HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-18, Page 5S
M1 p
rr�� arllpt .L7, Al, eoorr
Bar reterenooa aoneult any p0r0an whose sales
here oalolatad at. Phone 72x Or 65
Honorgraduate of the (MOWS. Veterinary
College, Deland night Galla,. O,Hoe appetite
Flour M1il, 2801101,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo.
Cor,nick stemma things, Cineago, 711. 'Three
rnonthe post graduate course during year 1010,
$yea solentifioally examined,.
Latest Modern Mothoda used. ,
1.3'•oross Eyes straightened through proper-
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction Assured..
Office hours : 10 to 1a n, m, ; 1.00 to 0 p, ret,
Saturday evening, 7,00 to 0 o'otock.
Phone 20x
giszaJr r . Laore1 r
Fife, Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 64,7
Agent Powick Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Bog 1 Turnberry Street, Brussels
T. T. 11/1' RAE
M. B., M..0. P.. 4 S, O.
M. O. D., Village a Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Aooemoheur
Moo at residence, opposite lLely ills Church,
William street.
W• d1i. cif'/.IVwa2d43
Oarrrators, So;JoItors, Notaries Public,
Guice on. the Square, and door from Hamilton
Private tends to loan at lowest rates.
W.PROUDroa'r, 8, 0. „L, 1i,LI.oRA,r
o da' r i Ire' s^4° d'i dz`
The Indian Herbalist
May be found in the Str•etton Block
Brussels, Wednesday and Saturday
of each week itntil further notice.
▪ I Summer Session
lo held in the, Popular - PS
Tonga & Charles Ste., Toronto '.
from now nntll Sept. and, .when our
Fell Term opens. First-class 'mama. 61
tion lo all Departments-Acoountin ,
Stenography. Typewriting, Secretarial.
General Lnprovement, Banking, Como
meroial Touchers', and Business Cour- rE5
ses. Rater now, Write for Catalogue. 5599
D.Niii'ifa'P10a2a it iV.A ai' tndt.i d
(. Vkei,..WrAivi ma9ea4'Ae?1PArdt 71:21x,1
prepares young men and young woman
for Baldness whish is. now ('anada'$
grontost profession We asslet grndn-
0500 t0 positions And they hare ,, prno'
Ileal training Watch enables them to
meet with success, .Students are regg
littered enoli week. Get our free cat-
alogue and learn something about aur
different departments,
�LL the $tore` and Odessa in
.A the Village or Btussele'
will dense at 12 o'clock
110011 every Thuisday ti11e Sum.'
neer, begiuning May leaned con-
tinuing till close of October.
Business pllteee will be open
every Wednesday arid Saturday
evenings and evenings befnte a
Public Holiday,
Perth County
James Steven, 84 (Averting street,
Stratford, tlied very suddenly after
drinking a cup of ,silk in which, it ie
thought, he hud placed a quantity of
stryobnine, There will not be an in.
gslest, The late ale.Steven had been
- 10 ill health for some time, and bad
been a patient at the General Hospi.
tal for the last week or so,
da ftm'n
y a Oon he carne out Of fere ins=
petal against his doctor'e wishes, and
went t0 his borne on Ifvevnese et1eet,
which had been eulpby since hie wife
Verniers in treed of Repairs
nr New Itnplenlente In the Me -
Comical. or Deering line will
find iGyoitltheir while tocall
on nee. have a few aliuoat
new Iulpletneute for sale op
easy terms.
Teat ll eters PITO
TILE country ioo:rs great.
SCHOOL exams, are on hand..
Is this the Good Old Summer time
Cardiff Best is home for a holiday vis-
Booer your own town, no outsider
will de it.
Anvsa'vise your bargains. The public
are on the lodk out, •
Mrs,. John Manning 1s home from a
visit to Flesherton.
A RINK of bowlers went' to Exeter
Weduesday.of last week,
SA'ruapAv of this weak will be June
21st, the long& day In the year.
THE Ontario lemma, a weekly
newspaper published at Kitchener, bas
el AARON Co. rate of taxation will be,
general rate 3,2 mils and Higbway rate
5.5 mills.
DUNGANNON Base Bali team - bare
Thursday evening of this ween to play
Brussels 9, ,:See the game.
A CIRCUS' may take a lot of money
out of town but the catalogue houses
do not even give a parade.
"TORN Trash into Cash," insert a
classified ad in the THE POST and sell
that article you do not want.
Howard ledger. who had a leg broken
on the Foot Bail field, is making favor-
able progress but will be laid aside for a
f ew weeks yet.
Frank, Woods and Orville Whitfield
went to Ford, Ontario, recently and
brought back 2 new ears. Former is
the local agent at Brussels.
Tus Bank of Nova Scotia street corner
is being improved by levelling the
boulevard on Thomas street and seeding
it down. A flower bed, will be placed
there also.
At the jubilee service at the Loadou
Methodist Conference, at Windsor, last
week. Rev. S. J. Allen, Toronto, a form-
er Brussels pastor, was oue of the veter-
ans who had spent 5o years in the min-
EAST Huron Women's Iustitute, the
22115 annual meeting, .gill be held in
the Presbyterian Church, Fordwich,
Wednesday. lune 25th. Good pro-
gram. Mrs. Jas. Patterson, (Gad's Hill.
will be the Departmental speaker.
Winnipeg Free Press of May 24th
gives a good photogravure of J, R,
Grant, for years Postmaster in Brussels,
with the following comment :—"John
R. Grant, veteran resident of Winnipeg,
is celebrating a fiftieth anniversary to-
day. At nine o'clock on the morning
of the 24th of May, 1874--8 Sunday
morning, at that -Mr. Grant arrived at
Fort Garry, w innipeg, on a river boat
of the Kittson 1ine."
Oswald Hemingway, formerly of
Bank of Nova Scotia staff here, but
lately in the Petrolia Branch, has been
promoted to a position in the same
bank at Havana, Cuba, and was visiting
the parental borne here fast week be-
fore leaving t his g or new post of duty.
We congratulate him on his preferment
and hope he will enjoy his new role.
He is a son of W. J. and Mrs. Heming-
way, well known residents of Grey
You'll find that your luck isn't always so
IE you just make the best of things
You'll find that your lot "isn't always so.
you`just ma the best of things ;
You'll find that the mean things of life
are but few
You'll find you have friends who are
loyal and true
You'll find it,s a mighty fine world
through and through,
If you just make the best of things,
Rs udg THg SPEED,—The Town Cou-
stabte has been instructed to put a stop
to the motor scorching and the speed
tests by some equine owners, to the ex-
tent ot bringing them before the Magist-
rate, if a warning is, not sufficient. rue
mile -a -minute fellows should also rem
ember that there is a' public school de.
pertinent at the Public Library building
and the.childten sometimes play on the
streets Cut it out is our advice before
it costs some money,
, Time Table
luly end :-
9 0o to moo A. M.—Grammar.
moo to 12.00 A. M.—Literature,
1,30 to 3 3o P. M.—Geography,
Iuly 3 1--
9,00 to moo A. M. -Arithmetic.
0.30 to 4 00 P, M,—Literature,
July 41—
9,00 to 11 00 A. M,—Composition.
r 15 to 12 00 A, M.—Spelling.
81 30 to 3 3o P. M,—History.
SCIENCE,—'1'HgPos'r has unusual pleas-
ure in reproducing from the' Toronto
Daily Globe, the tollowiog concerning
Miss Mary 13. R, Fawcett only daughter
of W. J. and Mrs. Fawcett, Toronto, for
a few years valued residents of Brussels,
Mr. Fawcett being the local Manager of
the Metropolitau Bank, now Bank or
Nova Scotia :—"Miss Maty B, R. Faw-
cett, B, A„ winner of the Marion Dick-
ickenson Scholarship in household science
at the Uuiversity of 'reroute and the Re-
gent's Gold Medal in household scow
omies, awarded by Victoria College,
She won the first scholarship every year
during her 4 tear term at Parkdale Col
leglato, took first-class honors In house-
hold economies . every year during bee
university course, and won the Ham-
ilton Fiske Biggar Scholarship in intik,
hold economies in her y u first year at U .
tversity," A good photogravure of MISS
Fawcett was also giveu,, We extend'
hearty oongratttlatious and wish her a
Ide sphere of usefulness,
Althhti Putty is baigg pia1batl by lbtt
togug People of the Methodist Cbtlrcb.
t,,TvasnAx, 1i00901312111 4, is announced
es the date e1 Ibe Autumn anal es, boot
jury and non:Jury sittings, in Qoderleh,
e1arnwatione cenneenced 111(0 year last
Mooday and finish on Friday. These
Wipers were net by the High Scheel
i'rlecipai and stall end pupils failing NI
receive the recurred number of Marks
may ,write on the Departmental
ppepers Iter.ou In month, Middle and
upper Scoo1 exams commence Oil lase
231d and are not ,completed until July
7lt. .EAtraace exams will be written on
July and, 3rd and 4.13,
Horne ktelper§ Couference, 1101d, re-
cently in Melville Church was much en.
Joyeq, Mrs, (Rev.) (muds,. Rippea, gave
a fine address on the subject ^Are we
measuring up to what God expects 01
us 1" Miss Jessie Stracban and Mrs.
(Rev,) Mcleod sanga choice duet and
the Newton Band rendered a chorus,
Lunch was served, Offering was
$i6.oe.Mrs.'N, Cardiff, President, oc-
cupied file chair, A Walton delegation
was present, '
OWING to i11-bealth Rev, C. N, Dewey,
pastor of Godetich Baptist Church, has
submitted his resignation and will leave
at the end of July. His plan 18 to take
a rest of two or three moethabefore talc. -
Ing another charge. This announce-
ment will he received with regret by the
people of Godericb, who will dope for a
'speedy restoration of the reverend
gentleman's health, Mr's, Dewey Is a
daughter, of Thos, McGillicuddy, form-
erly of Brussels,
BEuca,—Reports from Ottawa are to the
effect that the redistribution committee
of the House of Commons is pinning to
take one seat from Huron and. Bruce,
leaving 3 seats for 2 counties,
mg to this plan South Huron and
North Bruce would be enlarged in area
and the remaining portion of the 2
Counties would be formed idto one rid
of South Brucin e and art the c present rpart 01
greater .part of
the present riding of North Huron.
Deseaveo PROMOTION,—George N.
Edwards, a Brussels boy, who has been
teaching as Assistant at Tecumseh
School, London, goes to the Principal-
ship of the Rectory Street School in the
same City, London press save in its
comment on the appointment ;—"Mr.
Edwards is one of the most efficient of
the school system's corps of mate assist-
ants, trustees point out." Brusselites
congratulate G. N. on his upward climb
and believe it is well deserved, Mr.
Edwardsis not only doing fine work in
teaching but is at the same time follow-
ing an Arts course at the Western Uni-
versity. Those who have tackled either
will have tome idea of the work in its
combination. His ambition will bring
its reward. He is a son ot George and
Mrs, Edwards, Mill Street, Brussels,
The W. M. S. will adopt an Indian
boy and school him,
Odd Fellows' service last Sunday in
the Presbyterian Church.
J. W. and Mre. Ward were here
from Hamilton renewing old'acquaint
Field Day for the Presbyterian
Yonug people Wednesday of next
week here.
W. M.S.—Wednesday 4th incl., the
W. M. S. web at the home of -Mrs.
Oster. Mrs. Robb. Reid presided.
Meeting- opened op bysinging, "Christ
for the World," prayer. by Mee. Diek-
soD, scripture reading by Mrs. Shaw,
after which papers on "The Pathfind-
er of North Formosa" were read by
Mre. Chandler and and Mrs. Berry.
were favored by haviug with us our
District Vice President, Mrs. J. E.
Smith, Brussels, who gave ,au excel-
lent address on "The Canadian Wo-
man's opportunity to make her in-
fluence felt for God in the Home..
Church and Community." It ie more
than ever needed at the present time.
She drew her lesson from the Book of
`Esther, "For if thou boldest thy peace
et this time—who knoweth whether
thou art come to the kingdom for such
a time air this." Today is the time to
use our influence for good. Mrs. A.
McGdire, also of Brussele, gave a vet•y
interesting talk ou Temperance, ex-
plainingthe O. T. A. e
t the lebieei
and Gvernment Control, pshowing
where the latter is in operation it is
very little better than the open bur.
While the present Act is not perfect
it is a great itnprovemenli on the old
way and will be improved ou in time.
She thought this was a great oppor
tufty for our women to use the Fran-
chise, to keep this tenable evil from
one beloved -laud. We hope to .have
the privilege of heating both of the
Expected early in June.
Place your order now.
Cement always on hand.
Phone 2213 ETHEL
"Fruit -a -fives" Brings Best
and Comfort
Amazing Results from intensified
Fruit Juices
In these strenuous days, there is
Constant warfare waged against our
nervous vitality,
Tho man and woman who is free of
Nervousness and sleeplessness; who
is not(Uore or Tess troubled with In-
digestion, Rheumatism, Headaches,
Neuralgia, Weariness and Loss of
Vitality, Pain in the Back and Con-
stipation, are very ram indeed,
This is why the bruit Treatment,
in the form of• "Fruit -a -tires" 10 a
blessing to nervous, sleepless, un-
strung men and women.
"fruit -a -Lives" is really the inten-
sified juices of apples, oranges, figs
and prunes and Contains all the
medicinal powers of these fruit juices
and in a more active and ooncentreted
"Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve'
Nervousness and Sleeplessness by
cleansing the system of waste—by
rebuilding the nerve cells by means
of pure, rich blood—by regulating
the stomach, liver, bowels and skin—
and by invigorating and re -vitalizing
the whole system.
Try the fruit treatment for your
nerves. Get a box of "Fruit -a -fives"
today. Yourdrugglsthesthem-25e.
and 50c. a box-, or sent postpaid by
Frult-a-tires Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
ladies again, A vote of thanks was
tendered Lhe speakers. 54 ladies re-
sponded to the Roll Call by a verse of
Scripture bearing on "Service."
Lunch was served by the hostess and
ladies of the neighborhood around.
Ladies` Aid intend holding their an-
nual Garden Party on "Wm. Woods'
lawn July 4113. Further notice will be
Jack Boyd had a valuable cow die.
Rev, Mr. Laing is home from at-
tendance at the Assembly at Owen
East Huron Women's Institute will
convene in the Presbyterian Church
here next Wednesday.
W. H. and Mrs. Downey, Windsor,
well known here, have gone on a trip
to the Old Country. Former is one of
the Canadian Bowling team.
R. B, McGowan is improving in
Memorial Hall Anniversary 27th
and 29th instil,
Last Sunday was Flower Sunday in
the Methodist Church.
Mise Violet Buchanan is to wed
Stanley Cook this month,
Mee. N. A. Taylor a I has returned
from a visitto Oattwright.
Mrs. (Dr.) Milne attended the Gold-
en Jubilee of Whitby Ladies' College,
of which she is a graduate.
A1rs, Lynch, London, was buried
here lastweek, her maiden name
was•Ida Raney, East Wawanosh. She
was '75 years of age.
Bowling tournament•next Wednes-
Glen Blackmm'e underwent an oper-
ation at the hospital here,
A year at the refor:netttry. was pas-
sed out to Alf Endrich for assault,
The Tulip display of the Horticul-
tural Society, was a decided success.
Jas. Moorehead cut one of his hands
in the Malcolm factory while working
a band saw.
St. Bernard Masonic Lodge, attend-
ed aervi50 in Knox Church G tch last Sun-
day morning.
A company of rough necks destroy-
ed the tulip bed at the public school
on a recent night. They should be
doaed with horse radiate,
Wednesday, June llth, at 2 o'clock,
at the liome of Dickieon and Mrs.
Fletcher, Galt, Oat., was solemnized
i^d•'I»i'4»F't�9^d-f^d^^I�4'9-1^ 4^!•'N+N•I•'1•d'd^
+ • Highest market prices
4 See me or Phone No, 2x, Brus-
sels, and I will call and get
your Wool,
+ utas Yollick
We Repair Auto Tops,
Sides and Curtains
"Micas" put in while you wait.
Willis• ' Shoe Store, Wioqhaoe
tI(8 ft111l'laggo of Mre, Pletoher's slater -
Rleuti A. Darr'oeb, daughter of Hugjt
and Darroch, Lletowel, to tdi earl."
A.Naedunald, eldest aura of John 0,
and AI I0 MA0a0nald, Lletowel, Care -
teeny sone {ter't'orrued by Rev, S I+':
Ravioli, or the First Methodist
(buret), Galt, Bride was attired in :a
tnileeed navy suit, relieved by Baud
eolore1 Meuse, flat and glean with
liege and shoes to result, Hier' 00I'. ,
sage begnet was lily-of-the'velley and
roses, After a Short honeymoon trip
by rentor MI•, and elre, Mecdoalaltl i
will return to make their horns in
IListowel, 'Their mercy friends extend
heartiest eougretulations and beat'
life.hes for it long acid happy wedded
9 care of baled flay were shipped to
Hl Leh but g, Mass.
W. J. Roes hits passed his 2nd
t'eat's exam. at Toronto Dental col-
lege, Jas. Strong got. hie "led year's
eLana iag front Queen's, Kin pion,
ere and There
Comparative figures on the hydro
power installed in the United States
and Canada show plat the latter is
far in the lead in respect of horse-
power Installed per 1,000 of popula-
tion. The United States has 10,-
455,000 h.p, of installed water power
against Canada's water power in-
stallations of 3,227,414 h.p. The
horse -power per 1,000 of population
in the United States is 95, but in
Canada it is 360.
A steady increase in the volume
of wheat exports front Canada is
noted in the monthly statement is-
sued by the Bureau of Statistics.
In April, 1924, 6,085,465 bushels in
all were exported, as against 5,149,-
504 in April, 1928. Included in these
figures are 32,805 bushels sent to
the United States, 2,972,469 to the
United Kingdom and 3,080,191 to
other countries,
Approximately 80 per cent of
Manitoba's wheat acreage has been
seeded, despite the general lateness
of work on the land occasioned by
unfavorable spring weather. Prac-
tically every district correspondent
reports a reduction in the wheat
acreage, with corresponding indica-
tions that barley and flax acreage,
in particular, will be increased.
Alberta provided the bulk of the
wool sold by the Canadian Co-opera-
tive Wool Growers' Association last
year, 1,062,613 pounds, of the total
of 2,843,365 pounds of the 1923 clip,
coming from this province, accord-
ing to a statement made by the
general manager of the Association.
Ontario growers took second place,
with 636,076 pounds, followed by
Manitoba -,Saskatchewan, 459,583
pounds. Sundry shipments totalled
845,599 pounds. •
The value of the building permits
issued in 56 Chnadian cities showed
a large increase during April, as
compared with March, 1924. Repre-
sentative cities authorized buildings
to the value of $13,452,369, as com-
pared with $9,162,763 in the pre-
vious month. Nova Scotia, Quebec,
Ontario, Manitoba and New Bruns-
wick registered increases in the
value of building permits issued,
Except in sheep, Canedran live-
stock and livestock products show an
increase in shipments to the United
States all along the line in the
January -February period of this
year, compared with the correspond-
ing months of last year. Cattle
shipments in the period were 11,190,
compared with 10,310; beef 923,400
lbs., compared with 446,800 lbs.; ba-
con 81,700 lbs., compared with 30,100
lbs.; pork, 166,300 lbs, compared
with 90,800 lbs., and mutton 2,400
lbs„ compared with 700 lbs,
The first annual pow -'wow of
the Trail Riders of the Canadian
Rockies, which will be held July 17-
18 at Yoho, will takela
p cemallig
sun -dance lodge decorated. by Stoney
Indians. The order aims to encour-
age travel through the Canadian
Rockies, outdoor life, nature study,
and forest conservation, and to
honor early explorers, Many noted
authors and artists have joined and
E. W. Beatty, President of the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway, has donated
$1,000 towards expenses.
The Canadian Pacific S.S. "Em-
press of Canada” arrived at Van-
couver, B.C., on May 24th, following
a world cruise of five months
and nearly 30,000 miles. The pss-
sengers witnessed a remarkable
eruption at Hilo, in the Hawaiian
Islands, on May 17th. After a pub-
lic welcome at Vancouver, they left
for the East, stopping en route at
Banff Springs Hotel for a dinner-
dance, E. W. Beatty, President of
the Canadian Pacific, who met the
ship, said that she had done impor-
tant missionary work in carrying the
Canadian Ensign over the Seven
Arrangements are well under way
for entertaining the members and
friends of the Canadian Teachers'
Federation during their trans -Cana-
dian tour, which will take place
August 400-12(,h over the main lines
of the Canadian Pacific Railway,
in a train specially provided for
their accommodation. Fort William,
Port Arthur, Winnipeg, Regina,
Moose Jaw, Calgary, . Edmonton
Banff, Lake Leafiest, Vancouver and
Victoria are all planning 1estivitles.
The Canadian Paolek is preparing
to give the teachers a royal time at
their beautiful Rocky Mountain re -
ante and the people of Victoria
where the htabsequent convention will
be held, will also help to make their
(bay Jn flirt (SIT n mitasogande Coe,
iectri cai
Wiring •
See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting
that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Prices are Right
All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use
only experienced labor.
Our work speaks for itself. Calf and inspect some
of the homes we have already wired in town.
L Lindensmith E ith & Co.
Call American Hotel BRUSSELS
Art in Granite and Marble
gi.........9VERY pisco of work we do is
jgE treated like a master -piece of
,ra art before it can pass our rigid
L" i� inspection. Long experience in all
■_I ;f the different treatments of expres-
sion in granite enables us to produce
1 1
the est touch that makes etfection
k=p+�tp p
lairPrii' Cemeter1o. y work promptly attend-
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Harry and Mrs. Day, Vancouver,
8, 0., were renewing old acquaint-
ances here,
W. A. Lamont and family have re-
moved to Molesworth. He will put in
a chopping mill there.
Methodist Sabbath School anniver-
sary here next Sunday. Rev. DeWitt
Clasen, Luckuow, will be the preach-
Huron County
W. It Weymouth, o; Hullett, cele-
brated his 89th birthday in good
By a fall from a ladder Ben. Cole,
Clinton, injured his back seriously.
W. H. and Mrs. Hilyar and A. E.
and Mrs. Durnin, Clinton, telebrated
the Silver Anniveesary of their mar-
riage on June 7th.
McClary's Electric Ranges
Caffield Electric Washers
We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing
and all kinds of Repairing
Wedding Gifts
In nue store you will find suit-
able Wedding Gifts. A. new
stook of Ottt Glass has just ar-
rived, consisting of Sherbert
Sete, Goblets, Water Sete, Cake
Plates, Sugars and ()reams,'
Vases, etc, Alen anise 6890111:'
*1100(1: of SILVERWARE, New,
useful pieces suitable au Wed.
ding Gifts for the Bride. Cain:and see the assortment.
4r.t� •-'•.+L-.. - yr - ,..t r
1NI1111111111 I$r
1gJ a� A
(41,1 //fH1111111i1I111)1)})a
Kodak Keeps!
The Story
Just click the shutter of this easily work-
ed Kodak and to -day's good times become
bo -morrow's good Pictures,
Our store is a good place to get your'
Kodak outfit, Our stook is complete and
up-tn•date and we are as willing to show as
we are to sell.
Get your Kodak here • 80.75 and up
Brownie Camerae - 2.00 raid ftp
J. R. WEND / 'e° `f WRCXETE'R