HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-7, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED MASTFROM C ' GrIZAPAY 0414910 0, M. SCOTT &l s1 Q °rwa PRICES MODERATE 0 or references consult any pertain whose sales 1 have olfiolated at, Phone 78x or 60 • OR. WAi7OLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night pails. OIAoe oppoilto k'lour Mill, Icthel, iVMAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Dopa rtnient of O>hthohnolog7, Ms• Oortnlo1 Modteal College, Chicago, Ill, Three months poet graduate coarse during year 1010, Eyes scientifically examined. Latest Modorn Mothods uood, 1'l Urosi11yosetrolgllfoned throughproper- 1y fitted Lenses, Satisfaction Assurod. Oalee hours :. 1010 12 a, at, ; 1.10 to 6 p. nt, Saturday ovenin"g, 7.00 to 0 o'clock, Phone '20x eiLIaa, , . Xa"..rr1('*Md4°yt' AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins. 'COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES N7'FADZEAN Agent Buick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Moo Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 42 Box 1 'rurnberry Street, Brussels T. T. M'RAE M.B.,M:O, P.. AS, O. M. O. H., Village of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Acoouohonr Office at residence, opposite Mely Ilte Chnrob, William street. , "8dlt'VL;3ZOEI BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BoUSSELS PSOUOFOOTI KILLOSAH & HOLMES— Barristers 80.»citors Notarlos Publics " Office on the Square, 2u.. door from Hamilton Street, (i 0DER1011 0NT, Private fonds to loan at lowest rates. W. PaoUDFOOT, E. C. J. L. S7LLOR.1 DUDLEY HOLMse, JUN. k IP/ W S.&Er The Indian Herbalist May be found in the Stratton Block Brunets, Wednesday and Satarday of each week anal farther notice. ,...,,,.,..„2„...........,.._ High Grade Instruction Only t ELLIOTT iedooh {y/ Tonga & Charles Ste., Toronto • Remains open all year and admits stn• 1?�� dente n any thnc• Strong demand for 'J% our graduate1 all the Elms. Right now '� la n sylend3d time to omnnrenoe pot here, Thoruagh preparation is okapi• utoly necessary today and it always d pays to attend n strictly first-class g eohoolgond not no imitation one.. • Write today, for free Catalogue. W, ✓. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 8 3CENTRAL 3 BUSINESS ' COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. prepares young men and young women. for Filminess which is now Canada's greatest profeeolon We assist gradu- ates to positions a ny is they have h rap• ,teal training which enables Cham to meet with success. Students are reg- !stored each week. Get our free eat. galogue and learn something about our 0t•different departments. ��D; A. M,LACHLAN, PRIN. 00 Diamand 1 3 Rings April THE MONTH FOR DIAMONDS We Are showing a trite selection of Diamond Icings in the newest rotouutiugs Nom $20.00 to $250.00 New Stock Unusual Values If you aro interested it •c.•i11 pity you to come and see aur treeo 't- tnent, We will be pleased to have you roll and see our Specials for April The D(amond Month J. R. Wendt Jeweler Wroxeter '1 HE • WANTED • Higlle5t market prices paid, • See me or Phone No, 2x, Brae- eels, and will call and get • p your Poultry. M. Yoll ck ++++*++++++++++'l ++++*+++4 lrarIll Netell homers THE roads are fine, FISHING is a popular sport, Lr1o11T frosts retard vegetatiou. Council, met last Monday evening. WEATHER keeps cool and backward. Srtefxn flowers are making an effort to bloom. VICTORIA Day.—May 24th—will be the next Public holiday, ADVERTISING in THE POST brings good results, IE you doubt it try for your- self. POULTRY raising is being engaged in by a number of folk on a large scale in this oeighborbood. THE building utilized as an ice house on Mrs. Geo. Jackson's property 'has been taken down and removed. BY a break in tbe engine of the Ament Bros, & White factory a few undesired, holidays were ou the program. OPINION of the business men at the meeting last week was that hydro lights in the business block was desirable on both sides of Turnberry street, Milverton Sun moved their plant in- to their new office this week. Fine premises have been built by Editor MacBeth. Good luck to the Sun. BRusSELL postoffice staff take the Thursday afternoon half holiday, hence the wicket is not open, Access to lock boxes and drawers is available however. Tux surplus water from the Robert Thomson cold storage plant will be pip- ed to the mill dam to augment the stip- oly required for tbe Logan chopping moll. A NOTE from D. N. McDonald, of Provost, Alberta, in remitting his sub - seri ption to THE Pose' says :—This leaves us all real well sod just starting seeding. Weather has been rather backward but folk say we get best crops on late Sp rings, Bluevale J. Hutton, a Presbyterian probation- er, has been visiting at the palentul home, Bluevale prior to taking Mie- sion work in New Ontario for the Summer. W. Al. S. -Annual meeting of the W. M. S. of Bluevale Methodist Church was held at the borne of Mrs. Ed. Johnston, 1st line Morris. Fol- lowing officers were elected for nom. ing year.:—Pres„ Mrs. A. Shaw : Vice Pres , Mrs. 1. Breckenridge ; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. H. Borman • Cor. Secretary, Mrs. L. Jewitt; Teae., Mrs. J. J. Sellers ; Pianist, Mrs. M. Smith ; Outlook Secretary, Mrs. J. Master ; Supt. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Hetherington. Society had a very successful year. Mrs. Johnston served tea after the meeting and an enjoyable afternoon was spent. • Atwood 12 new pupils started school last week in Junior department. New caretaker• of Presbyterian church will be Robert Smart, Annual meeting of the Young Peo- ple of the Methodist Church was held wheu following officers were elected : Hon. -President, Rev, B. Snell ; Presi- dent, J. P. Greensides ; 1st Vice. President, E. G. Coghlin ; 2nd Vice - President, A. Hymens ; 3rd Vice. President, J. W. Wileon ; 4th Vice, Edna Brown ; Secretary, Gordon Switzer ; Treasurer, Lorne. Lucas ; Organist, Edna Brown ; Assistant, Ruth Robinson ; Rep. Y. P. S., Geo. Hume. Walton SNELLING—YOUNG.—Man ' til diet Par - soilage, Houk ony was the scene of f a quiet but pretty wedding on Wed- nesday e -nesday afternoon when Mitre Mean, daughter of William and Mrs. Young, Logan township, became the bride of George Garvin Snelling, sot of George and Mrs. Snelling, Walton, Ont., Rev. G. W Butt officiating. Bride wore a dress of kitten's eau crepe, and long flowing veil, and car- ried a corsage boquet of white arul pink carnations. Only a few of the immediate: relatives were present Mr. and Mrs. Snelling will reside of the groom's farm near Walton. May their joys be many, PRESENTATION To RYAN FAMILY.— On Friday evening 76 friends a d neighbors gathered at the bonne of Alai:tin and Airs. Ryan to *peed a social evening with them before their departure, AMr. Ryan sold his fat m to George Patterson, of this locality, who took possession, May 1st, Mr. Ryan left for Northern Ontario. Aire. Ryan will realde for q time with Mrs. Kline, St, Marys, and Miss Ellie Ryan will continue her position in Wing - bean. During the eveningpresenta- tion wire made to Mre. yan of a goldrosar'y, Mies Ellie Ryan, a club bag anti Martin, gold cuff links the gifts beingresented by Mrs. Thos. 6 tohibald, presented Ellie Rowlanand David Sholdice respectively, and the address read by Ed, Rowland, as fol- lows 1-- DEAIL 11008. RYAN, AlIBs ELLIE AND ARTIN.•-•1Ve have oaken the pletes- uee of gathering here this evening to spend a fete social hours with you be. fore your departure from our ccn- uauity. You have hake, a prowin- ou0 Pact in our social life and have al- ways been ready to help in time of trouble, Mrs. Ryan will long be *'e- 111*' In bored as one of the earliest and highly eotaened residents of the Vicinity. Wo' cannotexpeess in words our regret at your' leaving us and have therefore chosen these little glfte i to te11'you In another way and as a renten,btanee of the friends and neighbors yen have Jeft at Walton, We eek your neeoptanee Of these tokens and extend our best wishes for, Vint- every oncoses end Ila,ppiness in your future lives. We are Trope AItOHIHALD, ROWAN° ROwLAND. Fn11owhng the address the gather• ing joined in eillging, "Smile, Smile, Smile," WIWgham A. E. Lloyd le back from a trip to the West, Rev. Dr, Petrie attended the Synod brat week at Woodstock, OoHBAEudlliitotrt fowlatsheaUpapnoaintieadn OHdigeh of Foresters. Wednesday afternoon of this week is the first of a weekly series of half holidays in town. Whtgbetn Methodist Sabbath School has a neembershiir of 820. Mis- sionary givings 5203. Last week Geo, and Mrs, Spotton attended the funeral of the late Joseph Meighen, at St, Alarye. Owing to the death of Caretaker Hughes John Hopper has been ap. ,pointed to look after the Public School as Janitor. He should fill the bill o.k. Messrs. Cosene & Booth, Inenrance Agents, • have moved from the Van - atone building to Queen's Hotel block. Former site will be cleared for Sold- iers' Memorial monument. Qorrie Planing mill ie, running. A new Ford touring car has been purchased by Jae. Hastie. • Mies E. Ross went on a trip to the West where she will visit relatives and old friends. Last week Mrs, Walter Simpson, Orange Hill, was buried in Gorrie Cemetery. She was in her 67th year and died on the 25th alt, Fordwich . Mrs. (De.) McInnis is visiting her mother at St. Thomas, Jas. Lynn has' baen quite ill but ie` pulling up to old form. Rev. Mr.Laing has been rushing the season with early rhubarb. A number of new cars have been purchased by the neighborhood folk, D. Demmerling has gone sailing. His wife and children will live at P. Doig's until his return, Geo. Aldrich and Mies Rosetta Kroft were united in marriage on April 291.11, Wish them prosperity. Mrs, Jackman who was visiting g here for some months, has returned t0 her home in Wisconsin. A. A..and Ales. Graham, 10th Con., are in receipt of a war memento which they cherish highly, It is the wooden cross taken from the head of the grave of their eon, Alex., in France and sent to them by the *War Graves Commission. It is a plain white wood- en erose bearing these. words :—"A. J, G. Graham, No. 664805, 27.8 18." It also shows where it had been in the ground about two feet as the clay was still clinging to it. . Molesworth Some of the farmers are through seeding. Mrs. Wm. Murray, London, visited at D. F. Stewart's. Roland Brown, Detroit, vieited un- der the parental roof. • Elton McKay, Moncrieff, is assisting Geo, Robertson with the Spring work. Aliso Ethel Finlay, Listowel, ds holi- daying at her uncle's, Thos. Simpeov. Mies Jean B. McDonald returned to her work in Wingham after spending a week at home, Birks Robertson is doing favorably although still confined to bed, after bis recent accident. Isaac Clark has moved to hie new farm, West on the boundary, vacated by Chas, Schmidt. Mrs. Sharpin, Boundary West, has not been as well as her many friends would wish to see her, • Hugh Smith and little son, Jimmie, were very sick with pneumonia. We are glad to say they are much im- proved, # Pure Bred Babychjcks w S. C. White I,eghorns S. C. Mottled Aneonas Barred Plymouth Rocks S. C. Rhode L Reds From Bred • to -lay Strains For full particulars write E. L. MITTELL CLINTH N, HATCHERY Phone 213 Clinton, On:, 1 Health Restored by The Fruit Treatment Fourteen years ago, Mr, James S. Pelgaty, of Gilbert Plains, Man., Was a iterypoo wreck. His system was shattered by Neryous Prostration, and he was reduced in weight from 170 to 115 pounds. He wrote on May 151h, 1917, "Every medicine .I tried proved useless until a friend induced me to take Fruit-a-tives,' I began to mend at once. After usiing•'thea fruit medicine for three months, I was back to normal. I have never had such good health as I have enjoyed the past six years. We are never without a box of F.ruit- a-tives' in the house." Writing again on September 27th, 1013, Mr, Delgaty says, "I stand by my letter to you in 1917—I still recommend 'Fruit-a-tives ." "Fruit-a-tives" is a complete fruit treatment—being made of the juices of fresh ripe fruits and tonics. 25c. and 50c. a box -6 for $2.S0— at druggists or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Sorry to report the death of e W. 'Lynn. on Sunday. April 20, Th rF- 'taains were interred in Moleswcrth cemetery. Listowel F. W. and Mrs. Hay have returned from an enjoyable trip to the Medi- terranean. Garage of F. W. Hay was ecorehed by fire, which started while burning rubbish near by. 3000 Ghtdioli bulbs, of 26 standard varieties came to the o t t H rtic il ural Society last week. Board of Education carried a rule compelling those interested in dancing parties in the school buildings to secure the consent of Trustees before dates are arranged. Chamber of Commerce hold a Ban- quet Friday evening of this week at the Queen's Hotel, Editor L. 13. Duff, of the Welland Tribune, will be the chief speaker and W. A. McCutcheon, London, will be one of the vocalists, Blyth Russell and Mts. Richmond visited at Dashwood. Only 6 ballots were cast against the planing mill loan. Rev. and Mrs. Maines, Grand Bend,. were visitors with relatives here, St. Andrew's Saboath School will meet at 9.46 a. w. instead of the after- noon dining the Summer. Each Tuesdery,fotenoon from 10 to 12, power will,be turned on to permit use of electric irons in the homes. D. D. and Mrs. Crittenden and fam- ilyhave removed St. Thomas. The to 2 ow s. 1 Methodiet Sunday School presented the former with a gold headed cane. Anderson Mission Band of the Meth- odist church bas 10 Life Members and 28 on membership roll, 500.60 were raised during past year. A. Carr bought the autograph quilt made by the Band. Clinton Celebration will be put on here on May 24t11. Half holiday Wednesday afternoons commenced this week. k, E. Oantelou had 3 • ribs broken when his car turned turtle, Passenger trains will run direct to and from Toronto without changiug at Stratford. Missionary objective of Wesley Obu•ch Sabbath " S t School was exceeded by 20 this year, Superintendent Hellyar and other officers and teachers were re-elected. EGGS NATCNING Single Comb White Leghorns 10 Certs above mat price will t he charged but not less than 35e per dozen,. Alex. Perrie Phone 2515 Bt ussels R, R, 3 ltpays to use MARTIN -S• MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH Nothing like it %C Hardwood Floors it ,ars like bon Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free 'Booklet 'HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY GEO R. WELLER, • BRUSSELS, ONT, E have been appointed Exclusive Distributors in this district for the 1924 Season for the famous Ames Holden Tires & Tubes and will carry a complete stock Let us book your order now for delivery in April or May. We will guarantee our present prices for Spring delivery if you place your order, at once. Ames Holden Tires need no recommendation from us. All you need do is to "COMPARE THE WEAR" GEORGE H. EVANS BRUSSELS LEADING - TIRE SHOP Gas Accessories off Willis 0hurcll anniversary will bo observed next Sabbath when Rev. Dr. Laird, Toronto, will be the preacher. The double house owned by Jacob e' Rat eat ur street, has been Taylor, a t n et Y Y e purchased by W. M. Aiken, harness maker. Congratulations are extended to Willis Cooper over winning the Bronze Medal and honors in Tor- onto Architectural Guild. He is the only son of A. T. and Mrs. Cooper', well known residents. Postmaster -General's Report The report of the Postwaster•Gen- e'al for the year ending March 31st; 1823. has just been published and shows that there are in Canada 12,288 post offices in operation, or a net in- crease of 41 over the previous year. The net revenue for the year awount- ed to 529,262,232 and the expenditure $27,794,601. being an increase of $2,707,894 in the net revenue, and a decrease of 5826,923 in the expendi- ture, The revenue for the year ex- ceeded expenditures by 5I,467,730. During the year 5,984,289 postal notes were paid, amounting i11 value to $12,179,920. The total number of money orders issued was 11,098.222 aggregating in value to 14,055,119. Following is the total revenue ac- cruing to the government, including the sale of postage stamp, box rents, commissions from orders, etc., for accounting offices in Ibis district ; At- wood, 52,417 ; Baden, $2,174 ; Blyth. $8,602; Bornholm, $1,044; Britton, $415 ; Bt ussels, 55,187 ; Drayton, $4,{N ; Elmira, 58,064; Ethel, 51,235 ; Fullerton, 5402 ; Gowanston, $618 ; Hanover, $15,046 ; Harriston, 510,529 ; Hawkesville, 5164; Linwood, $2,010; Listowel, 814,372; Millbank, $986; Milverton, $6,843 • Mitchell, $9,638 ; Monkton, 52,117 ; Moorefield, 51,841 ; New Hamburg, $6,126; Newton, Work on the ICenaganli dam, in the Province of Quebec, is reported as progressing very well, and the $2,000,000 works located at the up- per part of the Saguenay River are expected to be completed within 15 months, As a result of these works, the mills operated by the Price in- terests will be kept in full activity during the whole year, instead of partly closing have n in had to do winter months, as tey e in the past. More than 512 000,000 worth of equipment was added to the Cana- dian Pacific Railway's service dur- ing 1023. Included were 16 Pacific and 20 Mikado type locomotives, all very powerful and equipped with the most modern devices for power, speed and economical operation. Other items wore 15 steel baggage cars, 12 mail and express, 15 first class coaches, 6 cafe -parlor and buffet -parlor care, 1,000 box cars, 260 freight refrigerator cars, 300 coal cars, 60 oil tank cars, S00 au- tomobile care, 36 vans for freight conductors and 14 snow -ploughs, The seventh of Canada's direc- tion -finding stations was recently completed for service by the radio branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries to assist the boats and ships navigating the Bay of Fundy and the coastal waters ex- tending to Boston. This station tends to make the route favored by the Canadian Pacific steamshipps in winter, already splendidly equipped Frith safety devices, still safer, By, means of the apparatus, the wire- iloss operator of any ship in distress' ,within 400 miles of the Canadian shore can find his location simply by pressing a spring. These stations have beets described sa "a Godsend, to us mariners." • Electrical wiring See us about your Electrical Wiring before letting that job of yours. Estimates cheerfully given, Our Prices are Right All Workmanship Neat and Guaranteed as we use only experienced labor. Our work speaks for itself. Call and inspect some of the homes we have already wired in town. W. L Lindensmith & Co. Call American Hotel BRUSSELS $637 ; Palmerston, 57,485 ; St. Clem- ents,5844, Seaforth, 510.876; Shake. peeve, 5864 ; Stratford, 862,973 ; Strat- ford Stn., $11,161 ; Tavistock, 54,431 ; Wallenstein, 5571 ; Walton, $1,222 ; Waterko, 830,490 ; Wellesley, 52,196. Milverton will prosecute owners of toying dogs or chickens. Shoo Number of Hollanders are now em- ployed by farmers iu Milverton local- ity. y •IVNIIMIMMOINIMMOOMION110011 New Continuation school opened at Milverton, with 75 pupils. Western Lutheranonf r C e eves was held at Milverton last week, Scarlet fever has closed Milverton Public School tor a few weeks. Eldest child of Lindsay McKellar, Statin, died from pneumonia. Business people of Mitchell observe Wednesday es their half holiday. T. Pascoe, employee in Wettlaufer's foundry, Mitchell; had a big toe crush- ed by a piece of iron. . Announcing Cash System BRUSSELS, MARCH lst, 1924 To OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS,— We wish to announce that after much consideration that on and after March 1st our business will be on a strict- ly cash basis to all individuals. In parrying on our busi- ness under a cash system we will be able to give our cus- tomers mach better service in the way of prices, as you will readily understand that it costs less to run a Cash Business than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into years. By getting the cash for the goods we sell we will be able to pay cash for the goods we purchase, thus getting a better price because we can take advantage of all discounts, and eliminate such charges as interest and exchange. We will maintain 1 accounts for Corporations and Insti- tutions on regular terms, as the accounts for tbe above have to be passed by shareholders before being paid, it would be imuossible for them to pay cash. Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express thanks, and its continuance is solicited. We're here to do business and invite you to call when anything is wanted in our line. A 1 service promised. Our Telephone is No. 9x Earl Cunningham' GARAGE BRUSSELS