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Girls" Institutes News Bulletin for May, 1924.
neaIN COUNTY, !undertake
At the April meeting we discussed Wine one or two things in the list wistIsaiah theand',j 5,
eal t to do them all, but perhaps
Marian Crisis, 2 Kings, chs, 1$ to 20; Isaiah
the matter of a suma
mer camp for the PP o you as appropriate for your chs. 36 to 38, Golden Text—God is our refuge anti
a trengfh, a very present help in trouble. -Psalm 46: 1,
girls at fort Talbot. This, of course, community;
would be held in conjunction with the 1. Arrange for summer games and
earnp, and a committee was outings—a girls' softball team; "twi, In the ninth and eighth centuries declares that the Lord will protect his
appointed to see wast arrangements light athletics for the whole ram- before Christ, Assyrian emperors led city and will destroy its enemies, for
as to equipment, board, ete., could be rnmrrty in the school yard or on the their armies westward as far as the example 14: 24.27; 17:12,14; 2915,8;
made with the Y.W.C.A. committee, athletic Mediterranean Sea and made eon, 30:31; 131:8, 9,
Heats of the smaller nations
Lida School Lesson
MAY 18.'
at e c giursion a the 0. Arty auto q which Vs. 33-36, The angel of the Zord is
We expect to take this up et our next mobilo excursion to O. A. Cpllege, they held lienar tribute. About B,C. here, ne in 2 Sam. 28;16,17, and Ps.
Guelph, or some other place of inter- 854, king Jehu paid them tribute. In 78;49-51, the bearer of the pestilence,.
est, (But if people pleb an excursion B.C. 745 there came to the throne of By some fearful plague, such ae lute
for young alone be sura to take Ass is a soldier of great energy and frequently, broken out in that ca rt',
yyrr theAssyrian r,
chaperons with you, Even if they, be ability. whose name was Put (2 Kings A syrran a ny was stiielten and
both blind and deaf they should be 15`;19, 20), who assumed the royal was so reduced in numbers that the
with -
there.) title 'of Tiglath-pileses, Under this; remnant went back to Assyria with -
2. Bold a Community Field Day. ling and his successors the empire ex- out havingcompleted the conquest of
Get the Junior Farmers to help. Mended its power rapidly over all the Judah. The faith of Isaiah was vin -
3, Start a: Home eautilieation western countries of Asia as far as.vin-
cam sign, everymember contributingEgypt, and reduced Palestine and Sy- APFL1cnTioN,.
p xis tot subjeetlgn. After n vain but . 1. Isaiah Is the prophet of faith.
to the beauty of the countryside by stubborn resistance, the kingdom of Before 'him Amos was the prophet of
beautifying her own home surround- Israel carne to an end with the fall of social justice. Hosea was the prophet
logs with flowers, shrubs, trees, win- .Samaria in B.C. 722, and in B.C. 701, of divans love and forgiveness. Micah
dow boxes, bird houses, 1 Judah was invaded, many titles taken was the prophet of the poor peasants
4. Arrange to take a course in and great •numbers of people carried v'to groaned under the oppressive
Food Values and Cooking, Horne away captive. Jerusalem was reduced measures of the landlords. Isaiah is
Nursing, Sewing or Millinery, ! almost to the last extremity of des- the most royal figure among the pro -
5, Arrange for an instructor from 'pari' but was not taken, and so, phots, dauntless, bold, aggressive, al-
the Department togive a detnonstra- though subject to Assyria, the king- ways lifting up the hearts of people
P nom of Judah continued for another and government alike, and directing
tion in canning.,hundred and fifteen years. their attention to the spiritual sources
6. If you have not had a JudgingDuring these terrible years of war of power.
Competition this year, interview the and suffering and overwhelming 2, Isaiah's character was revealed
Agricultural Representative to see if catastrophe, the prophets of Israel by the crises in the nation's history
he will arrange a competition for all and Judah rendered a great service. with which he had to deal. The first
the girls of the county at the same They spoke for the God of their fath- crisis was when Syria and northern.
time that he has the Junior Farmers' ers and declared him to be the God Israel declared war on little Judah.
competition in stock judging. The in whose hands were the destinies of The account is given in Isa. ch. 7. The
Department will send a teacher to all the nations. They interpreted the timid monarch, Ahaz, was struck with
the calamities which had fallen upon the a fatal panic. The young prophet
give"girLs some training and to people as the just punishment of their (the time was B.C. 735, and Isaiah
arrange the final competition. :sins. They urged a sincere repentance was still in his twenties) endeavored
7. If you have some expert sewers and reform, and promised -a great de- to strengthen his courage, and gave
in your Instituto you aught conduct liverance. Isaiah and his younger him eminently wise political counsel
a sewing class for junior girls of from contemporary Micah sustained the for the emergency. But Ahaz trusted
ten to fifteen years. If you are in- faith and courage of Judah and ,Ter- in Assyria rather than in- the Lord,
someterested in usalem in the most trying times. and so put his nation under the yoke
pickles and rolls were also this, writs us for par- They declared Assyria to be but the of the foreign conqueror. This na-
brought for the lunch, Then we had particulars regarding girls' garment- rod in Jehovah's hand with which he val crisis occurred at the beginning
a mystic walk around through the making Clubs.
'chastised rebellious people, andthatof Isaiah's long career, Our lesson
h"eh and back to the camp Assyria's pride, selfish greed, and deals with another crisis somewhere
fire. Song 8. If your members are interested
beets were given out and each group in poultry raising ask your Agricul- cruelty would in turn receive thenear the close of the prophet's life,
selected one of the songs, singing in tural Representative to give you a same punishment. With a.confidence and this time he was trmmphantly
born of faith and with clear successful.
a huge circle, and sang two or three `J• Have a garden party to raise vision, Isaiah declared that the As- pre- 8. Isaiah's faith in God was on one
contest; then all joined hands, making demonstration in culling the flock.
Id t k J d
en also brought upthe
h president
To g
matter of judging contests for the
girls, the matter of Home Garden con-
tests was discussed' and we hope to
have e contest in the County during
the summer. The girls seem very
much interested in a Judging contest
and expect to 'make some arrange-
ments with the girls of the various
townships regarding this matter.
Mr. Smith, having a greenhouse
here in the city, invited the girls to
visit the hothouses and gave us a very
Interesting and instructive talk on
flowers and shrubs, Mr, Smith has
an excellent collection of butterflies,
which was especially interesting to
the teachers,
One evening the Junior Farm -
ere and Elgin Girls held a "sugar -
off" in the bush on a farm
near Iona.and though, the weather
was very threatening and it had rain-
ed ie the early part of the day, we
had an attendance of about one hun-
dred, We had four iron kettles hung
over the fires from tripods; the girls
and boys were divided into groups,
each one being responsible for the
kettle of syrup allotted to their group.
The boys made ladles and each per-
son was given a dish of hot taffy;
songs, A gentle rain began to fall funds for whatever money -requiring spinae armies wou not a e er- side; pagan confidence in the suprem-
at about 11.3(1 p.m, and the party dis-schemes you have in view, such as a usalem, but would he destroyed by the act' of brute strength was on the op -
hand of God, and our lesson shows posits side, Which deserved to win?
persed, bringing to a close a very skating -rink, a community hall, a how remarkably this promise was Over against the Assyrians' shallow
happy first outdoor meeting of the library, relief work next winter. £u18I1ed, confidence in military might, let us
season of these two associations. 10. Order a travelling library made Iso. 37:14. Flerrkiah. This king of place the spiritual faith of the pro -
The convenors for the CowinDis- up especially for a Girls' Institute. Judah, is well spoken of by the his-
phet that the Lord still had his pur-
trict put on an At -Home during Bas- If you wish, we will help select the torians. He did that which was right pose to serve by the preservation of
ter week.—Cora Hicks, Sec. books. Otherwise apply to Mr. W. 0, in the eyes of the Lord. For the story the city of Jerusalem, and that the
Carson, Libraries Det of his reign see 2 Kings, chs. 18-20, virgin daughter of Zion might laugh
Th•• Elgin girls keep things stead- Dept., Parliament At this time the Assyrian armies the proud battalions of Assyria to
Ily noting. At their March meeting J31dgs, Toronto. There is no expense were in Judah, and the Assyrian king, scorn, 37:22.
they had an illustrated lecture on the in connection with a travelling library who was laying siege to the fortress . 4. The lesson shows us what one
growing of shrubs and flowers, Dues except the express charges when it of Libnah in the south, had heard that man, with a large view and an all -
lug the month, in cemperation with the arrives. You may keep it for six an Egyptian army was coming conquering faith, Can accomplish.
Junior Farmers, they had a party months and return it, collect against him. Unwilling to leave so! Isaiah saved the nation in its day of
with a musical program and progress 11. Entertain the Senior Institute strong a walled city as Jerusalem un- peril by bringing it—not fresh )nili-
sive euchre. The members inoneat one of your meetings. occupied in his rear, he sent a letter tart' reinforcements, or new political
community are getting up a play And don't think that you should by messengers to Hezekiah, demand -.'simple confidence Alwaysinspin ration,
which the whole ca rant' will turn out attempt to do more than one or two inten its instant surrender, vs. 9-13. The 'greatest helpers aro our
lroastfui character of the letter is
P , not our scien-
to see at its presentation. of the above things in one season. If ;mitzited by Isaiah in his prophecy,`tific inventors (although their work
there is anything that we can do to ch. 10:5-14. A previous expedition;is very important), or our clever
STRATFORD. help in any way, just let us know. ;against Jerusalem, commanded by one politicians, or financiers, or soldiers
The monthly meeting of the Strat- Faithfully yours, of the king's chief officers, had- re-:
the deep thinkers and prophets
fort! Junior Women's Institute was (Sgd. ETHEL M. CHAPMAN, turned unsuccessful- Hezekiah, hay -
make us brave to dare, strong
held in the Agricultural Rooms, Sat -in no confidence that he could hold to resist, ambitious to do God's holy
Assf_ Supt.g 1L
nrday, April 10th.
After routine business Mr. M. C. hit need, went up into the temple and
McPhail, District Representative, Live Stock Markets in March. laid the winent
up into
"before nd
gave a very interesting and helpful Lumping every species of cattle to- he
Lord," with a simple and earnest
demon rration on milk testing. I cer- gather there was a slight increase in prayer for deliverance, vs. 15-20.
tGin:v would advise every Institute if the average prices at Winnipeg in s. 21-23, Isaiah had opposed the
p : cible to have this demonstration. March, compared with the same break with Assyria and the alliance
It is of such benefit. An invitation month last year, according to the re- with Egypt which bad led to the press
from the Junior Farmers to spend a ports of the Markets Intelligence Di- ent war. See Iso. 30:1-7 and 31:1-3.
social evening with them on April vision of the Dominion Live Stock Ile had urged, apparently, a policy of
22nd was a very pleasing feature. Branch. Calves were a little lower Peace which would have meant con -
We are indeed very pleased to wet- and swine over a dollar off. Lambe tinning to pay tribute to Assyria.
conte to our large family all our new were a dollar and ten cents up, and Many years before, in the reign of
baby Institutes. Hope they continue sheep, light and common, a bit down. Ahaz he had opposed reliance upon
to grow.—Jeanette Roadhouse, Sec. At Calgary and Edmonton the aver- Assyria as he now opposed reliance
Miss Roadhouse omitted to mention age rices of cattle showed an upward upon bEeen
ch. disregarded0But hie ealain-
g P P lied f a ozivasa and the elhad
In her report that the Stratford girls trend. Calves, lambs and sheep were ity of a war oz invasion whirls he had
have made a layette, and that they are also up, the last mentioned quite a foreseen (ch. 6:25-30; 8:5-8) had
planning to have a sewing course. bit. At Toronto and Montreal aver- come upon Judah. Now the king and
FAEELTON. age prices for cattle were rather bet -'his ministers turn to him in their ap-
Girls' Circle is much pleased ter, calves were as nearly as possible tress. When the Assyrian army about our new County OirLs' Institute stationery, lambs were up and sheep the ik ngea°messagre the e ofscomforhe t 8130
for North and South Wentworth about stationery at Toronto and up' not afraid-" Now he sends an answer
which we organized in Hamilton at at Montreal, of splendid defiance to Sennaclieriles
the Dept. of Agriculture on April 5th" Total sales of live stock for the first' letter. It is the prophet's faith and
as the ambi- of the year at the five prim, courage that strengthen the heart of
the city against a determined attack
by his enemies, in the extremity of
Hamilton is well knownq the king and save the city. Through
the mouth of the prophet comes the
answer of God.
V. 29. 1 will turn thee back. It will
be interesting to compare other
earlier sayings of Isaiah in which he
tiovs city and we are proud to hold opal markets of the country compar-
our• meetings there. A room has been ed with the first three months of last
secured at the Y.W:C,A, for $15 a year were: Cattle 160,675 against
year and we will hold aur meetings 159,011; calves 40,427 against 35,988;
there the first Saturday in the month hogs 331,908 against 262,704; sheep
at 2 p.m. We are having Dr. Anna 42,180 against 58,355,
IRos:. of Macdonald Institute, Guelph,
With ua at our first meeting and w.+
arc also looking foi ward to a good
program provided by the girls. Any
time any of you .Junior Institute Girs
are in Hamilton the first Saturday in
the month we would only be to., pleas -1
ed to have you drop hi to any of our
(meetings. At present our Girls' Cir-
cle in the Freelton Branch, together
'with the Junior Farmers, are plan-
ning to give a concert in the school
house on April 30th. Mr. Merritt!
our District Representative, will also
be with us, and part of the time will
be given to him to entertain us with
ills motlotr pictures.—Lena V. Revell,
'We expect great things of the new.;
l}'• organized Wentworth County Girls':
Institute, Let uc hope to hear Duralthem next month.
$ritiNq ANO 51.mmui fill $4r rt'. j
Half the value of an Institute con -i
eiet4 in doing something. Regular
'Ivell.attended meetings with interest-!
ing progt:•ams may accomplish thej
other hall of the Institute's purpose;
lett we miss x lot if we don't actually
do ;.cincthieg apart front holding
meetings. i
11 is with t)tis in ntin,l that we!
brims to yonr attention the following
eltc, lge which might be done during
1e spring and summer rn
onhi W,
tt w that no one Tnetifiu+n irnuld
I :rues el : s re " :hewn 4
u • +tCx on hi. sit 1 0
I :Id s pony, lion 0' War; 1
�V which
tem the •.i ,
1 r
1 lel 4 1
l nnri�. tl , � r
) p t i tris hiss nl the e7dniotitlm sad Calgary spring horse
show, Some of the finest horses in the, tl",ntinlon were entered at title ex•
and extra goad is the ' T4
5. The darirest hour may he Mime- Paris. It was so when Jesus was
diately before the dawn. It was so
mewed, uei d.
ile What
Is need ed a
ed t s
w the s nueh a
hen tl As rr ns t re ens ;Ter- Y
a h t d 7
usalem. It was so when the. GermaP ezrais is the faith that sees the sun
hordes were within a few miles of, shining beyond the darkness,
F.O.B. Fara, Tome.. To= l the.
/. the BIG CAR Class
at the Light Car Price
The BIg New Overland has swept aside the old-fashioned Ides
that you have to spend a lot of money for a quality automo-
bile. in Overland you get blg'car power and beg -car comfort—
and all the easy,handling and low upkeep advantages of a
light car.
Snuggle down behind the wheel of this Big New Overland.
See how naturally your fingers close on the convenient gear
shift lever. Step on the gas. Get the thrill of this hill -con-
quering power as you speed up, up and on, over the hills,
Feel the deep, luxurious comfort of those wall upholstered
seats. The big car riding ease of patented Triplex Springs
Note the long. -lasting baked enamel finish of the all steel body.
Know the confidence .this sturdy rear axle Inspires In every
Overland driver, Enjoy the amazing Overland economy in oil
and gasoline. More mlles to the gallon. More service from
Your Overland dealer will gladly demonstrate to you the many
features that make folks call Overland the most automobile
In the world for the money.
Willys-Overland Sales Co., Limited
Branches: Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina
"Blue Bell " Brand
An Exclusively Agricultural
Be Loyal!
Binder Twine Is a com-
modity which the farmer le
entitled to at first coat.
Every sheaf tied with U,
F.O. "Slue Bell" Twine helps
to reduce the price to you
' and to advance the welfare of
your own Organization.
Commodity Distributed Direct From the Factory—By the
Farmer ---To the Farmer
Order Now !
With this announcement of
our prices we urge you to
place your order as early as,
possible, You can do thin
with the utmost . cenfldenre
that we positively' guarantee
to meet all competition. Doni't
allow yourself to be tled up
to some other firm at any
U.F.A. Blue Bell,650 ft.' Wholesale Pikes
er 100 lbs.
U.F.O. Blue Bell60ft. , 13.55 .00 per 100 lbs.
(These prices include sales tax)
DELIVERY—The price is delivered to your station in lots of 300 •pounds or over;
less quantities, f.o.b. our warehouse Montreal:
QUANTITY DISCOUN'T`S—r cent per pound reductipn will be allowed on.
carload Iots (24,000 lbs, or more), % cent per pound reduction will be allowed an Iota
of 10,000 lbs. or more:
TERMS—Net cash, sight draft attached to Bill of Lading.
IMPORTANT NOTICE -4n order to continue to handle Binder Twine and to maintain equitable ,,
priced a5 we have been doing during the past four of five years, It Is ABSOLUTELY E88ENTIAL, that
either with your nearest club secretary or mall direct to Head Office, OUR GUARANTEE ON PRICE
The United Farmers Co-operative 'Co., Limited
Sole, Distributing Twine Agents for Belfast Ropeworks, Limited, Ireland
t01) George Street - Phone Main 8161 - TORONTO
Ging HOAR t<
Lilac, violet mad 0050
Ardently the 010' grows,
Seneet ;Glary, Purely sweet,
Chide tee dreaming byway. street,
And above the avenue,
Winter desk is deepening blue.
Harks anon% the canyon street
Fiona the merry tide 01 foot;
efigh the golden buildings loony,
!ilea ug in the Purine gloom;
All the town 10 set with Stara,
}Xomewardl Chant the crowded carp..
All clown the teeming street
Homeward! Homeward! say the feet;
men'macouth to
FO tr re,weary, thrill anew;
Gone the ringing telephones,
Blessed nightfall now atones,
Casting brightness on the snow,
Golden the train wlpdows go.
Tbon (bow long It eosins) at laet
All the way Is (warpast;
Heart that beats your muffled drum,
Lo! your venturer 10 oomel
Wide the door! Leap high ,0 brei
Home at length Is heert's desire.
Gone le weariness and fret;
At the sill 'warm lips are met;
Once again may be renewed
The conjoined beatitude.
-Christopher Morley.
Dominion Dairy Branch
Definite reorganization of the Do
minion Dairy and Cold Storage
Branch, for which preparation has
been in the making far some time, is
announced in the Dairy News Letter
of April 10, A nese Division of Dalry
Produce has been established. It will
deal with grading, educational cheese
and butter scoring contests, grading
classes, and judging at exhibitions.
The former Dairy Division will hence-
forth be known as the Division of
Dairy Manufeetures and will have to
do with all the activities of the
Branch relating to the manufacture
of butter, cheese and other dairy pro-
ducts, the operation of the Govern
anent dairy stations, etc. The Cold
Storage Division has been merged
with the Extension of Markets Di-
vision and will hereafter be known
as the Division of Markets and Cold
Storage. The administration of dairy
laws, hitherto under the Markets Di-
vision, will be conducted as a separate
service: The establishment of a Di-
vision of Dairy Research was an-
nounced in January. The work of
cow -testing, carried on hitherto by the
Dairy Branch, has been assigned to
the Live Stock Commissioner,
Percentage of Crops on Hand.
At the end of March, nccording to
official figures, 15 per cent, of Iast
year's wheat cropwas stili in farm-
ers' bands. Last year et the same
time the amount in farmers' hands of
the 1922 crop was 14 per cent. In
other words the wheat crop in farm-
ers' hands on March 31 was 70,755,
000 bushels of the estimated total
yield in 1923 of 474,100,000 bushels.
In 1923, at the same time 54,7 71,000
bushels remained of the yield in 1022
of 309,786,400 bushels. Oats remain-
ing was 44 per cent. against. 35 per
cent., barley 28 against. 25 per cent.,
rye 19 against 17 per cent., buck-
wheat 20 against 22 per cent., corn
for husking 18 against 22 per cent.,
flaxseed 34 against 17 per cent., po-
tatoes 34 against 35 per cent., tui-
nips 12 against 13 ,per cent., hay and
clover 26 against the same porcentago
last year.
At the end of March, reports reedy -
ed at Ottawa indicated that on the
average the winter in Canada had
been fine and mild, that live stocks was
in good condition, that fodder ` was
plentiful and that heavy horses, good
milch cows and sheep were in demand.
A Gentle Reminder,
The father of two boys was praying
ball with them. The game was fast
and the excitement high when,
through sheer surprise at some of his
son's playing, the father uttered a
mild oath. The mother, who was en-
joying the game from her window,
raised the sash and, calling gently to
the father, said:
"Willie, you know I do not allow
boyswho say bad words to Play with
any little boys."
No more bad words were heard
throughout the game,
A Literary Criticism,
At a dinereriven many years ago In
honor of Mr. Il'all Caine, says the At -
gamut, the Tate Theme Neison'sege
was invited to introduce the Iengllsii
novelist, Just be fore. the ia:19t3 be.
gan one of the guests passed his mote:
caro round the 'tabic and reques'erl
1.142112420, 0211110 ptit his s:gnnturn on Ir,
"That'sa good Ides," said Pogo; "T
mist do that too..._ I've got to intro- -,.
'duce Caine In a few minutes. and I
want to be able to say flint i irate
rebel: ecntetliiug he lied written."
Feed the ewe slightly for three or
four days after lumbfng, when she
ran again be placed upon -full feed..
Do not; give the breeding elves sin
afie or root crops whcu they, are on
soft watery pasture.
Salt should always' be available to
the sheep, for when fed ret intervals
the animals are rapt to me too much
for their goad health,
Attend to the educatiou of the
young pigs. When about three weeks
old they should have their hist lesson
at eating a little ehelltd torn from a
trough. XIalra a creep so they can
get away from the mother for their
ration of corn,