HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-14, Page 4Olefirrosels
W UNIMDA\i MAY 14 Ives
i,As r week tite 8h minuet meeting of
the woolens' Liberal Ateneat.00 of
Outario was held in Toronto, et tee
Prince George Hotel A very op )mistic
note WAS sourflcd aitd our dear asters
seem (Ole Siete] aliued not to be found
"asleep at the switch". when the,more
energetic campaign is on,
IT Tooke quite a bit as if too maul
Rome were on the market, at lite pres-
ent, to expect much of a rise in prices.
In twiny parts of Ontario land values ere
below what might legitimately bo ex-
pected. There are better dans corning
and those who bide their time may not
lose by practising the grace of
Patience. "
eMuo sl ]lainver day mud -is
said to be one of the beauty producers
to the human face. If the statement is
trite there le a large raft of mothers who
either dont know about it or dont be-
lieve it and in eonsequenee little Johnnie
and Lucy have their frontispiece baptiz-
ed with soap and water a dozen times a
day in the removal of the beautifier -
mud. Perhaps those mothers are not
beauty fanciers and maybe the kiddies
have an overdose of terra flm>.t on their
A ' RAT wzzx" has been organized in
certain parts of Scotland wbere the de-
structive rodents
estructiverodents have made themselves
particularly obnoxious by their tbievery
and earryiog disease germs. To reduce
the size of many of the large families of
rats .dates have been chosen for an on-
slaught and all the forms of warfare
possible will be set to work to rid the
country of the pest. Importing a colony
of free -for all felines would afford a
great field day. Brussels might contrib-
ute a modest number of pussies and
not run much risk of having "the
shorts" after giving tbis exhibition of
their generosity.
T?m'i a"r t 't"P ii aro,r
Are Toe
Moving .> /� D
it Town " 4 t
We do Long Distance i,
Trucking. - Get our a
prices before shipping,
Mundys' - Winghalo
Phone 82
MONTREAL. has a sensation on account
of a Barris•er named Campbell bequeath-
ing the .city the worthwhile sum of
$575,000. The money is to be utilized
in the purchase of public parks and ar-
ranging a program of 5o free Concerts
to be held at various points in the city.
Offer was accepted of course sed the
odd request will be carried out by the
authorities. Almost any municipality
would be satisfied to be "startled" by s
somewhat similar band -out. or even it
the les had tbe tailpiece abbreviated.
Mr. Campbell's name will be a household
word in Montreal without any doubt.
Have you made your Will ?
Ds.rl'ra the warning by the Coupe')
the eseof air -guns and other firearms
are still in band by youths who, on ac-
count of their years, are prohibited by
law from carrying such weapons
Tbere was good reason, no doubt. for
passing such legislation and almost
every daily newspaper has a sad story to
relate of damage aud death resulting
from the free and careless use of such
Implements of war,
I0 it any use to make another plea for
more seasonable shopping program on
Saturday nights? Could not customers
do all tbeir buying before to p. m.. per-
mitting the shop keepers to lop off an
hour or so before midnight and also
enabling those living in outlying dis-
tricts to seek tired Nature's sweet re-
storer while Saturday still showed on
tbe calendar ? Some big stores we know
of pull down the blinds at 6 o'clock and
have done so for years, proving that
keeping open to r2 o'clock is not a ne-
cessity from a basiness point of view.
The cure is in the people's bands and
early closing practices have demonstrat-
ed that early shopping is a feasible
feature. Who'll start the new program ?
"Oh, the little dears 1 Aren't they
cute P' -and the visitor leaned over
a box by the kitchen stove, to inspect
three wee Boston Bull pups, cuddling
around their mother. Hastily ebe
drew back as a low, ominous growl
warned her not to touch the silky
little bodies that looked so attractive.
"Would she bite ?"
"Yes, I'm afraid she would. My
husband is the only one she . trusts
to handle her babies," replied the lady
of the house.
The mother instinct!
What a gift of God it is 1 -Only
those very low in the scale of creation,
lack it. And human mothers poaseas
it in a measure that makes possible
the keenest joy, and the most intoler-
able anguish.
When the wolnep of a small city
were preparing for one of our Prov-
incial Votes, a member of the Central
Committee met the wife of the hotel
man who ran the largest, best -pat-
ronized of their hotels. Said the wife
-"Will you please tell the Woman's
Committee thatI cannot vote." After
a moment's silence she added, with
quivering lips -Tell them, filen, that
while they work, 1 will pray ; for I
have a boy to think of."
Mother -love was willing to renounce
a fine income for the protection of her
A PETITION signed by 5o women was
presented to Kincardine town Coaucil
calling attention to the laxity of the law
regarding sale of cigarettes and tobacco
to minors: Council referred it to Peti-
tions and By laws Committee and they
passed it on to the policemen, with In-
structions to enforce the law and prose-
cute the (Minders. Wonder if Kincar-
dine is the only town requiring attention
on the same question ? There are
Municipalities where such By-laws are
practically dead letters and not even a
half decent attempt; made to carry out
the law, 'I'be law should either be en-
forced or discarded as it only becomes a
laughing stock and leads to contempt
for law in many other ways,
To mother -love more than any other
factor, this Provinces owes its One-
Hu.ndred-Year-Long struggle against
the liquor traffic ; a fight which has
found its latest expression in the 0.
T. A.
Tbink of it 1 Itis 70 years ago this
year (1854), since the first Aet for the
total suppression of the drink trade
was introduced by a Mr. Fenton, of
Sherbrooke, P. Q„ ipto the Parlia-
ment of what was then called, "Upper
and Lower Oanada." Tae Act was
printed and had a first and second
reading. Then' a canvass of the
House indicated that it might fall by
three or four votes -so it was with-
ALL the, human freaks have not said
Farewell to this mundane sphere yet.
A Philadelphia woman purloined a
baby from a perambulator on the street
and took it home, She told her bus -
band, so the story goes, that it was
theirs and had been born that day, al.
though the infant was to weeks old,
When the pollee got busy and arrested
the culprit and her husband, the latter
WAS quite surprised at the lie worked off
ch hint.' He sbould keep off thebigh-
way as he is green enough to have a
straying bovine attempt to make a meal
oft him, German DeMarco, is the bigb-
£glutin name of the man witb the freak
wife. Corinne Modell was restored to
the delighted parents nose the worse of
tile outing of a mile from home. Mrs.
1)eMarco *mild melte a date with some have Jigged for my soul
foundling hospital if terms cannot be iethis net which he hath hill, catch
made with the historic stork. himself," , , , , Who is like
Had this Act carried, it would have
been illegal for any citizen of Ontario
or Quebec, "to manufacture, barter,
or sell, directly or indirectly, to any
person or persons, any alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor , . except
for medicinal, chemical, sacramental,
or mechanical purposes."
God alone can compute the human-
ly unfathomable depths of misery and
torture ; of mental and physical suf-
fering ; of poverty and vice and crime,
the liquor traffic has inflicted upon us
in these 70 year !
When the press of the Country
winged the news of "withdrawal" to
the cities and towns and hamlets and
the isolated farm -homes -what did the
mothers do ?
We have no record ; but we do
know what thousands of them did in
later days, when similar disappoint-
ments befell them. They carried their
heart -ache and their pleas before the
Great Tribunal ; and having wept and
prayed their way into peace, they
were up and at it again, For the
mothers of Ontario -and of Canada
-will never down -weapons till John
Barleycorn is dead.
The women of those old days could
only plead and petition. On election
day they could only hope and pray.
Now their mother -love can find ex-
pression at the Polls.
To -day Grandma says -"Nellie'; and
Bob's children must be protected. Of
course 1'11 vote dry."
Nellie looks round her little brood
and says -"I've none to spare to awell
the dividende of the brewers and dis-
And Bob ?-Does be care less than
Nellie ^? No. Bat perhaps he consid-
ers the question from a different
angle. Says Bob -"It's bad enough
now, with careless motorists. Drunk
ones would drive us off the road al.
And the woman whohas known,
not by hearsay, but experience, the
grinding torture of a drunkard'e
home ? may she not pray David's
prayer ?-"They hid for me their net
in a pit, which without cause they
'pays ro ase
ll!othin,Q like it forilara od Floors
ft swears like firm
Write to )(sed OFflce, Montreal For free booklet
unto Thee, which delivered the poo
from 1,110 that ie too strong for him
yea, the poor and the needly Pram flim
that spoileth him."
Let us all help to answer oursite
ter's prayer -livery wowan awes the
drink trade a gredge, for there is not
a family in Ontario that has not
known, through acme member of it,
the deadly touch of this race -poison.
Huron Oouraty
Exeter town clock is running again.
Good catebes of pike at Teeswater,
Robt. Sweet, Crediton, is In poor
Arbor Day 80 plots were planted at
Exeter school,
May 16th is date of W. M. S. Con-
vention at Heneall.
Teeawater's population is 802, 11
less than in 1928.
Cucumbers are to be, grown in large
quantities around Hensel).
Buildings destroyed by recent fire at
Zurich ate being rebuilt.
Postmaster Brink, Teeswater, grew
0 dozen lemons this Spring.
Zurich baker has installed a bread
mixer, run by a 8 h. p. motor.
Jos. Amy had hie left arm broken.
by a kick from a steer while shipping
stock at Exeter.
10 cars of export cattle were shipped
from Heneall, Exeter and Oentralia,
bought by W. Colwell,
Young People of James St. Metho
dist church presented the play, "The
Dream that Came Through," at Wood-
A Hay township girl was before the
Police Magistrate for taking goods
that did not belong to her. She was
let off on parole.
Prize story, written by Walter
Johns, Elimville, will appear in "On-
ward," 'Methodist Sunday School pap-
er, on June 2Ist. "The Law of Kind-
ness" is the title.
factory Hands Wanted
We want a number of Men and
Boys to work in our Wagon
Works, Brussels.. Apply at once.
Ament Bros. & White
Milk route ie on Zurich's program
W, I1. Gregg, Exeter, fell on the
sidewalk and fractured a leg.
Half interest in llxeter evaporator
has been taken by I9, Nix, Toronto.
A broken arm, the result of a fall,
came to Mrs, Jonah Simms, Exeter,
The 2 -year Deaconess course hue
been completed hy Mies Rae Andrew,
Mortgage Sale
-of A ---
Valuable Farm
in the Township of Morris
• In the County of Huron
Clinton colt is After sidew.alif bloyple
)?'uvulars In Gedertoh township are
pushing refereetry,
19 potatoes grown in A. fJantaloua
gavtlen, Olinton, weighed 12 pound
and 5 ouniset,
Kilty, formerly of Clinton,
was operated on for appendlsitie a4
Parsuent to the Power of Sale contained in
certain Mortgages, dated the Eighth day of
March A.D. 1919, and the Ninth day of July,
A. D. 1022, which will be produced at the time
of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public
it the Queen's Malin the Village of Brussels
Thursday, the 15th .day of May
A, D. 1924, at 2 o'oloek 'p, m., by D. M. Scott.
Esq., Auctioneer:
All and elagniar that oertnin parcel or tract
of land and premises situate, lying and being
in the Township of Morris, in the County of
Huron and Province of Ontario, being compos-
ed of the South Half of Lot Number Thirty, in
the Seventh Coneeesion of the Township of
Morris, containing by edmeasarement One
Hundred acres of land, be the same more or
Upon the le erected 0 One end one'
baiS story brick veneered house, with brick
kitchen attached and woodshed ; a bank barn
90 x80 feet, with cement stabling underneath;
a driving shed 24 x 80 feet - and a hen house
and piggery 18 x 24 feet, There Is also a good
drilled well on the premises, All the land ie
under cultivation excepting about two acres of
hardwood bush. The property Is conveniently
eftuated on the mein gravel road, about two
miles from the Village of Bruseels, on the Can-
6A eVill ge of Walton,, on the three
a adimiles
n Pacific
The title ry will
The property l be offered for sale subject
to reserved bid...
TElt118 of SAL2.-T80 per centof the pur-
chase money to be paid down at the time of
sale, and the helium() within thirty days there-
after, without interest, when possession will
be given. Suitable arrangements may, how-
ever, be made to allow a portion of the pur-
ohase money to remain on mortgage at a res.
sonabla rate of interest.
Further information. particulars .and condi-
tions of Bale may be had on application to the
D. M, SCOTT, or W. M. 81NOLAIR,
Vendor'sSolicitor, AuotBi usneeee ets, Ont.
The Bankruptcy Act
Trustee's Sale
Under the authority of the Inepsobors of the
estate, the undersigned will offer for Bale by
the Farm Stook, Imptementeok'Co THOMASpMAS
SMITH, ou the premises, r
of Morris, Lots 52 and 5E,
on friday May 16th 1924
at 1 o'clock, the -following:
4 mtloh oowe 1 heifer, 24 pigs, 8 horses, I mow-
er, t binder,1 loader, 1 cultivator, 1 seed drill,
yy1 manure spreader,, 1 ditto harrow, 1 set 4.080-
1lbegy, harrows tter, 1 democrat, Belittler,
net oflharness
and eundrieo.
Tants.-$2000 and ender cash : over that
ambunt 0 months credit on furnishing approv-
ed joint notes or a discount of a per tient for
For further pa4,tioulars apply to
F. W. RA`451OND, D. Id. SCOTT,
Trustee, - Auctioneer,
IO Greene Swift Bdg, Brussels, Ont.
• London, Ont.
Auction Sale
Of Valuable
Farm Property
'1`lluc'eda afternoon is ,eh's
Weekly HaiZur
l lioliday,
A number of pigs belonging to
Medd, Atibttrn, died free) poleeldrag, '
r willgrown 11
Ri en
t I be
t s ]Kipp
c c to
` � e >t l
'I 1 b s
)1 Will aaminit ty+ 1, y
pickle factory,
Jas. McFarlane, 13aeileld, has re-
sumed his studies and experiments at
the Han*Ptlill Motor Seieoot, Toronto;
Maltlaudban k Oottletery committee
near Seaforth have had several mares
of unoccupied land .plowed and level-
led for future sale,
8ltuatoin tbo Township of Morris
In the County of Huron
Pursuant to the power of sale contained In 8
certain mortgage which will be produced at
the time of Bale there will bo offered for sale
by Public Auction, at the American Hotel In
the! Village of Brussels, in .the County of.
ou Monday, the 19th day of May, U. 1924
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, thefollowing
valuable property, namely:
All and singular that pertain poroel or treat
of land and premisea situate lying and. being
1n the Township of Morrie in the County of
Huron and Province of Ontario, and being
compostd of the South Halves of Lots num-
bers Fifty-six and Fifty-seven in the 8'iret Con-
cession of the said Townehlp, containing one
hundred acres of land more or less.
This property is attested about five and one-
half miles from the Villages of Brussels and
Wroxeter and about five eollee from the VII-
lage of Bluevale on a good gravel road and in
e good farming community. It is situate
about one -halt mile from the school house and
store and blacksmith shop.
There are on the premises 8 one and one-
half story brick veneer hone 40x80 feet with
frame Rummer kitchen and woodshed attach-
ed end Soft and hard water in the home t a
frame barn 40a05 feet with bricked horse sta-
ble therein and a bricked cow stable 80x110
with a straw shed overhead •' a driving eked
80 x 20feet; a ebono pig pen 16 x 20 feet : and a
frame sheep pen and hen hong;,
There is about one-half an more of orchard.
The Roil is a good Olay loam and about 85 acres
arab for cultivation. Thereis abundance of
water all the year round.
Teams OF SALIt-Ten per cent of the pur-
chase money to be paid to the Vendor's Soli°•
iter on the day of sale and the balance within
thirty days thereafter. The property will be
offered subjeot to a reserve price.
may b obtained from and nnderelgned. of sale
Dated the 2011, day of April, A. D. 1924.
R. VANSTONE, W1ngbam, Ont, •
Vendor's Solicitor.
In Unhurried Quebec
These 'chlens' of Quebec hnvo no Jackie Coogan to do them justice."
Old fashioned Quebec tugs at the heartstrings of
V the summer visitor, because her appeal is personal.
Without intention, so to do, she has struck what the,
advertising men work so bard to acquire...the human
interest angle.
Quebec is natural, simple, lovable. In our race for a
living we of the cities have reduced life to a system
with every action in subordination to hours and minutes.
But in Quebec the habitant rises above the leash.
He has something in himself which holds him to old
ways. To fatally life, to the farm, to the horse and
hand-plougb; to the scythe, to cows. Wives and daugh-
ters and boys of all ages lend a hand at everything. All
the changes of tate seasons fit in to the scheme 01 life.
And yet there sems to be no particular sebeme, no
hurry, none of that driven feeling. Igo friction.
And 00 when we get into Quebec we are sensible of a
freedom of spirit. The shackles o1 "the drive" fall
away as we come once more under the benison of the
simple and the fundamental.
Here by the road are the wayside Crosses common
Old France end once in Old England. The Mower is
abroad in the fields. The dogs drawing their little
carts still hold the road.
And nothing is more humanly appealing than these
dog carte of the Quebec highway. The "Dog of Flan-
ders" has won his way to publicity on the screen, but
thee° "claims" of Quebec have had no Jackie Coogan to
do themustice.
And yet what a part they play in the life of this great
Province, far larger in extent than Flanders, How the
dogs fill nfebes in the bouseholde, jobs long ago elim-
inated from our scheme of life, are performed by the
dog carts as a matter of course, In Quebec. Boys of
the family break their hand in from babyhood, barriees
ing, unharnessing, driving "le ohie8." The boy that as
soon as he is big enough wilI have the horses in hand.
"Deep meaning oft lies hid in childish play" down in
And yet the dog cart is not merely a means toward
an end. As farm life is arranged in Quebec, the dog
cart is no mere child's toy, but part and parcel of Franck
Boys sent an errand cover the miles in the dog Dart,
Wood to be brought from the distant woodlot on the
mountainside is loaded into the little cart. .With the
aid of these "tiny horses and carts" small boys do this
work quite easily, releasing their fathers and big
brothers to men's Jobs at the plough or with the heavy
Textile workers in the big mill below' Montmorency
Falls, living in Saint Gregoire and other villages nearby,
have their dinner -palls brought to them by their small
boys in dog carts, and if you happen along Rile road at
dinner -time it is to see perhaps as many as thirty or
forty of these little chariots.
The speed attained of the dog is surprising, especially
when homeward bound. Then, little M'sieu can hardly
hold him in.
'But you must not think 'tis only youth that these gay
dogs of Quebec serve, their tails wagging, flying along
with tbe and girls running in tinghalter eke tern gathering frambolee boyshe crt and the familbrood of n
their pails. What would the old... the oldcouplee, the
old women, do without their old dog and his little cart?
Sat, T think perhape one never realizes more, how
much a part of every day life the dog cart 1s, until you
happen along by some wayside smithy and see the smite
Hard at work turning, twisting, heating, hammering tie
miniature axles and tires in the moat matter of far'
manner, part of the day's aeric, as much as shoeing
horse, "Vietorla Etayward,
House and lot for Sale
Two-story frame house with live bed r000)0,
Moder, dieing room, pantry nod kitchen ;'eofb
water, fruit been, some berry and currant
bustles. oble prloo. Apply atind barn, Sold at
Tua P087,
Matter of the estate of Annlo P,
Turnbull, late of tho Township of
Morris, In tho County of Huron,
Spinster, Deceased
Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Re-
vised Statues of Ontario 1014, Chapter 121,
that all Oredltors and others having Online
against the estate of the,said Annie P. Turn-
bull who died on er about the 18th day of
April, A. D , 1024, are required on or before
the 17th day of May, A. D. 1924, to Send by
post prepaid or deliver to Wm. Knox, Brim -
sale P. 0,, one of the Executors of the estate of
the said deceased, their Ohrletion and Sur•
names, addresses and deooriptlons, the full
partieulera of their ,- the statement of
their accounts and the nature of their securi-
ties Of any) held by them.
And further tyke notice that atter each last
mentioned date the field Exeoutors will pro-
oeed to distribute the assets of the demoted
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shal
then have notice and the said Exeoutore will
not be liable for the said emote, or any part
thereof to any parson or persons of Whose
Maim notice shall not have been received by
them at the time of swill distrlbntion.
Dated this Twenty-eighth day of April, A.
D„ 1024.
Solicitor for Thomas Turnbull and William
Knox, Executors.
matter of the eetato of James 0,
McNair, late of the Township of
Grey, in tho County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased.
Notice 59 hereby given pursuant to The Re-
vieedStatutes of Ontario, 1914, Molitor 121,
that all Creditors and others having claims
agBinet the estate tit. the said James D
r, who died on or about floe 4th day re
February, 4,. D. 1024, are required on or before.
bbs Seventeenth day of Msy, A.D 1024, to send
by peat prepaid or deliver to Mary Jane Mo-
hair, Braseelo, P,Exeeobrix of the
estate of the said deoeased, their. Christian
and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the
full particulars of their olefins, the statement.
of their accounts and the nature of the securi-
ties (if any) held by thorn.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date Paid Exeonirlx will proceed.
to distribute the mete of the deceased
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which she shall
then have notice and the meld Executrix will
not be liable for the said remote, or any part
thereof to any person or 0810000 of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of suoh dletributton.
Dated tide Twenty'flfth day of .April, A, D.
W. M. bheRxe IR,
Solicitor for theExaoutrix,
Court of Revision
V111ago,of Druoeola'
Aa a meat
The Court of Reo! l r eel the ae e
Rall of the Village of Brussels, 0)18 be deidoy at
Juueanext,O01�2 o'olooliiP. fl.hOAlt day
Intoreeted will please tike notice and g0vorn
themselves aaoaA.2.. srA0DONALD, Work,
Brussels, May Othk,t0014
Guernsey Bull for Service
In order to improve the dairy type Of cattle
in this locality 1 have decided to t,rer my Sen-
ler herd sire Vanity Prince of Nord land, for
service toa limited number, oily, ofPaps
healthy quintets Terrell 05.00, cash et time of
servioo, with privilege of returning if nao0e-
I>'v9ou do not think this a profitable oppor-
tunity to both make money en get al dalry
stook, just try to buy elle of his nal heifer pelves
OM those Who now have thein. Ae far ax I
can emanate their price 18 $50 00. True -41111r
is mlllr-bat OD. 00. SCOTT, Proprietor,
Glen Bold Guernsey Farm
Shorthorns and Yorkshires
In Shorthorns we have one roan bull 11
Months old, bred by Harry McOee, Toronto,
sired by Imp. Bolcalrn Lsdd10, and from it
Marr Missie dam. A real herd treader, at far-
mer's rice Another roan, a good useful bull,
panonlheold, by White Wonder, Could/spare
a few more females. Also York Sawa of cit•
ferent ages.
Lot 10, Con. 15 Grey Twp,
Phone 2814 R. il. 0 Brussels.
Danford Property for Sale
House and lot of about 5f ware, situated on
the somner of Tornberryy and Thmnae street;
in the Village of Brnssol9, known ae the Dun.
ford home. On the property is a very sub-
stantial brick house ; nicely isolated, .steel
roof, cement cellar floors, new furnace, clothes
donate, both room, elW6orn, drilled well, fruit
trees, a nine raspberry plantation, lovely or.
:laments' and evergreen trees, end a beautiful
lawn. Will be sold for had of what it would
0086 to build it to wind up the eetato of the
late E. C. Danford. Immediate poeses0lon,
For further partloulare apply to L. B. DUN -
FORDFORD Detroit, or JAS. MoFADZIIAN, (next
door), DUN-
IBruseels P. Q_
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 acres, being S34 Lot 28, Con. 0,
Morrie township, Good brisk house with cat.
ler; bank barn with cement etobiing ; driving
shed, drilled welland a never failing spring et
back, About 80 nere9 under cultivation,bal-
ance pasture and wood land, Fall plowing
will be done and possession given this Fell.
For further partionlaro apply to
A, Hs MAODONALD, Brunets.
Representative Wanted
REPnr.BENTATIYE WANTED for Brussels and
Nurseries,''p Big Belnt em are to Reliable
In selling Nursery stook during the recon•
etrnotion period. A splendid opportunity for
a live salesman, Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, huge line of trait
and ornamental atook to oder. STONE ,k
W ai.LINOTON. Toronto. Oat.
•+44.044,1-11401t144,14.444+1444.1. •+/+,+A+O+•+F+•+•+•'k•••••+•TI,
•The Seaforth Creamery I
• ,p
eream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
amples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MeT. C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
4-• g4 a•+b• 4.64.e4.4s•Fa•t.ei•w4•44411441-04.4144.4-o
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
1 Ii M 1 1�
We will pay. Patron s 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac_
Call and get a Can and make other En..
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
A. ll