physiog.French)
Florence Oliver (Physiog,)
Jack Oliver
Laura Patterson (Arith)
Isobel Ritchie
Louise Rose
Izzis Schwadron (French)
Mildred Sperling
Fraser Strachan
Ella Thuell
Kenneth Tyerman
More Local News
20o ACRES of flax bas been sown this
Spring in Brussels locality and is doing
Woaxnran are employed this week on
cement sidewalk rebuilding South of the
iron bridge. Turuberry street.
BRUSSELS W. C. T, U. will meet next
Friday afternoon, at 9 o'clock. at the
home of Mrs. Proctor, Turuberry.
Street, North. Yon are invited,
HEAR the Harriston Male Quartette
Friday evening at the Lawn Fete at
Dr, Hamilton's, Mill Street, West,
Gorrie Orchestra will also please you.
ELECTRIC light played high junks in a
number of business places Saturday
night and refused to be wooed to work
by Manager Thuell. It was a bad night
to have a fit, after running so well most
of the time.
PEOPLE who were crying about the
long spell of cold weather and hoping
for the good old Summer time dried
their tears Friday and got the palm leaf
fan going to offset the extra warmth of
Monday a delegation went to Palmer-
ston to the big District Prohibition Con-
vention. The Temperance people are
rousing up and are determined to see
that 0, T. A. will have a square deal in
its enforcement. The bootlegger must
go either out of business on his own ac-
cord, or to jail because ile so wills it.
HARRISToN Male quartette and Gorda
Orchestra will present a very choice and
interesting program at a Lawn Fete to
be held at the borne of Dr. R, S. and
Mrs. Hamilton, Mill Street, West. A
booth, country store, &c„ will also have
a place, If you like good music attend.
Young Peoples Society of the Methodist
Church are the hosts and hostesses,
Friday evening of this weak is the date.
Goon progress is being made with
Hydro installation in Brussels aria the
gang of employees are good workers and
stick to their Job consistently, Most of
the premises wired are connected with
the system and the work is prospering
so as to be in readiness when the cur-
rent is turned on in the course of a few
weeks, : Only the business places and
residences wired for Hydro will be so
treated hence the- necessity of having
the wiring completed aad inspected.