The Brussels Post, 1924-6-11, Page 1VOL., 52 NO, 5x
.00 bier annum in advance
Specials for Saturday
Men's 2 -piece Balbriggan Underwear
Regular $i,5o for - $1.25
Men's Combination Balbriggan Under-
wear Regular $1,50 for $1.25
Men's Athletic Combination Underwear
Regular $1.25 for - 95c.
Men's Silk and Wool Half Hose
Regular 85c for - - 69c
Men's Silk Hose, Regular 75c for 65c
Men's Brown Lisle Hose with Clock
Regular 65c for - 50c
Boys' Cotton Jerseys, Reg, 6oc for 49c
New Advertisements
Auto Tops -W. H. Willie
Planta for solo-Mre. Cole
House for sale -Tun POST
Western oats -Alf. Baekor
Annual Sale -Hanna a Co,
Ethel Mission Band Meeting
Car No, loot—J. P. McIntosh
Gorden Party -Roe's Church
Garden Party-Moncrieff Church
Garden Purty-Brnwntown Cliaroh
Mighty Lek' a Rose -Family Theatre
Entertainment -Molesworth Church
Pasture cattle wanted -Gilbert Spotr
Tenders for wiring -A. H. Macdonald
Hot weather suggeatlona—W. D. Hamel
Notioe to Creditors -Lorenzo Pral
Garden Part -St. John's Church, Brussels
Mistrid Ada
Mrs. Duncan McDonald is back from
London, We hope she will continue
to improve.
0, L. and Mrs. Strachan and family,
Elmira, were welcome visitors at the
foemer's parental home.
Chas. and Mrs, Irving, Broderick,
Sack., are visiting with Miss Jessie, I
Robert and John Strachan, aunt and
uncles to Mrs. Irving, who was Miss
Flora Werner, The visitors have been
on a holiday tb New Brunswick and
are on the home etretch now.
Geo. S. and Mrs. Leckie spent Sun-
day in London.
Mise Margaret McTavish has return-
ed from Toronto.
A. A. and Mrs. Esty, Buffalo, are
renewing acquaintances in the village.
W. H. Willis, Wingham, ham occupied
the pulpits in Salem
I i sand Wroxeter
Methodist churches on Sunday.
Geo, and Mrs. Black, Wingham and
B. and Mrs. Whitmore, Harriston,
were Sunday visitors with R. and
Mrs, Black.
Miss B. Roy, who has been in poor
health for some time, has gone to the
home of her neice, Mrs. Galbraith,.
Orange Hill.
The firet game of the W. F, A. In-
termediates played here Thursday
evening between Wroxeter and Brus-
sels resulted in a draw, each side scor-
ing one goal. There was a good at-
tendance of spectators.
I4ot Weather
Straw Hats .
$1.39 and up
Light. Weight
Combinations $1.29
2 -Piece - .69
New Shirts
Don't Forget Father's
For Father's Day
500 tit) $1.50
Men's Wear
Principal of Presbyterian College,
Halifax, who was chosen Moderat-
or of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church for coming
year, at Owen Sound laet week.
Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne and little
granddaughter, Toronto, are guests of
the former's sister, Mise Jean Graham.
Fred. Vogt and Mrs, Geo. Lorimer
left for their homes in Detroit, Mon-
day after spending a week with their
mother, Mrs. John Vogt.
John Henneberg, Reeve of the vil-
lage and Reeve John McEwen, Turn -
berry, returned from Goderich Friday
where they had attended County
Garden Party
Brownt own
Ebenezer Church
2nd Line Morris Township
Friday Ev'g, June 20th
Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Town's splendid Orchestra
Mrs. Van Wyck
Wingham's Talented Reader
and Local Talent will supplya
fine Peogram.
Tickets 35 and 20 Cents
Brownlown folk invite you for
the evening of the 20th, so don't
Tell your Neighbo s also,
Expected this week.
Order early.
Alf. Baeker
Phone 5
Hemlock Lumber
For Sale
A' customer has a quantity'of
bright Hemlock Lumber, sown
from green logs, for sale at Wel.
ton Saw Mill. Out inch and 2 x 4;
8 to 12 feet long. Price $85 per M,
cash, plus revenue Lax.
Jno. McDonald
'Phone 1913 Walton
Garden Party
The Annual Garden Party of
Knox Church
Will be held on the Church
Friday Ev'g, June 20th
Supper Served
in the basement of the church
from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which
a very fine program will be pre.
rented by Hamilton Talent,
consisting of ;-Miss Laura Mil-
ler. Reader and Entertainer ;
Mr. Walter McOutcheon, fine
Baritone Soloist.; and Mr. Sam,
Berry, Scotch Comedian.
Don't miss hearing these Grand
En ter tai n ere,
Adults hew Children 25c,
Everybody Welcome!
Robt. McTaggart, Rev, E. P. Chandler,
Chairman, Pastor.
John Lfelville,
Convener of Program Committee
We are sorry to hear that Rev. R.
F. Cameron, Georgetown, is hardly as
well as usual. We hope for good
news of progress.
Funeral of late James Grant, who
died at Orillia, took place her last
Monday. Rev. Mr. McLeod, Brussels.
took charge of the service.
No service in Knox Church last
Sunday. Rev. Mr. McCulloch, Toron-
to, was expected. Rsv, Mr. McLeod
will be here next Sunday morning.
LEG BROKEN.-Fridny, May 30th,
Jas. Brown, a former old resident of
this locality, had the misfortune to
have his left leg broken at the thigh,
and had his back injured while assist-
ing in moving a slaughter house at
Milverton, where Mr. Brown lives,
The building toppled over doing the
injury. He was badly shaken up.
Mc. Brown's sisters -here (Mesdames
Wm., Matt., and Thos. Cameron and
Mrs. Marry Smalldon) were at Milver-
ton to see him. We hope he will soon
be able to get about.
Rev. Mr. Goodwill has been supply-
ing the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church most acceptably.
Mise Minnie Campbell, Clinton, is
Imre on account of the illness of her
mother, whom we trust will soon be
quite hearty.
Mr. Pentland and Wilfrid Reid were
attending the Methodist Conference
last week at Windsor. Former will
likely attend college next Conference
Alex. Porterfield, Township Clerk of
East Wawauosh, left for Brandon,
Man., Saturday afternoon, May 31st,
after learning that his brother George
Porterfield, Deputy Postmaster of
Brandon, bad passed away. He is a
son of the late Peter Porterfield, East
St.1ndrew's church
Old Time
and Supper
Thursday Evening,
June 19th
Supper served from 6 to 8
No. 1 Programme
will follow that no
one should miss,'
Tickets 50 and 2e Cents
Proceeds go to Manse Fund
Good time guaranteed
so don't rules it.
We Repair Auto Tops,
Sides and Curtains
iyou wait.
icas put in while
Willis' Shoe Store, Wingham
1 7, H. KERR, Proprietor
Garden Party
Roe's Church
Sod Con„ Grey Twp,
Tuesday Ev'g, June 17th
Under auspices of the Ladies'
Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock
will be an extra good one and
will consist of the presentation
of a 6 Act Drama entitled"The
Dust i f the Earth," by the Kill
Kars Klan, of Harding's School,
Gorrie's well known Orchestra,
of 7 pieces, will supply Musical
Adults 35c. Children 20a.
A cordial Invitation is extended
to the public.
Rev, B. W. BANN, Chairman,
Wawanosh, anti a most highly re-
spected citizen of Brandon, About 25
years ago he clerked iu the late D. M.
Gordon's store, Wingham. Mr®. Er-
nest Geddes, Belgrave and Mrs. J. L.
Geddes, Waterloo, are sisters of de-
ceased. Mr. Porterfield was a fine
Belgrave Women's Institute will
meet at the home of Mee. D. Geddes,
next Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Mre. Joseph Clegg will deal with the
interesting topic, "The relation of the
home to the community." A good
attendance asked for,
Hear Walter McCutcbeon, Friday
evening. June 20th, if you appreciate
a flue soloist. He comes highly re-
Dont miss hearing Sam. Berry, the
Scotch comedian at Moncrieff. Friday
evening June 20th, also Miss Laura
Miller, reader and entertainer.
Dont forget to attend the big Gar-
den Party at Moncrieff, Friday even-
ing June 20th.
Mr. and Mrs, Sanderson, Wingham,
and Miss Willis, Brussels, visited at
the home of Mrs. H, Porter, 10th
Con., Last week end.
School Pianie, in which 5, S. Nos.
3 and 8, Grey, and No, 8, Morris, will
gjoin will be held in Fred. Cardiff's
rove Saturday afternoon, 28th inst.
Everybody welcome only don't forget
your basket,
Alfred and Mrs. Sanders and daugh-
ter, Marguerite, and Solon and Mrs.
Burch, all of Bay City, Mich., spent
the week end with Isaac and Mrs.
Lake. Former is Mrs. Lake's brother
audit is about I9 years since he was
here before.
We are sorry to state that the close
of life came to Robert Wilson, 10th
Oen., Thursday of last week, in his
47th year. Funeral took place Satur-
day afternoon, interment being made
in Wingham cemetery, Mrs. Wilson
and family are deeply sympathised
with in their great loss, Obituary
notice next week.
Drops have been backward but the
warmer weather should coax them
Miss Violet Anderson, 5th line, has
gone to Stratford Hospital where she
will train for a nurse. We wish her
the best of success in this most im-
portant prnfeseion.
BIT BY A BALE of BAv.-Last week
Neil Black, a well known resident of
the 4th line, suffered injury by being
struck on the head by a bale of hay
and has been quite poorly since. We
hope he will soon be as hearty as ever.
Mise Myrtle Johnson has been at
Hyde Park 2 weeks with her sister,
Mrs, M. Bradburn. Mrs. Bradburn
has been very ill since going to Hyde
Park but is now able to walk out for
a few minutes each day, we are pleas-
ed to state,
Friday evening of next week the
Annual Garden Party will be held at
Ebenezer church, 2nd line, and if you
want a good time be sure and attend.
:supper 8 to 8. Good program in
which Town's Orchestra, Wroxeter ;
Mrs, V'anwyck, Elocutionist, Wing -
and local talent will take part.
Read the advt. in this issue and see
Browntown on June 20th.
Alex. McNeil, 5th line, had a close
call last week from a serions accident.
He had been using the land roller and
was backing it into the implement
house when the tongue broke and the
driver was thrown to the ground
when the roller tipped, Mr. McNeil
received quite a shake up but we are
glad to see him able to get about once
Mies Janet Kerr,''Moosejaw, is visit-
ing with her old school chum, Miss
Josephine Johnson, at "Summerland
Farm," Together they motored to
Gienannan to pall on another old
schoolmate, now Mee, R. Appelby.
They bad a delightful visit with Mr.
and files. Appelby, It is 5 years since
Mies Kerr went west and her many
friends are greatly pleased to see her,
James and Mre. Knox and baby,
Betty, 'are also here and the party
expect to be in this vicinity about 8
weeks and will have a very busy time
calling on old frlende.
The Anniversary Sermons of
Melville Church, Brussels,
will be preached by
Rev.Ur. Harkness
Sabbath, June 15th
at 11 a. m. and 7p,w,
Special Music by
Church Choir
Anoivereary Offering will be
taken at both services.
You are cordially Invited to attend
z 4r
The roof is on the new school house
and the work progressing well.
Mrs. Sundercook a sister to Harry
Hart, who has the school Contract,
died last Monday.
During the past week Robt. Holmes,
McKillop, has been dangerously ill.
He has been laid up for past 3 weeks,
Rev. Mr. Robertson is to continue
as pastor of the Methodist {church for
another year we are pleased to state.
Mr. Maxwell. a student, preached in
Duff's ff church laet s Sundaymorning
the absence of Rev. M . Chanler,
who was attending the Assembly at
Owen Sound.
PLANTS roe SALE,—Cabbage, Can119ower,
Tomato and Aster Plants for sale.
MAs. J. A. COLE,
LEAVING ETBEL.-Having sold our business
to Dunbar Bros., we intend leaving Ethel In a
taw days. Will all owing accounts kindly call
and settle the same, Herne & SON.
Don't forget Ethel Mission Band,
Saturday, June 14th. it is grand ;
Raab girl kindly bring a handkerchief
made by hand,
And we'll pleasantly greet you at the
Charmh land.
Township Clerk Fear and family
are getting settled in their new home.
We are glad to sea Mrs. D. Cole out
again after being confined to her bed
for the past 3 months.
Date pf proposed Townehip Pic-nIc
to be held in the Park here is
ed. Watch for announcement.
Rev. Harold White, B. A, B. D.,
who has been at Port Lambton, will
be the new Methodist pastor here,
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr.
McLeod, Brussels, will conduct ser-
vice in the Presbyterian church here.
James and Mrs. Bremner and son
and Robt. and Mrs, Bremner motored
to Guelph to the opening of the new
O. A. 0. building.
Mrs. Halls and brother are remov-
ing their household effects to Wood-
stock, Mr. Halls and son will join
them later, We wish the Halls suc-
Rev, Mr. Hann will have Naesaga-
weya near Guelph, as hie next charge.
Ile will be leaving at the close of this
month. The rev. gentleman is a fine
worker and a good preacher.
Milton Hatch, and Joseph Hubert
and mother, from St. Thomas, holi-
dayed with Mrs. Henry and Mrs, Dil-
worth, The ladies are sisters. On
the return trip Mrs. Dilworth accom-
panied the visitors to St. Thomas,
Port Stanley and other places.
Wednesday of this week Stuart A.
McDonald, Listowel, soh of John and
Mrs. McDonald, formerly of Ethel,
was united in marriage at Galt, to
Miss Eltha Darroch. Old friends here
wish the happy young couple many
joys and successes,
FooT BALL,- Wroxeter Foot Ball
boys will be here Wednesday evening
of this week. Ie will be a lively game.
-Monkton and Ethel tied the score
in their meeting here last week on the
Park, -In the Brussels -Ethel Bolger
Benefit match last Friday evening
Brussels won by 1 to 0. -Ethel will
play at Moukton Thursday evening of
next week.
Lucknow Sentinel of laet week speaks
of a former Ethelite as follows :-"We
have this week to record the death of
Frank F. Freeman who passed away
on Friday, 30th ult., following 8
weeks of acute illness during which he
constantly lost strength, Mr. Free-
man had not enjoyed a day of good
health for 4 years, having in March of
1920 mitered injuries and a nervous
shock, while at work in Treleaven
Bros.' flour mill, from which he never
recovered and the effects of which
appears to have ultimately caused hie
death. Until a few weeks ago he was
able to be about, looking much as
usual and at times feeling like getting
back to work. Funeral on Sunday
afternoon was very largely attended.
LocalUodge of Oddfeilows had charge
and funeral ceremony of the Order
was observed. Rev. J. H, Oetethout,
B. D„ of Methodisdchurch, conducted
the religious service, Tho late Mr,
Freeman was a resident of Lneknow
since Meech of 1909, having come here
from Ethel to take charge of the work
in Treleaven Bios.' flour mill. Be
was a capable workman and under.
atood the flour milling business thor-
oughly, being able to install, repair or
remove the mill equipment as well as
—OF --,-
St. John's Church, Brussels
Will be held on
William Street, Bruseele
Thursday Evening, June lith
First-olase Program has been a
ranged consisting of
• Kincardine 5 Concert Party
Several Good Louel Artists
teras and Neighboring Clergy
Program commences at 8 o'clock
Refreshment Booth on Grounds
Admission - 35 and 15 Cents
operate it. Re was of a courageous
and sociable nature and made many
friends, He was been itt Hawksboro,
Ont., 62 years ago and there grew to
young manhood. He learned the mil-
ling business at Seaforth and worked
in mills at Ingersoll, Peterboro and
Ethel before coming to Lucknow, 39
years ago be was married at Ilderton,
Ont. to Mise May Ohaelott Rowe, who
with 2 sons and a daughter eurvive.
They are Mre. 3. Wesley Joynt, Luck -
now, Dr. W. P, Freeman, Springfield,
Ont., and Harold Freeman, who as
travelling salesman, is with the firm
of Washburn & Crosby, flour millers
of Buffalo," The many old friends of
the Freeman family in this locality
are a unit in their sympathy extended
to the bereaved, Mr. Freeman was
well and favorably known in Ethel
and neighborhood.
PRESENTATION.—A pleasant time
was enjoyed at the home of Alex.
Dunbar un Friday evening of last
week when a number of friends and
members of the Presbyterian Church
and Choir met to do honor to Walter
and Mrs. Smillie (the latter formerly
Miss Alice Eckmier.) The guests were
presented with an enamel settee and
serving tray in recognition of Mre.
Smillie's service in church and choir.
Mise Agnes Cochrane read an address
and the gifts were presented by mem-
bers of the choir. Mr. Smillie made a
suitable reply thanking the folk for
their beautiful gifts and good wishes
in behalf of Mrs. Smillie. The even-
ing was spent in games and social
chat. Luneb was served by Mr. and
Mrs. Dunbar in their usual fine style.
at Orillia, on Friday, June 8th, James
Grant, third son of the late John
Grant, of Grey township, in his 62nd
year. Out of a family of 15 there are
9living, namely :-John, Minto town-
ship ; William, Sundridge ; Mrs. Geo.
Walkey, sr., Toronto ; Mrs. Charles
Ainlay, Harrieton • Mrs. Jas. Robin-
son, Manitoba ; MI's. James Dunbar,
Sundridge ; Mrs. Geo, Imlay. Michi-
gan ; Alexander Grant, Elam town-
ship ; and Robert Grant, Sask. Mrs.
John Crich, eldest of the family, died
18 years ago ; Peter, 33 years, and the
other 3 passed away while young. A,
G. Bishop and James Bishop, of Grey,
are cousins. Remains were brought
to Ethel on Monday and taken to
Cranbrook cemetery for burial, Rev,
Mr. McLeod, Brussels, took charge of
the service, Deceased bad been an
invalid from birth and was sent to
Orillia following the death of his
mother in 1878.
St. Andrew's church is still hearing
applicants for the vacant pastorate.
Mrs. Archie McDonald. Winnipeg,
ie a guest at the home of Thos. Elliott.
Thursday evening of next week St.
Andrew's •church here will li.old an
Old Tyme Entertainment and Supper.
Elegant program will be presented.
Finances will go to Manse Fund. See
the advt, and remember the date.
A fine woman passed to her reward
last Tuesday in the person of Mre,
Thos, Elliot, of this locality. She
was in her 89th year. Cause of death
were strokes of paralysis, Funeral
will be held Friday afternoon, with
service in Presbyterian church and
interment in Molesworth Cemetery,
Sympathy of community is extended
to the bereaved,
Report of Entrance Class
The following pupils have been re-
commended to try the Junto*: High
School Entrance Examination, 460
marks is a pase.
D Prentice......549 J Smith. 485
D McDonald ...516 M Ritchie, ....484
W MaeMillan,615 S Clarke ++ .....481
A. Logan 506 1) Eurus ..+....471
J Yolleck. 604 H Koti..,..,,,+..,454
D Lewin .....+491
Failed in one subject oe on the total
b and recommended eco ended on that
1.14 Thompson -444 D Warwick....480
F Dennison,499 NI Logan 126
8 Scott 431
No recommendation
0 Thuell 899 A Grower. ...866
F Lowry ,884 H 011ampion,..829
MARGARET M, MM3NnIttie, Teacher,