HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-18, Page 4a rtssel fast.
Wlia)NliPAy, )uNIS,ts•t924
RruuAseis Council
Pile Gunnel tnet te Court of Reel.,
cion Jttos 0111, After taking the 'lewd
dee,litrigion the following (illatigee and
additions were made to the Aseese-
ment roll for 1924 before It was
adoptad o.,Di'. J. A. McNaughton''
assessmeutreduted $200 ; W. 0, Kerr,
W. 0. and Mrs, McKinnon and Itev,
and Mee, Lewin's names were added,
Doge were also added belonging to W.
A. Lowey, Alex. Rutledge 2, J. D.
Warwick and Rev. Mr, Lewin 3
Court Wee then closed,
Oounall busineae was proeeeded with
after manatee were rend and confirm-
Following acoomits were pre-
sented :—•• '
Ed, Henderson, snowing park.$ 3 50.
Chas. Davidson, teaming , .,,. 0 50
Chas, Pope, purnpitig water 32 00
for etreet
W, H. Kerr, advertising ..,..... 8 50
Cordon McDowell, salary and
dfsinfeating .. 70.00
R. Thuel, salary and rent350 00.
3,'W. Sanders 86 hours work
Hydro , 2 55
Wm, Thomson, work Hydro... 47 40
P. Laughlsen, work Ilydeo .. 82 65
Geo. MoNiehol, work Hydro:.. 28 20
Robt. Bird, wood ..... 5 25
On motion :of Councillors Weller
and Rose accounts were ordered to be
It was decided to ask for tenders for
wiring Town Hall for Hydro.
Report was made by Street` Oom-
niittee that car of Tarvia and stone
chips was ordered.
The question of rebuilding or re-
pairing the sidewalk immediately
North and South of the iron bridge
was discussed, part of the work at
least to be done forthwith.
Hydro installation came up for
review and Reeve Seeker briefly re-
ported on Comity Councils.
doings. Council then adjourned. B
Prices Unbalanced,
Say Huron farmers
During intervals of the Ontario
Government Agricultural Committee
held'at Clinton Thursday afternoon
the committee listened to some
straight-from.the-shoulder talk by
Huron representatives to the effect
that much of the dissatiefaaLion
among the agriculturist' was due to
the fact that prices had got out of
balance and that the Governments
were carrying on without due thought
for economy in their own circles.
The question of 8 members of a
committee drawing $15 a day and
expenses, as is the case of this com-
mittee, was raised by Thomas Mc-
Millan, which in turn brought from
N. W. Trewartha the information
that Mr. McMillan had been a mem-
ber of a similar committee at $10 per
, day under the harmer Government.
Huron County Council was rem o• wars. Reimers
presented by Reeve Hanley, Stanley, wars. Reimn,eitnre Aire. T. ahtipsen
,who complained that there was too
big a margin between what the faun -Is -Jam n ,elm•uun suss Mary Byrd, 1 ordwuh
ace and the I u,,un -inh
is noted for its QUAL-
Order your loaf today
and be convinced that it
pays to have our Bread.
Phone 32x
Huron Co. Base Ball League
Dungannon at Bru'sele, June 19
Dungannon at Auburn, June 28
Goderich Twp. at Brussels. June 26
Auburn at Goderieh Twp. June 80
Dungannon at Goderich Twp, July 4
Blyth at Auburn, July 4
Auburn at Brussels, July 9
finder ich Tp. at Dungannon, Jly. 10
Dungannon at Blyth, July 34
Blyth at Brussel., July 17
Blyth at Goderich 'Pwp, July 21
Brussels at Auburn, July 25
Brussels at Dungannon, July 29
East Huron District
Women's Institute
This body will meet at I+ordwich,
Wednesday, June 25th, Program will
be as follows :—
afternoon Session at 2 o'clock
Opening Ode
Prayer - - Airs. A. Laing
Address of Welcome Airs, Corby
Roply - • Mrs. A, Wearrlug, Wroxeter
District President's Address
D. Bing. Mamie
Community Singing f. Itutuam (lid*, Fonlwich
Lend Y
I1nn i'Q RF.roRre—
Belgrave Institute
Bluerate Institute
Brussels Institute
Fordwich Institute
Ethel Institute
Itnlnam tr'irt*
Onrrie 'agitate
Wroxetor Institute
Airs. A. Mowbray
Mrs. C. Hetherington
Mrs. Ii. Speir
Airs. D. Walker
Mrs, B. Bremner
Miss Jeamet A11Clament
Mre, W.Stinson
Mrs. "Wig. Stocks
Mn. 1t. F. Chandler
et got for his prod price
S, 1i • - • Mie/ Stinson, tiorrie
District aep.rt Alm. John Iimiter, tt ruxote r
Auditors' Report .
Adoption of Reports • - • •
Instrument d Ilio Evelyn Stevens, Uorrie
Election of U3nwrs w • -
Community Singing
Report of London Convention
1110. Elia Hazlewood
Addru+s • :Uri. J -w, Fatter' ro, Gads Bill
Bot, - - Mies e,in 111 ick, Fordwich
Arr:angenlents for next Annuli Meeting
••Ot.ID SAVIt •rHE RIND r•
paid by the consumer, and, to his way
of thinking, none of our Governments
had .done what they might to protect
the farmiug industry.
G. W. Layton, Tuckertinitl, gave
figures to show that what the farmer
wet soiling demanded a very much
smaller increase in price as competed
with what he had to buy, which had
increased since 1913 two and three
tithes. Ile also stressed the need for
co-operation and a reduction of over-
head expenses.
R. Coulter i eferred to the unreu-
tunable competition of creamery
trucks in them rush for business,
and also to the effect that it cost se
much to sell farm tnachinery as to
snake it.
K. J. McMillan went so far an to say
that the high cont of living was caus-
ed largely by the 110,000 Canadian
cornmercial travellers, who were cost-
ing the country over a million donate
a day, which amount was being added
to the goods sold by the merchants.
R. R. Sloan, a large grower of
apples, quoted figures to show that
only about twenty to twenty -flee
thousand barrel., r f apples were sold
from Huron County, as compared
with ten times that amount twenty
years ago, troth withstanding the fact
that for quality and flavor the Huron
apples were among the best procur-
able anywhere.
The bean industry was dealt with
by John Laporte of Zurich, and the ,
information was brought out that,
with proper marketing and cooper-
ative selling, the bean business could
be much improved. At present the
grerwt80sper f oerit ofigin and Huron
Ontario'e beat
john Sower by, Goderich Township,
criticized the Government for paying
too high 'salaries, and quoted the
fernier as selling bides at 4 cents a
pentad and then theshoeniaker bought
bask the side -leather at 90 cents a
Oliver Turnbull, Grey Township,
gave a very interesting talk on cattle
and claimed that farmers can make
money by tieing up-tredate methods,
1-C, K. Redmond spoke encouraging-
ly of the plan now being tried by th'a
United Farmers in marketing eggs.
and he stressed the importance of
The high cost of transportation and
the high Wages paid to railroad Sten
came in for many knocks during' the
The meeting was the beet attended
of Hitt e, and itthat albnost filled 11 a Toween held hthe n
Mcititloq •
Reuben Hart was celled to Loudon
rowing to the death of hie daughter,
Mra. Hat vey t3nndereock, Site ander
went an operation on Saturday, 7th
Met., and wag doing uieely,,but tank a
relapse and permed away on Monday
everting, line little daughter Ruby
Wµ9 brlr ell
pet a few months ago,
We extend uur Hylnpethy to thoee
who ate left to mourn, ilesirtee her
Inn/baud and daughter Thelma, 0
sisters and 3 brothers turd her fattier
are left, Mrs, Manua, Seaforth ; Mrs.
Angus Carmichael, Grey Township;
Mrs, Wilson ' Sunderoock, Mullett;
Mre. Joseph Batt, and Mre, Alonzo
Spaflrng,MQKiilop, and /Jerry, Wru.
and Harold at home. The body wire
brought to Chuan for buriah
Goole rich
Menesetung Canoe Club pic•nic at
Bayfield, June 25th.
Unveiling piogram of Soldier''
Memorial on Dominion Day. -
Rabt. McLear was taken suddenly
i11 last week but is' improving.
Annual Shoot o1 'rifle club, meat
Friday at Saltfoed heights.
Mrs. R. A, Thompson and daughters
have taken a trip to Lire Pacific coast.
Firemen have withdrawn tleit'
resignation'. Bairn, came by increas-
ed pay.. ,
400 excursionists came up on'the an-
nual trip of the Greyhound and 300
took in the outing to Detroit.
Jas. Farr, a tl. T. R. locomotive
engineer, who lived here for years,
died at Stratford.'He was years
of age.
Miss Materson has resigned as Sup
1 xandra Hospital
erinteiident of Alexandra
and accepted a similar appointment at
South Huron' liberals
OBIT,—The demise of Mrs. Thos.
Elliott was intimated last week but
other particulars concerning her will
be of interest :--A resident of Moles•
worth for many years and highly re-
spected by all who knew her Janet
of Thos. El-
beloved v
liatt, passed aivay at her home on
Tuesday, June 10th, aged 08 years.
Mrs, Elliott had a elightmstroke a
year ago last August that left her un-
able to continue het' active duties
about the house, but her nature was
such that action suited her better
than rest and she continued to go
about helping whenever 11 was pos.
Bible. Some few weeks ago a second
attack followed and she gradually lost
the power to go about and finally
speech failed her ton, and the end
came when her strength failed. De-
ceased was born in Wellesley town,
ship Api 11th, 18550 She was mar.
Tied to Thomas Elliott, on Dee. 25th,
1880. Besides her husband, 2 daugh-
tens and a son survive, Mrs, A. G. Mc-
Donald, Winnipeg; Mrs. J. L. Camp-
bell, Fordwich, and W. R. Elliott at
home. 2 sons, Harvey and Bert pre-
deceased her, Bert, of the Strath..
At the Mutual meeting of the South
Huron Liberal Association at Hen eall
last week, there was a good attend-
ance of delegates froth all pacts of
the constituency. Dr J. W Shaw
Clinton, President of the Association,
occupied the chair. The election if
oflioers resulted as foiloua President
Dr. J W. Shaw, {Clinton Vice Ptes
idc. nt 0 Geiger, lieuvall veer, tai y,
wV T. Nm+vlh, Kappcn: 1.reaeitrer,
J. Pinder, 71110'11. Chaiunen of Muni-
ripttrtx.,;—Mt. J. Beaman, hxtet ;
(l MrLannu,, Clinton : Charles Ft
Zurich • R ittr+Lys, !lac field ; R. S.
Hays, Sr aforth.
fhe gnention of holding a mouser
Liberal picnic at Grar,d Bend dining
the coming Summer n am discussed,
and an rfrr t t w ill be made to ger the ,
Prime Minister and other Cabinet i
Minister's to midterm it. The present;
Budget has greatly heartened the Lib-
stale in this County, and the feeling 1
was a re101n to the good old tints
spirit of Liberalism.
Outman Marshall, Liberal Or-
gaulz-r, discussed thr• record of the
Ring Government. pointing out that
the impar; the' of improving agr1-
cultltral nnudittouo was constantly in I
view. The Liber td platy had nn i
(prat rel with the manufacturers of
Canaria, The difference between the t
Liberal pat ty and the Conservative
Opposition was that elle latter had 1
the idea trf making the country pi ns-
perons 1,ilh 11 tariff, while the Liner- {
ale believe 11, building up the baric in-
dnetty of agriculture and following
title would conte, as -there had in
Canada Irons the year 1900 to 1911, a r
real period of industrial development.
Ile paid a tribute to the preae.nt. Lib -
seal Leader, and stated that Macken-
zie Bing was not ouly showing ability
and 0001 age, but was irnpreseing his
followers in the House with his
qualities of leadership,
South Perth Orange Lodges will eels
ebrate July 12th in Milverton.
Gm Con-
Hutchinson, High 0.
stable, receives a salary of $100 a
Milverton Sewing Circle of Luth-
erin Church ut sla"Ce
;Busy Ladies' pAid,'Tatthe Mitchell. l st
Friday evening.
Go, Cnimril voted $200 to Perth Co,
Juniot Plnwinene' Assndlatfml,
Editor and Mrs, MacHelh Milverton,
one on the
eRs Excursion nn tn
Mrs. Nellie Parker, Sebriugville and
Mrs. Jas, Doualdeon, Lletowel, were
re -appointed to the Mothers Allow-
ance Commission by Perth Go.
Re Hydro
^-^,n. ctllr►
io facilitate In wiring the streets for hydro it is very
I necessary that Couuell should know at once who ineend
wiring their' houses (if not alretudy wired,) Those wlio
do Should leave their mune with Clerk A. II. Macdonald or
Reeve Seeker, -
It is also important that those who propose putting in
Eleotrio Rouges before Hydro comes should inform Clerk or
Reeve aleo. Bruesele Stove rate compares favorably, and in
Same oases is cheaper than eucb places as„ SVinghatn, Khmer -
dine, Listowel, Seaforth and Goderich.
If you intend putting in an Electric Range and do not let 4
Council know the line on the street will not be wired for
Stove service,
Would also ask all bueinees places to be wired for Hydro
as soon as Possible as no place will be connected to Hydro un-
less properly wired,
By Order of Council'
Parties desiring Slabs
and Corners should
place their orders now.
Ament Bros.
cutin B-uise, was killed iu action in
1918. 3 brothers also survive, Archie
Robertson. Listowel.; Geo. Robert-
son, Molesworth and T, ltd. Robertson,
Kansas City,, Mo, T. M. Robertson
reached Listowel before his sisterpae-
sed away. The late Mrs. Elliott was
c genuine hostess, warm, hearty and
generous. She was aiwaye prepared
for the expected or unexpected guest.
Go when you liked, early or late, you
were sure of a royal welcome. Her
devotion to her family and her house-
hold duties were characteristics of one
who did not stint her service. Mr.
Elliotteand the remaining members of
the family have the sympathy of the
whole onihmunity in their hour of
bereavement and lose. Funeral left
family residence at2 p,, m. on Prtday,
es' at S
t Andrew'e
Service ,
June IStlt, 1
church, -Moleworth at 213Q p. m. In-
terment in Molesworth cemetery Rev.
T. A, Bell, of Redlands, California, a
former pastor, was summoned frotu
the General. Assembly at Owen Sound
to conduct the services.
matter of the .estate of Loreta°
Dewe Frain, late of tho Township of.
Otey, in the county of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased
Notice 1s hereby. given pursuant to The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914. Chapter 121,
that all Creditors and others having Maims
against the estate of the said Lorenzo Dowe
da of
Frain, who died 4, or about they
A.D. ,f Ju are r D. 122d4 on orbefore
p s pr day of June, iv D. 192L to sand we
prat prepaid ll deliver Executoors
Frain. or Ida Belle s the Executors o! the
estate a said deceased, ntheir Christian full
parnaular, 02 their sods, thepstate, the full
their Recou t their he oat, the statement sec of
thelr Recounts and the nature of theft securi-
ties (if tiny) held by them:
And further take notioe that after ouch last
mentioned date the paid Executors will .Pro•
oeed to dletribute the Resets of the deceased
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice and the said Executors will
not be liable for the paid assets, or any part.
thereof to any person or parsons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
therm at the bine of such distribution.
Dated Mho Ninth day of Juno. A, 11,1924. •
SoltofturM. taror the the Exeoutora.
Canada Lures World-famous Stars
eLSIE JANIS (centre) at Dan4f, !i r JACK HOLT et Dortrit
en ih4S.S. Empress of Russia
on the S.S.'Emprest of Primal
That the two -fold attraction of Canada's audiences and Canada's scenic and climatic allurements, especiallyat
I Banff, is proving irresistible to many great concert, theatrical and movie ,tare le well brought out by the sheaf
of photographs reproduced above, which represents some of the !moue artiste who have. recently visited Canada.
The majority of the originals of these pictures need no introductions to Canadians. Sophie Breslau, that bril-
liant contralto singer, who is shown about to start her tour of this country from the Canadian Paelfic Railway's
Windsor Station Montreal, made a great hit everywhere. Dame ,Clara Butt retains her place in the hearts of British
e eonatcr,
1 known i r
ationa k ,
audiences; Galli Curers golden voice has enraptured millions. Elsie Unit, internationally y pQP
and her 'Momma' foregathered with the Mountie at the C. P. R. station at Banff and got a big thrill. Jack holt,
famous movie star, snapped off duty agiong the Indians at Banff, is lyrical on the subject of Canadian scenery.
Jascha Heifetz was on his way to the Orient when he posed for the Canadian Pacifle camera -man. The perennial
Pavlowa expresses her appreciation of services rendered aboard the'Emprens of France'. Doug and Mary had the
time of their young lives holidaying at the Canadian Pacific hotel at Banff, where the picture reproduced was taken.
Here and There
A dispatch from. London, Oriels sdi
States that the Soudan Government
ithrough Capt, E. 0, Midwlntor, gets,'
seal manager of railway* end ileossf*
re, Soudan, Africa, has accepted d.
der front a British Colpxaaia firm
350,000 railway ties of ,Don all
r The c nt rad o expressed), m
k x
.tants that the railway pteem ties yshall be
Af Canadian origin.
British Columbia's shipment -"of
water -borne lumber to overseas mar-
kets totalled 621,707,1.27E board feet
last year, against 273,146,200 its
1922, an .inereue of 91 per cent,
(Phis announcement was recently
spade by the provincial minister of
lands and it is a remukable index
of the rapid expansion of the lumber
industry in British Columbia.
Undera scheme inaugurated by
the Provincial Government it is an-
nounced that British Columbia will
advance loans up to ;800 a family
to settlers from the Heb%ides, en
condition that the British Govern-
ment advance a like amount. In
view of the present depression in
the Wanda, it is expected that the
British Government Will eo-overate.
Stallion Routes for 1924
MBURY & eon
A. F. B
Monday—Will have his own atabie and go
East to Oliphant Smith's for noon • then East
1X miles, then South 1X miles, then went to
Abe Bisliop'e for night.
Tuesday—West to gravel road via Brussels
to Hugh Lamont's for noon : then via Brun -
eels to Win. Miller's, Township Hall, Morris,
for 1 hour • then West to John Wightmans,
gravel road, for night.
Wednesday—Via Belgrave to John Neth-
ery'e, Srd Line, Morrie, for noon then to hie.
own stable for night.
Thursday afternoon—Vin 2nd Line Morrrie
and Blnevale elder0ad to Fred, Churchill's
Friday= Vla Centre Siderond to his own
stable where he willremain until the follow•
ing Monday.
Above route will be continued throughout the
season, health and weather permitting.
Monday—Will leave his own stable, Lot 10.
Con. 18, Grey township. and go East t0 George.
Hart's, tLHo ston Con.
Lot 8n Con.' 14 eElma, fst or
Tuesday—To Mnitiand Cheese Factory to.
Arthur Ulinek'e for noon ; then via marl bed
and south to Wm. Ooxto l's, Lot 28, Con. le,
Elmo, for night.
Wednesday—.West to Reg. MoOlory'e for
noon ; then West 10 Wilfrid Bonaeberg'a, Lot
Nouse sod Lot for hole
Two Stety frame hence with live bed imbrue,
t r and Iliteben 1 eget
r it
1 r room, 9
1 r dlrltg p
Witter, trait tram ammo parry and currant
reaauonabl pram. A.pitly ittTiltlFOOT.Sold aI
Guernsey "still .for Service
In ardor to.improve rho dairy tydo of ;molt)
In this Locality Unita ateidod is offer my Sea.
for berg etre Vanity Prhloe of Nordlan5, ter
service to et 1111104 number, only of yYoung
healthy netmale. Terms 50.00, cash et time OF,
poeeryioe, with privilege of return{ng If neeee•
I1yoa 40110t think this a profitable ripper.
Iunity to both male ;coney and gel real airy
stook, fuer try to buy one of lite heifer calves
from those who now have them. A0 far as 1
man aooertain their price 1056000, Trpa—Milk
le milk—but Oh what a differeno.
I), Al. SCOTT, Proprietor,
Bion Bold Gner8Oey Perin
or s and Yorkshires
Shorth o
In.Bhorthorne we hove one roan bull 11
menthe old, bred by. Barry MoQee, Toronto,
aired by Imp. 8nloalrn Laddie, and from a
Marr Ailesie dmn. A real herd header, at far•
mere stile. Another roan, a good useful bull,.
9 months old, by White Wonder. Could' are
e few more females, Also York Bowe of die'
ferent ages.
Lot 10, lion. 16, Urey Twp.
Phone 2814 B, 1i, 2 Braseele,
Bunford Property for' Sale
Hoose and lot.of about M acre, situated on
the oornar of Turnberry and Thomas streets
in the Village of Brussels, known as the Dan-
ford home, On the property is a very sub.
eta tial brlok house ; nicely isolated, 'teal
roof, cement cellar Soma, new fnrnai°, olotbea
closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well, fruit
trees, a niva raspt)erry plantation, lovely or.
naMental and evergreen trees, and a beautiful
lawn, Will be Bold for half of what it would
coet,to build 11 to wind up the estate of the
late E. O. Danford. Immediate possession.
Forfurther particulars apply to L. B. EMT.
FORD Detroit, or JAB, nloJADZi(AN, (next '
FORD, 1 Brussels P, O,
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 pores,. being 8% Lot 28, Con. 0,
tar; bank barn with clemeood nt stablinok g ;,drivith ing
shed, drilled well and a never toiling spring at
bank, About 00 aerea tinder cultivation, bal-
ance posture and wood laud. Fall plowing
will be done and possession given this Fall.
For further partiuulare apply to
A. H. MACDONALD, Brussels,
Representative Wanted
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Nurseries: Big anion are to be made
8. for night,
n Welling Nursery stook dnrtng the recon•
Thursday—West to Robert Campbell's, Lot atrnatlon period. As eplendld opportunity for
26. Con. 10 for noon ;' then to lrls own stable a live salesman, Highest commissions palm,
e w roma n unhandsome, e
b 11 1 til th following Mon t equipment largo line of fruit
day, or by appointment by telephone. I and ornamental stook to otter. STONE ,k
where I e free
The above route will be continued through- WELIriNOTON, Toronto, Ont.
out the season, health and weather permitting. '
P4e+44.6 1'e+a+MBe'1'MN+0'FIe+4H' 0444.14410+4,44+44•4.104.•+•+04.111+
The Seaforth Creamery '
ream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it•honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
• pies and pay you the highest market, .prices every two
a weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. ,
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
• McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
* The Seaforth Creamery Co.
,g. 'e
A 4'24 a441.-M144-5-td«9444.44 Mp•4'4D+teoA`9rd to -4.4.44. +4•4•4i .i.a 1•4C.0 4AA'oi••+5ms
'Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
We wiii'pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fa l', extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac-
Cell and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
A.1. Stewart
CrImery Bruss P