HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-11, Page 5ri
ix, tatzr 'r, lr
Qvrnila'g (2wrT'ilazo
Z,ZCIAYSIV2 . rivroNvore
For references (sunsuit any pereetn whose sales
I have otliatated at, Phone 72x or 60
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night mils, Office oppo,tto
Plopr MUT, Terkel,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc•
Oormiok Medical College, Chicago, I11. Throe
months post graduate course during year 1610.
Ryes scientifically examined,
Latest Modern Methods 010001.
IS'Oross Eyes straightened through proper-
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction Assured. r
Ottloo hours : 10 to 12 a, in, ; 1.110 to 6 p. m.
Saturday evening, 7.110 to 0 o'olook,
Phone 20x
d.&laJx . br aru®.zwr
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent HowIck Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brueeele
T. T. M' RAE
M. s.. M. C. P., & S. O.
M. O. H., village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Acaooehour
Otllae at residence, opposite Melo elle Ohuroh,
William street.
Tr. Ar. SIXtt,E4,16
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Omoe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private fundi to loan at lowest rates.
W, PaounrooT, 8.0. 3, L. B:ILLORAN
Dormer HOLM e6, JON.
�I TrE'S.C. °
The -Indian Herbalist
JIlay be found in the Stretton .Block
Brussels, Wednesday crud Saturday
of each week until further notice.
Summer Session C
is hold in tho Popular
Pl Yonge & Charles Stogy., Toronto
from now until 2nd, when our
Pull Term opens. Sept.'1rat-ohass Inetruo-
Mon in all Departments-Accounting,
Typewriting, Secretarial,
Genernt Improvement• Banking, Cont.
1 merclnl Teachers', and Business Cour-
ses. fluter now. Write for Catalogue.
prepares young men and young women ./
4 for Business whloh Is now Canada's 0
greatest profession. We assist grads-
, etas to positions and they have n pram•
Coal training which enables them to
meet with success. Students aro reg.
o... !stared each week. Get our free co t-
alogue and loam something about our
, different dopnrtments.
6...6..MoVATibl.W.A.GZAlveZMY)%37 'a
ALL the Stores and Offices in
the Village of Brussels
will close at 12 o'clock
noon every •Thus qday this Sum-
mer:, beginning May 1st and eon.
tinning till close of October.
Business places will be open
every Wednesday and Saturday
evenings and evenings before 1a
Public Holiday.
Intermediate and Senior Football
Brussels at Mouktml-Thurs., June 12
Wroxeter at Brussels --Wed„ June 18
Ethel at 8lonkton-Thurs„ lune 10
Monition at Wroxeter-Tues„June 24
BrutSole at Etilol-T'hues., Attie 20
Ethel at Wroxeter --Mors„ 311110 80
Idonlftou atBreesel5---Mors„ June 80
. [Partnere in need of Repair's
or New Implements in the Mc-
Cormick or Deering line twill
lend it worth their while to call
0n Ino. Have a• few almost
new Impletuente for sale en
easy terms,
a al lisibs items
A. A. Lemony, 4th Division Court
Clerk, Brussels, has invested in a tour-
ing car.,
V, 0, Hunter, grocer. has invested
in a fine new McLaughlin touring car,
purchased from Anderson Bros,, Brus-
sel!• •
New Mete glass front was put in the
Leckie block to replace the broken win-
dow, The Hydro people are the press
ent tenants,
MANY premises in Brussels look very
Spic and span•in tbelr Spring clean up
but a few properties give a black eye to
some of the streets. The Sanitary In-
spector may have to jog their memory.
Po improveahe interior condition • of
the large cement horse shed belonging
to Melville Church a tile drain will en-
circle the building, W. Cook and T.
Kellingtou are doing the work and mak-
log good progress.
Mr. and Mrs, James Bowman, Toronto.
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Vitra M., to Mr. R. G. Scott,
son of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Scott, Port
Elgin. Marriage to take place June t8th
Tempest r7•ro6 IS Tag DATE.-Htlron
Co. Social Service Council will hold its
annual Convention' in Wesley Church,
Clinton, Tuesday, 17th inst., opening at
1,3o p. m. Business meeting at 10 a.
m. Supper served in the' cburch at 6
followed by short speeches. • Public
meeting in the 'evenipg, Large dele-
gations are boped for as this will be a
very important gathering for more rea-
sons than one. See the advt. on page 1
and make your pians.=to go to Clinton on
the 17th.
SCHOOL REPORT.-'ollowing is the
report of U. S. S. No. 4, Grey and
Wallace for the m0r16h of May : V -
•Muriel Elliott 85. Sr. IV -Margaret
Sangster 88 ; Gertrude MacIntosll 84 ;
Isabel Stewart 75. Jr. IV -Josie
Cumming 80 ; *Jean Martin 70 ; 'Geo.
Brown 70 ; Archie MacDonald 68 ;
Jessie Edgar 66 ; Eva Sangster 60,
Jo. HI -Archie dummiug 79 ; *Mur-
ray Brown 70. Sr. II -Tom Cum-
ming 80 ; •Campbell Magoffin 76 ;
•Dorothy Mitcgell 71 ; Agues Elliott
70; Glenn Martin 70;• Stella Cosens
68 ; Pearl Felker 68: Jr. „II -Davie
6tewatt70. Sr. I -Beverly Mitchell
80. Jr. 1 -Ralph Wilt 75; Archie
Douglas '74 Pr. -Jean Sangster, Lin-
coln Smith. Namee"marked with an
asterisk missed one or wore exams.
John Kerr is on a trip to New On-
Mre. T. F. Coleman, of Winnipeg
is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. 11.
Mrs, Webster, of East Angola. Af-
rica, who is at present on furlough is
a guest at the home of Mre. J. Mc-
Derwid, Goderich street.
W. and Mfrs. Inglis, who spent the
Winter with Mr. T. Patton, left last
week to visit friends in Michigan on
their way to their home in Walhalla,
N. D.
DTfs, J. 0. Greig left last week to
attend the celebration in connection
with the Golden Jubilee of the On-
tario Ladies' College in Whitby, of
which she is* a former graduate.
Mrs. H. L. Grey and son Nelson, of
Los Angeles, Calif„ were guests at the
Howe of A. and Dire. Grey and
James and Mre. Carnochan on their
way tospeud some months in Great
Britain and Europe.
Get ready for Monerieff Garden
Mrs. Jos, McKay was in Hatnilton
attending tate wedding of her neice,
Congratulation are due Mr. and
Mrs, Huffman on the arrival of a Hite
baby boy at their home.
A real surprise awaited George and
Mrs. McTaggart, Annie and Mies Jean
Fulton when a host of their friends
end neighbors came to their home o'li
Monday evening, May 28th, to eery
Good -Bye and to present them with
tokens of remembrance ere they left.
for their new home in Seaforth, Mre.
John McLean read the address and
Martin Fero with Alex. Mann, pre•
sented Mr. and Mrs, McTaggart with
an oak library table ; Mrs. Jas. A.
McNair handed Mies Fulton a hand•
some leather handbag and Mise Katy
'-Inward was the medium to Annie of
a jewel case and scissors in ivory.
To Geo. and Mre. McTaggart, Annie
and Mise Jean Fulton
DEAR FRIENDS. -We, your Mende
and neighbors, are assembled here
this evening to bid you Good-bye and
wish you Godspeed. As we remem-
ber the, past experiences of the days
that are gone. We cannot help but
think of the joys and sorrows, the
successes and failures of life and re-
member that in all we were ever euro
of your sympathy and co-operation in
everything that was pure and good.
The uommonity could always depend
on you to work for its beet interests
and no wonder the thought of parting
mattes tie sad, We will mice you very
much but in the past y0ttr lives in our
midst have been worth while ani1
Have been appreciated, ,which we
hope will encourage you Over to do
your best entre Mao prove an inspira-
Linn ii,,0 us who were associated with
you tee friends and neighbors 00 be '
faithful and trite to aha brut ihtif(a .bf
100, OVV,4 dear friends, as n B lght
token of ,our esteeru, we Would eek
you to wept these gifts, pot for their
intriisio value but as a email token hi
o, remember ofriends
wlrieh t corn rn et y ru or
thiscornmenity .tdigued on behalf pf
Tans 00mait errx,
Although taken quite by surprise Mr,
and Mrs, MoTeggert made appropriate
replies. Botnainder of the evening
was spent In social intercourse and
P. P, Doig was in Goderich last
week on business.
13. Mille, Toronto, ie relieving at the
0. P. R. station here,
There are a few cases of typhoid.
fever in the neighborhood.
Beverley Nash, of Corrie, spent
part of last week in the village.
George Bunston is relieving at the
0. P. R. station at Owen Sound.
Thos Wilson apenpa couple of days
recently at bis home at Dundalk,
The Tennis Club has made a second
court on the park here this Summer.
4. number from here attended the
big celebration held in Cheales, on
Tuesday, June 3rd. ,.,
Mrs, M. Gibson and Mre. Ida Willis
of Brussels visited over Sunday with
E. A. and,Mrs, Harris, 2nd Con,
Say Garry, of the 0. P. R. office
'BOX, is at present relieving•at Or-
Mrs. Sutton end boys left for Kit-
chener where they will reelde. We
wish them every streams in their new
home. .
Rev, Mr. Muir returned to his home
near Cornwall after spending several
days visiting with old friends in the
neighborhood. Mr. Muir taught
school at No. 9 and No 10 How ick,
over 35 years ago,
• Listowel
Mies Annie Tipping, of Saskatoon is
visiting at her home or town,
M're. Deverell and Miss B. Peebles,
of Los Angeles, Oaf„ are guests at the
Harrison Searnan left iter week
Port Stanley where he bas accepted a
position for the Summer. •
Archie Moore, of the local staff . of
the Imperial Bank, is spending his
vacation with ft fends in Toronto,
Mrs, Jos. Thompson, of the 9th line,
Elma, left last week via 0. N.11, for
Vancouver where she will visit with
her daughter.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Margaret Foster, who has sue-
eesefelly passed her examinations at
the U. of T. and has received her B.
A, degree.
Alex. Whitten, of Harrieton, has
been appointed local agent for the
Prudential Life Insure.nce Co, He
succeeds E. F. Vollmershausen. who
has resigned.
300 one -day old chicks reached the
Listowel poet office last week, They
were sent to George Waddell from
Napoleon, Ohio, via parcel post and
made the trip without the sligbest in-
is noted for its QUAL-
Order your loaf today
and be convinced that it
pays to have our Bread.
Phone 32x
Concentrated Fruit Juices
Gide Astonishing Results
Anyone who has suffered with
Weak or Irritated Kidneys -meth the
accompanying miseries of pairs in the
back, splitting headaches, swollen
bands and feet, rheumatism and
constipation -ought to try the Fruit
Treatment for their trouble.
To those who 0,80 intensified fruit
juices-" Fruit•a-tives"-for the first
time.time, it seems almost impossible that
of apples, oranges, Hgs and
prunes combined with tonics, could
relieve Kidney Trouble.
But a short treatment of "Fruit -a.
fives" gives quick relief and the regu-
lar use of these intensified fruit juices
or " Fruit Liver Tablets" prove their
marvellous virtues.
Get "Fruit-a-tives" today and hogin
the Fruit Treatment. At all dealers;
25c, and 50e. a hex; or sent postpaid
by Fruit -a -tees Limited, Ottawa, Out.
Mrs, Donnelly left last Wednesday
for her Summer cottage at Oliphant.
Miss Wellington, of Tilleonbuig, is
taking a nurses' training cours0 at the
Listowel Memorial hospital.
R. 0. Brogden, 13. A , of Stratford,
has been engaged as mathematical
master for the Lietowel High School.
Gordon Philp, of the Bank of Mon-
treal staff, Sault Ste. Marie, le spend-
ing his vacation with his parents in
Mies Mary Peterson, who has been
the guest of Bobett and Mrs. gain
for'six weeks, has • returned to her
home in Cleveland, Ohio.
Plans are going forward and ar-
rangements being completed for the
Chamber of Commerce motor hike to
London on Wednesday, June 18th,
Congratulations to Joe, and Mrs.
Wellwood who cebrated their Golden
Wedding last week.
V. R. VanNortnan's mare, Victoria
Hal 'made a good showing at the
Paisley Races on the 2nd. She carne
in second in u Held of 7.
Friends of Hugh Miller, as -former
clerk in McKibbon'e Drug Store, will
be pleased to learn that he teased his
first years- tests in Pharmacy with
The engagement ie announced of
Sydney Elwood, only daughter of
Dudley Holmes, Esq., and Mrs, Hol-
mes, Wingbam, Ont. to Dr. W.
Moore Kelly, Montreal, son of 0. B.
Kelly Esq., and Mrs, Kelly, Hunting-
don, Que„ the marriage to take place
in June.
The following interesting clipping
from the Toronto Daily Star refers to
Claude Gregory, a son-indaw of DIrs.
F. Buchanan of Wingham, "As a re-
sult of a challenge between friends,
Dr. Robert G. Jackson of 108 Vine
avenue and 0. J. Gregory lest night
completed a 1,300 mile bicycle tour,
which took them to Quebec city, Mon-
treal, South to New York city and
West toToronto , the entire trip con-
suming only 18 days. Dr. Jackson,
who is 65 years of age and his young
friend Mr. Gregory, left Toronto,
May 14, pedaling the entire distance,
Bleeping out nights and cooking their,
meals. Their pack weighed 50 pounds
and at no time, said Dr. Jackson to-
day, did they accept a "lift" on the
road. Dr. Jackson is President of
the Roman Meal Co. Ltd., and Mr.
Gregory is connected with the firm.
+.1-14.1.4-14.14-14+4.4 441-144444444
Highest market prices j
+ See hue or.Pllone No. 2x, Brus-
4' eels, and I will call and get
your Wool.
1 M. Yollick
Augustus D, Curtis of 'Chicago, Ili. and Geoffrey H. Bushby of London,
England, whom he rescued from death/nfter the latter hadfallen
exhausted following his flight from within 30 feet of Kileaua volcano during
Its recent eruption,
The '.Big show' happened while the S.S. Empress of Canada lay at
Hilo H,I. and many of the round -the -world passengers were ashore viewing
the picturesque eight of the Hawatin Volcanic region, bi:r. Bushby had left
the party to obtain a close-up of the .House of Everlasting Fire when the
eruption of May 17 occurred.
tiongratoI4oIonn ate due hirer Wit.
Prean B Dorothy 1.rrenel# who reeeiv.
021 the prize for the highest general
50410110e, teaohiug in Sehools of Nur-
Tee ein
6• f l
prizes were awarded at the
Calnt00 Theatre, Montreal, on May
81st, It will be reatembered that Mies ,
French won a scholarship at wow 1
last year, She is the brilliant .dough,
ter of 11', AV, ttnd Mrs. Pr etch, AVing-
Huron Co. Base Ball league
iB Teams in the 2 Groups
Huron County League got away
to a succeesful start when the Malt -
land League decided,to join the new
Huron County Leah a and Aseocia•
tion was able to make two groups of 5
teams each,
The groups are ;-"A" Group -Olin -
tom Gode,iob, Seaforth, Wingbam
and Baytsid.
"13" Group-1russels, Blyth, Aub.
in•n,,Dungannon and Goderich Twp,
'reams are given to June 15111 to
sign players, who must reside in the
County, and play with the nearest
Goderich Twp., at Auburn, June 2
Brueselsat Blyth, June 5
8 Auburn at Dungannon, June 6
Auburn at Blyth,, June 10
Brueeele at Goderich Twp. June 13
Blyth at Dungannon, June 13
Goderich Twp. at Blyth, June 18
Here•and There
British Columbia's agricultural
production last year increased in
value $4,000,000 over the 1922 period,
figures compiled by the provincial
Department of Agriculture show.
A steady increase in the volume
of wheat exports from Canada is
noted in the monthly statement just
issued by the Dominion Bureau of
Statistics. In April, 1924, 8,085,965
bushels in all were exported, as
against 5,143,304 in April, 1923.
It is anticipated that hundreds and
thousands of visitors to the beau-
tiful Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia,
will help to celebrate the famous
fruit -district's "Apple Blossom Sun-
day," which falls on June 8th this
year. The entire orchard belt, ex-
tending from Annapolis Royal to
Windsor, a distance of about 80
miles, is always white and pink
with blossom in the first part of
Hon, Honore Mercier, Minister of
Lands and Forests, speaking of ar-
rangements made in the province for
forest protection this year, stated:
"I really believe that the way the
service is organized and with the
good -will manifested by all classes
of the community, who realize the
importance of protecting your na-
tional domain, the year will be a
good one and the losses reduced to
a minimum,'
The report of the statistician to
the board of grain commissioners
for April, recently issued, records
the heaviest spring great lakes ship-
ping season on record, The report
says that there are indications that
all the surplus of the western crops
will be moved as fast as transporta-
tion facilities permit, as export pur-
chases are to be heavier than usual
and all ocean tonnage out of Mont-
real for May and June has already
been engaged, as web as part for
the July loading.
Something new in the way of rail-
way equipment is the new storage
battery ear now operating over
Canadian Pacific lines between Galt
and Hamilton. The car attains a
speed of 35 miles per hour and
makes two trips a day in each direc-
tion. It has three compartments.
general, passenger, smoking and
baggage, is of all -steel- construction'
and will accommodate 50 passengers.
The service is reported to be giving
every satisfaction to the people of
the district.
Interviewed in Vancouver as to
the success of the round -the -world
cruise completed on May 24th by the
"Empress of Canada," E. W. Beatty,
"To gauge the success of the
'Empress of Canada's' round -the -
world cruise one has only to ask the
passengers their opinion of the en-
tire trip. I spoke to several while
crossing from Victoria and without
exception they all expressed their
complete satisfaction with the ship,
its .officers and the arrangements
made and carried out since the day
she left Vancouver, almost five
months ago.
"That is good enough for me, It
is simple demonstration that the
Canadian Pacific can succestfuliy,
conduct cruises in competition with
any organization in the world and
maintain that company's standing
as a credit to Canada, The "Em-
press of Canada" has carried tho
Canadian flag over the seven seas
and into most of the world's great
ports, and the missionary work she
has done for Canada in the various
countries touched should not be lost
sight of. As one result of the un-
doubted success of this cruise, we
look forward with renewed interest
to the Canadian Pacific cruises of
next season. They include the West
Indies, the Mediterranean and an-
other round -the -world cruise which
will be made by the "Empress of
France," already overhauled and fit..
ted with a view to providing the
greatest possible comfort for her
passengers. The experience gained
title year will greatly help in en-
abling us to stake these cruises even
more successful than those recently
See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting
that job of yours, Estimates cheerfully given,
Qur Prices are Right
All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use
only experienced labor.
Our work speaks for itself, Call and inspect some
of the homes we have already wired in town.
W. L. Lindensmith & Co.
CaII American Hotel
Art in Granite and Marble
EVERY piece of work we do is
tteated bike a maeter-piece of
art before it can pass our rigid
inspection, Long experience in all
the different treatments of evpres-
5100 in granite enables us to produce
the bast touch that makes perfection.
P c
:� work promptly
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Dungannon at Brussels, June 19
Dungannon at Auburn, June 23
Goderich Twp. at Brussels. June 28
Auburn at Goderich Twp„June 30
Dungannon at Goderich Twp. July 4
Blyth at Auburn, July 4
Auburn at Brussels, July 9
Goderich To, at Dungannon, Jly. 10
Dungannon at Blyth, July 14
Blyth at Brussels, July 17
Blyth at Goderich Twp., July 21
Brueeels at Auburn, July 25
Brussels at Dungannon, July 29
Cut out this list and save it to keep
tab on the corning games. Brussels,
in days of yore. were cracker -jacks on
the diamond and the old ' Clippers"
atilt travel on their reputation well
established bed b their ability.
St. Marys will jubilate on Dominion
McClary's Electric Ranges
Cofficld Electric Washers
We do Eavetroughing, Plumbing
and all kinds of Repairing
In our store you will find suit-
able Wedding Gifts. A new
stock of Cut Glass has just ar-
rived, consisting of Sberbett
Sets, Goblets, Water Sete, Cake
Plates, Sugars and Creams,
Vases, etc, Also a nice assort -
went of SILVERWARE. New,
useinl pieces suitable us Wed-
ding Gifts for the Bride, CaMand see the assortment,
111111 U 111111111
Kodak Keeps
The Story
Just click the shutter of this easily work-
ed Kodak and today's good times become
to -morrow's good Pictures,
Our store is a good place to get your
Kodak outfit. Our stock is complete and
up-to-date and we are as willing to show ae
roe are to sell.
Get your Kodak hone - $6,75 and up
Brownie Cameras • 2.00 and up