HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-21, Page 8Links in a Chain As every Link in a Chain is an indispensable wholeart and contributes to the strength of the , so every branch and subbranch of this Bank is a vital unit, closely united with all the other branches, and is a link in a strong chain which en• circles the world and guards the financial safety of clients.. THE STANDARD BANK to, At the Sign of the Yellow I3ox Get the Film that Gets the Picture Kodak Film WE HAVE YOUR SIZE JUST as you count on Kodak Film you can count on our Developing and Printing Service. Get a supply of Films for the Holiday, and let us finish them for you. Films care- fully Developed and Prints painstakingly made. Summer Pictorial Review Quarterly 250 copy Red Cedar Flakes Moth Preventative 25c package Tapestry Wall Papers Gilt Finish 250 per roll Cherisette Talcum Powder - Perfumed with a New and Popular Odor 350 F. R. SMITH The e1a..."...Cta Store Druggist and Stationer atilt betas Pius FRosry nights. READ the advts, CLEAN up : is the watchword. BOWLING green is being got in shape. How does your label on THE PosT read 7 LADY'S silk glove found, Ask at THE Posr. NEXT week will conclude the month of May. Goon strings of fish being booked from the Maitland river, LccAL and District news on pages 4 and 5 as usual this week. SEND THE Pos0 to the absentees from your home and add to their pleasure. A delivery of bulbs, the 2nd part of Horticultural order, came to hand last week. NEwPlate glass replaced the broken window at W, E. Willis' bakery this week. LOYAL Legiou will meet Friday after- noon at 4.15 o'clock in Melville Church, Good attendance hoped for, DONT leave horses untied on Main street. Life is too precious and window glass too expensive to take rises, SNOWFLAXEs were in evidence Mon- day of this week and the temperature had numerous symptoms of the coming of Winter. A NUMBER from this locality will take in the Unveiling ceremony of the Sol- diers' Monument at Atwood, Friday afternoon of this week. Foto a predicted "dry May" there bas been a very generous supply of rain water and cool weather. We may be kicking later If the Probs, should coin- cide with the prognostications, THE bricklayers got to work at the Methodist Church repairs last Monday morning and are making good headway. Messrs. Brown & Parke, Mitchell, have the contract of the mason work and plas- tering. WHOSE going to direct the proper parking of cars on the streets ? A reso- lution was passed at the Business Mens' Association that was intended to be put into practice. Let us have system and safety about it. SATURDAY will be observed as a Public Holiday, hence business places will be closed. Folk should remember this and get their usual Saturday shopping done on Friday. Stores will keep open Fri- day evening, as is the custom on the night preceding a holiday, so that the wants May be supplied. AT a meeting of Brussels Horticul- tural Officers Monday evening plans were made for the continuance of the flower beds on the boulevards of. Turn - berry street. A supply of Geraniums has been ordered and will be in hand in due course at Drnggist Fox's store, See about them at once if you need some. THE plate glass window in the shop of Messrs. McKinnon and Murcar, Stratton block, came to grief last Satur- day by the fall of a stepladder while window dressing for the noticeable dis- play of Hydro fixtures, This firm invite you to call and inspect the goods which will be sold at reasonable figures. See their advt, in this issue, Is Yons Hones oa Brimless PLACE WIRED?—By advertisement in another column the Council fa urging the neces- sity of a "hurry -up" on the Hydro wir- ing of houses and business places as the service decided upon by the Individual will make a difference to the street wir- ing plan. Did you read what Council is asking for ? After changes will not be made without additional exoouse so it will be to the interests of. the In- dividttol and town to get in line at once With the program for the future, Furl coats still hold tat place. BELSHAZZER Cantata next Tuesday evening. ARE your premises ready for the Sani- tary Inspector's visit ? THE Posr advts. often bring very direct results. Try 1t out, JNo RUTLEDGE found tis hound adver- tised in last week's POST. POSTOFFICE hour On Victoria Day will be one hour after the arrival of what we call the noon train, FOR SALE. — Have more 8 -day-old Barred Rock and White Wyandotte Chia for sale now at reduced prices. Have also mixed Chia still lower in prise and a few more settings of White Pekin Duck Eggs. Phone 5112 Alga, N. MOCADLEv, Brussels. COMPORTARL0 hoose and t/e acre lot for sale on Flora street, Brussels. Good stable, small fruits, &o. Good neighborhood. Early pos. session. Price very reasonable for quick Hale. For further Partioulareapply on the promisee. Phone 78. MART.A, BOLT. Do0LEY Seed Potatoes far cele. Seedof from O. A. C. 21.26 per bag. phone 844 18 EARL Bowes, Ethel Hogan for ante on Princess Street,Brownie, Reasonable terms. Apply to Phone 2 A. H. MAODONALD, Bru.sele, POE SALE.. -5 pure bred Yorkshire Sows, ready to wean. Featherstone & Welstead breeding. Also 6 barrow pigs fromcame lit- ter. NO. MOHAIR, Phone 420 R R. 2, Brussels. DimUAM Cow for Bale, 6 years old, Will freshen next week. BgesEL CURRIE, Phone 1214 Morrie Twp. A NUMBER of Barred Rock Baby Obloks will be ready for sale June 15th, at 10o each. Order now end make sure of your supply, Phone 128, RAavey Bayess, Morris Twp. Fon SALE.—Barn 64x60 feet: oiled 16e60 feet ; and about 800 feet of dressed spruce lumber, For farther partienlars apply to W. C. $TEyeNooN, Phone 508 R. R. 8, Brussels SEED Potatoes for sale. Good stock. GEO. Wn1TTIELD, Phone 4010 Grey Township GREEN Mountain Potatoes for sale, suitable for seed. B. B. DUNBAR. Phone 8418 Folin Coupe, run between 800 and 900 miles, for sale, Apply to R. ToOMSON, Bruaeels. 4 Wagon for sale. May be seen at Ritehle'o Blacksmith Shop, Brussels. Bargain for some one, Fon SAM—Span of good work horses, a set of team harness, wagon, harrows, seed drill and sleighs ALBX. N1on0L, Phone 606 Brneeets South. PnrvATE Funds to Loan. W. M, SINCLAIR, Brussels. Fon SALE. -6 panel doors, suitable for arch. way, or could easily be fitted tor regular doors, also a cherry bureau, a cherry glans cupboard, a none bin with compartments and 1 large bedroom stand, Phone 20 JOHN Roan, Brussels. Da, PARNIM, of Wingham, has resumed his weekly visits to the Qneen'a Hotel, Brunets, Home and lot for sale in the Village of Brno - eels, formerly occupied by the late Alex, Ellie, Queen street. Eligible property. For further particulars apply to W. 81, SINOLAsa, tf Brussels, A MILD form of something like la - grippe, with sore throat and hoarseness, appears to be quite common and not eesily gotten rid of either. Thu empty store in the Ledke block has been secured as temporary supply house for the Hydro outfit in the instal- lation of the system in town. It requires a big quantity of material to complete the work, FIRST OF THE SEAsose —Friday even. ing of next week the tst Foot Ball con- test of this season will be played on Vic- toria, Park, Brussels, between the well known hustlers of Ethel and town team. It will be no rocking chair game but a lively bustle for the honors from start to finish. Game at 6,t5. See it by all means, HOME MADE BAXING,—By advt, in another column it will be seen that the ladies of St. John's Church intend holding a Sale of Homemade Haking, Candy, &a, Friday afternoou of this week, in the store immediately North of the U. F, 0. place of business. A tasty supper will alae be served from 3 tory p,rn, Maude C, Bryaus Announeee her l3ruaaelt# .Office will be open following dale of every week Hours—a, las, p. 01. Monday 0, to 12 1.30 to 0 Friday 1,30 to 0 Saturday..... .. 10 to 1,2 1,30 to 0 Saturday Evening 7 ter 9 RESERVE your seat for next Tuesday's Cantata Belshazzar, ETHEL vs, Brussels, Victoria Park, Friday Evening 3oth inst. A Poen Coupe has been purchased by Station Agent Kerr from Frank Woods, the local agent, FOURTtr Division Cogan was held Wednesday of this week, before bis Hon- or Judge Lewis, ST. Joxxs Lodge, A. F. & A. M., have issued invitations for alSocial Even. ing to be held in the Opera House Brus- sels, Tuesday evening 3oth inst. RUMOR says neighboring town zealots, who look with envious eyes on Brus- sels, would like to purloin one of our industries. They get in wrong by such tactics, THE dust on Turnberry street on Sat- urday afternoon was a"corker" for a while. It gave the merchants plenty of exercise in removing it from their goods, counters, &c. "Ruygoa" will be on the screen at the Family Theatre Friday and Saturday evenings of this week and "Times Have Changed" on Monday and Wednesday evenings of next week. Soma Quaatxs— Who'll win the Foot Ball District? Have you tidied up your premises ? Did you order your chicks ? Have you signed up with the Busi- ness Mens' Association ? What would you think about boost- ing a Dollar -Day Sale in Brussels ? Are we going to celebrate the ih- augurationof Hydro What success have you met with by advertising in THE POST? WELL KNOWN IN BRusseLs.—J B. Campbell, prominent resident of Ches- ley for ro years, and for 3o years a gen- eral merchant in Pinkerton, passed away on May r4, aged 65 years. Mr. Campbell was a former member of Greenock Township and Bruce Councils and was County Valuator in Igor. He was an active Liberal, and for several years was President of South Bruce Lib- eral Association, For to years be was an organizer for the C. 0, F. Survivors are the widow, 2 sons, Arthur in Mon- treal, Dr, Hardie, of the Herman Kief- er Hospital, Detroit, and 2 daughters, Mrs. H. S. Sanderson, Chesley and Mrs, James Preston, Montreal, The funeral took place to Chesley Cemetery on Sat- urday at 2 p. m. Deceased frequently called at Brussels in bis boosting the Canadian Order of Foresters. MISSION BAND — Following was the program of the Mission Band at the En- tertainment last Thursday evening in Melville Church ;—Hymn 768 ; prayer by Mrs. J. E. Smith ; chairman's ad- dress, Rev, Mr. McLeod recitation, Marguerite Logan ; recitation, Tommy Walkey ; sopg, eight little mothers ; recitation. Eddie Haist ; solo, Maizie Somerville ; recitation, Mary Ritchie ; sold,' Mary Isabel Raynor ; recitation, Melvin TbomS n i• recitation Winni- fred McMillan . song, "The Black- smith"; recitation Viola Fox; chorus by Band members ; recitationCrosby Innes ; piano duet, Gertie and Joe Vol - leek ; reading, Doris McDonald ; reci- tation, Gordon Wheeler ; song, by four girls ; recitatiou, Evelyn Riley ; recita- tion, Dorothy Rutledge ; solo. Margaret Scott; oborus by the mothers ; recits• tion, Lottie Walker ; solo, Matguerite Logan ; recitation. Archer Grewar ; solo, George Jeater ; recitation, Norman Thompson ; recitation, Edythe Innes ; recitation, jimmy Palmer ; solo, Jack Oliver • duet, _leaflet McVettie and Wilma Galbraith ; recitation, Winni- fred Riley ; solo, Dorothy McVettie ; recitation, Ruby Smith ; recitation, Benny Yolleck ; recitation, Russel Far- row ; recitation, "Good Night," Vera Fox. One new Junior Member was ad- ded to the roll in the person of Mary Helen White. Proceeds were $26 50. Church Chimes Sunday School Lesson Notes on an- other page. Do you aid the congregational singing when you attend Church ? Maitland Presbytery and Presbyterial convened at Walton on Tuesday of this week, Rev. Dr. Taylor's Lecture on India in Melville Church this (Wednesday) even- ing. Rev. Mr. Lewis was at Bervie one day last week attending the funeral of a former parishioner. Young Peoples' Society of the Metho- dist church have withdrawn their week- ly service until next Fall. Annual meeting of the Methodist Sabbath School will be held Wednesday evening of this week, in the .Lecture room of the Church, Rev. A. Lawson, Presbyterian pastor at Granton, has resigned his charge, Rev. J. _l. Brown, Ayr, may come to fill the vacancy at St. Marys. Methodist Church District Meeting convened in Wingham Tuesday of this week. Rev. C. F. Clarke, R. J. Hoover and=W, H. Kerr were in attendance. Rev. C, F. Clarke spoke Sabbath evening in the Methodist Church on "Merozand their neglect to do their duty," Misses Ida Red Ella Rands and their sister, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, ren• dered a trio in addition to the anthem by the choir. In the tatter Miss Mildred Sperling sang the solo, Arrangements lar ho'ding the Toth meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyteriab Church at Owen Sound on lune 4 are rapidly being completed. In view of the acute situation existing in the Church with regard to the ques- tion of Union, the present Assembly promises to be an interesting one. Sessions of the Assembly are being held in Knox Presbyterian Church and Divi- sion Street Church, Owen Sound, Brussels Branch, - - - G. 11. Sams, Manager Dublin Branch, - F. McConnell, Manager G. C. Manners, S. Carter, Jas, Fulton, A. B. Hersdy, Robt, Ferguson, Percy Mitchell and Thos Pierce are the Society Representatives of Brussels Methodist Church for the ensuing year. The new rector and family. St, John's Church, are getting nicely settled in their new home in Brussels. Congrega. Hon is evincing increasing interest in Church affairs, Next Sunday it is ex- pected that W, Pilkington, Kincardine a week end visitor with Rev. and Mrs. Lewin, will, sing solos in St. John's Cb arch. In Melville Church last Sabbath morn- ing the pastor spoke in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance. taking as his text Matthew 3 : 27, "And he said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath." The motto of the organization was shown to be Erlacation, not Legislation ; Per- suasion, not Coercioo. The aim — To educate people to put the right spirit in- to the keeping of the Sabbath. The method of education—By Field Secre- taries, The Lord's Day Advocate and Publicity. The demands of the Lord's Day Alliance are most reasonable as they aim only to prevent unnecessary labor ''The Great Factor of Faith" was the theme in the evening. Text, Hebrews is : 6, "Without Faith it Is im. possible to please Him." The great fac• tors of Faith are :—(t) It gives us cour- age to attempt to do things ; (2) Con• secretion of the task ; (3) Conviction of the reward. People We Talk About 22 t3 It Supply THE Por with the names of your visitors. Lloyd Jackson was home from London for the week end. ' Dr. White spent a few days with rela- tives at Collingwood locality. Mrs, Win. MeCall has been quite poor. ly during the past week, "Jack" Huntley is back from a visit with relatives in Lambton County. Miss Jennie Budd, John Street, was temporarily laid aside by an attack of lagrippe but is Feeling better, Miss Edith Deadman, who bolds a good position on the staff of Edmonton University, is borne for the vacation, or at least a part of it. Milton Oliver has recovered his health sufficiently to return to Goderich last week. where he is linotype operator for the Huron Signal. Mrs 'Travis does not regain her vigor as quickly as many friends wish but we bops the good old Summer time will prove a valuable assistant. Druggist Robt. Work, Toronto, took a run up to Brussels last week and made a short visit at the parental home, also with other relatives and friends. John Gray. Newton, New Jersey. who aractuated thisea y t from the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph, was a visitor last week with E. G. and Mrs. Lowry. Mrs, Robert Oliver, who has been laid aside from an attack of blood poison- ing. is considerably improved and we h' pe sbe well soon be restored to her usual good health. Edgar Lowry. who was up North this Winter clerking for the Northern Can• ada Power Co., spent a few days with his parents E. G. end Mrs, Lowry, town, He was a welcome visitor. Mrs C. Phillips, nee Belle Dark, Roleau, Sask., who has been so ill, will take a course of treatment at a health resort, which we trust will prove effica- cious. Mrs, Dark, who went West a month ago will likely spend the Summer there. Russel Zimmer an son, Paul, Toron- to, are enjoying a short holiday with A. C. and Mrs, Dames and other old friends, The former is a nephew of host and hostess. Itis about 20 years since Rus. first went to the Queen city where be bolds a good position. Mrs, 1, Caldwell and Misses lean and Jessie spent the week end at the parent. al home in Grey township, T. C. and Mrs, McCall and Miss Edna took a motor run to Kipppn last Satur• day and visited Rev, and Mrs. Lundy, formerly of Walton. The rev. gentle. man bas been bothered with high blood pressure but is improving, Rev, Dr, Oaten, Toronto, was" in town this week while en route to Wingham District Meeting. He was a former pastor of the Methodist Church' here, and in his earlier ministry was on Bel - grave circuit, hence knows the geo- graphy of this section of country well. D. B, MacDonald and Mrs. ,H. R. Horton; Galt, and Mrs. Maclean, De- troit were called borne owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Lexa Kerr', who suffered a slight stroke on Saturday. As THE POST went to press on Wednesday there was little change in Mrs. Kerr's condition. Athol McQuarrie, who is now engag- ed with the well known Advertising Agency of A. McKim, Montreal and Toronto, was in town last week call- ing on relatives and friends for a short while. We wish Mr, McQuarrie success and congratulate the Agency on secur• ing so excellent a representative, Joshua Bateman, Assistaot—'Station Master, Torouto, who has been in rail. way service for the past 22 years, was a visitor in Brussels last Saturday. He has a busy spot at the "Union" as 41 regular passenger trains are in and out every day, to say nothing about the specials. Mr. Bateman likes to get a visit to Brussels and locality where be spent his youthful years. He is a brother to John Bateman, town. Dr. Fred. and Mrs, Gilpin, Chicago, accompanied by Nurse Cox are expect- ed to arrive Wednesday by Lincoln car and will take J. J. and Mrs, Gilpin back with them for an extended visit, which has become an annual event. The above mentioned nurse took charge of Mrs. Gilpin last Summer when the visit was being made, Owing to other plans on the program Mrs. E. Crich will re- main in town instead of accompaning the party to the Windy city on. this occasion as bas been her custom. During the year 1924 96 arrivals and departures on the St. Lawrence route, with its different services, to be maintained throughout the sum- mer months by its popular mono - class cabin and Empress class steam- ers, will, '5onatitute the Canadian programihe of the Canadian Pacific Railway's eteamships. A combined tonnage of 197,000 gross tons will be in operation en the Atlantic under the Company's flag, the largest amount yet assigned by a single line toeteamsh steamship P� senge r traffic on the St. Lawrence route. Lavvr Canada's unfavorable trade bal oace with the United States is more than equaled by her favorable trade balaace with the United Kingdom, according to trade figures of the Bureau of Statistics. For the year ending February, Canada's imports from the United States were $603,- 000,000' and her exports to that country $426,000,000, an excess of imports of $177,000,000. As against this, Canadian exports to the United Kingdom were $355,000,000, and the imports from Britain $166,000,000, a surplus of 1200,000,000 on the side of exports. DI E,0 DoDPt,—At Tilleonburg. on May 18th, 1624, Eliza, widow of the late A. A. Donee, Lon- don, and mister of J. J. Gilpin, Brussels. McInnis —At Soadder, Pelee Island, on May 1155.1924, Arthur Molenlo, In his 84th year. PoMaaor.—In Maidstone, on May 1855, 1024, Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, formerly of Walton, in hie 76th � year.PIDDLE:—In Whitoohnroh, on May llth, 1924, Samuel Peddle, is his 78rd year. Wedding Gifts FOR THE BRIDE In our store you will find suit- able Wedding Gifts. A new stock of Got Glass has just ar- rived, consisting of bherbett Seta, Goblets, Water Sete, Cake Plates, Sugars and dreams, Vases, etc, Also a nice assort- ment of SILVERWARE, New, useful pieces suitable as Wed- ding Gifts for the Bride, Call and see the assortment. 11111111111111111 '. (( yrrrmrn11111 ,1,9 Kodak Keeps The Story Just click the shutter of this easily work. ed Kodak, and to -day's good times become tomorrows good Pictures. Our store is a good place to get your Kodak outfit, Our stock is complete and up•LO-date and we are as willing to show as we erg to sell. Get your Kodak here • $6,76 and up Brownie Camerae • 2.00 and up ACCESSORIES and SUPPLIES J. R. a YY Es w 16w/ I _ ✓E ROXETER The T,494'14.670. Store WEEKLY STORE NEW S Geranlums or Bedding N the course of a few days we will be I placing our order for Geraniums and will be pleased to have any wishing to secure a supply to leave their orders as early as possible— Salmon Pink Dark Pink White Dark Red Our price is the same as charged at the Green House $2.75 per dozen 1 1 Dreco A Splendid Spring Tonic We have $1.25 per bot. TA N LAC An all round Tonic and Appetizer We have it— $1.15 per bottle Penslar Cod Liver Extract Our Best Builder and Tonic We have 15— $ 0.00 per bot. The Wall Paper Season is still going strong and we are now prepared to offer some attractive prices on bundles of Remnants in from 4 to to Roll lots, They - are - Bargains FOX' S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER • BIWUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat, Peau Oats Barley Buckwheat Butter Hoge Potatoes Hay Wool 40 00 40 88 1 65 5 1 566 40 45 8o 8o 25 25 7 b0 760 76 75 700 800 1 21 Drain Tenders The council of the Township of Grey is nuking for tenders for the construction of the Hanna and Sanders Drains, Tender% must be received by the Clerk not later then May 81st, Plana, estimates end specifications may be mien at the Clerk's office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. H. FEAR, Twp. Clark. J King Bros. Warm Weather will Demand Suitable Apparel Summer Frocks Just to hand New Voile Dresses Ratene Dresses Linen Dresses Broadcloth Dresses Pleated Skirts, Capes, Etc. Gossard Corsets Nemo Corsets Corslets Linens for the June Bride Complete Table Sets Separate Cloths or Napkins Fine Medals. Luncheon Sets Cluny and Point Venice Pieces Dress Goods Silks and Wash Goods Curtains Curtain Materials House Furnishings Visit our Men's Department IT WILL PAY YOU Samples sent on request KING BROS. PHONE 7r WINGHANI