HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-14, Page 5y
dl r7VbVV/+We'e[4yriGr,eM
lavisoV'krr°It a oilm lrfDi1Fmt
Per references consult any person whose anlee
I have einalatedat. Phone 782 or 05
gown' gayaethe Veterinary
Gnd night all,l(Maiopp,
Flour BIM, Ethel.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Moo
Corudck Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Three
months poet graduate course during yes 1010,
Byes soientiftoltlly examined,
4ateet Modorn Mothode u0od.
tr'Croes Byes straightened through proper
ly fitted Lenses:
Satisfaction Aasurod.
081ce ]tours: 10 to 10 a. m. • L80 to 0 p.113.
Saturday evening, 0,00 to 0 oiolook,
Phone 28x - -
Fire, Automobile. and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howlok Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry Street Brussels
T, T. M' RAE
M. R.. M. 0. P.. A S, O.
M. 0. H., Village of Btaesela,
Phyaloian, Surgeon, Accouohexr
Office at residence, oppoetto Afelvllle Church,
wllllam street..
1 . tsii. &JiPir''s aiti
Barristers, 8o4..icItors, Notaries Public,
01E00 on the Square, em: door from Hamilton
Private fun& to loan of lowest rate,.
/i.ado B'8 TG'I1SJ4z3"
The Indian Herbalist
dray be found in the. Stretton Block
Wednesday f rl r ;
! e nes lay and Saturday
of each week until further notice.
Nigh Grade Instruction Holy
• Ste. Yongo & Charles
t Toronto t�
Remains open all year and admits stn-
Lt� dant8n6nnyElme. :StronRdon,nndtor
h oar grndnoni tteanil too mm oe ahturw
here.a Thorough preparationo eom is abo l•e �t
hors. ecessa yh dnydis always �.
p°tidyays necessary today and it always
net R
p n trend to ctal i t
y gest-class
t la
t s
9 as •
ohoal'und t
no an imitation one..
l'it iS2 'ir \ 'Z,. a,r
'4aa Fa`Paars<a w«a`P�R4i*a•'4®m'4
Write today for Proo Catalogue,
i6 Prepartts young sten and young women
for Bneinese whlah is now
gr atent profession Wesestet g
fl 0 tothey tdt'
positions and t
hese N
Neal training which enables them
moot Cl etc success. (Set:Andante r aroe reg. •
latorod snub week. Dot our Cres ant•
aloguennd learn *wreathing about oar
different departments.
••+++3••1•kf (+3.++443•+++
ing s
We ate showing n nice soleetinn
of Diatnond Rings in the newest
Mountings from
$20.00 to $250.00
Hew Stack - Unusual Values
If you are inteeested it will 'pay
you to come and see our assort.
medic, We will be pleased - to
have you call and sen Our
Speciale •For April
The Diamond Month
J. R. Wendt
Jeweler Wroxeter
tl++14aE++4.1-.4. ++3tN"N4+++41'41 '++
Highest market prices
See insor Phone No. 2x, Brus•
eels, and 1 will call end get
your Poultry.
M. Yollick
rand Nays items
Tans and bushesare in leaf,
HALe of May bas about g000.
THE sound of the lawn mower is
beard in the land.
Legge numbers of cattle for the grass
are being bought,
Poo many young people imagine they
are live wires because they are shocking.
LAST week's showers, followed by
warmer weather is boosting vegetation.
WHY, oh I why did not somebody take
an X-ray of the Home Bank's interior a
few short years ago,
THE mere singing of "The Maple Leaf
Forever" does not convert syrup which
never saw a maple tree into the real
AN old municipal man says be bas ob-
served that the fellow who most loudly
cusses officials himself adroitly dodges
his dog tax
A PHILADELPHIA genius bas invented
a vacuum cleaner to be attached to mot-
or cars, After a pedestrian has been
bowled over be can be dry cleaned be-
fore regaining consciousness,
A STRATFORD subscriber in renewing
for THE POST is good enough to say :—
—We look for the paper every week as we
do a letter and it keeps us in touch with
all the doings up house.
Dx. AUBREY CRICH, son of Councillor
and Mrs, W, A. Cricb, of Seafortb, for-
merly of Brussels, who bas beep prac-
tising dentistry in Caledonia for some
months, bas .accepted a staff position in
Ma�yo Bros. Respite', Rochester, Mina.
SPRING :bas at last got to that stage
where we can keep the office stove com-
fortably warm on government "rush
news" bulletins, Church Union props.
ganda, requests for free publicity, stock.
offerings and effusions of the budding
DOING WELL—Harold Coates, of Tor-
onto University, is home for the vaca-
tion, and is to be congratulated on hav-
ing successfully passed bis 3rd year in
Electrical Engineering. He will spend
the Summer with the Hydro Electric
Commission in Stratford. He is a son
of R. E. and Mrs. Coates, Seaforth and
a brother to F. Coates, Brussels.
Lacrosse club has been organized.
350 feet of hose for Fire Brigade has
been purchased.
Headmaster Brackenbury has pass-
ed his exams. for M. A.
Job of building the cement base for
the War Memorial has been let to R.
A. Spotton,
Friday evening last Mrs. Gordon
Wright, London, addressed a public
meeting in the Methodist church.
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, 26th inst. It will also be Court
of Revision on 2 Drain By -Laws.
Melville Mathers, 13 -year-old son of
Henry and Mrs. Mathers, had his
speech return after being sorely affl-
icted by loss of speech for several
months. He was working in the field
when the horses fan away and in the
excitement he tried to shout "Whoa."
He can now talk as well as ever,
What might have proved a 801100e
accident happened abouta mile South
of Wingham. Fiulay McCallum was
driving a young team of herself in a
wagon to town when he met au auto-
mobile. Team took fright and bolted,
unfortunately the tongue of the
Y on ue g wag-
on came iout of the neckyoke and
broke off. This turned the wagon
completely over, throwing Mr. Mc-
Callum clear of the wagon and letting
the horses away. Mr. McCallum luck-
ily escaped ed with only a few btu[
Dog poisoner is busy.
Harold Dolg purchased 25 Sheep.
ewes from A, McMichael.
Several ears of cattle from Toronto
market wete unloaded here
A good cow belonging to H, Collins
died from swallowing a nail
The butcher shop. of John Steurnoll
has been closed from lack of support.
Mrs, W. Goggin is able to get about
again after being .a .prisoner to her
home from a broken )eg.
B. S 000KDECEASED — A former
well knowu resident. of ord ieb r
v l e F w for
many years, in the person of ex -Reeve
B, S. Cock passed utvuy at bis' home,
Toronto, Tueaday night of last week.
Casket was brought here and burial
was r an arrival of
made lust Friday d y
the aeon train, The Orange Order
took charge of the intetment. Rev.
Messrs. Pring and Barnard couducted
the service, Deoeueed cart'ied on a
private bank here for years and did a
general agency business, and was web
audefevotably known.
WILLIATI 3. LYNN. — There passed
away ois'Suuday, Aptil 20th, an .old
and respected resident of Bowiok
Township in the person of William J,
Lynn, at bis family residence, Lot 12,
Con. 1. Deceased had been in failing
health for past 10 years, but ryas able
to Inoue about Until 4 years ago when
he bourne almost helpless, in which
condition lie remained until death re,
Honed him of his sufferings, 2 weeks
prior to his death he oontracted a sev-
ere oold and in spite of all that Medi•
cal aid and kind Mende could do he
passed peacefully away an Easter
Morning, The subject of this obituary
was of Irish closeout and was born in
the 'township of Nelson, County of
Hallos, March 12ilt, 1819, He moved
when a entail boy with itis patents to
the 2nt1Oon, of Grey Township, lir
utiles ]Feat of Jamestown, - vvhero he
epat his early manhood, In 1
Inarried Isabella Veeeer, daoghter of
'the late Finley Vetoer, moving the
follpwing year 00 Lot 12, Qan.'1, How,
ick, where' he and his Young wife built
for theiueoiveo a home amid Oho 'ups
end downs o pioneer days. Hie wife
predeoeated hint l3 years ago, There
are left to mourn the lues of a kind
l pterPenddwieand WIilam11,til
hotneetead, I'nternrene was wade In
Molesworth cemetery, Ray, A, Laing
0 orris
Mre, Nesbitt, Brighton, is visiting
her daughter at the rectory,
We were glad to see Win, Elliott in
town after to long spell of eiokneee^
Dr, Jas, Armstrong has been on the
sick list but we wish hien a speedy re,
Lumbago has made Harvey. Spar.
ling a tomporary prlaoner. Hope he
will soon be at liberty.
Preparations are being made to have
a re'unlon of all the students at P. S.
5, No, 1, Howick, this Summer.
Mies Margaret Ashton is assleting in
the postofflee during the absence of
Miss Rose, who bae_gone to the West
on a visit,
Soft Ball League will be formed in
Sunday, 26th inst, is date of Christ
Church anniversary,
Delbert M. Gross graduated at
Queen's University, taking 8, Sc..
J. A. McDonald has resigned his
position et Petrolia and is home for a
H. Hamilton is President of the
Conservative local Aeso, and Mrs. Jas.
'Moore, Vice -President,
Mrs. Cecil Vandriek was at Kitch-
ener on account of the serious illness
of her father, J. D. Miller,
After an absence of a few years in
Persia Lyle Kidd is home on a visit.
He was with the Anglo -Persian 011
Principal Archibald of the High
School has resigned to take effect at
close of this term. He goes ter Oak-
ville School,
(drain cargoes are arriving by boat,
A Citizens' Band Asso. bee been
Chautauqua will be held in the Har-
bor Park.
Touring tourist parking ground will
be near the Palk House,
A couple of ribs were broken by N.
Precious by a fall at the new elevator;
The property known as "The Map-
les" will be remodelled for Hospital
Inspector G. M. Elliott was appoint-
ed delegate to Convention of Organiz-
ed Children's Aid Societies to be held
at Toronto.
Scarlet fever bas a hold yet.
Elmsi '
Cou tell met Saturday,
Dr, McDowell's home is quarantined
for scarlet fever.
Soft, Ball Club has been organized
by Methodist Church young people.
John and Mrs. Leitch, Dorchester,
were visiting former', parents here.
Mrs, Jessie Ayres, who has been
spending a year with her father, Jas.
Duncan, left on Tuesday of last week
for her home in Elgin, Manitoba, and
will spend a few weeks in Toronto en -
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the manse, North Mornington, Friday,
May Ord, when Miss Irene Johnson,
daughter of J. J. and Mrs. Johnson,
Atwood, was united in marriage to
Stanley Ford, by Rev.. Mr. Atkinson.
They will reside at Owen Sound.
Board of Health for township of BI -
ma met in the Clerk's office, Atwood.
Outbreak of scarlet fever of the town-
ship was considered at length, several
schools being closed and dieirtfeoted.
Account of the medical officer of
health, Dr. D. A. Kidd, investigating,
placardiug, "disinfecting and other
work, of 8426, was ordered paid. Oth-
er business relating to dead carcasses
re Bred
Ba6yChicks l
MC. White 7.eghorna
S. C. Mottled Anoonas
Barred Plymouth •Rocks
S. 0. Rhode L Reds
Froin Bred - to -lay Strains
For fullar i u
t c late
Phone 218 . Clinton, On;*
t .tea ....—...:
Health and Happiness Cams
With °Fruff-a-tfves^
Made From Fruit Juices and Tonics
"Fruit-a-tives ", the wonderful
medicine made from the juices of
apples, oranges, figs and prunes, is
one of e greatest Meana of doing
good that this country of ours has
ever known,
"Fruit•a•tives" is bringing health
to hundreds and hundreds of people
who suffer with chronic Constipation,
Biliousness And Dyspepsia,
Mr. Frank .Hall of Wyevale, Ont,,
says, "I purchased abox of "Frei tat -
fives " and began the treatment. My
condition improved immediately.
Thedyspepsia ceased, to be the burden
of my life as it had been, and I was
freed of Constipation"
60c, a box, 6 for 82,60, trial size 21$o.
At dealers or sent by Fruit•a-tires
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.;
of horses and cattle was considered
and the meeting adjourned.
On behalf of the Young People's
Society of the Presbyterian church,
MIss Ada Blackwell presented Mrs.
Kinefeldt, who recently resigned her
position as caretaker of the church,
with a leather case and hand bag as
an appteciation of her services, She
left on Saturday for Waterloo.
Mrs. Myles Young is back to Blyth,
She spent the. Winter at Markdale
with relatives,
Mee, P. Hilborn has taken posses-
sion cf the Crittenden home lately
purchased by her,
Dr. J. Sloan, Oakland, Cal., is here
on a holiday visit with his mother,
Mr's, Andrew Sloan.
Mee. Thos. Stewart, Long Beach,
Cal„ is not having good health, She
was a former Blythite.
Council let the job of digging the
holes and placing the poles for 'Hydro
to R. Somers and rho. Eternise.
BROKEN NECK.—Hugh M. Hill,
Auburn, suffered a severe accident on
the 0. P. R. near Auburn on Wednes-
day morning, of last week, when „he
fell frofn the sectionmen's lorry. He
was brought into Alexandra hospital,
Gloderich, on the noon train, but,
when it,weekend his neck was dis-
located in some manner, be was taken
to Toronto on the early train Thurs-
day morning. The victim of an un-
usual accident, Hugh Hill, 82 years, of
Auburn, Ont., was admitted to the
Western Hospital, Toronto, with his
neck broken. Hill, while employed
by the 0.P. R., fell off a "jigger" on-
to the devil sti "riP of the flack injur-
ing his vertebrae.
Council bus purchased 20 tons of coal
at $16.
Collegiate Bugle Band is getting
along well.
6000 gallons of tarvia have been pur-
chased for street improvement.
Spring Deanery meeting of Huron
will be held at Clinton, Tuesday, June
Mies Jule Bartliff has returned to
her position iu the Staidard Bank,
A bbnus of 3150 was voted to Rev.
A, A. Holrnes b
church. Y th e Board of Wesley
Colenso Salter was successful in
passing the University exams, We
Rev. Fr. Gaffney ° attended the fun-
eral of his sister, Mrs.. George N. Ed-
wards, of London. Burial took place
at Mitchell, Friday forenoon.
Thos. Churchill, ex -Reeve of Mode•'
rich township, was killed Thursday
morning while driving to Clinton In
an automobile, accompanied bp hie:
sen 'William. A freight train on the
0. N. R struck the car.
An inq
was held Thursday afternoon by Cor-
oner Dr. J, W. -Shaw to. inquire into
the cireuwstances surrounding the ac-
cident. Deceased was 82 years of age.
William is in the hospital here and
say he isimproving' and
will blet
ab o testify t y n t the adjourn-
ment inquest on May 26. The young.
Single Comb White Leghorn
10 Cents above market price will
be charged but not leas than 35c
per dozen.
Alex. Perrie
Phone 2616 Brussels R. R. 8
++++4+++++++4+++43.4 ++4 4 4,r
l `pays to use
fbt'Eire yPtupose-fin-Atrery$uefhce
Write to Head OFFlce. Montreal For Free Booklet
ALL the Stores and Offices in
tho Village of Brussels
will close at 12 o'clock
noon every Thursday this Bum.
mar, beginning Nay 1st and con-
tinuing till close of October.
Business places 0,111 be open
every Wednesday and Saturday
evenings and evenings before a
Public Holiday,
er Juan WAS driving the oar which was
completely demolished. The Gime.
chills are prominent residents of Qode
rich township,
I- 3126 was voted by the W, M, 8, of
Ontario St, Church to Miss Sybil:Oour-
tiee for a plan she has of procuring a
circulating library for Japanese girls.
A birthday patty was held at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Downs in honor
of Mise Oourtice who is home oh fut'-
lough. –
29 new members were received into
the Methodist (hutch at the last Com-
Mrs, Jae; Watson has improved in
her condition of health andwe hope
will coo" be o. k.
Poetoftice will be closed for the
Wednesday half holiday but mane
will be despatched ae usual.
Annual W. M. 8, District Oonven•
Una will be hell in the Methodist
church here Wednesday of this week.
Plenty of water was got at the new
well drilled forthe waterworks. It
is 242 feet deep. Wm. Hopper did the
A Well Managed and Successful
Seaforth Industry
Seaforth Creamery, owned and op•
eruted by O. A. Barber, is one of tate
town's leading industries, and yet
little or nothing is: ever heard concern-
ing its operation.
In 1914, when Mr. Barber purchased
the buildings on the present site, 'a•
cross from the station, and converted
them into a creamery, the new arra
was taken pretty much as a matter of
course. We had had creameries in
town and vicinity before, some of
them more or less successful for a
time, but they had gone the way of
all flesh. At that time, too, this die
Lriot was a beef -raising district and
not a dairy
one,which probablyac-
counted Ina scure
m for the seeming
lack of interest in the new industry.
But things have changed in 10 years,
been almost revolutionized in fact.
Today the farmer has found out that
it pays to keep a few dairy cattle and
to ship his cream to the creamery.
Dairy cattle can be seen on almost
every farm in any direction from Sea -
forth and the number is steadily in-
8 Commencing in a modest way 10
years ago the company has by a prac-
tient business supervision, education
and fair and honest treatment of its
patrons and customers, jnoreased its
production and equipment year by
year, until to -day it is one of the larg•
est, most modern equipped and largest
pt'oducing creameries in Western On-
To meet the ever increasing demand
for its product the creamery not only
handles the greater part or the farm-
ers' cream in this locality, but bas
had to go far afield for its raw mater-
ials, and at present maintains twelve
cream buying stations, including those
at Hineatdine, Lucknow, Ambetley,
Brussels, Mottkton, Dungannon, Wal-
ton, Varna and Bayfield. It employs
24 ilea includingcream buyers and
4 itaintains
m a fleet of 7 mot-
or trucks of its own, and theta are in
addition many privately owned trucks
and wagons on the road every day
drawing cream to Seaforth.
In 1922 the
t creamery p diced 480,-
039 oult
da of butter • inro 1923
the pro-
duction was 666,469 pounds, an increase
of 106,780 pounds, or 22 96 pet cent,
and im to the present month of 1924
there has oeen a very decided increase.
in the butter production over the cor-
responding months of the previous
What a production of this magni-
tude. means to the pockets of the far-
mers in the district, and through theta
to the town, will be more plainly
pointed out in the following iiguresl:—
Iu 1923 the Seaforth Creamery paid in
cash to its patrons for cream the sum
has an ideal i al location
and buildings, and the interior, of
course, is scruplously kept. Recently
a large Dreadnaught churn was in-
stalled to handle the increased c ed busi•
ness, and all other maohinery is up.
to'date in every way,
48 visitors are always welcome we
would suggest that they pay the
creamery a visit. It tvodld be a plead.
ant and profitable way of spending an
hour or two, iu feet itis Rh education
in itself.
Perth County
Flattiee quickly destroyed the big
barn owned by George (Shorty) Geig-
er, located on the 8th Con, of Wallace
township Sunday night, Lightning
is believed to be the cause, though
not definitely- known. A heavy lose
was engrained ail the barn contained
8 horses, 2 of which were a perfectly
matched iron gray team, 12 head of
cattle, 20 hogs ready for market and
about 100 chickens. The loss is partly
covered by insurance,
13. ()iterate and wife, Hay township,
rnlebeated their Golden Wedding.
There are 10 children, 87 grand•child-
roc are living and 10 aro dond. 14
great grandchildren,
For Tour Protectlol t
There is an established 'bash price for all
Ford products, which price is fixed by the
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited,
In cooperation with the Traders Finance
Corporation the Ford Motor Company of
Canada, Limited has also established a fixed
price to be paid if a purchaser wishes to
purchase on the deferred payment plan,
The purpose in establishing this definite
time price is to protect the buyer against
excessive charges,
The charge authorized by the Ford Motor
Company of Canada, Limited and charged
by the Traders Finance Corporation is ab-
solutely fair to every purchaser who buys
Ford products op deferred payments.
This deferred payment plan is a simple
business arrangement devised for your con-
venience—by means of which with a small
down payment you may drive your car --
paying the balance in small monthly in-
stalxnents. These rates are as follows:
Touring [Starter)
Runabout (Starter)
Truck Chaarie.
Truck Chassis (Starter)
Down Monthly
Payment Instalments
Set Any Authorized Ford Dealer
See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting
that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Prices are Right
All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use
only experienced labor.
Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some
of the homes we have already wired in town.
W. L. Lindensmith & Co.
American Hotel BRUSSELS
Announcing Cash System
N tonn
a ounce that after much 4h n
co sldelatl0 n
that on and after March lst our business will be on a strict-
ly cash basis to all individuals. In carrying on our busi-
ness under a cash system we will be able to give our cus-
tomers much better service in the way of prices, as you will
readily understand that it costs less to run a Cash Business
than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into
years. By getting the cash for the goods we sell we will be
able to pay cash for the goods we purchase, thus getting a
better price because we can take advantage of all discounts,
and eliminate such charges as interest and exchange.
We will maintain accounts for Corporations and Inati-
tutions on regular terms, as the accounts for the above have
to be passed by shareholders before being paid, it would be
impossible for them to pay Cash.
Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express
thanks, and its continuance is solicited. We're here to do
business' and invite you to call when anything is wanted in
our line. A 1 service promised. ` Our Telephone is. No. 9x
Earl Cunningham