HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-21, Page 4be .._tau otIs W1?)1)NI;^iDAlf, MAY 21 1924 J7�1 gair bnslaess bu2zin i :,1l ss,.5,u Alta we etulnbiiug bloke or stepp ug etours 7 Do tile h:<at you can, that's all the angels are doing now•a-days, Boienwrs are ulcer to lake than brick- bats. Remember this when you are looking for something to throw at folk JArr, accommodation will be at a pre- mium at Toronto if the authorities don't quit arresting folk cbarged with grafting. HARD times have turned the corner and better days are coming. Get your share by turning on a little more steam in your business Do you ever advertise your goods or do you do business on tbe boosting other folk do? "•Tisa milts ut the Gode grind slowly" seems to be is true ax the Gospel, judg- ieg by the frequent postponements of trials of public men against whom grave charges have been mule. Wonder who is bearing the expense 7 REV. W. R. ?4cINTo'H, Presbyterian minister, Londou, thinks bobbed Bair and short skirts are clean and sensible. We second your,motion brother. The "trailer" worn by the well dressed woman of years ago. whets used as a street sweeper, could be spelled "trollop" and not far astray at that. ALREADY the "mile -a mdaate' cheat.. feurs have began to swell the public exchequer by wholesome flues. The end offence should cancel the tscensse for a year or se as well and would perhaps do good to more than the may Ike wno is a menace to the bigoway, "Txou shalt not Steal" will apparent. ly soon have to be ad.ied to our Maple Leaf emblem, judging by the fast and furious insinuations regarding public men. Years ago people took pride in prefixing the word "Honest" to the name of the M. P. or M. P. P, repre- senting their constituency. We have not noticed its frequent use of late. THREE quarters of a million pounds of Canadian honey was shipped to Great Britain last year and 40.000 pounds went to Denmark. 6o pound packages seem- ed to find favor in transit. Ontario bees gather ro,00o,00o and the West. particu- larly Manitoba, is showing large increas- es. Good for the busy 9• HON. THOS. CRAwi•oan, M. P. P., Toronto, is sidetracked by being offer- ed the office of Registrar of Deeds. His retirement will necessitate a bye election in Nortb East Toronto. The principle, of handing over all these offices to ex - M. P P.'s or M. P.'s is not right, they should be given to others who bave not been feeding et the public crib. J. W. Corry, K. C., was Mr. Crawford's pre- decessor and died qttite unexpectedly. The latter is in his 77th year and has been 3o years in Parliament. rire4ra-Nr4owitiirareva4remo, Are You oving fro "awn ". ti We do Long Distance Trucking. Get our prices before shipping. Mundys' - Wingham Q Phone 82 tl To Bishop of Huron stirred ep well deserved oritici'sm wben be shied some rocks at the cause of Prohibition at the Synod last week in Loudon. What good would any law be if it were not for the prohibitions 2 Statute breakers dont like the penalties of course, It's no easy job to "fence in" Old Booze but the hearty support of every oppooeut of the pablic bar will fleetly throttle it if they realize the danger to the youth in coming hays. Because a law is violated is nu reason for its repeal, rather a call for more urgent enforcetneutand penal- ties increased that will teach lessons of respect for statutory enac'meets. The 0. T, A. has done well wader the eir. curnstances and is probably the best method tried yet of dealing witb King A:cohol. It is still True "whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Enforce the law. Wingham District W. M. S. Convention Annual Mooting Held at Lucknow Annual Cothveutioa of Kingham Dietriee Women'', Missionary Society took place Thursday, May 8th, after- uonn urld everting in the Lucknow Methodist Chureb, and, there was a f large crowd present, 21 out of a total 1 of 23 auxiliaries were represented at Cloliveutinrr, and 0 out of 9 (bloke and Bands were iepreeented. 180 dele• i gates registered. Afternoon session was presided over by Mire. W. H. Willis, Wingham, District Superintendent ; Mrs, Ouyler ecntduetetl the devotional exercises ; (Solos by mile Stephens, Gerrie and I Mrs. 1)ierlauhtn, Ripley and a duet by 41i.r;ei liingston and Clarke, of 13rus- sele Auxiliary, were well received. Mize. !Rev.) Brown, Wroxeter, con - dueled the consecration and memorial a ser vice Inc the 12 membets who had died during the year. Armow, Brus- sels, Gerrie, Ripley, Wingbam and 1 { Kincardine were the societies bereav- ed. "How to Make the Mission Circle Interesting and Instcuctive" was dis- owned by Mise Padiield, Orange Hill, end a splendid address on "Christian Stewardship" was contributed by Mrs. (Rev.) O, E. Cragg, Wingham. Election of nfdcers resulted in the re-election of Mrs, Wi111s, Wingham, as District Superintendent, and Mrs, W. J. Greer, Wingham aa Secretary. TROTFKY, be of world -war notoriety, thinks that factories sbould be once more let agoing to manufacture war chemicals, looking toward their use in days to come, If fire and brimstone are needed perhaps Mr. Trotsky might arrange with his old friend Clouty and have him pass over tbe right to use some of his develisb chemicais, sometimes re ferred to. General Sherman said in bis i day that "War was bell" and we guess it has a better right for this strong ap- pelation today than in the bygones, A wxois lot of the returned soldier boys were better fighters than farmers and as a eonsequeuce, we notice 4433 vet- erans have abandoned their farms. Those assisted under the Settlement Act numbered 21743. In a good many cases it was a waste of good money with- out profit to anybody, unless to owners of some farms who were reported to have made a fair haul. The wonder to 135 le that as many stuck to their job as have, as in our judgment, it is not tbe best way to recompense many men. BaAMrroN Herald says :—"The town Clerk will go over all documents belong - leg to the town, copy all By -Laws and Institute a filing system for the same." There Are snores of municipalities, THE Posr believes, where tbe same work re- quires to be done and Brussels is oa the Iist, It would be time and money well spent to install a handy, up•ttedate method; of tabulating so that a few minutes any time would put the Infor- mation at the disposal of the enquirer, Old and out -of date records could be eliminated by thee plan and it would al- so open the wsy for new ByLews or amendments where necessary, .The passing yams acctmulate a great Mass of useless papers that have served their tiny and Clutter up the pigeon boles, This Brampton blot might be a pointer to cur Council,; Closing atidrese of afternoon was given by Mrs. Gordon Wright, Lon- 1 don, on "The piesent day responsibil- ity of the W. M. membership." Mre,! Wright's address was listened to with 1 rapt attention. Excellent supper was served by 6 Lucknow ladies in the schoolroom and at the supper hour Mrs. (Rev.) Cater- bout, President of the Lucknow 1 Auxiliary, made a neat address of Welcome to Convention, which was happily responded to by Mrs. (lamer - on, Bethel. Greetings were aiau , brought to Convention by Mrs. (Rev.) MoOalium from Presbyterian Auxi- liary and Mrs. (Rev.) Go18u, Kinloss Presbyterian Auxiliary. Rev, J. H. Osterhout, B. A., B. De presided over the evening session. Superintendent's and Secretary's re- ports were given in a charming man- ner byMrs. Willi all a d Mrs, Greer, Reports revealed the fact that in the 23 auxiliaries there were 529 annual members, 92 Life members, 100 Little Light Bearers and 35 associate helpers: ' and that $2,511.45 was eonttibuted by the auxiliaries, being an increase of $122 over last year. In the 4 Circles there are 87 members and they con• tributed $200, or an increase of $122. 3 Bantle have 100 members and $100 was contributed, an increase of $48. { Secretary gave Convention the in formation that just 21 years ago the ' Annual Convention was bold in the Lucknow Church, with Mra. Cuyler (who was present this year), as Dia- trict Superintendent, and Mrs, Gor- don Wright addressed both afternoon and evening meetings 21 years ago, as she did at this meeting. At the gath- ering then Ikere were 11 auxiliaries repotted and a total raised of $373. A solo by Mre. Wesley Joynt and a quartette by the Wingbam Ciicle were well received. Address of the evening was given by Mrs, (Gordon Wright on "The Cell of the Hour," and was a masterly ap• peal and a clarion call for the ladies of the W. el, S. to rally to the standard of Prohibition and to do their utmost to keep the measure of Prohibition in Ontario intact and increase that meas- ure if possible. lairs. Wright present- ed an array of arguments and figures to show that Government control in i3ritish Columbia and Quebec wag a dismal tenure ae fat as curtailing the drink traffic wee concerned, She said that Government sale hatl proven 11- Iself worse than having the open bur, Convention, despite the unfavorable weather, W9ts one of the best held by i the District for years, and murh eyed• it for the euccese was due Mrs. Wile ,:lis, Mee. Greer and Mrs. J. H. Oster - trout, the local, President, Miss Ma - belle Allin, church organist, was at 1 the orgoin.dur'ing the sessions of Con- ' volition, i�lshaz�ar A Sacred Cantata to be presented by Blyth Choral Society in the Opera House, Brussels, on Tuesday evening, May 27th, under the auspices of Melville Church Choir, Pi Synopsis For seventy yeaea the Jewe have been captives in Babylon. At the end of this period, Cyrus, Ring of Per- besiegee Babylon, Belehezzar, the reoklese and riot. ous King of Babylon, deoreee a feast in honor of the Baby- lonian gods and commands the Jewe to attend. When Zerubbabel, the Governor of the Jewish captives, hears the decree, he goes to the camp of Cyrus and advisee him to attack, On hie return Zerubbabel is captured and im- prisoned but set free by Oyeets, who Sade; access to the dungeon in the guise of a wine seller, The night of the feast comes. The King, inflamed by wine, calla for the holy vessels robbed from the Temple at Jerusalem. Dur• ing the scene of high revelry that follows, strange writing appears mysteriously on the wall. Belehazzar'e wise men try to read the writing but in vain, and Nitoaris .advises that Daniel be called, He cones and declares the hidden meaning to be that Belshazzar is weighed in the balance and found wanting, and that the kingdom is divided and given to the Medea and Persians, Daniel is elotbed in scarlet and proclaimed third ruler. In the night of the feast Cyrus marches into the city by way of the river gates, bursts 104/ the palace and slays Belshazzar. THE PLAY ACT 1. QUEEN'S GARDEN 1 Solo and Trio ...Brightly Gleaming . Antonio, Atalia, Z@rlina 2 Song ..,.. .... Let les be Merry . Belshazzar 8 Air ......................The Dead Lie Strewn ...•. Nitooris 4 Qulntette Brightly Gleaming ...... ..................... AOT 11. SCENE I—JEWS IN CAPTIVITY 1 Chorus ..... .:By the Rivers we Weep Jews 2 Solo and Chorus ..•..Who Shall Abide Zerubbabel 3 Recit Ye Men of Judah -... Zerubbabel 4 Chorus ......,.,• The Voice of the Bridegroom ...................... 5 Prayer 0 God of Our Fathers SCENE II—THE' GARDENS 1 Solo Heard Ye the King's Decree ..........Zerubbabel 2 Aria . ..., Who Knoweeh but the Time ........ Daniel 3 Duet................Rome and Country ,.Zerubbabel and Daniel SCENE Ill—SHELOMITH'S APARTMENT I Solo The Ring Commands lIs .. ............ Shelomith 2 Snug Soon, Dearest Mother ......Myra 3 Air Beam on Him Shelomith 4 Trio .......,Mather Lead Ms .......... Shelomith, Prinoese and Zerubbabel AOT 111. SCENE I—DAMP OP GYRUS. NIGHT. 1 Song. ................. Hear the Call. .......................Angel . .... .... . 2 Recit............. My Lords Attend Cyrus 3 Chorus To Arms Soldiers SCENE. II—OUTSIDE THE WALLS 1 Air.... ..... No Light, No Path ......Zerubbabel AOT IV. SCENE I—THE DUNGEON 1 Duet... ........The Hand of Goa is Heavy Laid ,...... Zerubbabel and Shelomith 2 Dinh ..... Lo, Now the Bright Star, .....• ................... SCENE II—THE GARDENS 1 Chorus We will Give Thanks .......................Jewe ACT V. SCENE I—BANQUET HALL 1 Chorus Hall to Belsbazzar......Jews and Persians 2 Trio .................. Hi leer, Higher ......... .........,..Magi 3 Solo..... Bring the Vessels of Gold .... Belshazzar 4 Song........ Quick, let us the King's Command... Maidens 5 Chorus Away with Care, Away.......,. Persians 0 Solo and Chorus...A Toast to King and Queen Zerlina, Tamar and Abatis 7 Quartette The Praises of Wine have been Sung Nitocris, Zerlina, Festus and Belshazzer 8 Air and Chorus Now let the Red Wine Belshazzar and Chorus 9 Recit. and Chorus ..,. Behold Great Baal 10 Trio ....0 King our Incantations Fail.. Magi 11 Solo 0 Ring Live Forever ... ..Nitocris 12 Air and Chorus Art Thou that Daniel ..... Belshazzar 18 Recitation Thy Gifts be to Thyself. ..... Daniel 14 Recit. and Chorus ..Daniel ie Proclaimed ..Festus and Chorus SCENE II—BANqurer HALL 1 1 Aria......................Lift up Thy Soul . . . ... ...Nitocrie 2 Solo and Chorus • Nltoeris, Belshazzar and Soldiers 8 Finale Victory Full Chorus CAST Queen Antonia ........................... Nitocris—Queen Regent ............. King Belshazzar. ..................... King Oyrue .... Miss Sara Milne ......Mrs, Kershaw R M. McKay Geo. Leith . S. Leslie • . Rev, G. Telford ▪ - S. A. Popleatone ..Miss Sara Milne Margaret Hawkine4. ..... Mrs. Fingland Jewish Princess ........... .............. Mre. Kershaw Tamar Mrs. McTaggart Atalia....... . . ............. ..... Mise Jessie Somers Zerlina ..................... Mrs, Herrington High Pi teat ..............D. McGowan Magi........... Messrs. Ohellew, Wallace and Watson Persian Capteine ...........Messrs, Floody and Brown Guards, ...... ......... Messrs, Elliott, Floody aid Baker Maidens- Misses Geddee, Rogerson, Cowan Bell, McGowan and:Faweett Babylonians --Mise Stinson, Mrs. )Rogerson, Mee. Telfer, Mrs. Leith, Miss G. McDowell, Miss Worsen, Miss Toil, Miss el, Milne, R. Toll and A. Elliott. Jews—bliss Metcalf, Mies E. Stinson, Miss M. 1111. barn, Mies A. Richmond, Mies Annie Bich. mond, Miss Yeo, Miss Steiuhofl, Mre. Floody, Mise Pate, Miss Stack hMUM, Mies Goldthorpe, Mre. Legal). Mise Howard, hire. Bing, Mrs, J. Smith, Mrs. Alex, Smith and H. Wightlnan REV, G. TELFORD, M,A, MI81'PleA.RL GIDLEY Director Pianist Daniel ..... Zerubbabel—Jewish Governor ..... Festus—Lord Chamberlain ....... Sbolomith—Wife of Zerubbabel Myra—Ohild of Zerubbabel .•Mies Angel ... ltpays to ase MARTIN --S E.N OU R MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH Aeotlein,¢ like a firllardwvod floors It ?rear's like Iron Write to Head Office, Montreal For Free Booklet HOME 'PAINTING MADE EASY' Sow 13Y UO. R. WELLER, BRUSSELS, ONT. factory Hands Wanted We want a number of Men and Boyo to work in our Wagon Works, Brussels.. Apply at once, Ament Bros.•& White 6RU8SEL9 Here and There The Canadian Pacific ,pteamer Empress of Britain will arrive at Quebec shortly on her first voyage from Liverpool as a cabin -class steamer under her new name Mont - royal. She is the fastest vessel sail- ing out of Liverpool and is sched- uled to run from there to Quebec in six and a half days. . British Columbia's payroll for 1928 was $150,000,000, according to the annual report of the Work- man's Compensation Board, The payroll for 1922 was $128,692,- 502,,and for 1981, $130,099,373, Em ployingg firms operating et the end of last year numbered 6,524, an in- crease of 145 over the previous year. t The 1924 season for the port of Montreal was officially opened on the morning of the 18th of April, when the Government ice -breaker Lady Grey, arrived in the harbor. A big season is anticipated, especially by the Canadian Pacific steamships, whose • vessels on the St. Lawrence route this year will exceed 197,000 gross tons. Vanebuver this season has beaten Portland, the.great wheat port of the Northwest and formerly the great wheat port of the Pacific: Portland includes flour in its wheat totals, Vancouver does not. Accord- ing to the Portland press the Amer- ican city has moved over 29,000,000 bushels of wheat to date. Vancou- ver, in the same period, shipped 38,- 000,000 bushels, exclusive of a very considerable quantity of flour. The much prized Wilder silver medal, the highest award of t)ie American Pomological Society the oldest horticultural body in North America, has been awarded to the Central Experimental Farm at Ot- tawa for the sixth time. The medal en this occasion was given for the Lobo apple, one of the many fine varieties of McIntosh Red parentage originated 'at the Central. Farm. An estimate of $1,500,000 for fire protection and management of for - eat reserves has been placed before t e Government for approval by the inister of the Interior. The Min- ster stated that more drastic meas - um of fire prevention would be taken this yeas and in this connec- tion the Department of the Interior proposes to utilize the Royal Cana- dian Ate -Force for the detection of tires. An appeal, f oincreased pensions for the originals of the old Royal North-West Mounted. Police le now before the Federal Parliament. The present pensions are based on the Pay standarde of 20 to 30 years ago end are therefore quite inadequate the appeal claims, and it is mike ' that they be raised to the same Lege 'as those granted members' of the ssesent Royal Canadian Mounted 'Police, on retirement. "There is not a singleeologlcal reason why each and all of the world-famous mitring camps, such as those of Kirkland Lake, Porcupine and ead Sudburyalmost, shanywouldhere notin bthe e dupQ50fl,-- 000 square miles of the Quebec Lau- rentian Plateau, which stretches from the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers to Hudson Strait" according to a statement made by T, C. Denis, Superintendent of Usines of the Province of Quebec, at a recent' meeting of the Quebec branch of the Mining Institute of Canada. Canada is financially seated. On April 14th the investors and savings account holders of the country were offered twelve million dollars worth of Canadian Pacific Railway five per cent bonds tend by four o'clock that a,fternoen the 3esue had been over -subscribed and the books were closed. Telegraph orders came from all pasts of the Dominion, a aplen- d8l evidence of the amount of money loanable for eound investment and the country's confidence in the 10- titre of the big railway. Another evidente 3s seen In the fact that tr all. invbgtors are putting eavings Ma -ia O.P.R. common a tock which ten per debt on par of i000. Since' 1907,Canadiannggss of this stock have increaaed 9.. 5 per cent to 21 per cent 7 n l relent time and holdings 1n ritish sulpha total about 7d Dei t! House and lot for Sale Two•ntory frame house with Ave bed rooms, water, fruit t trees, some berry °current bushes, Also good esller and barn. hold et reasonable prim. Apply nt Tna POM, Auction Sale Of Valuable Court of Revlslon Township of Croy The Court of iOeelsltel On bhpeeesamept, Rall of the Township of Grey, wil be held a the Township Hall, on Monday, the 2nd day of June, nexb, at 1 ooloak P. in, Ml mites laterpeted will please take uotlee end govern themselves eseordingly. J, lir P5414, Olerk. Nthei, play lllth, 1024 Guernsey Bull for Service xn order to bnprove the,2airy type of eattle In this locality I have d001dad to offer my Hew 101lherdstrc Valtlty1'riemof 0lbrdlaad, for ery sice to a limited somber, only of yyowls healthy anihnele. 'terms 55,00. e382 at time of eerpiae, with privilege at returning if noes. ° Ifyort do not think this a Profitable o "t,or-. tunity to both make money and get real Hairy sleek, Met try to buy one of his heifer calves from those who now have then. As tar ea I osn ascertain their prion 1s ;5000. True—Milk is milk—but Oh whet a diffanna% R, 51. 900TT, Proprietor, Glen Bold Guernsey Farm Shorthorns and Yorkshires Ia Bhorthornswe have one roan bull 11 • menthe old, bred by Barry McGee, Toronto, sired by Imp, Balnalrn Lnddle, and front a Alarr bilesle clam. A real herd header, at far- mere price. Another roan. a good useful bull, 9 months old, by White Wonder. Oould spare a few more females, Also Rork Sows of dit- fereet ages, O, TURNBULL A Grey , Lot 10,. eon. 15, prey TweD. Phone 2819 R. R. 2 Bruneels, Farm Property (Situate In the Township of Gray In the County of Huron Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Publlo Auction, et the American Hotel in the Village of Bruseeie, in the County of Huron, on Saturday, the 31st day of May, Al 1929 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by D. 61. Soott. Auctioneer. the following valuable property,., namely • • All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Lot number Twenty-one in the Third Oonoeeeion of the mid Township, non• Mining one hundred Korea of land more or Toes. This properly le situated on a good grovel road about three miles from the Village of Ethel, nine miles from Brus,els end ten miles from Listowel In a good forming community. There are on the promises a bank barn 2046 feet with stone foundation and stabling under- neath ; straw• shed attached 86 x 86 feet with stabling underneath ; e one and one-half story frame house with steel siding, 20x29 feet, with kitchen of same material lax 20 feet and o frame woodshed. and about one acre of. good fruit•bearing orchard. There are about seventy-five °ores fit for cul- tivation and the balance le pasture land. Tenet° or SALE—Tor per sent of the pur- chase money on the day of sale and the bal- ance within thirty days thereafter. Puraheaer will be entitled to Immediate possession, sub- jeot to the astatine tenancy (if any.) . Further partfcnlare and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sole or may be obtained from the undersigned. Dated the 981 day' of May, A. 0, 1924. D. M. SCOTT,VANSTON> Vendor's Sollloi1or. Brussels, Ont., Auctioneer. Dunford. Property for Sale House and lot of about %sore, eltuatedon the corner of Turnberr and Thomas streets in the Village of Brussels, known es the Dun. ford home, On the property Is n very sub- stantial brick house nicely Isolated, steel roof, Bement miller floors, new furnsce, olothos olosets, bath room, cistern, drilled well, fruit trees, a nice raspberry plantation, lovely or. namental and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn Will be sold for half of what it would cost to Wild it to wind up the estate of the late 11. C. Dunford Immediate possession. For further pertlenlars apply to L. B. DUN- FORD, Detroit, or JAS. MoFADZ18AN, (next door), Box I Brussels P. O.. Farm for Sale Contains 100 amen. being 814 Lot 28, Con. 9, Morris township. Good brick home 5vithcel• Mr; bank bare with cement etnbhng ; driving shed drilled welland on ever failing a it a i,spring l - book'. About 00aeres under cultivation, -al- ance restore and wood land. . Fall plowing will be Clone and possession given this Fell For further portioulors apply to A. H. MACDONALD,'Brussels, Representative Wanted REPeaeENTATrvg WANTED for Brussels and Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nureerlea,' Big sales are to be mode in selling Nursery stock.• daring the reoan• etrnation period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesmen. Highest commissions paid, handsome, fre8 equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stock to offer. STOMA & W ELAiNOTON, Toronto, Ont, • 000000.14444.0004.04.0+000004.0+,04.00T e a s d• '13 The Seaforth Creamery ream Wanted i 0 • 1' u' B• a Send your Cream to the. Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give` you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test ithonestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. Forfurther particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. rI. .i: Af i-a•F 15:1048A®,LO,'h64.4.1•a•Fe.a.4.. Pe+'5d•49'4.•'4+4 Brussels Creamery Creaml.; anted We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound butter fat, extra, if Cream is Delivered at our Fac- tory. Call and get a Can and make other En- quiries if interested. Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns NINIOWIRINMEROSIMIr Ae frBrussels Cr?mory Prot/Stewart. 3,a i