HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-5-7, Page 4e t rasstis g
Wi$1JNl,'aDA5i" A
Mi 7 1924
Legit `sale ahoy sold, •.A • P e 1 ies ',
sit rPo
WAS sl gendlenein who wmi annoyed by
the a
,3 F V bo
no of An ASH "
I'Es i this Is ti male Mloving age but
the pity of it is that so mush of the jazz
variety is served and coestquently a
cultivation of good taste for the better
aotnpasitions Is not likely Io be created.
Tire good o'd songs of so years ago have
not Mit their appeal to those who wish
M have a real musical feast,
WHILE it is great gift to have a good
memory It le sometimes a wonderfully
better thing to bave a good "forgetter'.
Latter helps kill out the very dangerous
ailments of "grudge" and ' get even"
and fells tbese periods' with "Help•a bit"
plans and tempests, Life is too short
to go'ound with a scowl or a dagger.
A n5 YEAR old Pekingese canine, be-
longing toad beloved by the celebrat-
ed pianist, Padesetwaki, died at Chicago
of old age and enteritis. It was a Schnee
of great grief to the tra-la tallier el the
ivories who lavished considerable nine -
tion on the dog, There are some
poodles that have greater care bestowed
on them than a host of kiddies.
A. mien of Peace to the battle scar-
red and seared world is prophesyed by
Premier MacDonald of Ragland, Guess
there is nothing needed worse if matey
countries are to retaintheir places
among tbe Nations. Possibly Ibis old
eartb is ready for another visit of a dove
with au olive branch but in the mean-
time we might try to live peacably with
all men.
Too bad the defunct Home Bank
could not be endowed with the Midas
touch until re-embursement was 'made
those who trusted the bank beyond their
ability to trace it. Folk talk about
"robbing Peter to pay Paul" but we
have not yet noticed attlere Hon, Peter
Smith, receot Provincial Treasurer has
even acknowledged that he received any
coin without earning it by the sweat of
his jaw,
Now that a bobbed Bair female bandit
bas landed in the toils, after some dar-
ing exploits around Brooklyn and New
York, it is said the police are asked to
keep tab on the shingled, puffed and
waved hair dressing as a future incrim-
inating evidence following up the anger
print impressions, The limbs of the
law will do the "combing," as they call
Beertss Empire Exhibition was
opened to the public last week at Wemb-
ley, England, by King George and the
Prince of Wales. It covers 230 acres
and will remail open notil September,
There was a tremendous throng and on
tbe musical program, in addition to
massed Bands there was a great choir of
memo voices who rendered wonderful
music on the occasion, Are you going?
COVETS bave proclaimed tbat Harry
Thaw is no longer a lunatic but the man
he murdered when "be had rooms to
let" remains dead just the same. If
Harry bad been a poverty stricken beg-
gar we guess he would still be an in-
mate of the bug house but with a mil-
lionaire it is different. He should dis-
solve partnership with the sbooting
iron, however, so that if he takes anoth-
er spell he may not repeat the former
Foxe Whereat Is a shipping point
worth while. Toe Pose notices that the
1st two days of active navigation saw
the outgoing of 2,000,000 bushels of
grain, and Oils is an index of the world's
granaries located at this Liverpool of
Canada. 2924 will see a booming trade
we hope, wttb a harvest to the West of
a character tbat will tax the great eleva.
tors of the above mentioned port.
St fate A DAY Is the trifling matter
over which Toronto plasterets strike
because the contractors think rate too
exorbitant, Wereukon that $x.4o an
hour, for an 8 hour day. is plastering it
on a trifle too thick and likely to take
the hair off, Even Trade 'Union% can
saw their own heads off and the scaffold
may see the execution of their demand
iastead of acquiescence in it. Otber
people have rights as well as the. trowel
CHvaea Union Is the biggest question
before Canada today and instead of
waning in its influence is more virile
thea ever. There are those who are
opposed, we know, but the principles
bellied the prime object Cannot be gain-
seyed and are bound to assert them.
selves, The trend of the times is to-
ward a nutted front arrayed against the
forces of evil and deetruotion and, if
this he true and if in Union there is
Strength, then optimists will see tineed.
vantages to be gained by hastening the
r 41A
Hit pM
•f 1 N . W
Are Yot�N• ��t��� �. ��i� WSitted
MOVing 911
fro T
front OW 1'"i s�
3® We do Long Distance
Trucking, - Get our
prices before shipping.
e Phone -82
ru4iv' leisvsi lfi! ei 4y .
day of closer Brotherhood and a loyal
response to the clarion Ball—Forward
Hslca's a note of interesl'to cattle men
and the prospect of improved market in
the British market:—"A consignment
otggo cattle from South West Africa to
Great Britain --the 1st in 3o years—ar-
rived in safety and in good condition,
notwithstanding the fact that the voyage
covered some miles and obcupied 24
days," Cauada will require to be wide
awake to this trade if sbe hopes to hold
a eineh on it as John Bull and bis fol-
lowers are great beef -eaters ' Two es-
sential features for this Dominion to
recognize is Quality and Quantity.
7r sbould be a first consideration with
everybody to clean up their premises for
the sanitary advantages, the improve-
ment to tbe property and so as to eom
ply with the Board of Health and the
regulations governing it. A good ex.
ample is infectious and sometimes a
wouderfal transformation is wrought to
a street or a town by the energetic
efforts of a comparative few in setting
the pace. This is the mouth to set
things to right, do your part as soon
as possible so as to be ready for the
Sanitary Inspector's call.
Tem Moderation League is credited
with rolling stones in the pathway of
Cbareb. Union legislation with the hope
of barking the consummation of „Me
plan in its outworking. If true one
reason for the League's disapproval
would be tbeir expectation that the
uuited forces would be arrayed against
tbe liquor traffic and the return of the
booze to this Province. Every church
member who loves sobriety and cares
for the moral welfare of the people
should be opposed to the return of the
aped bar aad the Moderation League
should not only be opposed in their
propaganda but should: have every
church organization battery trained on
the ramparts of [oho Barleycorn and
such broadsides fired until after , the
proposed Plebiscite as will demolish the
return of grog and also give a hint to
the Parliamentarian that this is a Chris-
tian land and nota territory to be dis-
poiled and branded by the resumption
of a destroyer of home comforts and
happiness, a debaueber of young and
old and by it's past history has not a
feature to commend it or a legitimate
plea for squatting on municipalities
from which it was legally and almost
unanimously driven years ago. Let us
wake right up and be ready to fight the
Bev, F. L Lewin Removes
From Bervie to Brussels
Kindly Remembered. By Friends
Bervie correspondent to Kincardine
Reporter speaks of the new rectos' and
his family as follows :—Sunday, April
27th, Rev. F. L. Lewin preached his.
farewell sermons in the churches of
Bervle, Kingarf and Kinlough. All
churches were packed to ,the doors,
especially the latter, where only
standing room was available. Ms
text was taken from II Corinthians
13.11. "Finally, brethren, farewell.
fee perfect, be of good comfort,
be of one mind, live in peace
and the God of love and peace.
shall be with you." At the service at
Kingarf, Wm. Pilkington, Kincar-
dine, sang in good voice very suitable
Wednesday evening, April 23rd,
about 80 members of the congregation
of Kingarf ehut'ch, met at Berate
rectory to present Rev. F. L. Lewin
with 2 beautiful upllolatered reed
chairs and to Miss Doreen Lewin a
lovely gold brooch. Presentation was
made by the 2 church wardens, . 0,
Russell ea G. Rainee. Address was
read by Lloyd Kuetee, as follows :—
Dean MR. AND MOS. Lsowiie AND
DORgaN.—It is with deep regret that
we, your friends from Kingarf, have
wseembled here this evening to bid you
Farewell, During your 4 years of
service here you bave not only faith -
Wily performed the duties required of
you but you were ever ready and will-
ing to give assistance wherever it
was required. We regret very much
that you are leaving us, We will
anise your smilingg face and cheery'
moods but will look forward to seeing
you frequently in the future,
"8herers of Our glorious past,
Brothers, we must part 21 Mat,
Shall we not through good or ill,.
Cleave to one another still ?"
As a slight token of our apprecia-
ti0n of your many acts of kindneas,
we beg you to aoeepb this gift, not
bleat we in any way meeeure yeti up
We want a npitsbe of i'ieu and
Boys to work in our Wagon
Wnrlte, Bruseele, Apply at once.
1Arnent Oros., White
to our estimation of your value but le
will serve to show that your work
here has not'beeu ft'ultleee,
May God'e richest blesaltige follow
yntl in vont' new field of labor,
Signed on belutlf „of 70110.. Kingarf
Oaree Itessrs r,,
On Monday, April 21st; Rev, and
Mre. Lewin had a eurpt'ise party when
a .huge crowd of people representing
tae 13ervie community congregated at
the Rectory to present them with a
splendid oak buffet as a token of
their regard, upon the eve pf depar•
tura from Bervie to Br.ussel%,.
Presentation was made by Wm. Peter
and the address read by Mrs, T. ' 0.
Hewitt, which was as fellows
Rrv. F, L, LENIN AND MIta. LEw1N
DEAR F1tIENDS.—It ie with deep re-
gret that we, the people of Bervie,
Mee the necessity of parting with you.
You have endearedyourselves to 1.19
by your big -heartedness and yule have
been friendly without distinction,
especially to the aged. Your unusual
musical talents have been freely plac-
ed at the disposal of the community,
as willingly at the call of outer con-
gregations as for your own, MIs.
Lewin's untiring zeal in the Mission.
are Society and her active inteeest
the Women's Institute. have been
greatly appreciated. The hunters and
checker players will be lost 'without
Mi'. Lewin. Doreen has won for her-
self a place in the affection of the com-
munity that will be hard to, WI. We
can only wish you every 'enceinte in
your new parish and ask you to accept
this gift as a remembrance of the
friends you have made in your Bret
Signed on behalf of Bervie eolnmun-
ity, MRs, T. 0. HEWITT,
Mr. Levin, in a few well-chosen
heartfelt words, stated his complete.
eurprise and in view of the number
concerned marvelled ve led how the secreC
bad been o kept t
p s well. He eloquently
thanked the donors for their kind
wishes and generous action and stated
how gratified he was to see so many
Methodists and Presbyterians as well
as Anglicans present, He felt that he
was more than repaid for any little
assistance he had been able to give to
any of their undertakings and wished
the whole community the beet of sue.
cess and harmony.
The evening was spent listening to
a good impromptu program under' the
direction of Rev. A. O. Smith, after
which refreshments were served, The
party broke up a little after midnight.
A $inlough reporter says :—A
number of people in this vicinity at -
tended Divine service in Klelougti
Angiioan church Sunday evening
when Rev, F. Lewin Reeve 'file fare-
well meesage to a olowded ehui'oh,
Ile will be rnlesed by all, Seldom a
rector meltee for ttl0lee11 the nulnbitr or
ft iends Mr. Lewin has, while bis wife
and daughter, Doreen, were indeed.
Mortgage Sale.
Valuable Farm
hi the Township of Morris
in the county of Httron
Pursuant tb the Power of Bele contained in
oerteln Mortgages, doted the Iflghth day of
unroll A, D..1019, end the Ninth day of July,
A. D. 1022, whloh will be produced et the bene
of rile, there will be offered for tele by Publto
At theueen's Rotel ln.the VIIIe �. a 9f Brussels
4 MON'
Thursday, the i5th 'day of Nay
A. D. 1024at.2 O'clock p. m,,, by D. 7d. Seettt
Esq., Auctioneer;
All and singular that certain parcel or tract
of land and premises athlete, lying and bean
In the Townehlp of Morrie, in the County o0
Heron andProvinoe of Ontario, being compos•
ed of the South Helot Let Number 'Oblrty, in
the Seventh Coneeeslon of the Township of
Morrie, containing by, admeasurement One
Hundred acres of land, be the same more or
l7pon the property Is erected a one and ono•
halt story brink veneered house, with brick
kitchen ntteebod end woodshed ; a bank barn
40 x8.9 feet. with Cement etabling underneath;
a driving shed 24 x 80 feet ' and a hen house
and piggery 15 x24 feet. There le also a good
drilled wall on the premises. All the land is
ander cultivation excepting about two acres of
herdwpod bush. The property Is conveniently
eitnated on the main grave( road, about two
miles from the Village of Brussels, on the Can -
BCH" National Kati way, and three miles from
the Village of Walton, on the Canadian Paola°
The title is lndlaputable,
The property will be offered for sale subleat
to a reserved bid.
Teem or SALE.. --Ten per sent of the enr-
oheee money to be paid down at the bime of
sale, and the balance within thirty days there-
after, without interest, when possession will
be given. suitable arrangements may, how•
ever, be made to allow a portion of the pur-
chase money to remain on mortgage et a rea-
sonable rate of interest.
Farther information, particular- and condi-
tlenn of anle may be had on applloatiop to the
D. Af,. SCOTT, or W. Af, SINCL,AIR,
Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitor,
Brussels, Ont. Bruesele, Ont,
laved by all. "They, will reside in
LHrusvele where Mr, Lesvin will have
altar' a froth the latae Sunday la May.
People, will do well to remember his
kindly talk and words pf' Waterlog.
Hie Mende Will afxlousiy leak for a
vfelt from them Alpha 02.e000 00 ripe
pot'tunity eifonlei
21111 of May sportsat lyiituhell.
Mrs, A, Goebel, Mitetlell, has die,
pposed of her Jewellery heftiness to a
Mr. Barnes, of Moosejasv, who will
continue it,
Auction Sale
of Valuable
Farm Property
Situate, in the Township of Morrie
In tho County of Huron
Pursuant to the ppwer of mule oontaiped in
eertaln Mortgage which will. be produoed at
the time or sale there will be offered far sale
byPublic) n
g g Anotion, B at the American Hotel in
that village of Brnsaola, In the Oennty of
ou Monday, .the lath day of May, LO. 1924.
et lecke* in the. afternoon, the following
valuable property, namely
Alt end singular that certain parcel or treat
of land and premleee athlete lying and being
in the Township of • Morrie athlete,
the County of
Huron and Province of Ontario,- and being
composed of the Sopth Halves of Lots num-
bees 211ty-siz and Fifty-seven ie the !Tires Con-
eesaion of the paid Township, containing one
hundred acres of laud more or less
This property is situated -about dvg, and one-
half melee tram the Villsgee of Bruasele and.
Wroxeter and about live ,miles from the Vil«
lege of Biuevale on a good gravel road and in
a good farming (iommunity. It is situate
•about one -halt mile from the school„house and
store and blacksmith shop.
There are on the premleea" a one and'one-
half story brick veneer house 00430 feet with
frame summer kitchen and woodshed stlaoit'
0d end soft and hard water in the house t a
frame barn 40x85 feet with bricked horse abe-
ble therein and e bricked oow stable 801016
with a straw sited overhead ' a driving shed
80 x 20 feet; a atone pig pen 15 x 20 feet ; and a
frame sheep pen and. hen house.
There is about ono -halt- an acre of orchard,'
The soil is aood clay loam and about 85 mores
are at fareuliivetion, There is abundance of
water sit the year roand.
TE955 or, 5&Ls—Tea per cent of the par•
ahem 1110110 to be paid to the Vendor's Solic-
itor on the day of sale and the balance within
thirty days thereafter. The property will be
offered subjeot to a reamers price,
Fut'tber particulars, and conditions of sale
may be obtained from the nndareigned.
Dated the 29th day of April, A. D,1924,
R. VANSTONE, Winghan), Ont,,
Vendor's Solicitor,
ltpgys to use
1007 PURE PAINT,�,.,,,,,,,�& VARNISHES
fbr Litepe ��1arpose- Surlhhe
Write to Head canoe, Motorial: for Fres ,Booklet
Teachers to' Tour Dominion
Included in the itinerary are .Lake Louise, lett; Vermilion laver, centre; Melton, where children are seen hoisting the flag,
end tend.
T0 teach the youth of Canada about Canada and uu
the country justice it is first necessary that ore
should see Canada. That is the view of the Canadian
Teachers' Federation anti no one will question le
Wlith the idea of correcting any deficiencies in this
respect under which its members may be labouring
the Federation, accordingly, bas decided to matte its
trip to Victoria, B. C., for this year's annual conven-
tion as a personally conducted tour, lasting from Au-
gust 4th to 12th and premising a very interesting and
instructive programme for the pedagogues and their
- Arranged. by Dr. A. I0. hardy, Vice -President of the
Federation, and R. E. Howe, President, Provincial
A2sociation of Protestant Teachers, Quebec, in eon-
junettlen with the Canadian Pacific Railway, the tour
coverts as Wide a field as is humanly possible In the
time allotted. It will be made on a special train start-
ing from. Toronto and following the mato line of the
Canadian 'Pacific throughout, Stop -overs varying from
a few hours to a day will be made at many points of
interest along the route be give the teachers a full
opportunity of seeing the sights at these places, Fort
William and Port Arthur, the great inland grain ports
of this ooun;try and the funnel through wbloh Canada's
huge drops pour out to feed the world, Winnipeg, the
world's greatest grain market, and boasting the world's
greatest railway yarda,in these of the Canadian Pa-
retic, the bustling prairie cities of Regina and Moose
Jaw, Calgary, the metropolis of the ptainie provinces
and a sew -toren only a few years ages, Vanoouvet, the
beautiful seaport on the Mild Pacific coast which 1e
forging ahead at almost terrifying speed—these are all
entered on the sahedule for _prolonged inspection. A
long atop will also be made at Bente Springs Hotel,
the palatial boatalrs. in the heart of the tiocklee where
all the recreations provided, such as hiking, riding,
svnmming and paotint*tln slitnbing,1111 be 'tea to the
teachers. Lake Louise, called 'probably the most per-
fect bit of scenery in the known•1world, wall also be
visited, lunch being taken at the Chateau there. 'The
magnificent ran through the Rockies to the coast will
be made in daj'light. '
The entertainments arranged for the teaehers in-
clude many automobile drives, a reception at the Twin
Cities, luncheon at Winnipeg and Calgary and a re-
ception at Vancouver, under the auspices of the local
Tesebers' ,Association in each of the cities mentioned,
luncheon at Regina as the guests of the Premier and
Government of Saskatchewan, followed by a drive
around the city In automobiles provided. by the Rotary
Club. While In Moose Jaw, the Visitors will also be
taken for a drive by the 1oca1 Board of 'Trade.
A epeeist' return trip under similar arrangements
for those who care to tAlre it has also been planned.
Starting from Victoria, it includes the wonderful run
through 1110 mountains over the Kettle Valley Railway,
the steamer trips over beautiful Okanagan and Koote-
nay Lakes, through the heart of the fruit -growing
country, thence to Lake Windermere, and by motor
over the splendid new Banff -Lake Windermere High-
way to Vermilion River Camp and Banff, Then come
Edmonton, the prosperous gateway to Canada's rich
Northland, Saskatoon, an dmportant prairie city, Win-
nlpeg, Kendra, Fort William and across the Great
Lakes via the Boo to Pert McNicell and Toronto. This
trip Taste from Anglia 17th to 29th and includes a
stop -over ter dinner at Penticton, dinner, a night's
stay and breakfast at lovely Lake Windermere Camp;
lunolt at VermtltOn River Camp, and a day at Banff,
Devito Gapm the de-
ma ton Winnipeg and v!1 sGa
Ed n W
lightful resort otl.the Lake of the Woods, near Kendra,
The visits to the Camps, the meter run throligil the
awurttains and the refreshing Ball across the Great
LoksO Wens make ties return •trip iutlrtttely desirable,
Mitchell, lute oumeroue otlieetowns
is short on Images to relit, '
There are tt teams in South Perth
i i
17, P, 0, Base .Bull GR
aa ue til s emeriti,
40 memhera St; et ford Orange Lodge
visited Mitchell Loige De a recent
date and had a big thus,
Township Treasurer Liu ton, 'Logan,
has purchased the residenee of Laurie
Ohaptnarl, Mitellell, at ;b2,000,
Thursday evening of 11118 week
Stratford Salvation Moly Band give
a musical 4 ostival in Mitchell Towp
House and lot for Sale ,
Two•atory frame house withive bed rooms,
parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen ; soft
water, fruit trees, some berry and Durrant
bushes. Akio geed cellar and berm. Bold et
reasonable price, Apply at Willi Posy.
matter of tho estates Of Annie P.
Turnbull, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County- of Huron,
epinstor, Deceased
Notloa is hereby given porsusut to The Re-
vised Statues of Ontario, 1014, Chapter 121,
that till Creditore end others havingg claims
against Ehehaute of the said Annie P. Turn-
died on or about the 18th day of
April, A. D , 1924, are rsqutred on or before
the 1755 day of Map A, D. 1924, to pend' by
poet .repaid ordeliver to Wnt, Knox, Braa•
art of Revi*Iort
Township of Morels
The Death of fie ielen nit the Assessment
Ugh of the To eete et Morels, will be held at
the Township Doh. antler, the 26111 day of
Afey, next, at 10 80 p aleck 8, m. All partlee
r 1
I rene vs i win nal take orlon andgovern
pl e t e n .
themselves seeprdhnglA. StA0E W JON, Clerk,
Hluevele, Aprl' 92n4,1154
Guernsey Lull Service
In order to improve the dairytype of cattle
in Ibi8locality Ileum deeldsd to otter rev Ren-
tor herd afire, Vanity Prince of Nordlaab, for
soryice ton limited number, only, of Yon19
healthy animals, Terms 17,00, pneh at time of
eervlee, with privilege sf returning 11 neoee•
trio. do not think this n profitable tipper -
emcee to both make nnoney and get real dairy
calves stook, net try to buy one of Ma heifer celvp,
110(5 biose who new have .tberu. As for as I
yon aeoertatn their priae le 16000, True—Milk
to milk. -but Ob what a dlff4rono,
D. M. }SCOTT. Proprietor,
Glen liold tiaernsey farm
Shorthorns and Yorkshires
In Shorthorns we have one, roan bull 11
months old, bred by Harry MOGes, Toronto,
aired by Imp, Belealrtt Laddie, and, from a
Marr Mesta dam, A real herd header. at fur-
naces price Another roan. a good morel ball,
9 months old, by white Wonder. Could spare
a few more falcate% Also York Bows ofPdif.
sets P. O„ one of the Executors of the estate of 1 t
the Raid deceased, their, Chrietlan and Sur- area. aged.
names, addresses and descriptions, the full O, Zrf7R'NBULL n: BONS,
partic,lsre of their 0191104, the gtstement. eh n Lot ]O, Con.R, It5, OrBru els
their ae0onnte and the nature of their swirl.
Phone 2814 R. R. 2 Brussels.
tles (It wart held by them.
And farther take notice that otter ouch last. last .
mentioned date the said E s the will era•
cited to distribute the Esselte
of the deceased
Danford Property
for Saleanion st the parties entitled thereto, lowing
regard only to the claims bf which they shell -
thee have notice and the said Egeontort will I
not be liable for the said ameba, or any part
thereof to eny perlon or persona of whose
olefin notice shall not have been .received by
them at the time of such dietrlbution•
Dated Mils Twentyelghtb day of April, A.
Sonoitor for Thomes Turnbull and William
Knox, Expositors. - -
Hose and lot of about % time, situated on
the corner of Tor:Merryy and Thomas streete.
in the Village of Brussels, known es the Dun.
ford home. On the property is a very sub•
atnntial brick home ; nicely isolated, steal
roof, cement oiler doors, new furnace, clothes
closets, bath room, cfotern, drilled well fraft
trees, a aloe raspberry plantation, lovely ore
namental and ever reap trees, and a beautiful
• lawn, will be No for half of what it would
cost to build it to wind up the estate of the
late E. 0. Danford. Immediate poem/don.
For further particulars apply to L. S. DUN.
FORD, Detroit, or. JAS, 510FADZEAN, (next
door), Box 1 Brussels P. 0.
Contotne 100 agree, being S14 Lot 28, Con, 6,
Morrie township. Good brick house with cel-
lar; bank barn with cement stabling ; driving
shed, drilled well aad aeeverfalling sprin at
beck About r t 8
e gel 1 ration bat-
' 1
be done and woof fond. Fail plowing
w rfurthor and pessession given this FtUI.
Forlurtherpart4auMrm apply to
A. H. MACDONALD, Brunets.
matter of the estate of James D.
McNair, tato of the Township Of
Grey, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased.
Notice is thereby given pursuant to The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario. 1014, Chapter 125,
that all Creditors and others haeln' olefins
against the eetate of the paid Jamas D,
Monfir, who died on or about the 4th day of
February, A. D. 1024, ere required on or before
the Seventeenth
dayof Ales, 1to
b poet eld or 'deliver to Mary
Nair,Brussels. P.O, the Executrix rI the
estatof the siddeceased, their Christian
and Sanlnmen, ssesandescri .-, the
full r 01 bheiretus, the t5(0ment
of their accounts budthe
nature ol the mead.
(it any) held by them.
And farther take notice that atter meltmeltlast
mentioned dote said Executrix will proceed
to distribute the 'Beets of the deoensed
amongst the pnrbies entitled thereto, havin
regard only to the chains of which she shall
then have notioe and the said Exeeatrlx will
not be liable for the Bald meta, or any pert
thereof to any person or persons of whose
Maim notice shell not have been received by
her at the time of aeeh dietribotiOn.
Dated this Twentyditb day of April, A. D.
Sollotlor for the Executrix.
Farm for Sale
Representative Wanted
REPttEOENTATITS WANTS= for Brussels and'
Buren County to represent °The 01d Reliable
Fontein Nureerles,' Rig sales are to lie made
.inselling Nursery stook during the recon-
struction period, A splendid opportunity for
a live salosman. Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to oiler, STONs &
WELtisioy N, Toronto, Ont.
041.0+e+' bG+e+0'4'i•04.04.0+0•t'd4e-1-e•l's'Ab-iW'i•94,4if0+9+it+i+•0+0.1.
The Seaforth Creamery k
Bream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results,
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
et We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sain-
t, and pay you the highest market, pri
t,ces every two
weeks: Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR..T, C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co. I
.1•4144l4'0d4•04 4*A plaint �.l.4dPM�.A a.6.1.4♦.NA.'F1•hi,FAi••N4•441 414. 04•
Brussels Creamery
Crearn Wanted
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter far, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Face
Call and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service e c i s
p t;, S t s act.)ry Returns
BrvssIs CrmeryAt 1,StWert