HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-6-4, Page 1VOL. 52 NO, so
'2.00 per annum in advance
W. 11, KERR, Froftrector
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Manager, Brussels
This is
Straw Hat
• u41641646..`..16e►41•416u41..416u41.A.u•
1 A Big Range to
•rr.rm rrm'Trrrrrrrrrrrr•
Choose From
Low Prices
All - the - New - Weaves
1924 Styles
Summer Underwear
Two-piece and Combinations
Long Sleeve and Ankle
Short Sleeve and Ankle
Sleeveless and Knee
W. D. Home
Men's Wear •
New A01'drtitemlents
Spraylde-James Fax
Benefit Foot Sall Match
Stove for Hale -Tao POST
Wool wanted -M, Yolliok
Lumber for Hole, -D, Mtaohon
Wonted-Mra. F. Marceline
Leaving Ethel -Halle & Son
Perm for sale-Mre, :Mortara
Melville Charoh Annlvereary
Straw hat weak -W, D. Hamel
°elves for pale -,T. P. Molntosh
Baby Chicks -Melville L. Lamont
Lumber for Bale -John McDonald
Implements and repairs -D. Milne
Soolal-Bt, David's Church, Henfryn
Speciale for Saturday -R, W, Ferguson
Convention -Huron Soolal Service Connell
Mxstr xz sei s
Knox Church, Moncrieff, intend
holding their Annual Garden Party
on June 20th. Particulars later,
So keep the date clear.
Mrs. Jae. Smith, Toronto, (nee) Mies
Belle McTaggart. is getting,, along
nicely after her recent operation.
Many friends here wish her well,
Do you want any Leghorn chicks ?
See Melville L, Lamont's advt.
Roe's Sunday School will be held
next Sabbath at 2 p. m, instead of in
the morning.
Nurse Cooper wart a visitor at Lond.
on, Port Huron and Detroit during
the past week.
0. E. and Mre. Stone and daughter,
Oanniugten, visited with Mre, Angus
Lamont and family. The ladies are
pie ten.
This week R. J. Hoover left for
Windsor to attend the Methodist
Conference. He is the lay delegate
from Brussels.
Reeve McCutoheon and Deputy
Reeve McDonald are at Godevich thin
week attending to their duties as
Ooun ty ,Councillors:
We are going to try and take in
the Farmers' Excusion to Guelph this
month, The railway people made a
blunder when they cut them off.
Are cattle permitted to'run at large
in Grey Municipality ? It looks like it
on some lines. If there ie a By-law
whose business le it to see that it is
enforced ? I sign myself
The 100 acre farm, known art the
Mre, McCallum lace Lot 21,Oon. 3
was eol'd last week m. Bremner, of
the same locality beidg the purchaser,
and the price $3,200. This will give
Mr. Bremner 300 acres of an estate,
Jno. Pearson takes this year's crop
from the farm sold as he has it leased.
"Jack" is somewhat of a bonanza
farmer, having no leas than 400 acres
under his charge.
Baby Chicks
Bred -to -lay S. C.
White Leghorns
ON JUNE 18ra I will have for sale
a few good strong Chicks at
Bargain Prices. "' Order early
and get Eggs next Winter.
Melville L Lamont,
Phone 2113
Hemlock Lumber
For Sale
A customer has a quantity of
bright Hemlock Lumber, eawn
from green logs, for sale at Wal-
ton Saw Mill. Cut inch and 2 x 4 ;
8 to 12 feet long. Price $36 per M.
cash, plus revenue tax.
Jno. McDonald
Phone 1913 Walton
is noted for its QUAL-
Order your loaf to -day
and be convinced that it
pays to have our Bread,
Phone 82x
June' Social
The Young People of St. Sauld's
Church, Benfryn,
will hold a June Social
at the home of
(Adjoining Honfryn)
Wednesday Eo'g, June lith
Commencing at 8 o'clock
Choice Programme
is being prepared.
Gentlemen, 26 cents
Ladies with Box or Pie Free
Boxes will be sold by Auction
REv. S. H. PAULL, Sector,
. MISS HAMILTON, Secretary.
Dont forget the Benefit Foot Ball
match and Concert at Brussels this
(Friday) evening. Proceeds will be
presented to Howard Bolger, who had
a leg broken in last Friday's Ethel and
Brussels Foot Ball match.
Harry Alcock, 14th Con„ left for
Toronto on Monday morning for
medical treatment, Mr, Alcock has
been on the sick liet for some weeks
but we all wish him a quick and com-
plete recovery. Mts. Alcock and Cam-
, ily have the sympathy of all in their
This week Arthur Shaw is at Wind-
sor attending the Annual London
Methodist Conference,
Prof. Fraser, of Vancouver Uni-
versity, who came East to attend
a Convention at Montreal visited rela-
tives and old friends for a few days.
He was a former Morris township
boy who bas climbed the lad der of
success in a manner very pleasing to
his many old friends.
Harold Cowden, Wingham, visited
with relatives here over the week -end,
Clarence White and family, Brus-
sele, spent Sunday with relatives here,
W. H. Sanderson, Toronto, spent
several days of last week in the vill-
Miss Esther Davey, Hamilton, was
a recent guest of her brother, Fred.
J. J. Gibson, Toronto, was a week-
end visitor with his sister, Mrs, V.
James Fox and D. McTavish and
family, Brussels, were Sunday visitors
in the village.
J, and Mrs, Koehler and neice, Miss
Jean Moffitt, Ayton, spent Sunday at
to ofDavid Thompson.
the bo e p
• Wroxeter Foot Ball team was de-
feated by a score of 2-0 in the first
League game of the season, played in
Monkton last Wednesday evening.
Rev, Dr, and Mre. Brown are attend-
ing London Conference which is being
held in Windsor this week. Mrs.
Brown was elected lay delegate at the
recent District Meeting.
Sympathy is expressed for Lloyd
and Mrs. Henning, Turuberry, in the
death of their little son, aged 3
months, which took place Wednesday
of last week. Funeral was held here
Friday, Rev. Dr. Brown officiating.
The child had been delicate from birth,
A number from here attended the
funeral of Jennie Austin, wife of Hart-
well Strong, whose death occurred at
the home of her mother, Mre. J. Aus-
tin, in Gorrie, on Saturday, after a
long illness. The funeral was held
home in Ho
from her ick on Monday
afternoon, Rev, R. S. Jones, assisted
by Rev. W. H. Roberts, Mitchell, offl-
oiating. Deceased, who was in her
23rd year, was well and favorably
known here, She is survived by her
husband, to whom she was married it
year ago last January, her mother,
one brother and one sister.
The May meeting of the Women's
Institute was held at the home of Mrs,
A. I. Brown, Thursday afternoon. An
article on "Women's attitude ou the
questions of the day," by Mrs. Nellie
ticClung, was read by Mise E. P. Haz-
lewood, followed by short articles on
important topics of the moment by
different members. Officers for the
the new year were elected with follow-
ing results :—President, Miss E, P.
Hazlewood ; let Vice -President, Mrs.
R. Stocks ; 2nd Vice -President, Miss
E. McEwen ; Sec. -Trees„ Mrs. AlWrid
Wearying ; Press Rep., Mrs, J. R,
Wendt ; Directors, Mre. G. Davidson,
Mrs, J. Lowell and Mrs. F. V. Dick-
son ; District Representative, Mies E,
McEwen ; Organlet, Miss K. Hazle-
wood; Auditors, Miss E. Stan and
Mrs. P. 3, Mollwen,
Re -opening sexvice0 of Knox Pres-
byterian Church, which was recently
re -decorated, were held Sunday and
attended by very large congregations
morning Rev, George g
R• v
and evenin
g, Scott stein who is an able a neak-
er, was in charge, Monday evening a
Tea -meeting was held, followed by ;a
splendid program, Addresses were
given by Revds. J, P, McLeod, Brus-
sels ; G. Scott, Holstein ; Mr, Laing,
Fordwieh ; and a written message by
Rev. Mr, Ferguson, which was read
by the Chairman, Rev, L. Perrin, Inc
strunrental music Woe supplied by des.
Benefit foot Ball Match
friday Ev'g, June Rh
Game called at 0.30
Free-will Offering Is asked and Pro-
coeds goes to the Bolger Benefit Fund
Ethel boys are generously of -
faring :their services and the
match is sure to be close and well
contested. Last Friday evening's
score was 1-0 in favor of Brus-
sels, showing that the boys are
well matched.
Benefit Concert ' H, Sea
will follow the Game,
Au A 1 Program will be pre-
sented by local talent and a pack-
ed Hall is hoped for.
Tickets 50e to any part of the
Hall, No reserved seats so get a
pick by being on hand early.
400 tickets to be sold for the
Invite your friends and make
proceeds worthy of the name—
Benefit. Let ue chow our sym-
pathy with our injured towns-
man by the very practical man-
ner of giving him a worth -while
A Social Dance will be held
immediately at the close of the
Concert, Receipts will be added
to the evening's testimonial.
"A friend in need is a friend in-
deed," so don't fail to attend Fri-
day evening and ask your neigh-
bor to come too. Rural commun-
ity will be heartily welcomed and
are cordially invited.
Allan, jr., Harry Allan and Mrs. 3. N,
Allan and was much appreciated,
while the singing of the Ladies' Quar-
tette, from Brussels, was of a very
high order and delighted everyone,
An anthem was also well sung by the
local choir. Proceeds for the 2 days
amounted to about $200.
Rev. Mr. Robertson is attending the
Methodist Conference at Windsor,
St, George's Anglican Church,
Walton, has decided, at a congrega-
tional meeting, to hold its Annual
Garden Party on Wednesday June 18
th. Further particulars will be an-
nouced in next week's issue but every-
one is getting ready to make this a
Garden Party to be remembered,
Benefit Foot Ball match Friday ev-
ening on Victoria Park, Brussels, fol-
lowed by a big Concert in Town Hall,
financial proceeds of which will be
presented to Howard Bolger, Brussels,
who, had his left leg :broken in a Foot
Ball game last Friday. There should
be a good representation from Walton
and locality,
Frank and Mrs. Little spent the
week end with relativee at Walker-
This week Reeve Shortreed is doing
duty at the County Parliament as-
sembled at Goderich.
William Connon, of the Ford Motor
Co., Detroit, is now visiting hie sister,
Mrs, Chas. Workman, 6th line, Mor-
The 100 acre farm of Mrs. A. E.
Charters, 3rd Oon., is offered for sale,
either with or without crop. See the
advt, in this issue.
Geo. Heaney, Brantford, Andrew
and Everett Nichol of the
Motor Co. Detroit,were visitors at
the home of Edwarand Mrs. Nichol,
5th line, Morris,
We are sorry to hear that an old
resident of 4th line Morris, in the
person of Robert McMurray, is not en -
;eying very good health. He will be
80 years old next November hence
cannot shake of infirmities of the
flesh as easily as in days of old,
Leet Sunday Mrs. Ellen Kerney, 3rd
line, who makes her home with her
son-in-law and daughter, Robt. and
Mrs. Forbes, celebrated her 82nd
birthday in the midst of members of
the family. This fine old lady is
wonderfully well preserved for her
years and as active as many persons
20 years her junior. She received
hearty congratulations over the ev-
ent, which will be endorsed by scores
of old friends of the locality,
We are sorry to bear that Cecil,
youngest son of Ad, and Mrs. Somers,
6th line has been serionely 111 during
the past week. He contracted a cold
and in its development bronchitie fol-
lowed, finid gathering on the lungs
requiring an operation to remove It
and give relief. Cecil's numerous
friends hope he will soon regain hie
ueual vigor and once more associate
with the young people.
Allan Adams,President ardent of North
Huron Plo i ns
w neAesocf t 'n
aOl was at
Huron County Connell this week with
others, asking that body fora $100
grant toward a Huron County Plow-
ing match to be held near Rrussels
next October. There will be varied
competitions and all open to the
County hence there is nothing small or
close about it. Huron used to elllne
with the stalwarts between the plow -
The Anniversary Sermons of
Melville church, Brussels,
will be preached by
Rev.Dr. Harkness
Sabbath, June 15th
at 11 a, m, and 7 p. m.
Special Music by
Church Choir
Anniversary Offering will be
taken at both services,
You are cordially invited to attend
handles and the object of this As-
sociation is to stir up the former en-
thusiam in what seems to be almost
a lost art.
Other Bluevale news on page 4,
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Wilkinson
changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Fin-
lay. Methodist pastor Gorrie.
June meeting of the Women's In-
stitute, the first of the Institute year,
will be held at the home of Mre. 3. W.
King, Thursday afternoon, June 12th
Dr. Calder, Wingham, will give an
address. The roll call will be answer-
ed by "Things worth knowing,"
Too much water this Spring for this
level country.
Methodist Church Brussels, bas been
having brick hauled from the Thom-
son yard here, in the rebuilding of the
edifice. •
A big time is figured on at the
Social to be held at Thos. Kerr's, ad-
joining the village, Wednesday eve.
of next week. Fine program and an
A I evening. Young people of St.
David's church are in charge. See
the advt. and don't miss the social on
your life,
LUMPS ETutm.-Having sold our businese
to Danber.Bros., we intend leaving Ethel in a
few days. Will all owing aoeoante kindly call
and settle the same. Hence & sox.
Are you requiring implements ? See
David Milne's advt.
Mrs, (Rev.) Hann and son are visit-
ing at Milton with relatives.
Rev. Mr. Hann and 3, K. Baker are
away to Windsor to attend the
Methodist Conference,
A number from here will go to Brus-
sels Friday evening to the Benefit Foot
Ball Game, Concert, &c.
Monkton Foot Ball team here Wed-
nesday evening of this week. Red
hot game as both clubs are out for
The usual evening service in the
Methodist church will be withdrawn
next Sunday owing to the absence of
the pastor.
Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Hann inti-
mated that he would be leaving Ethel
circuit at the close of this Conference
year and would probably go to Ham-
ilton Conference.
Last Friday evening's Intermediate
Foot Ball match at Brussels attracted
quite a crowd. Home town won a
close and well fought game by 1.0. We
have the makings of a flue team later
This week P. J. and Mise Bishop
leave on a holiday visit, for a few
weeks at South Bend Indianna U. S
where they will visit their brother,
Joseph Bishop, a former resident of
this locality. We wish them an en-
joyable time.
Tho many old friends of F, F. Free-
man, Lncknow, a resident of Ethel
for some years, miller in H. F. McAI-
lister'e flour mill, were sorry to learn
of his demise. Funeral was held Sun-
day afternoon and was largely at-
tended. The bereaved share in the
sympathy of Ethel and community.
Next Wednesday evening Wroxeter
Foot Ball team will be here for a
Wade with our Foot Ball team. The
vieitore are a lively bunch and will not
be willingly conquered. Bee the game
by all means as this is one way to
help the local boys win.
meeting of Ethel Women's Institute
was held Thursday afternoon, May
17th, at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Ward -
law. Following officers were elected
for the coming year :—President, Mrs.
R. Bremner ; 1st Vice-Presidoot, Mrs.
W. H. Love ; Sec'y-`.Crean., Mrs. Geo.
Krauter ; District Director, Mrs. W.
Slemmon ; Branch Directors, Mre, J.
Slemmon, Miss Purvis and Mre. Addy ;
Auditors, Mre. Addy and Mrs. McKee ;
Organist, Mrs, (Dr.) Wardlaw. Fin-
ancial report was presented which
showed ay ood ear's work
an ab
d al
mule on hand of 208.67 which
Make a good beginning for the coming
year, Mrs, King, Bluevale, District
President, visited the Institute and
gave a very interesting address which
was much enjoyed by all, Mrs, 3,
Slemmon favored, with a :splendid
reading. Thie meeting brought to a
close a very sucoesefttl year for the
Institute and we hope every woman
will be able to become tt member for
coming year,
On Sunday, June 22nd, Rev, 13, W,
Hann will preach the annual sermon
to the L. 0, L, and the L. 2L 13, Socie-
ties at 11 a, m, It will also be Decor-
ation Day at the cemetery, Members
of Lodges are asked to meet at the
cemetery at 10 a, m, After the ser-
vice at the cemetery members will go
to the Hall and marcb in a body to
the ehuroh, Visiting members oor-
dially weicomed.
At the joint meeting held in the
Presbyterian Ohuroh here Thursday
afternoon of laet week, Rev. J. P,
McLeod, Brussels, interim Moderator,
prodding, a ananoions pall was extend-
ed to Rev.:D. Tate, Bluevale, to be-
come the pastor of Oranbrook and
Ethel churches, The call will now be
presented to Maitland Presbytery and
itis to be hoped Rev. Mr. Tate will see
his way clear to accept, Ohurehes
have been vacant since Rev. kir. Ken-
nedy removed to Markdale locality.
BENEFIT (*crus. -0n account of the
unfortunate accident last Friday
evening at Brussels, in connection
with the Foot Ball match with Ethel,
whereby Howard Bolger, one of the
backs on Brussels team, had a leg
broken, Ethel will go to the carpet
town Friday evening of this week and
play a Benefit game with the town
team, proceeds of a freewill offering to
go to the disabled man. A big Oon-
cert in the Hall will follow the game.
With good weather a bumper crowd
ie expected.
t1 People We Talk About
- #$
John Pugh, Mitchell, was in town this
J. H. Galbraith took in the Mitchell
horse races.
Mrs. D. Walker was visiting in Tor-
onto for a few days,
Mrs, G. H. Semis was a visitor with
Toronto friends this week.
Mrs. Wm. King is at Whitechurch
this week visiting her parents,
Miss Clara Anderson, milliner, is
home from Torooro for a holiday,
Miss Elizabeth Downing was at Tor-
onto for a short holiday with her sister
and other friends.
James McCracken, Godericb, is a visi-
tor at the home of Mrs. Wm. McCrack-
en, Princess street,
Mrs. W.J. Hunter,Oshawa, is a the visit-
or at home o
f Jno. and Mrs, Baglan•
type, The ladies are sisters.
Wm. and Mrs. White, Toronto, were
here on a visit with Edmund and Mrs.
Brewer, The ladies are sisters,
Ross, Ruth and Ian, children of Rev.
and Mrs. Hind, Guelph. are enjoying a
holiday at their Grandfather Deadman's,
C, VsnNorman is here this week
from Quebec Province on 01 sbort visit
home, to celebrate the wedding anni-
Mrs. T. M. Reed, Kansas City, Kansas
has come to town to make an extended
visit with ber sister, Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Naughton, Mill Street.
Chas. E. and Mrs. Stone and Miss
Jessie, Cannington, were welcome visi-
tors with Mrs. las. Speir and family for
a few days this week. They were mot-
Miss Ella Fraser was home for the
week end from Stratford Normal
School. She was accompanied by Miss
Ethel Broughton, Moorefield, a Normal-
ite also.
T. and Mrs. Brebncr and R. and W.
Pryor, Windsor, accompanied Ward
Buchanan, Detroit, on a motor trip to
Brussels, where a few holidays were
enjoyably spent.
Old Mrs, Stevens, who makes her
home with her daughter, Mrs, F. Wilk-
in, Elizabeth street, has been very poor-
ly during the past week, She was 87
years of.age last Sunday,
Lorne S. Dunford, Detroit, was here
for the week end, coming by motor. He
holds an important position with the
Prudential Life Insttrauce Company,
with whom he has been several years.
We are sorry to lose Mrs. Pearse, who
was stenographer with Ament Bros. &
White, from our community—but she
has not been well for some time and left
Monday for Hamilton for special treat-
ment. We wish her a speedy recovery
and a quick return.
H. and Mrs. Palmer, a nn
Mich., were visitors wrhoith Mrs, Geo.
Jackson and called on other old friends.
They were on a motoring trip. Mrs.
Palmer was Miss Victoria Blashill, of
maiden days, a daughter of the late
Wm. and Mrs, Blashill, well known
former residents of Brussels. It is; 20
years since the visitor was bare. Her
surviving brother is Jas, W. Blashill,
Ypsilanti, Mich., and the sisters are
Ida—Mrs. Watson, Castator, Cal. ; and
Florence—Mrs. H, Paine, Ypsilanti,.
Mrs. Palmer met a good many of her
former associates here,
More Local News
ACCIDENT,—Barrister Siuclalr has
been laid aside at bis home for a few
days from an accident in a London gar-
age where he bad left his car. Forget•
ing about the elevator carrying cars
from one story to abother he received
injury to his back, We hope be will
soon be as able as usual to get about.
A miseellanoesshower was on the
program Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs, Willis in honor of her daughter,
Mrs. Vance Sanderson, uee Miss Lola
Willis, Capital titue wee enjoyed and
the new bride was the recipient of
many useful and valuable gifts, for
which shet
re urned
Dm AT Treao Fro,—.'Thursday of tact
Week Stephen Flarity, Wiarlon, passed
away at the General Hospital, Toronto,
aged 48 years, Be had been in decline
ing health for sono months. Deceased
was buried Monday at Whitton, fie
was a brother to Mrs, A, H. Macdonald,
Brussels, who with Mr, Macdonald and
son attended the last sad rites. Farther
notice next weak.