HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-21, Page 5t,• IINO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED , /r�str.e}�'e ,vv Qs GeN4V4P,V COMM) D. M. SCOTT £'IMWS/g14, drovievesign PRICES MODERATE For rorereincae consult any person whose sales I have otllulatod at, Phone 70x or 06 OR, WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Vaterluary College. Day and night galla, (Mice opposite Flour 10111, Itthet, 11/IAUDE 0. BRYANS OPH THALM OLOQiS.T Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo. Uormlek Moate d, College, (.Blease, Ill. Three - months post graduate amuse during year 1010. 11yes solenbilioally examined, Latest Modern Methods used. I Oroaa Ryonstratghtened through proper. ly fitted Lenses, Satisfaction Assured, Odra hours • 10 to 12 a, in. • 1.00 to 0 p. m• Saturday evening, 7.20 to 0 o'clock, Phone 20x THURSDAY HAL. i' HOL..IDAY ALL the Stores and Graces in the Village of thussels will dose at 12 o'clock noon every 'Moseley this Sum• roar, beginning May let and ton• tinning till close of October. Business places will be open every Wednesday and Saturday evenings end evenings before a Pt bli Holiday, 1 c o ay, ;Use?, 67. ihwitromr AGENT FOR fire, Automobile and Wind . Inc. COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES McFADZEAN Agent Hawick Mutual fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Bruasale O T. T. M' RAE M. B.. M. O. P., di S. 0. M. 0. H„ . Village of Brussels Physlotan, Surgeon, A000uohonr Office at reoidenoe, opposite Hely elle Chinch, William street. Tr. &Aware BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BOUSSELS' PSSUSFSST, kIiLSHAN it SSLMES Barrietore, 8oiicttora, Notarial Public, &c, Office on the Square, 2n.; door from Hamilton Street, GODER1Oli, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. Peoinroot, E.O. T, L. KmLLOaAN DUDLEY Homan, Jug. $ btr* r.r ifs ss.4s r r The Indian Het'balist .11111446,:R May be found in the Stretton Block Brussels, Wednesday and Saturday of each week until further notice. $a Nigh Grade instruction Only "4 ('a ELLIOTT WJ Vongo & Oharlos Sts., Toronto .1 P r Rennins nt' t all Sr and admits for our at any time, Strong damned for 1�, ear grndnntas all the time Right now is a splendid time to commence n course here. Thorough. preparation is absor• ately necessary today and it always pn e. to a1Eend a otrlotl dret•cla eonool;and not an imil0000 ono. ss a Write today for free Catalogue. +-0 .�'3. W. ,I. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 3*aS&Vaa,ea 1AMQ�^ni �"J.�llsiVeSi'YQ CENTRAL. BUSINESS it COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. prepares yonn0 men and young women TO for Business which is now Oracle's rL agreatest profession We enlist graft- atm .to positions and they have a Prno Vaal training whienablesthem to with samosa. Students are raglseach week, Get our t n00ue d learn something about our1fdifferent departments. �¢.l cat - D. A. M'L.AOHLAN. PRIN.' 1-'1•-.44++• ..-F'f'•F•F•h•N++++'l-+•1'+• +++ Diamood dings We atm slowing a nice selection of Diamond Rings in the newest Motet tinge'frore $20.00 . tot $250.00 New Stock Unusual Value If you are interested it will pay you to come and see our assort. m1e t. We will be pleased to nw 1 have you call and see one stotlr. J. Ra Wendt Jeweler Wroxeter oral Netvs Items Fnez moonlit nights, FOOT BALL Comes next, THE Pon gives the news. How does your address label read i' NEXT Saturday will be Victoria Day and a public holiday. e Give THE POST the names and ad. dresses of your visitors. MITCHELL races are' slated for May 24th. There will be 4 events also a high wire artist. See the advt. LONnoN Methodist Conference will be held at Windsor, opening Thursday June sth and concluding Tuesday, June 19th. THE Picture Show has changed their Tuesday Show to Weduesclay evening Other evening dates remain the same as bave been. Auction Sale of Grey. Township too acre farm at the American Hotel Brus- sels, at 2 p m, Saturday, .31st inst. See the advt. for further particulars. Pence of sugar has reduced once more, If other household necessities would al- so toboggan the bigb cost of living would be able to climb down and make the breadwinner smile. , PROVINCIAL bye election in South Waterloo on June reth, will see W. C. Shaw, Hespeler, opposing Mr. Homutb, the recent M, P, P., who was unseated. Former is a Tory. Biscui' manufacturers announce a reduction in price to the retailer, as a result of the reduction of the Federal 'sales tax. The fruits- of economy at Ottawa are already becoming apparent.. GOOD OLD GAMES WERE - Knife, Jacks, ' Croquet, London Bridge, Duck -on -the -rock, Pitching Horseshoes, Porn pom-pull-away. INVITATION. The returned men of 1t'Ima cordially invite the returned men of Brussels and vicinity to join them at the unveiling of the Township Memorial on Friday, May 23rd, at 5.3o p. m- Un- iforms requested where possf}ele. Meet- ing place, Agricultural grounds. At- wood, G. W. V. A. Band in attendance, Bgi,s tzzER.-This splendid. Cantata. in which 5o people will, take part, will be presented in the Opera House, Brus- sels, by well known Blyth talent; Tues- day evening, May 27111, They come un- der the auspices of Melville Church Choir and are well worth hearing, Plan of reserved seats at Fox's DruStore. Nobody should miss 'this musical treat, See the advt and get a program. NORTH . H'URON' ... LIBERALS.-NO1tb Huron: Liberal Associations Federal and Provincial, will hold their annual meet- ing jointly in Wingham Town Hall, Tuesday, May 27tH, commencing at 0,30 p. m. Meeting will be addressed by Duncan Marshall, Liberal organizer •for Ontario, and others. It is hoped there will be a large representation from all parts of the riding, and a special invita- tion is extended to the ladies THE POST Lams Box. -In renewing his subscription to THE Posritev. A. J. Mann, now of Newmarket, formerly a well known pastor of Melville Church, says ;-Mrs. Mann and I are both well and, are quite busy, but enjoying our work.' '!'here is much to encourage our hearts. How late Spring is in robing herself but God's• time in all things is always best. THa POST is always wel- come to our borne. -A note from Rev. J. T. Strachan, Campbeliville, Ont., a former resident: of this locality, in for- warding his subscription writes en joy your paper very much but do not see enough of Jamestown news. I trust you are well and prosperous and. that Tun Pos'c may long continue to in- fluence its mauy readers." Grog FINE Ni AN DIES SUDDENLY -J'110, it Boyd, 12111 Ono. 'Vow:eerie rie of El UM, dropped dead while at work in Iiia Held on lltlonday, May, 12111. • He lied been making repairs to a fence and later was helping a neighbor to dove . cattle, His eon, Harry, had been wnrking with him at the fence, but. found his father deed when he got in him 1011 Boyd cisme to Shea sone. grate logo buying the John Little faun near Silver Cornets, He was a Inogroasive indug ttinue fat Mee and daieytnn, a ptotninent memberof Union Methodist Church nod was very active itt municipal 8119100, Hio death is feltvery keenly by hie many friends and sympathy of the community (0 extended to bereaved family. Besides his widow, 4 eons and • 2 daughters survive, Frank, Fred, Murry, John and Ethel, are all of Blum township; and Mre. John Keeeo, Listowel, 4 grandcbildren are Marjorie and Mate ins Boyd, Junkie and Marjorie Kamm. 2 sisters and 3 brothers survive, Miss Rose 13oyd and Mee Martin Van Sick- le, Aurora, 111, ; H:. P Boyd, Brook lyn, N X. ; Dr. Ezekiel Boyd,, Lon-. don,- England and Joirli 141, Boyd, Dauphin, Man, Futieritl was held. Wednesday afternoon; interment tak- gP Y iu lace in Mina Ocntre cemetery. Rev. Me, Hann, Ethel, conducted the services. Floral, tiibetee were from family, Union Clime)), Mr, and Mrs. Van Sickle, neighbors and friends, John and Mre Whittington, Ed. and Mrs. Taylor, Henry and Mra. White, Mrs, Hugh'Paylor, Will, Sharpe and Kenneth, John ani NT$. Ovans, Mfte Harrison, James and Mts, Denman, Will, and Mre, Little, Needs Rebs distance attending the funeral were Ihd, and Mrs. !Myhre, )crank and. Mrs. Vansickle, Offence and Mrs, Whit, tingeon, Mrs. John Whittington, Henry White, Noah [crooks, Pick Vansickle, Everet .1luuhatn, Robbie Conran, all of Lyndon ; Barry and Mrs. Fields, Roy and bite. Fields, Richard Fields, elr, piaseiee, Hamil- ton ; Sam. and Mrs, Fields, Dundee ; Will, and Kenneth Sharpe, Atherton ; H. P. Boyd, Philndephia ; John -and Mrs. Koeso, sr„ Charles Reese, Mrs, F, •Heeso, Wi111iam, Berl, Alf, and Frank Miss Redo, Miesd tLoewalof Ltei Gorrie Mrs. Thos, Phair is home from Tor. onto, 0. P. 3, has been improving the road bed Adam and Mrs, Young have moved to Toronto Master Arthur Lemon t,was on the oleic list from lagrippe, Dr, Armstrong Is making a good recovery from iris recent illness. Tuesday Rev. Mr Finlay attended the annual District Meeting in Wing. ham, Blyth Frank Metcalf attended the Angli- can Synod at London last week. Sunday, May 25th, will be observed as Fathers' Day in the Methodist church here. 2 wash basins have been installed at the Public School by the Women's Institute. Archie Tunney and Henry Beazer, who were injured by being thrown from a jigger on the 0. P. R., are improving. Thursday of this week E. Bender will attend the Methodist Church District Meeting at Goderich as repre- sentative from the church here.' Listowel Saturday will be observed as a pub- lic holiday. High School Cadets were inspected by the military officials. Listowel will play Base Ball as well as Fbot Ball this Summer, Clarke and Mise Ada Moore, Toron- to, were visitors at the parental home. W. Livingston was here while en - route to the West from a trip to Eng- land. Odd Fellows attended service in the Methodist Church last Sunday morn- inArlington Hotel here has been leas- ed by a Mr. Gardiner, of the Empire Hotel, Stratford. A club bag was presented Miss M. Riem by her girl friends on the eve off her departure for Toronto, Mrs. Riem received a set of cutlery. Fordwloh Mre. A.be, Geddes, 2nd Con., under- went a serious operation and is get- ting along favorably. Mts. Sam. Johnston, whose health is much improved, ie staying with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Winter, 9th Oon, Ladies' Aid and friends of New- bridge Methodist church presented George and Mre Aldrich with some fine table linen. FUNERAL me B. 5, Oooa,-The fun- eral of the late B. S. Cook, formerly of this village, who passed away at bis home in Joronto o followin a ion illness, was held here on Friday, May 9th, from the noon O. P. R. train, in- terment being made in Fordwieh cemetery. The remains were accom- panied by deceased's two sons, Robert and Russel Cook, of Toronto. The fun- eral service was in charge of L. 0. L. No. 642, of which Mr. Gook was one of the 'oldest and most honored mem- bers. The service at the grave was conducted by Rev. J. ?ring, Trow- bridge, a former Methodist minister here. Pallbearers were J. H. Rogers, Wm. Goggin, Alex. Robinson, Win. Jamieson, John Patterson and Gil- bert hlcDet•mitt. Besides his sorrow- ing widiew he is survived by 4 daughters and 3 sons, viz ;-Mrs. (Dr.) Dunlop, of Calgary ; Mrs G. A. # Pure Bre BabYChidekS S. C. White Legliorns S. 0. Mottled Anconas Barred Plymouth Books h. G. Rhode I. Beds From Bred • to -lay Strains For full particulars write • E. L. MITTELL [CLINTON HATCHERY Phone 213 Oiinton, Otte' FIRM RELIEVER IN THE FRUIT TREATMENT MRS. LAURA ALFORD Thousands of people owe the splendid Fruit Medicine -"Fruit -a. tives"-a Jesting debt of gratitude, which they gladly pay by testifying to Rs merits. Mrs. Laura Laura Alford of 28 Florence St., Ottawa, says; For years, I was a martyr to Constipation and Dyspep- sea. I have tried cathartics, salts and so-called vegetable laxatives but all were -unpleasant and gaveno Pee- - mauent relief, . Finally I decided to try "Fruit•a-tires". I have been using '1Fruit.n.tiyes" now for seven years; never have Constipation or Stomach Trouble ; and have been in the hest of health ever since. My husband and children use "Fruit - a tines" regularly', "Fruit -a -fives" contain intensified fruit juices combined with tonics. 23c. and 500. a box -at dealers or Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa, Wrathall, Misses Norma and Nora, of Toronto ; Blake, in the West ; Dr. W. R. and Robt, Cook, ofToronto. who have the sympathy of all in their bereavement, ' Atwood Elora Council will meet here Satur- day 81st inst. Mrs. Wm. Sweeton has been dao• gernusly ill Rev. Mr, Paull attended the Angli- can Synod at London last week. Chas. Bliueo, of Saskatchewan came home to attend his mother's funeral, Mre. Luke Lucas bought the resi- dence of J. M. Smith, paying $2,400 for it. Friday of this week will be a public holiday on account of the unveiling ceremony of the Memorial monument. At the annual meeting of the Maple Leaf Institute officers were elected• as follows ;-Pres., Mre. J. Marks ; Vice. Pres., Mrs, M. Wilson ; Sec. -Trees. elre A. Willoughby ; Die. Dir., Mrs. T, Vines ; Auditors, Mrs. A. Spillet and Mrs. 0. Nethercott. Goderich The Blue Water Beach Golf course has been laid out. An orchestra has been organized for Knox Church Sunday School. W. Gordon, Government Agent at Norway House g was visiting here Dr. VValtpr•Turnbull has been ser- iously ill in Vaucouver General Hos. pi tal. The dredge, Goderich, is here ready to begin work at harbor improve- ments. 155,000 -bushels of wheat ate unload- ed at the Elevator here from the steamship Drummond, Partnerehip between Dry Goode Merchants Gray & Cartwright has been dissolved, the latter retiring. 800,000 Salmon trout fry will be deposited in Lake Huron at Goderich. E. R, Wigle M. P. P. has interested himself. ACOInENT.-George II. Bell, an em- ployee of the Goderich Elevator & Transit Company, is lying in Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital in a critical condition from injuries to the head sustained at work. The eleva- tor company, after loading their ears nn the 0, P, R„ sends there .into the yards by force of gravitation. It is supposed that the brakes failed to work on onear, and Ir C t .it when it left the•ak t1 c the stick,which Bell was usingon the wheel.• t take o e the ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E GGS DATCHING Single Comb White Legherns 10 Cents above market price :will be charged but not less than 85c per dozen. Alex. Perrie Phone 2615 Brussels R. R. 3 4+++++++44di•H'-t'a•++++4,441'+++•r Ztpays to use MARTIN -SENOUR 1007 PURE PAINT & VARNISHES For EveryParpose-roe EverySticfbce' Write to Head Office. Montreal For Free. Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE RA.SV SOLD BY GEO. R. WELLER, BRUSSELS, ONT, top of the cal' a0a lever top aside, hitp lit applying the brekee, broke, and struck hint on tee temple, He was found. in au uneoneolo05 condition on • top of the ear. There was no eye.wlte uessee to the accident, .ie Ie under. stood. Wlnlg•ham Saturday will be observed as a pub• lie holiday. Odd ellows' deeora410n service, Sunday, June let, A. H. Wilford, a former resident, is. \vieiting in town. Anniversary in. elle Methodist church last Sunday, ."rhe Jones' Entertain," is the title of a play being arranged by elle rating people of St Andrew's elan ch. Seaforth DislrtoCT W. M SOCIETY MEETS, - About 200 delegates were in attetnd- iince at the Goderich DieleictWo. tnerl'e Miesionaty Society, held in the Moaforth Methodiet Church last week, The business discussion was presided over by the District' Superintendent, Mrs, W. 7, Andrew. of Auburn. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Mc- Kinley and Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Moorebouse, Mrs, Peters, Dungannon, and Miss le. Mooney, Goderich, read short papers. Evening session opened with devotional exercises by Mips R. Thompson, Donnybrook, The Dis- trict Superintendent ietrictSuperintendent reported a very prosperous year. Special music in. cluded a duet by Mrs. Cortese and Mre. Fitzsimmons, Clinton and aquar- tet by Nies. W. G. Willis, Miss Beth Willis, De. F. J. Burrows and W. D. Here and There Shipments of grain from Vancou- ver for the 1923-24 season have now passed the 41,000,000 bushel mark. 'Officials estimate that the 60,000,- 000 bushel mark set for the season will be surpassed in the near future. Reports from England state that it has been universally conceded that Canada's pavilion was in the beet condition when the King opened the British Empire Exhibition at Wem- bley on April 28rd. "It was the Canadian building," the reports said, "spick and span and complete to the last nail that led all others in the race to the finish in time for to -day's official opening." Over 3,600 settlers left Liverpool for Canada on April 24th. Thirteen hundred of these sailed on the Cana- dian Pacific liner "Montcalm," in- cluding a party of 200 skilled work- ers from Manchester, 3$ belonging to engineering trades, 40 to build- ing trades and 42 farm bands. Eighty skilled workers from Leeds and a party of engineers from Bar- row-in-Furness were also on board. A total. of 40,000,000 salmon trout eggs has been collected during the last season by the Department of Marine, and Fisheries in Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. The total numlber obtain- ed compares favorably with the average collections of recent years and is sufficient to fill all the hatcheries on the Great Lakes en- gaged in the propagation of salmon trout. Graphic and interesting educa- tional motion pictures will bring Alberta's various resources to the eyes of those who attend the British Empire Exhibition this year. In addition to pictures illustrating the life of Alberta's citizens on the farms, on the ranches and in the mining districts, charts will be used to bring out interesting compilations of statistics illustrative of the prov- ince's - agricultural and induetrial output. Carrying an invitation to the President of the United States to attend the celebrations of the 140th anniversary of the settlement of Upper Canada by the United Em- pire Loyalists, which Will be held en June, Miss G. Lazier, herself a descendant of the Loyalists, left kBeRevllle recently on 3torsebaek to ride to Washingtonalone, a dis- tance s i - tance a s f 600 mile Elaborate lxr- wan ementsor the e c ele brations9 re hog made and it is expected that thousands of visitors will attend. .An attractive booklet entitledd "A Week in Quebec in the Spring, by Betty Thornley, internationally known writer associated with "Vogue" and other magazines, has just been added to the series of artistic pamphlets published by the Canadian Pacific Railway. It de- scribes the Ancient Capital and its environs, is illustrated by many striking photographs and bound in a cover which reproduces in natural colors theattern of cloth catalogne, woven by Quebec habitant Women. That the Indian village of Hoche. lege, which stood on the site of the present city of Montreal, was a place of about fifty wooden houses having a population of some 4,000 emits when Jacques Cartier sailed upthe St. Lawrence, was the asser- tin made by Dr. W. D. Lighthall before the Antiquarian and Numis- matic Society of Montreal recently. Dr. Lighthall Was able to give the boundaries of the village and de- scribed it as resembling the home of Cedric the Saxon, in "Ivanhoe." Apropos of the recent "Save the Forest Week," X'l.- W. Beatty, Presi- dent of the Canadian Pacifl0 Rail- way, stated: "A week's eoncentra- tiott on saving the forests of Can- ada is wellort w hhie . w 1 moa h bet- ter to make it a 'Forest Saving Year' and, if the forest resources of this country are to be conserved to adequately avail the greater Can- ada of a few years hence it must be a 'Forest 'Saving Generation.' Forest wastage is to -day tragically too great and we Canadians must pay and ase paying for the lose.' Seeds We have on hand a fresh supply of Brucef Wont Yellow Intermediate and S Magold Seeds gleet White Feeding Sugar Beets Also Famous New Century Turnip Seed flannelette - Blankets Special for Friday & Saturday Selling Good Heavy Blankets, large size, White and Grey with Pink and Blue borders, Price for these two days AG. F. A. HUNTER Bright. A resolution protesting teeniest any change in the 0. T. A. was unanhnously passed. Present offi- cers were re-elected., Wroxeter Council Special meeting of the Council on May 2nd. Present :-Alex. Wright, A. J. San- derson, Neil. White, Geo, S. Leckie, P, 0. John Henneberg took the declara- tion of office as sleeve to which be was elected. Moved by' Neil White, seconded by A. J. Sanderson that motion appoint- ing Geo. S. Leckie as Presiding Officer be rescinded. Carried. Reeve Henneberg then took the chair. Moved by Geo. S. Leckie, seconded by Neil White that A. J. Sanderson being appointed to act on the Street Committee and Cemetery Committee and his name be inserted in By-law covering appointment of committees. -Carried. Motion of Alex. Wright and A. J, Sanderson that Oletk call for tenders for erection of about 90 rods of wire Pence. -Carried. A motion to pass By-law ap- pointing a Pound -keeper for 1924 by Geo. S. Leckie and A. J, Sanderson-' Carried. Motion of Neil White and A. J. Sanderson that we adjourn to meet. on date of regular meeting or at call of Reeve. FRED. DAVEY, Clerk. • Single eom11, Role Reds AY OLD 021ICHS 18c for balance of season. Now have spare for Custom Hatching at $5.00 per 100 Eggs. Any breed Or quantity,' Eggs are uow hatching good, Book order early for space or Chicks. John T. Duncan Phone 7x Box 20 Brussels, Ont. Canadian News Darting into the roadway while playing tag with two playmates at Toronto, Georgie Bootle, aged 7 years, was struck down by an automobile driven by William Brown and died before Mr. Brown could reach St. Michael's Hospital with the lad in his car. James Steel ft this way from Sask- atchewan to Glasgow, Scotland, was killed when he fell out of the open door of a eailwety coach as the train was taking a sharp curve at Payne, near Renfrew, Ont, A brakeman noticed him, but he was too late. Little was known about Mr, Steel. Electri al Wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given. Our Prices are Right All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town. W. La Lindensmith Call American Hotel BRUSSELS 11 Barred socks S, C, White Legharns Baby Chicks For the past teu years we have made a careful study of the Poul- try business, more particularly mating and breeding along larger egg production lines. In the present Canadian Egg Laying Contest being conducted at the Experimental Farrar at Ottawa, under Government supervision, where there are 88 pens entered from the best poultry breeders in Canada and the United States (Onrttesi: started Nov- Id, 1923, and ends Oct. 3101, 1924), our pen of S. 0, White Legherus, No, 40, is in second place (a pen from the 'Milted States holding first posi- tion.) Our pen has not been lower than 4t11 place since tate brat week of the Contest, Chicks we are batching for our customers are ft'om the mothers and sisters of this pen. In the latter part of May and the month of June we will have 16,000 Ohieks-Rooks 18e, and Leghorns 150 each. Last year wo had to refuse orders for thousands of Chicks RE parties wailing them were too late in placing their orders. Right now JR the tunee to nyder Chicles for delivery the latter part of May or for the month of June. Have you been keeping flans ? or have the 1 -lens been keesin you ? Stattnow and get the kind that will keep you. 'There is ti big differ t eicefn the xe returns you get front k5 errors amount nt r food d Cbl lEli me yr�y O. Why not get OhdOks that have the breeding basic of them to give you big pronto, The Chicks we send out are properly incubated, therefore easily reified, WALTER 14.O E. BOX 34 BRUSSEL-S. ONT. �:r miosiranosseanummenoinemensonnesessmeammeemftememeemonmerneresoftemaermentammemmwommenfterenemser