HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-18, Page 1• VOL. 52 NO. $2 `z.00 per annum 27t advance BRUSSELS ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, „DUNE 18, x924. W. H. KERR, Proprietor is Saving an instinct with every well balanced manNothin .helps to save like a savings accounf.The Bank of Nova Scotia will welcome your account . Youstart wit any canse itwith y small sum.once startedit will grow both by interest earned and ' your added . savings, ..THE Bank of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 Pstd-up Capital $ 10,000,000 Reserve - 19,600,000 Total Assets 210,000,000 F, M. WILMOT, Manager, Brussels 20-0 New Advertisements Grey Township Pio•nlc Accounta—H. P. Bolger For sale—J. P. McIntosh House for sale—C. McNeil Weekly Store News—Jas. Fox The Christian—Family Theatre Western Oats. inn. M. Pearson Furniture for euro—Dr. Fergason. Cement—Walton Farmers' Club Plano Tuning—Ohne. Blackstone Summer toilet neoda—P. R. Smith West End Grocery—W. T. Spence By-law No.10—Townshl of Morris Belshazzar—Ttolvills Willing Workers Lawn Fete—Methodtat Young People Notice of 3feetlu—Townohipof Morris Sewing machine for sale—Ethel Parsonage q� i aril J e t'"' Bluevale Mre, R. N. Duff is'nob improving in health as rapidly as her many friends would wish. John Davidson and Miss Mae, Wroxeter, spent Sunday at thelhorne of Walter and Mrs. Davidson. A petition was peeseuted to Rev, Mr, 'late, signed by about 800.folk of Bluevale and Eadies congregations, desiring hila to continue as pastor of the Presbyterian churches. He had intended accepting a call to Oran - brook and ,Ethel but fn response to the petition he has decided to con- tinue his work here. This will be' good news to the congegations on this charge as both Rev, and Mrs. Tate are esteemed for the splendid work they have done.. R. F. and Mre, Garniss and Mise Olive and F. B. and ,Mrs. Scott spent Sunday with relatives at Seaforth. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Masonic Service held in the Methodist Church, Winghare, Sunday evening. Piaoo Tuning Attended to in Bret -class style by • Chas. Blackstone Here this week. Leave orders with S. Carter or Walker & Slack BRUSSELS West End Grocery Special Prices for this week SUGAR per cwt. Pure Manitoba Flour " Ontario Shorts Ontario Bran Oil Cake SALT ,1 r, $S 75 3 25 1 45 1 40 2 75 90 Staple Groceries Thompson's Serdlese 'Weida Beet Coffee, poi lb ,.. .... No. 1, per Ib ... .......... 10 Soap, Laundry, all kinds... Cements, per Ili 15 15 Oakes for .............. Perrin's Sode Bisauits 10 -Shoe Polish, all kinds, box All other Groceries sold at very Lowest Prices, We handle Cured Meats of the Best Quality Craft Cheese, Etc. 65 1 0010 Our confectionery 3s always the Best as your neighbors will tell you, Ice• OUR Ice Cream to better this season �ithan ever. Cull in and get n Oolr /♦r�ra when passing. Orders solicited for Gatelen Parties, Pic -nice, etc, We supply Ice Crean] at very Price Prices in Quantities, Buy Your Bananas Here and *et the Big Fruit at wino ,prices as you' get small fruit other places. With our experience in the fruit game we can secure you of perfect satisfaction when you buy Fruit from ne, Highest Prices niways paid for Farm Produce iggs this week 26 Cents W. T. SPENCE Phone 2225 ETHEL • Woman's Institute met Thursday, June 12th at the home of Mrs, T. W, Bing. After the regular business Mrs, Jos. Breckenridge gave a splen• did paper, "Farm Life and its En- vironments," Dr', Calder, Wingham, gave an exceedingly fine talk on "Smallpox," which was of .pecial In- terest owing to the recent epidemic in Windsor. Musical program corr- elated of a piano solo, Mrs, Gibson reading, "The Organ Builder," Mrs. Will. Henderson ; and a vocal eolo,by Miss Margaret Sarniee, Roll Call, which wart answered by telling "Some- thing Worth Knowing" was both in- teresting and instructive, --... Belgrave The Methodist Conference, that web at Windsor recently, appointed Rev. Wesley J. Mores, who recently came to Ontario from •Newfoundland, and was ordained at the Conference just closed, as pastor of Belgrave circuit to take charge July 1st. He is a One young man well edacated and it is said may install his bride in the par- sonage before long. Walton Additional Walton news on page 5. The Farmers' Club have received a eared cement. See the advt. A number of Waltoniane attended the anniversary services in Melville Church, Bruesele, last Sunday. Annual Garden Party at Duff's Church will be held on the grounds of Wm. Woods (formerly the manse property) Friday, July 4th. Good pro- gram by The Merry Mirthmakers Con- cert Co., Toronto ; Seaforth Kiltie Band, &c. See posters. Cecile and `Mrs. Sugden, Morse, Sask., spent a few days at the home of R. H. and Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. Sug- den is a niece of Mrs. Ferguson. • Mr. Sugden, who is editor,of the "Morse News," came East to attend the Con- vention of the Prase Association in ,Toronto MRS, A. J. CARTER PASSES AWAY, —After a long period of invalidism and suffering Mrs, A. J. Carter was summoned from the earthly home last Sunday morning at 11 15 o'clock. She had been laid aside 5k years from in- flammatory rheumatism. Deceased's maiden name was Margaret Scott Campbell, daughter of the Late Joseph and Mrs. Campbell, her birthplace be- ing Ueborne township. The family afterward lived in -Hibbert and Mc- Killop townships. 45 yeara ago she was married to her now bereft part- ner and there are 8 children :—Toseph and John, Waterloo ; and Mrs, W, E, Gillespie, Seaforth. Surviving broth - ere and sisters are :—Jas. Campbell, Walton ; Robert, Vaucouver ; Mrs. George Butsop, Staffs ; and Mrs, Mc- Naught, Chicago. Funeral took place to Brussels eemeterueed a after- noon, Rev, Mr. Robinson,ideceased's pastor, taking the service. Mrs. Cer- 41 • ANNUAL Garden Par Brownt own Ebenezer Church 2nd Dine Morris Township iriday ED'g, June 211th Supper Serried from 6 to 8 o'clock 'Town's splendid Orchestra Wroxeter Mrs. Van Wyck Wineham's Talented Reader and Local Talent will supply a fine Paogram. Tickets 35 and 20 Cents Browntowo folk invite you for the evening of the 20th, so don't forget. Tell your Neighbors also. Household Furniture Etc. For Sale 1 Quarter Cut Oak Buffet 1 Lounge 1 Iron Bed 1 Gasoline Lantern 1 Coal0 11 Lantern 1 DeoppLeaf Table 1 Sitting Room Table 1 Set of Diel ea 1 Wooden Tub 1 Set of Irons (:4 in set) 1 Gasoline Iron 1 Cutter 2 5 -gal. Demijohns 1 Clock Shelf Engnfre at Dr. Ferguson's. ' ETHEL. harden Party.., The Annual Garden Party of Knox Church Moncrieff Will be held ori the Church Grounds - fridafEv'g, June 2Qth Supper Served in the basement of the church from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which a very fine program will be pre- sented by Hamilton Talent, consisting of :—Mies Lulea Mil- ler. Reader and Entertainer ; Mr. Walter McOutcheon, fine Baritone Soloist ; and Mr. Sam. Berry, Scotch Comedian. Don't miss bearing these Grand En tertai neva. Adults 50c. Children 250. Everybody Welcome t Robt. McTaggart, Rev. E. 11'. Chandler, Chairman. - Pastor. John Melville, Convenor of Program Committee ter was in her 70th year. She was an industrious, kind hearted person aud enjoyed the esteem of the community. The bereaved share in the sympathy of many friends. Toronto Star speaks of a former Waltonian, in the person of George Ferguson, as follows :—"H. P. Ken- nedy and George Ferguson of the H. P. Kennedy Company, have just re- turned from the Fourth Annual Live Stock Show held at Lancaster, Pen- nsylvania, and report marked success of the Canadian cattle shown there. Mr. Ferguson was appointed one of the judges, acting in that capacity with F. Bowles, Chicago ; H. Fax, Baltimore ; and George Richardson, Philadelphia." We are glad• to note these evidences of the upward climb of Mr. Ferguson. Morris • Good growing time. Monday, 80th lust, Morris Council will meet. ' It will be court of Revis- on on the Nichol Drain. Miss Gertrude Groves, Wingham,ha m spent a few days at the home of her cousin, Mrs. L. Beirnes. Leslie .add Mrs. Beirnes were in Bayfield this week attendieg the fun- eral of the latter's mother, Mre. L. Aldsworth. Saturday of this week. Wm. Elston's 'sen and beir—Wm. John—will be 10 weeks old and is a fine growing boy and willobe "Bill Elston No, _• all right. A By -Law has been passed prohibit- ing the running at large of live stock and folk are asked to govern them- selves accc.rdingly or take the conse- quences. Saturday afternoon of this week the school pic-nic of S. S. No. 10 will be held in Robert Messer's grove. Good program of fun, lunch, &c. Don't Tar- get your basket. Everybody will be welcome, Mrs. Alex. Cloakoy and little son, Stuart have returned from a very en- joyabie visit with London and St. Thomas friends. She was also ac- compienied by her mother, Mre, Cart- er, of Belgrave. Jim, and Mrs, Robbins and children, Toronto, were visiting relatives and friende in this community. Mrs. Rob- bins is a daughter of the late W. 11, and Mrs. Oloakey, former residents of the 6th line. We are sorry to state that W. 0. Cunningham, an old resident of the 7th line, has been seriously i1). Efe had gastric ulcers in his stomach, fol. lowed by a hemorrhagebut is consid- erably improved now. His numerous friends wish him a speedy recovery. Cay of Cement Has been received by the Walton Farmers' Club Apply to W. J. SHORTREED or JNO. McDONALD CAR OF estern 0 ats Expected to arrive at Ethel Station by end of this week. Order early if you require a, supply, Jno. M. Pearson Phone 3912 Grey Twp, 4.+++++'A+++++++*++'l'+4'1+ -f i.++++++++++++++++++,[++44'44. Tornship !1 • P s MEMORIAL PARK ETHEL Thursday, Jule 26th Under auspices Memorial Park Committee The following gentlemen have been invited to give addresses :— Hon, Mr, Martin, Minister of Ag- riculture ; g-r'iculture; Mr, John King, M. P., North Huron ; Mr, E. R, Wigle, Id. P. P., Centre Huron, and others. There will be a Musical Pro- gram and an Orchestra.. A Dancing Platform will be arranged. Booth on grounds. League Foot Ball Match—Brus- sels vs, Ethel—will be played in the evening. It will be a good game. Ladies are requested tit supply Lunch. Reserve the date and don't fail to be on hand. 4'+•t-4•++++++l11*11'+- t4 tI++H' Browntown Garden Party Friday evening of this week, at Ebenezer church, Good program. A. H. Cochrane, Waterloo, was calling or relatives and old friends in this locality during past week. \Vho's going to take Hydro be- tween Walton and Blyth is the con- undrum just now while the line is be- ing erected P Councillor Cardiff and W. H. Maunders were among those who at- tended the Conference on Agriculture at Clinton Thursday of last week. Arthur and Mrs. McCall, John and Mrs. Speir and Alex. McLauchlin, took in the demonstration at Lite 0: A. 0., Guelph, last week and enjoyed the program immensely, Trip' was made by motor. THOS. BIELBY DEOEASED.—By notice elsewhere it will* be seen that Thos. Bielby,a former well known res- ident, passed away at Kelfield, Sask. on June Srd, in his 77th' year. Burial took place on the 5th inst., at Kelfield cemetery. Further reference will fol- low. Molesworth Old Tyme Entertainment and Sup- per in Knox church Thursday evening of this week. Saturday afternoon of next week a School Pic-nic, representing U, S. S. No, 3, Grey, Elora and Wallace, will be held in Jamie Menzies' grove. Foot Ball match and other sports. Take a well filled basket and enjoy the holiday in the bush. Ejhel HOQen and Lot foe sale in Ethel village. In good condition ; good hardwood floors in house. For further particulars apply to C. Ma2ann, Ethel. Oat brand new white Rotary Sawing Mach- ine at rose than wholesale _price. THE 'PARSONAGE, Ethel, PLANTS FOR SALE. --Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato and Aster Planta for sale. Mas.J, A. COL', Who'll be Ethel Postmaster is a topic of interest just now. Improvements to cement walk and extensions to the same are on the pro- gram. Don't forget to read the advt, of W. T. Spence. It may mean dollars saved to you. Ethel Foot, Bail team will play at Monktou Thursday evening of this week. We hope to see our boys carry off the honors. Principal Bisbee and Miss McKee have been re-engaged as teachers of Ethel school for the coming year. They are doing good work, Next Sabbath afternoon Mr. Max- well axwell will be the preacher in the Pres- byterian church. Following Sunday Rev. Dr, McLennan, Quebec, will oc- cupy the pulpit, ENGAGEl0IENT, — William and Mrs. Michel announce the engagement of their daughter, Velma, to Bert. Vol - den, of Ethel, the marriage to take place this mouth. Don't forget the Orange and 'True Blue Services on Sunday June 22nd Decoration service at the Cemetery at 10a, m. There will be service in the Methodist Church at 11 a. tn. when 1tov. S. W. Hann will address the two societies, Everybody welcome, Thursday afternoon of next week a big Community Pic-nic will be held in the Park here, Big array of talent in address and music. Dancing, &c. Foot Ball thatch between Brussels and Ethel, a League gaine, in the evening, See the advt. and posters, Ethel Mission Band meeting was at- tended by 22, 2 being visitors, Open- ing hymn, was "Jestte shall reign where'er the Sun," Minutes of last meeting were road and adopted. MetnberehiP Contest resultedin favour of Earl Bowes' side by 8 points, Orwell Elliott being his worthy op- ponent. RW341ess matter discussion decided Memorized fvorses will be re- peated to Mrs, W. Bremner ot' Mrs. S. Dunbar and certificate will be given in inemot•y of Joe Armstrong, who was a real , active worker. Rally hymns practised were 700 and 708. Handmade handkerchiefs were num- erous and pretty. Watch for the sale date soon. "Jack and Mary Louise," was read by Mies Florence Bremner with oplehdid:enthusiasm, followed by an instrumental selection by Jean Sanders and well enjoyed by all, Col • The Social Event of the Season Lawn Fete Under the auspices of the Young People's League of the Methodist Church, tot the home of Dr. R. S. Hamilton MIlI Street Brussels friday Ev'g, July 21th at 8 o'clock. First-class Program will be given by the Popular Harriston Male Quartette Music furnished by the well known Gerrie Orchestra Refreshment Booth Country Stare and other interesting features. Adults 35c Children 25e Mise L. Bryans, Rev. 0, F. Clarke, President Y.P.L. Pastor, lection amounted to $12.15, Prayers were offered by Mir. Bremner and Mrs. Brown aud the Lord's Prayer was repeated. Program was nicely arranged and was real interesting. As usual we beard "I can't do this or that," but we are glad to say it al- ways is with better success. Closing hymn was "God sees the little spar - low fall." Dr, E. A. MOMaster has purchased the practise of De. M. Ferguson, Eth- el, and will commence on July 1, Dr, McMaster has been associated with Dr. P. A. Ross, Barrie, for the pact year and has also been on the staff of the Gravenburst Sanitorium for some months. Meeting of the Ethel Woman's In- stitute will be held Monday, June 23rd, at 2.80 p. in., in the Presbyterian Church, when Mrs. Jas, Patterson, Gad's Hill, will give an address. There will also be a short program. Good attendance is asked for. Come and hear Mrs. Patterson. Everybody welcome. Oran brook James Brown, Milverton, who was injured by a building upsetting uponon him is making favorablero rese. CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT. Next Saturday afternoon the annual bee for improvements to Orranbrook Ceme- tery will be held. People are asked to fetch tools for cleaning up brush, &c. Good rally hoped for and at as early hour as possible, The call extended. to Rev, Mr, Tate, Bluevale, from this charge, has been declined owing to pressure brought to bear by the churches now being min- istered to by Mr. Tate. Rev. Mr. Mc- Leod, interim Moderator, Brussels, explained the•position when here last Sunday. Next Sunday Mr. Maxwell, a student, whose home is at Kincar- dine, will conduct the service and the following Sabbath, Rev. Dr. McLen- au, of Quebec, will be heard. Rev. Mr. Tate's declination is regretted as it was expected he would soon locate here. Grey Do you need oats ? See Juo. M. Pearson's advt. this week. There's a domicile being got ready on the 2nd con. for nearby occupation. Some other bachelors might take the hint. Tuesday, July 811t, is the date set for the annual Garden Party on Un- ion Church grounds. Always a good time. An addition is being ltuilt to the residence of R. J. Hoover, Oth Con., which will add to its com- fort and convenience. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Reddiford will conduct the services in Roe's, Union and Ethel Methodist churches at the regular hours. He speaks in the intereste of the Dominion Al- liance. Owing to the illness of Mies E. Mc- Call, Bruesele, teacher in school 16th. Con. Grey, the trustees have engaged Mrs, John McDonald for the remain- der of the term. We hope Miss Mc- Call may speedily regain her health and strength, The union Public School pic-nic of Grey and Morris School Sections will be held on Saturday, 29th Inst„ in Fred, Cardiff's grove opposite school house in S. S. No, 3. A big time ex- pected and everybody will be welcome only don't forget your basket, A FINE MAN DEPARTS,—Art stated last week Robert Wilson, a well known resident of Con. 10, Grey township, passed to his reward on the 6th inst., at 9 p. m, in hie 47th year, ev, r McLeod, 'ie prams corn ct- R ,ltl o h o du P , ed a suitable funeral service on Sn a day, June 7t and the ailbear - ere were Wm. Armstrong, W. 3, Hemingway, A, aid 11, Lamont, A. Taylor end Jas. Burgees, Burial was in Wingharn Cemetery. Deceased was born in Belmore locality, was married 18 years ago to Miss Kate Ander- son, Glenannan, who with 3 sons (Eldon, Stanley and Russell) and a daughter (Viola) survive. Mre, Gil- kiuson, Wingharn, and Mrs. Knight, Godorich, are sisters and surviving brothers are :-Thos., Oswego, N, Y, John' and James, New Westminster t David and 'Edward, Peace River. Mr. and .Mrs. Wiliam lived in Saekatche. avian 9, years before coming to Grey township 0 years ago. Be had been ill with ueur•itie, for pasta eare, suf- fering much at. tithes, The eubjeclt of this notice passed away peacefully and happily, trusting in his Saviour. Among friends from a distaste who attended the funeral were ;--Ml's, Knight, Godetieh ; R, and Mrs. Gil- kinson, Wingharn ; Mr, and Mrs, An- derson, Liedeay ; Mr. and Mrs, Michael, Brampton, also friends from lt'ordwich and Wingharn, Sincere sympathy is accorded Mrs. Wilson and family. Jamestown 5, 5, No. 10 will pie-nio on Saturday, 21st inst., in the grove of Robt. blee- eer. Everybody will be welcome. Bring your basket and enjoy a good time, De. Arthur Shaw who bas been practising his profession at Millbank during the past year has bought a practiee at Drayton and moved there. The doctor's father and mother visited he and Mrs. Shaw last weep. Wroxeter Ashton Morrison spent a few days at St. Catharines. Mre, T. G. Hemphill is able to be out again after a recent illness. Miss Janet Dickson, Toronto, spent the week end here with her parents. Fred and Mrs, Kitchen and Mise A. Gallaher, were recent visitors at Ham- ilton, Herman Morrison returned to Pilot Butte, ,9. ask„ Tuesday after spending a week with his mother, Mrs. John Mor- riab"n. In a friendly Foot Ball game played iu the park here last week with a Bel - more team, Wroxeter came out vie.- torious. The score was 4-0. in an Intermediate Foot Ball game played in Ethel Wednesday evening Wroxeter defeated the home team by a score of 1-0, Story of the Lost Soy Recalled Dear Editor,—I was reading in THE BRUSSELS POST last Winter about Thomas Ennis, an old-timer there. You said he was still bale and hearty, spoke of how he was lost when he was a small boy when he landed in Can- ada along with a large family and that be had never been able to find any trace of his parents. I worked with his son, Frank, one Summer in Manitoba and he told me about how his father was lost and as I knew the family back there I knew and heard about it there also. I met a man here last week, a stranger to me, but through conver- sations me. Out satione be told m e his n a here we always like to know where we originated from. He told me his name was J, J. Ennis and that he came from Perth, Lanark Co,, On- tario. Through conversation I askod him if he knew anything of or ever heard of a boy that was lost by the name oft Thos. Ennis a good many years ago when they first landed in Canada ? He said yes i many a time, He said his father and an uncle settled iu Lanark Co. They used to have a family Reunion every Christmas for years. and he said they always talked about the boy that was lost. For years they had•tried every way to find hire but never got any trace of him. He said he was between 3 and 4 years old and it would he about 90 years ago, as near as Ile could recall. He said since coming West he had gone to see a good many by that name but without es but from what I told him he said that was the first that ever they had heard, likely to lead to the right one. He asked me to write to them hut as I don't know of their address, from reading the piece in THE POST 1 thought I would write you and if Mr. Ennis is still in good health and re- tains his faculties you might hand it to him or some of his family that might be there uud if they care to write to J. Jr. Ennis, Bruce P. 0. Alta„ he will be only too pleased to communicate with them. He said he was satisfied he was the one they had long tried to find. From what he said Thomas Ennis would be an uncle to him. If they care to write, address J. J. Esmte, Brace, P 0. Alta, P. S.—Mr, Kerr, you will perhaps wonder who is writing this. My name is Jas. 11. Brown and I used to live at Molesworth. My brother, Geo. Brown, is still and there you will know him, I might say we have had a nice Spring, it little late and cool yet there was a large crop put in and in good shape. Prospects are good for a bountitul harvest as there is plenty of moisture, All well here, Yours truly, J. H. Breowrt, Vegreville, Alta, P. S. S.—No doubt you will see that this note reaches the proper parties. 1 thought it might be the means of bringing a little comfort to an old heart before Ile passes away. Yours, J. H. B. A little son of Jae H, and a hire. Watson,; Hibbert boundary, was in- jured by an attack of a ball. Borden, the 5 -year-old son of 0, II. and Mrs. Sanders, Exeter, had a nave row escape from being instantly killed, He had been at Struday School and was on his way home, and when about to cross the road was struck by John Taylor's car, which wire turning the corner near Fred, Bawden's home, going Weet. The little fellow was struck by the bumper, which he im- mediately grabbed uud hung on till the car stopped, abet' being carried, some distance, Strange to say he ea, caped without the slightest injury,