HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-18, Page 2free those who had been sold into Bible intelligently, it is just as impar
gallon of ice cream which he sold. g slavery for debt, and no longer to
"Wellit the same thingwith any to discover later that the trouble is in, there is a decided difference in the The home which is good for chit- tent that we should study with the
t „ search
the ignition. However, when trouble, waywe do it and the way it used to lien them 'rooms of their own,! exact usurious interest on loans made spirit of reverence and humility, We
made-up product, he added, you of this kind occurs there is e :;tingle givesto those who were in distress. (See have in it the story of man's prayer
• rap your eggs into salad dress- and eifecttve method of determining be done. This difference, I believe, is as far as is possible. When,children"ch. 6.) after God,—,t0 long, toilsome, prayer-
ing and put the finished product out g: a good one. It lies in the fact that do not know from night M night iii! The book of the law of Moses was fur ¢tory it is. It is the narrativr. of
weather it is in the ignition or not. we tryto create favorable conditions
for sale and see what your eggs will When one ,f the missingsell be- what room they are to sleep, when the same, .ars almost the same, asthf man's spiritual pilgrimage. On the
bringyou." p in which a child stay grow naturally, they keep their things, in any old, Pentateuch. It was a collection of other Dido it is the attempt to p'ctnre
gins, remove the high tension wire, whereas, of old, people did not think place," sharing closets and drawers the ancient law codes,• together with to us the divine offnrt to bring man
"It gave us the idea for a wayside from any one spark prig and with the much about conditions, but attempted better-skelter with other members of the history of the beginnings of the into fellowship with yGod. That is the
, delicatessen," said the girls.engted
ine running hold the end of this to shape and mold the child himself the family, they miss their rights—:turiheitnee edspof thisle later age.sed and Ezra Bible, aLet
nd chsss study
spirit itsh aeveee
wire one -sixteenth of an inch away by constant instruction, punishment the •right to a training in neatness minds
fromthe endand rewards. and refinement which is our now bion ht the law before the eon -
cooked He read m the.ears o a
as norma y attached, . sothatin Our idea now is to make the sol —
addition to the spark gap inside *.he, that is the home life—as rich and
some business that
of books or pamphlets, dating from offers adequate returns."
many different times and circum Is it wise for parents to emphasize
stances. Would it not be well to learn
how it all came about that these par -a temporary condition like this as the
titular pamphlets were finally sewed big reason for not selecting farming
together, because they were concerned as a life job? In all probability, the
with the one subject of religion? young man who chooses farming will
(b) There is n great variety of find upon completing his college train -
literary forms in the Bible. If we in that conditions are unusually fay -
interpret myth ,or poetry as sober orable for making farming a success;
prose, we shall mies its meaning. Just
reflect for one moment on this fact, whereas, the other boy who selects
that we have in the Bible, such liter- engineering is as likely to graduate
ary forms as the following: proverb, from college when that branch of the
drama, epic, elegy, history, clzronol- nation's business is on the deolhte,
ogy legislation sermons, a °calypso,
g In choosing a life job, we should.
letters, etc. These need to be ` inter- take a life range of things. What will
preted." be the relations of the industry, ten.,
i -
oust a pe i Bible
butanot out out f of little twenty and thirty years from now?
religious experience of one man or Where will the competition be then
even one nation. The 01d Testament for men and women of training? That
tells the story of the religious develop- is the viewpoint one should have.
ment of Israel for twelve hundred The fact that so many who ordinarily
years or so. The New Testament grew would be giving serious consideration
in the Graeco-Roman civilization. So to agriculture are in the most thought -
we need to study every book of- the less manner passing it over for other .
Bible in the light of the age in which lines of work'makes the outlook all
it was written, just we need to ask the brighter for those who choose to
ourselves for example: "Why did Paul
write his first letter to the Christian fit themselves for agricultural work,
converts at Corinth?" or, "Why did , •
John write his first, Epistle?" People
do not "know their Bible" simply be- An only son went west He was
cause they can quote unrelated texts havinga life and death struggle with
from different parts of the Bible. No
rather, we must learn the meaning.ol the white plague. The sceptre of
any verse or text as a part. of the death, like a hungry skeleton, was
narrative to which it belongs. Who constantly staring him in the face.
would think of twisting one sentence 'Funds were none too plentiful. Back
from a private letter written to -day, hone sickness came, and his father,
without reference to the circumstances, the sole support of himself and his
behind the communication as a whole? pp
2. While we niust seek to study the mother, was taken away. From the
• courageous son in the far west came
this message to the widowed and
grief-stricken mother: "The problem
before us is our own, Mother, dear,
'You and 1 must meet the.world Heade
Meet the world "Heads Up1" What
a sensible way to do it. The world
always has its difficult tasks for ,us
to do, its hard problems for us to
solve, its .trying situations for tis 1A
face. The manner in which eve meet
these things has a wonderful influence
upon their outcome, 'We greet thein
with a smile; tackle them with a will;
meet them "Heads Up" and the world
smiles back dt us. The difficulties
that seemed insurmountable soon van-
ish into thin air. We have well been
thus advised, "Give to Lhe world the
best you have and''the. best will eon¢
back to you."
Wo grumble and complain aL aur
adversities; postpone the bard jolts;
put foremost a discouraged front;
maintain a down-and-out aLtitude: so
our troubles multiply; the world ravine
us, We bring to it nothing tut un-
pleasantness and it is sure to ,stray
in kind.
Too many of us are inclined to take
a pessimistic view of things in gen-
eral these days. We know' there is
sufficient excuse for doing so. But
excuses do not get us arty hexa'
Efficient Farman
air na .
"The en
r 1323 'will be looked back
upon as a milestone in the progress
of (*mitten dairying for the Reason
Coal oil and lice don't seem to mix that systematic geadln� of all butter.
in any better than do coal nil and wiltor. •and cheese for export waa inaugur-
SU1ttiMA1t CARE OF BREEDING A ranstant supply of charcoal t Where one is the other isn't, at tenet ated in that Year. 1']w }gork has been
.S1 OCK, granulated form should be available for twig. .A neighbor has est Put
to the fowls. g4 j carried out with legs .difficulty their
Many poultryman, as soon es the range find ¢tion h green into use a method that seems to have was anticipated, and in the }fight of
hatshini; season le over begin to no- SeeBd for their rds on eeds until the ground .¢fleet 1 pe thec:lczd the advance guard the )test year's experience and with
gleet the breeding stock, .This is a of this pest. some five reason
in the regular ate
serious mistake. Much of your sue•'becomes fralen• Some 2x8's were sawed ap into three
have oveme ltod believe," states
cess the next year depends on the Asa rale one need not furnish beef 2x4,„, those bong as ]mfg as the roost weassioner Ruddick, "that in fu
cod eo idit'ion in which the older scrap or other animal feed in the platform. With 'an ordinary rabbet t 111 vera
d is re- 1 as rho birds
�lxds are kept. Often the tient sees! p ll secure a sufil
ducod at this time as well as the var-
iety curtailed. This is also a mistake.
Any one feed alone will not keep the rich something ie the way of moat
breeders in the hest of condition. If feeds If you have plenty of milk feet from one and. The other end was
they are made to forage for a part of all theywill drink t ;t placed two inches from tate end of tbe'
Choir feed, be sure they nava a full give them groove and the remaining portion of
feed at night consisting of at least will take the pinta of beef wrap• ithe groove filled with a wooden plug.
x bl corp and If some of the heavier breeds ere
l Then on top of this, with the cord
two grains, preferably kept h as Plymouth. Rooks Wyan-
spring or eery summer plane, grooves were cut a quarter inch
can generallydee and a quarter inch wide and in
ply of bugs and worms. Late In surra each was ]aid a thick cord of soft cot -
mer and in fall it is advisable to furs'• ton, one and protruding three to four
ep such . Y in lace, a striptwo inches wide by
Idottes and Rhode Islands, some •Pip P
alone, is too fattening, and overfat 'vision should he made to break up the
inch thick was tacked and the top
r s are t
wheat or coin' and oats. Corn, if fed
bid not m good condition 'and h, surface rounded off with a plane.
Sunday. Shoot Les on
JUNE. 22`
end Nehemiah Ezra, chs.7 to 10,
Reforms ' Under `Ezra r
suigeTII o A
One of the privilegea of which we
Canadians boast fa that of being per -
Nehemiah, S 8'And 13, Golden Text --- Return fectly .free to choose front any of the
untotCme,a .d I willfessions listed iri the
ane, and I Will return tint°. you, with .the,ord ofIia local or
our national life,
Castes do Met bind ue. Epee,' a Young
T icing of experience at Pentecost. Seotlaztd was than otewOmen born under the means
reign of Artaxerxes , '4 swept by the Reformation doctrine,
est handicaps niay suceeed.alniust Mir-
aculously was saved from bloody rcv0- aculously in positions demunc1ing the
lution by the evangelism of Wesley, ¢¢nest intellects, the greatest crani.
If we are to be preserved d from the
ge, the most profound judgment, the e
ravages of war in the future, it w
be chiefly by means of the common finest ensi whole field is open, meth
conviction on the part of Christian the rpen, sof
People in all lands, that: war is a vie- advice. is sought bmore is cUuotee of
dation of Christ's spirit and an out- the high sehoo s and
rage on brotherhood, We come to qhs Farmer parents, we find in many
question of Bible study to-day,.t eases aro advising their aar18 and
hosts, -_Malachi 3:7,
fere}a (Ezra '1:1), began in B•C Ab
thee the grading sys em w rune more than seventy years after the rel.
mono smoothly d turn of the ^oxilOa
tinder o than it has one so r Zombbaba
fur, Its top early yet to talk much!end Joshua, and fifty-two years after
about results, and yet evidence can the, completion of the building of . the
be produced to prove that there has temple. It was early in this, reign,
been decided improvement in the dual- about B.0, 488, that Ezra,• a learned old
ity of the cheese and butter in a great and pious man, of one of the
man cases, and that. it was due to priestly families, carte fromBabylon
the grading is freely admitted by those Ezra, eh, 88. Ie had lmade. a special
most concerned" stud, in his Babylonian Jewish home,
0 of those books which the exiles had
carried with them, and especially of
the ancient laws of Israel• "Ifs was
hens that become broody. Broody ens The roosts were then placed in ma- \� � aC i! a ready seri te in the law .o
rarely if ever lay and. therefore hens eft.' e11 the •cords tvh}ch ha(1 been i In the king's decree which a
feed regu-
that fed for egg Production "Tito time to begin feeding a P g his journey he is called
aro susceptible to disease. authorized
It is just as important to are being•"the riest,
laxly at this time of the year as ever should be broken .up as soon as pus-;