HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-14, Page 1DON'T SAIL TO HEAR 1 Hein Ora Taylor Returned Missionary frotzi bathe., in I Melville Church - Brussels Wednesday Ev'g, May 21st t•[ at 8 o'clock Under auspices of W. M. 8, Silver Collection. Cordial Invitation. ! VOL. 52 NO. 47 5$2,00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY MAY 14, 1924 W. H. KERR, Proprietor Seeds We have on hand a fresh supply of Bruce's Mangold Seeds Want WYehillow latermedlete end g Glaate Feeding Sugar Beets Also Famous New Century Turnip Seed Flannelette - Blankets Special for Friday & Saturday Selling Good Heavy Blankets, large size, White and Grey with Pink and Blue borders, Price $2.95 for these two days . F. A. HUNTER New Advertisements Organ for ,ale—TnEPo8T Hydro meeting at Walton Auction Sale—R. Vanstoue For sale—W. O. Stevenson Mitchell Races—W. Martin Lecture in Mel vine Church Oar of Dement—G. R. Weller Potatoes for sale—a S. Dunbar Bees for gale—Wm. Armstrong Hound strayed—John Rutledge Potatoes for sale—Geo. Whitfield Ford coupe for side—R. Thomson Drain tenders—Township of Grey e t styles—KiSeason's to st 1 u t g y e K g B Cos. Money saving oats W. Ferguson Coozr—ilto Church Choir Court fRevision—Township of Grey e The Light in the Dark—Pamily Theatre is Istria Stirs McKillop LATE GRACE 0. ScoiT,—Wednee- day morning, April 30th, at the home of her niece, Mrs. Arnold Stewart, Streetsville, Miss Grace O. Scott suc- cumbed to the disease which she had so courageously and patiently borne for months. She had just passed her 70th birthday and up to within a week of her death was able each day to join the family circle. Service conducte'd by her pastor, Rev. Mr. McKay, was held at the home in Streetsville, Thursday evening and the motor fun- eral left Friday morning for Har- purhey cemetery, Seaforth, where she was laid to rest beside her father and mother. Service at the grave was conducted by Rev. J. A. Ferguson, present pastor of Duff's church, Mc- Killop, of which deceased was for years a faithful member, and one in which she never lost interest because Mitchell Races Saturday, May 24 4 Classes $I,200 in Purses 2,20 Trot or Pace $ 300 2.12 Trot or Pace 300 2 30 Trot or Pace 400 Running Race ...... ............. 200 Special Attraction J. E. Hardy, World famous Mild -air Performer W. SCHAPER, W. MARTIN, President. ' Secretary. King Bros. THE Season's latest Styles IN Ladies' and Misses'. Coats Wraps Suits Dresses Blouses Skirts and Sleeveless Sweaters I See the Newest in Dress Materials Silk and 'Wool Alpaca Silk Gloves Silk Hose Silk Scarfs Silk Underwear Corsets 'Corslets Brassieres Novelty Handkerchiefs, ALL POPULARLY PRICED Etc. House Furnishing Week New Madrasses Marquesettes Chintzes Linoleums Carpet Rugs Window Shades Special Prices on Congoleum Dugs This Week only Every Size - Greatly Reduced 9 x 7i feet Regular Price $ 11 26 Reduced to $ 9 05 8x10Sfeet " 1675 " 1395 0 x 12 feet '' 18 00 " 15 05 0x15feet " 2230 " 1995 iter Samples sent on request; King Bros. Ph7one1Win hang of sacred memories and happy as- sociatlons. Mies Scott is still r•emem- bored here as the yotengest daughter of the late Robert and )ylizabeth Scott, of Burnside Faun, McKillop. She lived in the old home until the death of her mother in May 1889, after whioh she made her home with a sister, Mrs, Thomas Inglis, Carrick, Bruce County, Since Mrs. Inglis' death 4 years ago she has resided with her niece•at Streetsville, who, with Mrs, Isabella Henderson, sister of the deceased, tenderly and lovingly min- istered to her, where joy it was in days of health and strength to minis- ter to others. She was a fine type of Christian ; character, of a retiring nature, unaesmning and true and of a particularly cheerful, kindly disposi- tion, together with a pleasant .and gracious manner which endeared her to all who knew her, Her memory will long be fondly cherished in the hearts of friends and relatives to each one of whom she was so loyal and true. Sympathy is extended to those bereaved, but especially to Mrs. Hen- derson, who is now the only surviving member of a family of 8 sisters and 3 brothers. Oran brook Last Sunday morning Rev, Mr. Tate, Bluevale, occupied the pulpit of Knox Church very acceptably. Beef ring resumes its operations next Tuesday for the season. There is one share not taken yet, Any one desiring it should apply to Allan Cameron, s Wroxeter Thos. Ritchie has purchased a new Ford sedan, Mac. Allan, Teeswater, visited at his home here this week. Herbert and Mre. Patterson were visitors in Bayfield last week. Miss Alice Hamilton, Detroit was a visitor in the village last week, 0. D. Simpson, Iron Bridge, called on friends in the village last week. Donald and Samuel Pope returned Monday from a trip to New Outario, Miss A. Kitchen, Toronto, is visit- ingher parents,Fred. and Mrs. Kit- chen. J. VanVelsor, Port Stanley, epent a week recently with his brother, W, E. VanVelsor. C. W. Sage, who attended the fun- eral of his mother, the late Mrs. Thos. Sage has returned to hie home at Pt. Huron, The annual meeting of the Salem and Wroxeter Methodist Churches was held in the former church Mon- day evening followed by as banquet. Splendid reports were received from each department. The meeting was well attended and an enjoyable time spent. • • • glace Bakery If you have not tried our •COCOANUT JUMBLES we would advise you to do so—the Cookie every- body is talking about. Remember the three Jumbles— Cocoanut Vanilla lemon Price 160 por dozen Insist on Willis' Whole Wheat Bread. We specialize on this Bread. Order your Loaf today —only 8c. W. E. WILLIS Phone 32x • FAMILY TwTflE BRUSSELS Friday and Saturday May 18th and 17th The Light in the Dark DON'T FAIL TO SEG IT! Monday and Wednesday The Fast Mail Is Action with a Capital A It has a good plot and a plauanble story ; an exalting drams and there's a Love Story in it, and a good one, Truly "The Fast Mail" has everything that is needed to spell the word "En- tertainment" Note the change in Evenings— Monday and Wednesday Mothers' Day was observed in the Methodist Sunday School Sunday morning when the entire work was in charge of mothers. Mrs. (Rev.) Brown, Lloyd Hupfet•, Misses Orville Hupfer, Kate Hazle• wood and Winnifred Rae attended the annual meeting of the W. M. S., of Wingbam District in Lucknow on Thursday, Grey Next Council meeting will be Mon- day, June 2nd. It will also be Cour t of Revision on Assessment Roll. By advt. in another column it will be seen that the 100 acre farm, Lot 21, Con. 3, will be offered for sale, by Public Auction by D. M. Scott, at the American Hotel, Brussels at 2 p. In,, on Saturday, May 31st. There died in Grey on Saturday, May 3rd, Alice Isobel Hudson, beloved wife of Walter Blinco, in her 48th year. The funeral took place from the family residence on Monday after- noon ; interment at Elma Centre cemetery. HYDRO For Farmers A public meeting of those inter- ested in Hydro will be held in the A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton Thursday Ev'g, May 15th at 8 o'clock, to be addressed by E. R. Wigle, i5I. P. P., Centre Huron, Goderich, and I. H. Castor, Hydro Engineer, of Toronto. COME BRING YOUR FRIENDS Car ofCement PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY G. R. Weller Phone 17 Brussels Money - 8aving - Sale\ IINTIL JUNE iST I will give the public some real values in MEN'S and BOYS' OVERALLS and SHIRTS at prices that are right. Shirts Regular Now Heavy Black and White $1 55 $ 1 85 Khaki, good weight...,... 1 40 1 25 Heavy weight blue . 1 40 1 25 Medium weight blue 1 25 1 10 Boys' Khaki. ................. 1 00 80 Overalls Kitohon'e Combination...$ 4 00 $ 8 60 Woven Striped in blue.. 2 50 2 19 Plain black . - 2 60 2 10 Boys' Overalls 1 40 1.26 Pants • Men's Khaki with cuff Boys' Kh kRi wiiti2.00fffor $1.80 Reg. $175 for $1.56 Men's Grey Striped Reg, $2 50 for $226 Men's Caps All the latest styles to clear at $1.69 Regular $2 00 Ladies' Pure Silk Stock- ing* in blue and brown Regular $1,50 for $1.00 R. W. FERGUSON Blyth Choral Society Will present Belshazzer A Sacred Cantata In whioh 50 voices will take part —IN THE OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS Tuesday Ev'g, May 27 at 8 o'clock Under auspices of Melville Church Choir Reserved Seats - 60c General Admission 35c Pian of Hall at Pox's Drug Store A note from the Ripley paper last week Bays :—The funeral of the late Robert Wilson Mc0osh took place from his late residence, Lake Shore, on Wednesday, was largely attended. He was tbe last eurviving member of his family. Those wbo came from a distance were :—Miss K. McCosh, Tor- onto ; Mrs, Thomas Mc0osh, Paris ; Mr. and Mrs, Doig, Wroxeter ; Geo. and Mre. McFarlane ; George, Wil- liam and Miss Laura urnbull ; and A. G. Bishop, Brussels locality, Jam os town Seeding is well nigh through and the early sown grain is showing up well. The Auction Sale at the farm of Thos. Smith, West of Jameston, takes place Friday afternoon of this week, with D. M, Scott, Brnesels, as Auc- tioneer. The list may be read in an- other column. Belgrave Delegation from the W. M. S. will go to Walton next Tuesday to Mait- land Preebyterial. At the Official Board meeting of Belgrave Oircuit Methodist Church, Wilfrid Reid, Brick Church appoint- ment, was chosen lay delegate to Dis- trict meeting, which will be held next Tuesday at Wingham. Invitations are out for the marriage of Carl Procter and Miss Hazel Wil- kinson, the interesting ceremony to take place, it is said, at the home of W. B. and Mrs. Wilkinson, 415 line Morris township, Wednesday evening of next week. The Mothers' Day program was car- ried out last Sabbath morning in the Methodist Sunday School, with an at- tendance of 61, Carl Procter, Superin• tendent, A fine address was given by Dr. Stewart, Wingham, formerly a resident, and recitations by Golden and Velma Wheeler. Boquets were presented to the oldest and youngest member of the school in the pereoas of Mrs. Ohas. Wheeler and Master Charles Gordon Procter. At theeven- ing service a Mothers' Choir was in charge. The pastor gave a suitable address on the subject of � Mothers' Day. Thursday evening, May let, the W. M. S. held their monthly meeting with 11 members present, Mrs. John Cole took Che Scripture reading and after devotional exercises Secretary and Treasurer's reports were given, also Visiting Committee's report. Committee was reappointed for the mouth of May. Presbyterial at Wal- ton, next Tuesday, was discussed and it is hoped a goodly number will at- tend. Splendid papers were given by Mrs. McOlenuaghan on "The Path- finder of Formosa," followed by more about The Pathfinder by Mrs, Wm. Kelly, These were extra good papers and very interesting, The roll call was answered by au extract from the cover of Record. Miss McDougall' closed the meeting with prayer. Sunday evening the Y. P. S. 0. E, or Knox church was givenover entire- ly to the Mothers. Mre. Wm, Kelly led the meeting Mrs. MoCleuuaghan took the Scripture reading, and Mre, Oliver Anderson addressed the meet- ing in a splendid manner. Subject was "Being a Christian in the Home," She said there were three important points : (1) That Christianity in the home should be practical. There was no uee preaching to the children and not living up to it yourself. It took school children only about a day or ea to size up their teacher if she taught one thing and did another and just so with parents. (2) It should be healthy and constant. One needs to be ever on the guard against Satan who goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, (8) It should be pray- erful, We should not only pray for nor family or others but with them, Many a young person has been kept from doing wrong by the remern• brance of his mother's prayer. She quoted from Scripture Gal, 5:22.26, also I Peter 6;5.11. These are beauti- ful paseages and she thought were the key to the whole matter. Mrs. Vin- cent; led in prayer, Mrs. Jas. Michie rendered an appropriate solo Mies Annie Geddes gave a short reading entitled "Mother" ; Mr. Goodwell led in prayer and the singing was enjoyed. Meeting closed by repeating the Miz. pah bleesin . Bcquets of wild flowers were mueb In evldenoe, Adventures of Grandpa A Humorous Play la 3 Acts Will be presented by Ethel talent in Community Hall MOLESWORTH Friday Ev'g, May 16th Under auspices Young People's Society Cast of OharaCtoro Grandpa Welland Kreuter Grandson Geo. Hutchinson Tod Hunter (Who keeps Dancing Lucy schoo) Wife)Will, Campbell Mre. Geo. Dunbar !aerie Ribeau (Chief Instructress) Irene Kreuter Dorothy May (Just out of College) Pansy Hopsootoh (Fat and FortyPurvls Lloyd Dunbar Policeman McCormick Geo, Dunbnr Eimnpy (Twelve days from Copenhag- en over) Mrs, Robt. Bremner Musical Numbers between Acts Program at 8 Sharp Play is a good one. Come and see it and enjoy a good laugh, Adults 36c Children 200 Ethel The new Desjardiue garage is now occupied. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Tate, Bluevale, preached a fine sermon in the Presbyterian church here. Special bargains are being offered by Mrs. Hayden in present stock of Spring Millinery to make room for Sommerg o0 da. Friday evening of this week Ethel talent will present the humorous play, "Adventures of Grandpa," in the Community Hall, Molesworth. It's a good one. Tenders are being asked by the Council for the construction of the Hanna and Sanders Drains. Same to be in the hands of Township Clerk Fear not later than the 81st inst. Nurse Cooper has returned home after rendering good service at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gaynor, who was so seriously ill but is improving nicely. "Adventuree of Grandpa" came off in fine style. Good crowd, perform- ers did their parts splendidly and pro- ceeds were around $60.00. Women's Institute will disburse the money in furthering some good cause. Morris Other Morris new on page 5. G. F, and Mrs, McCall, Londesboro, were renewing old friendships in this locality for the weekend, Miss Mary McKellar, Alvin Barbour and Otto Walker, of Cromarty' were visitors with Miss Florence Kerney, 4th line. The 50 acre farm Nab Lot 28, Con. 8, known as the W. Beirnes farm, has been purchased by W. Cunningham, of the East gravel road. David Wells, 915 line Morris, had a Hereford steer rising three years old that tipped the scales at 1480 lbs. Dave is a good feeder and knows the good kind of cattle. Weare pleased to report progress in the health of Mrs. Wm. Michie. Her two sisters, Miss Kirton, Turnberry township, and Mrs. Jas. Boyd, Elmira, have given her the best of care, the latter being still with her. $OHoor. REPORT,—Following is the report of S, S. No. 6, Morris, for the months of March and April. Number on the roll, Average attendance 8.5. Sr. IV—Leslie Campbell 83 ; Willie Bowman 70, Jr. IV—Ruby Bone 88 ; Sadie Pierce 74 ; John Barr 06. Sr. II—Roy Pierce 68 ; Stewart Pierce 63. Sr. 1—Velma Duncan 75. Jr, I— Annie Pierce 77. ERNESTINE M. SELLERS, Teacher, Walton Maitland Presbytery will hold its next regular meeting here next Tues. day wheu a large attendance is ex- pected. Wednesday and Thursday of next week the annual Dietrict meeting of the Methodist churches will be held in Victoria Church, Goderich. Mr. Robinson and the lay delegate will attend. The annual Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Societies of Maitland Presbyterial will meet in Walton, Tuesday, May 20th, An in- teresting urogram of a varied nature is in the course of preparation and delegates are assured of a rare treat. Rev. J. T. Taylor, a missionary of Indors, Central India, will deliver an address on the work in that far off land of teeming millions. Mrs, (Rev,) Harkness is the President and under- stands every phase of this moat im- portant cause. Saturday evening of this week a public meeting will be held in the A, 0, U. W. Hall here to discuss the very interesting question of Hydro, which is to reach this looality before long. Addreseee aro expected from E, R. Wigle, M. P. P., Mr. Castor, Toronto and others, There should be a large attendance as this modern system of securing light, heat and power only has to be understood to prove what a friend it is CO the com- munity and the home. Rveryhody should go and ask questions and gath. er information so as to have a proper understanding of hydro. Grey Council Minutes of Council meeting of May 12th. Speiran Drain Report was re- ferred back to the Engineer for furth- er consideration, Clerk was instruct- ed to advertise for tenders for the con- struction of the Hanna and Sanders Drains. Alex. McDonald, Alonzo Heath, Clifford Rowland and J. H. Fear were appointed to fill the vacancies in the Park Committee. • Jas. Knight, 0. Turnbull and Richard Jacklin are the other members of the Committee. The following accounts were paid :-- Silas —Silas Johnson, salary as As- sessor $ 150 00 Geo. Blake, sheep worried 24 00 D, Milne, inspecting sheep 3 00 Ed. Collie, polling out logs and dragging roads ,.,... 15 60 Robt. Dockett, dragging roads and taking grader to Ethel for repairs 14 00 John McNair, grading 6 75 Martin McDonald, dragging10 00 Harry Bolger, grading 5 00 Jas. Rae, operating grader.., 2 60 Jae, Cummings, grading22 60 Geo. McKay, ay, ailin f railing or cul- verts and gravelling same 4 00 Wm. Bell, railing for culvert and scraping dirt on same 2 60 Forrest McKay, railing on cul- vert and grading roads6 00 A. Whitfield, dragging,...:5 00 Geo. Kreuter, threading pip - John Alexander, dragging 10 00 Tboe. Elliott, dragging . 10 00 Wellington Mann, dragging... 4 50 David Breckenridge, dragging . 5 00 5 00 2 50 3 75 5 00 5 00 Tom Burke, dragging Gid. Parks, operating grader. Gid. Parks, raking stones Mervin Hodges, dragging. Fred. McOutcheon, dragging Ben. Hollenbeck, operating grader 2 50 Wm. Turnbull, dragging2 65 Geo. Johnson, operating grad- er. 1 10 Bert Lake, dragging.. 2 15 Bert Lake, operating grader.:1 25 Joe Jacklin, dragging 2 60 Joe E. Jacklin, draggiug .. 2 50 David Breckenridge, repair- ing bridge 1 00 Peter McArthur, operating grader..... ...... ..... ..... 2 60 Wm. Hoy, grading .......... 5 00 Wm. Definer, grading ........... 5 00 Geo. McDonald 7 60 A. McDonald 2 50 W. Brown 6 00 R. McAllister 3 00 N. Hayden 3'00 T. Balfour 1 60 J. McCartney .. 5 00 Jas. Pearson ......................... 10 00 Wm. Campbell. 5 00 A. Cardiff. 5 00 W. Jacklin ..,..., .... 5 00 O. Raynard...... 5 00 J. Pearson 8 50 W. Smalldon 7 50 O. Raynard 1 25 Thos. McDonald, serving By- laws 2 50 Martin Ferg, broken plow 5 00 Next Oomlcil meeting on the 2nd of June which will be Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, J. H. FEAR, Clerk. it People We Talk About T1 tt Nesbit Hamilton, Toronto, was in town Last week. William King is back from a trip to Northern Ontario. G. A. Deadmau is home from Merlin, where his apiary is located. Miss Elizabeth Downing is off duty for a week through slight indisposition. James McCracken, wbo was employed at Port Huron, Mich„ is home for a visit, Mrs. James Cameron is bonze from a visit of a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. Huether, St. Marys, Geo, N. Edwards, teacher, in the Tecumseh School, London, was visiting at tbe parental home over the week encl. George Manning, wbo has been in Flint, Mich., for the past month, is can- ing on relatives and old friends in Brus- sels and locality. D. D. 0. M. Wilton and suite were at Wingbam in connection with the former's official visit to the A. F. and A. M. Order, They lied a good time. Miss Ethel Burton, Goderich, was in town for a few days renewing old acqusititauces. ' She was a former resi- dent of Brussels and is well remember- ed, George Keys, a former wall known resident, now of Toronto, epent the week end with relatives and old friends. Mrs. Keys visited at her old home in Atwood. T. A, Hatvkthaes, Hussar, Sask., for merly of the Standard Bauk staff, Brun sets, is renewing oltl frieudehips in this locality. Mrs. I4awlcshaw was Miss Margaret Ament, of town, before iter marriage. She was visiting here last Winter for several weeks.